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Hex was flying around Ponyville with his saddle bag on him with multiple flyers stuffed inside. Some fly out as he flies from street post to street post. Taping a flyer up where ever he could. The flyer read as followed:

'Do you have a musical talent that you have yet to share with the world? Are you a Bassist, Drummer, Guitarist, or maybe even something else? Did you answer yes to any of these questions? If so you're in luck Hex is in need of finding some band mates! Please only take one of the tabs below and contact me if you're interested.'

He spent about 3 hours just flying around and advertising his help wanted signs where ever he could. He sighed as he rested at a bench as his wings were sore from flying all day. He leaned back to pop his back some as he looked around, realizing it was only mid day since he woke up early to post the flyers. "Man, I hope I get some responses back." He said to himself. He rested a bit more at the bench before flying back home, awaiting for his responses.



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1 hour ago, HexDex said:

OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/171923-band-for-hire-ooc/


Hex was flying around Ponyville with his saddle bag on him with multiple flyers stuffed inside. Some fly out as he flies from street post to street post. Taping a flyer up where ever he could. The flyer read as followed:

"Do you have a musical talent that you have yet to share with the world? Are you a Bassist, Drummer, Guitarist, or maybe even something else? Did you answer yes to any of these questions? If so you're in luck Hex is in need of finding some band mates! Please only take one of the tabs below and contact me if you're interested."

He spent about 3 hours just flying around and advertising his help wanted signs where ever he could. He sighed as he rested at a bench as his wings were sore from flying all day. He leaned back to pop his back some as he looked around, realizing it was only mid day since he woke up early to post the flyers. "Man, I hope I get some responses back." He said to himself. He rested a bit more at the bench before flying back home, awaiting for his responses.


Techno was walking through Ponyville wearing his massive five meter long cape and his cape was navy blue with blue cercit board patterns all over it plus it was extremely soft and cuddly. He then encountered a flyer and saw the address on it. He knew it was the perfect chance for him to have some fun so he flew off to Hex's house and knocked on the door with a massive smile...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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On 11/17/2017 at 0:58 AM, Techno Universal said:

Techno was walking through Ponyville wearing his massive five meter long cape and his cape was navy blue with blue cercit board patterns all over it plus it was extremely soft and cuddly. He then encountered a flyer and saw the address on it. He knew it was the perfect chance for him to have some fun so he flew off to Hex's house and knocked on the door with a massive smile...

Hex heard the knocking on his door. "Well, that was pretty quick." He said to himself as he got up to answer the door. He walked to the door and peaked through a window on the side to see who it was. He saw a stallion unicorn with a massive navy blue cape. "The pattern looks nice." He said to himself as he centered himself at the door. He opened the door to greet the stallion. "Hello, I take it you got my flyer and you're here for the band?" He asked with a smile.


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18 minutes ago, HexDex said:

Hex heard the knocking on his door. "Well, that was pretty quick." He said to himself as he got up to answer the door. He walked to the door and peaked through a window on the side to see who it was. He saw a stallion unicorn with a massive navy blue cape. "The pattern looks nice." He said to himself as he centered himself at the door. He opened the door to greet the stallion. "Hello, I take it you got my flyer and you're here for the band?" He asked with a smile.

TU: Well really I was just looking for something fun to do and I guess I could keep myself occupied by being your keyboard player! Like I'm really good with electronic music and I was even a DJ at one point! Anyways just give me a second to deal with this stupid itch!


Techno then itched his head for a couple of seconds and then a massive five meter long cape then appeared on Hex and the cape was extremely soft and cuddly like Techno's plus it was printed with a design that was based off Hex's colour scheme...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@HexDex @Techno Universal 

"Just a little further..." Ruby thought, as she tried to flap to the address printed on the flyer. "Not many bands want a guitarist these days. Always going synth. Or always goign acoustic. Or just simply going accepella. Maybe this could be the break I need. Or at least the chance to pay the rent." She began descending, not at the behest of her barking wings, but because she was nearing the address. She needed to land gently, so as not to damage any of the precious equipment, the amps, the pedals, the guitar she was carrying. 

"Slowly...slowly..." *thud* 

She sat there, panting on the ground. "I now pity roadies everywhere...." she thought, taking the deep breaths her burning lungs demanded of her. The thought of making a scene on her potential employers lawn crossed her mind. "That will probably hurt my chances more than it will help..."  she thought as she struggled to both stand up and compose herself. She heaved her body up the front steps and knocked on the door. 

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@Techno Universal

Hex let Techno inside as he felt the cape around him. "Whoa! Where'd this come from? This is nice.." He looked at Techno. "So you said you played the keyboard? Alright. I'm sure we can work with that." He said as he closed the door behind himself. "I hope you don't mind but I'm currently waitin-" He heard the door knock behind him. "Oh, looks like we got more replies." He said, setting the cape down gently on the couch before opening the door once more.


As he opened the door, he saw all of the equipment. He was impressed, and worried at the same time. "Oh man, I should have mentioned I have equipment at the house on the Flyers." He said. "Hey you need some help?" Hex asked as he flew over to the thestral. 


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@HexDex @Techno Universal 

(She's a thestral BTW)

"Just wanted to be sure. Did not want to look foolish and presume anything." she said as she slowly dragged she and her amp, and her pedal set and her guitar into the house, but not before pausing to wipe her hooves on the door mat. "And no, no. I got this. Came this far. Might as well go the rest of the way..." she said, sounding strained, but soldiering on regardless. 

She paused to look around the abode, taking in all it's sights, it's features. It's capes. "The buck? Am I auditioning for Electric Wizard and all the original members are just in hiding? Waiting to surprise me? Cause if that's true, then I'm kinda screwed. All that bluesy inspired, riff heavy, joker grooves that border on Black Saddle worship are not my specialty. Heck, I don't even smoke joke. That might get me kicked out alone. Just like how the members of Pranceterra would kick any band that didn't drink off the tour. You'd think they'd like saving on their liquor bills if that were the case. " 

"So uh, anywhere you want me to put these?" said the bat pony who looked like she just galloped a mile. 

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Techno was now laying on the couch thinking of ideas for retro synthwave music when he then itched his head again. That's when a massive cape then appeared on Ruby and it was extremely soft plus it was brown with a red boarder outline plus it had her cutie mark printed on it. Ruby and Hex also had very fluffy collars on now as the collars where a part of the capes and the capes were sown into the collars...


TU: Well maybe we might be known for having massive capes! Plus I'm currently thinking of song ideas and a lot of them are like retro synthwave songs! So yes I have written quite a lot of music in the past so I'll probably be one of the main writers for our band! Though it actually would be very interesting for all of us in the band to have massive capes as it would be like our band trademark and how we stand out from the others!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Techno Universal
Hex once more took the collar and cape off. "Sorry, I'm not much of a cape person." He said. "Also, I don't think synthwave is really gonna work with a bassist, guitarist and singer. I think this might be leading to a more rock style group from the look of instruments. But then again a lot of great rock, hard rock, metal, and metalcore groups have synths in their group. Rush, Give Me The Horizon, but I could go on." He said as he looked back over at Ruby as he stretched his bat pony wings.

"You can just set your things down in the living room and I can take them down to the studio in the basement if you'd like. There's also water and snacks in the kitchen if you'd like." He replied. "If any of you know any pony's that might be interested let them know." He said with a smile. "So, I think we should discuss sound for now. I'm a clean singer, but I do have the ability to scream. I worked on it back in my teenage years." He said.


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@HexDex @Techno Universal 

"Yeah, not much of a cape pony either. I won't be able to play if my wings are covered onstage. Heck, I won't be even able to fly. Plus it'll be quite the tripping hazard and it's not a stretch of the imagination to presume that we will be playing some rather small stages. So having long capes that can get snagged on amps, stepped on or tugged at by the audience is a no go. But it is rather soft I will admit. I can use it to keep warm in my little apartment tm. Thanks though." Ruby said as she unbuttoned her cape and folded it neatly next to her. 

"But yeah, we can have synths. Good use for ambient effects behind songs, but I find they work best when you have a trained keyboard player at the helm, either to add symphonic effects to a song, or just to add their own solo dynamic to a song. Bands like Saddlevarius, Sonata Arcticolt, Sympony X and DragonForce do this rather well.  Singing wise? I can do backing vocals. Or at least have been encouraged to. I tend to play in a more fast, classical style. So it would be a good fit for power metal, symphonic metal, even melo-death, thrash and prog metal. Unless we're gonna try and do a renascence music type of deal. 

I do know a few others who can partake. But... they're not exactly ponies..." 


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Techno then got up and walked around for a bit. As he was walking through the middle of amp and cable equipment his cape was moving on it's own to avoid the obstacles it could potentially get caught on. Techno then stopped at at a synth keyboard...


TU: Yeah it's pretty messy over here so I guess you just don't have anywhere else to put all this equipment yet! Anyways if you're wondering why my cape was automatically avoiding all the things it could get caught on then the answer to that would be that the capes have magical properties. So really when you wear them they will automatically avoid obstacles like they will quickly move out of the way of someone is about to trip on them and they will move backwards if you need to reverse for something! Also they will move up between your wings if you try to fly or you just spread your wings!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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"That's true, I believe Techno is skilled at synth/keys. So we should be good on that. If you can do back ups that is also fine. Since we have a bit of faster playing styles on the strings we could always do things along the lines of Dream Theater. But we should try to find a fast pace drummer asap. Otherwise they won't be able to keep up." He said as he started to pick up some of Ruby's gear. "If you know of any other's Ruby pony or not and they can do rhythm guitar or drums then by all means get them here."

@Techno Universal
"Again, I'm sorry but I'm really not into wearing capes" He said as he started to move Ruby's gear into the studio down in the basement.


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“Hey, what’s that?” Silver Note asked, skipping over to a fallen paper on the ground.

“Looks like a flyer,” her cousin said blatantly.

“Well, duh, Rosie. I know that now. Hey, band for hire? Sounds fun!”

“Unless it’s a scam to abduct little fillies and--”

“--And no. I’m not a filly. I’m a mare...”


“...And I can handle myself,” Silver finished.

Rosie sighed. “Just be careful. Not everyone is as nice as you are.”

“Girl, I’m from Manehattan. You’ve never even been to the city.” Silver Note laughed. “Imma go grab some stuff. Cya tonight!”




Silver Note marched out of her aunt and uncle’s house with a trail of instruments behind her, all enveloped in her light blue magic.

“Guitar, amp, electric guitar, ukulele, capo, picks... I think I’ve got everything! What was the address again?” she mumbled to herself. “Oh, heck, it’s right there,” she laughed, heading towards the house practically caked in a colorful display of band advertisements.

Silver approached the door, suddenly self conscious of her parade of instruments. She knocked. A moment of chaos and clattering resonated from the other side of the door before the door creaked open.

"...Hello. Is this where the band is?"

  • Brohoof 1


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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@Silver Note

After Hex had moved all of Ruby's stuff to the basement he heard some knocking on the door. "Hey I think somepony's here." He called out as he walked from the door of the basement to the front door. As he opened the door he heard her question. As it was opened fully he noticed her gear and looked over the very young mare. "Yes, this is where the band meeting is at. My name's Hex, glad you could make it." He moved to the side and opened the door fully, allowing her to see Ruby and Techno. "You can come in if you wish. Just set your gear down anywhere and I'll move it into the studio in the basement." He added.

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Silver Note took a moment to answer, distracted by the stallion’s large, bat-like wings. "It's alright, I've got it," she said finally, trotting inside and down to the basement. A smile spread across her face. So many instruments...

“Silver, you’re fanfillying over music again,” she mumbled to herself, setting her instruments down in the center of the room.

Silver Note glanced around the room, noticing the other ponies around her. Another bat like pony, a pony with flowing blue hair who she’d seen around ponyville before, and the gray pony upstairs. Was that it? Alright then.

Silver caught the two other ponies staring at her. She was suddenly conscious of the age gap. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea...

“So... hey. I’m Silver Note,” she said, turning to the other ponies in the basement. “You two are?” 

  • Brohoof 1


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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1 hour ago, Silver Note said:



Silver Note took a moment to answer, distracted by the stallion’s large, bat-like wings. "It's alright, I've got it," she said finally, trotting inside and down to the basement. A smile spread across her face. So many instruments...

“Silver, you’re fanfillying over music again,” she mumbled to herself, setting her instruments down in the center of the room.

Silver Note glanced around the room, noticing the other ponies around her. Another bat like pony, a pony with flowing blue hair who she’d seen around ponyville before, and the gray pony upstairs. Was that it? Alright then.

Silver caught the two other ponies staring at her. She was suddenly conscious of the age gap. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea...

“So... hey. I’m Silver Note,” she said, turning to the other ponies in the basement. “You two are?” 

Techno then tuned to Silver...


TU: Ohh yes my name would be Techno Universal and I'm a synth music writer and player! Anyways I'm getting a little bit of an itch!


Techno then itched his hair for a massive five meter long cape to appear on Silver. It had a printed design that was based off her colour scheme plus it was extremely soft and cuddly...


TU: Yeah I guess maybe we may be known for having massive capes!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Silver Note @Techno Universal @HexDex 

Ruby looked at techno like 'seriously?' 

"I am not, I repeat, not wearing a cape onstage. Unless it's a Gothic waist cape. This is not the 970's. And you sir, are not Elvis Prancely. Or Jimmy Manedrix. Or Adam Ducoltwhitcz. Or a member of Gwar." Before remembering what triggered her spur of the moment thoughts. The young newcomer that joined them in the basement for the audition.


"Uh hi. Ruby. Ruby Rain. I uh, play guitar. yep. Nice of you to come by. Was worried that it was just gonna be us for a while." Ruby got up and began arranging her equipment, first plugging in her mareshal stack, then her distortion pedal into the power strip. After that, she set her guitar case down, rolled open the combination locks on either end like a briefcase. With a slight click, she opened the lid, revealing her choice of instrument. A 7 string BC Rich WarBeast. 


Image result for bc rich warbeast 7 string

She plugged in her guitar and turned the switch to on. A crackle emitted from the speaker. Pinching the knob between her wing tips, she slowly turned it one way, then back the other, ear to the monitor as she appeared to gauge her settings with the utmost precision. 

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@Silver Note @Techno Universal @Denim&Venom

Hex walked over to the amps and grabbed his Ibanez SRFF805.



Plugging it in and tuning it to Drop D at first for this session. "Yeah Tech, I think the cape idea isn't sitting well with the group. I mean, if you want you can wear yours but I think most of us are going to pass." He said as he turned to face the rest of group. "Alright everypony, listen up. There are 2 things I want to say right now. Erm, 3. First thing is, is that we need a drummer. Pretty badly. Second, this group is a democracy, there is no 'I say this, this is how it is' type of deal. If something comes up, we'll take a vote on it. Thirdly, and lastly. This is going to be an extremely tough road ahead of us. We're most likely going to be sleeping in tents, or in the vehicles we choose to take. And food's gonna be cheap and low grade.There are some weeks where we'll only get a few days of sleep just to catch the next show. It won't be easy but we dedicate our selves to this maybe we can survive. Do we all understand?" He asked the group.


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TU: Yeah I guess I can agree with those terms!


Techno knew he was a robotic machine but he knew the band wouldn't understand so he came up with a story of a strange incident that actually never happened to him.


TU: Yeah to be honest I don't know how but I believe I can survive without food and water for over a month as I leant that from an incident when I got trapped in a cave in the everfree forest for a full 30 days. I was stuck in there without food and water for a full month until I was rescued and I didn't even feel hungry or dehydrated after or during that incident. It might be something to do with me being an alicorn but I seriously don't know for sure yet. Though about the capes apparently it's just some very mysterious quirk that's in my subconsciousness so I seriously have no real control over it. Really the best I can do is try to understand it. 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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"Dang, that thing is cool!" Silver said, motioning towards Ruby's electric guitar. "I don't have one yet, but I do play guitar. May I?"



"Ehh, sounds fun," Silver said, less enthusiastic as she had been previously. "I'd just have to ask my sister... Dang it." She paused, thinking. "Oh! Heck, wait!" She jumped up, her horn glowing. "Do you have a quill and some paper? Nevermind, I have some." The quill flew rapidly across the paper. In no time, Silver had written a small note. Putting the quill down, she shut her eyes, concentrating on the letter. In a small burst of blue light, the letter disappeared. 

"Alright, my friend Kiwi Cookie should take care if it." She smiled. "I'm in!"


@Techno Universal

Silver Note nodded, a bit suspicious of the story, but impressed nonetheless. "Dang, that's cool. And, although I wouldn't wear the cape onstage, I like them! They're fluffy." 

Edited by Silver Note
  • Brohoof 1


Amazing signature by LyraFries

--My OC---

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1 minute ago, Silver Note said:




"Dang, that thing is cool!" Silver said, motioning towards Ruby's electric guitar. "I don't have one yet, but I do play guitar. May I?"



"Ehh, sounds fun," Silver said, less enthusiastic as she had been previously. "I'd just have to ask my sister... Dang it." She paused, thinking. "Oh! Heck, wait!" She jumped up, her horn glowing. Do you have a quill and some paper? Nevermind, I have some. The quill flew rapidly across the paper. In no time, Silver had written a small note. Putting the quill down, she shut her eyes, concentrating on the letter. In a small burst of blue light, the letter disappeared. 

"Alright, my friend Kiwi Cookie should take care if it." She smiled. "I'm in!"


@Techno Universal

Silver Note nodded, a bit suspicious of the story, but impressed nonetheless. "Dang, that's cool. And, although I wouldn't wear the cape onstage, I like them! They're fluffy." 

Techno then started snuggling in his cape...


TU: Yeah even I still love snuggling in them! Like I've always loved them and I think it's just imprinted on to my system.


(Gotta rush off to school now! :) )


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@HexDex @Techno Universal @Silver Note

"So you're an acoustic player then?" she said as she gently hoofed over her axe. "Now be very, very gentile with it. It was a cutesinera present from my parents. No idea how much it's worth. But it's the sentimental value that really counts. Well that and buying a new one in decent condition is a pain in the flank. Can you imagine how many more hours I'd have to work at Bargain Bits just to save up enough money on the side to buy me a new one?" She turned to Hex Dex.

"That is a good question actually. If we do tour, how are we gonna pay for it? Where are we going to get the money for food and lodging, not to mention having enough to purchase equipment to record a proper demo tape should this amount to anything? Some of us do have day jobs and some of us do have rent to pay and mouths to feed. Primarily our own. 

And I thought that this was an audition, as in we would try out for the position against other musicians, rather than just accepting whomever was gonna walk through that door. And perhaps we should wait on gettign a drummer before we even consider planning a tour. "

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@Denim&Venom@Techno Universal@Silver Note

"To answer your question Ruby, I have enough bits saved up from my years of working to purchase a vehicle to get us to and from small time gigs. About the studio, we'll it's in the basement, the one we're currently standing in." He said as he pointed around the various equipment. "We can do a demo, sure after we work on some songs. But for now like you said drummer is needed badly. And if we're in a pinch for bits, bar hopping for shows, or playing open mics is good to get the word around and maybe get some bits on the side." He said as he looked around the group. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Walking through the streets of the small town, Red noticed posters scattered between lamp posts. With interest, she levitated one in front of her, reading it to herself. She quickly enjoyed the idea of being in a band, making music with other ponies. The red maned poney smiled to herself and began sauntering to the listed address. 

Red stumbled up to the door, poster floating beside her. The pony was only slightly nervous to possibly meet the pony- or ponies that put up the poster. She knocked on the front door just loud enough for those inside to hear. While waiting, the pony began tapping her front hooves on the ground, hearing faint sounds from inside the building. She observed what was around her, hoping that the band still needed a drummer. Then again, drums are pretty fun to play she mused to herself. 

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