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Illiad Easle

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@Blitz Boom @Props ValRoa

Alright, now that we've wrapped things up, what story do we want to pursue? Any ideas as to a situation for us to encounter?


All I have in mind myself is what we're going to do about Aurum. 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

I was thinking about having Spiral interact with Aurum more when a chance rises. I am not really sure what to do with Merlot or Trixie. Hmm. Maud had a lot of focus throughout her arc, so could potentially explore her relations with Play Write more. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle @Props ValRoa

I dunno...

We could explore the impact that Aurum will have on things, and how she might adjust better via Briar, and then expanding outwards from that, bit by bit. Could also end up giving some character to Brittle, depending on they'd interact, as she does not want to leave Briar's side, and thus, Aurum would have to interact with her too. Considering her limited view on ponies, who's to say how a changeling would end up going?

There's also how Blitz seems to try and want to make friends with Silver's daughter (name escapes me right now), and how she's trying to push into interacting with Last, much to Last's reluctance. Including tinkering with that weapon, which might overlap with Silver.

Dunno beyond that. I am a bit unsure how things are set, or the directions of things. But I am assuming things are settling down, with folks getting into their roles, so unless new folks/characters gets onboard, we gotta work with what we have. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Props ValRoa

To quote from the first page in the thread then:


He is about 25 years old, and his kind lives on average about one and a half times as long as a regular equine, if old age is what gets them.

He's what is referred to, as an Evergrown. A race with a short history, spanning only around 600 years, before the crisis, with the first reported cases coming from a vast jungle, that one day suddenly sprouted in the midst of a desert, far south from Equestria. Though in the years following, they were found in other places too, including primarily Equestria, and a few nearby countries with fertile dirt, and always around large, magical trees, where they build their villages around.

They're made entirely of plant matter, with their hides usually being bark and moss, with straw-like hair, random vegetation growth, depending on the tribe and sub species, and root like hooves. The flower they all have in their hair, are the source of their magic, like unicorns have, and are nature based. It can function like telekinesis, but is weaker than the raw arcane power of unicorns, and as such, in an even fight, a unicorn would beat them handily. They also have a rather special ability running through them, yet that will be covered in the history following this. So will why Briar have sharp teeth, despite his kind normally having normal flat ones, more suitable for eating vegetables.

Back in the day, they were very social, and as a young race, curious to interact with the world around them. As they were close in looks with ponies, that were the race they connected with the most, and for a time, things went well. The two had no issues living in harmony, and especially the earth ponies welcomed them favorably, as it were shown that they had a skill for making plants grow, since the *blood* that ran through them, are actually a highly nutrient packed fertilizer, that can cause plants to grow incredibly fast. A drop alone, could cause a seed to sprout into a full grown corn cob plant, with ripe cobs on the stilks. As the Evergrown had little to offer otherwise, they were willing to drain small portions and trade with the ponies, in exchange for knowledge, and varied goods. Though only minor portions, as much like with blood, they'd die if they lost too much.

This would end being the downfall of their relation. Some ponies became too greedy, and wanted to make a mint selling this fertilizer, or to simply grow their fields better than any of their neighbors. As such, some evergrown began to get kidnapped and drained to a husk, while the black market and some greedy farmers, got well off from their deaths. Princess Celestia, and leaders of other countries they were well established in, attempted to mend fences with the obviously outraged tribes, but their trust had been broken, and soon enough, they all retracted to their villages, shrouded them off in illusions, and separated themselves fully from the lives of the Equines. As few had been allowed into their villages to begin with, it weren't many who could even point to where to start looking for them again, and the ones who tried, or had been in their towns when they fled from equine society, were never heard from again. Some were killed, and others were merely told they could never leave, which means there is a few family lines of equines within a few select tribes. Before the crisis.

That is their backstory though, and it took place centuries before the crisis. Whoever is left now, will have had no chance but to run away from their villages, carrying what seeds from the great trees they could, and huddle with the ponies, hoping to survive both them, and the war. Those who remains are praying to the earth mother that one day, it will be over, and they can regrow their kind once more. Though on the plus side, they're getting along better with the other races now. Necessity to work together can do wonders, and their ability can come in great handy when there is a need for food. Long as a balance is struck, of course. :) 

As for Briar, he's from the epicenter far down south, where the first tree one bloomed (Yes, my draconequui made them. No, they are not aware, and have never had contact with her. Frankly, she have long since forgotten). There, they have three sub species of evergrown:

The Lotus Casters, who are the ones they have that are strongest in magic, and also have the biggest flowers. They are seen as the higher ups, and general leaders of their kind. New one who are born like this, are raised up as leaders and general *nobility*.

Vinemasters. They're known by the outgrowths on their back, which hides long tendril like vines within their hides, that they use to move things around with. Think a little like Doctor Octopus, except the arms are vines, and the grippers are sturdy, leathery flower petals. These are usually their builders, who tend to work on keeping their town intact and flourishing.

Simmerbarks: The muscle of the tribe. Thicker bark, larger in size, and with tough outgrowths on their hooves to hit hard and mercilessly, if need be. They are their protectors, and deal with any perceived threat. Be it within, or outside of the village.

However, there is also a rare chance, that when one of them grow from the great trees, (parents add a fertilized seed to the trees, which then gets absorbed, and in time, a pod will fall from the tree, containing their offspring), it will be a mutated variant. Carnivorous and blind, these mutations are dubbed Snaproots, and they are considered the lowest of their society. Usually the parents disown them instantly when they are seen, and they are thrown into the pit along with the rest of them, where they go through the days, desperately seeking out any sliver of sunlight that comes their ways, and snap at the few meals headed down their way.

They are treated as such, so that in time, when one of the others in town comes to pick one up to use as a menial worker, or servant (more or less a slave), they will be eager to follow, and do whatever they can to please their owners, so that they are not returned. So too were it with Briar, who is a mutated Vinemaster, and as such, can work like one. One of their bulder leaders picked him out, and set him to do hard, grueling work day in and day out, with no complaining from Briar's side. Though to try and incentivize him to work harder, the master that picked him, would on occasions, compliment him on a job well done, if he worked exceedingly hard, and even gave him a name. Something that were rare for their kind, as they were seen more as things, than members of their society.

In time, the master died, and one of the lotus casters, took over Briar. She stood tall in town, and proclaimed Briar as her property, stripped him of his name, and loudly proclaimed that if anyone referred to her thing as an individual again, they would be punished. As he had gotten used to have some sort of personality, he grew bold, and struck her in the head with one of his vines, causing her to tumble down from the balcony, and towards the ground. She were saved though, sad as that were.

She wanted him to be burned to his very core for daring to hurt her, but the Grove Mother, who lead them, proclaimed that they would not stoop to such savagery. Instead, Briar had several colored rings grafted into his legs and tied around his neck, before he were exiled. As they saw the outside world as a violent, dangerous place, it were seen as the harshest punishment one could give their own kind, and the circles would mark him as a criminal, if he ever tried to return.

He'd stumble out of the jungle and around areas for a while, before one day, running across an elderly stallion, who took pity of the confused, scared predatory creature, and took him in. Over the next few years, he'd teach Briar how to behave, build his confidence, and vastly increased his vocabulary. As the pony had once been a higher up from Equestria, who tired of city life, the words Briar have learned from him, does tend to come off as rather high society because of it, though with a kind nature to it. Unless he have to warn others off.

Eventually, the old pony died, and Briar made his way into the world to explore. After burying his friend that were, in as traditional a way for Equines as he were able to.

Years later, after crossing into the lands of Equestria, he'd stumble upon the circus, release Brittle, and in time, meet her again. Though when he did, he found her clinging to him, begging him to not leave her again. When she managed to slowly tell him what had gone on, and how she did not know of a life outside the circus, nor had any home to run to, he embraced her, and swore that he would keep her safe, and never leave her again. At the point of the crisis, he would have maintained that oath for two years.

Brittle is not well, frankly. She can barely talk above a whisper, she walks with her head held low to the floor when others address her, and look up at them like a scared dog, expecting to be beaten. She also rarely veers far from Briar's side, who does his work as her protector, and tried his best to slowly make her able to see that there are good in the world, and build her confidence, as his once had been. Though he is soft spoken and kind, his large, razor-sharp teeth and vines, can work well in being both intimidating, and effective to fight with, if need be. And though he cannot see, he moves mostly fluently around regardless, as he can feel out the world around him, and guide himself by that feeling, and sounds. Though he have issues registering plates of metal, unless they are creaking, or the wind hits them from a good direction, so he does at times hit his head on shop signs.

I know it seemed like he have eyes, but there are only eyelids. If he opened up, there is literally just a blank, green surface, and no sockets. There's no hope of him seeing like others do.

Also, he does not eat ponies or the like. He have sworn that he will not eat higher sentient beings, even if he does need proteins, and will voluntarily rather starve, than even nibble on the carcass of say, a pony. As for the vines, they are spread around his body when inside, and when he extends them, the varied smaller vines, intertwine to make a sturdy, bigger one on either side, stretching upwards of two and a half meters. Sorta like a braid, I suppose.

And a last point I just remembered, the cape is there to hide the two flower buds on his back (one on each side) that the vines are connected to. He figures the sharp teeth already puts others off, and he does what he can to hide both features if he just wanders around, experiencing things. It causes less questions, though if some start getting close, and asking questions, he is more than happy to answer any they may have. He figures the more knows of his kind, the better the chance of one day, having them return to the world they cut themselves off from.



Or the short version: He's a well spoken, blind plant creature, in the shape of a pony, with a bad past, who have done his to learn from it, rather than harbor grudges. He's pretty easy to be around, and are open about answering questions about his past, as he believes it is better to educate others on the lives of his kind, after they split off from the equine populations.

He is highly religious though, and while he will not harshly judge others for speaking against his faith, he will eventually just walk off, if it is looked upon too poorly. He expects that as he tolerates, and accepts others, that it would be fair that even if they disagree with his belief, that they are not being annoying about it.

If there's more specific things you wanna know, lemme know. :)

Oh also, he's highly protective of those in his care. Brittle being one, but to some extend now, also Aurum.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Props ValRoa

Will write thee rest when I am home.


Question: the part where Last, Spiral, etc. are, how long after the attack is that? Over a week, yes?

(edit) Sorted. Full post there now. :)

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Props ValRoa

I'll be back writing Tuesday. Got some real life things to handle. Worry not, we'll get this train roaring down the rails soon enough, hehe. ^^

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 4 weeks later...
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@Illiad Easle

Okay, with the retcon going and all, I can't remember anymore what happened to Ficus and what didn't. Did she get killed and resurrected? Does she have a fox tail still? Or were she just not affected at all? Cause I need a to do a rewrite if it is of my last post. A minor one, but still.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 1 month later...

@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa

Sorry about not writing until now. I thought I had before I went away for a few days. Didn't notice I had missed it.

Also, I am not sure, but did you want me to make a specialist? Your post on that were a bit vague. I can do it if it is, but I just want to make sure, before I go against your idea.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa

I don't have a ton of ideas to be honest. At this point, it seems like the plotline will be setup, and then going forward a week or so, when Spiral have done the spell, and then see how Aurum/Nexus integrates. From my part, I've just been using our side of things, to set something up with Last for the future, to both make her a bit more useful for future engagements, and having a cheery beam of sunlight forced upon her, in the form of Blitz. I figured it would add some character growth as well.

When she is taking off soon... Well, we had mentioned Ficus before, and I just noticed I accidentally had Last whisper about Spiral, to Spiral instead... Whoops. xD

There's some character things to explore, if you want more of Spiral's story told, as well as from my end with Last, but I dunno what the chief's idea is.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle

As far as I am concerned at the moment - Trixie's character arc is mostly complete. She went from being possessed by Spiral and now works successfully as a guard / entertainer on the side. Wasn't really sure what else I could realistically do with her at the moment.

Maud is mostly complete as far as I am aware. When we had more people in this RP, it was more interesting from her angle - to have her go with other characters on missions and have various conflicts with other people's characters. It was really interesting, that one scene when she and someone went into that cave and were attacked by spawn or something from what I remember.

Spiral, I made her almost two years ago and she's really developed as a character. Spiral has really had time to develop and altered the way that I see the character, which is excellent. Spiral was never an "overtly" evil character, just mischievous. 

Merlot Cloud was a character I created for this RP specifically. I would like to do more with her but I am not sure what to really suggest at the moment. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Props Valroa @Blitz Boom

I can't say I really have any plans of my own, even the Aurum/Nexus stuff I'm just winging as we go along.

Wherever you guys want to take this story I'm all ears, or if you're done with it that's fine too, I got as much out of this story as I originally planned to, so all this is extra for me.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

I have gotten more than enough out of this story myself. This RP has lasted well over 2 years, I think that is a pretty successful run, yes? I would suggest we start thinking of ways we want to conclude this RP. I don't have any other plans or ideas from my angle. I'd like us to come up with a good ending point that we are all satisfied with. 

Or, if you'd like to continue, I am perfectly fine with that - just presenting possible options we can proceed forward with. 



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle @Props Valroa

Well, personally, I don't mind making things last for a long time, but I understand the point of wanting to end this. That said, I do also think it is somewhat of a shame to just scatter.

Might I suggest then, that if people have found the satisfaction of this that they wanted, that we might consider after it is finished, to try and start up something new, where the twenty years have passed, and The Æther have landed?

It leaves open a whole world, that had about twenty years to deal with things, and attempting to recover after the war, along with everyone on board needing to go out into, and integrating into the world anew, and connect to old loved ones, that were left behind. Those who are still alive anyway.

I for one at least, think it would open up a lot of fresh tales, and might entice some new folks to join in too.

From my part at least, Blitz would have family to reconnect with, even though twenty years for both herself, and her volatile brother, wouldn't have left them completely unscathed. There would also then be something with Silver there, if Blitz is still working for her by then, and have agreed to continue research, as part of her team, which were hinted at earlier.

Briar would have met a few others of his kind, rescued during those twenty years, and as he had the seed, which were vital for their survival, would be regarded as a being of importance to them. Something which puts a heavy burden on his shoulders, but also hope that he can lead them to a better future.

Brittle would finally have found courage, and gotten control over her powers over the years, and tried to connect with the changelings on board. And while she did make some friends, she did not feel as if she fitted in the hive, and when landfall comes, would be ready to go out, and find one that might fit her more. Potentially with a few others. Something which might get her towards New Las Pegasus.

As for Last, she'd have stood steadfast over the years, but opened up more, and told stories, in part due to Spiral and Blitz's influence. In time, it would attract others, who resonated with her ideals. Primarily Equestrians, and at the point of them making landfall, she would have a small fighting force, that had made it through her harsh regiment, ready to find a place, where they could settle down, and try to expand their order, under a worthy banner. Potentially for Aurum/Nexus, if she have grown into being an alicorn, and decides to be a leader?

Just stuff off of the top of my head. I just really think it would be interesting how future versions of our characters might work, and how the world that you have teased us about is gonna be, Illiad. What does it look like, after all those years? :)

Heck, after all that time, maybe we'd end up with The Empress and @Kujamih's Light returning. They did just vanish... Who's to say they actually died?

I'll wait to respond until tomorrow, so I can see what folks think here in the OOC. It will help me determine if I should set up more things, or endeavor to finish them, in the next few posts.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

If we go that route, I imagine several things would have happened. The Aether Project would have prospered under Trojan Guidance, and Aurum would have grown up in a way that wasn't typical for an alicorn. She would have a high status, but Spiral would not wish to see her raised to be royalty. In 20 years, I imagine Spiral would have gotten quite wise. Spiral is 33 years old, so in 20 years, she'd be in her 50s. Likely having some sort of high prominence, if not more leadership by that point.

Merlot would have become a well seasoned pilot by then, maybe. Spiral and Blitz would likely have grown quite close as well. But hey, I'm open to ideas.

Alternatively, the three of us could conclude this RP and pick it up at some point in the future - instead, coming up with a new RP we can do? Curious to see @Illiad Easle's opinion of this.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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