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On 8/29/2018 at 7:02 PM, Loud Opinion said:

If only things were so perfect. Derpy looked downward and did her best to swallow her sorrows. She only met this young mare moments ago. What would she think if she just fell apart on her? No, what are friends for if you can't open up to them? But what was she to say? Her beloved outlived the heavens above. What if he forgot that she was still alive? No pony would understand that fear.

As derpy thought this, her eyes began to well up, and she embraced Urania tightly, desperate for any comfort she could get. "But what if he-" Derpy tried to sob out, "what if he forgot-" but she started to choke up and she had to extend the last word out, "about me." Again she continued, strained through tears and heartache, "He's been with so many mares... I- I-" That was all she could manage, not wanting to overdo it in front of her new friend.

 ((If i may continue))

Derpy realized shamefully what she said, drying her eyes as she followed Urania, sniffling.  "I didn't mean...that is...I know he wpuld jever forget me...not really."  She spoke softly now, her eyes seeming to look in opposite directions, "He never forgets his companions...  what I mean is...what if he never comes back and its my fault.   Why didn't he take me with him... what was he so afraid of.  He doesn't do well on his own, and he knows that!"  I mean, for Celestia's sake, I have saved his life at least as many times as he has saved mine!"

she realized at once that she said all of thos aloud to her new friends, and, as her luck would have it,  two princesses whose paths that theu crossed while walking.  She stopped, grey cheeks reddening, "um...figuratively speaking of course..."  she finished with a nervous laugh.


cadence noticed Uriana, as she passed back by them, overhearing a bit of the grey pegasus.  She giggled despite herself, "It sounds like the pegasus has a special somepony!"  She sang.  She took a breath before looking to Urania, "I hope ypu can forgive me if I upset you.  I was just so excited that Luna had an apprentice, and it brpught me back to when Twilight was Celestia's apprentice, and we saw eachother for more than weddings, and huge problems facing Equestria.  I didnt mean to disrespect you."


Derpy blushed, but couldn't speak...She was right next to the two princesses.  Did they know her?  Had she met them before now?  Time travel was so confusing!

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  • 1 month later...

This was all a little bit too much attention than Urania was expecting for the evening. Luna's very direct method of teaching didn't leave a lot of room for a social life outside of her studies, even without them though, ponies would usually rub her the wrong way with their focus on her size, making small talk difficult. Besides that, these lessons were supposed to be something special; between her and her mentor, but, frustratingly, nopony seems to see it that way. Urania was half certain that Twilight Sparkle never had to deal with this much intrusion in her studies, but then she remembered Luna's past. A solitary life fostered envy in the mare's heart. It eventually consumed her, possessing her so that she would to its fowl biding. With that memory came a realization: Perhaps Urania was being tested. Maybe this was Luna's way of vetting out ponies that would make the same mistake she made. That left Urania with a simple choice. On one hoof, what Luna had done worked out for her in the end even with a lot of heartake along the way, but on the other, Urania could circumnavigate that heartake altogether if she started reaching out to other ponies more. She had no time to think of what Luna wanted, the pause was already a little awkward, so she responded, "It's nothing Princess. The more the merrier right Luna?"


Luna looked back and slightly nodded with a calm smile. At least her student had an easier time getting along with other ponies than she did, Luna thought as she tried to usher the two back to the observatory, "If that's all settled then we should get going. The night won't last forever after all."

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Cadence had overheard the delivery pony's plight, but only in pieces of minimal context as she had to keep up with Luna's conversation. Maybe she could help the mare but without to proper context, it could very well end worse than how it started; besides, she had to direct her attention to her aunt Luna. There aren't many opportunities for ponies to insert themselves into Luna's life, so, given that she could very well find herself as immortal as her one day, it would not only be in her nature to take this opportunity, but it would also be quite practical. However, it seemed that Luna would take the incisive, and encrust this night as a proper night to spend with her.


"Looks like someone is already making new friends. Well, as much as I'd love to invite more ponies on our expedition, I'm afraid the stars can only be so accommodating," Luna mentioned, "Don't worry though, I'm sure there will be plenty of time to talk after tomorrow's ceremony."


Now that they were all close to the observatory, Luna took the led and began preparing the ritual anew. Her magic grazed across the sky once more, trailing on the border between each others realm until it found the same constellation as before.


"Now Urania, my lessons thus far have taught you the tools of our work," Luna declared though bright white eyes, "Just as an old kingdom shepherd would rely on its hounds to protect the sheep, so too are we like Shepards. The only difference is that we protect Equestrian citizens and the stars act as our hounds. By now you have all the tools you need at your disposal, but now it is time for you to learn our trade so those tools can do more than collect dust. Tonight, Urania, we begin refining your raw scholarship into professional craftsmanship."


And with that, the room started to wobble like the shifting sands of a windy desert, "Now Urania, step inside, and let us be off," Luna said as the glow of her eyes started subsiding, and she added in a flatter tone, "You can also come with us Cadence; if you wish."

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Cadence looked between the gray pegasus and her aunt.  "I will come in just a moment."  she nodded, feeling she had to say something.  There was a love that swirled around the pegasus.  It radiated so brightly yet there was a pain as well.  She sat by the pony, for a moment, a warm smile on her face, "I am certain your love will come back to you.  Until they do, never give up the light inside yourself."  She stood up, nodding to the pony before going back to her aunt, "I am ready when you are, Aunt Luna."  she nodded, closing the door behind her.  She hoped it was enough to help the Pegasus find her way.  She couldn't be sure.


Derpy's ears drooped.  Of course, she wouldn't be allowed.  She knew that before they said a word.  After all, they were all such important ponies, and she...she was a simple mail carrier...even the doctor had to leave in order to try to keep her safe.  She knew that she wasn't like these amazing princess, though she wished she could be.  She saw it in her dreams, waving at the ponies loving her, wings and horn on her head, leading Equestria to a better future with the Doctor right by her side, no longer worried over her with her new found powers.  A dream that would never come true.  She breathed, refusing to shed any lonesome tears held in her heart, "No, I understand.  Maybe I could come back another time to see the stained glass."  she nodded as they went off.  Cadence stopped.  The words she spoke caused the tears to leak despite Derpy's best efforts.  How could she tell?!  They left her in the castle, by herself, door shut.  Head to the ground, she started to make her way back. 

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She watched, or to be more exact, listened to the interaction between Princess Cadence and Derpy with one ear turned. It made Urania a little sad, she just had the rare opportunity to make a new friend, her studies keeping her busy most of the time and her grandfather the rest. And it was already over so quickly.  She understood of course that the lesson was more important, especially since it had already been delayed long enough. Maybe she could try the find Pegasus tomorrow? Although, knowing her own luck, Urania thought that was unlikely. 

She sighed quietly to herself, hiding her concerning thoughts behind a soft smile. Her inner monologue would have to continue later. She turned to follow after her mentor. "What is it we're going to look at again, princess? I cannot remember if you told me before or not." Urania asked curiously. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Luna's eyes returned to their standard order and the room around the three took shape. Though, the shape it took was entirely foreign; as is expected of the dream realm. "Welcome to the dream realm Unaria. This sacred place where the average contact the cosmic. This dream, in particular, has a major roll in our waking world for the constellation ruling over it is connected to all other dreams. Usually, constellations such as these rarely ever need to connect with ponies as the other constellations can offer enough companionship for them, but this one has been rejected by the other constellations. I don't know why, or how a single constellation could fall out of favor so rapidly, but it is through these dream walks that we look to find that out." Luna explained as her horn flared again.

This dream was being difficult with her; not too surprising given the constellation dictating it. She had cast a few spells to get it to reveal itself to her guests. As she continued, the indescribably malformed landscape gave way to a smooth and lifeless expanse of stone. Various Statues with properly placed fountains littered the landscape all in various states of disrepair. Half crumbled ones were stood right beside pristine ones with no clear order. This wasn't the most reassuring sight to Luna. It seemed more like a nightmare than a dream, but she has seen ponies in high spirits for worse places. Wanting to see her guests in higher spirits, Luna decided to give them a more active role. She knew first hand that passivity can harbor some dreadful feelings. "Today, we intend to see such a pony who has been chosen by this constellation. Normally a dream like this would be difficult for me to traverse quickly. How about you and Cadence explore ahead a little and see if you can find him before I can?"

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Cadence stared bewilderdly around as reality faded into the dream scape.  The world hecame starlit, and she was walking on nothing as space surrounded her.  It took a bit of time for her to come to terms with the sudden change.  Feelings wahed over her of confusion and excitement, with a dash of fear.  She looked over to Uriana, Wondering if this was her first time in the dream scape.  Was she the only one who felt a bit like a fish out of water...not that it was the first time she felt that way.  Memories swept through her mind of when she found herself in Celetia's area woth a jew horn adorning her head and suddenly found herself a princess.  She smiled, remembering how she felt so scared, thinking that she would never be a good princess...wondering what her role would be.  Her mind focused on Luna as her aunt spoke.  "Alright." Cadence nodded, wondering if she and Uriana should stick together or split up as she slowly walked, trying to see if Uriana was going with her or away from her.

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Thanos woke up his neck stiff from working at the desk. He knew it was some time before the ceremony yet but he needed to think. He silently left his room and started to walk. He wandered the halls of the castle allowing his magic to cloak him in a grey mist. It was an unconscious trait when he did not wish to be seen. He had hoped for instant answers when he arrived but he knew that was foolish. Time would provide the answers he supposed. At that thought, his knees buckled. Chronos the avatar of time was his father. Time could no longer speak to him....

" I cannot break.... I cannot break... I must move forward. " 

Kneeling down he softly spoke that phrase like a mantra. He knew he had to be strong for his sisters' sake. He could not let her down.  His wings shook with emotion as he struggled to avoid tears. Death could not cry. But his eyes frosted with moisture anyway. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Derpy started on her way out.  At least, she tried to start on her way out but every hall looked the same to her, and soon, the pegasus was lost in the castle.  "Oh sweet Celestia...how do I get out of here?!" She asked allowed.  There was nothing showing any differences.  She sighed, turning another corner only to he suprised by the mist in the middle of the hallway.  Confused, she slowly approached it.  Her mind went back to the rules of traveling with the doctor.  Rule number 14: if there's something that seems off...investigate! The mist seemed to be crying somehow.  Unless tue sound was her imagination.  "Um..excuse me...uh, mist...my name is Derpy...I'm no pony special, but if you need somepony to listen to your problems, I have two ears that work well for listening.  I might even have a muffin if you want to share." Great, offering a muffin to a mist that probably wasn't actually crying...she felt more than a bit foolish.  Still, she had seen all manner of strange things with the Doctor.  A ceying mist wouldn't even make the top 5 list, so why not try?

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Hearing a soft voice Thanos was startled. He stood up swiftly seeing a grey pegasus peering into the mist. Between the emotional turmoil, he was feeling and the pony startling him he was borderline as far as magical control. His reaper form came forth as the mist vanished. He stood before the pegasus wings flared. His body emitting the chill of frost causing him to appear to smoke slightly. His eyes black as the void and his face taking on skull-like markings. 

" I am prince Thanos. Not a mist. Who are you? " 

His voice was the ethereal quality of the grave but the intimidating appearance was belayed by a ring of frost around his eyes that showed how close to tears he was. His voice though eerie was tinged with sadness. Normally ponies would flee before this form but right now it was just a pitiful mask used by a young alicorn that clearly felt lost. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Derpy froze. Before her was something she couldn't explain. The closest her mind could come up with was frozen death pony-fied. Every fiber of her being told her to run. She ignored this instinct for two reasons. One: the thing's face. Etched onto its features was a deep sadness. A heartbreak encompasing them. Derpy wanted to understand why this creature was so sorrowful because of her other reason. That second reason? The Doctor. He taught Derpy to look past what she first saw. Looks can be decieving after all. If The Doctor was here he wouldn't hesitate. He would help anyperiod who looked like this. He would help anypony, period. The Doctor was the most amazing pony Derpy knew, but The Doctor wasn't here. So Derpy knew that she would have to do. What kind of pony would she be if she didn't even try to help this creature. Derpy, therefore, stood her ground. She took a deep breath to calm herself. And she spoke, "I ment what I said. I'm here if you need somepony to talk to." Derpy waited hoping she was right. Praying to Celestia her instinct was wrong.

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Thanos took a step back. He could feel the fear off of this pony but she had not run. This was unusual. Normally the sight of this form was enough to cause any living creature to flee. But here she was standing still despite her obvious fear. He blinked causing the frost around his eyes to crack. Breathing in slowly he tried to get his emotions under control. As he centered his mind the skeletal features vanished from his face. The frost stopped pouring off of him and the air warmed. As he exhaled and opened his eyes he breathed out frost but his eyes where their normal violet color instead of the deep black they had been moments ago. He adjusted his wings and bowed slightly. 

" My name as I said is Prince Thanos of Kingdom of Seasons. Please forgive any fight I might have given you. My sister and I have just come here seeking advice from the royal sisters and well its an emotional time for us both. We lost our parents to King Sombras attack on our Kingdom and the Cyrstal Empires. We just took longer to awaken after his defeat at the hands of the unicorn Twilight Sparkle. So I am a bit out of sorts and my magical training was never quite finished... "

He was amazed that this pegasus did not flee from him but more so at how kind she seemed. So many ponies in his own kingdom treated him with such formality that friendship was not something he was accustomed to. He was unsure how to proceed but determined to try. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Righ.  He did talk didn't he.  She had been so terrified that it didn't register the first time.  Now that it did, his voice, at peast, wasn't terrifying.  He sounded kind.  And he had been another pony that had been hurt by King Sombra...a pony sue knew from experiance...she had to force old wounds and memories back down.  She couldn't blame him for feeling out of sorts with Sombra having brought the crystal empire and his land into some time pocket.  The Doctor had explained it to her when they nearly escaped the disappearing act.  She moved up, placing her hoof on him gently, "my friends call me Derpy.  You can call me Derpy too, since we're friends now." She smiled before realization dawned on her... prince Thanos...he was a prince?  Now that she really looked at him, it was obvious.  How did she not realize before...first two princes and now a new prince.  What a day.  "So you're upset because you don't know what to do, and you lost the ponies you loved? You poor pony! I am so sorry for your loss!"

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Thanos let out a laugh, the first genuine laugh he had in a long time. For whatever reason this pony made him feel at ease. He'd never tell his sister but he hated the formalities he abided by. But they were as much a part of him as his cutie mark so he did as he was taught. But here for once, he could let loose. He nodded forward slightly to indicate they should move further down the hall. He did not wish to wake his sister just yet. He needed far less sleep then she and it was going to be a long day. 

" Yes, I am a prince. Not a view good one mind you but a prince all the same. "

Thanos flinched he had reflexively answered her feelings without realizing it. Nothing was hidden from death and so from time to time he could sense the intentions or emotions of another pony and guess where their mind was headed. In this case, the confusion was obvious. But still, his parents had taught him it was rude to use his talent in this manner. He let out a whinny of laughter remembering how he embarrassed a visiting dignitary of some sort one hearths warming eve... 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Derpy blushed.  Was she so easy to read? The Doctor Doctore same way.  He was easier to talk to now that ue had stopped looking so terrifying.  She uad so many questions.  She wanted to ask how ue managed to look so scary, if that was an aspect from Sombra or something he had forever? What happend with their country.  Did sombra try to enslave it first? Were the crystal ponies okay? Do they remember anything?! Questions compiled on top of questions.  None of which seemed appropriate to ask.  What would the Doctor say?  The prince seemed to laugh now.  That was good at least.  She was helping in her own Derpy way.  The Doctor would be so proud.

Derpy followed him down the hall, "Truth be told, I'm  not even supposed to be here.  I just came to deliver a letter to another pony.  And so far I've met two princess and now you.  It's the most amazing day I've had in a long time..." so why wasn't she more excited.  It was a prince from an unexplored area that was a new friend and she felt a bit of a hole in her heart...every new experiance reminded her of how much she missed him.  She shook off the heartache, trying to stay focused on the prince.  He needed a friend, and she wantes to help however she could.  "You want to talk about not being good at something?" She decided to tell him, "I'm a pegasus amd I am by far the most clumsy pony you will ever meet.  My eyes have a weird issue where they naturally stay this way.  Unicorn doctors try to fix it with no success.  I've learned to live with my odd quirk though...even grown to like it.  It's part of me, and just like anything else, it uas its positive sides and negitive sides.  The hardest part is judging distance.  I tend to bump into things a lot because I think it's farther than it is.  But that doesn't make ke less of a pegasus.  I am and will always be me, and I'm the best ke I can be.  What I'm trying to say is....you probably don't feel like a great prince because you are looking at it like how the princesses are, but you aren't Cadence or Celestia or Luna.  You're not even your sister.  You're Thanos.  So be the best Thanos you can be and you will see that you're a wonderful prince!"

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He sighed. There was much he wanted to share but he had no idea how much was too much. How much would be " unprincely " and what is just normal oversharing? Could a prince have friends outside of their court? He saw no reason why not but still. Then he felt her confusion. He could sense the tumble of her mind as her questions flew by. This was unusual for him. Normally it was only when someone was close to passing on that he could get this solid of a read. But surely not......

His eyes turned black once more and frost flair from his nostrils as he reached out and felt for Derpys' threads of life. They were complex but solid. Her time was nowhere near up. He relaxed and turned to begin speaking when his kneed buckled. Using that trick took too much out of him if it was on a ponty solidly on this side of life. He was not well versed on what he could do just yet and his ears flattened in embarrassment.

" Sorry I just got worried that I could get a read on you so easily. That bit of magic took a lot out of me, I need to catch my breath for a minute. " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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((Awww, no reaction to best Thanos?  All well))

Derpy noticed the sudden spell, feeling ice cold for a hrief moment.  It was like a ghost storyat the part where when the ghost flys through the pony.  She tried her best to be trusting, but it still frightend her.  Before she could ask or say anything, he was down.  She raced to his side in worry.  Of course magic would still be difficult.  They had been in some sort of pocket deminsion this whole time.  "It's fine." She shook her head, now refusing to note how odd it felt, "what do you mean how easy it is to get a read on me?  Like know what I'm thinking?  Or is it something else." She wondered if it was because she was in the past when Sombra first attack..she and the Doctor tried to stop it...but the doctor said it was a fixed point...meaning they couldn't change it which never made a lot of sence to Derpy.  But she couldn't just tell him that she traveled through time.  She would sound like a crazy pony.  Everypony knew time travel magic was as dangerous as it was difficult, and the fact that the Doctor could go through it with such ease always amazed her.

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Thanos noted her worry and got up trying to look steadier then he felt. He wanted to explain it all. Wait why shouldn't he?! He was a prince dang it. Not a foal any more to be told what to do or who to associate with. He took a breath and just decided to dive in. 

" No, I can't read your mind or at least not really. What I have to share with you is going to sound crazy or even scary. But my kingdom is the kingdom of seasons for a reason. My parents where the avatars of Time and Fate. My sister and I are the avatars of Winter/Death and Spring/Potential. We are in charge of aiding those things. Which means I am in charge of not only ensuring a successful winter but helping ponies pass from this world to the next. 

As such nothing can truly hide from me. But it's not like I can see it. I can sort of feel it. Get a general idea of where to look that sort of thing. But normally I can't read anyone that is not close to death. So I got worried and looked at your threads of life and you are nowhere near your time being up. I have no idea why I can sense things coming from you so easily. I wanted to share more with you but well you saw how scary my gifts can be. Most ponies dont want to know more. " 

Thanos sighed he was worried he would scare her off. But at the same time, it felt great to get it off his chest. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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Derpy needed to take some time to proceasprocess all of the information.  Spring with winter.  Potential with death.  It seeked every country had a balance.  Sun and moon.  Spring and winter.  Love and...hatred....the thing that took over Sombra....did they know?  Had they been there before, when Sombra was as kind hearted and fun loving as any pony around?  Did they know the Sombra that was swallowed by the spirit, turning him into tue evil emporor that everyone else knew?  Sue She wasn't sure.  Just like she wasn't sure that she could helieve that he was really vanquished that easily.  As for believing Thanos.  She believed him wholeheartedly.  Why wouldn't she?  "You just wanted to make sure I was safe.  I can understand that.  There are a lot of reason why you might see mine easily.  Like I said, I'm a clutz, so maybe it's because I'm always around death and I just don't realize it since...well, ot takes a lot to hurt me..." she smiled, wondering if sue should. Continue, "or..." why not tell him? He was being so forward with her that she wanted the same.  "And this may sound just as crazy, and you may not believe me...but I travel through time.  There's this stallion, you see..." she blushed as worry and sadness wormed into her heart.  "he has this magic box that lets us go through time.  He's gone now, but we used to travel together.  I've been to the Crystal Kingdom before." She added the Kingdom to be certain to show she wasn't making it up.  No pony would know that it wasn't always an Empire."

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Upon hearing about time travel Thanos looked up. That explained a whole lot about what made this pony so different. No wonder she so easily understood him. He took in a deep breath to ensure he was steady and then spoke. 

" Derpy that explains much about you and why I can read you so easily. To travel through time you must slip between here and then. What is between time, beyond time, outside of it? Death. Now I do not know for sure your Doctor is using necromantic magic but you are both surely touched by it. Further, we must let your Doctor know that since my sister and I awakening time travel might be risky. My father was Chronos aspect of time. I being his son am something outside of time. When our parents used whatever spell they did they put their aspect into two magical items. This spell work took everything from them but kept the aspects of our kingdom running on autopilot so to speak. But with my Kingdom awakening, anything that tampers with these aspects is risky until our rule is stable and we understand how to ensure our parent's magical items are operating properly. " 


May the Friendship be with you. 


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Derpy felt a knot tighten in her stomach.  Panic swept over her like a typhoon.  Her heart was pounding on her ears.  Doctor was in danger.  "The last time I saw him, he was traveling.  He's always traveling!  He doesn't know that your kingdom is back.  He could be anywhere.  He could be any when!" She paced hack and forth, trying to think, "okay, questions.  One, can you tell if somepony is traveling through time at any time?  Two, what would happen if he's in the time vortect thingy now?  Also, would a time machine help hom? Cuz he has his TARDIS.  The TARDIS keeps him safe.  What's the worst case scenerio?  Wait, don't tell me that...what's the hest case scenerio?  Am I asking too many questions?  I'm just...I can't loose him, Thanos.  He's my very special somepony, and he means everything to me." She felt tears on her cheeks before sue realized her vision blurred.  She was freaking out, and couldn't seem to stop her self, continuing to talk now but making little sence through the tears.

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" Oh princess's Luna and Celestia might feel this one. " 

Thanos thought to himself as he closed his eyes and threw himself deep into the void that was his domain. From what others could see his skeletal markings had returned. Frost swirled around him and the air in the hall seemed to go deathly still. It was only a few minutes but for Thanos, it was an eternity and yet no time at all. This was similar to his ability to step between shadows to appear to those that need him but much harder. He finally saw the Doctor. He was not traveling, He was stopped. He seemed fine but concerned. Trying to look at the room Thanos widened his gaze and for a moment he saw it.... 

With a gasp, his eyes flew open and his form returned to normal. He fell sideways coughing frost and breathing shakily. Such travel always was hard. But here it was harder still. Possibly this place was protected?  He hoped not because that could cause a ruckus in the wee hours of the morning.... or was it still night? He was not sure anymore. 

" I saw your Doctor Derpy. He seemed fine but concerned. I can't tell where he was maybe a lab of some sort. The last thing I thought I heard was something about muffins." 

Thanos's voice was a rasp his body damp with the melting frost and his throat raw from the cold. He had gone deeper than ever before on such a whim request. He was fairly sure he was going to get a lecture from somepony on this when he was found out. Be it his sister or Luna. 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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It wasn't the sudden mention of the princesses that snapped Derpy out of her worry.  It was Thanos suddenly swirling with frist, fn ice storm developing as the marking came back and Derpy instinctively took a step away, reminding herself that this was his power.  He was helping.  Another thought crossed her mind.  The last time he had used his magic, he could herely stand and that was only for a second.  It was far more than a second.  Time seemed to slow down itself.  She should tell him to stop.  He shouldn't hirt himself.  She wouldn't want that.  She opened her mouth-


Everything stopped.  Thanos fell to the side, hos hreathing labored.  Whatever took way too much out of him.  She raced too him, driping with water feim the ice before.  After he spoke, she smiled, her ueart calming.  "Thank you for checking...Sorry I freaked out." She wanted to know everything.  Where was he? In the Tardis?  Probably the TARDIS from the description.  Lab could mean a lot of things though.  He was safe for now.  Concerned, so he couldn't get out.  Talking about muffins.  Her heart warmed.  They always had muffins and talked when things became too much for either of them.  He was thinking of her even now, on his own (which was never a good idea for the Doctor), he was thinking of her.  Trying to find a way back.  The Doctor trusted the Tardis too.  He would kbow that the TARDIS wouldn't just lock him in for no reason.  And he was safe.  Thank Celestia.  "You need to rest.  You've put too much on yourself." She noddedtrying to help Thanos up, "I'm glad to know he's safe..where or when who knows...but thats a start.  It means he can he found...and I will find him!"  

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Thanos smiled getting back to his hooves he felt weak but it was good to see Derpys' relief at the news. He wished he had his sisters talent for thermal magic but he was useless at trying to generate heat. Heck even moving items around was hit or miss and half the time he crushed them. Alicorns where supposed to be naturally gifted with magic. But for his family, they seemed closer to normal unicorns in that their magic worked best in the service of their calling. 

" I do not think he was in his machine. I could swear I saw him working on the machine or something else with the machine nearby. Void walking like that is not exactly a sure bet and the things you see are murky. Then again I must admit sometimes you can see things that might be or what could have been. But I concentrated pretty hard so I am sure he is safe even if I was off by a bit. 

Oh, do you want to come to the ceremony? I think we are allowed guests so I can have you as mine if you want. Then we can go check on your doctor afterward? " 

May the Friendship be with you. 


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"Not in the Tardis, just around it...maybe displaced some place and some time...but safe.  For now, that's enough for me."  Derpy nodded, She put her weight on his to help him up.  She knew comparatively, she wouldn't be able to lift him, but hoped her support would help him stand, "Right now, what's most important is that you rest.  You expected far too much for a simple pegasus like me.  But...I'm glad you did for the Doctor's sake."  she blushed.  He was safe.  Her mind ran through that fact over and over again, until she slipped on the water which had once been frost, sliding away from him, and bumping into the wall, cracking it with some unknown force for her small size.  She turned around, noticing the crack, and blushed, "Um...my bad..."  she mumbled, embarrassedly, trying again to help Thanos stand a bit more carefully, eyeing the crack as she did...there was no doubt in her mind that she would be yelled at and probably punished for breaking a piece of the castle.  "I am sorry...I can be really clumsy sometimes.  I don't mean to.  It just happens."

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