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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I know what you're talking about with the auditory hallucinations. I've had them plenty of times before. I've tried to talk to Pinkie during that time, but I find it difficult as the voices aren't her and they seem to be fairly random in the things they say. Then again, she hasn't been vocal for very long, so it's probably just hard to focus on her voice alone.


If you can remember, talk to her more! An hour a day is great, though. But it's very useful if you remember that she's always with you. Try to talk to her throughout the day, even just a few sentences about small or simple things.


Yes, I used to talk with Panthea all day long, practically, and it really seemed to strengthen her ability to respond immediately and snappily. Pinkie has gotten pretty darn good at responding with sometimes quite well conceived opinions and thoughts in less than a few moments.


It may be because of the way my own mind likes to jump the gun, but do you ever find that your tulpa wants to answer your question before you can narrate it in your mind? Occasionally the answer will begin to roll before my "speaking" has finished, and I guess that's because she knows as well as I do what I'm going to ask and just didn't need much time to consider the answer... Is that unusual? It only happens every now and again.


Anyway, yes, maybe I need to play more mindless games. I know it sounds like it would be a horrid distraction but sometimes you can play a game like "Crackdown" or an old beat-em-up on the Sega Genesis or something and it gets so mind-numbing that you sort of just trance out and completely lose focus on what you're doing. Those were the times of some of my most entertaining discussions with Panthea in high-school. I'd just sit down and play my game and after an hour or so I'd find that I was no longer paying any real attention to what I was doing and was completely free to speak and think inside my head without distraction.


Edit: And, of course, I mean only those sorts of games. It would obviously not be a good idea to postpone your conversation until you sit down for a case in Ace Attorney or something.

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It may be because of the way my own mind likes to jump the gun, but do you ever find that your tulpa wants to answer your question before you can narrate it in your mind? Occasionally the answer will begin to roll before my "speaking" has finished, and I guess that's because she knows as well as I do what I'm going to ask and just didn't need much time to consider the answer... Is that unusual? It only happens every now and again.

Yes! That happens with us quite often, actually. I have to ask her to wait until I finish talking to answer, just because I find it weird. :P She is part of my brain, after all. Makes sense she could know what I'm saying before I finish.


The game idea is good. Just find whatever way you can to talk to her. Like you saw with Panthea, it really helps speech and general development. Narration is probably the most important part of making a tulpa.

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Just find whatever way you can to talk to her.


Well, I went ahead and talked to her for the past hour or so and questioned her about her thoughts in all this. Obviously I don't want to make decisions that regard her being and what I want to do with her without asking her. So, I ran through my ideas of trying to conceptualize a proper form for her since we never really tried to do that before, and of course the ultimate goal of imposition that my very well still be off in the distance somewhere.


We decided together, though, that it would be best to run through some of that beginning stuff just as kind of a... I don't really know, sort of to cement her as she is now? Basically, I sat down while I was chatting with her and talked to her about pieces of her personality and how she shows them. Stuff like her tendency to be bright, or the empathy that she has when someone is feeling down or whatever, me or even someone else.


Anyway, we decided that over the next however long it takes, I'll take this little list of traits and slowly run through what they mean to the both of us, and how they describe her and her character. Just kind of try and get a more firm grip on how they should affect her thought patterns and exactly just what these words and feelings mean in different situations and how we can use them to understand who she really has become over the past 8-10 months or whatever it's been.


She actually agreed with you, funny enough, that I'm probably focusing too much on trying to do proper technique, stating that it's not like she came about because of a pre-read technique anyway, but rather experimentation.


I counter-presented the idea, though, that this was experimentation, when you consider the fact that I'm not trying to build a consciousness but rather use one that is already there and solidify my and its understanding of itself. She seemed kind of done with all the psycho-babble at that point and I guess figured that nothing would get done if we didn't do something, and so we began and talked about this stuff for the past 50 minutes or so.


It was quite fun. I may go ahead and pop in a crappy game that I can blast through without thinking and continue!


Fun fact: Your art is amazing. I remember seeing that Memories comic forever ago, and it's interesting to suddenly realize I'm talking to the guy who drew that comic!


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Sounds like a great process! Good idea with doing some personality review to solidify everything. I always say to do whatever feels best, and it looks like what you're doing. Keep me updated on how all that pans out.


I laughed at her agreeing with me. Maybe I'm really sensible? ;) I don't like talking about the logistics of tulpas with Pinkie at this stage, stuff like how she's really still a part of me, etc. It only complicates things, I think. But once she's finished or more vocal, I'm sure we'll have a fun time with that!


And thank you so much for the compliment about my art. I'm really glad you enjoy it. That's the biggest reason I like to make stuff - for other people to hopefully enjoy.


EDIT: That John Smith is a spy!

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I laughed at her agreeing with me. Maybe I'm really sensible? ;) I don't like talking about the logistics of tulpas with Pinkie at this stage, stuff like how she's really still a part of me, etc. It only complicates things, I think. But once she's finished or more vocal, I'm sure we'll have a fun time with that!


And thank you so much for the compliment about my art. I'm really glad you enjoy it. That's the biggest reason I like to make stuff - for other people to hopefully enjoy.


I don't blame you for not talking with her about the mechanics of the situation. I can get a little confused and tongue-tied myself when I talk to her about it myself, and I'm supposed to be the one between me and her who knows what's going on around here! Unfortunately, I never live up to that responsibility because I never know what's going on anywhere. @_@


You're welcome! I actually followed you on DeviantArt if you'd care to check out what bit of crap I've posted up there. I've always liked to draw with paper and pencil, and I've been doing it for a pretty long time, and took a ton of art classes in high-school, but lately I haven't done much of it at all. I bought a tablet over the summer to get the creative juices flowing again, but I haven't really used it as much as I would like to! You can see some of that stuff I drew with it though, even though most of it's not really all that impressive. Just some quick face studies/practices and a couple pony pictures.





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Thanks for the follow! I like your human sketches. I tried drawing humans once before... it didn't turn out so well. The only reason I got in to art was because of MLP!


Hey, that's cool. Art is art, and yours is really cool!


I've been thinking about Pinkie's form for the past however-long-its-been, and NOW I'm starting to get those notorious tulpaforcing headaches everyone's talking about. Owie...


Trying to conceive her a form in 3D while getting her consent and letting her play with the leg lengths and the head size and shape and all of that stuff is really destroying my brain. I hope I get better at this! :blink:


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Oh yeah, it's hard for a while. The only thing I'm having trouble with is the snout. It's hard to figure out a 3D version that looks good and doesn't look funny when she smiles. In fact, getting the smiling down is hard too. But we just gotta keep practicing!

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Oh yeah, it's hard for a while. The only thing I'm having trouble with is the snout. It's hard to figure out a 3D version that looks good and doesn't look funny when she smiles. In fact, getting the smiling down is hard too. But we just gotta keep practicing!


Oh yeah, that was givin' me trouble too! I took a break for a 10 or so minutes and sketched everything in my mind on paper to help clean up some of the thoughts, and it really seemed to help... I tried to draw her from as many different angles as I could and when I basically exhausted what I had on to the paper and then stepped back and studied for a bit, and then went back in after it.


I started to have a lot more luck when I tried to do a couple different aspects of visualization. Say, touch and also the form. Being able to consider what it felt like to touch, but also actually use my hand to guide what I was trying to communicate prior using only my mind made the experience feel a lot more natural. To clarify, it was all still in the mental, I wasn't flapping my arms about in the air in real life or anything, but I was using my mental conception of myself to actually feel and guide the form and gain a deeper understanding of its grooves and curves and lifts rather than just trying to see it. It really helped!


'course I still feel like I could probably end up spending weeks on just conception, it is kinda fun to just try and push yourself to see it from all different angles, and in different places with different lightings, and different poses. I also found it kind of fun to intentionally puppet just the form to see if I could get an understanding of smooth movement and how it would look or act or such when faced with trying to communicate different emotions or body languages.


So yeah, hopefully some of that stuff will offer something to somebody! I'll try and come back and let you guys know if I discover anything that is just really helpful to me and seems like it might be to somebody else, too.


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Well.. Time to finally go insane for real.

This sounds like the greatest idea ever. But I fall asleep a lot. Does that effect the making of the Tulpa?


I don't guess it would unless you fall asleep during the actual creation of the tulpa, and even then I don't really think you'd screw anything up if you fell asleep once in a while during that, although I hear it's kinda frowned upon.


I don't guess falling asleep a lot really has an effect other than that.


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I'm glad your Pinkie is working out good! I feel sad for Panthea, though. Since you've read this whole thread, you probably know I used to have a pseudo-tulpa of my own, before I knew anything about the process. I guess you could say I absorbed him back into myself. There was a good reason for this--his existence stemmed entirely from religion, and I am no longer religious. The funny thing is that Amy tells me he is still there! Just that his essence is merged with hers. I know because she occasionally surprises us both by using his old speech patterns. According to her, you never really lose a tulpa--they merge back into your subconscious.


Since you had such a strong connection with Panthea, you might try asking Pinkie if there is still some trace of Panthea left in there. Chances are, she's still lying dormant in your mind! If you focus enough on her, you may actually be able to bring her back. You could have Pinkie help you, since she has access to the hidden parts of your mind. I know that if you search your mind hard enough, you'll find Panthea again! :D


Then you'd just have two tulpas! They could even talk to each other, and you'd all live happily ever after! ^_^

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I'm glad your Pinkie is working out good! I feel sad for Panthea, though. Since you've read this whole thread, you probably know I used to have a pseudo-tulpa of my own, before I knew anything about the process. I guess you could say I absorbed him back into myself. There was a good reason for this--his existence stemmed entirely from religion, and I am no longer religious. The funny thing is that Amy tells me he is still there! Just that his essence is merged with hers. I know because she occasionally surprises us both by using his old speech patterns. According to her, you never really lose a tulpa--they merge back into your subconscious.


Since you had such a strong connection with Panthea, you might try asking Pinkie if there is still some trace of Panthea left in there. Chances are, she's still lying dormant in your mind! If you focus enough on her, you may actually be able to bring her back. You could have Pinkie help you, since she has access to the hidden parts of your mind. I know that if you search your mind hard enough, you'll find Panthea again! :D


Then you'd just have two tulpas! They could even talk to each other, and you'd all live happily ever after! ^_^


Yes, religion would make for a pretty good reason. I'm not particularly religious myself, and I do know how religion can inspire some problems once in a while, as I come from a very religious family. (Oh God, no one start that debate; I'm sorry.)



It never occurred to me to ask Pinkie about Panthea, but I did! She let me know that, similar to what you said before, she's as down in there somewhere as she ever was, just not really active right now. Her personality and things are preserved, but Pinkie warns me that she may be different than I remember. I suppose that probably has to do with the fact that I created her when I was younger. She might still harbor opinions or thoughts on things that are non-important to me, or that I no longer agree with.


But all the same, that doesn't stop me from kind of wanting to bring her back for a chat considering how long it's been... When we parted ways, thankfully there was no passive-aggression or anything like that, like I said before, we sort of simultaneously decided that there was just no need for her anymore. I know that sounds awful, but she almost kind of seemed a little pleased that she had done what she was here for and would be... I don't know... dissipated, or whatever. Ugh, it sounds awful when I try to say it.


And I felt pretty bad when it happened too, but like Pinkie said; I'm not sure if I remember exactly how she'll be, if I bring her back.


I'm also not sure if she's been down in there still doing something. For instance, maybe she's why I still understood my subconscious even when I had no tulpa to speak of. It still talked to me, just not in her voice. She developed a sort of soothing voice, a more deep, (but still much higher than mine) soothing sort of voice. She was a great friend, and often times a sort of motherly figure.


She listened to what I had to whine about in my angsty teen years, and she responded to me. I don't know what she'd be like now. I feel like if I wanted to bring her back I'd have to do something. Age her, or... somehow remind myself externally how long it's been. I know that seems abstract, but it just feels like I couldn't just bring her back exactly how she was, something's bound to be different after all this time anyway. I have no idea. She always had this biting sarcasm and sense of humor, and she always sort of expressed a harsh but fair judgment on everything.


I guess, in contrast, where having Pinkie has been all about having some(pony)one to hang around and joke with, as well as talk about my day and my future, and that sort of thing... Having Panthea was a much more serious thing. We joked, obviously, as it's deeply rooted into my nature as a human being (You guys haven't got to experience that part of me so much, yet...) but overall our situation was somewhat of a very grave one. She existed to be a friend at a time when I was beginning to feel like I had none.


And like I said, not trying to disrespect my actual mother, but she also existed to be a mother to the little boy inside of me that had lots of feelings and things he wanted to say but couldn't. When you're growing up, sometimes you feel like you can't be honest with anyone but yourself or someone will get in trouble, or whatever, and she was the only that I would lay down and talk to about everything. She scolded me sometimes for something I would have said or done, but she always helped lead to my improvement. It was a great situation.


But now I'm older, and I'm not sure that I still need that motherly figure. I feel like if I brought her back, my previous personal immaturity would show. Like I'd have to bring her back and accept the fact that our situation isn't really the same. I don't really need a person to spill my guts to anymore because honestly, most of the time, if I have something in mind, I've learned to just say it.



Ugh, long post. Curse you people and your ability to make me say much more than I initially thought was necessary!


(Don't worry, it's not horrendously long or anything. Still longer than I deem acceptable to eat the page, however...)

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Well.. Time to finally go insane for real.

This sounds like the greatest idea ever. But I fall asleep a lot. Does that effect the making of the Tulpa?


I have trouble forcing. 1: no time. usualy have time when I get to school (im in college) and as i go to bed. I usualy fall asleep forcing. I counter by talking to my tulpa as much as possible throughout the day.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Wish I could help you with your Panthea dilemma, but that's something you have to decide. It's interesting that she's still there, though. I guess a tulpa never really does completely go away. Ya learn something new every day!

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I've been trying to do this for quite some time. I have a horrible attention span, so it's a little hard. I wish there was a beginner' version of that link.


Check the site out, its for beginners. They have all the info you need to succeed. You do forge your own path a lot, but it is doable if you put your mind to it, no matter how off your concentration is.


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I got past the personality part, but I stopped when I did extra research about how Tulpas could affect your life...


If they have access to your subconscious mind, and if they think for them self, then they could be potentially draining your thoughts and taking you away from reality.


Tulpas sound interesting to a lot of people. I am fascinated with this Tibetan philosophy, although I find hints of darkness to it.




Here is a way I put the dark side of Tulpa/thought-form:


"A tulpa/thought-form can act as a poisoning agent, and poison all the springs of life....A violent dislike, a gnawing worry, a jealousy, a constant anxiety, and a longing for something or someone, may act so potently as an irritant or poison that the entire life is spoiled, and service is rendered futile. The entire life is embittered and devitalized by the embodied worry, hatred and desire....and is held back by the poison in his mental system. His vision becomes distorted, his nature corroded, and all his relationships impeded by the wearing, nagging thoughts which he himself embodies in form and which have a life so powerful that they can poison him."




I'm not saying that this is always a bad thing, but why would you put in all of that time of thinking into a pointless hallucination? There are other good types of meditation, which can shape who you are, and help you to have a good future. These thoughts and meditations can help you achieve, and create the life that you really want. A positive thought can push you towards a future, while a tulpa could possibly hold you back.


A tulpa reflects your life experiences, good or bad, while a positive meditation can make your life better.


The outcome of your tulpa depends on the events of your past life. Tulpas have access to your memories, so if you have had a tragic event in your life that you want to forget about, it can boldly express the thought without your approval.


Think about it: if you just healed from a terrible experience that barely happened to you (ex: someone dying in your family), a tulpa would most likely pull that out, and reflect your grief of the day they died.


I have some regrets and events that I don't like to think about... If I had made a tulpa, I would probably loose my sanity...




I recommend a different type of thought, but similar to the process of building a tulpa:


Think of the same things that you did with building your tulpa, like the personality. Now, instead of imagining a separate being with these traits, imagine yourself with them.


Try to think of your future, and not of your past. Try to imagine, and visualize yourself as a successful person.


Just like a tulpa, your mind, with deep thought, can create the person that you want to be...




I'm just trying to make a point, and I'm not trying to convince anypony that 'Tuplas are bad'. If you strongly feel that tulpae is helping you live a good life, then you should stick with it. It would be cool to have my own little Dashie though. :wub:


Please don't just make a tulpa for the heck of it, for it is a delicate situation.


Personally, I am not going to experiment with tulpae. I think it's amazing, yet scary, how you can bring a sentient being to reality. I was OBSESSED about tulpae when I first heard about it... glad that I did my research.


Starting now, I'm going to continue on with my life, and avoid things that could possibly manifest bad energy, and prevent me from having a good future. :)

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Please don't just make a tulpa for the heck of it, for it is a delicate situation.




I was going to make some long ranty post about everyone just making a Tulpa "just to have one" or "because it sounds cool". Seriously? It is a living and thinking being. It will most likely stay with you forever and is not something to take lightly at all.


I feel bad for any Tulpa that gets made and then, somewhere down the line, is abandoned for some reason or another because someone just brought it into existence and then they just lost interest :/

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That was an interesting read, and I do agree with you on how delicate a situation it can truly be. I also certainly respect your decision to avoid things that could potentially harm you with bad energy. We all know that that's a sure sign of sanity, and clearly something many of us lack.


But really, I guess it depends on how you want to tackle your life.


In my case, I may have done a few things in the past that I've pushed away, and having a tulpa does sometimes bring those things back to light. While it may not always be the most comfortable experience, it always makes me feel better once I spend the time to talk through it and consider it from different angles. I sort of prefer that kind of head-on approach, for some reason. I like to use the remnants of my past to pave the way for my future. Learn from my mistakes, not try to forget them.


If you read one of my previous posts, you saw where I spoke of the fact that I personified my subconscious and made it independent as a thought process long before I'd ever heard of the idea of a 'tulpa'. That situation was, as you said a very, very, delicate one. Sometimes it led to me having emotions that I didn't understand, coming from what seemed to be another person, and in reality, it kind of was.


But tackling those emotions as a team with my personified subconscious is what gave me the strength to carry on in even the hardest parts of my life. We constantly faced everything that posed itself as a trial together, not alone, and it's something wonderful to have someone there by your side, even if they're not a traditional sort of friend.


Please don't just make a tulpa for the heck of it, for it is a delicate situation.


Finally, while I do agree with this sentiment very strongly, there's something that I would personally add if it were my own.


While you shouldn't make a tulpa for the heck of it, you shouldn't be afraid to make one just because you don't have a great reason.


What I mean is, if one wants to make a tulpa simply because they're adventurous and actually plan on devoting themselves to it, and trying it out for the sake of the experience and comprehension, then they should go ahead. As long as they're prepared for what it's like to have to account for two people that seem to almost be living in the same mind.


I guess I'm saying, don't get a room-mate if you don't play well with others.

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Please don't just make a tulpa for the heck of it, for it is a delicate situation.


Now you got me thinking.

I am quite confident in that, while I AM kind of planning on creating a tulpa "for the heck of it", I am also considering all the factors that would make me change my choice before beginning it, hence a year or two before the beginning of tulpacreation.

Also, I am one of those people who love to share their happiness. A tulpa would be ideal for this, as I could literally share all my thoughts with them, and have a trustworthy companion forever. I won't leave anyone I appreciate hanging even after years.

Not to mention that my life hasn't had any major sad events. The worst that happened to me was only embarrassing and not much else, and it's something I've been able to laugh at for a good while now.


Anyway, onto discussion of my "initial brainstorming". I am pretty sure I will be creating a human/pony Pinkie Pie (Scoutker was my initial idea, but then I scratched it. His nature might end up causing chaos on my brain.)


The good thing about human PP would be that imagining her form would be much easier. Having seen many humans (durr) means a lot of experience in being able to imagine them. Also, I would probably feel more "sane", so to say.

A pony, however, is what I would truly strive for if I could. Come on, what kind of brony HASN'T ever thought of what it would be like to have a pony companion? The thing is, it is very VERY difficult for me to imagine one in real life, and that is a huge obstacle.


As one can deduce from this, if I could imagine Pinkie Pie in pony form properly, I would create a pony.

(Do note, I will only BASE the Tulpa on Pinkie Pie. Once she is, so to say, "complete", I will let her decide who she wants to be.



Onto another subject - a few scenarios. Things that I want to know if possible or not:


1. Can, or rather, will your Tulpa seek sub-concious information from your mind if you ask them to? Are there any dangers if it's possible?


2. Can a Tulpa feel hunger, thirst, tiredness, or any other feelings of requiring something? (Other than love. I know they need that)


3. If, for WHATEVER reason, there is unhappiness in both the creator and the Tulpa, is there a chance for the Tulpa to return to the creator's head, and be as if it didn't exist? (One reason I care for this is because I fear that it might happen. It would be very difficult to live with a Tulpa if it's causing me problems over general happiness.)


4. Say there is something inside a box, and you don't know what. Can your Tulpa check it and tell you what is inside without you ever being even near it? (Seems unlikely, but hey, Tulpas in general already broke my concept of what's possible and what isn't.)


5. "How" exactly does touching a Tulpa work, considering they are corporeal? Or are they?


There may be answers to those questions somewhere if I looked. But I would rather have answers to all of them at the same time from the experienced.

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Please don't just make a tulpa for the heck of it, for it is a delicate situation.

I agree with this statement. Everybody should think about it before making one, because they may stay with you the entire life. (but of course there may be ways to end it, but I won't get into details now)


I'm not saying that this is always a bad thing, but why would you put in all of that time of thinking into a pointless hallucination?

http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png ehm... I think this is quite inappropriate signification...


while a tulpa could possibly hold you back.

Or exactly the opposite... it depends on which person you choose.


I have some regrets and events that I don't like to think about... If I had made a tulpa, I would probably loose my sanity...

Of course there are things you don't want to think about and I don't think that your tulpa would like to bring them up. Why would he/she do that?


As for the bad energy you mentioned... bad tulpae choosed - bad energy; good tulpae choosed - good energy...


:lol: Don't worry I don't want to critise you, I know there may be other ways (maybe even better) to make your life easier/happier. There are also a few things I agree with you. I just wanted to point out some things...

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1. Can, or rather, will your Tulpa seek sub-concious information from your mind if you ask them to? Are there any dangers if it's possible?


Like what? Memories? Yeah, they can do that.


2. Can a Tulpa feel hunger, thirst, tiredness, or any other feelings of requiring something? (Other than love. I know they need that)




3. If, for WHATEVER reason, there is unhappiness in both the creator and the Tulpa, is there a chance for the Tulpa to return to the creator's head, and be as if it didn't exist? (One reason I care for this is because I fear that it might happen. It would be very difficult to live with a Tulpa if it's causing me problems over general happiness.)


If the Tulpa and the creator have agreed on it, I think it is possible for the Tulpa to go away.


4. Say there is something inside a box, and you don't know what. Can your Tulpa check it and tell you what is inside without you ever being even near it? (Seems unlikely, but hey, Tulpas in general already broke my concept of what's possible and what isn't.)




5. "How" exactly does touching a Tulpa work, considering they are corporeal? Or are they?


They can touch you and vice-versa. You can actually feel them.



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2. Can a Tulpa feel hunger, thirst, tiredness, or any other feelings of requiring something? (Other than love. I know they need that)




Come to think of it, I forgot to add some additionals regarding this one.

How do you tend to their hunger? What about their thirst? Or is tiredness and a few select others all they feel?

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Come to think of it, I forgot to add some additionals regarding this one.

How do you tend to their hunger? What about their thirst? Or is tiredness and a few select others all they feel?


Well my Tulpa doesn't "eat" because she feels it is unnecessary. However, she does "drink" the energy I give her.


Kay sleeps all the time so yeah, she can feel tired too. She can experience anger, love, sadness, etc.

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