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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I'm starting to have slight doubts.

Zephyr's voice still is very weak, but what intrigues me is that she never seems to talk by herself. I always have to talk to her first to get a response.

Worse, I feel like some (not all) of these responses could be parroting.

Is there anything I could do to dissipate those doubts ? Does she just need more practice to make her voice clearer and talk by herself, or am I missing something ?


Also, any tips on vocal imposition ? We're not at this stage right now but I bet there are a few exercises we could do to make it easier later on.

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--- = separate topic, because for some reason these were all posted in the same post


Where'd you get the idea about "mind-physics" and infinite universes in our heads, Teckie? Can you or Techoh please link the HARD science so I can rub it in my skeptic friend's face?


I had to talk first a few times, Engi, but eventually I was the one responding to my tulpa. Upcoming cliche that isn't any less true: just keep practicing.

Did you think about what she would say before she said it? If not, then it's not parroting.


This morning, I had a song stuck in my head. It kept looping, and then I heard it with my ears. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or I unintentionally tricked my brain or what. Is it likely that something like this will get out of hand/hoof, and is it likely that this can be exploited to help with auditory imposition?

Edited by KruegerMeister
  • Brohoof 1
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I'm starting to have slight doubts.

Zephyr's voice still is very weak, but what intrigues me is that she never seems to talk by herself. I always have to talk to her first to get a response.

Worse, I feel like some (not all) of these responses could be parroting.

Is there anything I could do to dissipate those doubts ? Does she just need more practice to make her voice clearer and talk by herself, or am I missing something ?


First of all, doubt sucks and makes me want to punch my host in the face, but I understand it's only natural in a process like this.

I still need my host's attention to get heard, don't worry about her speaking first, that'll come in time. As for parroting, when there's another being in your head there's inevitably going to be some leaked thoughts spilling over to you - your minds are very inter-linked, so you're either hearing her thoughts before she's able to phrase them or she's using your thoughts to communicate. 


Also, as hard as it was for me to accept, parroting has gotta be considered a conscious effort. Even though it seems like it's very possible to be unintentional 'subconscious' parroting, just think how weird it is that you're hearing a voice in your head that is supposedly coming from a perspective besides your own. Until you started making a tulpa, you probably didn't hear stuff like that. 


This is the guide that really helped me with this sort of stuff: http://community.tulpa.info/thread-sentience-possible-method-for-faster-sentience

  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Teckie:" Awesome to see an open mind here! :D Not too often that I meet those type of people.... Although, there are those FEW that dare to look into the truth that is really out there. It intrigues me really."


Trust me, with good intentions, you won't regret having one. ;)


Teckie:"Look, I am LIVING proof that tulpas exist. Zephyr exists as well, but maybe not currently in a form so that he can fully communicate with you to full belief. For you, I recommend that you think deeper about all of this. Even if it get's you to inception.... "


Teckie:" ah, hard science to prove to your "skeptic friend" you say? *smiles with a smug look* Well, we've got JUST the thing for you Meister: link "


Teckie:"Oh! I don't think we've met! I'll send you a PM. :3


Cool, I'm basing her off an anime character but personality and name will be different

  • Brohoof 1


She's a lot like me in a way^

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Teckie:" ah, hard science to prove to your "skeptic friend" you say? *smiles with a smug look* Well, we've got JUST the thing for you Meister: link "


LOL, you got me. I don't have a "skeptic friend".


:ninja: I'm planning a head for when I do

  • Brohoof 1
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Teckie:" That'd be a pretty good idea. For starters, they can find that identity issues with tulpas can be a conflict. You can either think REALLY deep about all of it, or you can tell her that she is unique and an individual. ;)"


Teckie:" I totally understand that. XD I think we got the english teacher to believe in all of this after publishing the "final" research paper. That is only the beginning though.... because for the future, we shall prove TO THE ENTIRE WORLD that WE EXIST!!!!!!! Nothing will stop us!!!!!! XD "


Well... I don't know if I'm going to be going all-out like THAT..... :/ But I think I'm going to be aiming to get a masters or even a doctorate in a field of study to get the chance to prove to the world of the true nature of thoughtforms/tulpas. (thoughtforms is probably going to be the scientific term for them)


Teckie:" Thoughtform is too GENERAL though. >.< "


What else do you think I should name you besides tulpa? A self-stabilized  thoughtform category? Pretty specific, but a tad bit long to say on an everyday basis.


Teckie:"Hm.... good point."

How would I start creating her? I've started talking to her in my mind but I could be doing it wrong.


She's a lot like me in a way^

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How would I start creating her? I've started talking to her in my mind but I could be doing it wrong.

Don't worry, that's the first step. :) A great thing to know is just to "feel" her presence. This is a big thing actually, essential to get a stronger belief system and a "place" for her to reside in. It's a little complex, but it all works off of symbolism. If you imagine her to be in the right corner of your mind, then you will start to sense your presence. Keep talking to her and she will catch onto the skills of verbalization. From there, you can communicate with her most effectively and take better control over her development.


Teckie:" To tulpas it's like learning to walk and such. We can't do it unless we are 'taught' if that makes sense... but there are a FEW ways to bypass that technique. Although, those other techniques are vague and probably not good to use if you are just beginning tulpa creation. "

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't worry, that's the first step. :) A great thing to know is just to "feel" her presence. This is a big thing actually, essential to get a stronger belief system and a "place" for her to reside in. It's a little complex, but it all works off of symbolism. If you imagine her to be in the right corner of your mind, then you will start to sense your presence. Keep talking to her and she will catch onto the skills of verbalization. From there, you can communicate with her most effectively and take better control over her development.


Teckie:" To tulpas it's like learning to walk and such. We can't do it unless we are 'taught' if that makes sense... but there are a FEW ways to bypass that technique. Although, those other techniques are vague and probably not good to use if you are just beginning tulpa creation. "

Does it matter which way I start first such as visualizing her or talking?


She's a lot like me in a way^

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Teckie:" I totally understand that. XD I think we got the english teacher to believe in all of this after publishing the "final" research paper. That is only the beginning though.... because for the future, we shall prove TO THE ENTIRE WORLD that WE EXIST!!!!!!! Nothing will stop us!!!!!! XD "

"We" meaning you and Techoh wrote that paper? Why did you put "final" in quotes in the quote I just quoted? The only reason I have to question the authenticity of that paper is the fact that the teacher's last name is a word for "perfect happiness" or "a state of spiritual blessedness, typically that reached after death". I've heard of surnames derived from occupations, but surnames that are literally words for emotions?!

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Pfft, I had a Ms. Good as a History teacher once. Names are so strange. So very strange, in fact, that it's almost not strange at all.




I keep saying that I really want to start in the creation of one, but I also keep saying that I don't want to let one down if I can't be the perfect or ideal, or even acceptable and sufficient Tulpamancer. I am far, far too easily distracted, and I never have a lot to say. And I do too many tasks that are too repetitive to be interesting and diverse enough to narrate.


Goodness am I boring. What a shock. o.o

Edited by SkyDream
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Pfft, I had a Ms. Good as a History teacher once. Names are so strange. So very strange, in fact, that it's almost not strange at all.




I keep saying that I really want to start in the creation of one, but I also keep saying that I don't want to let one down if I can't be the perfect or ideal, or even acceptable and sufficient Tulpamancer. I am far, far too easily distracted, and I never have a lot to say. And I do too many tasks that are too repetitive to be interesting and diverse enough to narrate.


Goodness am I boring. What a shock. o.o


[Hey, this one is easily distracted, and she managed to have me! *pointing at me*]


Heh, seems like my little Ariel's decided to speak up for once. Well, she made a good point. I am pretty much the same as you - easily distracted, and nothing much interesting to narrate to her about. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you try.


You cannot do it wrong. The only thing that is truly detrimental to a tulpa's development is doubt. If you only have a few minutes a day or can't concentrate very long, that's okay. Just use the time you have. Narrate to your tulpa by directing your natural thoughts towards them, as if directing your thoughts into a one-sided conversation. It may take a little longer, but your tulpa will develop.


And I worry about letting Ariel down when I don't pay her as much attention as I should... but, I know she still loves me. She insists that I'm not letting her down, that she's just grateful that she's here at all because of me, which is super sweet of her.


I don't know much myself, personally, but I hope this helps! ^-^

  • Brohoof 1
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That was really sweet. Thank you. :) Very much. Definitely encouraging.


I actually wonder if being manic-depressive would have an impact on a lasting relationship with a tulpa.


Almost typed Magic-depressive. That would've been interesting.

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Heh yeah. Awesome, that. I didn't say that I was the one being Manic-Depressive, (At least I lack the "Depressive" side, thank goodness, but Manic, I sure have sometimes. It's great.) though I still can't help but wonder if any Manic spurts would affect the Tulpa as well. Now that would be an interesting lesson in neurology.


Actually something that gets me really excited is the possibility that if a person somehow remembers a past life, their Tulpa would have access to it too, and could elucidate on it. Anyone interested in that field of study should be jumping in their boots for such a thing, not that anyone should be "used" like a tool for such a thing.


Don't mind me. I'm just thinking tangentially.

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Heh yeah. Awesome, that. I didn't say that I was the one being Manic-Depressive, (At least I lack the "Depressive" side, thank goodness, but Manic, I sure have sometimes. It's great.) though I still can't help but wonder if any Manic spurts would affect the Tulpa as well. Now that would be an interesting lesson in neurology.

Actually something that gets me really excited is the possibility that if a person somehow remembers a past life, their Tulpa would have access to it too, and could elucidate on it. Anyone interested in that field of study should be jumping in their boots for such a thing, not that anyone should be "used" like a tool for such a thing.

Don't mind me. I'm just thinking tangentially.

Teckie:" Hm... I like thinking this way! What if... a tulpa has actually had a past life for themselves?! That would change EVERYTHING. O.O Well... hehe, maybe not everything.... but SOMETHING to think about. Holy cow... wow, REALLY something to think about now that I am thinking about it a little more.  :huh:  Don't mind me, I'll be off to find my past life!!!!  :muffins:  Ninja style  :ph34r:  "


Uh.... ya, sure. ~_~ Don't know what to think of that.


I think making a tulpa could be one of the hardest things anyone could do.


Actually, not the HARDEST thing. To tell the truth, the only thing that makes it hard is the belief system that you might have stuck in your head. This belief system restricts possibility for a tulpa to be fully developed. To add to this, have you ever thought about how young children have "imaginary friends?" Until they realized by society that having imaginary friends was "weird," they explored that concept and perhaps have created a lower form of a tulpa. :) Probably not a full tulpa because their brain is still developing, but a FORM of a tulpa nevertheless. I remember the time that I imagined an imaginary friend... I don't remember much about him, but I lost effort of him being with me because society was so careless about the fact of an imaginary friend. I still remember him though.... sitting on the couch with me...  :huh:


Well, if you think about it that way, you will find that it's really just doubts that make things difficult. Just start on the basics: believe. After that, every other step will be fairly easy. :)


Teckie:" Hm.... well said.  :catface: I am speechless for once."


Heh, for once. XD

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Teckie:"Yup! "We" meaning Techoh and I wrote that paper. I had my own reasons for finding ways to prove to people of tulpas.... I mean.... *hides face and breathes out deeply* They think of us as abominations. Just look at mental institutions. Just look at those G*D D*M* CREEPY PASTAS!!!!!!




Teckie:" *looks back up smiling* of course you must realize why it is important for me to get people to understand, right? *waits a little recollecting what happened* My apologies for.... that anger that just exploded. It.... seems to do that to me because of how I like to be social, but that I am literally hidden and cast away from the world. I can still observe the world and experience it through Techoh, but it's not the same when they don't even accept that it is truly me. *smiles softly* I'm just happy that there is the internet to go to to truly express myself. :)"


Well... Anyway, we said "final" because it was the final thing that would be graded for the year.


Teckie:"It was emphasized because I thought that it would be a moment of 'we are leaving the school now? Let's go with a bang!' sort of deal.... I don't know, that's how it felt to me at least. XD "


I heard Fluttershy's voice say something about hoping you used a pseudonym in the google doc.


And now for something completely different!


I'm starting to think that my tulpa's shapeshifting (into things like a Changeling, a mix of herself and Nightmare Moon, and this) were tactics to get me to pay attention to her.


...O.O I think she already had a crisis, though not one of identity. *holds up skull* To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of being ignored, or to take Arms and play the attention-whore?

Think about it, why do people do attention-whore stuff?...Then again, pranking IS one of the traits I gave her, and attention is food for tulpas, so maybe she was "overeating" so that she wouldn't be "hungry" later. In retrospect, she could have pranked me with any number of hallucinations, but she chose to shapeshift...maybe it was an attempt at self-discovery/identity formation [:derp:], a series of pranks, and an attempt at feeding herself, all at once.

[you're overthinking this. I turned into Nina (the dog) after you worried about lack of tulpaforcing. I told you I was stable!]

OR, I'm trying to start a friendly debate about I-don't-know-what. I set up an imaginary cord that she could tug on to get my attention. Maybe it somehow detached itself from my occipital lobe and attached to my amygdala.


No, debate-starting :-P

Also, relating to Teckie's hatred of the creepypastas, I'm working on a series of novels, the God-hating antagonist of which pretends to be characters' tulpa on two occasions. The first time is pretty similar to the infamous creepypasta, but he tries out matchmaking and generally helping his "host" better themselves on the second occasion. Anypony think that this would send a negative message, considering that the "tulpa" is really a God-hating Satan-analogue?

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Also, relating to Teckie's hatred of the creepypastas, I'm working on a series of novels, the God-hating antagonist of which pretends to be characters' tulpa on two occasions. The first time is pretty similar to the infamous creepypasta, but he tries out matchmaking and generally helping his "host" better themselves on the second occasion. Anypony think that this would send a negative message, considering that the "tulpa" is really a God-hating Satan-analogue?



Whoa, I got a weird feeling through my entire body just now... Ariel?


["God-hating Satan analogue"?! Just what are you trying to do? Make them hate all tulpas?! I just want us to be accepted - tolerated, at least! - and... *pause, shaky sigh* I-I'm sorry...]


I... Is that how you really feel?




Oh... I never realized she felt so strongly about something like this...

Edited by Miss Reaper
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First of all, doubt sucks and makes me want to punch my host in the face, but I understand it's only natural in a process like this.

I still need my host's attention to get heard, don't worry about her speaking first, that'll come in time. As for parroting, when there's another being in your head there's inevitably going to be some leaked thoughts spilling over to you - your minds are very inter-linked, so you're either hearing her thoughts before she's able to phrase them or she's using your thoughts to communicate.


Also, as hard as it was for me to accept, parroting has gotta be considered a conscious effort. Even though it seems like it's very possible to be unintentional 'subconscious' parroting, just think how weird it is that you're hearing a voice in your head that is supposedly coming from a perspective besides your own. Until you started making a tulpa, you probably didn't hear stuff like that.


This is the guide that really helped me with this sort of stuff: http://community.tulpa.info/thread-sentience-possible-method-for-faster-sentience

Ok, thanks. I think I should avoid worrying like that.



Oh, I don't doubt that tulpae exist :)

It's just that I have trouble hearing her.



What I'm trying to do is make her voice more separate.

Right now her mindvoice is about the same as mine. If it was more distinct I should be able to hear her better, as she told me I sometimes don't hear her.


negative message


God-hating Satan-analogue?

Umm, no.

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Sorry! Sorry! Let me clarify:

The bad guy only PRETENDS to be a tulpa (which is why I put "tulpa" in quotes), and if it makes you feel any better the protagonist is also compared to Satan (the former tries to be seen as Satan, while the latter is a victim of slander and libel). The "God-hating Satan-analogue" part only shows up after the bad guy reveals that he isn't a tulpa, and before he pretends to be one. During the story where the bad guy pretends to be a tulpa, he doesn't hinder the protagonist in any way (in fact helping him get a girlfriend, recover lost memories, and overcome trauma), and two characters who 1) know what the buck they're talking about and 2) have been rendered incapable of lying explain the concept of tulpas to the main character, emphasizing all the positive impacts they can have on their hosts. My line of reasoning was that readers would think "the bad guy's an evil, EVIL bastard, but tulpas are a-okay; the bad guy's actions, although he faked being a tulpa, line up with the knowledgeable, incapable-of-lying characters' descriptions of tulpas."


Is "if it makes you feel any better" offensive?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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Teckie:" Hm... I like thinking this way! What if... a tulpa has actually had a past life for themselves?! That would change EVERYTHING. O.O Well... hehe, maybe not everything.... but SOMETHING to think about. Holy cow... wow, REALLY something to think about now that I am thinking about it a little more.  :huh:  Don't mind me, I'll be off to find my past life!!!!  :muffins:  Ninja style  :ph34r:  "


Uh.... ya, sure. ~_~ Don't know what to think of that.



Actually, not the HARDEST thing. To tell the truth, the only thing that makes it hard is the belief system that you might have stuck in your head. This belief system restricts possibility for a tulpa to be fully developed. To add to this, have you ever thought about how young children have "imaginary friends?" Until they realized by society that having imaginary friends was "weird," they explored that concept and perhaps have created a lower form of a tulpa. :) Probably not a full tulpa because their brain is still developing, but a FORM of a tulpa nevertheless. I remember the time that I imagined an imaginary friend... I don't remember much about him, but I lost effort of him being with me because society was so careless about the fact of an imaginary friend. I still remember him though.... sitting on the couch with me...  :huh:


Well, if you think about it that way, you will find that it's really just doubts that make things difficult. Just start on the basics: believe. After that, every other step will be fairly easy. :)


Teckie:" Hm.... well said.  :catface: I am speechless for once."


Heh, for once. XD


You definetly must not get instant results with things like tulpas unfortunately but how would someone create one? :)

Edited by Jake_

1zxbprt.jpgbabadumbadum BAH

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Sorry! Sorry! Let me clarify:

The bad guy only PRETENDS to be a tulpa (which is why I put "tulpa" in quotes), and if it makes you feel any better the protagonist is also compared to Satan (the former tries to be seen as Satan, while the latter is a victim of slander and libel). The "God-hating Satan-analogue" part only shows up after the bad guy reveals that he isn't a tulpa, and before he pretends to be one. During the story where the bad guy pretends to be a tulpa, he doesn't hinder the protagonist in any way (in fact helping him get a girlfriend, recover lost memories, and overcome trauma), and two characters who 1) know what the buck they're talking about and 2) have been rendered incapable of lying explain the concept of tulpas to the main character, emphasizing all the positive impacts they can have on their hosts. My line of reasoning was that readers would think "the bad guy's an evil, EVIL bastard, but tulpas are a-okay; the bad guy's actions, although he faked being a tulpa, line up with the knowledgeable, incapable-of-lying characters' descriptions of tulpas."


Is "if it makes you feel any better" offensive?


[Oh. Um, yeah... Sorry about my outburst. I guess it was a misunderstanding. >.< Sounds like an interesting story you have there, by the way. ^-^]


An interesting story indeed! And a good way to make people more aware of tulpas in a way; so many people ask "what's that?" whenever I mention them (which is a rare occasion as it is).


Still, though, I hadn't expected such a strong reaction from Ariel earlier. Her anger sent shivers down my spine. I guess I didn't realize how much she wants to be accepted for what she is... Though, I guess any tulpa would want people to acknowledge them as a real thing rather than something we're all making up.

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Do you think my line of reasoning is correct?

I just remembered something else: another character (in the same story) willingly becomes the host of an alien that the majority of people see as a parasite...long story short, she's essentially destined to die by childbirth and can communicate and is on good terms with her "baby", which, inspired by tulpas, she imposes on her senses so that it can experience the world outside her body. The "baby" eventually kills the antagonist mentioned above. Its species only impregnates people with the "parasites" out of necessity to continue the species (bringing the above two things up in case that has any impact on tulpas--a creature that, for lack of a better word, appropriates* imposition is part of a species that fights to not be stigmatized, and kills a creature that faked being a tulpa, although not strictly for that reason).

I'm thinking that in the first story (the one with the pseudo-creepypasta!tulpa), either the antagonist explains that he injures the protagonist from the inside, and she just THINKS his hallucinatory body is hurting her (this has the appearance of a rogue tulpa, but isn't), or instead of hurting her, he just creeps her out and gives her headaches (this is a realistic portrayal of the most a rogue tulpa could do).


*How do any of the tulpas here view that? On a tangent, did WE appropriate the concept of/terms tulpas, wonderlands, etc.?

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