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@Dynamo Pad @Lloyd @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe

Celestia frowned at Ursa's comment, "I promise you, you are way more useful than you think you are." She looked at the other ponies, "I leave this to you, now. Gaurds, please help them to the Everfree Forest!" 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Lloyd @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @MisterRe @Pr0m4NV14

Dynamo looked over to the green unicorn who had spoken up. He walked over to her, so as to not scare her. He nodded slowly, before responding. "Honestly, I feel a little confused and concerned. I still don't get why we have to search for the answers on our own. Maybe as a group we'll come up with the answers, but it's still a toss up, if you ask me." He smiled softly, before continuing. "I won't lie to you. I'm honestly a little nervous about taking on this mission. I'm a gamer, so the greatest deal I've had to deal with is a convention tournament for a trophy. Hearing the crowd behind you can get your nerves all in a knot." He shook his head at the countless times of being nervous at a tournament. "All I know is that we are all in this together and we'll succeed together. My name's Dynamo Pad, by the way, but you can call me Dynamo. It's nice to meet you, Miss..." He said before catching word of Princess Celestia. He was ushered, as well as the other ponies along with him, out of the castle.

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@Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3

"It's, Crystal." She said, looking with him to Celestia, giving him a glance after. They did need to find this as a group, it wasn't like they'd win a prize for being the only one to discover the orb. That'd be silly. But with seeing how open this one was with his feelings about this, she sure felt much more confident in the others, but still not herself. "And I wouldn't expect a crowd of ponies cheering us on when this is over. If that was the case. I'd not take it well, being that I have stage fright." Despite being a writer, Crystal never did like when she had physical confrontations with her audiences, especially in large numbers, it was just overwhelming.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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@Lloyd @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe

Dynamo chuckled and nodded in agreement. "It'd be funny if we did get a crowd of ponies cheering us for our accomplishments, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Besides, you're not alone in that department of fear. I have stage fright myself, but it's in the form of singing. I always try to sing songs in karaoke, but I always tense up in fear of messing up." He says as the group began making their way out of the castle while being escorted by the guards. "Since we are all going on this journey. What do you do for a living, Crystal? I'd like to get to know more about you and the others. This way, we can make strategies that matches each other's strengths. That, and maybe we can all be friends." He says as he spoke that last part quietly to himself. He didn't want to push his luck, if the others weren't keen on friendship.

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@Dynamo Pad @Lloyd

"Ursa." She whispered, one they were outside (thinking he was talking to her). She turned her head and frowned at Crystal, "Why would anypony be cheering us on? Are you some kind of celebrity?" She asked curiously, not meaning to sound rude. 

"I can't believe I was dragged into this. The Princess knew I was weak..." 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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 @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @MisterRe @Dynamo Pad

"I write books Dynamo, but knowing that makes me unconfident that I am qualified for what we are about to do." Admitting this she felt a bit better, it wasn't like she planned to hide this the whole time, but at least she wouldn't have to feel like she had to hide it now. "This whole thing could inspire a book perhaps, depending if we make it out unharmed." She mumbled the last bit, again, she was unconfident she was qualified for this, but even sure if she'd make it out alive... "I'm just not sure what I'm doing here to help." She looked to Ursa when she spoke, tilting her head in curiosity. "I was just commenting on what Dynamo said Ursa, the only celebrity thing about me will just be this event." She wouldn't admit the books she had written, didn't want any fangirls to deal with. Especially if she was hanging around them through the entire trip.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Emerald<3 @Lloyd

Dynamo nodded in agreement as Crystal talked about her career. "Writing books is pretty cool. What kinds of stories do you make? Maybe your talent will be beneficial for this quest." He shrugged his shoulders as he was tossing ideas around. "For me, I'm a video gamer by trade. I play games and compete in tournaments. My dream is to become a professional video game player. That, and I want to someday make games for other ponies to play and have fun." He smiled and nods. "If you make this adventure into a book, then let me know. I'll be sure to pick up a copy and read it. Though, I guess that wouldn't make sense, since we'll be living this adventure." He chuckled slightly, before giving her a sincere smile. He turned to Ursa as they walked outside. He frowned slightly at Ursa's words. "Don't say that about yourself. She picked you for a reason. If you were weak, then the Princess wouldn't have called upon you for this mission." He looked towards the ground as they walked on. "I mean, it's just what I told Crystal. I'm a gamer pony, so all I know would be strategies and tactics one could pull off in a game. I guess that can help, but how far would that get us?" He looked back to Crystal as she explained the question based on celebrity. "I don't know if anyone has heard of this name, but have you heard of somepony called Kyubiki Tenchu? I wouldn't say I'm a celebrity, but it's my gamer tag for when I compete in tournaments."

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@MisterRe @Lloyd @Emerald<3

Mike smiled appreciatively at the Unicron known as Ursa. The Earth Pony was about to say thank you, but he was given a slight shove by one of the guards. 

"Oi, you quit daydreaming an get a move on." The large, armoured pegasus barked at him. Mike wisely heeded the guard's advice and caught up with the rest of the group, an overhearing the conversation. 



"Hey, Don't worry about being useless, I'm pretty sure if we need a map you'd be good at doing that, right miss?" Mike was trying to cheer the Unicorn up, even if he didn't catch her name when Celestia called it out. He trotted over to Ursa, making sure not to get in the way.

"Hey, um... I dunno how to say this, but thanks for the bags."



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5 minutes ago, Pr0m4NV14 said:

@MisterRe @Lloyd @Emerald<3

Mike smiled appreciatively at the Unicron known as Ursa. The Earth Pony was about to say thank you, but he was given a slight shove by one of the guards. 

"Oi, you quit daydreaming an get a move on." The large, armoured pegasus barked at him. Mike wisely heeded the guard's advice and caught up with the rest of the group, an overhearing the conversation. 



"Hey, Don't worry about being useless, I'm pretty sure if we need a map you'd be good at doing that, right miss?" Mike was trying to cheer the Unicorn up, even if he didn't catch her name when Celestia called it out. He trotted over to Ursa, making sure not to get in the way.

"Hey, um... I dunno how to say this, but thanks for the bags."



"N...N..no problem." Ursa said with a smile, blushing red, "My name's Ursa." 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Pr0m4NV14

Crystal sighed, so much for avoiding mentioning it, now Dynamo straight up asked her about it. Should've guessed that mentioning that she wrote books would've induced him asking. "Mystery books mainly, I prefer those since I can go into depth on descriptions and have every detail have purpose." She said, smiling to herself. She did enjoy writing a good mystery book. "You might have heard of what I write. If you're a Shadow spade fan." She said nervously, Crystal had only ever put her name on the book, never her face. To avoid being confronted about the fact she wrote it, and now she just opened herself up for a confrontation.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Lloyd @Emerald<3 @Pr0m4NV14

Dynamo looked up from the ground as he turned his attention towards Crystal. He had a wondrous, yet curious look upon his face. "Mystery is a pretty cool genre of writing. I'm more of a fiction, action/adventure and romance reader at times. I mostly read manga, but I read some books from time to time. I have read the Harry Trotter and Daring Do series." He placed a hoof upon his chin as he tried to recall the name. "I think I've heard of Shadow Spade before. I think I remember hearing Rarity going crazy about those stories. Saying something how she likes the fashion sense of the main heroine, Shadow Spade. I've never read those stories, but hearing that you wrote them might have me check them out sometime. They sound pretty good and it gives me a chance to expand my reading horizon." He says, before looking towards the group. "Is there other things that takes our interest. That, and/or any hobbies that you like to do in your spare time?" He asks hoping to expand the conversation. 

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@Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Pr0m4NV14

She sighed, glad that he wasn't a extreme fan of the series. "Well my current interest is knowing how my mystery book writing skill applies to this adventure." Crystal said, chuckling a little at the idea. But soon after she realized, she had no idea where they were headed. Sure they were chasing some villains, but she had no idea where they were herself. "What location are we headed to, actually? Might've not been paying attention to it."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Emerald<3 @Lloyd @Pr0m4NV14

Dynamo chuckled along with Crystal as he had a similar idea in mind. "Same with how video games skills can be applied to this adventure." His ears perked at the mention of not knowing where they were going. He spotted the chariot and began making his way to climb into the vehicle. "The Princess said that the thieves were last seen in the Everfree Forest. So, that's the first place on where we need to go." He gave the group a reassuring look, but he still had a look of uncertainty on his muzzle. "I have heard stories that the Everfree Forest can be a bit dangerous. However, nothing has ever appeared from the forest and attack Ponyville. I've only been living in Ponyville for about half a year, but those are the stories and rumors I've been told by the residents in town. So, if we stay together on the right path and don't disturb, the creatures in the forest, then we'll be just fine." He reassured the group. He felt nervous as he had never been in the Everfree Forest, but he knew he would have to go to that area of Ponyville eventually. 

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Corners took what she could get. Everything in her saddlebags was now hers. She had nothing to begin with anyway. The boxed pony followed the group and listened carefully in aforementioned conversation about mystery novellas. Though corners held no interest in such matters, she was more focused at the task at hoof. 

"Look, That small talk aside. We should really be focusing on the mission. Crown jewels are missing and that could very well be the end of equestria." She feigned concern for equestria's well being, her voice being muffled and echoed simetaneously within her container.


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"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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@Lloyd @Dynamo Pad @Pr0m4NV14


Eyes opening and suddenly feeling useful, Ursa levitated the map out of her bag and examined it. It was a special map, a star map.

"If that's over there, and we're right here...there!"  She shouted with a smile, pointing deep within the Forest.

"We should be heading in that direction."

Edited by Emerald<3
I had to fix it




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@MisterRe @Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Lloyd @Lucid_Nightlight


Mike glanced in confusion at the talking box.

"Th-the box is right. We should be focusing on this task of royal proportions. If we are heading to the EverFree Forest, then securing a train to wherever is close to that is what we should be doing." He said. He looked at the magical map of the Everfree forest. It was not unlike a beamguide that he had seen being used before. 

I should get something like that... He thought to himself.

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@MisterRe @Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Lloyd @Pr0m4NV14

"Sense we're giving names, my name is Arrow. Well, it's not my actual name, it's just a nickname I got after the arrow to the knee incident, so just call me Arrow."

Arrow figured he should answer the question about how he could carry so much stuff.

"Well first off, the saddlebag is magic, I got it on my first adventure. It's pretty useful. I'm trained to carry a lot of things as a guard."

Back on the topic at hoof, there was a job to be done.

"Now we know which way to go, now we must head out. There's no telling what those thieves will do!"


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@MisterRe @Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14

Crystal looked at the others, walking with them. "Yes, traveling by train to there is smarter. But it doesn't stop at the forest, closest it gets is at Ponyville, so we need to walk there." She didn't enjoy the idea of encountering the creatures that lurked in the forest, somepony here would have to face those for her. Since she didn't possess any spells powerful enough to defeat any. "But in the case we encounter these villains, or whatever else lurks in the forest, how are the less experienced of us supposed to defend ourselves?" She was solely referring to herself when she spoke, intending to stand back and watch the others get the crystal. Since for all she knew, she might have detective skills, but writing mystery novels doesn't give you that kind of skill. "All I could do is just stand there." she said, looking down at the ground, just mentioning it made her feel helpless.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @Lloyd @MisterRe

Dynamo's ears perked as the box next to them was talking as they walked. He had almost forgot that there was a sort of box pony with them. He had became very curious of this box the moment he stepped into the throne room. "While it's true we need to focus on the task at hoof. It's also better to get to know one another. This way, we can play off of each other's strengths and cover everypony for their weaknesses. Also, are you from the video game, Metal Gear Solid? The character in the game usually has to sneak around with a cardboard box, so I didn't want to assume." He knew what the answer would be, but he still wanted to ask. It was pretty cool and not everyday you see a walking and talking cardboard box.

He glanced at Ursa, who had managed to decipher the map with little to no difficulty. "It's great to see that you know where we are and where we need to go. If these thieves steal the map, then they won't get pretty far, unless they understand this star map." He nods as Mike and Arrow gave their two cents on the situation presented to them. "I guess we'll need to head over to the train station and take the first train to Ponyville. Once we make it, then we'll make our way towards the forest. We should be able to cover some ground before nightfall." He looked up to the sky and guessed that it was almost noon, or so. He smiled as he knew that they would be heading back to Ponyville, before heading to the Everfree Forest. "At least I'll be able to visit home, before going on this quest. Hopefully my boss will understand that I won't be at the arcade for a few days."

He frowned slightly as Crystal had brought up a good point. He didn't truly know much about the ponies around him, but he had to think of something. "I would say that we would need to discuss who is able to fight and who isn't. We can see who's good at what, so as to see who can figure things out. Some can fight, some can figure out battle strategies and some can look into this ruby that we are after." He said while trying to get everyone's opinion on his suggestion. 

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@Lloyd @Pr0m4NV14

"No p-p-problem." She blushed at the praise, "My name's Ursa."

Then, seeing Crystal....Ursa walked over to her and placed a hoof around her neck.

"Hey." She said with a radiant smile, "I'm not good with defenses either. So, let's be helpless together! We could protect each other." She suggested with a smile, "Call me Ursa." 

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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Its not just cardboard. There is a metallic shell in here that protects me from everything. And what ever game your talking about I ain't playing. This is a box home to surpass your 'Metal gear' whatever. And as you can tell, my field of view is  very limited but I make up for in stealth and or front lining. Though it doesn't seem so, I can knock a few heads and break a few kneecaps. Only problem is if they remove my home from my head... won't be in much fighting untill i get the box back."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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@Emerald<3 @Dynamo Pad @MisterRe @Lloyd @Pr0m4NV14

"So, some of you have no idea how to fight? Maybe I can give you pointers along the way."

He looked over at Corners. This box wad interesting.

"That armor of yours doesn't exactly look practical. How do dodge attacks in that thing?"

He looked over at Ursa.

"Don't worry too much about being unable to protect yourself, I'm guard for reason, and as I said before, I can probably teach you a thing or two."


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@Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14 @Lloyd @MisterRe

Dynamo nodded as he took in the idea of the box. "That does sound pretty interesting. With a metallic looking box, then it would make a great offense with a strong defense." He chuckled slightly, before shaking his head. "The box from Metal Gear Solid isn't the same on how your box works. The main character, Solid Snake, is a trained soldier who uses CQC and hiding tactics. He's powerful in stealth and battle, so it's a little more complicated." He nods as he understood Cardboard's weakness. "Well, we'll just have to make sure that you don't lose your box. If that happens, then we'll make sure to get it back. We have to all back each other up. It's what being a team is all about."

Dynamo nodded slightly at Arrow's question of fighting. "You...could say that, Arrow. It's technically fighting, but I fight in a different sort of way." He winks to Arrow, before continuing. "If we get into a fight, then you'll see what I'm talking about, unless you want me to explain right now, then I'll do my best." He looked over to Ursa and nods in understanding. "At least you'll be able to protect yourself and others if we get into a situation. I know a laser spell and some teleportation, but not that many defensive spells. I have a bit of a problem when it comes to magic. I know it's strange to hear that when you hear that from a unicorn, but unfortunately it's true. Something happened when I was born and I recently discovered magic a few years ago."

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@MisterRe @Dynamo Pad @Emerald<3 @Lucid_Nightlight @Pr0m4NV14

Crystal looked even more nervous now. "W-well, being taught mid battle wouldn't exactly be ideal. And we need to finish this mission as quickly as we can so we can't train prior either." She said, increasingly realizing she may just have to hide behind a rock if they encountered the villains. "But I'd be fine with you just protecting the team, since you're qualified." She added, sighing after, realizing if she kept singling herself out for being defenseless, she'd be less likable.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


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