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Any other Fluttershy fans find Discord annoying?


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9 minutes ago, shyabetes3939 said:

As you know, I love Fluttershy to pieces, she's my waifu! :wub: However, I find her good friend Discord far more annoying than funny. Any other Fluttershy fans/lovers feel this way?



Just kidding of course. :nom:


If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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... to be fair, he DOES try to be annoying...

... but you can't really outright HATE him; after all, it throws a stark contrast between the two - her kindness and his CHAOS! throw each other into sharp relief, which (I think) makes them a fascinating & wonderful pair of BFFs.

If he does come across as an annoyance, it only makes Flutters more kind.  :umad:;)

  • Brohoof 2

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He has crossed the line on a few occasions, but I like him much more than I hate him.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Discord's lost a lot of his appeal ever since he was reformed and I dread any episode that features him. He's stopped being a fun god of mischief who's antics always calls for fun situations. Now he's just a colossal douchebag who constantly gets away with doing horrible shit and never getting any sort of comeuppance, to the point where you just want to see him get fucked with a hot, rusty pipe. The only reason anyone deals with his garbage is because Fluttershy is constantly sucking his dick

  • Brohoof 1
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Fluttershy is my favorite pony and always will be. Discord, likewise, is my favorite villain of the series. Keep Calm and Flutter On is one of my favorite episodes of the whole series, because I think Fluttershy's wit and Discord's reformation were so well done. 


Do I find Discord annoying at times? Yes.

The episode, "Celestial Advice," would be one such example.


Does he annoy me to the point where I dislike him? No.

I love his voice actor; there are more episodes where I liked him than got annoyed by him (Return of Harmony, Keep Calm and Flutter On, Twilight's Kingdom, To Where and Back Again, Dungeons and Discord, etc.); and when I'm in the mood for comedy, he's always got my back. 



I'm definitely NOT a fan of the Fluttercord ship, though...


  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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Preach it Brony. There are two types of annoying: roast god and millennial hipster. Discord is a needy man-child that will never grow up. He's like Aqua from Konosuba on divine steroids which beats the point of Aqua since being able to snap everything away directly counters her stupidity and self-impressed nature. It kinda makes him into a Mary Sue starring in a very bad self-insert fanfic written by some preteen neckbeard with bad social skills and a crush on Fluttershy. The only thing funny about this chap is when Star Trek fans go "Hur-hur de Lancie dur-dur!" and we're supposed to laugh cause Q references.


Oh, but he has Shutterfly as his weakness, so shut up Goat-kun you big meanie!


But I refuse. In a show where friendship is the one and only permissible state of existence granted to the main cast of characters, his one and only weakness is just a facade of bad writing. He can literally not become anything else but a friend to just about any amicable character that crosses his path. That's the dogma, and it turns his weakness into a non-issue from just about any perspective but that of the most hardcore fanboy who thinks that their mental gymnastic performance can serve as a fair rebuttal as long as it doesn't touch actual canon. Welcome to the fanon borderlands, kiddoes. Here's your starter nerf gun and a can of root beer!


So why bother making episodes for a hasbeen trickster whose only concern in life is friendship and who can, depending ever so slightly on the writing, remove any sort of external barrier from achieving his goal? And when he does try to roast it comes across as mean-spirited and unfunny. Yeah, our glorious writers are normies who wouldn't even be able to roast an ugly pug to save their lives. It's so easy to roast Twilight, but they've chosen to bully her through Discord instead. Why? Bucking lesson peddling, that's why! Well congratulations, your comedy skills are lower than those of Donald "Literally Bucking Hitler" Trump. He wouldn't even make Twilight cry, but he'd roast her like "Dayum!"


Do you get it, our glorious writers? You've created this shitty character and you're wearing him like a glove with which you're stroking your swollen egos. Meanwhile, the people who are actually trying to make Discord interesting are the animators. They're doing all the crazy shit with him while you're busy twiddling your thumbs in utter bewilderment cause you probably need to find yet another way to remove him from the main plot due to his OP magic you never tried to internally define. Lore? Worldbuilding? You know, the things that one could use to place restrictions on types of magic. Nope? Well, enjoy your coffee break ponderings then. You only have one season left so you're almost Discord-free! Too bad G5 threatens to demand more world than this gen, so you're basically bucked. Your best writers can't even make a peryton that makes sense from show flavor and H-Bro's toy directive. Oh, you're so very bucked

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