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private Game of Trapped Love (RP with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora smiles "I..think I just need to rest, which sucks, cos I can't stand being still" she would say with a weak chuckle "ah well, but yeah I found it on my solo before you guys found me" she would say "I can't wait until we can start doing things together, but uhm..could you get me a cider, please?"


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"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo chuckled, offering Sora a small, yet reassuring smile. "I think it's for the best that you just rest up. I know it's annoying as I'm not a fan of sitting still either. However, I can tell you that it's in your best interest that you just rest and feel better soon. We'll all need to be in top shape to be able to handle what lies ahead." He responded, showing a look of interest on the mention of finding the armor. "Did you find it in a random chest, or was it an item drop from an enemy? Either way, I think that's pretty cool. Maybe when you're up to feeling better, then maybe the others and I can see the armor." He smiled and nodded in agreement. "I'm looking forward to it, as well. Also, a cider, huh?" He pondered, closing his eyes briefly to think for a moment. "While I wouldn't say cider is the best idea to heal up. I guess there's no helping that as there's not much to drink when you're in this game. So, I shall do just that. I'll be right back with the beverage you asked for. If you stay here, relax and be a good griffon, then I'll give you a little surprise." He grinned sheepishly with a wink. "I'll be back soon, okay? Wait for me." He held her taloned claw a little bit long as he wasn't really keen on wanting to leave her. He soon let go of her claw as he made his way out of her infirmary room. 

As he was making his way out of the infirmary, Dynamo decided to send a group message to the others in the party. "Hey, guys. I just wanted to let you all know that Sora is a little hurt, but she's doing okay, for now. I also have some news to tell you all, but maybe we can discuss that when we are all together. Is anyone near the infirmary at the moment? I kind of need help locating something for Sora." He nodded as he sent the group message.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora just smiles and rests by laying back down, "Boss drop, just before that one that nearly took me down" she would say, closing her eyes for a brief moment of rest. Meanwhile, Emerald got the message "Hey Kyu, glad to hear things went well, just make sure she gets plenty of rest, ~ E".

Cobalt was just on his way to visiting Sora, but was grabbing himself a bite to eat "Near the food area, meet me there"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As he waited momentarily for a response, Dynamo smiled as he noticed that Emerald had received the message. "Hey, Emerald. Sora tried to get out of bed, but I had to make sure she didn't get up too quickly. I'll keep watch over her and make sure she gets plenty of rest. I don't remember what time it is, but I don't think attacking the raid dungeon is a good idea for today. Maybe when we all meet up again, we'll be able to discuss a plan. Hope to hear from you and the others soon, ~ D-Pad." He read through the message, before creating and sending a response to Emerald.

Suddenly, Dynamo had received another message. This time, it was from Cobalt. "Hey, Cobalt. I'll meet you there in a few minutes." After sending the response, Dynamo started to walk briskly towards the food market area. He looked around and sighed as he was grateful for seeing another familiar face. "Cobalt! Over here!" Dynamo called out as he made his way over towards his teammate.

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@Dynamo Pad

Cobalt sees Dynamo and walks to him "so how is she? I bet she's trying to get out of bed and back to questing" he chuckles and rolls his eyes "So, whats up? You said you needed help with something" he'd say.

Meanwhile, Cole and Emerald were busy getting more sign ups for the guild.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As Dynamo walked over to Cobalt, he smiled as he saw his teammate meet him halfway. "She's just a little sore from her injuries, but she's doing good. We were fortunate to get to her in the nick of time." He chuckled and shook his head at Cobalt's assumptions. "You're not wrong when you put it that way. She tried to get up to go questing, but I had to tell her that she needed to rest. Also, Sora and I need to tell you all something. So, maybe we can all meet up and catch up if it's possible. There's nothing to worry about as it's not bad news." He noted, before nodding at the mention of help. "Oh, that's right. She asked if I could get her a cider, but I know the infirmary most likely wouldn't have that sort of beverage there. So, I went out to get her some cider, but I'm having trouble locating a place for that. Do you think you could help me out with that, Cobalt." He could imagine going to a pub, but he had no idea where to go to even find that kind of building.

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@Dynamo Pad

Cobalt would tilt his head a little then chuckle "Cider? Well I guess a nice stiff, hard drink would help clam the nerves sometimes" he would say "I'm not entirely sure where you could buy one, other than maybe the Inn or the Tavern, but..I do know how to make one" he'd say, rubbing the back of his neck "If you two can wait a bit, I'll make one for each" he would say and then listen to him "Something to tell all of us? Well alright, we've got a guild meeting in an hour, he should be better by then"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

Dynamo chuckled along at the mention of the cider, before nodding in understanding. "After everything that we've gone through today? I think a cider will definitely help with the nerves." He nodded once more as the inn and a tavern were the best options to get said beverage. "Wait. You know how to make cider?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "That's pretty convenient and it's better than searching around the town, before possibly getting no results." He grinned in appreciation. "I'll head back to the infirmary and I'll let Sora know about the cider. I'm not much of a fan for cider, but maybe something regular for a drink will be okay." He would say, listening about the mention of another meeting. "I hope she'll be better by then. I'll go give the message to her and we'll wait for you. I want to ask where the meeting will be, but I'll wait for you to show up. See you in a bit." Dynamo waved to Cobalt as he started making his way back to the infirmary.

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@Dynamo Pad

Cobalt would nod "I should have it done in about five minutes" he would say, and smiling to Dynamo "You just go and make sure she gets some rest, I'll be there with the cider and...hmm some soda for you" he would say and goes over to where he could sit in peace and make the two drinks.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

At the mention of soda, Dynamo smiled with a nod as he turned back to Cobalt. “Thanks Cobalt and old like that. I appreciate it and no worries. I’ll make sure to look after Sora and make sure she gets some rest. See you in a bit.” Dynamo responded as he made his way back towards the infirmary. After a couple of minutes of walking, the blue unicorn had arrived at his desired destination. He made sure to sign his name in as a guest, before heading towards room 104B. “Hey, Sora? Are you still here? I just wanted to let you know that I just got back.” He knocked on the door, before entering her hospital room.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would lean up from her rest and smile "Y-yeah I'm still here" she would call up from her bed "come on in Kyu" she would say before laying back down, per nurses' orders. She'd sigh and just stare up at the ceiling, thinking about the upcoming guild meeting.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As Dynamo made his way into the room, he smiled as he saw Sora was waking up and sitting up in her bed. "Hey. How are you doing?" He asks, making his way over to the chair that was next to the hospital bed. "I'm sorry about not getting you some cider, but I was able to figure something out. Cobalt told me that he knew how to make some cider, so he said he'll be here in a few minutes. I was also told that we'll be having a guild meeting a little later. I wasn't sure if you knew about it, so I thought I should let you know." He says, taking her taloned claw into his hand.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora sighs "well, it's better than nothing" she says with a slight smile "and I forgot he learned the cooking spell" she would say with a chuckle, then looks to Dynamo "An hour? I think the nurse will let me out by then, well lets hope she does"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"You can say that again. At least you and I can agree on the same idea." He chuckled with a nod. "I don't usually use the cooking skill when going into a game like this. Usually I try and work on collecting stuff to craft or build for a rare weapon to use. Either that, or maybe something along the lines to alchemy. At least we have a friend, who is proficient in cooking. This way, we'll have food in case we were far away from town, or something along those lines." He smiled, nodding once more about the time it would take to leave. "That doesn't sound too bad. At least you won't have to stay long in the infirmary. If not and you have to stay the night, then I don't think that's bad either. After all, I can stay and keep you company. Probably give you lots of hugs and cuddles."

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would do her best to lean up against the head of the bed and smiles "Well, I certainly hope I can leave soon, I'm starting to get restless" she would say, as Cobalt would then come in "Hey Cobalt, thanks for the cider" he would say as Cobalt sat down and handed the cider to Sora and then the soda to Dynamo.

"Hey Sora, glad to see you are recovering well, we need one of our best members to help with the guild meeting soon" Cobalt would say, "We're going to be discussing clearing the first dungeon, and hopefully moving onto the second area" he'd mention.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

As Sora tried to sit up in bed, Dynamo moved over towards her to help give her support. "I don't blame you." He responded with a chuckle. "To be honest, I'm not that big of a fan when it involves hospitals. We'll have to wait and see what the doctor says. If they did say that you have to stay the night, then I wouldn't mind keeping you company. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to feel lonely, right?" He smiled, nuzzling her cheek, before he thought he heard someone stepping into the room. He leaned back quickly to see Cobalt stepping past the door. "Good to see you again, Cobalt. Thanks again for the soda. You didn't have to do that, but I really do appreciate it." He nodded gratefully as he took the beverage from his teammate/friend. 

"You're not wrong about hat, Cobalt. Sora is our leader, after all. I just hope we'll be able to clear the dungeon boss and move on. I'm starting to wonder what the next floor is like." He wondered, before a thought had crossed his mind. "Have the others mentioned when they would be stopping by? I was hoping to talk to them about something." He mentioned, hoping that Cobalt didn't notice the blue unicorn giving Sora the earlier nuzzle.

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@Dynamo Pad

Cobalt looks to the two and nods "I hear there will be more stores available as well as more inn space and of course more monsters that may or may not drop rare materials or items" he would say then look at his messages "Emerald, Cole and Carter ought to be here in a minute, Whinny is about to close her shop for hte day and will be here in about five"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Etched Daydream

"More stores, inn space and possible rare material drops, huh? Sounds to me like the next level will have more to offer for everyone. Provided if we are able to defeat the boss first, of course." At the mention of how long it would take for the others to arrive, Dynamo leaned forward in his chair and groaned, while feeling somewhat impatient. "Oh, man. I guess it can't be helped. I get that Whinny has to take care of the shop and all as working business is always important. I just had something cool to say, but I didn't think it would take long for everyone to arrive." He sat back up in his seat, took a drink of his beverage and gave a fake pout. He didn't care if he had to shout what he had to say towards the heavens. He just wanted to tell his friends the good news he had to share. "By the way. I know I should be asking Whinny, but do you think she'll move her shop to the next floor in this world? I'm probably thinking more along the lines of staying in the first town. Given that it's better suited and safer as nobody has probably defeated the boss or moved on to the next stages."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Knowing Whinny" Cobalt would say "She'd be happy to stay on this level, once she's settled somewhere, she's kind of hard to move" he'd say with a chuckle, which also made Sora giggle ""That's the truth, I remember one time in college, when we all had to move to her table for a group project, simply because she was comfortable where she was" she giggles and then looks to Dynamo "I'm all for staying on this level as well"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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As the trio sat in their seats in the hospital room, Dynamo chuckled as it felt truly peaceful. It was as if he could forget that he was trapped inside a game with countless others. "I remember that's something I could see happening. It's like that in all classes of school. You want to call someone over, but they just don't feel like it. Afterwards, you have to go right over to their seat. Actually, that's happened to me when going to some card shops to play cards games and board games." He chuckled once more, before looking to Sora. "Well, if you're staying, then I'm staying too. I can see some players moving on up to the other levels. This way, we can actually rent out a house for us to all stay in. Just in case we aren't planning to stay at a hotel." He nodded with a smile as he liked the train of thought the idea had lead to.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora smiles "Yeah, think I'll stay on this level" she'd say with a bit of a chuckle "I mean I had just gotten our room the way I like it, and I'm not moving everything again, that was too much of a a hassle as it was before" she'd say with a bit a laugh but then rubbed the back of her neck and trying to stand up, "A-alright, I think the nurses will let me go now" she says, looking to one of the nurses who just nods "Just take it easy" the nurse says, marking him down as discharged.

Sora smiles as she stands up, "Alright then Cobalt, lead the way" she would say as Cobalt would nod and begin to lead the way to where the guild meeting will be held.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo chuckled with a small grin. "I don't blame you for having that train of thought. We were all staying in our separate hotel rooms. Granted, we could hopefully find a house to rent out and stay at. Since we'll be working on quest jobs or other forms of work to pay rent and food. Plus, I remember how you had already set up the room you and I would stay at. It's definitely a hassle if you just take everything away when we all paid for the rooms." He wanted to protest about Sora standing up, but he ceased any arguments as he was given word by the nurse. He held a hand out for Sora to take, while also providing her his arm. "Just lean onto me if you are feeling tired from walking. I know you're probably feeling better, but I want to take the nurse's word into consideration, Sora." He says, following Cobalt as he lead the group over to where the guild meeting would take place.

"So, I'm going to guess that the others are just going to head over towards the guild meeting?" He asks, walking a bit slower to give him and Sora some distance away from Cobalt. "So, what do you think we should do, Sora? I thought the others would show up and we would tell them that we are a couple, but I wasn't sure if everyone else in the guild would be at this meeting. I guess we could wait until after the meeting. I just wanted to tell our friends that you and I will always be together." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze to let her know that he meant what he said. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora would nod and walks with them "Besides, the more inn space etc is just speculation at the moment, we don't know what will await us on the next level" she'd say, feeling Dynamo reassuringly squeeze her hand and smile "I think that'll be okay to tell the guild" she would say to him "They'd probably figure it out sooner or later" she'd say as they walked towards where they would be meeting, which was the recreation area of the inn.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"I guess so. Only the creator of this game has any and all information about the level designs inside and out. Even when we do make it to the next level, then we'll have to be pretty cautious. Who knows how high the enemy levels are. At least we'll be able to work towards leveling up a bit better than the starting area." Dynamo responded, glancing over to Sora, while listening to her reply. "Okay and I just wanted to make sure with you. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything like that." He gave the female griffon a deadpanned expression, before playfully rolling his eyes. "You think so? What gave it away? The hand holding or the random nuzzles? I was thinking about giving you a kiss to pretty much explain, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay with the idea." He blushed as he knew they hadn't had their first kiss yet, but he knew he wanted it to be special, yet memorable.

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@Dynamo Pad

Sora chuckles "'m fine with it, don't worry" she'd say "And I think it's all of the above" she'd remark as Cobalt turns around, and being silly, walking backwards "You two aren't exactly subtle, but it's okay, Sora already knows she's got mine and the others' support" he'd say, giving them a thumbs up before turning back around.



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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