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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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My story isn't all too unique, but I thought I'd give it anyway. My name comes from my x-box live account I picked in 2009. I was really good at sneaking in games with my friends and I thought it made me sound like a ghost, and it really sounded like a good name. the 1O4 is a number from a spartan in the Halo universe, Fred. One of Master Chief's squad mates and totally epic spartan. So, where as some people choose a name from the series, or a pony, some people name it after some other things too smile.png

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I picked mine because I'm beyond using aliases, so I went with my name plus the initials of the site that I haunt the most often, Zelda Wiki. I feel like aliases are a thing I've grown out of ever since I turned about 18 or 19.

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Darkstorm is my pony surname, a derivitive of my wolf surname of Stormfang. Altered it slightly so that it's more Equestria-suitable. It actually took me quite a while to decide on it, even though it's only a very slight change. ^^'

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It's an easier-to-type variant of a username I've been using on a bunch of sites for close to 10 years. (Maybe 7 or 8. I'm not entirely sure).


That username was just something I thought up, one day, and thought sounded cool.

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A username based on something I'd used for ages as a Warriors character xD I'd used "wolfheart" as her name, and attempted to sign up for neopets under said name, but it was taken, and being oh-so-creative, I added "moon" to the end. And I've been using it ever since.

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One of the first things I ever watched that was MLP-related was "Let's go and Meet the Bronies."

I'm not a hipster or a creative, so I thought the label of "Moderate Brony" worked. 

I still might change it, actually. It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Edited by Moderate Brony
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Well, because I am Sancho... Are you Sancho? NO! I, am Sancho. I think unicorns kick ass! Fires are extremely romantic. Job qualifications: I am Sancho!

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I haven't an interesting or compelling story behind my username like most of you, actually I choose ''RevenantGentleman'' for two main reasons: first I like mythological creatures (and this explains why revenant), and the other reason is because I've always admired the gentleman's model, as I've always wanted to be one, even if I'm still far from my intent.

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Well, because I am Sancho... Are you Sancho? NO! I, am Sancho. I think unicorns kick ass! Fires are extremely romantic. Job qualifications: I am Sancho!

I don't want to sound like a queer or nuthin', but I'd kinda like to make love to you, tonight.


Nice reference, man. That was a good movie.

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Alright, my story isn't interesting, but here it is.


One day many years ago, I was on some website that I liked so I decided to become a member. I couldn't think of anything so I tried "guydude". It was taken. So, I strung on a 22 to make it "guydude22" and that was not taken. So, I played with that for a very small amount of time, then I learned about the saying "meh". I liked to use it because it was fun to say. Then, one day when I was becoming a member on another site, I decided to not follow suit with my old username, and went with "mehguy22". Ever since then, I have used that on most of the websites I've been on. However, on some websites it was already taken, so don't think that every mehguy22 is me. 


Well, yeah, that's it. Not too interesting. I still wonder what my new standard username should be... huh.png

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Well when I was signing up for this forum and it asked me for my desired username I took a step back and thought, well very basically what am I? Well I'm British and a brony, and hence the British Brony was created.

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@, in my humble opinion, your OC is cool! It is original and the OC's name is intriguing. I can imagine it if you roleplay as your OC.

Wow... Thanks for the compliment, that kinda just made my day. :) I am probably going to try to role play more... You should show me some of your OCs too!!! I'd love to see them! ^-^

  • Brohoof 1
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for me it was my brother who created it. I wanted to play an online game with him when I was younger, and he didn't want me to embarrass him with my really bad old username. I wanted something to do with stars or space since at the time I wanted to go there sooo badly. The tuna was random, and at first I thought it was funny and kept it. It's always fun to guess how people shorten my name, either Astro or Tuna I respond to both. I've grown attached to this name and I'm sad (or mad I guess) when I try to go to a new online thing and find Astrotuna taken. Well that's it (I think)  

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I chose myn because Luna is my favorite Pony and Ponys are amazing so it worked out as in Luna... (: so yeah i hope im not the only one that went after there favorite pony :P

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I chose my username because of my talent and fascination in computers, hardware, and software. And because I can easily read integers in binary format too.

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My old online username used to be Coolfreeman but that name really sucks.So while playing skyrim I decided to make a new character who is a wizard so after about a hour of thinking of a cool name for him I choose Almar later I added Zewizard to his name.

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In all honesty i picked mine at random.  This name has no special meaning to me, nor does it have any special value to me.  I just randomly thought of this name, and placed it down as my username. 

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Because i like classical music. Thus forgottensymphony was born. Plus i wanted something better then 10legos >.>.. and forgotten sounded much better :D.

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I got my username like 4 years ago at a site called ROBLOX. Well I think I was aiming for "okay" but my English back then was really bad so I wrote "okey" and I turned the 'e' into 3. I really like this name, So I use it alot.

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I posted my reason in this thread long ago, but given some people's recent confusion, it might bear reiterating.



My user name does not come from the Greek goddess, nor does it come from Artemis Fowl (I've never even read those books). My user name comes from Artemis Entreri, a human assassin from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of Dungeons & Dragons. He is a character created by R.A. Salvatore as a foil for Drizzt Do'Urden, the titular character of The Legend of Drizzt, an ongoing series of books that has been running for nearly 25 years. Artemis was originally a lawful evil character who first encountered Drizzt while hunting someone he had been contracted to kill. Someone who was also a friend and travelling companion to Drizzt. They fought, finding themselves to be more or less equal in skill. For a human to fight on equal footing with a drow elf of Drizzt's upbringing (or at least not be slaughtered before even knowing what happened) is an anomaly. They also saw each other as a moral mirror, a reminder of what each could have been had they been reared in each other's shoes. Artemis underwent a partial redemption in recent novels, enough so that he would fit well into the chaotic neutral alignment. He and Drizzt are now friends of a sort and are adventuring companions.


While Drizzt is my favorite fictional character of all time and one I greatly admire, I saw several similarities between Artemis and myself. We both had the same way of justifying thoughts and actions that were harmful to ourselves and others, and we both wanted something better for ourselves without knowing how to pursue it or even thinking it possible. We were also extremely envious of those who had it better, refusing to acknowledge our own mistakes in creating our current situations to avoid compounding our pain. Artemis faced his demons in recent books and conquered most of them, as I also feel I have done.

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well before i was i had a account on here i was looking at some fanart of the great nightmare moon  and luna and once i found this that same day i was starting to make a account but i got lazy and never did it until now so then i started to watch sailor moon for a day and found a character i never seen before he was just awesome and so once i found this site again i decided i would name this account after him :3 and that's how i came up with my username

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When I first found out about these forums, I wanted to make a name for an OC (though creativity failed me and all I ended up with was Sky Star :|). Then I had found Quilava's thread about recruiting people for a Starter Pokémon group (which, sadly didn't take off). I stuck with Bayleef for a while, but the name just didn't suit me.


The reason I went with Lugia was it is almost my identity now. About a year ago, I played a private server for MapleStory called ChickenMS (which went through multiple name changes, finally ending on AncientMS). I was severely dedicated to this server, and could easily spend 10+ hours a day on it (summer vacation ftw :3). A couple days in, I had the urge to help people, so I stopped playing the server and would just stand around trying to help anyone who had problems. Sitting around Ch.1 Henesys (the main hangout area for those who don't know) became my spot and I soon made a lot of friends. At this point, not only was I known for helping anyone who needed it, but for my..."questionable" appearance. I had tried to actually make a replica of Lugia in MapleStory, which ended up me (a male character) using female eyes and a hair style that (even though it WAS MALE) still looked girly. This also led people to thinking I was a girl and everyone always reacted the same way when I told them I was a guy >.>. Eventually I applied for GM (Game Moderator/Master) and was eventually accepted. Being a part of that server was the best experience I've ever had with a game. Everyday I would log on and I would have a whole friends list on, I knew a ton of people, and everyone knew about me and my "dedication". *I was also the leader of the guild Pokémon there and would only accept people who had Pokémon names as well...which is what started the Pokémon revolution there, but that's a different story :3*

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