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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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A Quick Question of My Own:


I'm over ten hours into my first tulpa. Given, I know I must be patient but has anyone else felt like it was all a lost cause when you first attempted it? Shining Star is a nice pony tulpa but I feel like I'm nothing but terrible to her with my sucky attention span and concentration problems.


It can be tough, I get that. Almost like a lost cause indeed. Doubt is an obstacle, many face it. Wondering if this is all just a hoax and wondering if it'll ever happen is something that a lot of us go through. Took me months to get a first response, don't get down on yourself! For some it takes mere days, others months, and others years. Try not to compare your progress with others, tulpamancy is a subjective experience and comparing your experience with others will only stress out you and your tulpa. I'm sure your tulpa will be forgiving of something that is hard to control, like attention span issues. Many face issues with concentration, and that is something that tends to get better with practice. Keep going, try to set goals for yourself. Things like, "I'll force so and so minutes this week!". It can help achieve better forcing times, and if you set a reward for achieving the goal, will likely help you stay motivated and make longer forcing a habit.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I feel like I'm actually doing this right.

The head pressures are nothing like I've had before and only appear when forcing, and I think I'm heading faint vocal responses from Zephyr.

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I'm thinking of giving this one last go. I think I've isolated the cause of my problems, which seems to be subconscious rejection of the form. Noting that, I don't have a replacement form in mind yet. Could I still be good to go without an image?


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I think so. I believe that if anything, we all have to realize that these aren't our Tulpas. They're beings in and of themselves, just as we are, no matter how subconsciously they dwell, so they get to pick and choose their own forms eventually, though based on the personality we apparently opt to give them.


So if there's a form that's being assigned to them, they shouldn't be fought when they opt to pick their own and deviate, just like a best friend who likes to pick their own clothes, rather than wear all the stuff you buy them because you think they would look good in it.

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I'm thinking of giving this one last go. I think I've isolated the cause of my problems, which seems to be subconscious rejection of the form. Noting that, I don't have a replacement form in mind yet. Could I still be good to go without an image?


You most certainly can go without a form and still be successful! Maybe, since you don't have a replacement in mind, you could simply go without a form and let your tulpa decide on it instead? I'm sure that they'd enjoy the choice of form and the freedom it allows them, and it might help the tulpa become more independent by having a matter of decision upon them.


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I'm thinking of giving this one last go. I think I've isolated the cause of my problems, which seems to be subconscious rejection of the form. Noting that, I don't have a replacement form in mind yet. Could I still be good to go without an image?

Yes, you can wait until your tulpa is vocal and let him/her choose its form. That's what I'm currently doing. Just find a placeholder abstract form, like an energy orb or something.

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I've recently been hallucinating small stuff (for example, I'll see something written on a blank whiteboard). I'm pretty sure it started when I tried to imagine my blanket covering my sleeping tulpa. Anypony have experience with this? Can it snowball into insanity?

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I read about permaswitching, and a case where the host almost lost his identity/sense of self. I decided that possession is a step down that road, and, fearing the possibility of addiction/going overboard, decided not to do any possession. My tulpa reminded me about our previous possession attempts, which makes me feel like worst pony; trying to give her something awesome, then yanking it away out of fear of a potential risk. One of my friends (who knows me really well) had said I have an addictive personality, so this fear might not be unfounded.

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I read about permaswitching, and a case where the host almost lost his identity/sense of self. I decided that possession is a step down that road, and, fearing the possibility of addiction/going overboard, decided not to do any possession. My tulpa reminded me about our previous possession attempts, which makes me feel like worst pony; trying to give her something awesome, then yanking it away out of fear of a potential risk. One of my friends (who knows me really well) had said I have an addictive personality, so this fear might not be unfounded.


While permaswitching is possible, it's extremely hard to do and requires tons of effort. Possession is temporary but gives the same effects. I plan on doing a full switch eventually, but I will return to my body after Ive experienced it.


Even if you do fully switch, the body tends to gravitate towards the host. While I can't speak for myself in terms of full switching; possession is harmless. I can see where you are coming from though and can respect your opinion, just try to give it some more thought :D

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Today I had a bad experience. I once took a pottery class and discovered the technique was not easy. More than once I wanted to storm out of the studio and throw my failed projects across an open field.


For the first time in years I experienced this again during a tulpaforcing session. I try not to blame my tulpa because I know my actions will have a lasting effect on her. Still, how long did it take some of you guys before your tulpas stopped feeling like mere figments? I am skeptical of the whole thing, I won't deny it, but it feels hard to carry on when you can't tell if you're doing it right or not.



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I like to think that the ball is entirely in their court, being that they're already fully sentient individuals, and we're just providing a home for them. If we don't do that, then our own beliefs may taint the end result.


I think I may have somehow said a whole lot in just two sentences there.

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Today I had a bad experience. I once took a pottery class and discovered the technique was not easy. More than once I wanted to storm out of the studio and throw my failed projects across an open field.


For the first time in years I experienced this again during a tulpaforcing session. I try not to blame my tulpa because I know my actions will have a lasting effect on her. Still, how long did it take some of you guys before your tulpas stopped feeling like mere figments? I am skeptical of the whole thing, I won't deny it, but it feels hard to carry on when you can't tell if you're doing it right or not.


Try to know that their is know right or wrong, some processes will take longer than others, but that does not make them wrong. My tulpa never felt like an abiotic being as I convinced myself from day one that she was a fully sentient individual and thus, that's what she was. Remember, doubt is poison. It is the one wrong thing in tulpamancy (I realize that I contradicted my first sentence). Doubt will do nothing but hold your tulpaforcing process back. Keep at it, you'll get there!

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Pink Mist!

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doubt is poison.

What about doublethink? Like, "the breeze I felt came from my tulpa flapping her wings, but it was also a naturally-occurring wind", or "my tulpa is real (in that I can perceive, observe, and interact with her), but at the same time she isn't (in that no one else can perceive, observe, and interact with her)"?

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What about doublethink? Like, "the breeze I felt came from my tulpa flapping her wings, but it was also a naturally-occurring wind", or "my tulpa is real (in that I can perceive, observe, and interact with her), but at the same time she isn't (in that no one else can perceive, observe, and interact with her)"?


That's not the kind of doubt I was referring to. The kind of doubt I meant was the stricter kind, the kind that doesn't let you believe that what is happening can even happen, much less that it did so. For example "Tulpas can't be real, there is no real evidence so how can my tulpa be real?" Is bad. Also, "What if I was parroting? Did that even come from her? What if it didn't? What if I'm parroting everything!" Will get you no where. Doublethinking is logical and won't do you any harm for the most part, but, as I said before, straightforward doubt is poison.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've heard (I think on Reddit) that its bad to create a tulpa for a specific purpose, but don't "companionship" and "to sate my curiosity about the subject" count as purposes? This isn't something I'm seriously thinking about, just a thought I had while trying to determine my tulpa's cutie mark.

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alright, i would like to share with you and my fellow bronies, tulpas i have

it all start when i was 5 years, i havent friends back then so i imagine my own and i form my first imaginary friends all of them look like persons and were mere shadows that only repeat what i want... but later, when i was seven i decide to give them more cuz i had fun time with them, so i developed their stories and imagine places, first based on games and movies i saw, later i créate my own places where they live, i remember my first ones were a group of animals with human features, like anthro,  they called themselfs the Fornils and they followed the cult of Chaos saying that the world and the universe was a creation of Chaos, the high priests were 3 tulpas: Maquilaconsvit Agasia Kij and Balareth (i invented the names in those years) in those times i can phisically see them only, and event are planned by myself, Maquilaconsvit betray the Fornils cuz he had a sister that was good and pure, but later in a few years he was spotted by Balareth and Agasia, and Maquilaconsvit sister was killed in a ritual (NOTE: this may looks like am telling a story or a fiction, but trust me everypony these events happened, and this is when i lost the control of the events) after that the sister of Maquilaconsvit's soul was in a weird talismán of Balareth, he and maquilaconsvit fighted each other, i used to cry for that cuz the fight took place even in my dreams, we are talking about a "crow man" (Balareth) and a "bat man" (Maquilaconsvit) they gave me the worst nightmares ever, the sounds of they fighting was horrible, but suddenly the sounds stopped, Maquilaconsvit injured Balareth badly but he didn kill him....

some months later i decided to develope more my tulpas, i thought about the texture of the skin, their smell, even how they taste, the more vivid the better, i made an effort to hear their voices until more characters appear themselves, i just had to developed them. There was this city i called Saris, and there was 6 leaders that ruled the city, (that happen years later after a lot of irrelevant events)

- Ophiel

- Ledernouth

- Ectakrel

- Zoporukas

- Maquilaconsvit

- Sototh

for some reason i didnt needed effort to créate the names, they just appeared in my mind, there was also 2 scientists in the city: Chaos and The Clonator, this last scientist créate a son of Ophiel and a woman named Egna creating a boy with powers called Adam, that name i took it from the bible cuz i thought it fit better, Adam destroyed Ledernouth, Sototh and even his father, in that years i lost all control on the events, they happened witouth my control, a few times later Ledernouth was revived and decided to retalliate and hired another 6 soldiers: Roland Louis Kair Fanchon Leonor and Sugare, those were years im never gonna forget, cuz i remembered i had to be witness of their horrors, and even invaded my dreams,until Balareth spoke with me one day and told me they need a god, or something, a root of their new origins... i didnt opose and i created Megoleret, when i wrote his story, Balareth read it and he was agree, Megoleret was an angel that decided to créate his own planet and he asked God if he have permission, God allow it and he told him that the only condition was that the humans he create does not involve with the Earth, Megoleret agree and create a planet called Motzoide were the Fornils born, but, using a bit of God's breath to create the planet Megoleret finished and with the remain power he had he put it on a cave, years later the Fornils found a source of power and they steal it allowing them to have powers, God was angry and send Megoleret to another dimencion where he choose to punish or reward the souls of the people of Motzoide, comming back with Ledernouth years later, Kair killed him and Louis as well, Sugare escaped to Motzoid where she was princess on a castle and died being old, i cried cuz she was beautiful and i saw how she was getting old and died, Kair took Ledernouth's kindom and create 5 soldiers that he called son, Kair was grateful with me for creating them, and in  a parallel events a group of assasins killed a family cuz in a prophesy they will be killed by one of them, but in the slaughter one Little kid survived and was found and adopted by kair

and years later there was another team which i am gonna avoid their story cuz is large they became enemies and this last a lot of years until i became a brony and i decided to ponify my tulpas, Kair and his sons didnt opose but the other team decided to become dragons and griffons cuz Ponies were too "soft" and after a few months i create OCs and i add a full features like the rest of my tulpas and this is the actual status


well, i have to omit a LOT of event in my life, i lost control of the events of my mind, is the Price to have a full alucination, the walls of the places and castles i can really see them when i put a Little effort, when i "visit" the places, and the voices i could hear them perfectly, my tulpas have sons,which they ask me for permisión to have and i develope the baby and the adult form in the way the parents wanted, when a couple marry they ask for my bliss, i gave it to them, and when they died i have to be present, since i lost a long time ago all control of the events, my tulpas begin to think themselfs and even events happened when im sleeping sometimes i could saw the events on my dreams but mostly i cant, so since then i awoke with a surprice.

my OC Flowerflame and Chaos Star are the strongest tulpas ever, and after put a lot of effort i can acually see them roaming in my house and feel the texture of their skins they  are so soft and a bit heavy, having tulpas is great but only if they are a few, even so i do not regret the life i have cuz i felt like a fallen god: creator of everithing then reduced to be a witness


al i can say is that tulpas exist and it depends on how much effort and features put in your carácter, they can become your best firends, my best friends is Void, the son of Balareth and Bios, the guy that was adopted by Kair 

Chaos and flowerflame always sleep with my, i lay on my bed and they cuddle their manes are so soft...

i have to admit that im not really "live" in the reality, am not autist, but i can travel with my mind at different places when i am alone



this is a notebook my dad gave me, here i been writing the last events before became a brony



i write like a diary everithing that Balareth and the others told me, this notebooks have symbols, charácter profiles, events, maps, words i have invented and mostly what they have developed themselves

i have to say that i do have social life, i have real good friends and i go out and have fun, thing is that they have following me, my tulpas
now, i thank you all for read this and understanding, you are free to believe what you want from me







  • Brohoof 3


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I've heard (I think on Reddit) that its bad to create a tulpa for a specific purpose, but don't "companionship" and "to sate my curiosity about the subject" count as purposes? This isn't something I'm seriously thinking about, just a thought I had while trying to determine my tulpa's cutie mark.


Ahh, so you saw that post as well. Honestly, if I were following what they'd said, I'd have already violated several of their recommendations. In my opinion, don't look too much in to it. Why you make a tulpa is your business and not theirs. Perhaps they believe 'companionship' to be a good purpose and the rest are bad. I disagree with that, but that's another matter.


-Wall of text-


That was an extremely interesting read! I'm curious, do you experience your wonderland as vivid as reality?


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well first of all thank you for Reading my story and yes, the my own world was really vivid, i admit i had problems with that since i went distracted and sometimes i have to difference between reality and my own world, i remembered that i decided to make it the more vivid i could and i learn about Lucid dreams and meditation, i had 15 back then, after enter in a deep focus state i entered in the world i created, since we are not limited by the senses of our phisical body we can see smell and ear beyond normal, and i remembered  that lasted for 15 minutes  but it was the best 15 minutes of my life, cuz the place i was not like a normal dream, but like alternate world and thats indeed something that the human kind should try, also in lucid dreams i was able to recreate equestria but nothing like that moment i have

  • Brohoof 1


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well first of all thank you for Reading my story and yes, the my own world was really vivid, i admit i had problems with that since i went distracted and sometimes i have to difference between reality and my own world, i remembered that i decided to make it the more vivid i could and i learn about Lucid dreams and meditation, i had 15 back then, after enter in a deep focus state i entered in the world i created, since we are not limited by the senses of our phisical body we can see smell and ear beyond normal, and i remembered  that lasted for 15 minutes  but it was the best 15 minutes of my life, cuz the place i was not like a normal dream, but like alternate world and thats indeed something that the human kind should try, also in lucid dreams i was able to recreate equestria but nothing like that moment i have


That seems like quite the experience! Thanks for responding, I'll have to try a bit of lucid dreaming. Perhaps it will prove helpful with forcing along the way.


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I am already considered weird enough for liking my little pony. Older brother by 4 years asks "Oh god this game has ponies doesn't it? Why don't you play something that involves killing things?" If i told anyone i wanted to create a Tulpa no matter what explanation i would be pushed into an anti-social paradise. Not to mention that it would give fuel to the fire that i need real friends and not Tulpas. 

I do however find interesting to have Tulpas of my three OCs in the signatures. It sounds crazily awesome to be able to talk to them with them having sentience. Like a true creation come to life... But i don't know... i am also afraid i might delve into sides of my brain and tamper with things i don't like tampering. While i understand having a Tulpa is not always dangerous i am paranoid enough to think that if i do this wrongly i might harm myself.

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I am already considered weird enough for liking my little pony. Older brother by 4 years asks "Oh god this game has ponies doesn't it? Why don't you play something that involves killing things?" If i told anyone i wanted to create a Tulpa no matter what explanation i would be pushed into an anti-social paradise. Not to mention that it would give fuel to the fire that i need real friends and not Tulpas. 


I do however find interesting to have Tulpas of my three OCs in the signatures. It sounds crazily awesome to be able to talk to them with them having sentience. Like a true creation come to life... But i don't know... i am also afraid i might delve into sides of my brain and tamper with things i don't like tampering. While i understand having a Tulpa is not always dangerous i am paranoid enough to think that if i do this wrongly i might harm myself.


It's a big decision, and props to you for genuinely thinking about it before delving right in. I'd say, should you be realistically thinking about creating a tulpa, do your research. There are a few sites such as Tulpa.Info which will allow you to ask questions and do your research. The tulpa subreddit is also a good place and you'll probably recieve a quicker response to questions over there. Don't worry, there really is no wrong way to go about tulpamancy, as long as you don't jump in negatively and full of doubt. As long as you stay positive and treat your tulpa the way that you'd want to be treated, it'll likely go fine!


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well, i have social life even with tulpas, most of my friends know it, having tulpas is not hard but it requires a lot of concentration, mine for example are next to me right now the process is simple, give them a full personality and then try to give them the answer according to their personalities

no is not a snow ball to insanity, i been over 17 years with them and i consider myself a normal person, dont worry


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