Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,814 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 Where do I even start here? Hmmm.....This is going to be a long post. XD Rollercoaster Tycoon One of the most fun and still fun games in my life. Prior to my first run-in to RCT the most I had played was the likes of Sim Theme Park and Theme Park Rollercoaster, which were both fun for sure, but RCT is a different kind of beast. The pure sense of running a theme park down to the individual colors of rides, naming the rides, watching the visitors actively do things with their own animations like getting in a ride or sitting at a bench for a snack, it is the pure attention to detail and amazingly aged visuals that pulled me in so much. I truly felt like I was making my own theme park with non-stop glee. This is a game that I always feels joy when playing. Starting up a new park is like starting a new canvas that purely exists to bring a smile to my face. It had a large impact on how I perceived games like this, to me hardly any other simulation/management game has come close. I also fondly remember anytime I would go to Holiday World (an Indiana theme park not far from where I live) and take in the theme park atmosphere, I would immediately look forward to going home and playing Rollercoaster Tycoon and CREATING that theme park atmosphere myself. I will never forget the first time I played it either. A good 8-10 hours of joy. Animal Crossing I actually got into this one late from its release, in 2003 specifically. Saw my brother playing it on his Gamecube and I instantly wanted the game for myself. When I got my Gamecube that year, this one of the first titles I got for it and I am so glad I did. Firstly, the use of the in-system clock blew my mind at the time, I thought that was genius and in many ways it still is. The simple but so charming graphical style felt so peaceful, especially with the wonderful music. I also got the game during the Winter, which is my favorite season and DAMN is it awesome in this game. Hearing that glorious sound of snow crunching beneath my feet was endless ear pleasure. Then there's all of the activities that you can, which were all fairly simple but were so relaxing to do and they all felt honest. Earning money by fishing or harvesting fruits or whatever else all felt genuine and it was fun getting that money to better your house or buying what Tom Nook may have in stock today. That was another thing was that it always gave me a reason to come back every day, to see what was new, to see what new things were happening or what items were for sale. It essentially did what mobile games would do many years later except here it was done way earlier and actually done WELL. The first game will always be in my heart for not only starting my love for the series but because it has a particular feel that the sequels don't quite have. That is not a bad thing, it is essentially each game feels unique and I like the unique aspects of the first game. Now, AC New Leaf is one of my favorite games ever and Animal Crossing is by far my most wanted thing for the Switch. Too bad Nintendo is too busy snorting Smash Bros. nonstop to care. Pokemon Ruby & Pokemon Crystal This was a difficult choice at first but I decided to put these two together because I love them both for similar reasons, they are tied as my favorites in the franchise and I actually got both of these games around the same time, literally within days of each. Ruby had just came out and I friggin loved it so far, then I saw a copy of Crystal at a store and I had never played it, so I got it too and friggin loved it as well! While I do always love the first gen, it is these two games that truly cemented me liking the series as much as I do now. Both were big leaps from their previous incarnations, both introduced awesome new features like eggs, berries, double battles and hideouts and other things, and both had such a nice atmosphere with great music, with Crystal possibly having my favorite soundtrack of the series. I have been playing Crystal recently on my 3DS and I still love it to this day, even moreso now that I know some ins and outs of the stats in the game. Makes me appreciate my team even more. Dynasty Warriors 4 This is such a strange one for me. Never had I played a DW game before this and the only reason I played this one was on a random playing the demo of the game on a disk I had for PS2. For some reason I fell in love with it though. I think it is multiple things, like the feeling of combat, the sense of taking down tons of guys on a decently large map for the PS2 era, and the sheer abundance of characters to level up and get new weapons for. Then there were the little quirky things about me that drew me towards the game. See, I was always a fan of the idea of a strategic battle game, and I never really got to play many of those. This game came along and while it has no major strategy in actuality, I loved putting that in there myself. Any time I took a particular area, I love thinking that I just seized an important capture point where my troops can come through and secure this part of the map, and as I would take down foes my control would increase. Later games in the series would actually have this idea with you capturing territories but even here I made it up for my own enjoyment. This all sparked a love I have for the franchise that led to me putting so many hours into different games in the series. Even the Gundam games were great. Sadly the series seems to be on a weird downhill path lately. Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo While I do enjoy the puzzle genre, no other game hooked me more than Super Puzzle Fighter 2. This is another slightly weird one, as I never actually owned the original PS1 game. I was introduced to it via a demo disc, and I played it sooooooo much. Years later, they released Puzzle Fighter 2 HD for PS3 and Xbox 360, and I bought that version and played it SO. MUCH. I don't think there is a single other arcade-style game that I have played this much. Its gameplay is just that fun. The gameplay alone is awesome, using colored blocks to deal damage to your opponent was nothing new for the genre, but it is the style in which it is portrayed. Making it feel like a Capcom fighting game with your characters actually attacking each other made it feel so satisfying to break a huge block and get a combo going, not to mention the amazing ultimate attacks that were so damn cool! Then there's things like the visuals which were so eye-pleasing especially in the HD version and the glorious sound effects, both of the hits landing and of breaking the gems, which was ear candy. This game is BY FAR my favorite of the genre and simply one of my favorite games period, possibly being my top favorite Capcom game too. It is just so much fun and even hearing the music puts me in the mood to go gem fighting. So much so that I am still hoping and possibly a bit desperate that Capcom will put Puzzle Fighter 2 HD on Xbox One via backwards compatibility. I really, really want that to happen. *-* Forza Motorsport 5 Before this game, I was never much into the racing genre, other than arcade racers like Mario Kart. Anything beyond that I rarely played, save for games like 2005's Need for Speed Most Wanted which I loved and other bits and bobs here and there, but no other racing game hooked me like FM5. This will sound dumb, because it is, but I originally got this game simply because the Xbox One just came out and I wanted more games that truly showed off the new awesome graphics. I'm a sucker for that. As a result I did not fully get into the game at first and I sucked at it, but eventually I started to really get into it and appreciate what it does. The huge selection of cars, the customization, the detailed tracks, it not only sparked my love for the series and the genre overall, but for motorsports as well, specifically GT3 racing which I enjoy watching. The main reasons for all of this is that Forza is by far the most welcoming racing game of this type. It has so many options to make your experience how you want it, whether you are a pro or completely new like I was. It is all very user friendly. All of that combined with the level up system that earned you experience not by your performance but just by performing, that all wrapped up into a package that kept me playing and being addicted, and I bought the sequels day 1. As I first discovered with this game as well, it is quite relaxing for me. I like doing 1 hour+ races while having some videos I like on in the background while racing. Truly puts my mind at ease. Minecraft Specifically first on the Xbox 360. This is a game that needs no explanation, but I will explain why I love it. At first, I never got the idea when I heard about it. I mainly heard of creative mode and thought it seemed boring and pointless, as I am no artist at all. Then, a friend introduced me CastleMiner Z, an Xbox 360 indie game that had the same style of gameplay to Minecraft before MC was out on 360, albeit with highly inferior, well, everything. That introduced me to the survival aspects of this type of game and I really enjoyed that. At first I thought that would be my fill for that style of game, but then Minecraft came out officially on 360. I played the trial and I was mesmerized. Truly, it was a magical experience. Hearing that oh so wonderful music, the sound effects, and best of all, getting resources to make my own home and shield myself away from the dangers of night, it felt so fulfilling and fun. I would then later play it with friends in survival and I have so many fond memories, particularly with a friend of mine on the Xbox One version. I will NEVER forget the fun we had and still seeing the world that we made on my Xbox One, it makes me both nostalgic and a bit saddened, because I want those days to return. There definitely more but I will stop there for now. I am feel oh so nostalgic now. At the same time I reminded myself here why I love gaming. Sometimes one needs to take a step back and just appreciate things like this and remind yourself why you love it all to begin with. That can do wonders. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yuu Xeno 159 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 Hmm, there's a few that I love the most, but some of them aren't 'classics' Shadow of the Colossus I remember playing this for the first time during 2005, I think This is, in my opinion, one of the greatest games ever made, and therefore my all time favorite and most important to my life in gaming. The story itself fits really nice with the actual theme of the game, which is defeating the 16 colossi to bring back your dead lover(Or close family member, since it never really tells you, which is left for speculation). Wander, the player, goes throughout the forbidden land in search of the bosses to slay, and each one is different and highly fun to take on for the first time. I remember when my father introduced me to it on the PS2, and I was blown away by the graphics(at the time) and the sense of scale. You are but a man and his horse fighting against impossible odds. For being on the PlayStation 2, the actual world you played in was massive! I mean, you could simply go anywhere in it, although you had to fight the colossus in order Dormin, who tells you what you need to know and is a God/Demi-God, shows you. I'll admit, it was the first and only game to actually make me cry at the end. It was that good. I'll never place any game above this title, no matter what anyone tells me. Uncharted Series I first played Uncharted during the summer of 2007, if I recall correctly. It was basically my first platformer, save for the originals of course. I absolutely loved the mix of climbing, action and my man crush, Nathan Drake! It was really the first game to get me into shooters and third-person games, which I got sick from, funnily enough. The second of the series, Among Thieves, is still my favorite of the genre. Sorry Lara Croft, but I never really got into your games. It paved the way to some other good games, as well as actually getting me fully into games, which at the time I only played them on occasion Resident Evil 2 Played this in 2006 on the Wii This game is my favorite Resident Evil, as well as my top pick for horror games. You just can't beat the T-Virus, ladies and gentlemen. I don't remember much about it, but I do know I was completely out of it as I played it. Leon, Clair and company were legends to me, and I don't know if I could look at any RE game the same way again. I'm looking at you RE6. I remember calling Mr.X "Trenchy", which was an inside joke with my Mom and Dad, who were gamers as well at the time. The memories of fighting the man in the trench-coat were good indeed, and I'll never forget it. That's mainly it, and there are plenty more, but I figured a top three would do nicely. :D Guitarist, Metalhead, and a Brony! Favorite Bands---Meshuggah/Thornhill/Vildhjarta/Chevelle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DixonTheAdversary 1,632 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 Hot Wheels: Beat That - First ever game I played. Guitar Hero 3 Spongebob: Lights Camera, Pants Lego Indiana Jones Scooby Doo Night Of 100 Frights Team Fortress 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Cyclone 🚓 6,261 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Still my favorite game of all time. I loved the story, the 80s atmosphere, the South Florida atmosphere, all of the references to 80s culture such as Miami Vice and Scarface. This game had some pretty sweet Easter eggs with it too. 3 Country and Rock fan | Car fan (especially police cars) | Weather Pony | YouTube | Twitter | DeviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CandyCorn 428 July 27, 2018 Share July 27, 2018 I'd have to say Pokemon. I've been playing since Pokemon Yellow, and I have so many memories with the games! Happy Halloween | Banner by @Kyoshi <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EpicEnergy 23,224 February 21, 2021 Share February 21, 2021 - Warframe: I spent a ton of time grinding in this game during college and I really enjoyed the grind. - Minecraft: I built a lot of things in this and it helped me exercise my creativity the most out of all the games I've played - Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (the old version): This is the game that I've played a ton when I was young and it was very exciting. I think I played it the most out of all the games I've had when I was gaming on the PS2. - Call of Duty: Ghosts: This game is the game that started me onto a path of competitive gaming and PvP. *totally not up to any shenanigans* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vefka 1,499 February 22, 2021 Share February 22, 2021 Fallout 3: I first read Fallout Equestria without any knowledge of game series and really loved the fanfic. Then I decided to play it and it felt like I was playing AAA game based on one of my favorite fanfics Cyberpunk 2077: Although it came out like a month ago and in a beta state, I still love this game. Characters, world, story, music, I see how much developers put in the game and it's a great disappointed that they couldn't finish it 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Sparkle97 402 February 22, 2021 Share February 22, 2021 Super Mario Sunshine and Legend of Zelda: The Wind - Waker had meaning to me when I was younger, but now Super Smash Bros Brawl has meaning to me. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ExplosionMare 18,088 February 22, 2021 Share February 22, 2021 FNAF 4 because when I first played it, I didn’t see it as a convoluted story or a FNAF 1 ripoff. I saw it as something I could relate to since the kid in it was very quiet and was bullied for no good reason Mario Party DS was a game I used to play all the time, so it definitely has meaning to me even if I don’t really play it anymore Cookie Shop DS because even though it isn’t much, I really used to enjoy it and the graphics are so pleasant to look at 2 Boom! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prospekt 11,021 February 22, 2021 Share February 22, 2021 A bunch of old 2000s games like NASCAR 06, Ace Combat 04, Sky Odyssey, Star Wars Battlefront and its sequel (not the newer Battlefront games), pretty much every Sonic game from that era apart from 06, classic Animal Crossing, the first few WWII Call of Duty games, Gran Turismo 3 and 4, the DS remake of Final Fantasy IV, SpongeBob: Battle For Bikini Bottom, Pokémon Diamond, Animal Crossing: Wild World... the list goes on. Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clawdeen 15,524 February 23, 2021 Share February 23, 2021 Sly Cooper - I played the daylights out of the first and second one as a kid. I loved them so much. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I played the death out of this one as well as a kid. I especially loved the Chao Garden. Pokemon Silver and Pokemon Emerald. Played both of these a lot. Night in the Woods Undertale 1 * Freaky Just Got Fabulous * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 February 27, 2021 Share February 27, 2021 Super Mario World - I believe this was one of the first games I remember playing, originally on my grandfather's SNES but later on the Game Boy Advance. I remember this being the first game I pretty much 100% completed, and to this day it's just a game I really like going back to and have a lot of respect for. Pretty much got me into Nintendo games and retro games in general. ROBLOX - I know this game is kind of a meme but I gotta admit, I spent so much time on it as a kid (especially between 2009 and 2012) and I remember it being sort of a game that got me into content creation in different ways, and not to mention I met so many friends through it, a few of which I'm still good friends with to this day. Undertale - My personal favorite game of all time. I pretty much instantly found a lot of respect for this game's structure and design, particularly with how the morality system is integrated within the gameplay, but I feel like it changed how I look at video games and the world in general. Plus it was probably the first piece of media in general where I really found characters I could connect to and found any sort of emotional investment within. Just a really unique game to me and one that had an influence on me in general. Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3&K - Honestly I feel like all of these helped me get into the Sonic franchise and I can't really choose a single one that has specific meaning to me (although I'd probably say 2 is my favorite). Alongside Super Mario World, they did help me get into retro gaming. Always really liked the series' approach to level design, and I'd say all of these alongside Sonic Generations really helped me appreciate game design and replay value. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pandora 38,089 February 27, 2021 Share February 27, 2021 Spyro - ps1 version. I grew up with the game and helped me so much. Pokemon - Pretty much all of those games helped me get through my childhood that's why pokemon still means the world to me. Okami - because it is japan themed in everything. It's basically awesome. Overwatch - because i get to play it with my bestfriend time to time again and it makes it fun to play Maplestory - memories. #NoAI please be so kind to not throw my artworks into AI machines, This is something that unsettles me heavily! <3 Signature by @Moonlight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flying Pencil 3,024 February 27, 2021 Share February 27, 2021 Pokemon because I have a good nostalgic feeling towards it. Division 2 because I have met some really great friends online Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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