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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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(Any new characters should first apply in the OOC thread)

(OOC Thread)

@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Ever since Discord betrayed Celestia to her death, turning the tide of the onslaught in favor of the spawn of Tartarus, those who survived were constantly hiding or on the run. If the spawn didn't tear you to bits, you had Discord's bands of loyal raiders to watch out for, and, if you were really unlucky, Discord himself snatching up creatures and sending them to Faust knows where.

It's been a year since Canterlot fell, you and a few others have been lucky so far, dodging patrols and the roving herds of spawn while still finding enough food to stay alive. You've lost a few members of your group over time, and found new ones as well. A few have told of certain strongholds, "Bastions of Civilization" they called them, hidden away in the discordant wasteland that was once Equestria.

Your group was headed in the vague direction of where one might be when your luck finally ran out. The forest you had been using as cover suddenly blew away like so much dandelion fluff, revealing your position to a nearby herd of spawn.

And so you ran, trying with all your strength to outrun the spawn. But inwardly you knew you wouldn't be able to outrun them forever, or even outfly them as some took to the sky in pursuit. You knew that you, and everyone else in your group would soon be overtaken and killed. Until...


Something small but heavy flew past your ear, not unlike a brick, then...


A small explosion rocks the ground behind you, and from above a large shape appears, it's a crude vehicle, little more than a large metal box with a pair of wings and large propellers. The back is open with a ramp extending down. A mare stands in the opening with a large rifle, she motions for you to jump onto the ramp, "Get in!"

They wait for as many of your group who survived to get on, helping in any who couldn't jump in on their own, and firing back at any of the spawn who got too close. Once they're all in the ramp closes behind them and the vehicle lifts higher into the sky.

Inside the vehicle wasn't anything too special, benches on either side allowed for everyone to take a seat if they so desired. The mare who had helped save them set her rifle back across her back and lifted up her goggles to reveal her calm teal eyes, "Is anyone hurt?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @Califorum @Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

What seemed like a moment when Thundy and the group were making a scramble, they saw what seemed to be some sort of ship that landed in front of them. Thundy got in with the group, after hearing the pilot or whoever said to get in. He sat down looking at the rest of the group. When the mare asked them if they were alright, Thundy answered: "Yea, glad you came just in time. It's utter chaos back there...literally." Thundy stated. 

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@Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Blitz Boom @Kujamih

Windy Breeze thought her life would end where the forest once was, which was now nothing but a bunch of broken wooden tree trunks and fallen logs and leaves, she had enough with all the bruises she received, some hidden by the the Wonderbolt uniform which once showed her pride as a pegasus, now show sadness, shame, and hopelessness, the clothing's color had become pale and tattered, still she got her own goggles.

But she wasn't alone.

Standing behind her was a pony she didn't expect to become a friend and a partner, like her, her companion wore a uniform but it was unrecognizable, she also wear goggles, she was ataring at the spawn with fear, both of them are thinking the forest would be their grave, but they are wrong.

At the moment when all hope seems to be lost, some strange vehicle of some kind appeared. Windy and Shadow stared at it with awe.

Just a few meters away from them, a stallion named Serene Spring began to laugh. Not because he was going insane, but he realized what was going to happen. They are going to be saved!

The trio saw a ramp lowering down, then by the opening, a mare appeared with some kind of strange weapon they couldn't recognize, and her eyes are hidden behind a goggles. The armed mare shouted at them and their group to get into the strange vehicle. Smiles appeared from the three pegasi and they began to go to the vehicle, ignoring the pain they had to endure from their injuries. The trio soon reached the strange vehicle and went inside along the surviving members of their group.

Windy and Shadow sat down on the benches, as well as Serene, who was still smiling but no longer laughing. They heard the armed mare from before asked if they are alright.

“Well, not all of us are alright” Serene replied, referring to the others, including Windy and Shadow, “We have been wondering for years, searching for safe haven, and some of us did not have any time to treat their own injuries for the fear of getting ambushed by the... Things”



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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

Spiral Lulamoon and Maud were running in the forest when all of it blew away, revealing the hellish spawn of Discord. They had attempted to find a cave to hide in, but that would be fruitless.  Revealing themselves, the spawn were wide out in the open and pursuing them. Spiral Lulamoon and Maud ran as fast as they could. Maud ran with extreme stamina. But still, they had to find an escape or hiding place.

"Lets keep going! Lets make a break for it!" shouted Spiral Lulamoon, to which Maud silently had obliged. They ran and found themselves coming up on a clearing or so they through. 

In their path layed a large mossed boulder. Maud glanced to it and seemed to lift it out of the ground, they stopped momentarily. With great strength, Maud picked up the boulder and threw it and trapped one of the spawn under it. Then they continued to run.

"There is something ahead. More ponies." said Maud in a emotionless, yet observational tone as she gestured towards the vehicle that had landed seconds ago.

"Could be a trap! We have to head underground like before!" that is when Trixie heard the voice in her head, the voice of her soul campion. 

"It seems like it is your last stand here, Trixie. Why don't you kill them? Show them pain." said the cruel voice of Spiral Spell inside of her head. 

Trixie grinned with a cruel look and then glanced back to the spawn. She fired dark magic bolts at the spawn, some of the spawn were heavily wounded, but others were only more angered by that and they ran towards the cart. Maud seemed to run towards the cart first.

"Muad, where are you going? Who knows what that could be, could be a trap! Trixie says we should fight off the spawn and hide!" Spiral Lulamoon said in a rather absorbed tone, unable to see what Maud had been planning.

"No worse than the fate that would await us here. Now, come." Maud said in a cold yet serious tone. Trixie knew that Maud was right, and ran after her. The two of them boarded the vehicle and noticed that there were other ponies boarding the vehicle as well. Maud and Spiral Lulamoon had jumped in and were not focused on whoever would be there.

Spiral Lulamoon fired a dark magic blast off at the spawn to keep them away from the cart as Maud looked on emotionlessly. Yet deep down, she enjoyed it when Trixie had harmed the spawn. Spiral Lulamoon's eyes glowed with a deep red color as she was using her magic, her magical blasts being a combination of red and black.

"I enjoy this suffering greatly, isn't it amazing Trixie? Isn't it amazing to see them all quiver and die from our combined magic?" said Spiral, from the others it would sound like Trixie was talking.

"Trixie agrees! Trixie thinks this is amazing!"  Trixie shouted with glee.

"Now imagine yourself twisting the knife into Discord's corpse as you are crowned the liberator of the land! Imagine that hmm? Hmm?" asked Spiral again. The look on Trixie's face was one of insanity. Maud stood next to her and looked at her with a soul-less look that made Spiral shut up. 




MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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Somewhere, in another dimension. A burst of chaos was released.

" Another big one has arrived... And what a troublesome one it is... Light." The cloaked giant being called the attention of a white pony with red eyes.

"You called?" The white pony replied.

"Another Dimension has gone rogue. And i believe another godly being is the cause."

"I shall prepare my team then." Light replied.

" I'm afraid it's going to be a solo mission. The one responsible for the chaos seems to be quite powerful to reject... Travelers such as yourself... But i can still manage to send only one...so you'll have to do."

The giant being grabbed Light's head raised it up and started the preparation of a spell.


But before Light could finish his sentence, he was instantly teleported to the area where chaos has spread.

Then gravity starts to affect him, and is now falling down.

"Shit!" Light screamed as he fall down to a bunch of burnt brushes.

Light quickly stood up and patted of the ashes on his body.

"Now what.."

Light then focused on his surroundings and he saw an evacuation happening.

" I guess thats where I'll start my investigation on this...world... On a...helicopter?"

Light hurried to the evacuation site and hopped into the chopper.








Edited by Kujamih
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@Illiad Easle @Califorum @C. Thunder Dash @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

Before the defenders showed up, it didn't look too good. They had managed to keep hidden and out of sight for some time now, and far as Briar knew, had been keeping a low profile for a long time too. It seemed like this would work when he ran into them, and they joined them all to go towards one of these fabled safe places, that were supposedly left in this crazed world.

Yet, they had been spotted, and then it were just trying to get away, and survive.

Brittle had not taken this well, when they were spotted. She had already been mute and on the verge of tears for months now, but times like this, her emotions took over, and it resulted in a change. In this case, turning her into what could best be described as a large spatula with fluffy wool covering it.  She still seemed like she were breathing somehow, as he had felt her turn into other things without a visible mouth before, and were aware that she could make it. However, she had no limbs to move with, and as such, he were now carrying her with one of his vines, whilst trying to defend them with his other.

This were not optimal. Nor were it that thy had to run so fast, that his senses were really being tested, and he near constantly ended up almost hitting something. He could function well enough without sight, but historically, he did this with an even pace, and only rarely ran. What a simple time it had been then, before the ruckus began...

He still weren't sure what had happened. All he knew were that one day, things seemed peaceful. Then the next, there were monsters everywhere, and the sounds of creatures dying. He had hoped it would ease up eventually, but sadly, it only got worse, as time moved on.

It did not go better once Brittle eventually became more or less catatonic. She barely moved on her own anymore, and didn't speak a word. Hadn't for months, and it were unnerving him. He figured that maybe if they found a safe spot with other survivors, she might be able to recover again, but their bet now had not paid off. Fight as they might, they'd soon be hunted, and then torn asunder, or dragged to Earth Mother knows where, as he had heard before, when they got dragged kicking and screaming, into the unknown.

Not long before they got a save though, he heard something. A blast of magic. The sound of insanity, and a vibration in the earth, as a boulder hit it. Someone were throwing rocks?

Steps got closer to their group, and he tensed up, but these didn't feel like these *spawn*, or whatever others called them. They sounded wrong, yet these two were talking normally. Sounded like they may too be ones that sought shelter? Even if one sounded manic, it may still help them. IN this age of madness, perhaps someone crazy were what they needed?

He'd hesitantly have his vine risen when they got closer. The four, leathery petals at the end spread wide, ready to go down and grab one of them. Or close up, and hit with force, if they were enemies. The spawn might not die from a hit, but he had found before, that being physical with them, at least kept them at bay for a time.

Thankfully it seemed as if these were not enemies, though those who were, were gaining on them. There were little time for pleasantries now.

15 hours ago, Califorum said:

"I enjoy this suffering greatly, isn't it amazing Trixie? Isn't it amazing to see them all quiver and die from our combined magic?" said Spiral, from the others it would sound like Trixie was talking.

"Trixie agrees! Trixie thinks this is amazing!"  Trixie shouted with glee.

"Now imagine yourself twisting the knife into Discord's corpse as you are crowned the liberator of the land! Imagine that hmm? Hmm?"

"If you're not with them, then you're with us. Stay near the others, and keep moving! We mustn't ling-"

He had been gesturing towards Windy - a mare who had been in this group for some time before himself and Brittle - and urging them all to keep going, when they had suddenly been interrupted. By what? He hadn't the faintest clue. He could feel something, but he wasn't sure what it were. Some kind of metallic cart, perchance? The sound it made on the ground, made the metallic part somewhat certain for him, but the rest were pure guesswork. He did not interact much with technology before this, and as he couldn't technically see it, it were hard to discern what new things of that kind, were there for.

He did know though, that whatever it were, had someone there. And whoever it were, had used some kind of pellet, to make things explode behind them. An explosives expert of some kind perhaps?

17 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Get in!"

They wait for as many of your group who survived to get on, helping in any who couldn't jump in on their own, and firing back at any of the spawn who got too close. Once they're all in the ramp closes behind them and the vehicle lifts higher into the sky.

Inside the vehicle wasn't anything too special, benches on either side allowed for everyone to take a seat if they so desired. The mare who had helped save them set her rifle back across her back and lifted up her goggles to reveal her calm teal eyes, "Is anyone hurt?"

"Yes ma'am."

Briar wouldn't be happy, as he did not know who this were. Yet, he knew who it weren't, and as it stood right now, that would have to be enough. SO he'd scale the ramp, and go in to what were hopefully a safe space of some kind.

In case someone lingered behind, and did not move on their own accord, he'd grab hold of them though, and drag/lift them in. His kind were put together in a way where they often lifted heavy tree trunks, as part of the building process. A pony were nothing in comparison, and he wouldn't be keen on leaving anyone behind. Even if the safety of Brittle is what came first and foremost here.

When the hatch closed, Briar would wander to the furthest away corner, and sit down on the floor, with the strange creation Brittle now ere at his side. He'd gently be using one vines to stroke her down her fur, and wait for her to calm down enough to return to her own form again. Something which tended to take some time these days, as her stress levels were not helped by these events. And to think, she were improving so well before this happened... *sigh* The end of civilization were never convenient for anyone, were it?

He did not feel overly confident about things as he felt they were lifting off the ground somehow. Yet down there were spawn, so he'd have to try and keep that in mind, and hope these were not some sort of traitors, wanting to sell them off to the enemy for whatever reason.

Once they were asked if they were okay, he'd turn his head towards the voice of this mare who had saved them, and would answer.

"I believe I smell blood, though I can't say if it is theirs. What just happened out there though? Who are you? Why do I feel us leaving the ground?"

His eyelids remained closed, as they most often were, which hid his lack of eyes beneath. His vines were not well hidden though, nor were his sharp teeth, and the natural elements of his body were rather simple to see likely, now that things were not in motion anymore. Even if looking a little withered, due to the lack of proper amounts of food he had gotten in recent times, the flower sticking out of his head were for example, not hard to discern weren't just placed there gently. It would have fallen off otherwise, with all they had just done.

Depending on how knowledgeable this mare were, she may wonder what he even were, though that were not what he were most concerned about right now. Safety, were what he wished to know more about, and he would prefer not saying much more, before he knew if they were safe, or headed for another area with these things. Just slightly further away from their destination.

He did carry two small satchels on his back though. One with rations for his meat needs, and one which fell down on the floor now, and opened slightly. It seemed like it contained a hoof-sized seed, that were slightly glowing in a pulsating, golden hue, but he immediately grabbed it with his hoof, and scraped it under himself for now. He could not risk this falling into the wrong hooves. Even if he weren't aware, if it would ever be able to fulfill what the one who had originally carried it, had hoped for, it were still important to keep it at hoof.

He'd still sooner give this up than Brittle, yet he'd prefer if he could avoid losing either. They were important. More so than himself.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

The machine they were in shook as they were leaving the ground, but once it got up to a certain height it stopped shaking as much. The mare looked about the cabin as some of the rescued creatures spoke up, visibly relieved that no one indicated a present need for medical attention. "Good, anything that isn't serious can get treated once we get to the project. Let's see what we've got here."

She went over to one of the mostly bare walls and retrieved a clipboard that was hanging there, a pencil hung from a string attached to the board as well, which she stuck in her mouth to start writing, "Lesh shee..."

@C. Thunder Dash

"A greffon," she set the pencil down to respond, "Don't thank us yet, we're not quite out of the metaphorical woods."

She picked up the pencil again,

@Windy Breeze

"Free phegasi," setting down the pencil again, "Well, at the very least you wont need to wander anymore, either we get to safety or we die, all there is is to wait."


"Unicorn and Earf phony"


"Over Earf phony"

@Blitz Boom

"Phlant phony..." she curiously eyed the large fuzzy spatula Briar was carrying, but since she didn't appear to be alive the mare moved on tucking the pencil away, "Simplest answer, it feels like we're leaving the ground because we are. Ground is too dangerous, what with all the spawn and loyalists down there."

@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Having finished taking a count of the ponies she had acquired she returned to the front of the room and put the clipboard back, "Alright, I'm sure you all have questions, and I'll do my best to answer what I can before we get to the project. My name is Convoy, you've been rescued by the scouting branch of the Æther Project. Once we arrive you will all be given food, care, and accomodations on the condition that, as soon as you are able, you do what you can to help the project continue. If any of you are opposed to this arrangement, let me know so we can arrange to put you back where you came from. To preemptively answer some basic questions, the Æther Project is a floating city-ship, made of clouds, cloudcrete, treated clouds, as well as more traditional ground materials like wood, steel, and glass. Don't worry, you won't accidentally fall through even if you've been exposed to nullifying amounts of antimagic, which it appears none of you have. We'll be arriving in about 15 to 30 minutes if any of you have some quick questions before we arrive."  

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Shoot, I forgot about that dang antimagic...ugh..." Thundy said nodding to himself. He looked around at the others. He did have some prejudgements, but decided to put them to the side for now, since they were just rescued. Thundy gathered some electricity and made a ball of electricity appear in his talon. He moved it around a little, using it as a sensing device to detect negative energy. 


The ball turned a little blackish-red as it faced Trixie. It seemed there was something...


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@Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Kujamih @Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

Maud and Trixie look on over to the mare that was talking. Maud pulled out one of her rocks and fondled over it as she listened to the others talk, Trixie and Maud walked closer to Convoy until she finished speaking. 

"The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to know how this all came to be, what this Aether project is! What is it?" Trixie said, being the first to ask the question.

"I would like to know how one even builds such things considering the state of the world, wouldn't it be found out? Seems quite suspicious." Spiral asks, but from the others point of view it would be like Trixie talking to herself, however, they would probably notice the different tone and mannerisms used when Spiral spoke. When Spiral would speak through Trixie's body, there would be a slight shake in Trixie's body as Trixie felt the power and influence of the ancient one within her. 

Maud glanced over at the others for a second before seeming to keep a watch over Trixie as she spoke. They didn't notice Thundy's ball there and weren't focused on him.




MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Windy Breeze @Kujamih @Califorum

24 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Simplest answer, it feels like we're leaving the ground because we are. Ground is too dangerous, what with all the spawn and loyalists down there."

"Earth Mother be praised. There is nothing but death down there."

This was a great relief. Even if he normally, did not much care to leave the ground. It felt somewhat wrong to him. Though in the current circumstances, he'd cope. Just needed a bit of time to adjust to things, and hopefully not fall out, and hurl back towards the hard embrace of the cold dirt.

He'd smell some sort of electricity, and a strange movement from one of the others, but did not address it. There were far more important things to focus on here than that. After the lady had stopped speaking, of course. Even in these rushed days, he wouldn't be so rude as to cut off another speaking, unless it were critical, or they were rude.

27 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Alright, I'm sure you all have questions, and I'll do my best to answer what I can before we get to the project. My name is Convoy, you've been rescued by the scouting branch of the Æther Project. Once we arrive you will all be given food, care, and accomodations on the condition that, as soon as you are able, you do what you can to help the project continue. If any of you are opposed to this arrangement, let me know so we can arrange to put you back where you came from. To preemptively answer some basic questions, the Æther Project is a floating city-ship, made of clouds, cloudcrete, treated clouds, as well as more traditional ground materials like wood, steel, and glass. Don't worry, you won't accidentally fall through even if you've been exposed to nullifying amounts of antimagic, which it appears none of you have. We'll be arriving in about 15 to 30 minutes if any of you have some quick questions before we arrive."  

"If it keeps us safe, I will do everything that I can, to earn my keep. And know that you have my sincerest, deepest gratitude for this kindness you have bestowed upon us, Madamme Convoy.

Hear that, Brittle? There is safety to be found? We are yet to perish."

He'd give a deep bow of the head towards Convoy as he spoke to her, before going to speak to the odd spatula next to him. After his words, and the continued calm of the room - thus far - it would be engulfed in a green flame. There, were a seemingly large, useless tool had stood, where now a changeling female, in her mid to late teens. Laying next to Briar, she'd give a scared, horrified glance towards Convoy, before burying her face in Briar's side.

"Her name is Brittle Buzz, and I are Briar Trapjaw. Thank you for saving our lives."

If any ruckus would start with others, another green flame would go over Brittle, and she'd stay mostly the same, but had her ears replaced by large poofs of hair, and her tail turning bright orange. It wasn't always massive changes.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom @Kujamih @Califorum @C. Thunder Dash

“Amnesia?” Serene was a little skeptic with the Light's claim, although it can be possible if he had hit his head or hit by some kind of spell, he's still speculating and wasn't showing his skepticism yet.

As for Windy, she couldn't believe a city made from something metal could exist. With Cloudsdale and her hometown, Ponyville gone, such place doesn't, but the mare named Convoy already proven it was true by rescuing them. She put that feeling aside and smiled at Convoy, while Shadow muttered “By Nightmare's mane, such place still exist?”

Windy stood up to Convoy and let her show her gratitude “Thank you for saving all of us” she said, “If weren't without you and this vehicle, I'm afraid most of us would be goners down there. I owe you for my life and theirs” she added, obviously forgotting they are still in the woods.

Unlike Serene and Windy, Shadow was horrified when Convoy explained those who refused to work for the so-called Æther Project would be thrown out to be abandoned from those creatures. Are they crazy? Why just let the others live in peace!? She did not say anything as Windy began introducing herself.

“I'm Windy Breeze, the mare who sat beside me is Shadow Trail, that stallion who sat the opposite from us is Serene Spring”

Edited by Windy Breeze
  • Brohoof 1



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@Windy Breeze 

" ..............yes.....amnesia."

Light replied to the pegasi with a straight face.

@ everyone (theres to many of you guys:laugh:)

" Oh yeah introduction.... My name is White Light....ummm.. yeah ...i guess the amnesia ... didn't erased my name?" Light said.

Edited by Kujamih
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 @C. Thunder Dash 

Convoy was visibly surprised when Thundy started casting magic, but she didn't say anything.



Convoy raised an eyebrow at Trixie's more... accusatory questions, and strange mannerism, "If you think it's suspicious, you're free to leave. We frankly don't have room for those who would undermine the integrity of the project. The Æther was built before the Incident, as we like to call it. An Oracle predicted the fall of civilization and so we prepared a way to survive as soon as the spawn appeared. I can't say I understand how it all works myself, I'm a scout, not an engineer." 


@Blitz Boom

Convoy was once again surprised when the fuzzy spatula became a pony again, "Huh," She went back to her clipboard to add "One shangeling" to her list. Setting the pencil down she turned back to the pair, "I can't say I've seen anything quite like the two of you, I mean Brittle looks similar to a changeling, but you..." she shrugged, "Someone as unique as you is bound to have a role they can fill."



Convoy didn't seem to buy White's 'amnesia' story, "I can't say I'm the best pony to fill you in, once we're at the project you should be able to find someone better suited."


@Windy Breeze

Convoy nodded with a smile, "I'm sure the Tandem brothers and Wire will appreciate the thanks, they're the ones flying this thing after all. Speaking of..."


@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Convoy went back up to the front of the room, knocking on a recessed panel at the front, "ETA Wire?"

A muffled voice called back from the other side of the panel, "Coming up on it now, you can turn on the screen if you want."

Convoy smiled as she stepped over to another panel on the front, "You'll all want to see this."

She pressed a button and the panel came to life with magic, showing a view supposedly out the front of the vehicle they were in. They crested a cloudbank, and there it was.

Sitting in the middle of the cloudscape was a massive construct floating in the sky, the bottom half looked wholly made of cloud, such that from below it would just look like a large cloud, but the top half looked a combination of a cloud city, a very large ship, and a standard city, almost like it had been cobbled together from the remains of Cloudsdale and Manehatten, but combined seamlessly, and almost as large as the larger of the two.

If they looked away from the massive floating city they would see that not only were they not the only vehicle flying in to the city, there was a loose swarm of flying Spawn flying about both the city and the other transports, though any spawn that got too close to the city was hit by a streak of the same sickly purple that the mare had used to stop the spawn chasing all of them earlier.

It wasn't long before a few spawn started to head towards their transport, "Strap in everyone, we're almost out of the woods!"

They would be able to find safety harnesses on the benches on either wall, they wouldn't have long to get them on before their transport would start to take evasive maneuvers to avoid the flying Spawn outside.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Thundy made the ball of energy disappear and got up, going to where Conoy was. He looked at the view that Convoy had referred to. "Holy...that view is awesome. How long has he Aether project been around?" Thundy asked curiously. 

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@Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Kujamih @Blitz Boom @Windy Breeze 

Trixie seemed to scoff at the suggestion of leaving but she seemed to jitter more as Spiral forced her to shut up and stop talking. Convoy hadn't seen a pony act like that before and something was obviously up with Trixie. Meanwhile inside of Trixie's mind, Spiral was scolding Trixie mentally and none of the others could hear. Maud overlooks the clouds beyond the vehicle they had found themselves on. When the screen shows the city, Trixie's mouth drops and Maud's eyes widen slightly and they walked towards the screen. Trixie and Maud held onto the harnesses as the craft evades the spawn flying about outside.

Afterwards Maud had approached Convoy with a monotone expression.  "I apologize for...Trixie's behavior. She is different.Maud blinked slowly and glanced over at Trixie. "My name is Maud Pie." she said and pulled out her rock pet, Bouder and showed it to Convoy. "And this is boulder." she said, keeping the same monotone expression. Trixie seemed to be sitting, in a jittering way. Still jittering.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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" safety harness? Arent this used for fall prevention...not.... Turbulence protection?.... I hope its not gonna be a bumpy ride..." Light said.

As the aircraft started to do its maneuvers, everyone was dangling and bumping a bit to the walls and what not.

" I think im gonna barf."

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@Illiad Easle @Califorum @Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash 

If the others are not stunned by the the sight of the large cloud city, all the three pegasi stared at the sight of their new home in awe with their jaws dropped down, hope filled their hearts, especially Serene.

The city is so massive, it could house a million pegasi he reached out to her mane and pulled out a picture, which depicts his mother and father Mother, father, I hope you two are in there... Atleast one of you

Windy also noticed earlier a pony's spatula turned into a pony. An actual living pony, but her eyes are soon focused on the massive city. It slightly reminded her of Cloudsdale and Manehattan.

Shadow was quick to recover from her shock to gaze at the spawns and the other vehicles similar to what they're riding, some purple... Wall? She was't sure but it was very effective on the creatures.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Strap in everyone, we're almost out of the woods!"

Shadow, Windy, and Serene hurried to find the safety harnesses, especially Serene, who had to quickly put his parent's pictures back into his mane. They successfully buckled themselves and both are able to fight of the nausea as their transport made maneuvers.

“Whoa, this is crazy!” Windy grinned in awe, as she treated their situation like a roller coaster ride.

  • Brohoof 1



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@Windy Breeze @Illiad Easle @Califorum @Kujamih @C. Thunder Dash

On 1/15/2021 at 5:52 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Huh," She went back to her clipboard to add "One changeling" to her list. Setting the pencil down she turned back to the pair, "I can't say I've seen anything quite like the two of you, I mean Brittle looks similar to a changeling, but you..." she shrugged, "Someone as unique as you is bound to have a role they can fill."

"Brittle is indeed a changeling, and I am an Evergrown. I give you my word that I will answer any questions you may have of my kind when there is time for it, Madamme Convoy. Though I am dismayed to hear that you have no seen others like me. It must be worse than I had feared then..."

Briar had encountered corpses of his kin since the incident happened. Not too often, but enough to know that even though they had for centuries managed to hide away from the world, even they had not been able to stay hidden from these monsters. And judging by what he had been told, by the one who had not died fully, the situation were dire for their kin. Finding this save haven, he had hoped that there were more of his kind here, mutated or not, but Convoy having never encountered something like him, made it hard to keep up hope.

Earth Mother be willing, there were other safe havens out there, and some of his kind had amanaged to retreat to them, with their precious cargo intact.

On 1/15/2021 at 5:52 AM, Illiad Easle said:

A muffled voice called back from the other side of the panel, "Coming up on it now, you can turn on the screen if you want."

Convoy smiled as she stepped over to another panel on the front, "You'll all want to see this."

The sounds of the others seeing this sight, made it apparent that it were quite a sight to behold. Perhaps gleaming towers, reaching towards the stars themselves? Intricate statues, and pieces of arts that took your breath away? Maybe simply the sun glistening off the clouds of this heavenly haven? He wished he knew, but such a wish had been present with him since his inception, and he had yet to find a way to make it so that he could take in these breathtaking visions. Simply something that were not meant to be it seemed, though he had hope to change that, before the incident happened. Now though... Even if someday, the evil would be forced away, there would not be as many left there, and much would be destroyed. It were unlikely that there were a path for his innermost want then.

But it were okay. He functioned well as it were, and he had found a more meaningful purpose than this selfish one, in caring for Brittle. She did not raise her head to look at the sight, but in time, he were sure that she would be able to find the strength for it, and improve once more. She'd need time though. As he supposed, many survivors did.

"I am certain it is a most beautiful sight."

On 1/15/2021 at 5:52 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Strap in everyone, we're almost out of the woods!"

They would be able to find safety harnesses on the benches on either wall, they wouldn't have long to get them on before their transport would start to take evasive maneuvers to avoid the flying Spawn outside.

This now, became somewhat of an issue. Briar could feel things around them, but he were not sure exactly what were meant with getting strapped in, before he senses what the others were doing. And when that were, his main focus were not himself.

Instead he'd rise up, and sit on one of the seats, with Brittle on his lap. His front hooves would be clutching around her, as hers were around him, and he'd then use his vines to slid through the straps of the harness, and tangle around them. It were the only way they could sit together, without waggling with things, and it were not a moment too soon that he were done either, as the whole thing began to shake about for some reason. Hopefully they were crashing.

It'd make Brittle change again though. What exactly, were not too easy to see from the front though. Her wings vanished, and scales seemed to cover her back and tail, but other than that, it seemed okay. Briar looked to be in pain however. And if you sat close, you could see why, as Brittle had gotten thick spikes, sprouting from her stomach. They were thankfully dulled, but it still hurt Briar to have pressed against his chest, whilst he had another hard object, pressed between the back of this transport and his bark. Though still, he did not let go of her, until they had landed. Though he would give off a rather painful groan, once he could loosen his grip some, and ease the pressure on his chest.

"Urgh. What is up and down, seems to be in question... Might I please ask what happened? Anyone?"

Thankfully, he were not about to barf, though he did feel somewhat topsy turvy. He also felt one of the things he carried had gotten loose, as he couldn't keep that one secured, so over in the corner farthest from him, were a half opened package of dried boar meat, and the bottom half of a fish, with leaves wrapped around the bitten off mid section. Hopefully his rations wouldn't fall out of here. Who knew how difficult it might be, to acquire meat up here? In a way which would not kill off any survivors, of course.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

As they got closer to the city they could see that the purple bolts flying off the city weren't launched by unicorns or creatures with rifles similar to Convoy, but rather very large canons arranged around the perimeter of the project. Eventually they were close enough for these large canons to take care of the Spawn following their craft, and their ride smoothed out considerably.

Convoy gave a sigh of relief before knocking on the front recessed panel again, "Nice flying Wire."

The muffled voice responded, "We'll be landing shortly, get ready."

With that Convoy turned to asses the state of the passengers, "We'll be setting down shortly, so make sure you gather up all your things and be ready to exit. We can't prove none of you are loyalists yet, so no sudden moves as you are each inspected alright?"

@C. Thunder Dash

Convoy turned to Thundy, "It was once a normal cloud city called the Æther, founded just before Nightmare Moon's first appearance. It first started getting converted about a year before the Spawn first emerged, or just after they were prophesied to emerge, so depending on your question either just over a thousand years, or like three years now."


Convoy didn't take too much interest in what Maud was saying until she mentioned her name, "Wait... The Maud Pie? Sister of the Element of Laughter?" Convoy sighed, "I'm... we're all sorry for your loss. Your sister... she's one of the reasons why we're even here in the first place. Her invention made this contraption we're in possible."


@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

The screen that had been displaying the outside world shut off as they approached the landing area to one end of the Æther project, and they could feel their craft spinning around before traveling backwards for a short distance until it came to a soft landing. Convoy moved to the ramp with the clipboard and her rifle, pressing a button to open it up.

As the ramp descended they were treated to a view of the hanger, at least a half dozen other craft were in there as well, some unloading weathered looking creatures like themselves, others unloading materials. Once the ramp was fully extended Convoy stepped out to meet with a smartly dressed buck who had approached. They spoke quietly for a moment, then Convoy turned back to them, "Alright, come down single file, one at a time. Aspen here will magically scan you and your belongings. If you have weapons please declare them before the scan."

(Each of you can indicate how you follow these instructions, if at all. You'll be processed in the order that you post.)

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Kujamih @Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

Maud frowned slightly as she put boulder away into her pocket. Convoy could see the clear pain on Maud's face yet Maud's face was just as monotone and emotionless as before. With one word she answered, "Yes." that conveyed just as much emotionlessness as her body however, Convoy would probably see the clear pain. 

Trixie was still in the back jittering, her and Spiral were discussing the whole layout of the air-base that had just been revealed before Spiral took control of Trixie's body and stood up and looked in awe of the screen there before they had apparently landed. Trixie was jittering quite strangely before Spiral took complete control and walked off, leaving an annoyed Trixie in her mind.

Maud and Trixie gathered their belongings. Maud first exited the craft, followed by Trixie. They surveyed what had been revealed. Looking at all of the details of the landing area with awe. Maud declared that she had a hammer before the scan, and Trixie declared that she had several magical grenades and magic smoke bombs when her turn came. Maud had various items, none worthy of note. Trixie had a lot of stage magic stuff and food stored in her bags.




MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@C. Thunder Dash @Illiad Easle @Califorum @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

48 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"We'll be setting down shortly, so make sure you gather up all your things and be ready to exit. We can't prove none of you are loyalists yet, so no sudden moves as you are each inspected alright?"

"I understand. Though I do apologize in advance for how this will progress with Brittle. She have severe trust issues, and the last year have not helped tremendously on things. Quite the opposite, in fact."

This may end up being an issue... *sigh* Hopefully they would be understandable, if he simply explained things, and did his to make her feel safe and secure.

He'd spend the last bit of time until they would depart properly, to whisper to her, and attempt to sooth her. Which worked enough to make her forgo the spikes - which he greatly appreciated - but did not do much to stop her otherwise worsened mental condition.

Before leaving, he'd reach a vine out, and pick up his rations too. He were going to need those, and soon. He had done his to spread it out as much as he could, but he were frankly feeling rather famished, and could do with some meat. Regardless of freshness.

He did nod towards one mare as they were about to exit the cart though, who seemed to be of sound mind, and not as nervous as the rest of them. A calming presence, with a name which unfortunately, were much too familiar.

"I am impressed that you can keep your head cool, Miss Pie. Even in this circumstance. Your nerves proves times and again, to be of substantial strength. A very commendable quality, of which I envy you."

She were not one he had encountered for long. In fact, they only now met, but he had frequented Ponyville some time ago, before the crisis, and had his run-ins with Pinkie Pie. A well meaning mare, whom he had to discuss at length with, because she wished to throw a party for Brittle to cheer her up, whilst Briar knew it would horrify the changeling to be the center of attention. Still, she were a remarkably kind mare. As were the rest of her friends, and he mourned their loss greatly. As must Maud. A mare whom he had heard of in connection to her. A sister, if he were not wrong. Perhaps in better times, she may be willing to talk of the olden times, and Pinkie, yet it would be greatly untactful to ask now. There would come another time. If they were all allowed to stay, that were.

He trusted her companion less, but he'd like to think the best of others. Well, regular beings, that were. These monsters below, he had no love towards, and never would have.

1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Alright, come down single file, one at a time. Aspen here will magically scan you and your belongings. If you have weapons please declare them before the scan."

Briar would wander out with Brittle closely by him. Her eyes were darting around, as she took in everything around her, yet she had no grandiose fascination. She did not see a glimmering city of hope, but a large town, filled with creatures that might hurt them. She saw cannons firing, and worried they may be turned on them. A sprawling town of impending doom, containing every kind of danger imaginable.

When they were asked to go down single file, she'd do as she always did, and cling to Briar's side, as if she were almost glued there. She'd look to him for answers, and though he could not see her, he knew her gaze landed on him. He did not need his heightened senses to tell that. Something with others focusing their gaze on you, tended to be instinctually felt, for some reason.

Once it became their turn, he would do his best to explain things, and hope they may understand the situation, and sympathize with it. One which did not lessen once the first one would address Brittle, and she'd respond by lowerig her head so her chin were nearly lower than her hooves were, and look up with utter fear, at the one that had approached. A whimper even escaped her, and her hooves shook more than before, as she just waited for this one to rise a hoof, and stomp on her. Or use their weapons to shoot at her.

"If I may please explain: Brittle have severe fright of basically everyone she encounters. She holds trust in me, for past deeds, but as you can likely tell, she fears that they will hurt her. Substantially so. My presence provides her a modicum of comfort, and with all that have happened, it is one of the few things which keeps her from completely breaking down. Would it be at all possible, that I could remain in contact with her as you did this scan? Even with a single vine?"

He had made sure to have the vine out on his right side since they left. Both to soothe Brittle a little further, and to show them this, rather than have them think him hiding some degree of weapon.

If it were not possible, he would gently wander to the side, with brittle looking up at him, scared that he were going to give her to them. It'd take some attempts, and some time where he could whisper to assurances to her, but they could have their chance. She'd carry nothing that wasn't her own body, except for the ratty grey bow. And she'd rush back to Briar as soon as she could. Which would mean that she would have to go through the same thing to have him scanned too.

If they attempted to tear her away from him by force, she'd go into a yelp, and transform into a porcupine, with springs instead of spikes, and roll up. He'd then also become more animate, and try to get to her too, whilst calling out for her in some degree of desperation. He knew she could not survive his absence. Mentally, primarily.

If things could go as he asked, he would take a few steps away, but keep contact with her with one vine, stroking her mane slowly. It wouldn't do much, and she'd still cover her eyes as soon as whatever scanning thing they'd bring out came forth, but she'd stay stable. Though barely. If it made undue sounds, she would undergo the aforementioned transformation as well, out of fear that it were something that were going to hurt her.

Just before his own scan, Briar would inform them of something which he carried though. All cards on the table, as mentioned after all. Though his were not weapons, per se.

"I carry but two packages with me. One containing some dried boar meat and a half fish, which are my rations. The other contain a magical seed, which I beg of you, with every fiber in my being, to be careful around. It is crucial for my kind, that I am able to protect this, until the day when the earth are once again silent. There are precious few left, if any beyond this, and it mustn't be destroyed. Please."

Their scans would also likely inform them of his properties in more details, along with his lack of eyes. They were gonna have a field day sorting what were going on here, lest they knew about his kind.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Windy and Shadow took off their tattered flight suits to show they don't have anything in them but kept their goggles. Serene, however, took out a broken knife coated in dried blood “I don't need this anymore" he put the weapon on his seat before he followed  the Windy and Shadow out of the vehicle, the latters gawking in awe when taking a look at their new surrounding.

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@Illiad Easle @Califorum @Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

Thundy continued to look outside the window. He gathered some electricity and made his staff appear. He lightly tapped it on ground a couple times. Nothing really happened since he wasn't in combat. "Wait...what's "The Spawn?"" Thundy asked. 

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