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searching [OOC] The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle @Evil Pink One @Props Valroa

I missed folks had written here. My bad. O.o

On 2024-01-17 at 10:32 PM, Evil Pink One said:

May i suggest opening another thread? I noticed that new players would shy away if they see that this one has like 13 pages worth of content. Or that seeing it has started and take fear of being out of the loop etc. thats based on my experience though and my suggestion.

Might be worth it when time comes, yes. We can start it off with a link to this old one if they require backstory as an example, if that is the way we end up going eventually.

On 2024-01-17 at 11:30 PM, Illiad Easle said:

I think the Evergrown might be worth putting into their own story , given how different their arc would be from the rest, but we'll see how it plays out.

It is still related to The Æther, is my counterargument. I would think they would have a vested interest in their location too, considering their connection to nature, and thus, help when it comes to not just grow crops as they have done in the years aboard the vessel, but the seed are able to make a large area to flourish with life. Place it in the right place, and it would allow a good base for natural resources, for them, or one of the factions left upon the surface. The Evergrown do wish to continue to work together with them, to make things better too, long as there is an understanding of balance. So no hunting and killing their kin without punishment, and understanding not to over-harvest from the natural resources they can provide. Which is a balance I can imagine have somewhat already been learned of over the years, with Briar being there to provide what essence and knowledge he could impart.

It does depend on the status of the surface I suppose, though only you would know that exactly, but I can work with things as they come. :)

On 2024-01-18 at 3:45 AM, Evil Pink One said:

...... We could yeet our characters.... And have a mystery of some sort.

Who did dun done it.

Who'd done what? The butler I would imagine? Isn't that always the case?

On 2024-01-23 at 8:25 PM, Cheerilee said:

It seems to me like the verdict is that we will wait until April or Early may to let ourselves cool off from this RP for a while to recharge. I would be fine doing Spiral and Merlot again, though, my mood might change when the time rolls around to start up a new thread. Be sure to keep me posted. @Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom 

Will do. Have a good time until then with other threads. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 months later...

@Illiad Easle

Just checking in on you. How are you feeling RP wise lately? Are you still interested in doing a sequel to this thread or do you think we should go with something new?

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

I should be fine to do something new in a couple of days to a week. I just need to take a little bit of a break myself, and then we can discuss things more in detail. In the meantime I'll see if I can come up with any ideas. 

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@Illiad Easle

I'm still game. :)

I'm not fussed on continuation or sequel, but it did seem like more of a want to get past the last month, and into the new world from the various angles of the known characters, as well as some others, that were previously not mentioned/unseen.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Evil Pink One

Sounds like the consensus is for a sequel with new/recurring characters, which is fine by me. I'll refamiliarize myself with where we left everyone, since I primarily want to play with the younger characters (Plein, Pom, Power, and Aurum) and how they shape the future of this new world.  

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

I have stated before that Maud would basically end up teaching a geology class as a professor of sorts, I won't be playing her in the future of this RP, but some background mentions of her will be nice. As for Spiral, the political implications of her role in things is interesting, and that is something we can possibly explore.

Though if you would prefer me to play a younger character, I can think of something. 

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Props Valroa 

The adult characters can easily get bogged down in the minutia of rebuilding society, while the younger characters are more free to explore the new world, while still participating in the rebuilding should they so choose.


@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Evil Pink One

Which world do we want the project to return to? There are a few options:

1. An empty world, all the bastions fell while the Æther was away, so the only creatures who remain are those who allied with Discord. Discord will need to be defeated in this world.

1.a, Same as above, but the events of Five Score play out so that Discord is banished before the Æther arrives.

2. A mostly empty world, The three bastions remain, providing options for those who want to explore distant lands. As in 1a the events of Five Score banish Discord.

3. A reclaimed world, Discord was defeated shortly after the Æther left, and those left behind have been rebuilding since then. There are still groups loyal to Discord, but much of the land has been restored.


Or, if you guys have other suggestions, I'm open to hear them. Option 2 seems to provide the most freedom, but I'll leave it up to you.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Either 1 la or 2 is good with me. 1 sounds kinda neat since it gives something to rally against, though I suppose we have already done that thus far with the defeat of Apollo. A general recap of the events in the RP would be nice too as it has been a little while. Spiral’s politics might be interesting if you wanted to continue that, but if not, that is perfectly fine with me. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

(Sorry for late reply. Busy days)

I like 1a and 2. I think a post-Discord world, that still has some issues, holds potential, but in general, I like the idea of folks having to settle in, and finding their place. If Discord is still there, they'd be encouraged to stick together instead, as the only safe alternative.

Any area with conflict though, that could use some protection, would draw in Last Stand and her soldiers. Potentially with Light in tow. But either way, a survivor's enclave would be a good place for them to settle in, and learn of the world again proper, whilst doing some good.

I can imagine Brittle and... I think it was Plein? They were talking about going out and exploring. Could be others with them too. Or they might follow the Evergrown, at least for a time, as they would wander of to find a place to plant the seed, and make a new home.

The Evergrown would ideally not be too far away, from regular settlements though. If The Æther as it were to become, were going to rebuild some society, and make a town (I think I recall something about a cloud town) they'd offer to see if they could find something somewhat close, so they could help with the natural resources that would be sorely needed to make a proper, livable settlement. If they are not need there, they will search elsewhere, but aiming to be somewhere that was not too isolated, whilst still leaving notable space for them to plant their tree in peace. Think like... I'd say at least fifteen kilometers in a radius, from where they would need to plant. So a notable area, but that's how explosive the seed will react to being planted. Any higher sentience being like a pony that were within the radius, would be converted into an Evergrown too. This is why in parts, they have some non-evergrown with them. A few finding purpose in what they hear, and one terminally ill, with just a few months left to live. Being converted, would provide him with a possible chance of survival.

Either which way we go, I look forward to this: :) And I would like to still use my Evergrown. There's still story to tell there, and they could end up being important in an area. Like if one of the survivor enclaves for instance, needed a resource-rich environment to sprout somewhat nearby, and were willing to co-exist. Briar and his kin, wants to help, long as they aren't harvested, or their natural bounty taken in so large amounts, that they can't keep up with sustaining it. As the seed holder, Briar is the de facto leader of them currently. Doubly so, due to a unanimous vote from the other evergrown on the matter.

Anyway, I look forward to when things will begin, and how you see us starting things off. I can imagine there's gonna be several groups going in each their own direction. And if you need something from a stay at home perspective, Blitz and her family is staying where the scientist community of The Æther goes. That feels like home to them.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Evil Pink One

Sorry for my absence, I do intend to set things up, and I was going to do so today, but something came up that threw me off my groove.

I think we'll go with option 2 since that was my original plan.

No promises on when I'll be able to spin this up, we'll see how long it takes my personal issues to be resolved.

  • Hugs 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

We will go with 2 then. I have no problem with that. When you start off the new thread, I would suggest you do a recap of the various situations we have been through in the RP, considering it has been quite some time since we've been active in character. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Take your time bro. I'm off my groove too. Today was not a good day from my company. And I can't take in good conscience to RP about potentially harming someone. Lets just say A very grave accident happen. 

Its weird that we all know our work was dangerous. But seeing in actuality how dangerous and what happened to our coworker is a wake up call for everyone.

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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Evil Pink One

Alright, let's get this spun up!

So, I only have two events planned for this story, I figured we could collaborate on the main story beats before we get started, as well as figuring out which characters you want to actively and passively play.

The first event is Colonel Panic, a rouge artifact left behind by the Project when it first left, now harassing the survivors on the ground seeking something called 'Baseplate'. I imagine this one will be dealt with early, before the Project sets down a permanent settlement.

The second event is Avarice, the unicorn empress turned draconequis of greed. Much of this event will circle around Aurum, between her mother's disappointment at her earlier failures and her desires to continue controlling her with all of her new power.


Outside of those events we have four locations:

  1. The return site
    1. The place where the ponies of Five Score return to Equestria, centered on what remains of Ponyville which is also where Discord moved the pieces from anywhere that he wanted to keep, including Canterlot Castle and the Canterlot Archives.
  2. The Blackwater Bastion
    1. Encompassing the Blackwater Quarry (of @Randimaxis fame) it resides to the north under a powerful shield fueled by the changeling hive that lives there.
  3. The Archback Bastion
    1. A mountain to the southwest that sealed itself shut to protect those within, and protected by a deal Discord made with the one in charge there.
  4. The Himillama Bastion
    1. Far too remote and inaccessible for Discord's followers to bother with, and covered in the magically resistant hair of llamas and alpacas, they remained unaffected by the conflict and welcomed all who managed to make their way up.


Thoughts on events? I know @Blitz Boom has mentioned the evergrown forming their own colony, which will likely happen between the first and second events I've listed.

As to characters, I think you should all have at least one 'Child of the Æther' character, but that is not a hard requirement. You could also have one or more characters present at any of the locations I mentioned, or one who happened to have survived the whole 25 years on the ground outside the bastions. Let me know and I can provide more details.

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Alright, let's get some things sorted from Spiral's end. Where we left off, she was the Council. She did not have good relations with your characters due to her decision to send one of them on a mission - though, I suppose that bad relation would be fixed by the large benefit the information Power User (I think his name was) got from the Trade-Walkers. We already did a 20 year time skip before previously. I have a few questions I will ask about my angle of the story to get things going for my end.

- Would Spiral still be the Counsel for this? I liked the idea of playing her in the role.
- How was Discord banished? Who banished him? Would it have been our characters involved in that, or would it have been some other characters that weren't really involved in our story that did it? I don't know anything about Five Score, so you'll have to forgive me. 
- How much time are we moving ahead here?
- What would Spiral have dealt with, relating to the O5 group and others?
- What are the current "Factions" on board the Project?
- How would Spiral's legacy of her actions 20 years ago affect others opinions of her? Would it even still be relevant, considering she turned things around and defeated Apollo?


Other things of note - we will say that Maud retires from her missions and becomes a geology professor. I won't be playing her, but I can see her very easily throwing in the towel for any direct involvements in things and becoming an instructor of sorts. I had Trixie in some sort of Coma previously? Can say that she woke up and recovered, though, I am not interested in playing her either. 

Merlot could still be a passive side character - as she was a Pilot for the Project? Might be interesting, though, me playing here isn't really all that necessary as I forgot pretty much all of the details I had written down for her and no longer have access to it. 

As for a younger character, I do have an idea for that. Basically would involve Janet here (the character from the Magic School bus series) but my sort of interpretation of her as a MLP character. She'd be your stereotypical know-it-all type, but be extremely intelligent and knowledgable about things, more so than her peers. She's not a threat (she's just a filly!) but could be an angle to discuss. Janet would have zero attachment to Equestria, or anything of the sort - her parents could have been  Don't know about whatever her parents would be - but, I see her of the type to go out and learn things about the world, with no kind of reverence to previous attachments (as she wasn't alive during the events of the earlier RP, for example.

She could be in the Archback Mountain, always curious about the outside world, perhaps? I found a probable appearance for this character (not mine).





MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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35 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom @Evil Pink One

Alright, let's get this spun up!

So, I only have two events planned for this story, I figured we could collaborate on the main story beats before we get started, as well as figuring out which characters you want to actively and passively play.

The first event is Colonel Panic, a rouge artifact left behind by the Project when it first left, now harassing the survivors on the ground seeking something called 'Baseplate'. I imagine this one will be dealt with early, before the Project sets down a permanent settlement.

The second event is Avarice, the unicorn empress turned draconequis of greed. Much of this event will circle around Aurum, between her mother's disappointment at her earlier failures and her desires to continue controlling her with all of her new power.


Outside of those events we have four locations:

  1. The return site
    1. The place where the ponies of Five Score return to Equestria, centered on what remains of Ponyville which is also where Discord moved the pieces from anywhere that he wanted to keep, including Canterlot Castle and the Canterlot Archives.
  2. The Blackwater Bastion
    1. Encompassing the Blackwater Quarry (of @Randimaxis fame) it resides to the north under a powerful shield fueled by the changeling hive that lives there.
  3. The Archback Bastion
    1. A mountain to the southwest that sealed itself shut to protect those within, and protected by a deal Discord made with the one in charge there.
  4. The Himillama Bastion
    1. Far too remote and inaccessible for Discord's followers to bother with, and covered in the magically resistant hair of llamas and alpacas, they remained unaffected by the conflict and welcomed all who managed to make their way up.


Thoughts on events? I know @Blitz Boom has mentioned the evergrown forming their own colony, which will likely happen between the first and second events I've listed.

As to characters, I think you should all have at least one 'Child of the Æther' character, but that is not a hard requirement. You could also have one or more characters present at any of the locations I mentioned, or one who happened to have survived the whole 25 years on the ground outside the bastions. Let me know and I can provide more details.

Ooooohhhh so averice ended up in this dimension? Hmmmmm.....

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@Illiad Easle

If you'd still have me ( i really have no experience or knowledge in fall out. Though.)

I think I'd like to put Aligner here...


Earth pony

Artificer./engineer /mechanic.

Studies the effect and processes of the artifact and is hoping to grasp its knowledge.

He has an artifact known as

"mother of all." An artifact that can produce other artifacts. With the right knowledge, one can easily make any artifact they wished for... That is if, one has it.

No one has knowledge how artifacts are even made of or how it even works. 

An artifact that can shoot fireball yes, but how?

There lies Aligner's quest!

( In this case, to avoid OP if Aligner uses the artifacts its your decision to put side effects on it. For example: Aligner needs a rope. He makes one from mother of all. A rope is made. But that is an artifact. One of you can make it have the ability to vanish or burn when touched etc. or automatically tie anyone who touches it.) i guess this way it'd be fun ? Or is this too much trouble? I mean sure i can make a cannon but you guys can put a side effect that it only shoots bubbles or it's a one use weapon or it's alive and whenever it barks it shoots out it's cannon, and its aa chu-hua-hua cannon...gg.( imagine that dog chasing you and barking 10 per second.10BPS)

Back story... Well if you want, he can be

One of aether's child...

The aether project? Is that just a title or do we have something special with that title... Probably a descendant of 

@Blitz Boom.... MOMMY!:crackle:


I guess the reason why he can't control the artifact well is probably with Blitz boom's blood line....their Cutie mark. 

Luckily he didn't inherit the explosiveness of his mother. But it does excite him when it happens.

His father?....

Probably Blu hahaha how'd he got there i do not know. Or how they got along. 

(Those are just wild guesses and are jests)

His cutie mark is just an aligner.

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