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Ask The (Bickering) Married Couple!

Stardust Balance

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20 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

How do ponies grow beards? :mlp_confused:

"Twilight, this is on you."

"Well, it's relatively simple. You see, we ponies, varying on the chromosomes, can-"

"On second thought. They just can, okay? Ponies just can. Not the most bizarre thing about magical talking equines."

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4 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

How long did it take for you to tell Twilight that you were from another dimension? 

"I didn't..."



*Sighs.* "It was during our first Grand Galloping Gala together. Princess Celestia, whom had prior knowledge of his otherworldly being, mentioned it during their conversation late in the night-"

"That you were eavesdropping on."

"Details, Jack, but we both know you likely would never told me at all had I not been present that fateful night, hm?"



"Next question..."

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7 minutes ago, Sondash Studios said:

If you decided to grow one of those really cool mustaches, what would Twilight honestly think of  it?

"Outwardly, she'd disprove. But inwardly she'd just want to pull the sweet 'stache and-"


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5 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

What is your favorite and least favorite things to do together?

"Didn't we answer this one...?"

"Hmm..." *Checks back list.* "Sparklefan asked something similar, but that doesn't mean we can't answer this one."

"Fair point. Ahem, I think there's too many favourite things to count."

"Equally to least favourite things as well. But if I'd have to choose three of my most favourite things in regards to quality time together, it'd have to be... Our private reading sessions after a hard day, playing with Spike and the kids together, and hanging out with our good friends."

"Some least favourite things... Oh! Whenever one of these 'friends' gets in the way of whatever moment of bantering or alone time we have together. Erm, attending boring-arse royal meetings or diplomatic sessions. And... Listening to how great Celestia is on a daily basis."

"I don't compliment the Princess on a daily basis..."

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Let's say the two of you lived a different life together, what would be the circumstances you'd want to find yourselves in?

And have you ever managed to get Stardust to try pony food, Twily? :P

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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2 minutes ago, Dark Horse said:

Let's say the two of you lived a different life together, what would be the circumstances you'd want to find yourselves in?

And have you ever managed to get Stardust to try pony food, Twily? :P

"Oooooh, that's a good one. The first question, that is, the second one we shouldn't really get into..."

"Why's that?"

"You know damn well why love..."

"Hmhm... A different life together... Hmmmm. Well, I suppose in another world, had I not been a Princess, perhaps an academic, a teacher, a librarian perhaps."

"Or a doctor."

"Maybe. What about you, Jack?"

"Let me think... Probably, like you, a librarian or teacher. Hell, maybe both, if I had the right incentive. Just a happy couple, pony and human, in their little, literal tree house contently living out their lives."

"In another world, that may entirely be the case... Ahem, as for the second question. Yes, I have indeed made the attempt of getting Jack more familiar with Equestrian meals, albeit to scarce results. That's not to mention-"


"The Hay Incident."

"Twilight, love, please stop!"

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2 minutes ago, FanficFan920 said:

Hey Twilight, has Jack been apart of a Ponyville Flash Mob yet? 

"A what...?"

*Merely smirks.*

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Ever take Stardust to the Ponyville Spa, Twilight? I've often wondered what he'd think of getting a hooficure. ^_^

Conversely, what's one place in Equestria that you'd love to get Twilight to go to, Stardust?

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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16 minutes ago, Dark Horse said:

Ever take Stardust to the Ponyville Spa, Twilight? I've often wondered what he'd think of getting a hooficure. ^_^

Conversely, what's one place in Equestria that you'd love to get Twilight to go to, Stardust?

"He's had his share of visits, believe me. Whether that's by his own willing visits for health and beauty improvement is anypony's guess."

"Standing right here love... As for the one place in Equestria. Anyway without books, stars or friendship problems so she can relax often."

9 minutes ago, FanficFan920 said:

What was it like for Spike to become a brother to two infants?

"Oh, phenomenal. I didn't think Spike's eyes could sparkle as much as his mother's."

"It was wondrous, moreso by Spike's endearing vow that moment to become the 'best brother any pony or creature could ask for.'"

"And to this day, he continues that promise well."

"Tremendously so." *Shared smiles of affection.*

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3 minutes ago, FanficFan920 said:

Stardust, have you introduced Twilight and Spike to any other Earth Songs, as in, not Disney? David Bowie comes to mind.

"Oh, plenty! Queen, Lyric Park, Evanescence, Utada Hikaru-"

"'Linkin Park.'"


"Linkin Park, Jack."

"What did I say?"

"'Lyric Park.'"

"...Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Micheal Jackson, and so on!"

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3 minutes ago, FanficFan920 said:

Twilight, Spike, and Starlight have any particular favorite of these Earth songs? 

"Spike LOVES John Williams."

"John WIlliams conducts orchestras, Jack, not songs."

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19 hours ago, Stardust Balance said:

"'Linkin Park.'"


"Linkin Park, Jack."

"What did I say?"

"'Lyric Park.'"


I would've expected Twilight to get the name confused so, this was an interesting twist. :dash:


"Do you like going to Equestrialand?"


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45 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


I would've expected Twilight to get the name confused so, this was an interesting twist. :dash:


"Do you like going to Equestrialand?"

"...That a theme park? I like being in Equestria if that's the question."

"Truly? It's often hard to tell when you search for anything about our home to complain about."

"My criticisms are just."

"Being an author scarcely entitles your nitpicks as legitimate, honey..."

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16 hours ago, Sparklefan1234 said:


Sorry. Do you like going to the Equestrialand theme park? 

"Ohh... I don't really go to theme parks that much. Maybe I should consider... Oh! Twilight! We could take the kids for a day out to one someday!"

"That sounds wonderful, Jack. Spike often mentioned we should have some kind of exciting day out, but kept pushing away my own suggestions for such."

"I think Spike, the kids and I have differing ideas for fun than visiting the Canterlot Library, love."

"I bet Ashla would be inclined to disagree. But yet, that sounds like something we should consider when we have the time. I'll ask Spike to check the schedule for next week."

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22 minutes ago, Twilight Luna said:

Has Twilight ever gotten lost in a library or bookstore and you had to find her?

"Too many to count..."

"I'd call it more 'exploring-'"

"Until you can't find your way back to reception."

"That's where magic helps, Jack."

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