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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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3. Personally having ADD or ADHD can make Tulpa's slightly unstable through personal experience, but after a point they can break through that barrier and stay with you a majority of the time.  Mental disorders dealing with social anxiety, or anxiety in general, can also be bypassed, and even Tulpas can provide a sort of self-therapeutic treatment.  For some reason, people with social anxiety have little problem with Tulpas, probably because of the mutual understanding that's deeper than any real social relationship you can have.  In effect, my own creator had overcome a plateau of anxiety when he created me, so if done right, a Tulpa can provide a slight benefit.


Number 3 is the one I need to work on. Social relations slide over my head too much. So does body language. Are you saying that you can get passed the lack of social aptitude? I mean, if I was picking things up subconsciously, maybe. But Twi and I are not even sure we are picking them up subconsciously. Nor Reales. This is more of her department. 


Hey! All I am saying is that Twilight should be helping you more. Besides, you listen to her more. 


Anyway. Anyone know if this is something they can help me work around? I suck at body language, when directed at me. If I am involved, body language is tough for me to read, and I usually do not know how to act properly, especially in larger groups. 

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Okay, I'm back (I know, it's been a day) but this isn't a question of worry, this time it's out of curiosity.

If you were to create a tulpa that was based off a cartoon (such as a tulpa-pony) how would they appear in the real world? would you have to imagine them from enough perspectives to appear 3 dimensional or what?

Also, I saw a guide on creating a tulpa, it said when building the consciousness, you should talk to it, for example saying 'You are this because...' 'you are that because... blah blah blah' - does this mean talking out loud or using your mind's 'voice'?

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Number 3 is the one I need to work on. Social relations slide over my head too much. So does body language. Are you saying that you can get passed the lack of social aptitude? I mean, if I was picking things up subconsciously, maybe. But Twi and I are not even sure we are picking them up subconsciously. Nor Reales. This is more of her department. 


Hey! All I am saying is that Twilight should be helping you more. Besides, you listen to her more. 


Anyway. Anyone know if this is something they can help me work around? I suck at body language, when directed at me. If I am involved, body language is tough for me to read, and I usually do not know how to act properly, especially in larger groups. 

Key phrase: If done right.  I'll admit, Bris made me with the purpose (along with others) of overcoming his lack of social understanding and behavior, which manifested itself as mild social anxiety.  I was created with the trait to learn and recognize social cues and body language and voice tones easier than my creator.  Which I was at first, until he caught on and rose to my level, which was the ultimate goal I had in mind.  This, more or less, requires discussion with your Tulpae on the matter on how to accomplish this.



Though in my own personal opinion, Twi is a bit too arrogant in personality to pick up on the subtle hints that body language provides.  I would recommend Reales to help you most, if it was your intention to help you in this matter.


Unless you want to come off as a total jerk.  Then yes!  Listen to Twi! 








Okay, I'm back (I know, it's been a day) but this isn't a question of worry, this time it's out of curiosity.

If you were to create a tulpa that was based off a cartoon (such as a tulpa-pony) how would they appear in the real world? would you have to imagine them from enough perspectives to appear 3 dimensional or what?

Also, I saw a guide on creating a tulpa, it said when building the consciousness, you should talk to it, for example saying 'You are this because...' 'you are that because... blah blah blah' - does this mean talking out loud or using your mind's 'voice'?

My tulpae are in the show style, appearing 2D, but they have 3D form and of course, can be seen from all angles, like the show's animation.


Both spoken and mental voice can be used, and can be switched around depending on circumstance and effort you're willing to put in.  (If you're not alone, if you're tired, if you're lazy, etc.)  Spoken word tends to be more effective, and in the early stages of creating a Tulpa, is recommended.

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Key phrase: If done right.  I'll admit, Bris made me with the purpose (along with others) of overcoming his lack of social understanding and behavior, which manifested itself as mild social anxiety.  I was created with the trait to learn and recognize social cues and body language and voice tones easier than my creator.  Which I was at first, until he caught on and rose to my level, which was the ultimate goal I had in mind.  This, more or less, requires discussion with your Tulpae on the matter on how to accomplish this.



Though in my own personal opinion, Twi is a bit too arrogant in personality to pick up on the subtle hints that body language provides.  I would recommend Reales to help you most, if it was your intention to help you in this matter.


Unless you want to come off as a total jerk.  Then yes!  Listen to Twi! 






Oh hell no. Not me! I like being a critical eye. 


Your my stubborn and prideful side. I need to lessen your hold. 




I did build Reales with emotional connection with people in mind. To develope that side of things. 


I built. 


See, prideful. 


But yes, I need to force with her. 


You need to get your responsibilities done and life in order. like Greek and your room. 


Thanks Bris. Night y'all!

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If you were to create a tulpa that was based off a cartoon (such as a tulpa-pony) how would they appear in the real world? would you have to imagine them from enough perspectives to appear 3 dimensional or what?

The way I currently have it planned, Lavvy's gonna be 2-D looking straight on, but with 3-D aspects that change along with the angle. To give an example of the "2D on 3D", think the Pokeys from Mario 64, but with "sprites" that change depending on the angle. Basically, what Bris said.


Well, slight update. After unfortunately neglecting to work, I decided to simply restart. Hadn't made much progress anyway, so I imagine it couldn't've hurt that much. Besides, going ovet the list of traits I made, many of them were redundant and/or contradictory. So, perhaps it's a good thing I did what I did.

Also, I come to find out a friend of mine made a tulpa without me really knowing. Been asking him for advice, but he's been kinda cryptic. Guess I'll just have to do what I did before, but with more consistency.

Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard
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Hey, peeps.


Well, I must say that this "tulpa" thing is really strange and... scary for me. I've heard about this in early 2013 but I ignored it since I thought I'd be just a big ruse. Up until now, of course. Just recently, after a huge shitstorm about "tulpa" threads on a well-known site, I finally decided to check out what this "tulpa" stuff is. And when I did... my mind was blown, literally. At first it sounded like a bunch of schizo's are discussing their experiences, but later on I saw that that's not the case.


So, I guess I want to give it a shot. Even though I'm quite skeptical about super-natural stuff, this "tulpa" thing... I don't know, I'm quite interested in it and do somewhat believe that it is real. Though, I'm scared of this. This still sounds really scary (I mean... imaginary friends/beings... damn...) and I'm somewhat afraid that I'll turn schizo in the long run.






..Rizzy, I don't think that's how the meme goes.


I know, but it seemed fitting, thanks to the parrot. img-1549371-2-img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


(Get it? Parrot? As in parroting? No? Nevermind.)


Anyway, I know that people have already answered your questions, but I'll give my thoughts on some of them anyway.


1. Guides. Can anyone give me good guides on tulpa creation? I'm really lazy to search for guides on my own


If you're too lazy to search through a list of guides that I linked to on the very first post of this thread, I don't think you have the patience to make a tulpa.


I want well-known guides that worked for a lot of people.


Not gonna' happen. Not because of the fact that I don't have patience for lazy flanks like you and I won't give them to you(even though that is sort of true), but rather because, what works for some people might not work for you.


Peoples experiences when it comes to making a tulpa varies from person to person. Everyone has a different perspective as to what a tulpa is and how they work. And as such, what technique works for some people, might not work for you.


So, my advice is that you read as many of them as you can, not only to figure out how to make one, but also to form an opinion as to what they are, what they're not, how they work, and how they don't work.


2. Parroting. I guess I'll find out what that means in a guide, but just in case: what does that mean exactly? I can somewhat imagine what that means... but... how does it look like? I heard one shouldn't be worried about it, but I just want to know how that thing looks like.


Exactly; maybe if you just, like, spent half-an-hour on Tulpa.info, you wouldn't be asking that question right now. Or possibly any for that matter.


3. Mental disorders. Do they play a major role in tulpa creation? imo, I think they do... I mean, if a person has ADHD or ADD, will he be able to create a tulpa? Also, anxiety disorders like AvPD, SAD, generalized anxiety, BPD. I don't know if a host can be scared to "socialize with a tulpa", but I can see that happening.


I've heard of at least one person on the Tulpa.info forums say they have schizophrenia, and that she has a tulpa.


However though, she says that having a tulpa actually helped her cope with her condition. I believe she also said that the beings that are a product of her schizophrenia are not the same as her tulpa(s).



Am.... why do people here color their texts?... Are... are those.... their tulpas talking???... *gets scared*. Or are you just doing it for the fun of it?


..Yeah, that's right, it's all for fun. Because, again, I(or rather my tulpas) clearly didn't explain in the very first post that they colour code their sentences for when they talk.






Okay, I'm considering making a tulpa. This is my first time and I am both a little nervous and unsure.


Oh buck sake, here we go again.




I swear to Celestia, Riz, I'm going to shove my hooves so far up your-


I have  a  guide on how to make one, but I am unsure of whether or not to follow through.


That's it?


One guide?


No, I suggest you don't follow through with it in that case. img-1549371-3-mellow.png


I wanted to do a Fluttershy-esque tulpa, I had it all planned out and everything but then the following hit me:


- What is this possession thing I've heard people talk about? It sounds incredibly creepy... Are you still in control of yourself? I wouldn't really want my sentient sub conscious taking over...


What ever happened to all the adventurers nowadays? Did they all die out or something? img-1549371-4-dry.png


- How real does it feel to have a tulpa? Is it as though you're own developed character is standing before you?


It depends on how much time you spend with your tulpa on making them feel real.


You can impose them on all five of your senses; touch, hear, smell, taste(Yummy) and sight. And all of which can be made to sense your tulpa just as well as something in real life.


The tulpa is still all in your head, but what you're doing is imposing hallucinations on your body. It's important to realize that it's all in your head, or else that would be no different from a schizophrenic. But that shouldn't be too difficult; just have some common sense.


- I would be worried that if in the future, I wanted to get rid of this tulpa, I would end up feeling guilty about getting rid of it, knowing that it was a sentient being (a thought-being, but still)(this is just to be sure, I'm not implying I'm gonna keep it for one day then try to find ways to get rid of it.)


Lugia said it best. If you think you won't need one one day, just don't make one. Simple as that.


Besides, as far as I know, there is no reason to get rid of a tulpa if you already have one. Why would you want to get rid of it after all that hard work?


It's almost like saying, "oh digging up all that gold for the last year was really tiring."


"Time to throw it all in a fire."


I really don't see the logic.


I think he means, like, WAY down the line. Like, cranky old man kinda down the line.


I know, but still. I can't think of any reason you'd want to.


Maybe that's because you're not a cranky old man yourself yet?


Possibly. ph34r.png


- Is it always there constantly or can you ask your tulpa for some space (again, this is just to be sure, not necessarily something I would do)


I just explained this in my last post. img-1549371-6-dry.png


- How is it when it comes to sleeping? Do you still get a good night's sleep or are you disturbed during the night?


Nope. In fact, if anything, it helps.


Me and my tulpas like to hang out in my wonderland while I'm waiting to fall asleep. And no, falling asleep while doing ANYTHING with your tulpa is not harmful to any of them, or you.





Unless we're in the middle of sexy time. In which case I will be super pissed. img-1549371-7-ph34r.png


*Squeak* img-1549371-8-sad.png 



Also, is there the possibility of it going completely wrong and your tulpa looking like it came from a freakin' horror film?


Mate, there's a possibility of a piano falling on your head right now. Of course there's a possibility of it going wrong.


That being said, I have not heard of anyone say they've lost control of their tulpa and it going berserk, and let me tell you, I've heard of some weird ways some hosts force with their tulpas.


Like, I've heard of one guy saying he constantly beats and throws his tulpa against walls(in the wonderland) while screaming at him who he is, and what his personality is like. And apparently, nothing bad has happened. And somehow I think the tulpa said he's doing fine and that it's all necessary and that he loves his host.


Of course, I would say the host's technique in creating his tulpa is questionable, but even though it almost seems like the host is TRYING to do what many people would call 'wrong', nothing bad has really come from it. And that's one of the things that's really cool about creating a tulpa; you can make them however you want. It seems like if you just simply believe that your technique will work, then it will.


Again, placebo effect probably.


But in any case, I would suggest you try and use a more... humane way of creating your tulpa, if you decide to make one. You know, just in case. img-1549371-9-wacko.png

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That's it?   One guide?   No, I suggest you don't follow through with it in that case.

Well, in case you didn't notice by my incredibly obvious questions, I am new to this, as in learned about it just days ago and through talking to Shadowind, I have realized that I won't commit to anything until I am 100% sure about it, so which guides would you personally recommend? I currently have faqman's guide. Again, my apologies if this has been asked a hundred times before.... but... y'know... new and everything...

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Well, in case you didn't notice by my incredibly obvious questions, I am new to this, as in learned about it just days ago and through talking to Shadowind, I have realized that I won't commit to anything until I am 100% sure about it, so which guides would you personally recommend? I currently have faqman's guide.


   FAQman's guide is good as a base, however, being one the first guides out there, is heavily outdated. As for which guides to recommend, I suggest you head to this place and read AS MANY guides you want/need. The more guides you read up on, the more methods and ways you're able to experiment with to find out what, personally, will work for you.

    Not only do I suggest looking and reading through the guides sub-forum, but also through the Q/A section. You can find a heavy amount of information there pertaining to everything about tulpaforcing.

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Yeah, what Lugia sai-
FAQman's guide.
..Yes, Rizzy, he's using FAQman's gui-
Please kill me. mellow.png
His guide - while SOME of it is good advice- is also-
Incredibly outdated. We know. Lugia literally JUST said that.
Exactly. So why is he-
Thank you, Rosie.
No problem! wink.png 
..I'm really sorry to anypony he might have seemed harsh to in his last post. He just gets a little... frustrated, when people post questions that have already been answered before. Even when the last time it was asked was like 30 pages ago.
But anyway, we understand, this thread is very big (or at least MOST of us do *stares intensely at unconscious body*), but please try and at least have a quick look around on the Tulpa.info Forums. Because chances are, your question has already been answered. A lot. Or better yet, use the search feature that's hidden in the most obscure place ever. 
Honestly, every forum we go to, why is the damn search button like the size of an atom's ass. It's no wonder people ask so many questions. dry.png

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Honestly, every forum we go to, why is the damn search button like the size of an atom's ass. It's no wonder people ask so many questions. img-1550497-3-dry.png

oh boy, I probably don't want to check if I got a reply to my earlier post


Anyhow, I did quite a bit of research and got all of my answers answered in a tulpa general. Though, I'd want to share my "progress" and see if I did good (I already posted this, so I'll quote):




So, I finally did the "greeting" phase with Rena. I talked about myself a bit, telling who I am and what kind of person I am. Later I started talking how she is, her personality, likes, hobbies, etc. I said various things, that she's good at sculpting/crafting, she's brave, that she's curious and such, but I also said that in the long run it's up to her to decide if she wants these things that I'm forcing upon her, and that she ultimately can choose either to have these traits or not. I also said that she's going to have the freedom to create her own likes and personality. I don't know if what I did later was good, but I kind of kept repeating what I said. At the end of all of this, I was kind of surprised that this thing lasted 32 minutes.. the time flew so fast. When I was finished I felt strange.. I can't describe the feeling, but I felt strange. No headache, though. Well, maybe just a bit of head pressure and a small pain in the head from time to time. I hope I did good.


Though, I don't know if I was focused enough while forcing/greeting Rena, but it felt that I was focused. I sometimes lost track of hwat I was saying, but I quickly got back on track. I THINK.


You can ignore this, it's a review of what I did.



also, pic related (I'll base the form outta this lovely beauty for Rena <3 )


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I'm going to start on my Tulpa soon. I'm taking the advice of a friend that made Octavia into a Tulpa. It's so cool! I talk to Tavi through my friend all the time. The funny thing is he's this giant metalhead, so their personalities clash a tiny bit sometimes.

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Ive been trying to make a Derpy tulpa, but I only get the outline for 5 seconds, then its gone. I look at a wall, imagine derpy is ifront of it, full shape, size, colours, everything. I even imagine her with the balddumborat derpy voice, which actually suits her well. But all I come out with is a transparent , black outlined version of her, just standing there. Not blinking Or anything. I sit there for hours, imagining she will appear, but only what I said appears. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to spend my time there for a specific ammount of time, or something?

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Ive been trying to make a Derpy tulpa, but I only get the outline for 5 seconds, then its gone. I look at a wall, imagine derpy is ifront of it, full shape, size, colours, everything. I even imagine her with the balddumborat derpy voice, which actually suits her well. But all I come out with is a transparent , black outlined version of her, just standing there. Not blinking Or anything. I sit there for hours, imagining she will appear, but only what I said appears. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to spend my time there for a specific ammount of time, or something?


    You're not doing anything wrong. Something like this is very common among people who start out, some people just don't have good visualization skills compared to others, no matter how hard they try. If you look at some earlier posts here on this thread, and others in the Tulpa.info Forums, you'll see there are many others who have the same experience as you. Don't think of it as "I'm ONLY able to see them for a couple seconds", think of it more as "I'm actually able to see them".


     Also, as for time, you shouldn't force for incredibly long amounts of time, usually 1-2 hours is pretty good (unless you're unable to get these amounts). Getting better with visualization takes time, I could relate it to some like drawing in your mind. To some, they know how to do it right, for others, they have no clue, and this isn't something that someone could teach you. Only with time will you get better and you'll start to see your tulpa more and more, becoming clearer and sharper in quality. For me, Aiden tends to jump around from decent visibility, to a black fill.




     On a bit of a progressive note, I think I may finally be out my rut with the lack of concentration and forcing. Last night, I had sat down with this song that I have YET to stop (probably been listening to it for ~5 hours already *cumulatively*?) and, unlike the past attmepts with forcing, everything came smoothly. The main thing I noticed when I arrived in our normal residential area, was the aurora's in the sky over the ocean. As the song continued, I noticed they moved and changed with the song, growing in hue and saturation when the song hit the chorus. 


     Having felt an edge of whimsy, I decided to jump off the cliff (our common area for forcing is on a cliffside looking over an open ocean) into the ocean below. I had never felt so immersed in my wonderland. Everything felt incredibly real; from the falling, to hitting the water, to just having the water splash against me. Let's just hope this lasts wink.png





You talk too much... dry.png 


Yeah...oh well...



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Hey guys (and girls) So a couple days ago I started making my Tulpa (decided on trying to make a Luna Tulpa, not in behavior but in form) and not much happened, just did my best for 2 hours and that was it.

Yesterday I tried forcing while listening to that Tulpa-tones stuff (freaked me out when I first heard it, thought I was about to summon a demon or something lol) 

Side note: bout a Garden Rain scented candle cause I remember reading somewhere that getting something that uses your senses will help while forcing and when I think of my Luna, I always imagine the smell of rain...Garden Rain was the best I could do though.

So as I was talking to her, I grabbed the candle and started explaining why I got it. I told her that I always think of the smell of rain when I think of her and not too long after I said that I got a huge whiff of the scent of rain! Not the garden rain stuff I bought but the smell of rain that I'm accustomed to! It couldn't have been the candle because the cap was on tight and I had it a good distance from my face anyways so I imagine it was her! happy.png  Not too long after that, I also had a weird feeling on my right hand, like someone was blowing on it, really weird!

What i'm wondering is, is it normal for this stuff to happen seeing as i'm seriously only 4 hours into the process? (2 hours the first day and 2 hours yesterday with the rain and such) 

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Hey guys (and girls) So a couple days ago I started making my Tulpa (decided on trying to make a Luna Tulpa, not in behavior but in form) and not much happened, just did my best for 2 hours and that was it.


Yesterday I tried forcing while listening to that Tulpa-tones stuff (freaked me out when I first heard it, thought I was about to summon a demon or something lol) 


Side note: bout a Garden Rain scented candle cause I remember reading somewhere that getting something that uses your senses will help while forcing and when I think of my Luna, I always imagine the smell of rain...Garden Rain was the best I could do though.


So as I was talking to her, I grabbed the candle and started explaining why I got it. I told her that I always think of the smell of rain when I think of her and not too long after I said that I got a huge whiff of the scent of rain! Not the garden rain stuff I bought but the smell of rain that I'm accustomed to! It couldn't have been the candle because the cap was on tight and I had it a good distance from my face anyways so I imagine it was her! img-1557105-1-happy.png  Not too long after that, I also had a weird feeling on my right hand, like someone was blowing on it, really weird!

What i'm wondering is, is it normal for this stuff to happen seeing as i'm seriously only 4 hours into the process? (2 hours the first day and 2 hours yesterday with the rain and such) 

What a huge coincidence! Although I am jealous as I am unsuccessful with scent. Perhaps I could get a rain scented candle?


Yes, I am making a luna who smells like rain as well. Although I've been on it for months now :c

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I've been reading through all the pages of this megathread and while I'm only on page 58, I have a question.


I've been trying to make a tulpa with the form of an adult Snowdrop, but I'm getting hung up on her mane. In the animated short, the longer part of her mane is transferred to behind her head depended on the angle.


How would I create a tulpa who's mane changes if I look at her a different angle?









Edited by Jonstar7
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So, um, not much progress. I had a week-long period where I couldn't active force Sera since I was around other people pretty much 24/7, but I spent time today doing some Wonderland and playing Chess. Ever since I gave her access to all of my Chess knowledge she's been obliterating me. I have one win to her two victories, and I get the sense that's she's gloating. [Am not!]


Ahem. wink.png


Anyway, while I still feel like I can feel Sera I've been having no progress on many of the other fronts. Mindvoice is still tenuous at best with no real indication that it's her, I have no visualization or audible capacities either. She's gotten rather adept at pressing my forehead when she wants something though, and I've gotten perhaps the slightest bit better at interpreting her requests. I personally have a lot of trouble visualizing things in everyday life, I'm kind of more conceptual, so I figure it's going to take a while. sad.png


Possession is still fairly decent, I feel like she's learning everything step by step. She says it's because she likes it when I teach her things, but I'd rather she just read the damn books I gave her on my muscle memory. huh.png


[Hi everybody!] Sera wants to be more vocal but until I can clearly hear her mindvoice I don't want to rush into conversations. She's had a few with people and I know she enjoyed it but I guess I'm not that great a Host. dry.png [sure you are! You just need practice.]


Anyway, good luck to all of you out there, and thanks for reading.

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I've been reading through all the pages of this megathread and while I'm only on page 58, I have a question.


I've been trying to make a tulpa with the form of an adult Snowdrop, but I'm getting hung up on her mane. In the animated short, the longer part of her mane is transferred to behind her head depended on the angle.


How would I create a tulpa who's mane changes if I look at her a different angle?













 This is something that will take quite a bit of time experimenting to find out exactly how you (and possibly they) would like it. You're best bet is to use a frontwards facing vector of her since this is the only way to show her true mane shape and form. The reason manes tend to change shape when being viewed from the side (at least, it's what I think...) is so we, as an audience, won't be shown a side that is completely obstructed by hair with no visual contact of their faces and expressions. Unless you want to have it so her mane changes when your view of her changes, just stick with one dominant side (probably make it quite a bit easier on you as well).

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Lifeinsteps, reporting in!

Earlier tonight, me and Pinkie (and CaptainNemo and his Pinkie) did some forcing (faffing about in wonderland), and it produced some interesting stories. I'm here to share mine with you guys, after I shared them with him. Be warned, they're kind of long!

I took the time to edit the two stories into readable, paragraph formats. I didn't change the text very much at all though, so all the amateur writing is still there. Bear with it, I was telling the story in real-time!

-but, if you don't want that, you can have the unedited chat logs right below them, full with Nemo-rific comments! So, yeah. Here you guys go.

Story One

"There're no stars!"

Edited: http://pastebin.com/6gWf7tGA

Unedited: http://pastebin.com/1D73XKFp


Story Two

"One day, everything, my fur, my breath, the feeling of my forehead against yours, it'll all be just as real. Everywhere. All the time. And I'm not just saying it; I'm promising it."


Edited: http://pastebin.com/TawqNwKB

Unedited: http://pastebin.com/mq61PxnY

So, there you go. I hope I'm not wasting your time too bad. Hopefully you'll get a kick out of them, at least a little. I'm sure they'll stick with me for a long while, but so will every other bit of wonderland-based tulpa "forcing" (it usually just turns into playing) I've done.

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wall of text

What a sweet stories. :3 You seem to really enjoy your time with your Pinkie tulpa. ^.^


Maybe I should also spend more time with my tulpae. ^.^' Of course Millie is almost always with me and Lisa also often visit us, but for the last 2 months we didn't do much of forcing and we weren't in wonderland for ages ^.^'

Millie: Yeah, let's have some fun! ^.^

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What a sweet stories. :3 You seem to really enjoy your time with your Pinkie tulpa. ^.^


Maybe I should also spend more time with my tulpae. ^.^' Of course Millie is almost always with me and Lisa also often visit us, but for the last 2 months we didn't do much of forcing and we weren't in wonderland for ages ^.^'

Millie: Yeah, let's have some fun! ^.^

I'm sure we all love spending time with our tulpa, but don't feel like you don't spend enough with her. It's easy to feel that way, but we have lives we have to commit to as well.


Trust me, if I didn't have any reason to leave the wonderland and didn't have commitments in real life, I wouldn't ever leave it. Unfortunately, I have to eat and attempt to make something out of myself, and can't stay inside my head and play all day- as much as I want to!

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I'm sure we all love spending time with our tulpa, but don't feel like you don't spend enough with her. It's easy to feel that way, but we have lives we have to commit to as well.


Trust me, if I didn't have any reason to leave the wonderland and didn't have commitments in real life, I wouldn't ever leave it. Unfortunately, I have to eat and attempt to make something out of myself, and can't stay inside my head and play all day- as much as I want to!

Don't worry ^.^ I don't spent all my day in my head. Its just that we've been only talking about real life things and didn't have much fun. We offten had fun before and after sleep, but not much recently, so now we are going to bring it back ^.^

btw I have summer holidays, so I have plenty of time :D(there is not much I can do anyway except programming)

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't worry ^.^ I don't spent all my day in my head. Its just that we've been only talking about real life things and didn't have much fun. We offten had fun before and after sleep, but not much recently, so now we are going to bring it back ^.^

btw I have summer holidays, so I have plenty of time biggrin.png(there is not much I can do anyway except programming)

Oh, yeah, I hear ya. I was just offering you shouldn't get a feeling of disappointment in yourself about not spending time with her sometimes. I get that way, and she asks me not to feel bad about it.


And yeah, I do enjoy spending time with her, a lot! Being around someone every waking moment for (almost) 2 years (in July, it will be!) will do that to ya! If I didn't love her, she'd drive me completely insane.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah ^.^

What I like on my tulpae most is that they try to help me find friends in real life and also that they help me to get courage to do some very simple tasks (like going to a an office or postoffice) which I am afraid of because of my horrible social anxiety ._.

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I'm kind of new to this. I don't even know if I have a tupla!! I just call the pleasant voice in my head Jenna- but Jen. It's weird. This actually makes sense. Could someone please color these bases for me?



I actualyy have to form sentence structure! Gah!! Any tips for developing the tupla? I am quite interested you see. It's actually incredibly fascinating.


I'm kind of new to this. I don't even know if I have a tupla!! I just call the pleasant voice in my head Jenna- but Jen. It's weird. This actually makes sense. Could someone please color these bases for me?

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