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Remove someone's tag

Windy Breeze

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Hello @Windy Breeze,

I assume you're using a mobile device to access the forums, correct? Because otherwise, on desktop you should be able to normally backspace through this.

On mobile.... I assume your virtual keyboard hides when you're trying to remove the mention, right?

If that's the case, then I'm not sure if there's a logical way to remove this. There's that workaround, where if you have some text before and after the mention, you can highlight the text to get the mention in the middle of selection and then backspace it - it should remove the highlighted text along with mention.


And yeah, as you can see from @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡's post, it's important to provide as much details as possible, to avoid confusion.


@Crystal_bar If you're unable to help, do not reply here please. This section focuses on troubleshooting and answering questions. Just stating, that one doesn't know how to help doesn't do any good, but the opposite. It fills the thread with unnecessary posts, causing mess and finding the answer harder for members, who reported a problem or asked a question. Of course it's really nice you're trying to help, but please keep in mind, that you're making it harder for everyone else. Thank you for understanding. :mlp_grin: (don't reply to this post, it's okay, just keep that in mind next time, thanks :darling:)

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Did it do the trick? :P 

From what I know, not everyone has such problems on their mobile devices, but I'm unable to pinpoint which browsers / virtual keyboards work well there. I use Chrome and Gboard keyboard and I'm experiencing all the fun stuff myself, but I don't feel the need to install extra stuff just to try to get it 'fixed'. :awwthanks:

I know how fun posting on mobile can be, so if something will be ever giving you a really bad time, you can always report your contents and ask for help, or message someone in particular and I'm raising my hoof for that here of course. :) 


15 minutes ago, Windy Breeze said:

Oops, I forgot that I don't need to reply. Sorry for this! 

No, no :mlp_icwudt: --it was targeted to @Crystal_bar, just to avoid derailing this thread even more. :P

No need to be sorry. It's your thread, @Windy Breeze and you're actually expected to reply, until your issue will be resolved. :) 

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You're welcome. :) 

If that's the case, I'll lock the thread and mark as answered. c:


Sadly there are many bugs when it comes to the text editor, but it's not MLPF's fault and we can't do much with this. :twi:

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