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open [RP] The War For Equestria - The Musical!

General Solar Magus

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  On 2017-11-10 at 11:42 PM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Yay! Thank you!


TU: Plus you even seem to be attached to my neck by this really fluffy collar and it's just so nice to have something fluffy around my neck at the same time!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@General Solar Magus

Alexandria chuckles a little "Well, I would say that I do get around, just not in civilized places" she says and takes one look at her sheathed blade "Mostly dungeon diving, you know?" she asks then tilts her head and as she does she also takes off her hood, showing that she had a broken horn, but also a beautiful and long purple and pink mane that waved slightly in the wind behind her "50th Friendship Festival?" she asks "And it is nice to meet you miss Shimmer, my name is Alexandria Charge, though..some call me Princess" she says with a dry laugh "If only I can remember why ponies would call me a Princess"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@General Solar Magus

Chelsea started to sniffle. "M-my..." She choked up trying to hold a sob. "P-parents..." At that point, she couldn't hold it in, and started sobbing, burrowing her face in her talons. 

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  On 2017-11-10 at 9:32 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Pinkipie says to Maple: "Yes, I digeriDO." She then miraculously pulls a digeridoo from the air and starts playing it for a while. For a moment she even seems a little serene.

She then says to Fluttershy: "Yup, but I didn't plan this megaparty l, not this year. Twighlight did the whole shindig this time." She speaks to the whole group "Ooh, but if you guys would like I am throwing a party after the party party with Rarity at her Carousel Boutique tonight of you wanna come."

Pound Cake says: "Hi Woody, yes it's been a while. Last time we saw you, we were still in little school. Now me and Pumpkin are out of highschool and saving money to go to Canterlot University next year. It's gonna be awesome." They both smile.

Pinkie Pie picks up a cupcake with her tongue and eats it in one bite during all the chatter.


Fluttershy giggled "I knew you'd be planning something. You always do."

Discord examined Pinkie quickly "Honestly with how random she acts... I think she just kinda does what happens and rolls with it. After all, she seems to be just as chaotic as me. " Discord snaps his claw not doing anything in particular magically.

Maple walked over to the stand and saw the Younger Cakes, She had not met them before. Woody smiled bright "Oh! Guys this is my sister Maple! Maple... This is Pound Cake. And Pumpkin Cake."

Maple was suddly in a situation she felt to be awkward in. She smiled to the 2 and waved a hoof.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  On 2017-11-10 at 10:04 PM, rolle said:

Heathlife sighed and looked at the bat pony '...That insufferable... little...' he dismissed the thought as he decided it was worthless. Thus, his calm face and mind returned. As he followed the guards he noticed the whole town was more lively than usual, most likely the festival's work. He was quickly led through the city since people parted way from the guards, staring at him... How annoying. Those inferior ponies who can't even cultivate their own talents, how annoying... They didn't even know who he was, even though he is certainly the most worthy of being known inside of Canterlot, even today. However, now wasn't the time. Soon they arrived at a place where the guards stopped, Heathlife wasn't too sure, but, they were here.The two of them had talked along the way, but, Heathlife paid no mind, they're beneath him.


Heathlife and the two guards had arrived at one of the many pools throughout the city.

The batpony guard said: "Alright Heathlife, here we are. You know why Celestia wants you here so please...."

He reaches for his sachel

"....have some fun and enjoy your day."

He places a bag of coins in front of Heathlife.

The other guard says:

"The princess wanted you to have this so that you could buy at the various stands and other activities at the festival."

The batpony then speaks again: "At the Princesses request we are not to escort you during the day, as that would get in the way her lesson to you. She asked us to tell you if you would return to the tower before the end of the day. If you do not, a search party will be sent. That is all."

"Have fun Heathlife."

The guards begin to walk back in the direction of the castle.

  On 2017-11-10 at 9:38 PM, Techno Universal said:

Techno then sat down with Rarity and wrapped his cape around her...


TU: So yes Rarity my cape is massive but it's also extremely soft and cuddly! Though I'm guessing you would love to have a massive cape that's like mine but with your own design! 


Rarity: "Oh dear me! Darling please, I can't see."

She pushes the cape off of herself.

"While I do admire your taste in design, I would prefer to see thank you."

  On 2017-11-10 at 11:21 PM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Oh, talk to you through your mind? Cool! Nice to meet you, Techno!


She hesitates

"..... um, did your clothes just talk?"

She proceeds to grab the cape and examine it.

"What form of magic is this? I've seen much in my years but a talking capes isn't one of them."

  On 2017-11-10 at 10:25 PM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

( Techno, what of Morph? I made a post involving him turning into a cape as he lept onto Techno, but you have not responded to that in any way. )


"Er... sure, play what?" Wavecrash asked Pebble. 

"And I... I haven't bene to Canterlot before, but I think it's big if everypony's going to fit in there..."


Pepple conjures some water above Wave crashes head, and proceeds to drop it directly atop his head. 

"It's called Splash Tag! ...and your it!"

The three of them then hurriedly fly in the following direction of the other Seaponies and the escort.

  On 2017-11-11 at 12:21 AM, )o( Dream Walker )o( said:

@General Solar Magus

Alexandria chuckles a little "Well, I would say that I do get around, just not in civilized places" she says and takes one look at her sheathed blade "Mostly dungeon diving, you know?" she asks then tilts her head and as she does she also takes off her hood, showing that she had a broken horn, but also a beautiful and long purple and pink mane that waved slightly in the wind behind her "50th Friendship Festival?" she asks "And it is nice to meet you miss Shimmer, my name is Alexandria Charge, though..some call me Princess" she says with a dry laugh "If only I can remember why ponies would call me a Princess"


Sunset Shimmer: "I have not actually heard of dungeon diving. What is it?"

She notices her broken horn: "I think you mean the 25th annual Friendship Festival, not the 50th. ....And might I ask what happened to your horn?" She shows an intrigued look on her face. "It doesn't look like it feels comfortable at all."

"Princess you say? Are you one of those new generation of Alicorns popping up?"

  On 2017-11-11 at 1:55 AM, C. Thunder Dash said:

@General Solar Magus

Chelsea started to sniffle. "M-my..." She choked up trying to hold a sob. "P-parents..." At that point, she couldn't hold it in, and started sobbing, burrowing her face in her talons. 


AppleJack: "Now now there."

She give a little push on her side .

"Buckle up and tell me what wrong miss."

  On 2017-11-12 at 7:21 AM, Maple Bat said:

Fluttershy giggled "I knew you'd be planning something. You always do."

Discord examined Pinkie quickly "Honestly with how random she acts... I think she just kinda does what happens and rolls with it. After all, she seems to be just as chaotic as me. " Discord snaps his claw not doing anything in particular magically.

Maple walked over to the stand and saw the Younger Cakes, She had not met them before. Woody smiled bright "Oh! Guys this is my sister Maple! Maple... This is Pound Cake. And Pumpkin Cake."

Maple was suddly in a situation she felt to be awkward in. She smiled to the 2 and waved a hoof.


Pinkie Pie says to Fluttershy: "You know it! Although I doubt it's going to happen. My Pinkie Sense has been going nuts all morning". She eats another cupcake.

She then speaks profoundly to Discord: "Well, fun is a small type of Chaos. Fun is free, and fun is awesome!!"

She then takes out and fires her party cannon.

"Fun is also magical." She claps her hoofs together and a spark much like Discords occurs, after which a puff of smoke appears.



Moments later when the smoke settles,we come to see that..... that..... Pinkie Pie was..... standing in the spot she just was.


Pound says to Maple: "Hi there, nice to meet your Maple."

Pumpkin: "Yes, nice to meet you Maple."

They both smile.

Pound then says: "So what did you guys come to do at the Festival this year? There are sooo many things to do. Me and Pumpkin are going to the big Science expo by the Tower of Magic during our break later, but unfortunately we won't be able to go to the Concert because we gotta keep working the stand."

@Once In A Blue Moon

A guard came up to the Captain.

"Sir, at some point we must get going. Your council with Princess Celestia, General Solar Magus and Starlight Glimmer is coming in a few hours."

"We can stay around for now as you do have time until then. I'm just letting you know."

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Heathlife and the two guards had arrived at one of the many pools throughout the city.

The batpony guard said: "Alright Heathlife, here we are. You know why Celestia wants you here so please...."

He reaches for his sachel

"....have some fun and enjoy your day."

He places a bag of coins in front of Heathlife.

The other guard says:

"The princess wanted you to have this so that you could buy at the various stands and other activities at the festival."

The batpony then speaks again: "At the Princesses request we are not to escort you during the day, as that would get in the way her lesson to you. She asked us to tell you if you would return to the tower before the end of the day. If you do not, a search party will be sent. That is all."

"Have fun Heathlife."

The guards begin to walk back in the direction of the castle.

Rarity: "Oh dear me! Darling please, I can't see."

She pushes the cape off of herself.

"While I do admire your taste in design, I would prefer to see thank you."

She hesitates

"..... um, did your clothes just talk?"

She proceeds to grab the cape and examine it.

"What form of magic is this? I've seen much in my years but a talking capes isn't one of them."

Pepple conjures some water above Wave crashes head, and proceeds to drop it directly atop his head. 

"It's called Splash Tag! ...and your it!"

The three of them then hurriedly fly in the following direction of the other Seaponies and the escort.

Sunset Shimmer: "I have not actually heard of dungeon diving. What is it?"

She notices her broken horn: "I think you mean the 25th annual Friendship Festival, not the 50th. ....And might I ask what happened to your horn?" She shows an intrigued look on her face. "It doesn't look like it feels comfortable at all."

"Princess you say? Are you one of those new generation of Alicorns popping up?"

AppleJack: "Now now there."

She give a little push on her side .

"Buckle up and tell me what wrong miss."

Pinkie Pie says to Fluttershy: "You know it! Although I doubt it's going to happen. My Pinkie Sense has been going nuts all morning". She eats another cupcake.

She then speaks profoundly to Discord: "Well, fun is a small type of Chaos. Fun is free, and fun is awesome!!"

She then takes out and fires her party cannon.

"Fun is also magical." She claps her hoofs together and a spark much like Discords occurs, after which a puff of smoke appears.



Moments later when the smoke settles,we come to see that..... that..... Pinkie Pie was..... standing in the spot she just was.


Pound says to Maple: "Hi there, nice to meet your Maple."

Pumpkin: "Yes, nice to meet you Maple."

They both smile.

Pound then says: "So what did you guys come to do at the Festival this year? There are sooo many things to do. Me and Pumpkin are going to the big Science expo by the Tower of Magic during our break later, but unfortunately we won't be able to go to the Concert because we gotta keep working the stand."

@Once In A Blue Moon

A guard came up to the Captain.

"Sir, at some point we must get going. Your council with Princess Celestia, General Solar Magus and Starlight Glimmer is coming in a few hours."

"We can stay around for now as you do have time until then. I'm just letting you know."


Techno then moved his cape down so it was now wrapped around Rarity's body...


TU: Ohh sorry! Anyways my cape should be like a massive really soft blanket to you right now!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:

AppleJack: "Now now there."

She give a little push on her side .

"Buckle up and tell me what wrong miss."


Chelsea looked up at Applejack with her tear-covered face. "My parents...d-died..." Chelsea said before sobbing harder. 

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@General Solar Magus

Alexandria blinks "Oh 25th? I'm sorry, as for dungeon diving, it's where I go find old ruins and dungeons and just explore them, I'm a bit of a mercenary you know" she says and rubs the back of her neck with a forehoof, "As for my horn, well I can't quite remember, you see, I've lost a fair big of my memories way back and well I just what I feel is natural to me, and now for my being a Princess, I wouldn't say new generation of alicorn, I've been around for well..a very long time, and I have heard rumors here and there that I'm the long lost older sister of Celestia and Luna" she chuckles and shakes her head "While I don't know about it, I guess in time my memories will come back to me and I will find out the truth" she says somewhat awkwardly.

As she looks around at her surroundings, she blinks a few times "So miss Shimmer, tell me something, what is this Friendship Festival all about? Like I said I've been around a very long time, yet I do not believe I have heard of it before"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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((OOC: Techno, if you want it to be that Rarity knows you, you should make sure that @General Solar Magus knows first.))

Moon closed her eyes for a moment, before opening them and turning away. She scanned the surroundings for a moment, seemingly looking for something, before shaking her head and trotting off in a random direction.

I am being way too paranoid. But, then again, who can blame me?

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  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Pinkie Pie says to Fluttershy: "You know it! Although I doubt it's going to happen. My Pinkie Sense has been going nuts all morning". She eats another cupcake.

She then speaks profoundly to Discord: "Well, fun is a small type of Chaos. Fun is free, and fun is awesome!!"

She then takes out and fires her party cannon.

"Fun is also magical." She claps her hoofs together and a spark much like Discords occurs, after which a puff of smoke appears.



Moments later when the smoke settles,we come to see that..... that..... Pinkie Pie was..... standing in the spot she just was.


Pound says to Maple: "Hi there, nice to meet your Maple."

Pumpkin: "Yes, nice to meet you Maple."

They both smile.

Pound then says: "So what did you guys come to do at the Festival this year? There are sooo many things to do. Me and Pumpkin are going to the big Science expo by the Tower of Magic during our break later, but unfortunately we won't be able to go to the Concert because we gotta keep working the stand."


Fluttershy frowned slightly "Pinkie? Are you feeling well? What you mentioned... T... The party's going to be crashed?" Fluttershy worried about that particular line

"Don't worry too much about it dear. Look at the number of powerful beings at this party. Luna and 'Tia. Twilight, and your other friends. Not to mention Me, Our talented son and out strong Daughter too..." Discord picked up Fluttershy resting her on his shoulder "Nothing you need to worry about right now. Pinkie!" Discord said with a snap "Us 3 are gonna go cheer up Fluttershy. That said we'll need to be there for Woody's performance. Though that's not for several hours... Time for some fun. " Discord finished with a loud laugh


"Aww..." Woody blurted out not bothering to hide his disappointment "I'm here to perform in the concert.... Knowing you two where gonna be in the crowd made me kinda pumped but now I'm worried about it again.

Maple looked at the Cakes. "Good to see you two have a career set for the future. Me... I already got something going. I'm Luna's night guard captain... or well one of them at least." Maple leans into the stand " Woody's not looking for a job. So good for you two."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  On 2017-11-07 at 10:27 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Flim: "Indeed. You see, we had a dear nephew who faught in the Griffon Kingdom conflicts under your command. He claimed that he almost lost his life a few times, but it just so happens that some of your commands resulted in the saving his life at least three times."



Napier smiled at the thanks, even though he didn't recognise the name, and made all the appropriate noises for receiving only partially-deserved compliments. The unconditional offer of help caught him by surprise though, and he hated how he immediately thought of how he could leverage their support to further his goals - hardly worthy of the hero they thought they were addressing, and he pushed it to the back of his mind. Not to mention that if he were to take full credit for those that survived then he should take full blame for those who died; the burning hull of the Regulus was still vivid in his memory. Still, the thanks were enough to brighten his day and leave a small smile on his face as the brothers left.

  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:

"Sir, at some point we must get going. Your council with Princess Celestia, General Solar Magus and Starlight Glimmer is coming in a few hours."

"We can stay around for now as you do have time until then. I'm just letting you know."


"I see," he responded neutrally as he drew out his pocket watch, a well worn but clearly well cared for device tucked inside his breastplate, and flicked it open. Nodding, he looked up, and after a few moments of searching caught sight of the Phoenix coming in to dock with Canterlot Castle itself; Captain Nimbus would probably busy for the best part of an hour, if not longer, and as the guard said it was hours until his royal meeting.  

He turned back to the guard, "We made good time into port; I think I can spare half an hour to observe the festival."


@)o( Dream Walker )o( Walking around the edge of the crowds, Napier caught a glimpse of a large pony with a broken horn. Very large, come to think of it, and the bulky cape could easily be hiding a pair of wings if one were to be looking for them. The pony she was talking too also looked vaguely familiar - and as she didn't look like a soldier, that probably made her a courtier or some other palace functionary. Curiosity peaked, Napier walked closer.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


  On 2016-05-23 at 4:37 AM, Orion Caelum said:
Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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  On 2017-11-12 at 7:35 PM, Techno Universal said:

Techno then moved his cape down so it was now wrapped around Rarity's body...


TU: Ohh sorry! Anyways my cape should be like a massive really soft blanket to you right now!


Rarity: "Oh that's quite alright darling. I always come prepared."

She walks to the back of the carriage where a large chest is found.

She opens the chest, looks at Techno and snickers.

"What do you think of this cape?"

She pulls out a lovely diamond embroided dark red cape with golden linings of twice her body length.

She puts it on:

"How do I look? I know it doesn't match my hair color, but I've still been so excited to show it off." She gives a little 'eeek' sound.

"It's one of my latest works you know."

  On 2017-11-13 at 8:40 PM, Star48955 said:

((OOC: Techno, if you want it to be that Rarity knows you, you should make sure that @General Solar Magus knows first.))

Moon closed her eyes for a moment, before opening them and turning away. She scanned the surroundings for a moment, seemingly looking for something, before shaking her head and trotting off in a random direction.

I am being way too paranoid. But, then again, who can blame me?


@Star48955 @Techno Universal@Der Kerzenwaechter (since Morph is there too, and since Wavecrach is with the Seaponies that they are talking about Candlekeeper, you should check this out too)

Suddenly a big flash of light occurred in the sky, and reflected rays of color off of Rarities cape.

The entire picnic crowd was aw struck at seeing the light. Everypont wondered what it was. Rarity herself was a little distracted by the colorful rays but was also very curious.

The light descended to ground and slowly dimmed. Eventually, it was revealed that the light was coming from a pony.

Some of the picnickers began talking about the legend of the Priestess of the white fields, which are legend to be around this area.

The light dimmed more, and the pony revealed very much matched the description from the legend.

The light finally faded and the while female Pegasus pony landed on the ground in front or Rarity.


(image created by @Raven Rawne, and colored by  @Techno Universal. Thank you guys very much for making this possible ;))


 The beautiful mare spoke to Rarity: "Greetings Rarity. I am Bright Shinning, Priestess of the White Fields. I know that you are one of the Elements of harmony and I need your help with a mission a mission of Dire importance." she gestures to Techno, Crystal, and morph as well. "And I need your help too. Any powerful ponies I can find with be needed."

Rarity: "I have heard of your tales. Can you really read the future?"

Bright Shinning: "Yes I can, and I have seen something horrible that will happen today if the Seaponies reach Cantelot"

She lowers her head and seems a little sad: "You see, what I have seen is something veyr terrifying, and truly hope that it will not happen. Something big is going to happen to Canterlor later today. A lot of ponies could get hurt and while I can't stop what might happen, I can try to save as many lives as I can. So I need help stopping the Seaponies from arriving at Canterlot, they will be in horrible danger if they are in the city when my prediction comes true, if it does."

Rarity: "Oh my, what is your prediction?"

Bright: "I'm afraid I can't say. The way I can see the future, I know that it will only make things worse. I need you to trust me." she smiles in hope.

"We don't have much time, the Seaponies and their military escort are nearby. Do you trust me?" she looks at Techno, Moonlight, and Morph ".... and do you too trust me?"

A question as to why she is speaking to these four ponies specifically is hard to answer, but everypony nearby was wondering why. Maybe her future reading powers tell her something they don't know.

"We must cut them off and convince them to turn around."

She awaits their answers.....


  On 2017-11-12 at 11:36 PM, C. Thunder Dash said:

Chelsea looked up at Applejack with her tear-covered face. "My parents...d-died..." Chelsea said before sobbing harder. 


Oh my Hooves friend. I'm so sorry. When did this happen? And just to let you know, I know how your feelin'. When I was a filly my parents lost their lives about a month after my little sister was born. It was hard but we all got through it together. I'' be glad to help you out anyway I can. I'm hear for ya'." she smiles.

After a moment Applejack sheds a small tear herself in thought of her own parents, but the thoughts are quickly resolved.


  On 2017-11-13 at 12:32 AM, )o( Dream Walker )o( said:

@General Solar Magus

Alexandria blinks "Oh 25th? I'm sorry, as for dungeon diving, it's where I go find old ruins and dungeons and just explore them, I'm a bit of a mercenary you know" she says and rubs the back of her neck with a forehoof, "As for my horn, well I can't quite remember, you see, I've lost a fair big of my memories way back and well I just what I feel is natural to me, and now for my being a Princess, I wouldn't say new generation of alicorn, I've been around for well..a very long time, and I have heard rumors here and there that I'm the long lost older sister of Celestia and Luna" she chuckles and shakes her head "While I don't know about it, I guess in time my memories will come back to me and I will find out the truth" she says somewhat awkwardly.

As she looks around at her surroundings, she blinks a few times "So miss Shimmer, tell me something, what is this Friendship Festival all about? Like I said I've been around a very long time, yet I do not believe I have heard of it before"


@)o( Dream Walker )o( @Once In A Blue Moon

Sunset Shimmer: "A long time huh? So do you think your this princess? As far as I've seen there are a lot more less believable things that have happened in Equestria."

She responds to her question: "Basically the friendship festival is a celebration of the unity of all the states of Equestria, some states are even their own countries. I mean look at it, Equestria is literally a nation made of nations. It covers like half the dang planet." she smiles as she gestures with one of her front legs into the air. "So basically every year, one of the states get to be the center of the celebration in commemoration of the part they play to make Equestria greater. This year, the Seaponies of Seaquestria are the celebrated country/state because we can't breath underwater, they are coming here to Canterlot, the Capital."

She pauses.

She then looks away from Alexandria's eyes and looks again at the front of the line she is in.

"So, you say your a merc, yes?"

She looks back at her.

"You do look like the mercenary type with your sword, your posture and such."

"I feel like it must have been fate that brought us together." she seems confident.

"If your interested, I have a job that will pay you handsomely. I'm working with an associate on it right now, and we could use the extra hooves."

"So, may I hire your services miss Alexandria? I'll pay you in gems and I have a magic scroll that might help you out as well."

  On 2017-11-14 at 10:46 PM, Once In A Blue Moon said:

Napier smiled at the thanks, even though he didn't recognise the name, and made all the appropriate noises for receiving only partially-deserved compliments. The unconditional offer of help caught him by surprise though, and he hated how he immediately thought of how he could leverage their support to further his goals - hardly worthy of the hero they thought they were addressing, and he pushed it to the back of his mind. Not to mention that if he were to take full credit for those that survived then he should take full blame for those who died; the burning hull of the Regulus was still vivid in his memory. Still, the thanks were enough to brighten his day and leave a small smile on his face as the brothers left.

"I see," he responded neutrally as he drew out his pocket watch, a well worn but clearly well cared for device tucked inside his breastplate, and flicked it open. Nodding, he looked up, and after a few moments of searching caught sight of the Phoenix coming in to dock with Canterlot Castle itself; Captain Nimbus would probably busy for the best part of an hour, if not longer, and as the guard said it was hours until his royal meeting.  

He turned back to the guard, "We made good time into port; I think I can spare half an hour to observe the festival."


@)o( Dream Walker )o( Walking around the edge of the crowds, Napier caught a glimpse of a large pony with a broken horn. Very large, come to think of it, and the bulky cape could easily be hiding a pair of wings if one were to be looking for them. The pony she was talking too also looked vaguely familiar - and as she didn't look like a soldier, that probably made her a courtier or some other palace functionary. Curiosity peaked, Napier walked closer.


@Once In A Blue Moon @)o( Dream Walker )o(

Sunset Shimmer didn't notice Napier flight coming closer.


  On 2017-11-14 at 6:32 AM, Maple Bat said:

Fluttershy frowned slightly "Pinkie? Are you feeling well? What you mentioned... T... The party's going to be crashed?" Fluttershy worried about that particular line

"Don't worry too much about it dear. Look at the number of powerful beings at this party. Luna and 'Tia. Twilight, and your other friends. Not to mention Me, Our talented son and out strong Daughter too..." Discord picked up Fluttershy resting her on his shoulder "Nothing you need to worry about right now. Pinkie!" Discord said with a snap "Us 3 are gonna go cheer up Fluttershy. That said we'll need to be there for Woody's performance. Though that's not for several hours... Time for some fun. " Discord finished with a loud laugh


"Aww..." Woody blurted out not bothering to hide his disappointment "I'm here to perform in the concert.... Knowing you two where gonna be in the crowd made me kinda pumped but now I'm worried about it again.

Maple looked at the Cakes. "Good to see you two have a career set for the future. Me... I already got something going. I'm Luna's night guard captain... or well one of them at least." Maple leans into the stand " Woody's not looking for a job. So good for you two."


Pinkie Pie: "Oh no, not crashed Fluttershy. The way my Pinkie sense is going, it's not even gonna happen, psshhtt" she gestures her hoof.

"I should probably investigate, but something this big is something I can't change in one day. I wouldn't be worried about it though, it's not like anypony is going to die." she stops and pauses, she then laughs hysterically. "You should see your face!!" now shes giggling uncontrollably on the floor.

She responds to Discord: "Oh no, my Pinkie sense has never gone this crazy before Discord,  not even the times with you or Tirek. Whatever it is, power won't be the winning option." she's seems to be speaking so calmly about such a seemingly heavy topic that It's hard to tell if she's joking or not.

"Take a look see." she pulls Discords arm and puts his hand on her head. His whole body begins to rattle.

Pinkie laughs as Discord shivers.

"Ahhh hehehehehe!!"

If she is joking then she forgot to hit the punchline.

"By guys, I gotta go. Lots to do ya now." she gestures here eyes.

"By Pumpkin, by Pound." she says as she trots off with the same happiness as a Twighlight Sparkle in it's library.

Pumpkin, Pound: "Bye auntie Pinkie!" they both smile.


Pumpkin: "Woah, your in the concert?" Pumpkin says excitedly.

Pound: "You know some of the other singers are Sapphire Shores, and Countess Ra Ra, right? You must be seriously good to have gotten a chance to perform with them. What are you singing?"

Pumpkin: "Aww, I wish we could have watched you."

Pumpkin turns to Maple: "Luna's night guard captain? Wow, for a Batpony as young as you to be in the night guard, you must like some kinda ninja pony. Hiyaaaa." she says while lifting her hoof into the air and closing her eyes with an attempt at a cool expression on her face.

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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  On 2017-11-15 at 8:15 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Rarity: "Oh that's quite alright darling. I always come prepared."

She walks to the back of the carriage where a large chest is found.

She opens the chest, looks at Techno and snickers.

"What do you think of this cape?"

She pulls out a lovely diamond embroided dark red cape with golden linings of twice her body length.

She puts it on:

"How do I look? I know it doesn't match my hair color, but I've still been so excited to show it off." She gives a little 'eeek' sound.

"It's one of my latest works you know."

@Star48955 @Techno Universal@Der Kerzenwaechter (since Morph is there too, and since Wavecrach is with the Seaponies that they are talking about Candlekeeper, you should check this out too)

Suddenly a big flash of light occurred in the sky, and reflected rays of color off of Rarities cape.

The entire picnic crowd was aw struck at seeing the light. Everypont wondered what it was. Rarity herself was a little distracted by the colorful rays but was also very curious.

The light descended to ground and slowly dimmed. Eventually, it was revealed that the light was coming from a pony.

Some of the picnickers began talking about the legend of the Priestess of the white fields, which are legend to be around this area.

The light dimmed more, and the pony revealed very much matched the description from the legend.

The light finally faded and the while female Pegasus pony landed on the ground in front or Rarity.


(image created by @Raven Rawne, and colored by  @Techno Universal. Thank you guys very much for making this possible ;))


 The beautiful mare spoke to Rarity: "Greetings Rarity. I am Bright Shinning, Priestess of the White Fields. I know that you are one of the Elements of harmony and I need your help with a mission a mission of Dire importance." she gestures to Techno, Crystal, and morph as well. "And I need your help too. Any powerful ponies I can find with be needed."

Rarity: "I have heard of your tales. Can you really read the future?"

Bright Shinning: "Yes I can, and I have seen something horrible that will happen today if the Seaponies reach Cantelot"

She lowers her head and seems a little sad: "You see, what I have seen is something veyr terrifying, and truly hope that it will not happen. Something big is going to happen to Canterlor later today. A lot of ponies could get hurt and while I can't stop what might happen, I can try to save as many lives as I can. So I need help stopping the Seaponies from arriving at Canterlot, they will be in horrible danger if they are in the city when my prediction comes true, if it does."

Rarity: "Oh my, what is your prediction?"

Bright: "I'm afraid I can't say. The way I can see the future, I know that it will only make things worse. I need you to trust me." she smiles in hope.

"We don't have much time, the Seaponies and their military escort are nearby. Do you trust me?" she looks at Techno, Moonlight, and Morph ".... and do you too trust me?"

A question as to why she is speaking to these four ponies specifically is hard to answer, but everypony nearby was wondering why. Maybe her future reading powers tell her something they don't know.

"We must cut them off and convince them to turn around."

She awaits their answers.....


Oh my Hooves friend. I'm so sorry. When did this happen? And just to let you know, I know how your feelin'. When I was a filly my parents lost their lives about a month after my little sister was born. It was hard but we all got through it together. I'' be glad to help you out anyway I can. I'm hear for ya'." she smiles.

After a moment Applejack sheds a small tear herself in thought of her own parents, but the thoughts are quickly resolved.


@)o( Dream Walker )o( @Once In A Blue Moon

Sunset Shimmer: "A long time huh? So do you think your this princess? As far as I've seen there are a lot more less believable things that have happened in Equestria."

She responds to her question: "Basically the friendship festival is a celebration of the unity of all the states of Equestria, some states are even their own countries. I mean look at it, Equestria is literally a nation made of nations. It covers like half the dang planet." she smiles as she gestures with one of her front legs into the air. "So basically every year, one of the states get to be the center of the celebration in commemoration of the part they play to make Equestria greater. This year, the Seaponies of Seaquestria are the celebrated country/state because we can't breath underwater, they are coming here to Canterlot, the Capital."

She pauses.

She then looks away from Alexandria's eyes and looks again at the front of the line she is in.

"So, you say your a merc, yes?"

She looks back at her.

"You do look like the mercenary type with your sword, your posture and such."

"I feel like it must have been fate that brought us together." she seems confident.

"If your interested, I have a job that will pay you handsomely. I'm working with an associate on it right now, and we could use the extra hooves."

"So, may I hire your services miss Alexandria? I'll pay you in gems and I have a magic scroll that might help you out as well."

@Once In A Blue Moon @)o( Dream Walker )o(

Sunset Shimmer didn't notice Napier flight coming closer.


Pinkie Pie: "Oh no, not crashed Fluttershy. The way my Pinkie sense is going, it's not even gonna happen, psshhtt" she gestures her hoof.

"I should probably investigate, but something this big is something I can't change in one day. I wouldn't be worried about it though, it's not like anypony is going to die." she stops and pauses, she then laughs hysterically. "You should see your face!!" now shes giggling uncontrollably on the floor.

She responds to Discord: "Oh no, my Pinkie sense has never gone this crazy before Discord,  not even the times with you or Tirek. Whatever it is, power won't be the winning option." she's seems to be speaking so calmly about such a seemingly heavy topic that It's hard to tell if she's joking or not.

"Take a look see." she pulls Discords arm and puts his hand on her head. His whole body begins to rattle.

Pinkie laughs as Discord shivers.

"Ahhh hehehehehe!!"

If she is joking then she forgot to hit the punchline.

"By guys, I gotta go. Lots to do ya now." she gestures here eyes.

"By Pumpkin, by Pound." she says as she trots off with the same happiness as a Twighlight Sparkle in it's library.

Pumpkin, Pound: "Bye auntie Pinkie!" they both smile.


Pumpkin: "Woah, your in the concert?" Pumpkin says excitedly.

Pound: "You know some of the other singers are Sapphire Shores, and Countess Ra Ra, right? You must be seriously good to have gotten a chance to perform with them. What are you singing?"

Pumpkin: "Aww, I wish we could have watched you."

Pumpkin turns to Maple: "Luna's night guard captain? Wow, for a Batpony as young as you to be in the night guard, you must like some kinda ninja pony. Hiyaaaa." she says while lifting her hoof into the air and closing her eyes with an attempt at a cool expression on her face.


TU: Ohh yes that cape seriously looks amazing! Though it would probably be suited more for like a rich red colourd pony!


Techno was then interrupted by the flash. He then tuned to Bright...


TU: Well to be honest you somehow seem familiar to me even though I can't exactly recall seeing you before. Anyways I guess you'll seriously need my help with this then if you're predictions are correct! Though maybe I should start doing research into spells that allow you to see into the future like that!

Edited by Techno Universal
  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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  On 2017-11-15 at 8:15 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Oh my Hooves friend. I'm so sorry. When did this happen? And just to let you know, I know how your feelin'. When I was a filly my parents lost their lives about a month after my little sister was born. It was hard but we all got through it together. I'' be glad to help you out anyway I can. I'm hear for ya'." she smiles.

After a moment Applejack sheds a small tear herself in thought of her own parents, but the thoughts are quickly resolved.



"Th-thanks..." Chelsea said trying to stop sniffling and sobbing. "It was when I was only a little fledgeling..." She stated choking up after this comment. 

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  On 2017-11-15 at 8:15 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Pinkie Pie: "Oh no, not crashed Fluttershy. The way my Pinkie sense is going, it's not even gonna happen, psshhtt" she gestures her hoof.

"I should probably investigate, but something this big is something I can't change in one day. I wouldn't be worried about it though, it's not like anypony is going to die." she stops and pauses, she then laughs hysterically. "You should see your face!!" now shes giggling uncontrollably on the floor.

She responds to Discord: "Oh no, my Pinkie sense has never gone this crazy before Discord,  not even the times with you or Tirek. Whatever it is, power won't be the winning option." she's seems to be speaking so calmly about such a seemingly heavy topic that It's hard to tell if she's joking or not.

"Take a look see." she pulls Discords arm and puts his hand on her head. His whole body begins to rattle.

Pinkie laughs as Discord shivers.

"Ahhh hehehehehe!!"

If she is joking then she forgot to hit the punchline.

"By guys, I gotta go. Lots to do ya now." she gestures here eyes.

"By Pumpkin, by Pound." she says as she trots off with the same happiness as a Twighlight Sparkle in it's library.

Pumpkin, Pound: "Bye auntie Pinkie!" they both smile.


Pumpkin: "Woah, your in the concert?" Pumpkin says excitedly.

Pound: "You know some of the other singers are Sapphire Shores, and Countess Ra Ra, right? You must be seriously good to have gotten a chance to perform with them. What are you singing?"

Pumpkin: "Aww, I wish we could have watched you."

Pumpkin turns to Maple: "Luna's night guard captain? Wow, for a Batpony as young as you to be in the night guard, you must like some kinda ninja pony. Hiyaaaa." she says while lifting her hoof into the air and closing her eyes with an attempt at a cool expression on her face


A look of horror enveloped Woody's face. "I... Well, I didn't think about that... Ah, crap... What if I'm not good enough... No... I'm nowhere near as good as them... I'm gonna go up there and embarrass myself...This is why I didn't wanna do this..." Woody was very visibly distraught by the comment

" Hey! My age has nothing to do with this." What she said was like she was offended but her tone was saying that she was taking it lightly. "Trust me. I earned the spot. Aside from that... Ninja's are cool but I'm not one." She points at the cutie mark on her flank "Archer. I like shooting bows." She chuckled before noticing Woody's distress. " Bro... You can do this! I believe in you-" Maple heard her name called by discord " Shoot... Dad needs me... Woody, you'll do great I promise." She said to him with a smile before walking over to Discord


Needless to say, Discord was concerned at this point, He would've brushed it off but he knew that Pinkie's Pinkie sense was going crazy. He first set Fluttershy on the ground before doing anything else. " Pinkie's comments concern me... I think we should warn others... MAPLE! Come here!" After a bit Maple came over discord faced her "I know I told you not to have your armor here but... I think we may need it soon so if you could go grab that from canterlot real quick I'd appreciate it."

Maple nodded concerned "O...K Sure..." She stated before flying off

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Heathlife and the two guards had arrived at one of the many pools throughout the city.

The batpony guard said: "Alright Heathlife, here we are. You know why Celestia wants you here so please...."

He reaches for his sachel

"....have some fun and enjoy your day."

He places a bag of coins in front of Heathlife.

The other guard says:

"The princess wanted you to have this so that you could buy at the various stands and other activities at the festival."

The batpony then speaks again: "At the Princesses request we are not to escort you during the day, as that would get in the way her lesson to you. She asked us to tell you if you would return to the tower before the end of the day. If you do not, a search party will be sent. That is all."

"Have fun Heathlife."

The guards begin to walk back in the direction of the castle.


Heathlife looked as the guards walked away then sighed and said "Persistent brat..." he then looked toward his tower in the distance "I feel like they'll trouble me if I go back, besides, these serve as great distractions to my work." he said, laying a sarcastic tone on the word great as he looked at the satchel. His horn lit up as the bag lifted into the air, however, it wasn't enveloped in a magical aura. If one were to be observant enough they would realize that a small glimmer of a magical aura was seen on its bottom. He didn't know what to buy, he didn't even know what half the things were so he was mostly just going around looking at the things. He didn't want any sweets or anything, well, he doesn't know what they taste like in the first place. So he ended up sitting on a bench with the pouch next to him, muttering to himself "I don't know what to buy, and this day will be dreadfully boring just looking."

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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  On 2017-11-15 at 8:15 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Sunset Shimmer didn't notice Napier flight coming closer.

  On 2017-11-15 at 8:15 AM, General Solar Magus said:

"If your interested, I have a job that will pay you handsomely. I'm working with an associate on it right now, and we could use the extra hooves."

"So, may I hire your services miss Alexandria? I'll pay you in gems and I have a magic scroll that might help you out as well."


Catching the end of the conversation, Napier remembered where he had seen Alexandria before; she was on the list of approved mercenaries - those trusted enough to be hired by Equestrian officials but considered too troublesome, unpredictable or awkward to be associated with to hire permanently. She'd been flagged as a 'pony of interest' as well, which usually meant that they were involved in more clandestine activities at some point - although it might just be that all alicorns were considered 'of interest'. 

Before Alexandria responded to the deal, Napier decided to make himself known.

"And what could be so urgent as to require hiring a mercenary band in the middle of Canterlot during a major celebration?" Napier asked, walking closer and addressing Sunset.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
Added in 'but' at a crucial point
  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


  On 2016-05-23 at 4:37 AM, Orion Caelum said:
Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Moon stayed silent for a moment, thinking. She repeated the movements she had done earlier, and raised her hoof to her neck. After another moment, she shrugged and trotted closer to the group. "Might as well go along with it."

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  On 2017-11-15 at 8:24 AM, Techno Universal said:

TU: Ohh yes that cape seriously looks amazing! Though it would probably be suited more for like a rich red colourd pony!


Techno was then interrupted by the flash. He then tuned to Bright...


TU: Well to be honest you somehow seem familiar to me even though I can't exactly recall seeing you before. Anyways I guess you'll seriously need my help with this then if you're predictions are correct! Though maybe I should start doing research into spells that allow you to see into the future like that!

  On 2017-11-17 at 8:14 PM, Star48955 said:

Moon stayed silent for a moment, thinking. She repeated the movements she had done earlier, and raised her hoof to her neck. After another moment, she shrugged and trotted closer to the group. "Might as well go along with it."


Rarity: "Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure about this. Not letting the Seaponies into the city for their own celebration sounds like....a bad idea. Are you sure that you saw what you saw in your futuretelling?"

Bright Shinning says to Rarity: "Yes, I am sure Rarirty".

Rarirty still seems to be pondering the whole thing over.

Bright Shinning says to Techno and Star: "Thank you for being willing to help me. We must act fast if we are to cut off the Seaponies and their escort from reaching Canterlot."

She is now awaiting Morphs answer.

  On 2017-11-15 at 3:06 PM, C. Thunder Dash said:

"Th-thanks..." Chelsea said trying to stop sniffling and sobbing. "It was when I was only a little fledgeling..." She stated choking up after this comment. 


Applejack: "Aye, no problem Sugarcube, I'm here yo help out :smug:." 

She takes her hat off for a second.

"I'm always much abliged to help another out".

She gives Chelsea a small hug.

They arrive at the gates of the city.

"Ahh Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. Aside from those snobby types sometimes crawling around, I can outright say that this city is a bute. What do you think big Mac?".

Big Mac: "Eeeeyup."

Applejack She turns to Chelsea:

"Well, this our stop off. Me and my whole family are gonna be setting up stands in half a district of the city, so were gonna be busy settin' up for a while. It was very nice to be meetin' ya Chelsea. I hope you enjoy the festival. Heck, maybe we will even run into each other again if luck happens upon it."

Shes gives a big kind smile.

"Good luck finding your brother, and tell him I say hi."

As the gates open, the Apples head in pulling their carts after them.

  On 2017-11-16 at 10:54 PM, Maple Bat said:

A look of horror enveloped Woody's face. "I... Well, I didn't think about that... Ah, crap... What if I'm not good enough... No... I'm nowhere near as good as them... I'm gonna go up there and embarrass myself...This is why I didn't wanna do this..." Woody was very visibly distraught by the comment

" Hey! My age has nothing to do with this." What she said was like she was offended but her tone was saying that she was taking it lightly. "Trust me. I earned the spot. Aside from that... Ninja's are cool but I'm not one." She points at the cutie mark on her flank "Archer. I like shooting bows." She chuckled before noticing Woody's distress. " Bro... You can do this! I believe in you-" Maple heard her name called by discord " Shoot... Dad needs me... Woody, you'll do great I promise." She said to him with a smile before walking over to Discord


Needless to say, Discord was concerned at this point, He would've brushed it off but he knew that Pinkie's Pinkie sense was going crazy. He first set Fluttershy on the ground before doing anything else. " Pinkie's comments concern me... I think we should warn others... MAPLE! Come here!" After a bit Maple came over discord faced her "I know I told you not to have your armor here but... I think we may need it soon so if you could go grab that from canterlot real quick I'd appreciate it."

Maple nodded concerned "O...K Sure..." She stated before flying off


Pound Cake: "Woah, Woody. Don't worry. They wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't capable of pulling it off. You are good enough, there no denyingway that." Pound winks.

Pumpkin: "An archer you say. Whats you longest distance on a shot far? I.... kinda practice archery a little, but I'm still an amatuar. So your best will probably blow me out of the water. My effective range is about 14meters at the moment." Pumpkin smiles and chuckles ",but we all gotta start somewhere."

(Wait, I thought we were already in Canterlot?)


As Maple begins flying off, a blue female unicorn teleports in the way of her flying path and as Maple hits her, she teleports both of them to a nearby dark alleyway. There was another female unicorn who was dark blue already in the alley. Discord and the others didn't notice what happened.

The first unicorn says saracstically with a grin: "It's nice to meet you Maple."

She continues:"Yes, I know who you are miss captain of the Night gaurd. I did my homework." She smiles "Let's cut to the chase, I pulled you here because I want your magic bow. Me and my friends are collecting, and we're not very patient. Where is it?"

Both of their horns begin to glow as they give fierce grins and walks closer to Maple.

  On 2017-11-17 at 3:10 PM, rolle said:

Heathlife looked as the guards walked away then sighed and said "Persistent brat..." he then looked toward his tower in the distance "I feel like they'll trouble me if I go back, besides, these serve as great distractions to my work." he said, laying a sarcastic tone on the word great as he looked at the satchel. His horn lit up as the bag lifted into the air, however, it wasn't enveloped in a magical aura. If one were to be observant enough they would realize that a small glimmer of a magical aura was seen on its bottom. He didn't know what to buy, he didn't even know what half the things were so he was mostly just going around looking at the things. He didn't want any sweets or anything, well, he doesn't know what they taste like in the first place. So he ended up sitting on a bench with the pouch next to him, muttering to himself "I don't know what to buy, and this day will be dreadfully boring just looking."



A pony speaks to Heathlife from a nearby crowd. 

They walk out to reveal themselves.

"Nice to meet you." It was a grey female Earth pony. She seemed a little distant, but freindly.

"I couldn't help but notice that you seem a little bit lost in thought."

She stops talking abruply and pauses a moment.

"Mind if I take a seet on the bench with you? What's your name?"

  On 2017-11-17 at 6:17 PM, Once In A Blue Moon said:

Catching the end of the conversation, Napier remembered where he had seen Alexandria before; she was on the list of approved mercenaries - those trusted enough to be hired by Equestrian officials considered too troublesome, unpredictable or awkward to be associated with to hire permanently. She'd been flagged as a 'pony of interest' as well, which usually meant that they were involved in more clandestine activities at some point - although it might just be that all alicorns were considered 'of interest'. 

Before Alexandria responded to the deal, Napier decided to make himself known.

"And what could be so urgent as to require hiring a mercenary band in the middle of Canterlot during a major celebration?" Napier asked, walking closer and addressing Sunset.


Sunset Shimmer: "Oh, hi there."

Shes notices Napiers well ranked military uniform and begins to seem only a tad nervous.

"It's just for like a teamwork kinda thing. Me and a friend just need some extra hooves with some work."

She then says: "Who are you by the way?"

She looks to the front of the line she is standing in again.

  On 2017-11-17 at 8:14 PM, Star48955 said:

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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@General Solar Magus

Alexandria chuckles and shakes her head "I don't really know if I am said princess or not, all I do know though, is that there was an incident at some point which had caused me to lose a fair few of my memories, some of which are about my past" she explains as she tilts her head a little at the explanation of the festival and chuckles as she then listens and shakes her head in amusement "Sounds like a big mess waiting to happen if you ask me, all those political delegates in one area" she then sighs and then sees the military pony approaching them.

@General Solar Magus @Once In A Blue Moon

As Sunset Shimmer explains what Alexandria's mercenary band was needed for, she tilts her head once more and flicks her ears "So let me get this right, miss Shimmer. You are willing to pay gems and a magic scroll simply for some extra hooves?" she whinnies in some amusement and nickers "Do forgive my trepidation, but I sense that there is a lot more to it, than just some extra hooves" she eyes Sunset up and down, and though Alexandria's horn was broken, she still had a good sense of good or bad magic and for some reason, she couldn't quite place it on Sunset. She shakes her head "Before I accept the contract, I need to know more details. Mercenaries we may be, but we are not without heart or conscience If it involves harming innocent ponies, then I must refuse." 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@General Solar Magus

"See ya...and Thundy's my friend." Chelsea said as she started to walk slowly off to find Thundy. 

Meanwhile, Thundy was sitting on a bench near the concert stage humming a tune to himself. 

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@General Solar Magus @)o( Dream Walker )o(

Napier frowned, unimpressed by Sunset's repose and sharing Alexandria's scepticism. 

"General Napier Flight," he answered, "And if you need a few helping hooves, then I'm sure there are plenty of ponies willing to help for a round or two of drinks, or even just a musical number. Security concerns should be reported to the Guard," he added, adding the faintest hint of a warning tone to his final statement. She seemed a little on edge, so putting on a little pressure might reveal something interesting - or cause her to panic and lash out.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


  On 2016-05-23 at 4:37 AM, Orion Caelum said:
Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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  On 2017-11-17 at 11:35 PM, General Solar Magus said:


A pony speaks to Heathlife from a nearby crowd. 

They walk out to reveal themselves.

"Nice to meet you." It was a grey female Earth pony. She seemed a little distant, but freindly.

"I couldn't help but notice that you seem a little bit lost in thought."

She stops talking abruply and pauses a moment.

"Mind if I take a seet on the bench with you? What's your name?"


Heathlife looked up at the pony and said "Its Heathlife, and I don't own the bench, so go right on ahead." he said as he levitated the coin satchel he had put on the bench closer to him. He then decided to respond to the first conversational topic "Also, It's completely normal for a pony who has never been to a festival or a party for that matter. To be lost in what to do, although, I guess you wouldn't know about that." he sighed "Its funny, ever since the accident, fewer and fewer ponies know about me. I even heard my name was removed from most new magical education books. Like I became a taboo in the magic society... Those fools." he said with a cold and almost disdainful tone. He then quickly added "Oh, wait, excuse my manners. May I hear your name?"

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Rarity: "Oh dear me! Darling please, I can't see."

She pushes the cape off of herself.

"While I do admire your taste in design, I would prefer to see thank you."

She hesitates

"..... um, did your clothes just talk?"

She proceeds to grab the cape and examine it.

"What form of magic is this? I've seen much in my years but a talking capes isn't one of them."


Morph felt rather surprised and a bit embarassed as Rarity grabbed him. He couldn't find the words to say anything more through Techno's magic.

  On 2017-11-12 at 7:28 PM, General Solar Magus said:


Pepple conjures some water above Wave crashes head, and proceeds to drop it directly atop his head. 

"It's called Splash Tag! ...and your it!"

The three of them then hurriedly fly in the following direction of the other Seaponies and the escort.


At first, Wavecrash backs up in surprise reflexively as water in dumped on his head. When he realizes the game afoot, he smirks. 

"You can't get away from my splashing!"

He runs after them, and when they're closer to the seapony escort, he used his magic to splash some water at them, hoping to tag one with the quick splash.

  On 2017-11-17 at 11:35 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Rarity: "Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure about this. Not letting the Seaponies into the city for their own celebration sounds like....a bad idea. Are you sure that you saw what you saw in your futuretelling?"

Bright Shinning says to Rarity: "Yes, I am sure Rarirty".

Rarirty still seems to be pondering the whole thing over.

Bright Shinning says to Techno and Star: "Thank you for being willing to help me. We must act fast if we are to cut off the Seaponies and their escort from reaching Canterlot."

She is now awaiting Morphs answer.


Morph fell especially silent as this sudden imposition was levied on him. Well, I guess I'll go wherever the one wearing me is going, he thought. Seems pretty big and sudden though.

  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2017-11-17 at 11:35 PM, General Solar Magus said:

Pound Cake: "Woah, Woody. Don't worry. They wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't capable of pulling it off. You are good enough, there no denyingway that." Pound winks.

Pumpkin: "An archer you say. Whats you longest distance on a shot far? I.... kinda practice archery a little, but I'm still an amatuar. So your best will probably blow me out of the water. My effective range is about 14meters at the moment." Pumpkin smiles and chuckles ",but we all gotta start somewhere."

(Wait, I thought we were already in Canterlot?)


As Maple begins flying off, a blue female unicorn teleports in the way of her flying path and as Maple hits her, she teleports both of them to a nearby dark alleyway. There was another female unicorn who was dark blue already in the alley. Discord and the others didn't notice what happened.

The first unicorn says saracstically with a grin: "It's nice to meet you Maple."

She continues:"Yes, I know who you are miss captain of the Night gaurd. I did my homework." She smiles "Let's cut to the chase, I pulled you here because I want your bow. Me and my friends are collecting, and we're not very patient. Where is it?"

Both of theit horns begin to glow as they give fierce grins and walks closer to Maple.


(To let you know Maple and her family were there but Maple went to go get her armor and Bow. Which are both in canterlot castle forgot to put castle, whoops)

"Are you both sure I can? What if they thought I was able to but I'm not..." Woody took a deep breath "No... I've been practicing for this... I can do it. You guys haven't heard my singing since we first met... It was pretty bad back then but I've gotten a lot better." Woody smiled at the two trying to forget about it for now, and levitated some bits to them "Let me get one of those Cupcakes pinkie talked about, and Pumpkin, Maple once hit a timberwolf on the edge of evergreen while she was about... 35 meters from it? But what was really impressive was that she did it hanging upside down from her tail in the tree line."


Maple backed up and was angry, she hated magic like that mostly because it seemed like a simple way to solve problems like 'how to get her into a secluded ally'. "Why do you want it? More importantly, Why would I tell you?" Maple moved her left back hoof backward and her front right forward, Lowering closer to the ground, assuming a battle stance " My weapon isn't a collectible. It's a tool I'm using to keep Equestria... You know all of us safe. So you're not taking it!" Maple would have to wait for the unicorns to attack her first in order to maintain her personal honor. After all, they could've been empty threats.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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