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private The Æther Project

Illiad Easle

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Maud was scanned without incident, and was allowed to keep her hammer. The buck pointed to an area where a number of other weathered ponies were gathering, "Head over there and wait for further instructions."

When Trixie was scanned however, the buck paused, scanned her again, then took a note. Trixie would not be allowed to keep her grenades or smoke bombs for now, they were loaded carefully into a crate and marked with an image of her mark. She was given the same instructions as Maud.

@Blitz Boom

The buck allowed Briar and Brittle to remain in contact during the scan, he made a note on her as well before moving on to Briar. "I thought I would never see another evergrown after what was done to the forests. We are fortunate to have you aboard." The magical seed was carefully scanned and a note made of it, but Briar would be allowed to keep it with him. The puck pointed to an area adjacent to where the ponies were, where there were a few undisguised changelings of different colors, "If you two would head over there."

@Windy Breeze

Convoy would stop Serene before he left the vehicle, "You'll need to bring it at least as far as the scan. Safety and all that."

Assuming he complied, there would be no issue.

The buck looked impressed as he saw the uniforms, "A wonderbolt and a shadowbolt? These times have certainly made strange allies." Serene would be allowed to leave the knife behind after the scan. The three of them were directed to go over with the other ponies.

@C. Thunder Dash

Convoy snorted, "That's what we call those creatures that were attacking you, empty husks of creatures who suffered in Tartarus until they forgot everything about themselves."

The buck would take a note of him when he was scanned, "Not often you see a griffon with any casting potential, much less one with such potency as yourself." Thundy was directed to go over where another griffon was standing, a rather small one.


Light was scanned through without issue and directed to join the other ponies.


@Blitz Boom @C. Thunder Dash @Califorum @Kujamih @Windy Breeze

Once they were all scanned and allowed to move forward they would only have to wait for a few minutes, during which they were free to interact with those around them. Unless they started some conversation however, no one would speak to them directly. Most of the others just seemed thankful to be alive, many still dealing with the shock of how different this was, many had not been in a crowd of this size for over a year.

Soon enough though, a few important looking creatures came to the front of the room, an image of them projected onto a magical screen as in the vehicle so everyone could see them, their voice magically amplified so everyone could hear them too. "Welcome, everyone, to the Æther Project. One of the last, but certainly not the least of the bastions of civilization." The one who spoke was a regal looking griffon, "I am Apollo, captain of the project and its chief designer. We will be providing all of you with the best possible care in the hope that you will, one day soon, be able to reciprocate and help keep this project running smoothly. My deputies here will call out certain skills and traits, if you belong to one of those groups please join them so resources can be allocated to you."

The first of the deputies stepped forward, a masculine changeling with amber coloration, "Any changelings and similarly magical or hive based creatures will please join me. Queen Permu welcomes all changelings who have lost their way."

The second deputy stepped forward, an earth pony wearing some pieces of the armor of the Equestrian Coast Guard, "Any of you experienced in combat, scouting, and reconnaissance, fall in with me."

The third deputy, a doe with a wooden leg, "Any experienced in agriculture and natural magics, come with me."

the fourth, a minotaur in a lab coat, "Anyone with experience in science and experimental magics, runemancy, or engineering, this way."

The fifth, a zebra, "Anyone in need of medical attention including: amputation, infection, amnesia, mental or physical trauma, as well as those experienced in medicine, group up here."

the sixth, a llama of all things, "all others, spread out and we'll come to you for more specific assessments."

(Indicate which, if any groups you go with. From this point on you likely won't be in one large group.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle @C. Thunder Dash @Windy Breeze @Kujamih @Blitz Boom

Trixie and Maud made some chatter about this area as they watched Trixie's crate be assembled. They had planned to stick together and didn't want to be split up in an unfamiliar environment such as this. Spiral pointed out this could all be a ruse and whispered in secret, that at some point if it turned out to be they would either go down fighting here or find some way to escape but so far everything more or less seemed trust worthy. None of the ponies they were with seemed to be of particular interest or threat to either of them. They just wanted to see what this place was about, really. Trixie and Maud kept silent as they spoke about the allocations of groups.

Spiral whispered to Maud, taking command of Trixie's body which caused her to jitter again. "None of these fit us. We stick together." she said in a warning tone. Maud simply glanced to her and slowly blinked. Spiral and Trixie had gotten to know Maud's mannerisms enough to deduce that was a 'yes'.  Spiral and Maud kept silent as they watched the others step forward to their groupings. They didn't particularly care for any of the others. Haven't met them. They were free to choose as far as Maud, Trixie and Spiral were concerned. 

They walked off from the groups that were being selected and proceeded to observe the area and walked away from all of the others to make a solid plan. They would stick together and try to learn about this place, ask questions when it provided good for them but mostly they planned to just observe and go their own path. They wouldn't trust anyone else. Someone in their group that they had met previously, a pony that had previously been apart of their pairing a few weeks ago betrayed them and joined up with Discord's loyalists, so they weren't particularly keen on trusting anyone. And before that, someone else randomly up and left their group and went who knows where.

"Trixie doesn't like this one bit. Trixie says this is suspicious and not so great and powerful." Trixie whispered. 

"Yes." Maud replied at the end of their conversation. They stood there as if waiting for someone to come up to them. Yet if anyone did ask about their assignments or inquire about anything specific they made it explicitly clear that they would not split up.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle 

Shadow and Windy watched as Serene went to the zebra without saying anything to them. They understand why he choose to go to the zebra, he had a lot of bruises than both of them, in addition to what they assumed a fractured bone in his left hind leg since he was limping the entire time. Windy whispered to Shadow “I wanted to join the coast guard deputy guy, but I wanted to help with the watering of what grows in this place. What about you, Shadow?”

“I don't know, Windy. I might probably go and join the earth pony. I might be bad at close combat, but I'm good at stealth” she sighed, “You know what? Our choice is our choice” she hesitate but successfully went to the earth pony. Windy looked on for a moment, she wanted to go to the doe, but all she knew about plants is they need water and sunlight, but she did not want to let any harm go to her friend, Serene doesn't need her though, the zebra had him under his/her hoof.

It was a tough decision between friendship and desire.

Like Shadow, Windy went to the earth pony and stood beside Shadow, who was shocked yet pleased to see her friend finally made her own choice.

Edited by Windy Breeze
  • Brohoof 1



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@Illiad Easle

Thundy took note of the smaller griffon. He wanted to go talk to her but was immediately asked to join a group. 

Thundy got up and took his time to pick, holding his staff. He was wondering whether his magic was natural, considering that electricity is a natural element due to lightning. He decided to go with the science/engineering, since he did know how to build and forge. 

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@C. Thunder Dash @Illiad Easle @Califorum @Windy Breeze @Kujamih

On 1/17/2021 at 5:53 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The buck allowed Briar and Brittle to remain in contact during the scan, he made a note on her as well before moving on to Briar. "I thought I would never see another evergrown after what was done to the forests. We are fortunate to have you aboard." The magical seed was carefully scanned and a note made of it, but Briar would be allowed to keep it with him. The puck pointed to an area adjacent to where the ponies were, where there were a few undisguised changelings of different colors, "If you two would head over there."

Finally a small ray of light upon a darkened sky, as one here seemed to know of his kind. His particular variant? Maybe not, as mutations like himself, which had no eyes, and feasted on flesh, were somewhat rare. Yet that he knew of his kind at all, were a momentary glimmer of hope for other reasons. That being that if he knew of their kind, maybe he too would understand the importance of the seed he carried, better than most others. Not that the evergrown had ever allowed an outsider to as much as touch one of these - willingly, anyway - but it might still help him in the talks ahead. And Earth Mother be praised, he were allowed to keep it with him. At least for now.

"It have indeed been troubled times for all races, but perhaps that is something we can talk of another time, sir. For now, I thank you for your assistance."

Briar gave him a warm smile, before slowly moving over towards the other changelings with Brittle. You'd think she might feel more comfortable around her own kind, but they actually terrified her, almost as much as ponies did. She had cautiously tried to think it were a good thing, first time Briar and her had met one, but then things started to get rather haywire. A long story, including them trying to *liberate her back to a hive*, and quite a lot of violence, which did not exactly endear her to them. Hopefully they wouldn't start acting like that up here too.

As for the chance of meeting any from her own hive: She had no idea if there were any left. She had never seen any, and it were debatable if the colors she showed in her unusual base form, were even correct. She'd probably have to encounter some magic represent, to figure out what she actually, truly looked like, in her drone form. Hadn't been something Briar, nor herself, considered important to figure out though.

On 1/17/2021 at 5:53 AM, Illiad Easle said:

The first of the deputies stepped forward, a masculine changeling with amber coloration, "Any changelings and similarly magical or hive based creatures will please join me. Queen Permu welcomes all changelings who have lost their way."

The second deputy stepped forward, an earth pony wearing some pieces of the armor of the Equestrian Coast Guard, "Any of you experienced in combat, scouting, and reconnaissance, fall in with me."

The third deputy, a doe with a wooden leg, "Any experienced in agriculture and natural magics, come with me."

the fourth, a minotaur in a lab coat, "Anyone with experience in science and experimental magics, runemancy, or engineering, this way."

The fifth, a zebra, "Anyone in need of medical attention including: amputation, infection, amnesia, mental or physical trauma, as well as those experienced in medicine, group up here."

the sixth, a llama of all things, "all others, spread out and we'll come to you for more specific assessments."

Briar turned towards the llama, though not with intention of joining that one. It had just been quite a while since he had felt their presence, and were honestly surprised to sense one up here. Perhaps this Æther Project, had taken in refugees from more places than Equestria? There were other options too, of course, but it did get him curious.

As for where to go... Now this proved to be somewhat of a situation, since anything he could do well, were not something which Brittle could. And quite honestly, there were little that Brittle could. At least in her current state. If she managed to believe this place truly were safe, she might be able to help with some menial work eventually. Provided of course, that she were not put under a great deal of pressure, and could be near him. A troublesome situation, yet maybe, he could make some sort of arrangement, where he took her workload upon himself. It would likely be hard, but he could bear it. Most of his early life he had been an actual slave, and he sincerely doubted that this place could put him under more physical and mental stress than his own kind had.

Something to consider eventually. For now, it seemed that the best option for him, would be to go where he could do the most, and then discuss things with the leaders of this arrangement later. As such, he'd head towards the doe. Maybe there were some part of their agriculture that Brittle would function well in too, honestly. Pulling weeds, or watering, wouldn't put an undue stress on her, for example? He'd have to learn more. And he were sure they'd be told the details, soon enough. Maybe even given a tour.

He could in theory also join the combat team, but that would cause him to have to leave Brittle behind a lot, and that were simply not happening. If need be, he'd defend the area he were assigned to, as part of his duties, but he wouldn't go out there. It pained him some to know that there were likely those who he could help, whom he left behind, but he had to be where he were needed the most. And that were up here, where Brittle would not end up alone. Or Earth Mother forbids it, be forced to join a hive.

In regards to wounds, Brittle and him were a bit scuffed, but it wasn't too bad, and he doubted that they really knew how to treat him anyway. He supposed he'd have to talk that over with them eventually, actually...

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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As everyone else split off into their chosen groups, Maud and Trixie were left with only a few dozen others, typically in groups of two or more and/or having younger members with them. The llama as well as a few others dressed similarly to her started going among the groups, talking with them and taking notes on a clipboard. Trixie and Maud wouldn't be waiting long before the llama herself came over to them with a kind smile on her face.

As she approached, Trixie would notice that she had a magically dampening aura to her, hardly noticeable at a distance, but quite apparent within a length of her. It wouldn't stop her from casting magic, but it would make most spells very difficult if she tried so close.

"Hi there! I'm Programa, how, and who, are you two? And while I'm asking questions, what did you two do before the incident?"


@Windy Breeze @Kujamih

The earth pony, on closer inspection, was a fairly lean stallion, he certainly had muscle mass, but it was more akin to the musculature of a pegasus than an earth pony, prioritizing speed and reflexes over strength. He cast an appraising eye over each creature as they approached him, though he paused a moment longer when he saw the uniforms that Windy and Shadow had with them. "You didn't loot those uniforms did you?" he chuckled, "Don't answer that, we'll see for ourselves in good time."

Once it was apparent that no others would be joining the group, the stallion moved to the front of the group, "I'll dispense with the formalities for now, I'm General Quarters, I'm in charge of any operations when the project is at sea, not too often, so I've also been tasked with training the new recruits. Follow me, I'll give you a quick tour of our facilities, then show you to your accommodations."

Quarters led the way to one of the exit doorways of the hanger, "This is one of the many hangers we have at the back of the Æther, we cycle through which hanger and set of crafts get used between jumps. If any of you have experience with the Diane-Lift system, we are unfortunately in the market for more pilots, motors, and gunners." Going up a ramp they were able to look down on another hanger where crafts like the one they flew in on were undergoing maintenance. "Most of our work surrounds the hangers as it is the most vulnerable spot in the project. Those of you with traditional combat experience can expect to be assigned rotations on the scouting troops, or service in the security or police force aboard the project. While we'd like to say that we have no crime, not everyone is fully subscribed to the mantra that we're all in this together. Further, there's at least one loyalist that sneaks on every other cycle, so we've got to keep vigilant."

Quarters led them around a number of facilities designated for their group, including a gym, training area, armory, cafeteria, and finally their accommodations, fairly spartan in layout they still had a good amount of space to them. "We'll be dividing you up into pairs, both to room together as well as work together, but that will be later. For now you'll each be assigned a single room until you've recovered and acclimated enough to begin training, at which point you'll be paired with another who matches your skills and designation. If any of you in this group would like to be considered for partnership, remember to indicate that when you begin the training."

Quarters stopped at the end of the hallway, "Try not to get lost, if you do there is a map at each of the major intersections. Take note of which room you are assigned as it will make getting back easier. I recommend you all get some much deserved rest, I'm sure you've not had that luxury in some time. Report to the quartermaster in the armory when you want to begin training, and report to the medic in the training area if you need medical attention. Leisure activities are available on the upper floors towards the center. Unless there are any questions, you're dismissed."


@Windy Breeze

Upon approaching the zebra's group, Serene was directed to take a seat near the others who had come over, where a few creatures in medical garb were evaluating those who had come over. Soon enough one of them, a pegasus mare, came over to him, "Alright, are you here for medical treatment? Or are you experienced in medicine? In either of those cases, what exactly is your issue or speciality?"


@C. Thunder Dash

The minotaur only looked more intimidating in person. There weren't very many who came over there, but one of them was the small griffon from before, who followed after Thundy. The Minotaur looked him over, "So, what's your specialty? Science, magic, runemancy, or engineering?" He took notice of the small griffon that followed after him, "Is she with you?"

The small griffon spoke up, "Oh, no... I used to work in a forge, my sister's. I figured this was the closest fit."

The minotaur nodded, "If you're good at it, you'll prove quite useful. We're always in need of experienced metalworkers, especially those who can make the intricate parts that the engineers come up with to keep this place in the air."

The minotaur turned his attention back to Thundy, waiting for his response.


@Blitz Boom

The doe, similar to the buck, was visibly surprised to see Briar approach, giving a reverent nod once he was close enough, "I... I thought your kind were just a legend. My mother told me of your kind. If even a quarter of what she said is true, we are greatly blessed to have you." She was more wary as she looked over Brittle, but decided not to comment on it.

They certainly got quite a few looks from the others gathered, who were mostly earth ponies, but none of them approached or spoke out, talking amongst themselves in hushed whispers. Once it was apparent that no others would be joining them the Doe took the lead, "I am River Delta, you can call me River. I oversee the many agricultural projects present on the Æther. As you may have guessed, the Æther is home to tens of thousands of creatures, and it takes quite a bit of resources to keep them all fed. Luckily the vast majority can be sustained on plant matter, which our researchers are ever looking to improve in terms of nutrition and harvest yield and time. All you'll need to worry about is caring for the plants themselves, as well as the various livestock the omnivorous and carnivorous residents require. First, let me show you to one of our greeneries." River led the way deeper into the project, surprisingly heading down rather than up. "One of the advances that our researchers have discovered is how to synthesize sunlight with magic, allowing us to grow in more areas than just the outer surface of the project." She led the way into an expansive potato field, growing in real dirt despite being so far up in the air. "Every cycle we rotate out some of the dirt, and we rotate the dirt we have through various crops to get the optimal use out of it before discarding it and replacing it with fresh dirt from the surface."

River continued leading them around, the growing areas being arranged in a vertical column in the ship, each layer sitting above each other such that the hydroponics could run from top to bottom, and any runoff from a higher layer was collected on the layer below. "One of the special perks the agricultural department gets, is first pick of the crops, our cafeteria receives their ingredients first before they are distributed through the rest of the project, equally of course. Our accommodations are on each level surrounding the growing areas, you'll each be assigned to a layer based on which crops you have most experience with."

River stopped the tour at the top growing area, an open field with a number of fruit bearing trees stood. "Everyone take a seat in the shade, rest a bit, I'll come by each of you and see what you have experience in, then I'll lead you to your several accommodations."

She came over to Brittle and Briar first, reverently bowing again, "I apologize for my ignorance, you would know best how you might help us I think. What can you do for the project?"

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

"It's actually 3 of those: science, magic and engineering. Watch this." Thundy said as he gathered some electricity and shapeshifted into his bipedal form. He then gathered some electricity and made a ball of energy appear. He then converted the energy ball into a fireball, stretching it. The ball took the shape of an elegantly designed sword. Thundy lost some energy and was visibly tired out a little. He held the sword he made out for the minotaur.




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@Illiad Easle

Trixie and Maud watched the others split off into their assigned groups. They didn't exactly seem to care about whoever was splitting off in their groups. Their choice. And Maud and Trixie weren't going to involve themselves in that group selecting frenzy there. They watched Programa approach them to which they turned their attention and focus towards her.

Trixie seemed to step back a bit from Programa upon noticing the dampening field as it seemed. Upon the questions, they answered. Spiral shut up for a little bit to let Trixie do the talking. 

"Trixie was once the greatest stage performer and magician across the land! Until Trixie got bested by Twilight Sparkle of all ponies!" she rolled her eyes and then looked to Maud.

"My name is Maud Pie. I like rocks, plate tectonics, geology, minerals. I was lucky to escape before it was too late." Maud frowned upon remembering the past yet her montone way of speaking remained.

Trixie then went and hugged Maud to which Maud simply stood there as still as a statue, only slightly hugging back. 

"Until Trixie rescued you from the loyalists of Discord and we were friends ever since!"

Maud only blinked slightly at that, as Spiral took command of Trixie's body causing Trixie to jitter around again as she looked to Programa. 

"I would like to know exactly what the deal is with all of the group division and assigning of groups. What is that for, exactly? By the way me and Maud here are sticking together." Spiral said firmly, as Programa would probably notice the difference when Spiral spoke, as opposed to when Trixie would speak. Spiral wasn't one that was big on friendship but, it was sort of part of the deal when Trixie revived her soul after all so who was Spiral to complain. 


  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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" well I don't know about you guys but I've no idea what to do in this place...so might as well get the show on the road and be done with it.... Im heading to the armory and be done with the training." Light then went to the map and checked the location of the armory. " See you guys in training i guess."


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@Illiad Easle

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The doe, similar to the buck, was visibly surprised to see Briar approach, giving a reverent nod once he was close enough, "I... I thought your kind were just a legend. My mother told me of your kind. If even a quarter of what she said is true, we are greatly blessed to have you." She was more wary as she looked over Brittle, but decided not to comment on it.

"Not a legend, but reclusive. Earth Mother be willing, I will not be able to add the word *Extinct* to the list."

He'd give a kind, yet sharp smile, before giving a deep, formal bow towards the doe.

"Briar Trapjaw, at your service madamme."

It were good that there seemed to be more than had an inkling of his kind here, though that would hopefully also mean they understood the importance of keeping him alive, rather than a short sighted harvest. This were something he'd have to cover with them. As he likely had to cover with others, why he mentioned the Earth Mother, when he praised things.

Much like the famed dryads, the Evergrown worshipped an entity, sleeping deep, deep beneath the earth. If it were a god, some sort of ancient creature, or just a source of pure energy, they didn't know. They never heard a voice, but connected to nature as they were, they felt the presence of something beneath, stirring life into nature. And especially for the evergrown, they felt the presence breathe life into their sacred trees, which to them, were more than enough to worship the mother of nature.

Dryads could feel her everywhere, yet even if the evergrown only did so with the trees, it were strong, and above all of their rules, or how their society were build, one thing they all gathered around, were praising her. Even he, who had suffered under the doctrines that the elders had made around the tree, did not fault her. She were the giver of life. Not the one who set rules for them, or tormented them.

Sadly, she were also not one who had protected them. Despite the world being ravaged, her slumber continued. Though perhaps it were for the better, as their beliefs held that if she ever rose, nothing more could grow on the surface, until she once more rested beneath the crust.

That were their beliefs though. What were truth were harder to say, though he knew one thing were a lie: That being the fable that they had risen by her will. He had met their creator himself, a few years past, and had been shaken to his core. Yet the proof were hard to argue against. And as she had held that primal seed in her appendage, and he felt with every fiber in his being, how it were as of the trees... Discord had done horrendous, terrible things, that lead to the destruction of the world as they knew it. Yet at least this lesser one of his kind, proved that there were creators amongst the draconequi too. Even if their creation were done on behest of another, and completed by her, as more of a fun project.

He sometimes wondered if she had survived this whole ordeal, as he weren't certain if their kind could ever truly die, but it were rather moot, he supposed. If any could make it down there now, it would be their kind.

Ah, but he were getting distracted. The world moved on, and so would their group. One who seemed to be rather... Alert, to the presence of Brittle and himself. Nothing new really, though one could hope that the aftermath of the incident, would make others less inclined to judge on race, and more on actions.

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

River stopped the tour at the top growing area, an open field with a number of fruit bearing trees stood. "Everyone take a seat in the shade, rest a bit, I'll come by each of you and see what you have experience in, then I'll lead you to your several accommodations."

Briar wouldn't rest, but rather keep his senses high, and soak in this rich, natural feel around him. Astonishing what they could do with this, even this high up in the air. And the sheer scale were impressive too. Though of course, it had to be, for all of those it needed to feed. There would most definitely be quite a lot to do here, for one who wanted to work. Which were fortunate, because he did enjoy that, as a matter of fact. Made him feel like a useful part of society. Even if said society were somewhat judgmental at times. Yet as he had been taught by the pony who helped him, after he staggered out of the jungle: One should always show their best side, lest they give you a reason not to. In his case, that generally meant a lit torch.

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

She came over to Brittle and Briar first, reverently bowing again, "I apologize for my ignorance, you would know best how you might help us I think. What can you do for the project?"

"You have nothing to apologize for, miss River. Your fair town have saved our lives, and I am looking forward to repaying that, in every which way that I can.

Which does bring me towards a subject that I am aware, would eventually be brought up: That being my essence. Considering the need for food here, I know that it will in time, be requested of me. As such, I will state my intent to give it freely to you. In safe amounts, that is. It can be stored if need be, and I will regain more over time, as you do blood. Extraction of it will be best done in a similar manner too. A safe amount would be around a two liters. A liter and a half, if you require me to work within the next few hours after that, but I am sure we can work a schedule out for these extractions, yes?

I do ask for one thing in return, however: That being lenience towards Brittle. She have been broken by cruelty, for far longer than I have known her, and fears all but me. She cannot function without me being there to protect her, and sadly these days, have suffered additional cracks, which have rendered her somewhat... Additionally weakened, in many ways.

I will gladly work for us both, no matter the task you set before me, and part with my essence, in which amount I can, which will not kill me. All I wish for, is for her to not be judged harshly, and let me help carry her burden.

And while I remember: You needn't worry of her feeding on others. I am being truthful when I say that she is horrified of others, to a point where she exclusively feeds off of me, as needed. And neither will I feed of of others either, if that is one of those concerns that fuels the apprehension I feel towards us. I may not have eyes, but it does not mean I am oblivious, nor useless. I manage to find my way around quite well."

He'd give the doe a friendly smile, yet this time, would also blink once, to prove what he said about the eyes. A rather weird experience for most, he had been told. Hence, why he usually walked around with them closed down. No need to worry others, if it could be helped.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle @Kujamih

Windy just found out the earth pony is actually very masculine than what she thought he would be and more intimidating than she expect.

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"You didn't loot those uniforms did you?"

Both Windy and Shadow became nervous, yet quickly relaxed when it was revealed to be a joke Atleast this guy has some humor she smiled sheepishly. The earth pony soon introduced himself as General Quarter, who is in charge of operations, mostly at see, they listened to Quarter till he led them to what it seems to be a hangar. Quarter gave them an explanation about it before going up the ramp and showing them another place where vehicles identical to what Shadow and Windy ride in are under maintenance, he told them that the place is vulnerable, which explains why one intruder would sometimes attempt to sneak into the place. Shadow guessed whoever the intruder loyalist could be is attempting to sabotage the project, most likely to disable, damage, or destroy the vehicle to cut the city from the land and those who are still out in the 'wild'. Windy thought if a pegasus who only could do close combat can be considered as traditional. After that, they are led to a large number of facilities, including a gym, a training area, and a cafeteria. They were then told that they would be divided into pairs, which sounds good for the mares if they're able to work together, but will have to be assigned to a different place once they are done training, not to mention partnership is allowed.

They stopped at the end of the hallway as Quarter told the not to get lost and how to not get lost, they are then told to take some rest, report to the quartermaster if they want to begin their training, report to the medic if they need medical attention, and told them there are some leisure activities before dismissing them.

But Windy is not going to let him go with no questions being asked “Sir, can you tell us what the loyalist you mentioned earlier at the... repair room looks like?”


Serene led to some seats, where members of the zebra's group are gathered. The pain from his twisted hind leg finally went back once the adrenaline her received when he and the others came under attack finally drained, which could explain why he was now limping. One pegasus mare approached him.

4 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Alright, are you here for medical treatment? Or are you experienced in medicine? In either of those cases, what exactly is your issue or speciality?"

“I need medical treatment” he sat on the floor, wanting to stop the pain coming from all over his body, he was covered in several bruises, many untreated old injuries and some looking pretty recent and fresh “I never have any chance to take care myself, elseially since Discord's slaves are looking all over for survivors” he explained, “I got some questions too unrelated to my injuries, but regarding to my personal life” he was already tempted to show the picture of someone precious to him.


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@C. Thunder Dash

The minotaur took a step back as Thundy went about demonstrating a few of his abilities, (It's not clear if you made the sword in the picture or if you made fire in the shape of the sword.) He backed away when the sword was offered, he looked shaken, "Very, er, impressive..." He signaled something in the air, "I've only heard of such abilities in one being..."

Thundy would likely notice when a pair of guards took up position behind him, but even if he didn't they would speak up soon enough. "For security reasons, I'm going to have to ask you to come with us. I hope you understand."

If Thundy complied one of the guards would take the lead and the other would follow behind, heading down a few tight corridors and down a number of ramps until the walls were more iron than cloudcrete. He was led to a room not unlike an interrogation room, one way mirror on one wall. One of the guards would explain, "The chief researcher signaled that you might be a loyalist, or a certain creature in disguise. Until we can confirm that that is not the case, the specialized scanner should arrive shortly, we'll be keeping you here for the safety of everyone else."

It would be about half an hour until the scanner would arrive, a buck like before but pulling some machinery behind him. Assuming Thundy hadn't resisted by this point the buck would give him an appraising glance before turning his attention to the machine he had brought in. "It takes quite a bit to shake the chief like that. How long have you had such casting potential? It's practically unheard of for a griffon, such as yourself I assume, to accomplish such feats."

(If Thundy does resist, indicate when and in what way. Thundy is free to as questions at any point in this sequence.)



Programa's eyes widened as the two told their stories, though she cocked her head in confusion when Trixie's demeanor suddenly shifted. "Woah! You have connections to two of the Elements!? I've heard so many things about them, I wish I could have met them. Still, being related to legends will only get you so far, still got to see where you might help out."

She thought for a moment before looking at Maud, "Good with rocks and minerals... Might be useful in the mining operations." She looked over at Trixie, "And you must be good at magic and stuff right? Though if you are a good entertainer there might be an opening. Got to keep morale up somehow right? Hmm," She jotted down some notes, "If that sounds good we'll start looking in those areas, though if you have other suggestions I'd be happy to hear them. In any case, we'll get you to some temporary accommodations until you decide on a role. Unless you need some medical attention first?"



Light's comments attracted a few stares from the others, most with incredulous looks, one with suspicion, "First chance to rest after a year of hiding and he turns it down?" It was a hard looking mare who had spoken up, her foreleg replaced with a crude prosthetic.

None of them would stop him from going to the training room.

The quartermaster glanced his way when he arrived at the armory, then looked up again, "You one of the new guys? What, not tired after running for your life?"


@Blitz Boom

5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Which does bring me towards a subject that I am aware, would eventually be brought up: That being my essence. Considering the need for food here, I know that it will in time, be requested of me. As such, I will state my intent to give it freely to you. In safe amounts, that is. It can be stored if need be, and I will regain more over time, as you do blood. Extraction of it will be best done in a similar manner too. A safe amount would be around a two liters. A liter and a half, if you require me to work within the next few hours after that, but I am sure we can work a schedule out for these extractions, yes?

River pulled out her clipboard to start taking notes, "Essence... forgive my ignorance, how might it be used? Is it like a fertilizer? In more direct terms, how often could it be safely extracted and how much benefit would such an amount provide and in what way?"

 In regards to his other statements and questions the Doe would give Brittle an appraising look, her face one of concern. "Well, normally I would suggest she receive care from the changelings here on the ship, perhaps even from the queen herself, but if she's as damaged as you say we likely wouldn't help much pushing her into it. If she were able to assist you in your duties I see no harm in her remaining with you, and being able to sustain herself off of you does lighten the resource requirement considerably. I would still urge that she get help once she can, I'll make a note for some specialists to keep an eye on her from a distance, see if they can't recommend some treatment plans to help her acclimate."

She nodded as she looked over her notes, "Feel free to enjoy some rest while I talk to the others, I'm sure you two could use it after all you've been through.


@Windy Breeze

4 hours ago, Windy Breeze said:

“Sir, can you tell us what the loyalist you mentioned earlier at the... repair room looks like?”

Quarters looked back at her question, "Loyalists come in all forms, typically they act suspiciously, often have a superiority complex and lack empathy. The easiest way to tell is if they manifest some sort of strange magic, or are wandering around in areas they aren't supposed to be in. They'll often try to persuade others, either by word or magic, to assist them. So if you notice someone acting suddenly very differently you should say something as they may be controlled."

Around them the others were selecting rooms, a key card sat inside each one that would allow them to secure their room while they were out and get back in, as well as having the room and floor number written on the key so they could more easily find their way back. If they hurried they'd be able to get adjacent rooms.


4 hours ago, Windy Breeze said:

“I never have any chance to take care myself, elseially since Discord's slaves are looking all over for survivors”

The pegasus nodded, "I'll look you over real quick then so we know how to prioritize you with the others. Luckily there aren't too many severe injuries in this group. Let me know if anything hurts in particular as I go over it alright?"

She would then proceed to check over his vitals, reflexes, flexibility, examining the cuts and bruises for infection and his legs for potential broken limbs, she'd even check over his wing joints to see if he was injured there, taking note of every injury she found or Serene pointed out.

While she checked him over she would ask, "You say questions about your personal life, I assume you don't know the answers yourself. I'm not qualified to diagnose mental trauma or illness, but I could set you up with a psychiatrist if you think that might be an issue."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

(It was the actual sword in the pic) 

“Uhm...sure.” Thundy said hoping he wasn’t in trouble. He followed the guards to a place where there was a mirror. Apprarently, they were going to scan him thinking that he was a creature in disguise, which he wasn’t. Yes, he was a human as a young boy but due to a freak accident where he was struck by lightning, he transformed into a Griffon due to the lightning strike altering his DNA. Thundy had made a sheath appear for the sword he made and put it in before he was escorted by the guards. 

Upon being asked the question about his abilities, he thought about how he should answer. “Well, I wasn’t always a Griffon. However, I was struck by lightning which altered my DNA, transforming me into a Griffon. It also gave me these abilities.” Thundy explained as he gathered some electricity and made a ball of electricity appear. He then made it disappear. 

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@Illiad Easle

Serene nodded, bracing himself for any pain to come. It turns out, its very easy to ignore the pain when you are thinking about someone. “The personal 'injury' does not relate to anything any illness” He brought a hoof to his mane and brought out a photograph and showed the mare a picture of a group of ponies; his family and friends, however, a red circle of dried blood (presumably his own blood. A wound on his chest looks self-inflicted) is drawn around a mare standing beside what seems to be Serene, whose condition is a lot more better than the current Serene “I've heard this place is big, which brough hope that I will able to reunite with you again” he said, “I have one question: have you seen her, my mom?” at this point, he looks as if he's squinting at the mare but if she looked closer, he was fighting back tears.


Windy bowed her head “Thank you for telling us, sir. With the knowledge provided by you, the risk of an intruder slipping from me and my friend's vigilant eyes will become low”

Windy and Shadow went and choose and went inside their rooms.

Edited by Windy Breeze
Typos are becoming more and more horrid
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@Illiad Easle

"Running?... Who said i was running?" Light said with a smug on his face.

" Runnings for wimps... and very tiring...so I'd rather kick butt than run. Now are you here to test my physical skills or talk backs... Cuz i definitely pass on the latter."

"... So um.... What now."

Edited by Kujamih
Sissy is actually a sexist word...so im changing it
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@Illiad Easle

Both Trixie and Maud seemed to be happy with those suggestions. Spiral proceeded to walk up to Programa to clear something up. "Now this is going to be hard for such a...limited mind such as yours to understand. Trixie here revived a 'lost legend' with necromancy, that being me...My name is Spiral Spell. I am within Trixie's mind and we both can operate her body at will. I am a student of...Starswirl.she said putting a hoof to her chest but not liking the word 'Starswirl' one bit, that would be a possible hint at the past if Programa was catching on.

Trixie's voice changed. "When Trixie was lost, Trixie had a book about you! And then Trixie practiced the spell and then it went wrong and there you were, in my mind!"

"...Yes. Even though I loathe this so much...it is worth it..." Trixie's eyes seemed to take more of a pleasured look. 

Then Maud spoke. "There are no mines on an airship." she spoke emotionlessly, yet ominously at the same time.

"Performing magic shows would be what Trixie would want to do at some point! It has been so long since Trixie has done a show." Trixie was happy with that, Spiral remained silent. Maud simply looked to the side, as if smirking slightly.

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@Illiad Easle

On 1/19/2021 at 6:33 AM, Illiad Easle said:

River pulled out her clipboard to start taking notes, "Essence... forgive my ignorance, how might it be used? Is it like a fertilizer? In more direct terms, how often could it be safely extracted and how much benefit would such an amount provide and in what way?"

 In regards to his other statements and questions the Doe would give Brittle an appraising look, her face one of concern. "Well, normally I would suggest she receive care from the changelings here on the ship, perhaps even from the queen herself, but if she's as damaged as you say we likely wouldn't help much pushing her into it. If she were able to assist you in your duties I see no harm in her remaining with you, and being able to sustain herself off of you does lighten the resource requirement considerably. I would still urge that she get help once she can, I'll make a note for some specialists to keep an eye on her from a distance, see if they can't recommend some treatment plans to help her acclimate."

"If we someday find ourselves in a less crowded setting, I can inform you of what befell her. You might understand then, why the world feels so large and dangerous to her."

Brittle briefly glanced up at the doe, and took a step backwards, so that she could cover herself slightly more behind Briar. Getting this much attention on herself, made her think that this one might be planning something. Perhaps hitting her over the head with that clip board? She knew from experience how much that hurt, but... It were still less bad than what else she suggested, about a queen. The mere thought almost made her whimper like a puppy.

"Though I can share briefly that I think it unwise to have her see a queen currently. It have only happened once thus far, and... Well, shall we say that a good first impression of a hive leader, does not include a short-sighted vision, of whatever or not changelings should be allowed to wander separate of their own kin. It did not exactly endear her to the concept of a hive, to have it being presented as less of a choice, and more of a natural position, where one did not have much in the way of a choice.

In time, I will be willing to go along with Brittle, and speak with her. If nothing else, perhaps it will help her to see that not all can be judged the same.

As for the matter of my essence, I assumed you may have known. My apologies for that, though you are correct, that it is a fertilizer. How often it can be extracted would depend on a few factors, but I would say that a safe measure, would be every three to four days, depending on my health. I would say in the case of showing its effect however, that the best way of explaining, would be a demonstration. May I?"

(Ignore the following if he were told no, in which case he'd simply ask if she had a container wherein he could deposit some, for them to then test themselves)

If he were allowed, He'd walk over towards one of the nearest trees, which were not at full maturity, or had a lesser amount of mature fruit on its branches. It worked better this way, when it came to a demonstration, in his experience. Sure it would still help those already at their fullest potential, but it had less of an effect, and he wished to make an impression currently.

Once there, he'd slither the right vine out from underneath his cloak, and bring it to his muzzle. Once there, he'd use his teeth to poke a small hole into one of them, which caused a droplet of purplish liquid to begin to form.

Carefully, as to not have it drop prematurely, he'd reach the vine over towards the tree he had sought out, and would wring the vine. Something which for ponies would be akin to flexing their muscles, or clenching a fist, just with a rather large, physiological difference. The basic intention were much the same though.

When the droplet fell on the tree's roots, it would undergo a change. What exactly would depend on the sort of tree, and its cycle of bearing fruit. Essentially though, it would rapidly progress a few months ahead in its cycle, but without harming the tree, or somehow mutating the fruit in any way. It were a simple matter of highly concentrated nature essence, though if any magic were also part of the process, he did not know. It had never really been brought up, in a way where he could tell the answer, and he were not keen on getting dissected for an answer. To him, it always just seemed like the concentration of varied things running in their veins, made this a completely natural hyper fertilizer. As it also kept them alive as this living fauna that they essentially were, it just made sense to him that something which were able to do that, would do wonders on normal plant life. Though again, he didn't know, nor thought it truly mattered. The effect is what were important here. On other plant matter, that were. It helped them to grow to an adult size, and would help keep their matter fresh, for a potentially long life, but it did not have the same bombastic effect on themselves, as it had on regular plant matter.

If fruit fell as part of the cycle, he'd pick those up too. The flower that grew out of his skull, would flow, as if the wind blew trough it, and let off a green glow, which also engulfed the fruit before impacting the ground. It were a force somewhat akin to telekinesis for unicorns, but mostly weaker. Were the two to clash, the arcane power would have an easy time overwhelming his own. Though on a plus side, he could use it to help feel out the well being of plant life near him, so that were nifty. He still mostly relied on his vines however. It felt more natural to him, and they had a lot more force to them than this. Plus, the magic took more energy.

"The very lifeblood of my kin, which once had us work hoof in hoof with the equines, when we were but a new, curious race. A pity that it were ruined, when some ponies were guided by greed, and began the grand harvest... *sigh* One can only hope that when history one day goes into a new, more peaceful chapter again, things will have changed. It would be best if the evergrown didn't have to withdraw from general society once more."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@C. Thunder Dash

The buck didn't look over as Thundy talked, still adjusting things on the machine, "Magic lightning you say? Very Interesting." He pressed a button and was silent for a moment, he would hold up a hoof if Thundy attempted to speak before the machine beeped, "So you weren't always a griffon. You demonstrate proficiency in transmutation, elemental magic, and shapeshifting. Are you limited to those spells? Or do you have the ability to cast outside of that?"

The buck finally looked over at him, "And what were you before being a griffon?"


@Windy Breeze

The pegasus looked over the picture Serene presented, before shrugging with a sad expression, "I can't say I have, but all that means is that she hasn't come through the hospital while I was on duty. There are thousands of ponies on this project that I've never met. We could pass that photo by the census, see if there are any mares matching that description. How long ago were you separated? And in what area?"

She would note down all the injuries she found, "You're not in too critical condition, but we'll get that leg scanned to see if it's broken before we send you to the clinic for basic healing. Sit tight a moment would you?"

Assuming he didn't decide to run off, a unicorn stallion would come by shortly after to scan the leg he was limping on earlier (You'll have to tell me how injured it is.)


(I'll just let them rest for a time, until you want to use them again.)

The room was relatively sparse in arrangement, enough floor space to stretch out but not much more, the bed was pretty standard for a pegasus accommodation if not a bit small. They also had a desk, chair, drawer for any accessories or clothing items they had, and a small private bathroom with a cramped shower. A note stated that more accessible showers were available attached to the gym. The keycard was on a lanyard that stated the room number on one side, and that they were new arrivals on the other.



(I didn't describe the quartermaster before, so:) The quartermaster was a lean but clean looking diamond dog, light grey in coloration with white and black accents.

The quartermaster rolled her eyes, "Talking big isn't going to earn you any favors here." Nonetheless they looked through a stack of papers before pulling out a sheet and moving it to a clipboard. They stepped out from behind the counter, "We'll start with a physical, see what you're good at. While we do that, tell me about yourself. Name, where you're from, what you did before the incident, that sort of thing."

She would direct him through a number of measurement exercises, including pushups, sprints, jumping, and an edurence measure for a lap on the track that ran a loop over the hangers about a mile long.



Programa looked a little indignant when Spiral spoke down to her, "Look here, Ma'am, I know it must be hard to accept this sudden change of environment, but we're all in this together you see? There's no need to be rude, especially if you're going to be an entertainer." Her whole countenance had shifted from the kind happy llama she was when she approached, to the jaded llama she was now. "They noticed you had a mental passenger when you were first scanned, you'll be scheduled for a mental evaluation prior to any work assignment. I would keep it quiet if I were you about partially raising the dead. Many on this vessel consider that sacrilegious, if not abhorrently immoral. While that won't get you removed, it certainly won't make life easy for you."

As she turned back to Maud much of her previous happy expression came back, chuckling at her comment, "Correct, we do however send out mining expeditions to gather necessary resources every cycle or so. Given the limited timetable we have each cycle, having someone experienced in geology would allow good time saving in picking spots and ensuring we don't waste time or weight with low quality ore."

She looked over her notes before looking back at the two of them, "Now, anything else you'd like to declare before I show you to your temporary accommodations and you," looking straight at Spiral, "To your mental evaluation?"


@Blitz Boom

5 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"If we someday find ourselves in a less crowded setting, I can inform you of what befell her. You might understand then, why the world feels so large and dangerous to her."

River nodded, "I'll see about maybe getting you in contact with a specialist, perhaps then you'd be able to shed some additional light on the situation."

She waved him forward to give a demonstration of his essence, and was very surprised with the results, looking over the tree and taking measurements as soon as it stopped changing. "Amazing! If just one drop is so powerful... I imagine it would be useful even in small doses, we could dilute it into the hydroponics and increase the overall yield by a solid few percentage points." She shook her head, "But that's for the researchers to figure out. They'll likely try and see what they can do to maximise your output, safely of course, but let's start with a weekly harvest, once we get you two squared away in accommodations I'll take you down to the research area so we can figure out a safe way to extract and they can run their tests to see how it might be best used, but if this is anything to go off of you have certainly cemented yourself as a very useful addition to the project." She chuckled, "If only there were more of you, then we'd never have another food shortage."

If Briar didn't have anything else to say she would head off to the others, many of whom were eying him in a different light than before.

It would be about half an hour until River was done interviewing all the new agricultural members, then she got their attention again, "Alright, if you could all group up with others specialized in the same plant of animal, that'll make the trip through accomodations easier." She directed a younger buck to go over with Briar and Brittle. "Then if you'll all follow me!"

She led the group in fairly the reverse order of the tour, dropping off a few of the group at each level based on the plant they were most experienced with. The layers of the growing area were arranged such that similar plants were adjacent.

Soon it was just them, the buck, and those knowledgeable in livestock, so they went over a ways to an area adjacent to the growing area where they kept livestock like pigs, chickens, and the like. The livestock area, despite being so deep in the project, had a ceiling that looked like the natural sky, with what felt like natural sunlight shining down.

Then it was just River, the buck, and the two of them as they went one layer lower into an area that looked more like a lab than a growing area. "Alright, here is where we keep the specialists, those whose talents are more useful in a general application than focused on a specific aspect." They stopped at one of the rooms, and she turned to the buck, "Here's where you'll be staying, the machine shop is just down the hall, research the opposite way, hopefully you'll be back to making farming implements in short order."

Then finally, they arrived at what would be Briar and Brittle's room, like the others it wasn't too special in terms of size or contents, there was room enough for the both of them, whether they wanted to share a bed or have their own (Bunk bed arrangement Twin over Queen, they exist). "Cafeteria's right across the hall, and research is at the end to the right. Once you're feeling up to it, as I'm sure you two could use the rest, head down there and tell them I sent you, they'll know what to do from there."

River would then take her leave. 

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Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Spiral would be the first to speak after Programa was done talking. Maud would simply nod at her comment for now but Spiral seemed to be slightly irritated with the Llama's comment but it made sense. She didn't intend to walk about while talking of that. She intended to keep it secret to herself since she didn't really know of who could be on this airship. 

"Mental evaluation it is, then. From now on I'll do the talking, because Trixie here sometimes can't watch her mouth. There are many things that need go un-spoken. Especially considering the...events lately." Spiral looked away dismissively and then Maud seemed to step forward slightly.

"If you are looking for the right place to mine ore, you need to pay attention to the rock strata and surrounding areas. What is around the area can often tell of what lies below. It seems you need to focus on getting in and out, but also finding the exact ores and specifications that you need in quick time. I would recommend finding ores, such as enhanced charcoal as it is known that lasts longer and burns more efficiently." Maud said to Programa, her tone doesn't change. Oddly enough despite her emotionlessness in explaining, it is fairly soothing to hear and she seems to explain everything perfectly about any added information she thought would be needed. It would be information that Programa didn't really know how to process but would be impressive nevertheless. "I am not a Unicorn, obviously but I have knowledge of possible spells that can be applied to the ore itself in order to exaggerate its needed properties for the qualities of what it needs to be assessed for, and then used as demands come and go." Maud added,, but she stood almost as still as a rock as she spoke.

Spiral simply waited as she talked, Trixie jittering a bit before seeming to calm down. Maud's speaking seemed to calm her down slightly, no matter how boring the content of her conversation was.

"Maud here is sticking with me though. Lets just say we had some...betrayals in the past involving Discord Loyalists that were once among us." Spiral spat.

"One of them was named Mud Briar." Maud added.

"He was one of the worst. He basically tricked Maud here into thinking she was his girlfriend and tried to get me out of the group but we found him out. Left us to die in a forest a while back, but luckily we managed to escape. He approached the Spawn himself and was allowed to join them after being branded by Discord's mark. He is still out there somewhere. I hope he gets what he deserves." Spiral said, before sighing.

"Tell me about it." Maud said, closing her eyes as if recalling the events and washing them away within her mind.

"Trixie remembers the other guy's name? Trixie doesn't remember him but he was also another Discord loyalist among us but thankfully we were able to figure it out and we were camping with him in another area and once we figured it out we just packed up and left without telling him. He was communicating with his loyalist friends through a crystal ball." Trixie added.

It seemed that the 2, no, 3 of these ponies here had quite the experience with Discord loyalists, so Programa would likely understand why they wanted to stick together here. They would follow to wherever the evaluation was.

Maud looked over at the other groups as they had been divided out into wherever they wanted to be assigned to. She saw the various other ponies and creatures but looked away. Only in passing interest. 


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MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Illiad Easle

"I was what was a human, which is a species of creature that has no magic abilities." Thundy said as he gathered a small amount of electricity and made an image of a male human in his 20s carrying a bookbag and smiling. "I was younger, so I looked more like this..." Thundy said shifting the picture so that way the male looked younger, around 5 years old. The freak accident happened when some friends and I were on our way home from a get together. We got caught in a storm and it was a bad one. I was struck by lightning, but as I mentioned, it didn't hurt me. Instead, it permanently altered my DNA, transforming me into what you see now...a griffon...hybrid." Thundy said revealing his batpony ears from his dreadlocks. 


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@Illiad Easle

The mare's response was disappointing and sad, but atleast she does have a point, more numbers can make his search for his mother more difficult, but there are still some possibilities she's somewhere in the floating city.

“Been long now. I have last seen her in our town the day I left to find job in Cloudsdale, and it has been years since I even see her. We've been sending letters to each other to stay in touch to each other and my family, and friends. Our town called Richville is located just south of Foal Mountains” his expression bedome slightly downcast with his ears lowered “I wanted to see her again, she's the reason why I'm still kickng, our relationship is strong like an anvil... I can't live without her”

Serene's hindleg is only twisted, which was surprising while most of his body is covered by small skin bruises, he didn't seem of feel any pain from all the wounds, the hindleg cause being the exception. Soon, he would be in stable physical state after being treated, yet his mental state will continue to fight the small depression growing in his mind and heart.


2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The room was relatively sparse in arrangement, enough floor space to stretch out but not much more, the bed was pretty standard for a pegasus accommodation if not a bit small. They also had a desk, chair, drawer for any accessories or clothing items they had, and a small private bathroom with a cramped shower. A note stated that more accessible showers were available attached to the gym. The keycard was on a lanyard that stated the room number on one side, and that they were new arrivals on the other.

Windy stared in awe at the organized beauty of the room, it reminds her of staying in a prestigious hotel in Manehattan when the Wonderbolts went to perform a stunt show for the city, she checked all the rooms and furnitures, including the bathroom, and also found the larnyard and the keycard “My room number is 64”

Suddenly, she heard someone knock on the door, she opened the door to reveal Shadow, who looks less enthusiastic, only a slight smile adorned her face.

“What room did you choose, Shadow?"

Shadow responded by showing her keycard “63, we're mares next doors” the two dramatically fell into a hug, chuckling and laughing in joy, for they have found their new home, a safe place to live without the ever lingering fears of being attacked.

“We did it, Shadow. We did it”

“No, Windy. Everypony in the group did it. We did it all”


  • Brohoof 2



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@Illiad Easle

" The name is White Light Ma'am! I have an amnesia... But i do recall on the proper military etiquettes to someone who is a superior... Ma'am..... "


Light then continued the physical exam that the quarter master gave to him. first was push ups....


" Ma'am you know this is kinda weird for a pony to do right?"


Light was able to do 50 easy and stopped at a hundred.


Second was sprint. 


 Light was quite quick and only took him a minute to finish on his sprint


( don't know how far he should sprint lets just say he did an incredible record.).


" Well that was a breeze."


Third was jumping 


He did a backflip.


" ... Was that too much?"


And lastly a 1mile endurance.


He did it within 3 minutes( 1 mile is actually short )


"... I think this tests aren't really focused on ponies... So how'd i do ma'am?"


Edited by Kujamih
  • Brohoof 2
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@Kujamih @Illiad Easle

On 1/21/2021 at 4:45 PM, Kujamih said:

" Well that was a breeze."

As they were hugging, Windy suddenly coughed. Shadow broke the hug, concerned “Are you okay?”

Windy waved a hoof at her “Yeah, I'm alright. I just... Got a feeling of someone calling my name or something”

Shadow lift an eyebrow at her friend “Oh?”

  • Brohoof 1



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