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What Is This Creature Called?


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I was going through the section of the MLP Movie where the Main Six and Spike are going through Klugetown, and when Verko the Naked Mole Rat shows up to collect his debt, he has this creature pulling his big cage. It has such a unique appearance and as far as I know we haven't seen it since. It kind of has a mole like appearance with it's clawed feet, squinted eyes, and that bushy thing on its face. I think this could be nose tendrils like the star nosed mole has, or it's a bushiness of whisker like hairs that could serve the same purpose of feeling things out in dark confined space. The back bit also reminds me of the scaling on Pangolins which is just awesome. Any leads on what this could be would be awesome, or if you have any good ideas as what it should be called that'd be nice too.


Sorry for the bad quality of the image, the creature never had a full shot so I had to combine parts from two screen shots.

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