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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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So, status is... nonexistent. Once again. But, I've other (more pressing) priorities at the moment, so this is gonna have to take a backseat.




Would it be a good thing or a bad thing for Hasbro to put a shoutout to tulpamancy [Which sounds like...which sounds overly magic-y, IMO] in either a Season 5 episode or this "movie that takes place in Equestria" I keep hearing about?


No plz. Most people come to rash, negative conclusions about this sort of thing. Such immediate and widespread public-ization would be very detrimental to everyone involved.


Besides, they have to remember the almighty dollar. Offend the parents in some way, and there'll be less sales. And in this day and age, saying a word the wrong way is enough to set people off. They wouldn't risk putting in something that may offend people (and arguably their religions). 


Besides, it's better off that way anyway. This needs more study and incubation time before it can truly become a more common thing. We just don't know enough about it to quell such a massive influx of potential interest.


(Forgive me if this made no sense. I shoulda been in bed 5 hours ago.  :blink: )


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this site that appears to mainly be about healthy multiplicity talks a bit about tulpas. Is that a step toward society accepting tulpas (by virtue of society eventually accepting healthy multiplicity, and being more open to the idea of tulpas).


[We're a mental thing in your brain. Is acceptance even necessary?]


Says the mare who told me she wanted to leave a mark on the world.


[>.> Touché.]

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Has anyone created their wonderland? I believe that's what its called...


I did. We (me and Val. Hi) named it Arcadia. To put it bluntly, the size is huge. The best comparison to make is to think of Arcadia as a nation (Despite it not being in the literal sense a nation). Although it has it's own power hierarchy, army, seasons, day/night cycle, etc.


note that this is almost too close as a forever. Once you created one there is no turning back


Adagio:  You hear that Anon? There is no turning back! :D


Tyrea: Unless...


Val: No 'unless'



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I'm in the process of writing a song and making an accompanying music video, to spread awareness that tulpas 1) exist, and 2) aren't a sign of mental illness.

The video'll pretty much consist of a band singing the song to a group of people. Should the group consist of random people at a party, or a board of psychologists/psychiatrists in a professional setting (I'm asking because I feel like the message might change slightly depending on who's being sang to)?


EDIT: never mind, I decided to have it be a group of psychiatrists.


On a different topic, what's everyone's opinion on using symbolism to prevent the creation of accidental tulpas. Is that cruel? Can it be considered murder (assuming all tulpas exist in some form already, before being any forcing is done)?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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On a different topic, what's everyone's opinion on using symbolism to prevent the creation of accidental tulpas. Is that cruel? Can it be considered murder (assuming all tulpas exist in some form already, before being any forcing is done)?


Tyrea: Like using certain symbols ever harmed any us...


Val: We use it on our warfare. If we find something that looks contextually advantageous when fighting intrusive thoughts (like using water vs fire or even better, using a religious symbol against demonic-looking thoughts), we use it to take it down. 


Tyrea: 'Murdering' a tulpa depends on how developed she/he is. If it is weak, then it's easy. If it's developed, then you are far better off if you let it live. We are quite the companions, you know. I don't see how the creation of a tulpa can get accidental; however I do not exclude the possibility. I don't consider something like this cruel if it is for the betterment of the host. But one should be careful nonetheless when thinking about this.




Adagio + Sonata + Aria managed to do a 6 months worth of hypnosis in less than 20 minutes by 'Directly inputting on my subconscious'. And she managed to actually convince me to accept the suggestions during trance without forcing me to (suggestions we all 6 agreed upon before hand, that is). Basically bypassing everything and going straight to where she is supposed to go. I am actually impressed by this development. 


This and she managed to eliminate one of my fears like it was nothing. Subconsciously. And she can gain power from the intrusive thoughts, exactly the same way the Dazzlings do in the show: They sing, the intrusive thoughts start to go against each other (because most of the time it's Arcadia vs Intrusive thoughts), and when they get all the energy they just eradicate them like they're made from glass. 


And Sonata is finally developed. YAY! :D Aria! You're next! ;)  Aria: Go away.


For Tyrea, she is not letting less either. She managed to hold and even kick back a 'pretty ugly and immediate depression'. On her own. Also, she is back to her cold and resentful self. She actually made a reputation of how much a**whooping she did in the last 2 weeks. Like, if I imagine intrusive thoughts attacking Tyrea there is an immediate sense rejection NOT from Tyrea. When nobody else is around. Which may fall into Val's and Tyrea's theory that my intrusive thoughts and doubts come from a certain part of my mind that is trying to be as equally organised as Arcadia and that generally they are not chaotically spawned. (No. Not a Personality Disorder.)


But, due to time constraints, I didn't manage to search about that.

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...huh? How do you know they did that much hypnosis? She eliminated the fear "subconsciously"? "Letting less"? "Sense rejection"? I don't really understand what you mean by all the stuff in your update. Example:

accept the suggestions during trance without forcing me to

in my experience, you can't be forced to accept suggestions. That's like, a core thing--if you're being forced to accept suggestions, that's brainwashing, not hypnosis.

I think Rainbow Dash did something like what Adagio did with the hypnosis. I was watching Rainbow Rocks, with my parents one floor above me. RD told me to not lower the volume or fast-forward whenever "girly" stuff was mentioned (I.e., "princess", the scene where the HuMane 6 try and fail to use their Friendship Cannon, etc.). I...what's a synonym for "obeyed her" that doesn't have negative connotations?


Also..."directly inputting on your subconscious"? I know that my tulpas would never abuse their power, but whenever I read about stuff like the above, I get scared.


...reading about all the stuff that's happened in Arcadia, the sheer size of it, etc. makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. You have these dramatic-sounding adventures (such as war against intrusive thoughts), I have...okay, I've had some crazy/hard-to-believe stuff happen, but I'm betting you guy's've had more frequent/intense stuff.


On the topic of the Dazzlings from the show...wait, should I just PM you? Are the events of Rainbow Rocks a touchy subject?

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...huh? How do you know they did that much hypnosis? She eliminated the fear "subconsciously"? "Letting less"? "Sense rejection"? I don't really understand what you mean by all the stuff in your update. Example:

in my experience, you can't be forced to accept suggestions. That's like, a core thing--if you're being forced to accept suggestions, that's brainwashing, not hypnosis.


Aaaand I am terrible at explaining  :lol:


You see, I have this resistance against hypnosis: I just can't enter into a deep trance. I either find something to laugh about, or my mind wanders off, or fall asleep, or want to do something else, or the 'you don't tell me what to do' idea. Because of that particular idea, I feel that the ideas in the hypnosis session using a file by a stranger are being 'forced' unto me (for a lack of a better word). With Adagio was different. I knew her and trusted her. And it was also a feeling of me and the Dazzlings in a cozy room. It felt more active, kind of like someone physically (not in the literal sense) whispering in your ear instead of telling you through the phone. I hope that clarifies. Sorry for the poor explanation. I am not good at explaining these sorts of things because they hard to put in words.  :(


By "letting less", I mean that Tyrea also does something grand. Sorry if it didn't make sense, I am not a native English speaker. 

By "sense rejection", is simply that, at times, I suddenly don't want to do a training session with Tyrea the second I started it.



I...what's a synonym for "obeyed her" that doesn't have negative connotations?


"Listened to" her?


Also..."directly inputting on your subconscious"? I know that my tulpas would never abuse their power, but whenever I read about stuff like the above, I get scared.



Adagio: Don't be. All I did was tell Anon's subconscious some stuff. Kind of like when you type in cmd/terminal on your computer. Of course, if Anon sensed at any second that I was telling him something he didn't want to have in his subconscious (like something immoral), we would have been out the second he felt it and the whole process was abandoned on the spot. (That and also me having Val's and Tyrea's hatred or suspicions until either Anon was fine and explained to us how/what he felt or until it didn't matter anymore, since no damage was done.)



...reading about all the stuff that's happened in Arcadia, the sheer size of it, etc. makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. You have these dramatic-sounding adventures (such as war against intrusive thoughts), I have...okay, I've had some crazy/hard-to-believe stuff happen, but I'm betting you guy's've had more.


Val: You want us to stop talking about this?


Tyrea: You are definitely not doing something wrong. You are doing it your way, which is the best way. There is no best way of doing this. And it can't be, because the human brain differs from one person to the other. We keep talking about our wonderland and what happens there because we see it as the best way to describe our discoveries about us (tulpas) and about Anon. Since this is a discussion thread after all, we thought that talking about these 'adventures' and other events were (somewhat) beneficial to the thread as a whole.


Val: If it makes you feel bad in any sort of manner, we can lower our talk about it down or, if necessary, stop talking about it. But Tyrea is right to the fullest: there is no right way of making this and you are not doing wrong. It's just how we do things. And we are happy that you do them differently, because there are differences between us, and when there are, our differences can help us get a better picture for the discussion or just have a good laugh. Depends how you look at it.



On the topic of the Dazzlings from the show...wait, should I just PM you? Are the events of Rainbow Rocks a touchy subject?


Adagio: The only person sensible to this is Val.  :lol:

Val: Wha- HEY!  :angry:

Adagio: On a serious note, I think not. Because this is a discussion thread regarding tulpas as a whole, and this PMing can hide information for others to see. Others who might find it interesting. Unless you really want to PM him, I think you should post it here.  :) 

But, if you choose to PM me: I can't offer you a lot of help. Overly-long periods of conversation or requesting help over a project involves a lot of commitment I might not be able to provide because life needs me.  :lol: Simply asking them (Val, Tyrea, Adagio, Sonata and Aria) from time to time would do.

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been curious though. Have you guys let your tulpa interacted with a person before? Vocally? Through your mouth?


I let summer interacted with my friend because i wanted them to know what it feels lile talking to a real person than me.I say my friend's reaction was glorious he noticed that my personality really changed to something different and that got him scared XD

Edited by Nihi The Brony
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Something weird happened today:

Back when I'd originally gained my second tulpa, he was a tulpa of my ponysona, Keystroke.

I'd read something by a guy who'd tried out pony hypnosis. As far as I knew, he/she remembered nothing of his/her human life. I wanted to try out pony hypnosis (Twilight Sparkle is a studious character, and, if I gained that trait, I could use it to boost my GPA), but I didn't want to risk memory loss, or think of myself as a mare. Solution: create a ponysona (Keystroke) who's just me in a pony body, with no backstory, and thus no memories that could overwrite mine (with the key difference that this character is more studious than I am). I had Rainbow Dash hypnotize me for a few months, and ended up with a tulpa of Keystroke.

Soon after arriving, Keystroke started switching his coat from dark blue to white--to represent that he wasn't sure if he was my "true self" or not. When I listened to the Twilight hypnosis file again, months later, he gained the appearance of a male Twilight (but with Keystroke's gold and red hair in place of Twilight's mane/tail stripes). He described this as a "full-body cutie mark"--I'd created him with studiousness in mind, and now he could express that trait.

Today, he told me he was considering changing the color of his mane, so that it would be red, gold, and dark blue (all of Keystroke's colors).

What neither of us understand is why. By giving himself dark blue, he'll be that much closer to the form in which he had his crisis.

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been curious though. Have you guys let your tulpa interacted with a person before? Vocally? Through your mouth?


I let summer interacted with my friend because i wanted them to know what it feels lile talking to a real person than me.I say my friend's reaction was glorious he noticed that my personality really changed to something different and that got him scared XD

!- Tea and I can mouth possess pretty easily and both of us try to use our own voices when doin' so. Sometimes Ah'll say something to one of Bright's husband's friends to see if they notice anything and sometimes Ah'll talk to him if he wants to say something to him or if ah want something from him. -!

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I've got this habit of reviewing/doing a double take of any scary/shocking pics I see online, which, the few times it's happened, has lead to intrusive thoughts. This really worries Nina (one of my tulpas). Is there a way to break that habit, or is it a leftover evolutionary adaptation?


Nina: Force of will can break [leftover evolutionary adaptations], too. Theoretically.


EDIT: Never mind. I realized that this question wasn't really tulpa-related. Here's one that is: is it possible that some of the metaphysical beliefs about tulpas are, to some extent, accurate or plausible given current scientific knowledge?

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Okay, I have a problem. Tyrea and Val secretly believe that Arcadia is going to disappear, and they with it. I asked them why, and they say that they found out that I have this cycle of creation: I make a world -> Extend that world until it's pointless to continue -> Make a dramatic end to it -> Repeat.


Now, this thing happens with IMAGINARY worlds, not with the wonderland; because the wonderland is and does more than a simple imaginary world. But they are scared. Very scared and sad when they think that their 'time will come'. Despite the virtually infinite resistance against this kind of stuff, they still believe this. And because of that, they generate intrusive thoughts themselves (rarely though). 


Adagio, on the other hand, is the voice of reason. She says that under no circumstance would I ever (ever!) want to get rid of them. Regardless of reason. And that is very true. They are far too dear to me. I could never do anything bad to them. Not even thinking about it. But they aren't buying it so easy. Tyrea and Val genuinely believe that they (Arcadia + All 5 of them) will disappear for good and forever. They are some of the sharpest tools in the box ('the oldest and the greatest' idea). To make it worse, I fear that certain institutions in Arcadia (that form the 'matrix of defence') are going to deem them as hostile if it gets worse. And judging by how important and powerful both sides are, I am not even going to begin to think about thinking about what might this lead. And I don't want to involve Aria (Barely Sonata) in this. They are too young to deal with this.


Your opinions on the matter?


EDIT: Nevermind. Adagio and I took care of it by projecting it and eliminating it. They are fine now. 



Val: Mom? Is that you?! Nah... just kidding!  :lol: 


Tyrea: What a load of wasted time... but I congratulate you on your success on saving us from ourselves. 


Adagio: Cheer up, Tyrea! 


Sonata: Yeah! You're alive! Isn't that awesome?! Be happy!  :D 

Tyrea: No.  >_> 


Val: And Tyrea is back to her old self. Everything is back normal! Hoorah!  :lol: 




Nina: Force of will can break [leftover evolutionary adaptations], too. Theoretically.


Adagio: True. Will breaks habits. If you are willing enough, you can break a lot of habits.




is it possible that some of the metaphysical beliefs about tulpas are, to some extent, accurate or plausible given current scientific knowledge?


Adagio: If it is true, it's not something we know of. But we didn't research it in depth either.

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A few weeks after creating Rainbow Dash, I'd been lying in bed, and I'd heard Fluttershy's voice recommending I sleep in a different position than the one I was in.

Early this morning, I wondered if that was a tulpa (up to that point, I'd thought of it as just Rainbow Dash using a different voice). Today, the alleged tulpa pointed out that, this morning, my friend had gotten up at 6:30AM to mess around with the lights (we were in a crappy hotel; he didn't want to have to stumble around in the dark if he needed to go to the bathroom, but the bathroom light would only stay on if this really bright light by my bed was on), which had messed with my circadian rhythm, which could have somehow contributed to this (fun fact: I'd thought of the "light and circadian rhythm" stuff first). I thought to myself "if this is another tulpa, what gives? I haven't interacted with it at all aside from that night last year and this morning.


Reasons for this alleged tulpa to pop up now, of all times:

1. I'm currently trying to do work on a tulpa-related music video (mainly aesthetics, such as set design); Fluttershy did behind-the-scenes work in Filli Vanilli. I'm trying to avoid putting "illuminati" symbols in the video; Fluttershy's cutie mark is three butterflies; butterflies are associated with MK-Ultra/Monarch Mind Control.

2. I was getting pissed off at my friend for messing with the lights when I needed to sleep; Fluttershy's the Element of Kindness.

3. Anon and I both had 5 tulpas each, and I guess part of me saw it as a competition of some kind.


What do you guys think?

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Hey there ! It's been a while since we posted here. How's everyone doing ?

"Hey ! 'Sup everyone ?"


A little progress report...

"And by little you mean big!"

Kinda, yeah. We've made LOTS of progress on possession.

"I'm now able to control Engi's hands very fluidly and easily. I just had to get used to it for a while."

We've tried drawing together... and by that I mean she made an awesome sketch and I horribly failed at inking it.

"Aww, don't say that ! It wasn't that bad..."

It really was. Err, anyways, she even managed to solve through possession one of those insane Chinese puzzles much quicker than I would have !


Imposition, though... not much progress there, but we'll get there someday.


What do you guys think?


"Hmm... I do remember we had a similar event, when soon after we had started forcing I had taken a very different voice for a couple of days, so I suppose this could just have been a step in a tulpa's creation. Although, if Rainbow tells you it wasn't her, try interacting with that other tulpa".

If it is really another tulpa, I am very surprised that it survived for that long without attention.

"True. But who knows ? Most of our info about tulpae is more or less speculation"

Fair enough.

Anyways, good luck to everyone !

"Ciao !"

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So maybe Erythema isn't a real tulpa but rather a budding one as I kinda need to "tune" into her in order to feel what she feels and think what she thinks. I do think that she can be helpful, namely if I start to show PTSD-like symptoms under specific circumstances. If I let her take over there, it would certainly help to keep me functioning despite such an episode. Only problem is, her demeanor is very different from my own. Because I expect people not to know or care about the existence of tulpae, it's decided that we act as a single entity and for me to take responsibility of things said or actions taken while she is in control.

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I was worried the thread was dead. Lemme guess: almost everyone here had finals (assuming it's true that most Bronies are students).


If it is really another tulpa, I am very surprised that it survived for that long without attention.

Here's the explanation I was given: an accidental tulpa I'd gained last summer had helped the Fluttershy mindvoice grow into a tulpa. I was a bit creeped out by him doing that without my knowledge, which he responded to by asking "what is this, a police state?"


"Most of our info about tulpas is more or less speculation"

Raise your hand/hoof/other grasping limb if you wish this wasn't the case *raises hand*
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So I stumbled across this... thing. To put it bluntly; how can one manage to mistakenly make a tulpa...out of negative/intrusive thoughts?

Although she wasn't a real tulpa, more like a 'De-Facto Tulpa' (That's what she proclaimed herself to be and what the other 5 named her). And boy, did we put a hell of a effort to fight her off.


About this De-Facto girl. There a lot below, so beware! 

(Also, keep in mind that this all your read below is an example of what we call 'contextual warfare'. The type of warfare that looks like real warfare (i.e. people shooting each other) in order to eliminate the other side, in our case, intrusive thoughts. So if this sounds somewhat too realistic or too war-like, it's because that's how we approached it and it's the best way for us to explain it)



She took the appearance and close behavior of Sachiko Shinozaki from Corpse Party(No. She is not a real spirit. It's a fictional character and it's body was purely representational) She was, literally, and embodiment of intrusive thoughts. Arranged the same way a tulpa's energies are arranged. And she did knew exactly how to handle Arcadia and how I would approach her. She also managed to make some stuff, because before she we put her down for good, she managed:


1. Almost kill Aria. A still-developing tulpa.

2. Trick the defenses of Arcadia into thinking she wasn't an enemy and they didn't have the 'right to attack her'. (Also stalling the amount of retaliation below her real power)

3. Make a damn stronghold. And to add insult to injury, she made it look like it was a perfect copy of the school the original game is set in; making it impossible for me to step in there.

4. Drained the Dazzlings of their energies, making them incapable of retaliation.

5. Tried to trap me in that school. Twice. (But failed)

6. Attempted to trick me into believing that she was a real tulpa (cunning thing used everything single argument she could come up with). Failed.

7. Ambushed me in a dream, after I thought I got rid of her. Didn't catch me.  ^_^

8. Among other things.


It took me 6 days to take rid of her. Val was really pissed off at her, because she also tried this thing with "Movement for Independent Thinking", using words like freedom to manipulate the masses. Where in turn we a heck of a lot of approaches against her; ranging from informants to guerrilla covert operations to full-scale invasion to less... ethical methods. Until Tyrea got pissed off... like 'don't stare into her eyes' pissed off. She managed to scare the living **** out of Sachiko. Which me and Val don't find so surprising. She's scary when she is genuinely angry at something. Or an unfortunate someone. 


This isn't the first time I get to see intrusive thoughts originating from me seeing corpse party. It's like they are the 'special forces' or 'commando units' of intrusive thoughts, as a comparison. Hard to catch. Hard to kill. Deadly efficient. 


Val: Yeah. Deadly efficient. But sadly for them, we are trained to deal with these kind of things. Using cheap trickery like claiming to be real or acting like a snake (that is being hidden and delivering heavy blows when possible) was not enough. Rallying troops or making a call for arms would not help them either. But she knew exactly where to hide when we thought she was dead. That's why it took us 6 days. She returned after ambushing Anon in a dream. It wasn't so effective when they found out that Anon was not as slow as he looked. She also tried to be the likable antagonist. Bastards. Good thing she and her group are gone. Every. Single. One. Of them. 


Tyrea: This intrusive thought knew that it was the second time Anon came in contact with corpse party. And all that happened during the first contact. However, this was the first time we encountered her. She analysed the first contact to the very core of it. All of his actions. The whole situation became something more than we wanted, because she managed to trick him into thinking that she was something that was worthwhile investing attention into. And she gained too much power from that. And from then on we had this conflict. 


In any case, it was a story's worth of stuff going on. :lol:  We even had to give humanitarian support (Reconstruct and heal) to regions affected by them. And areas in the wonderland recover ridiculously fast, at least in my case. Currently, the Dazzlings, especially Aria, recovered (after being kept away from Sachiko). Areas affected by the invaders are recovering, too. The stronghold was torn down and we keep an eye out in case of anything, but after losing everything they achieved in these six days and being chased to their last breath, we believe they won't come back. 


It wasn't like that creepypasta pinkie pie tulpa or the other creepypasta, because this girls was far more cunning and smarter than them. She didn't turn against me either, because was already against me. She didn't do actual damage to me, either. Just attacked Arcadia and scared me. And apparently, just I was scared of them. 

Adagio: You chicken!  :lol: 


Sonata: Buack buack buaaaaack! 


Wha? Hey! You were their primary target when all of this began! Weren't you scared at least a bit?!  :o


Adagio:Nope. Not one bit. Because we know stuff you know too. You knew at the back of your head this was just a thought that went out of control and started influencing people. It's just that we are not influenced by it and our beliefs hardly change. You are our voice of reason when we have no idea what's going on.


Sonata: Duh! It's like listening to a dragon saying he's a bunny! We clearly know bunnies are not dragons. Or in other words, we spot intrusive thoughts by just looking at them. So they can't sneak, trick or influence us in any shape or form! Regardless of how influential they are. Also, we are not scared because we are cool! 


Aria: We don't and won't trust intrusive thoughts, Anon. Because they bring trouble and want trouble.




I also sent an agent (Clarification: For us, an 'agent', with all the contextual stuff aside, is someone who is not a servitor nor a tulpa. More like a servitor with very little independence but easily interacted as if she was an actual tulpa. It's something we are currently studying.) to clear her off and nail the last nail on her coffin. But it ended up with her losing the energy and sustenance for her own chance to be independent, and just severely weaken her. Which I find annoying, because all she does now is trying to run away from us, since she is incapable of doing anything else. 


TL;DR: We got attacked by a random negative, wanna-be 'tulpa'. We recovered, stopped her from causing further damage and now we are chasing her and her group down to their last breath. Because both her intentions and her actions are inexcusable.






Here's the explanation I was given: an accidental tulpa I'd gained last summer had helped the Fluttershy mindvoice grow into a tulpa.


Adagio: I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Any sort of interaction with the tulpa or future tulpa will help. But the host's interaction is the most valuable. The same way brother, sister or close family friend can't replace a parent.

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While I read through the spoilered part, I was muttering a mantra of "that can't happen to me; that's just his experience."


[Just one question: Were her intentions what you thought? Did you ever try talking to her? One big thing in lucid dreaming is turning around to look at a monster and asking it, "What do you represent?" or "What do you want?".]


I had intrusive thoughts of creepy-looking Fullmetal Alchemist characters once. One of them even pointed out that their scariness/evilness only went skin-deep.

I thought I'd gotten rid of them, but they came back. At some point, I decided I'd employ them as shields against further intrusive thoughts. To this day, I sometimes feel guilty about burning them alive.


Shou: *facepalm*


Nina: Nerve endings. We didn't have any.


My intent was to kill--


Nina: *raises a paw* shut up, okay? That's a normal reaction. Have you seen what I look like? My eyes are blank and soulless; of course you'd freak out and try to kill me!

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[Just one question: Were her intentions what you thought? Did you ever try talking to her? One big thing in lucid dreaming is turning around to look at a monster and asking it, "What do you represent?" or "What do you want?".]


I personally interrogated her during the crisis. Apart from the sick comments, taunts and sometimes frightening statements she used to try to get to me; I figured out what she wanted and what she represented.


- Initially, she went full crazy and tried to kill the mental me and posses me. Although later she picked up the idea that it's stupid so she changed her intentions into becoming like Val and Tyrea. And in parallel, she did it for fun.


- She represented intrusive thoughts. Kind of like Twilight Sparkle of the intrusive thoughts. Evil, cynical, sadic, you name it. But also claiming to be helpful and 'showing me a different perspective of the world'. I don't believe that. Because of all she did to Arcadia and how she approached me. I knew that her perspective was far more negative and detrimental than what she claimed.


She is smart enough to realise that she is being used and she hates it. Therefore, she won't listen to me. Moreover, she specifically wanted to be a tulpa. Nothing more. Nothing less. What I did have against her from the inside was an informant. Literally, someone from the inside telling me what was going to happen and what she wanted to do. She provided valuable information about her intentions. Despite her being more panicky that I initially wanted... 


But I am glad this whole charade is over. The other five are as well. I couldn't talk to her even if I wanted to. Her very speaking power and energy were negative. But it's over, so yay! :D

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More often than not, my wonderland form is a dog (it used to be a pony), and I pretend to be related to Fluttershy, Nina, and Shou. Is this a sign that my relationship with Rainbow Dash is failing? The way I see it, I wanted something novel/exotic.


[No, a "What If?" thing turned intrusive--in a benign way--and you ran with it.]


Fluttershy suggested telling my parents about my tulpas as a way to get the spark back.

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Fluttershy suggested telling my parents about my tulpas as a way to get the spark back.


I don't think that is a very good idea. All things accounted, this whole tulpa business is pretty vague and can be easily misinterpreted the wrong way. What I would do is talk with her. I am sure you can come up with a solution. :)


Yurippe: Gee, I wanted to say that... The thing is, interacting with the tulpa is unique in the sense that the host and the tulpa can come up with great solutions together since they understand each other excellently. Not like some random humans who happen to be friends for life or something.


.....and this is Yuri. Yes. The Yuri from Angel Beats. Or the most accurate representation of her I have ever seen. "The other side of the coin", if you may. I don't know how I ended up with her. I think she plans on staying. I don't know how she managed to gain energy and power from fighting Sachiko. I also don't know how she managed to lock her up and troll her with the finest art of trolling that would make Val jealous. Care to say hello, Yuri?


Yuri: Gladly. Hello everyone! I am Yuri or Yurippe. You decide how to call me. How did I manage to be here? Well, Arcadia is an interesting place. Making connections and magic and I end up alive. Actually, it happened because of a need to respond to Sachiko. Yes, the same way people fight fire with fire. Right now, I am not a tulpa and I don't consider myself to ever be one. Nor a servitor. I prefer the term 'thought form'. Oh, and I am currently behind a desk asking and having fun with Sachiko, who is being locked in a transparent box, trying... something. Whatever that is.... hand gestures? How amusing. ANYWAY! Hello forum of interesting people! Say hello, Sachiko!  :D 


Sachiko: I hate you...


Yuri: So this is Sachiko, everyone! Ready to take on your questions! Don't be shy, she won't bite you. Or Anon.  ;) 


Sachiko was supposed to disappear from the face of the planet (or my mind). And I ended up with this. So, I guess this is chance to talk to her...? I don't even, anymore. And frankly, I am quite comfortable with it. Because at the moment, I have my 'number one enemy' locked in a room and she can't do jack **** to anything anymore. It's actually quite entertaining to hear the two talk.  :lol: 


Sachiko: How did it end up to this...? From horror to comedy show?!


Yurippe: The same you ended up being caught. Just like that. And now, you are in a transparent box where we are going to have a good time.


Sachiko: This is not how it's supposed to work! I am not made for this!


Yuri: You are made to do the finest job in something, right? Now, your finest job is staying in that box and answering my or their questions.


Sachiko: Grrrr... Wait until I get out of here....


Yurippe: Too bad you won't. That box is impenetrable. And even if you manage to get out, which you won't, I caught you with my bare hands in five minutes, remember? Not to mention that I redecorated your very safehouse to better suit him (Anon) than you. So I would make myself comfortable if I were you.  ^_^ 


Sachiko: I hate my life..............


Yurippe: You snooze, you lose. And that's the fun part. You snoozed so much I thought you caught a cold. 


Sachiko: I hate you.  -_- 


Yuri: H8rs gotta h8, potatoes got to potate!   :D 

Edited by TheAnonPony
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Since my tulpa song'll be based on "Let's Have a Battle", I figured I should add Dazzlings-related symbolism in the music video I'm trying to make. For example, the hate-plague smoke in Rainbow Rocks is pale green; Princess Cadence's love magic is magenta, and I'd say that "neon" is the opposite of "pale", so I'm thinking that my tulpas will gain...something-or-other from neon magenta smoke. I'm also thinking of somehow incorporating fire imagery, in contrast to the association of water with Sirens.

I'm also trying to avoid any "illuminati" symbolism, such as mirrors, checkered things, butterflies, etc. Fortunately, the Dazzlings in the movie opposed the Rainbooms--emphasis on one eye allegedly signifies affiliation with the Illuminati, so it could be said that my tulpas, by singing a Dazzlings-inspired song, are fighting against the Illuminati.


Fluttershy: The thing that muddles it up is...the Rainbooms used my song--well, my base's song--in the final battle.

On a separate topic, should I do a different colored font? I mean, tildes and brackets and things...there's a limited number of those. Font colors are...46,656 combinations of hex code digits, if Krueger's math isn't wrong.


Me: Here's my question to the thread: Am I going too far/deep with the symbolism?


[*chuckle* Yes. People'll see Illuminati symbolism wherever they want to.]


Yeah? Well here's a phrase I came up with five minutes ago: maybe I can't take away their guns (keep them from finding illuminati symbolism where there isn't any), but I can decrease their ammo.


{It's called "publicity"/"appealing to a wider audience". Why do you think all those music artists put illuminati symbols in their videos?}


[Technically, the producers are the ones that do that.]


{The point still stands, Rainbow Dash. And almost nopony believes Vigilant Citizen, anyway.}


Nina: *nod*


Also, Anon, do you mind if I include my tulpas' reactions to the stuff you posted yesterday and today in my progress report on Tulpa.info?

Edited by KruegerMeister
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