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private Blood in the water RP


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Ajax gave him a quick nod.

"I have suffered a slight injury, I ended up stumbling over some vines, and my left hoof still hurts from the sudden movement that it made when it hit the rocks in a wrong manner." Ajax explained.

"You know how it goes, during your assignments you take a risk that in some cases might leave you injured when you are healed up you go to your next assignment and then it can happen again, it is the cycle of duty." Ajax said with a smile.


  • Brohoof 1


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"Battel, theirs risk and then theirs being pain stupid but glad you aint no cry colt pansy. I need to check a few things in here too ill battle with ya. Call me Dakota" the stallion said with a nod hearing that as they trotted to the office building.

As they trotted in the door a mare with another tight mane cut, this one with a white coate and green eyes, the mane was black as the night who looked surprised seeing the two "Dakota you know your only allowed here for work reasons" she said giving him a glare

"Relax Cor" Dakota said

"That's Corporal Dual Vine to you, privet" she said still with the cold tone

"Hey corporal were on the same level remember?" Dakota said

"Says the stallion in his PT gear" The corporal said not impressed

"Says the mare who needs a date, thankfully your looking at one good right here" he said with a smile and a bow

Corporals eyes rolled then looked at Ajax, "well he is cute...." she leaned in near Dakota "..as a buffalos rump"

Ajax could see the optimism drop from Dakotas face almost falling down to the rejection didn't help as she slapped him after that line

"Now either be here for work or get you smelly hoofs off my desk" she said

"well if your not letting me down easy, I want to check my next deployment and my battle dose as well" he nodded towards Ajax

"ah good, new around here?" she asked cheering up   


  • Brohoof 1
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  • 5 weeks later...

"Yes I am, just returned after my latest assignment, but I am still a bit of a rookie here." Ajax replied with a laugh.

'How am I going to work this out?' he thought.

'Hmmm, I might perhaps have to hope that she ends up leaving, or at least walks out of sight, if not, I might have to look for another.'

"So, what is it that you do around here?  I haven't seen you before." Ajax asked her


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