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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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@Illiad Easle

On 1/20/2021 at 11:42 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Amazing! If just one drop is so powerful... I imagine it would be useful even in small doses, we could dilute it into the hydroponics and increase the overall yield by a solid few percentage points." She shook her head, "But that's for the researchers to figure out. They'll likely try and see what they can do to maximise your output, safely of course, but let's start with a weekly harvest, once we get you two squared away in accommodations I'll take you down to the research area so we can figure out a safe way to extract and they can run their tests to see how it might be best used, but if this is anything to go off of you have certainly cemented yourself as a very useful addition to the project." She chuckled, "If only there were more of you, then we'd never have another food shortage."

"I once found my kin hidden away, with some regularity. Ever since the attacks began though, all I find are corpses, and husks of our sacred trees... I pray there are more of my kind out there, huddling with survivors of many breeds, and protecting other seeds. Yet if I am wrong, it just becomes more vital to protect the one I were entrusted. Without our sacred trees, my kind will end up vanishing for good."

It were somewhat hard to explain this, but he got the impression that he would be asked about details of his kind in due time, and could then relay how it were that they managed to grow. Regularly, one of his kind of mutation would never be allowed within reach of the tree, to pollute it with his filth, but times were not what they once were. And when one day he could replant this, and feel it sprout, he would in time, provide his seeds to it, that it may one day lead to new sprouts of his kin. There were no room for being selective, when there were nearly none left. Plus, he had been the recipient of this malignant thinking for his entire life, up until his exile. He held no love for that misguided vision, and would see it change. No pun intended.

On 1/20/2021 at 11:42 PM, Illiad Easle said:

It would be about half an hour until River was done interviewing all the new agricultural members, then she got their attention again, "Alright, if you could all group up with others specialized in the same plant of animal, that'll make the trip through accomodations easier." She directed a younger buck to go over with Briar and Brittle. "Then if you'll all follow me!"

Briar and Brittle spend the time she used to speak with the others, to sit down, and take in the atmosphere. Well, Briar did at least, whereas Brittle just sat there, fidgeting, and wondering when the next thing attacking them would come forth. Usually they wouldn't be able to be this much in the open, without some sort of consequence. Usually one leading towards violence.

They'd also take the opportunity for something to eat. In Briar's case, he would unwrap the half fish from his *lunch bag*, and start to calmly chew through it, bone and everything. It wouldn't give him the best breath, but he felt hunger, and this seemed as good a time as any to eat in relative peace. Though he kept the other things for now. He may need the boar meat later, so he'd ration it. It'd probably still be good for a day or two.

Brittle on the other hoof, would rise her face towards Briar's, and open her muzzle wide. Small blobs of brownish-green liquid dripped out from him like sweat, and flowed towards her open gullet. It'd weaken him slightly to be fed on like this, but he had gotten used to it at this point, and she didn't harvest much. Brittle were not one for gluttony, as she were used to it being dangerous for her to spend that much time feeding, so she'd rather eat frequently, than in la large portion at once.

Were another changeling ever to try and eat of Briar, they'd find that  it were perfectly fine, but carried an earthly, plant-like tone to it. As if one were attempting to eat flowing amber, or syrup, flowing slowly down a muddy tree trunk. A bit of an acquired taste, to say the least. Yet long as it were edible, Brittle did not complain, and she had long since gotten used to this.

They had both stopped eating some minutes ago, when they were approached by the young buck, and Briar welcomed his presence with a friendly smile. It tended to be varied how others interpreted that, as sharp teeth would invariably make some creatures unable to see the friendliness of the face, but he did his best to seem hospitable, and kind.

On 1/20/2021 at 11:42 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Soon it was just them, the buck, and those knowledgeable in livestock, so they went over a ways to an area adjacent to the growing area where they kept livestock like pigs, chickens, and the like. The livestock area, despite being so deep in the project, had a ceiling that looked like the natural sky, with what felt like natural sunlight shining down.

Briar felt the light, yet could tell it weren't exactly the same. His kind needed sun light on a fairly regular basis to not grow drowsy and eventually, start to drain of energy, so he were used to their rays. And this felt very slightly different, than the natural sun he were used to. Though it did perk him up, so the effect were the same. And he could not help but think that perhaps, it were just his own idea of how strange the area they were in were, that made him subconsciously think that the light weren't the same. It didn't matter he supposed, but it were a fun little thought.

The smell of the animals here too, and their designation as livestock, rater than pets, were promising to him, but he did not make an effort to seem hungry to feast on them, nor aggressive, or gleefully looking forward to their demise. He were somewhat sated for now, and in general, did not find the suffering of any creature to be something he wished for. He'd prefer his food got a quick, clean death, and with a minimum of waste. In his opinion, one shouldn't kill for the sheer pleasure of it, but only to the extend that it were needed.

On 1/20/2021 at 11:42 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Then it was just River, the buck, and the two of them as they went one layer lower into an area that looked more like a lab than a growing area. "Alright, here is where we keep the specialists, those whose talents are more useful in a general application than focused on a specific aspect." They stopped at one of the rooms, and she turned to the buck, "Here's where you'll be staying, the machine shop is just down the hall, research the opposite way, hopefully you'll be back to making farming implements in short order."

"Best of luck with your endeavors, sir."

So this were his specialty then. A good one, when it came to farming like this for certain, and maybe something he'd draw need of eventually. It depended on what he were asked to work on. His vines tended to help him greatly in various menial labor, though if for example he were to harvest things which would require a sharp instrument, he may have need of a scythe of sorts. Or a good, sharp blade in general, to grab safely hold of. He were willing to improvise as needed.

On 1/20/2021 at 11:42 PM, Illiad Easle said:

Then finally, they arrived at what would be Briar and Brittle's room, like the others it wasn't too special in terms of size or contents, there was room enough for the both of them, whether they wanted to share a bed or have their own (Bunk bed arrangement Twin over Queen, they exist). "Cafeteria's right across the hall, and research is at the end to the right. Once you're feeling up to it, as I'm sure you two could use the rest, head down there and tell them I sent you, they'll know what to do from there."

River would then take her leave. 

Soon as she noted there were no one else in there, Brittle would scurry into the room right away, and go hide behind the wall, out of sight of River. The two were likely only going to occupy one bed for a time right now, though in time, they may sleep separately again. In ncalmer times, Briar had tended to sleep near her, and in range of the entrance/exit, to make her feel safer, by having this *guard dog* nearby. Briar did not need much in the way of softness to feel comfy either, so he tended to be okay with this. Plus, it allowed hi acces to some delightful morning dew, as they most often rested in caves. Not an arrangement he'd have here, but he'd adapt.

"Thank you for the information, as well as the time for us to rest for a time, before proceeding, Miss River. Until next we meet, I bid you farewell."

Briar would give a formal bow towards River as she left, and as she went out of range, would enter Brittle and his room, and close the door. If there were any light he could shut off too, he would do so, and give them some time to simply lay down, and rest in calm darkness.

A few hours later, they would emerge from the room. Brittle were still nearly glued to his side, but she did at least not look to have gotten worse for the wear, and Briar felt more awake and refreshed now, than he had in a few days. It weren't exactly as if long, or frequent periods of sleep were easy, with the monsters on the surface roaming around.

Wandering slowly ahead, Briar would lead them towards the research room that he had been asked to move towards, and when there, would either knock on the door, or door frame. Simply entering without being invited seemed rather rude of him. Especially considering the peril they had been saved from, by these hospitable creatures, that ran the Æther Project. The bare minimum he could do here, would be to avoid being an uncivilized oaf.

"I do hope I am not interrupting, but Miss River asked us to report to whoever inhabits this room, once we were ready. I hope this is not a bad time?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Programa was only partially listening to what Spiral and Maud had to say, as it wasn't all that important nor relevant to her. "Look, as interesting as I'm sure your life stories are, I don't have the time to listen to all that, if you would both follow me, quickly please?"

She would lead the two in a similar direction to the one Thundy was led, only not down so far. They stopped in a somewhat sterile environment reminiscent of a doctor's office, which it likely was of sorts. "You two wait here, the doctor will see you shortly."

With that Programa would leave.

There would be a good half hour before the doctor would come out, followed by a serious, yet sad looking unicorn mare who simply walked out of the room without a second glance at the pair.

The doctor looked over his notes, "Yes, you're the one who got flagged as magically anomalous. Programa mentions possible voluntary possession? Come in if you will."

He would hold the door open for the two of them if Maud cared to join in.

Once they were seated in what had the traditional look of a Psychiatrist's office, "Lets start at the beginning shall we? How did this arrangement start out? I'd like to hear both sides if that's alright."


@C. Thunder Dash

(I hesitate to say that thestral ears are not very distinctive from pony ears, but I could be wrong)

The buck looked incredulous, "A human? Really? You're the fourth creature to make that claim, that I know of, but given how strange these readings are it isn't out of the question. You are definitely something very unique." He started packing up the machine, "Between you and me, I'd keep your claims of being human quiet, and I'd refrain from shapeshifting. Creatures here can get used to you having magic, appreciate it even, but shapeshifting reminds them too much of things we try not to speak of."

He pushed the cart out of the room, then paused, "If what you've said is true, you'll be contacted soon enough. If not, I imagine we'll be seeing each other in the research division."

With that the buck walked off with the machine in tow, the guards taking up position to lead Thundy away, "We hope you understand the precaution, we'll take you to your temporary accommodations pending your assignment."

The guards were now more curious than wary. One of them, a thestral, spoke up as they climbed some ramps back to the main levels, "You said you were a human? There's a legend in my clan that our founder was saved by a human."

They eventually arrived in the same area that Brittle and Briar were staying, though on a different floor, the room itself was sized for a griffon but similarly sparse like the pegasi had received. "Here's your room, cafeteria's upstairs and down the hall, leisure activities up top, someone will come by to give you an assignment in a day or so. Until then, get some rest."


@Windy Breeze

The pegasus looked conflicted when he mentioned the location, but shook her head. "I'm sure she's a strong mare to have raised a strong colt like yourself. I'm sure she'll turn up eventually."

Despite her words, she didn't look so sure.

The unicorn completed his scan and took notes, passing the paper over to him, "The basic clinic is down that hall on the left a ways, there's signs at each major junction so keep your eyes out and you won't miss it. They'll be able to take care of your injuries there. Try not to put too much weight on that leg until they get it straightened out, but then you should be good as new."

Serene would be left to his own devices at that point to make his way to the clinic.


If he didn't take a wrong turn he would arrive at the clinic, and he wasn't the only one, there were a few others sitting in the queue for non-critical attention, one of the workers came over when he arrived, "Can I see your prescription?"

Once that was sorted away she would direct him to a seat, "While you wait, could you fill out this form for us? That'll help us get you an assignment that will fulfill you and help the project keep moving. Try to be specific."

The form asked such questions as name, last permanent address, previous occupation, skills and interests, and familial status.


One of the other ponies, the mare with the crude prosthetic that had talked to Light earlier, came by the pair. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you were carrying a wonderbolts uniform. I, err, " she sighed, "I'm Tables, I did logistics for the royal guard, I was going to check out the food here, and I wondered if you might want to join me?"



The quartermaster looked over the results with a suspicious expression, "Amnesia you say? By these results you're in peak physical condition, barely broke a sweat. Not a trace of malnutrition or injury on you." She looked up at Light, "Unlike every single one of the rest of the creatures who came aboard with you."

She motioned for Light to follow as they went back to the armory, "Suppose I believe you when you say you have amnesia. Which, for the record, I don't. Somehow you've survived this long in that harsh world. By our best estimate it's been over a year since Equestria was overthrown, roving gangs of loyalists and Spawn terrorizing everyone who remains. If I had to guess, I'd say you were a loyalist sent to undermine our efforts. Unless you have a better reason for your condition?" She sat in her chair looking back at Light, a suspicious look on her face despite her body being relaxed. She didn't appear to consider him a threat at the moment.


@Blitz Boom

7 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I do hope I am not interrupting, but Miss River asked us to report to whoever inhabits this room, once we were ready. I hope this is not a bad time?"

A lone buck was in the room, coincidentally the same one who had met with Thundy earlier, "Oh? Oh! of course, come in." He directed Briar over to an exam table, "I'm Dr. Conegher. Now, you're here about the essence correct? We're going to start by setting up the best way to extract it from you, first goal to minimize any discomfort to you in the process, then we'll see how we can best use it in the growing areas. Anything we should know about your physiology before we begin? Adverse reaction to X-Rays in the past? Allergies of any kind?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"I will. What I said is true" Thundy stated to the buck as he pushed the scanner away. Truth be told Thundy could also be part batpony, but with his inability to get a cutie mark like a pony, this made him an impure hybrid. 

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@Illiad Easle

Maud and Trixie walked into the office and looked about the place. Maud sat on one of the chairs and just proceeded to sit and listen. It wasn't really her place to say anything at this time and Maud waved to Programa as she left while Trixie thanked her. When she left they proceeded to sit and basically chat the waiting time away, Spiral joining in occasionally. When the doctor came in and called them over they both stood up, watching the other Unicorn mare go by. They assumed something bad had happened and were a little on edge or were quite concerned.

Maud followed Trixie into the other office and they sat down on the chairs in the room. Maud once again, didn't speak up during the conversation as she wasn't involved. Yet Maud would listen intently.

"When the whole Discord stuff happened, Trixie uncovered the story of an ancient legend. That of Spiral Spell. I researched for a long time until I was able to learn a necromancy spell. Trixie was unable to do stuff except for illusionary magic! So Trixie wanted to revive an ancient legend who could teach and help her! It didn't work correctly you see..." Trixie said in her usual egotistical wording of course.

"But the spell went wrong, Trixie. What happened was is that you mis-aligned the spell since you were...armature at such things.. H-hey! You know that you are...anyways, what happened was my soul was revived and it merged into Trixie's body. So we have 2 souls, in one body. It is really...annoying at times." Spiral said with a sigh.


  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The pegasus looked conflicted when he mentioned the location, but shook her head. "I'm sure she's a strong mare to have raised a strong colt like yourself. I'm sure she'll turn up eventually."

Serene smiled ar the assurance. Yeah, even if she wasn't in the city, maybe she's still out there, hiding, safe from the dangers of the corrupted beings outside. He decided to believe her.

8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The unicorn completed his scan and took notes, passing the paper over to him, "The basic clinic is down that hall on the left a ways, there's signs at each major junction so keep your eyes out and you won't miss it. They'll be able to take care of your injuries there. Try not to put too much weight on that leg until they get it straightened out, but then you should be good as new."

Serene smiled “Okay" he spread his wings, took the papers, and hovered a meter from the floor. He arrived with no problems. It turns out he wasn't the only one who needed medical attention, for there are other ponies waiting for their turn.

8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Can I see your prescription?"

“Here it is” he gave the worker the papers the unicorn doctor gave him from earlier.

8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

Once that was sorted away she would direct him to a seat, "While you wait, could you fill out this form for us? That'll help us get you an assignment that will fulfill you and help the project keep moving. Try to be specific."

“Sure" he watches as the worker left before looking down at the form. He was glad he still remember the address for his home, this will be easy


Name: Serene Spring

Home address: 8, Wingfield Street, Richville.

Previous occupation: Weather pony

Skills: N/A (Idk okay <- also written)

Interest: Weather

Familial status: N/A


8 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

One of the other ponies, the mare with the crude prosthetic that had talked to Light earlier, came by the pair. "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you were carrying a wonderbolts uniform. I, err, " she sighed, "I'm Tables, I did logistics for the royal guard, I was going to check out the food here, and I wondered if you might want to join me?"

Suddenly a mare approached them. Windy and Shadow turned to the mare and didn't immediately notice her leg prosthetic.

“Oh, my uniform? Well, I was once one of the members of the Wonderbolts" Windy smiled. When the mare named Tables asked I Windy could join her, Windy nodded “Sure, why not? Hey Shad, wanna join?”

“No thanks. I'm going to stay in my room” Shadow replied.

  • Brohoof 1



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@Illiad Easle

Light was sweating and gave a long pause. " Well... If thats what a cultist is as you described... Wont i be too... I don't know... Obvious?"

please work. Light said to himself. 

"And why would the lord of chaos use his goons? Instead why not just flick his finger and be done with it?"

  • Brohoof 2
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@Illiad Easle

18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

A lone buck was in the room, coincidentally the same one who had met with Thundy earlier, "Oh? Oh! of course, come in." He directed Briar over to an exam table, "I'm Dr. Conegher. Now, you're here about the essence correct? We're going to start by setting up the best way to extract it from you, first goal to minimize any discomfort to you in the process, then we'll see how we can best use it in the growing areas. Anything we should know about your physiology before we begin? Adverse reaction to X-Rays in the past? Allergies of any kind?"

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Dr. Conegher. My name is Briar Trapjaw, and this is my ward and friend, Brittle Buzz.

Regarding allergies, I have none. Unless you count an adverse reaction to fire, due to my kind being rather flammable, as I am sure you can understand. I am not certain what an X-ray is, I'm afraid, but I doubt it will do much to harm me. My kind are closely build up as ponies, but are not exactly the same, as some of our internal makeup are required for other things. Such as my vines, which are made of smaller strands, spread throughout my body. Also, it may interest you to know that I have a seed growing within my skull, which is the source of what magic I am able to use. The flower can be regrown if the worst happens, but long as the seed remains, it can regrow.

Ah yes, and before we move away from the topic, I should inform you that the simplest way would be the way you withdraw blood from a pony. I would prefer if you'd extract from the vine though, if it is not too much to ask for. It is simpler to close a small puncture on that, than my bark. Also, I am not certain if you can find a proper way to extract there, as I do not have a pulse, in the traditional sense."

If he were to scan Briar, he'd find that Briar were pretty weirdly made inside, to some degree. Beneath the bark, were a great number of filled out, small tunnels, in which the strands of his vines resided. When extended, they'd withdraw from there, and his muscles - rubbery strands of some other kind of vegetation - would push down, and help keeping him solid, rather than wobbly from the myriad of small holes. There also seemed to be some sort of amber/green liquid within those spaces, moistening where his vines moved. Some sort of tree sap, most likely.

He had a stomach, which were about as regular as one could imagine, from a being made out of plant life. However, he did not seem to have an opening to... Excrete matter, so to speak. If asked, Briar would explain that his kind were good at taking nutrients from what they ate, to a point were there were rarely any waste. Though if some did present itself, via him eating something not possible to digest, or certain things that his natural diet-based physique couldn't break down as efficiently, it'd either be regurgitated, or *sweat* out. This lack of certain organs to deal with handling waste, left more room for his vines to inhabit, to the space were not wasted.

His lungs seemed normal, though veiny and would make a smoker scared, as it did seem as if the darkened pouches were strongly unhealthy. Yet he were at perfect health for his kind, and it were just how they appeared. Their function were as for normal ponies too, and like them, he did need to breathe. He could hold his breath for up to six minutes though, yet that hardly came up, as he did not like spending too much time completely submerged. Though partially, and in swamp matter, were very refreshing.

As for breeding tools, he did not possess any of those, making him - in the eyes of a pony at least - genderless. Though if asked on it, he'd explain that there were some seeds stashed further within his pelvic, which functioned in sort of the same ways as ponies did. It would however, require a sacred tree to bear fruit. For an optimal chance for an offspring, one would then also need an evergrown with a different kind of plant matter, to interact with the seed, and provide a guarantee of a healthy, strong offspring, with traits from both parents. Though it were not technically needed. In theory, he could grow more by himself. It were just traditionally frowned upon, and in many places, complete taboo to try it, as they believed that traits of two, made for a full one. Considering the lack of options though, it were not as if he had much of a choice in due time, but to try himself. He were sure the Earth Mother would forgive him for this transgression. Though if he found a female at some point, they could work together to more efficiently, and traditionally, regrow their kind.

How one told the difference between females and males of their kind, were mostly just down to pheromones. The females had a certain smell about them, which Briar claimed were akin to a nectary perfume. Something which had confused him for a while, when he had first encountered that sort of smell among ponies, and almost made quite a fool out of himself. The way he spoke of it though, made it sound as if he hadn't quite stopped himself from saying, or doing, something dumb because of it, though.

In any case, his body were pretty simple, once it were explained. Though he didn't have bones, but some sort of hardened wood instead, formed into similar shapes. Both regarding the leg and spine, though the spine were more flexible and connected that a regular ponies were, and as he'd explain it, possible to regrow, or replace, without any potential paralysis. One had to use the right parts though, so it were better to just put him on a stretcher, and let it work itself out.

The heart were interesting though. It were not merely protected by a few *bones*, but completely encased in it, with just the vines that made for his circulatory system, extending from it. Could the X-ray see to the very core there too, the doctor would see a pulsating, glowing seed, around the size of a clutched fist, pulsating calmly, as the essence that kept him alive, pumped through his veins. These veins were spread all across his body, but the small ones could stop pumping out essence if need be. The larger ones is what one could go for, if there were a want for a sample.

And regarding his head, there were indeed a small, glowing, pointy seed growing within his skull, just before a thick layer of hardened wood, akin to what protected his *heart*. This would contain his brain, which didn't occupy as much space as a pony's, yet Briar were not exactly stupid. The bundle of what almost looked like tumorous growths that made up his brain, were apparently just more efficient, though his intelligence did not make him a super genius. He were at about the same level, as a regular pony were. Which could make one wonder if perhaps his intelligence were partially spread throughout the fibers of his body to some degree too, but Briar could not answer that, and asked that the doctor please didn't run experiements that might hurt his brain, in the pursuit of an answer.

There''d also be nothing in the eye area, so the entirety up in that area, were filled with the same plant matter that filled the void spaces within him, along with roots growing in vain. A waste of space, but genetically, he weren't supposed to not have eyes either. And there did seem to be a bonus too this, as there were several roots that should have ended in these ends, that had hardened near the top of his face, so he'd be able to dole out quite a punishing headbutt. Or hammer nails in with his face, which were if nothing else, an interesting party trick. There'd also be more layers protecting his brain.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@C. Thunder Dash

(You didn't get to the next plot hook in my post to you, so I'll just copy down the part you didn't respond to.)

With that the buck walked off with the machine in tow, the guards taking up position to lead Thundy away, "We hope you understand the precaution, we'll take you to your temporary accommodations pending your assignment."

The guards were now more curious than wary. One of them, a thestral, spoke up as they climbed some ramps back to the main levels, "You said you were a human? There's a legend in my clan that our founder was saved by a human."

They eventually arrived in the same area that Brittle and Briar were staying, though on a different floor, the room itself was sized for a griffon but similarly sparse like the pegasi had received. "Here's your room, cafeteria's upstairs and down the hall, leisure activities up top, someone will come by to give you an assignment in a day or so. Until then, get some rest."



The doctor nodded as he took notes, "So more of an accidental partial possession as a result of a necromantic spell gone awry. Either of you capable of taking control at any given moment, and you seem to be cohabiting well enough." He looked up from his notes, "If you had the opportunity to separate, in a way which would give both of you a body, of sorts, would you be interested?"


@Windy Breeze

By the time he was finished with his forms a medical unicorn came over to him, healing the worst of his injuries with magic and simply bandaging the more superficial ones. "Couple days of proper rest and nourishment and you should be good as new." He took the finished form back from Serene, "A weatherpony you say? Were you any good at cloud sculpting? Or do you have any experience with cloudcrete?"


Tables smiled at the news that Windy would join her, and waved goodbye to Shadow as they left. Tables was not a very quick mare given the prosthetic, it looked to have been affixed somewhat recently. "Maybe I should stop by the medic first, see if they can fit me with a proper leg so I don't have to walk on this stick." She said mostly to herself before turning her attention to Windy, "So, did you retire before the incident? Or were you there when it all started falling apart?"



The quartermaster raised an eyebrow, "Loyalists aren't exactly the smartest creatures, subtlety isn't in their vocabulary most of the time. They're often too narcissistic for their own good. If He could just deal with us with a wave I've no doubt he would, the fact that we still remain indicates that he cannot, or has some reason he will not. You wouldn't be the first loyalist to get this far, which leads me, among other things, to believe that can't. But until we're sure you aren't in league with them, I won't be telling you more. Now, you have a few minutes before the guards come to haul you off, maybe you can give me a good reason why they shouldn't? Because frankly, I don't buy your claim of amnesia."


@Blitz Boom

Conegher went about performing a full physical evaluation with Briar's input as he went, at the end he chuckled, "You're lucky I'm here and not my old comrade, he wouldn't have been able to resist some exploratory surgery. You don't need to worry though, he's dead."

Physical exam complete, he prepared to extract some of the essence, "We'll only take a liter this time, we'll study applications over the course of the week, and by next week we'll get you set up on a proper schedule for extraction. If you're willing we could also run some tests to see if there's any way to improve your production, but only with your consent of course."

He would bring over the equipment he would use to draw blood from a pony, prepping a liter bag for the extraction.

Once the extraction was done he would package the bag away for testing, "You two are free to go now, there's some sweets by the door if you're interested, I'd recommend stopping by the cafeteria before you do much else, go to the griffon cook for more protein based foods."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Trixie rose an eyebrow. "Trixie thinks that is rather impossible! T-trixie would never imagine such things are possible!" said Trixie before Spiral Spell seized control and mused upon looking at the notes. "Well enough you say! Price to pay for all her powers...." Trixie said slyly.

Then Spiral spoke.

"Mhmmm...might be doable...as long as I'm not like a walking cart on wheels or something like that...I want my normal body back or at least one like it...maybe you could revive someone who is dead like another unicorn mare and then put my soul in that body, alternatively." Spiral said with a hoof to her chin.

"Although nothing is free in life...you scratch my back, I scratch yours..." Spiral spoke as if it were a deal or some sort of bribe.

 "Can't be solved that easily Trixie bets!" 

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

Serene didn't feel much pain when he was being healed aside some weak sudden flash of pain similar to being poked by a needle. He nodded to the doctor every time he would give him some advice so his wounds recover, the gave the form.

48 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"A weatherpony you say? Were you any good at cloud sculpting? Or do you have any experience with cloudcrete?"

“Most pegasi in my town prefer to live on the hillside part of the town, but we do make cloud sculptures during events to fascinate visitors. Our work is mostly controlling the weather” he explained, “We also help farmers provide water for their crops and vineyards"


Windy followed Tables. Not knowing where they are going, she let her lead the way. She could hear Shadow shut the door behind them, her room actually next to her room, which made her, her neighbor. Windy was surprised when Tables talked about her leg, to which she gave a quick glance and saw the prosthetics.

48 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"So, did you retire before the incident? Or were you there when it all started falling apart?"

Windy snapped out of her thoughts how much agony Tables felt when she lost her leg, said mare gave her a question. Windy forcibly kept her smile in spite of the question.

“I'm still a member of the Wonderbolts when... The attack started” she explained, “I think I was at the academy when it started. Our captain, Spitfire tried to defend the Academy from those things, but we didn't a stand a chance against those things”

“When I saw my team is fighting a losing battle, I hid myself in the locker room for days before I met Shadow. Our first interaction involves kicking and punching each other's faces, but we somehow got along shortly after that”

Edited by Windy Breeze
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@Illiad Easle

”Saved by a human you say? Did this human happen to be a mutant? Or was he/she a normal human?” Thundy asked curiously as he was escorted to his staying quarters. Once he arrived at his room, Thundy settled down. He shapeshifted back to his feral form and plopped himself on the bed looking around. 

(hope I covered everything this time) 

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@Illiad Easle 

Light is stuck... If he tells the truth that he is a pony from another dimension. They'd probably lock him up or get killed... If he sticks to amnesia... Actually now that he thought about it... He is totally screwed... And if he tells the truth now... It just proves that he is a lier... So sticking to his story is the best action he can do...

" PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!! I'LL CLEAN YOUR ROOM ..FOR A WEEK... NO FOR A MONTH.... A YEAR!! no wait maybe just 2 months..... 3 months is my final offer... PLEASE O HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS WOOHUHUHURLD! Why am i begging to a dog!?" Light cried to the quarter master with no tears while clinging to it's paws.

" What do you actually do to the cought loyalist might i ask?"

Edited by Kujamih
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@Illiad Easle

On 1/24/2021 at 5:45 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"You're lucky I'm here and not my old comrade, he wouldn't have been able to resist some exploratory surgery. You don't need to worry though, he's dead."

"Fortunate for him as well, as I would have gotten defensive. I am willing to partake in much, but involuntary surgery to investigate my inner parts, are not among those. I may be willing to offer some samples of non-vital parts though, in reasonable amounts. Once I get to know the place better that is. I would prefer to know it is one I can trust, that does such a thing."

There were also the matter about conventional pain meds not working on him to consider, which made surgeries painful, and not something he wished for Brittle to see. And right now, she were too fragile to have him be apart from her. Though he'd prefer not to directly say this in front of her.

On 1/24/2021 at 5:45 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"We'll only take a liter this time, we'll study applications over the course of the week, and by next week we'll get you set up on a proper schedule for extraction. If you're willing we could also run some tests to see if there's any way to improve your production, but only with your consent of course."

"I have found that proper diet will improve things, which mostly means that I will need to eat more meat than I normally do. I must admit to not having studied the more precise meat to essence ratio, but it should help if not a lot, then some. If there are other suggestions, I am willing to listen, as you think os some. Within reason. I'd prefer to survive this endeavor."

He'd be polite and jovial as the extraction commenced, and once it were done, would rise from his position, and stagger a little bit. Nothing major, just a few steps before he were at his senses again. A minor dizzy spell really, which were to be expected.

"No need to worry. Been a while since I had a large amount drained. Ah, and while I remember it: The last one who tried to store my essence in cold storage mentioned it growing stale, I think the word were? I would suggest room temperature. I am from a jungle region after all. Though if you do meet an evergrown from the northern regions, that may be different. If that one is a female at the same time, to please give me a call. Northerners are... Quite intriguing."

It were likely because of the opposite sort of environment they were meant for, that he found them so interesting. Or it could have been the passionate few weeks he spend along with a particularly radiant little snow lily of an evergrown. Ah, if ever he had been able to see, he wished it would have been then. But he'd think of this later. This hardly seemed the time, so he'd say his farewells to the doctor, and soon thereafter, they'd be on their way. Unless he had more to say.

They would not take any sweets by the door. Briar did not feel like it right now, and while he knew that Brittle could ingest some things, such as honey and oats, there were still quite a few things her system couldn't deal properly with. And currently, she were not interested in running experiments. She needed time first.

Getting to the cafeteria, she'd stick with him, as he wandered calmly around, trying to find the route to the griffon he were assuming were in charge here, which did not involve a lot of other beings. He may have to wander for a time for that, but he'd gladly do so, on his way. And as he got there, give a cordial bow of his head to the cafeteria master.

"Greetings. Dr. Conegher asked us to seek out a griffon cook, when it came to protein based food. I hope I have hit the correct one? My senses are sharp, but sadly not perfect."

If a sign had been in their way, that would have been obvious, by him wandering in and hammering his head on that.

"If so, might I ask if you perhaps have something on the raw side? Though whatever you may otherwise suggest, would be fine too. The good doctor needed a liter, and I admit to feeling a little famished, and in need of proteins after that."

He'd babble, but that was an issue he always had, unless he were interrupted. Which were rude, but he'd understand. There may be others i line after all, or folks were busy. Or were creeped out by him. Sometimes, they just found him annoying to deal with too. There were plenty of reasons, if one were to look for it.

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The doctor shook his head, "It's not a guaranteed thing of course, but we've been doing a good deal of research into soul gems, a prominent young researcher on this project has made some significant strides in giving form to magical constructs utilizing these gems, so it's been theorized that if a soul were added to one of these gems they would be able to control the generated form, be a sort of pony made of magic and gemstone. We haven't had anyone with a spare soul to test any theories, but that is an option to you if you want it. If we get lucky and find a sizeable deposit of cloud diamond, then you could be like High Judge Diamond, whose form was a large cloud diamond."

He shook himself from his musings, "Still, I'm getting distracted from the point. Spiral, you were summoned back from the dead, what do you recall of the time between your death and resurrection?"


@Windy Breeze

On 1/23/2021 at 10:32 PM, Windy Breeze said:

“Most pegasi in my town prefer to live on the hillside part of the town, but we do make cloud sculptures during events to fascinate visitors. Our work is mostly controlling the weather” he explained, “We also help farmers provide water for their crops and vineyards"

The unicorn medic nodded, "I'm not fully qualified to speak on the matter, but given the dangerous nature of any work outside the project they always need more pegasi for the weather patrol and maintaining the outer cloud structure of the project. If you're interested, here's some directions to the weather office, they'll fill you in on the details." He would pass Serene an address that pointed towards the upper front of the ship. "Head over to a map and you should be able to find out where that is, I recommend getting to the right floor first, then going for the office. If you want to get some rest first, you can grab one of the temporary accommodations one floor down, they're the ones with the door open and a lanyard on the desk inside."


Tables looked a bit surprised when Windy mentioned hiding from the loyalists, she sighed, "I was going to chastise you for not staying to defend your fellow wonderbolts, but Equestria has more than enough dead heroes. And besides, it's not like I did any better. I got out of Canterlot as soon as the news that Celestia was gone reached my desk, before even most of the nobility knew."

Soon enough they would be at the cafeteria, which was reasonably empty given the time, though none of them could be said to have kept a regular sleep schedule over the past year. The air was filled with the welcoming smell of food, fresh food being cooked, something they hadn't smelled in a very long time.

Tables chuckled as she sniffed the air, "I forgot how good bread could smell."


@C. Thunder Dash

The thestral stuck around to continue talking to Thundy as the other went away, he looked unsure as he shrugged, "I don't rightly know. Descriptions of them are fairly sparse after so long, and it's been a good 200 years since then. They didn't mention any mutations, but I don't think they'd recognize an abnormality on the only one of its kind they'd ever seen."

The guard looked about before continuing, "Would you mind, you know, telling me what humans are like? I'd always wondered listening to the stories as a foal..."



The quartermaster looked bemused as Light begged for mercy, chuckling as Light overpromised and rescinded his offer, "Not typically a good idea to take back an offer when your life might be on the line. Usually we just toss any loyalists we find off the project right at the end of the cycle. Tell you what though," She pulled herself out of Light's grasp, "I'll have the guards take you down for a test, a test that no loyalist has ever been able to pass, and if you pass, then I'll take you up on that promise of yours. Sound good?"

Light wouldn't have much time to respond before a pair of guards quickly entered the room, "Ma'am!"

The quartermaster waved a paw, "Only a strong suspicion, no threat or danger yet, take him to the test."

If Light didn't object, the guards would take him to the same room that Thundy had been in earlier that same day.


@Blitz Boom

The griffon at the counter had a bemused expression as he watched Brittle and Briar approach his station, "I told those ponies if they didn't lay off the plants they'd turn into one, now it seems my prophecy has come true." He chuckled to himself, "I'm kidding of course, but I can't say I've seen anything like you, did those crazy deer in research make a sentient plant pony? Or were you around before them?"

In regards to meat the griffon would lift up a sampling board, "Raw's easy enough, if you like fish, we cook the rest of the meat early so it lasts longer, but we can get fish easy enough. Sniff out what you like and I'll get you a good portion."

Edited by Illiad Easle

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Maud just continued to Listen as he spoke. Spiral raised an eyebrow at that and seemed to narrow her eyes. "Such things are risky. I have no idea what you will do with my soul or what you will try to do to me...I don't trust that as much as its sounds intriguing. As for my time between life and death it is like...falling asleep and fading away...into nothing. You feel nothing. You are nothing. You have no thoughts. You are gone, just gone. It is like being asleep and not being aware like you are asleep. As for being made of Magic and Gemstone that would be an issue. It would be easy for someone to attack this...form I'd have...too vulnerable. I want to be flesh and blood, but I won't be a frankenmare project." Spiral shook her head in dismissive ways.

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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

35 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

The unicorn medic nodded, "I'm not fully qualified to speak on the matter, but given the dangerous nature of any work outside the project they always need more pegasi for the weather patrol and maintaining the outer cloud structure of the project. If you're interested, here's some directions to the weather office, they'll fill you in on the details." He would pass Serene an address that pointed towards the upper front of the ship. "Head over to a map and you should be able to find out where that is, I recommend getting to the right floor first, then going for the office. If you want to get some rest first, you can grab one of the temporary accommodations one floor down, they're the ones with the door open and a lanyard on the desk inside."

Serene nodded and smiled politelyy “Thank you. I really miss working for the weather. But for now, I need to get some rest” he accepted the address, giving the medic a bow of respect before heading off, most likely going for the temporary accommodations to get some rest and think about getting the job. He would meet ponies and give them a smile as a greet.


Windy wanted to speak but nothing came out of her mouth, she decided to keep silent until they arrived at their destination.

It was not long before they arrived at the cafeteria, which was empty. Windy guessed it was not time to eat for the workers of Æther. The smell of baked pies and other food reached her nostrils.

48 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

Tables chuckled as she sniffed the air, "I forgot how good bread could smell."

Windy did not have to use her mouth to say how she missed all the delicacies she tasted before the chaotic end, her stomach growled audibly. She smiled sheepishly at Tables.

“Sorry, I haven't eat anything good down there besides grass, flowers, and mushrooms”

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"What?... Wait... Why does it feel like its better being thrown out than getting on that test?" 

The guards entered and escorted Light to another room for his next test.

" Psst... Hey.... This next test... Is it gunna be easy?"

The guards just ignored Light and continued to escort him.

"....Can't you give a guy a bone here?"

The guards still ignored him.

as they reached their destination Light knoecked and opened the door.

"Pizza delivery..."


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@Illiad Easle

"Humans are interesting. Unlike ponies and other creatures here in Equestria, they do not possess any magic whatsoever. However, with the many beliefs that are spread all across the planet they reside in, humans have tried and a lot of the times failed, to conjure a form of magic. And some go as far as calling on spirits to give them the magic, which is dangerous because it has a high chance of going wrong..." Thundy stated. 

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@Illiad Easle

On 1/27/2021 at 7:01 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"I told those ponies if they didn't lay off the plants they'd turn into one, now it seems my prophecy has come true." He chuckled to himself, "I'm kidding of course, but I can't say I've seen anything like you, did those crazy deer in research make a sentient plant pony? Or were you around before them?"

Briar let out a laugh at the first sentence by this griffon. A solid sense of humor this one had. Quite honestly, Briar liked him already because of it.

"I believe it would surprise you how often I am thought of as being the result of some sort of experiment. But I can assure you, that the Evergrown are a full race. We have merely just been in heavy seclusion for most of our roughly six century history, due to an unfortunate amount of greedy ponies thinking up prone to be harvested. But such things are hopefully in the past.

My name is Briar Trapjaw, and this is my ward, Brittle Buzz. We are recent rescues from the surface, so it is no surprise you have not seen me before. Hopefully one day though, you will see more of my kind here. I do keep up some hope that there are more of us out there, just waiting for a rescue. But I digress."

On 1/27/2021 at 7:01 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Raw's easy enough, if you like fish, we cook the rest of the meat early so it lasts longer, but we can get fish easy enough. Sniff out what you like and I'll get you a good portion."

"Fish is my primary source of proteins actually, so that sounds delightful. Might I please ask for-"

Briar would sniff the air, with his nose vibrating ever so slightly, as he picked up on the various smells that wafted towards his nostrils. Such a rich mixture of things, all things considered. Very impressive, he'd say.

"- A portion of bass, if you would be so kind? You needn't worry about fileting things if it is. I eat them in full. Including the bones. Do I also sense eel somewhere, or am I mistakes? It's been some time, so I cannot be completely sure, but I could almost swear I smell it in the mixture."

@Windy Breeze

After he'd eventually get some food, he'd be able to go with Brittle and find a table in the scarcely populated cafeteria. Plenty of room to pick from, where none others were. However, an opportunity presented itself when he heard a familiar voice, and felt the presence of one of his former comrades. A distinction he'd give to all that were saved in the same raid as him, and she were among those who had been there before him, or joined at round the same time. He knew her, at least to some degree. It were woefully little one managed to learn about one another when you were trying to not make too much sound, to stay out of sight of the monsters below.

It seemed a simple matter to go towards her then, with the tray of food, held firmly in the clasping end of his vine. A special sight for sure, but it weren't as if she wouldn't have seen him use these before, as he often tended to utilize them for most things. So it shouldn't be an issue for her at least, as he moved calmly closer, with a pleased smile on his face.

"It is good to hear you again, Windy. I hope they are treating you well?"

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Illiad Easle

Windy awaits Table's reply, staring at her with shame for her stomach grumbling, though she couldn't really help it as she has no control over her empty stomach.

But instead of Tables, her ears twitched to hear another voice, a very familiar one, a member from the now dispersed group she once travelled with. She turned and cheerfully smiled when it was Briar approaching with a tray filled with his own food.

“Briar, nice to meet you again!" She greeted, “You can say that. Even if my job is a bit difficult, the stallions me and Shadow gone with is not that strict” she looked around him to look for his companion, “Where's Brittle?”

Edited by Windy Breeze
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The doctor nodded, "I'll make a note of your preference, see if anything matching your preferences comes up, unfortunately we don't keep dead bodies in the traditional sense here. As to your experience while dead, you report a near seamless transition, no experience as a bound spirit to your resting place nor time in any of the several afterlives? Interesting. It could be that rather than having a merger of souls you have a merger of minds, a sort of advanced split personality disorder where Spiral's memories were added to Trixie's in such detail that each of you considers yourselves to be full individuals. Just a theory of course, and split personalities don't often fight for control... hmm...." The doctor nodded, "Well, I think you two are in a stable enough relationship so as not to pose a danger to yourselves or others. You're welcome to therapy if ever you feel you need it, but otherwise you're free to go."

When they stepped out they'd find a younger stallion waiting outside, "Done already?" the doctor passed a nod to the stallion, "Alright then, Programa sent me to show you two to your accommodations. If you'll follow me?"

They would be led up several floors until they were nearly on the top according to the maps they passed, "As you," he pointed to Trixie, "Will be more frequently working, you've been assigned a room close to the entertainment district, you'll have an audition tomorrow once you're well rested so they can see what group you should perform for. You," he pointed to Maud, "Will be working with the geology team at the start of each cycle, then you'll be free for the rest of the cycle to help as you like. Dangerous work has good perks like that."

The room they were given was fairly spacious, large enough for the two of them with two seperate beds, the stallion looked a bit unsure, "We, uh, didn't know if the two of you were together, er... romantically... if so the beds can be connected into a full size bed. If this is all to your liking, welcome aboard the Æther."


@Windy Breeze

Serene wouldn't run into any issues getting to the room, there were still a good number of them open. A young looking diamond dog would come up to greet him after he had selected a room, "Hi there! You're new here right? Nice to meet you!"



(I'll decide if the guards ignore him thank you) (I mean they do ignore him, but still)

Inside the room was another scanning machine like had been used on Thundy, only this time manned by the Minotaur deputy in charge of science and engineering from when they first got split off. He looked at Light with a look that bordered almost on disappointment, "Already? Most loyalists are smart enough to lay low at least until the next cycle before getting caught. Take a seat, you aren't in trouble yet. Sit still and be quiet until I speak again."

Provided that Light complied, they would sit in silence for about a minute before the minotaur nodded, "I suppose an apology is in order, not a trace of chaos magic on you, which is guaranteed on any loyalist. However, you do display some interesting magic on you, something we've only detected here on the ship..." He looked over at Light, "Tell me, are you from another world?"

(I assume that while he could disguise his magic, he couldn't hide the multiversal particles he picked up by moving worlds. Thundy at least was open about it.)


@C. Thunder Dash

"Hmm..." The guard looked unsure, "I distinctly recall tales of the human using magic, though it may have been due to the staff he wielded." The guard nodded, "I've taken enough of your time as it is, I should be getting back on patrol, and I imagine you need some rest, or food, or both. Hope you enjoy your time here."


@Blitz Boom

The griffon would set down the sample tray, "Whole you say? You want them skinned at least?" The griffon would provide a bass either with scales or without depending on what Briar said to that. "Don't have eel though, no demand for it so we don't farm them or fish for them."

Once the fish was passed over to Briar the griffon looked over at Brittle, "Anything for you? We've got some changeling emotion gel around here somewhere, I think it's determination but I can't tell by taste."

@Windy Breeze @Blitz Boom

Tables chuckled, "You and me both."

Tables looked surprised when she saw Briar, "A plant pony? They really have gathered from all parts of the world here, I mean a llama was one thing..."

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"Anything is possible however that I am afraid I don't have the answers to. I don't need any therapy here, and neither does Trixie." Spiral spoke of Trixie in a rather dismissive manner to the doctor before they were shown their rooms. 

They follow the stallion. Maud looks around as they walked, while Spiral kept her face forward while Trixie was internally complaining at being dismissed. Spiral would be the one to take full control over Trixie's body whenever she wanted to and she had no cares for how Trixie felt. It was part of the...deal they made. And upon looking at the rooms it was satisfactory for the both of them. They wanted to stay together after all, really.

Upon the mention of the audition Trixie seemed to smile. "Yes, the Great and Powerful Trixie will dazzle whatever audience in her grand return tour!" Trixie said and did a sort of a spin or twirl, a harmless firework illusion popping off from her horn with an almost happy yet egotistical grin.

While Maud simply looked to him blankly. "Excellent." she said with a monotone, calm manner in stark contrast to Trixie, both of them walk in the room and sit on the beds. "Trixie thinks this is amazing and Trixie has her best rock-pal with her!" she hugged Maud who simply blinked, but did not refuse the hug.

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@Illiad Easle

"A staff hmm? What kind of staff?" Thundy asked as he noticed the guard walking away. He looked around, wondering what else there was to do. He decided to start brainstorming on some new tech and gadgets he would make, that hopefully contributed this whole project. 

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@Illiad Easle

It turns out Serene doesn't have to worry about getting a room as many of them are still free and waiting for occupants. He decided to pick one when a dimaond dog suddenly approached him and greets him.

“Yeah, I'm new here. Nice to meet you” Serene gave the Diamond Dog a smile “You've been here for long now? I'm Serene Spring”

@Illiad Easle @Blitz Boom

Windy smiled at Tables “Same. I never know a pony like him exist. He looks handsome and cute”

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@Illiad Easle

Light was a bit worried when he was accused and tested. But luckily nothing serious was found out about him, except the fact that he has traces of dimensional debris.. as the minotaur explained

Light pondered on why and how did they scan that? Which only proves that other  dimensional creatures have invaded this place before. The minotaur gave his sorry of accusing light.

" Ehh i didn't mind... but sorry... Yeah i got amnesia... So umm... I'm not sure if i am from another dimension?....soooo... What next?"

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