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I have some specific synopsis ideas. Tell me what you think. September 10,2018


1. Zephyr Breeze gets a job at a barber shop where Babs Seed is a manager.

There could be Fluttershy /CMC's/ Rarity as a supporting role. The point of it is Babs Seed is way more mature and skillful than Zephyr, who is still cocky as hell. This episode could explore Babs's talent and make Zephyr take a lesson and become a better pony.

2. Applejack keeps getting a nightmare about the day her parents died, Luna has to go deep into her consciousness and let go of her guilt.

There could be various reasons, one is simply survivor's guilt. Others can be something explains her obsession on Applebloom's safety. And might explain why Applejack is trying to be the most dependable pony of all time. Might explain her stubbornness. My intention is to explain some of Applejack's psyche.

3. Scootaloo faces the fact that she can't fly but Rainbow Dash helps her and lets her join the Wonderbolts as an honorary guest member. They put up a aero-terrene show together with Scootaloo on her scooter.

This should have happened at like season 4. It is too late now, but this is kind of Scootaloo's "Fluttershy Leans In" episode. And I also wanted Wonderbolts to do some kind and cool stuff. (cause they don't.)
I disliked Wonderbolts's behavior, so I also thought about a scenario where Rainbow Dash gets disappointed at the Wonderbonts after she joins in, she quits and asks Luna for permission to organize the Shadowbolts. In that scenario, Rainbow Dash is the leader of the Shadowbolts.

4. When draconequus ruled the world, ponies were lesser than toys to them. Young and the only kind draconequus Discord, finds Celestia and Luna, and becomes friends. While Discord introduces Celestia and Luna to the draconequuses, Celestia accidently makes them all extinct by teaching them to act normal.

This is definitely not TV-Y materials. I also thought about a part after draconequus extinct, Discord gets resentful inside but still, demands Celestia to be his bride and rule the world as King and Queen. Celestia refuses, Discord turns evil but being goofy and playful to hide his pain inside. That's why since season 2, they Don't talk to each other that much.

5. Fluttershy gets her personality split into two by magic. (like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde but two different embodiments.)

One is kind but extremely shy, the other is bold and confident but agressive. First she likes it, then thing go wrong, Evil Fluttershy locks Wimpy Fluttershy in a cage. She gets help from Discord. Later on she learns a lesson that she has to live with two sides together. I just want a moment where Evil Fluttershy shouts "How does it feel to being locked up all the time?"and s*it. And just before Wimpy Fluttershy gets hit by a laser beam or something (yeah. you heard me. Evil Fluttershy is a embodiment of her aggression. Of course she can be like Tirek.) She shouts "Discord!" and boom. He appears, blocks the laser beam like nothing, saves the day.

6. Celestia and Luna protects Equestria from a threat before breakfast and since they are so good, the mane six doesn't even know that there was a threat at all.

Rather than a mediocre repetitive premiere/ finale scenario, I'd prefer it handled this way.

7. Pinkie Pie finds a magical mushroom that makes her instantly happy but only to get isolated from her friends.

(no side-effects like real life drugs though. She just keeps laughing at the inappropriate random moments, losing empathy) She later on finds out that nothing can replace a true friendship and happiness. Pinkie can be very smart and serious, but she is hyper excited and seeks fun, sometimes she hurts her friends (and even herself in this case) during the process.

8. Rainbow Dash hits a slump. Then she meets a flyer faster than her. Then she works hard and overcomes her slump.

It's kind of synopsis boring on paper. I just wanted to give Rainbow some obstacle to overcome since she has nothing to do after joining the Wonderbolts. She is definitely the fastest pony in the world, but then the show doesn't make her do something more. Rainbow shines best when it's a physical episode. Lots of athletes, artist, scholars reach this point but life goes on and they have to keep trying to improve themselves. I'm thinking kind of a Rocky 3 scenario.

9. Celestia, Starswirl, Twilight, Starlight have a meeting in a castle and starts to estimate any possible danger in the future.

(Like in the episode Celestial Advice but 4 different armageddon scenarios.) They get too serious, and Pinkie Pie jumps in, breaks all their estimations by just pointing out the obvious flaw in their logic while tumbling. And they all realize sometimes getting too serious and worrisome about the future can blind them from true happiness in the present. This episode would be like the episode on Batman TAS where the villains gather around and talk about the moment they almost got Batman. And then some.

10. A season finale where Flurry Heart grew up. (just like Twilight in season 1 premiere.) She has to find the scattered Mane Six and regroup them to regain harmony in Equestria. 

(like in Star Wars 7 or 20th Century Boy the manga.) They all forgot their true element by being busy. (Twilight being princess, Rainbow Dash being a head of the Wonderbolts Pinkie Pie disappears, etc.) Flurry Heart helps them remember what it was to be a true element. (And re-introduces the Mane Six.) It would work better in G5 premiere or something. But we all know that can't happen.

11-A. All the changelings turn into ponyville residents and tricks Queen Chrysalis.

It's like Mission Impossible or The Sting kind of scenario. They predict Chrysalis's revenge and set a trap like that. This could be played out either way, the audience is in Chrysalis's position and knows nothing, or the audience gets to know everything all along.

11-B. Queen Chrysalis turns into a pony and sneaks into Ponyville. She tries to blend in, but ends up getting a friend who genuinely cares about her.

Later on, Chrysalis reveals herself almost gets her revenge but hesitates because she found out that one friend is more valuable. She runs away and becomes a lone wandering refugee, occasionally mails the friend. I don't like her reformed so I made it kind of in the middle. She still hates the Mane Six and Starlight, probably the whole ponykind, but the only one she cares about is the one friend. It could play out like her friend stand between Chrysalis and Twilight. The friend tries persuade Chrysalis not to attack Twilight while still staying on her side even after Chrysalis reveals herself. Chrysalis is still in her black form. And she can't show up in public either. She is still an enemy of state. She would probably never see her friend again. It's kinda classic story archetype. (I came up with this thinking about Flufflepuff. But in this scenario, it isn't.)

12. Rarity forms a death-thrash metal band.

Her friends worry about it. But she gives a lesson that what something appears to be isn't how that actually is. (both Rarity and metalheads) (She has a good growling voice tho) I want MLP to show some legit rock songs. (Brutal-scale can be between AC/DC and Morbid Saint.)

13. Diamond Tiara becomes the next mayor of Ponyville. Spoiled Milk fixes her relationship with her daughter. 

Making up with abusive mother can be an interesting subject. I actually don't care if the show never comes up with Diamond Tiara and Spoiled Milk, but if they do, they have to make it right.

14. Griffonstone gets awesome and Gilda becomes a center of griffon community.

It's more like a wish list than an actual synopsis. Maybe ponies could re-visit Griffonstone. Maybe it could appear on other episodes. It would be awesome if Griffonstone changed so much since the last time we visited.

15. Pinkie Pie's memory of Granny Pie. She finds out that maybe Granny Pie is herself traveled back from the future.

I'm thinking of her recalling old time memories. She could tell the past stories to Twilight. Most of her "Pinkieness" comes from Granny Pie (aka Nana Pinkie), so it could be told while doing all the awesome things she does. (like when she makes a ridiculously complex balloon animal, Twilight asks "where did you even learned to make all these kind of things?") The episode could start with a collection of those incidents and eventually, they come to a conclusion that everything Pinkie does are connected to Granny Pie. They try to find Granny Pie and ends up with something happening which the incident Granny Pie mentioned at the past. (ex "when I was younger, me and my bestest friend who is an alicorn princess tried to find my nana who used to foalsit me long time ago. turns out that it was myself from the future!" kinda thing) Twilight would say it makes no sense and Pinkie would be like "time travel is the easy part since I already did it!" It is just one of the possibilities of this synopsis could play out.

16. Twilight Sparkle and Zecora has a rhyming battle. Twilight gets upset that she studied her whole life about literature while Zecora didn't.

This would totally depend on the writers ability. They have to come up with the best rhymes of all time and not being cheesy or annoying. It could be like "Pinkie Pride" without music or rhythm, more natural. (not a contest) And the rhyming part could be only a small proportion. The rest could be Twilight being "Feeling Pinkie Keen".


  • Brohoof 1


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A post searching for people to join a BattleTech / MLP crossover roleplay.

Yeah, that didn't exactly take off.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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A topic about which games some would like a sequel for

And hey, looking at it now, I got 2 out of 7 from that list. Could have been worse, even if Starfox Zero was complete dogshit


Capcom can still eat a bag of dicks for cancelling Legends 3 though


  • Brohoof 1
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here's my first topic. It's embarrassing because I put in the wrong place..:Tempest:( it suppose to be in forum lounge) and it hasn't been fixed xD It's so dead, that you can actually hear crickets there too and cobwebs. I guess they don't feel worthy for a present xp






♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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A copy of my first post from 30th June last year:


Seeing the My Little Pony logo without the "Friendship is Magic" brand attatched to it, made me feel slightly angry. No references to Lauren Faust also.

But I guess the story was okay, especially for the Main 6 having equal time. In the movie, it was more or less Twilight and Spike with background characters and one time celebrities. I do not like the art style! Never did. Cheeks, odly places noses, and glitter stuffed in their eyes (ouch). Animation is okay, but in case of this special, I think it is being on par with season 9.

I can see some spelling errors there: attatched and odly. :worry:

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