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Top/bottom 10 MLP characters.


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  1. The Grrreat and Powerful Trixie
  2. Twilight
  3. Rarity
  4. Pinkie Pie
  5. Starlight
  6. Tirek/Cozy Glow (she's the literal personification if evil, I love it)
  7. Applejack
  8. Chrysalis (If only she had been more mentally stable, maybe she could have accomplished more evil)
  9. Zecora 
  10. Discord (As a villain)

Least Favorite:

  1. There isn't a character that I hate so much to put it in first place
  2. Reformed Discord (after he was reformed he became at best a not so great friend, but what happened in season 9 makes him either completely irresponsible or plain stupid. He also shouldn't have been able to choose a punishment for the three villains he freed from Tartarus while facing absolutely no consequences for something he deliberately allowed to happen)
  3.  Spoiled Rich (she raised Diamond Tiara in such a bad way that she nearly made the entirely of Ponyville hate her)
  4. Svengallop (had to look up the name for this one, Coloratura's whatever manager)
  5. Flurry Heart
  6. The student six (I don't hate those characters but I preferred MLP without the whole friendship school thing)
  7. Snips & Snails (just plain annoying)
  8. Chancellor Neighsay
  9. Scootaloo's parents
  10. Rainbow Dash (only in some episodes like Newbie Dash)
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  1. The Mane Six (My life heroes. I love them to the end of time.) :wub:
  2. The CMC (Possibly Apple Bloom out of the three) :catface:
  3. Spike :mustache:
  4. The Princesses :sunbutt::LunaMCM:
  5. Starlight :yeahno:
  6. Zecora
  7. Princess Cadance :love:
  8. Shining Armour
  9. The Yaks (I just find them funny) :ButtercupLaugh:
  10. Season Two Discord :umad:

Least Favourites (From Worst):

  1. The Student f**king Six. :angry:
  2. Post-Season Three Discord (His fourth-wall breaking got very irritating and he ruined a villain who had so much potential.) 
  3. Mud Briar (Say technically again and I'll kill you)
  4. Flim and Flam
  5. Spoiled Rich (It's in the name)
  6. Some of the posh fashion people were a bit annoying.
  7. Snips and Snails. (Sorry boys, I just don't think you're funny.)
  8. Chancellor Neighsay (Wimp)
  9. The Pillars (I got a bit lost)
  10. Anything EqG-related. I should actually put that at number one or two.
Edited by TomDaBombMLP
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Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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1. Sombra. (Probably cause his design. I. LOVE. HIS. DESIGN.)

2. Pinkie Pie. (*Insert smile face here*)

3. Zecora. (Mi LoV sUm GuD RaImS.)

4. The Cutie Mark Crusader. (The all are so cute!)

5. Princess Cadance

6. Rainbow Dash

7. Cozy Glow

8. Autumn Blaze

9. Tirek

10. Chrysalis

Least Favourites:

1. Chancellor Neighsay

2. Student Six. Just all of them

3. Garble

4. Rarity

5. Zesty Gourmand

6. Reformed Discord

7. Flurry Heart

8. Iron Will

9. Bulk Biceps

10. Snips And Snails

  • Brohoof 1
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Time for my ultimate bias to show..



Ultra top supreme number 1: Silverstream

1. Student Six. All of them (Best six characters)

2. Starlight Glimmer

3. Reformed Discord

4. Fluttershy

5. Tempest Shadow

6. Bright Mac/Buttercup

7. Gabby

8.  Ember

9. Cozy Glow

10. Reformed Thorax



1. Storm King

2. Iron Will

3. CMC (Just kinda overrated imo)

4. Gilda

5. Garble

6. Tirek

7.  Flim and Flam

8. Sunset Shimmer (Just also kinda overrated)

9. Princess Luna (Also just overrated)

10. Chancellor Neighsay


Told ya'll I prefer the newer seasons to the older ones LMAO


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Top 10 Best:

1. Twiley! (The Unicorn version)

2. Derpy Doo, Derpy Hooves!

3. The Libman Horses (Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy)

4. A-Bee (Apple Bloom)

5. Jackie (Applejack)

6. Squeaky Belle

7. (Baby) Moondancer!

8. Dashie!

9. The Lesbo Ponies (Lyra and Bon Bon)

10. Spike-Wikey


Top 10 Worst:

1. The Student Shits

2. Dick-cord

3. Starlight The Mary Sue Glimmieboo

4. Angel  The Little Shit

5. Cozy Twerp

6. The Donald Chancellor Neighsay

7. Twiddle-Dee and Twiddle-Dumb (Snips and Snails)

8. Spoiled Bitch (Spoiled Milk Rich)

9. Poof 2.0 (Flurry Heart)

10. Flash "Brad the Bland Token Love Interest" Sentry


You're welcome.;)

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13 minutes ago, JMTV99 said:

9. The Lesbo Ponies (Lyra and Bon Bon)

1. The Student Shits

2. Dick-cord

3. Starlight The Mary Sue Glimmieboo

4. Angel  The Little Shit

5. Cozy Twerp

7. Twiddle-Dee and Twiddle-Dumb (Snips and Snails)

8. Spoiled Bitch (Spoiled Milk Rich)

You just put me in absolute stitches laughing at these names! :ButtercupLaugh: I couldn’t agree more with them. :adorkable:

Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234


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  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty certain of my favourites, but I kind of had to throw my least favourites together.


  1. Fluttershy 
  2. Twilight Sparkle 
  3. Rainbow Dash
  4. Rarity
  5. Sweetie Belle
  6. Trixie  
  7. Starlight Glimmer
  8. Spike
  9. Discord (Sometimes) 


Least Favourites

  1. Svengallop
  2. Garble 
  3. Sludge
  4. Spoiled Rich
  5. Snails
  6. Snips
  7. Storm King
  8. Wind Rider
  9. Gladmane 
  10. Discord (Sometimes)
Edited by Cash_In
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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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1. Rainbow Dash

2. Applejack

3. Twilight Sparkle

4. Tempest Shadow

5. Pinkie Pie

6. Discord

7. Starlight Glimmer

8. Sunset Shimmer

9. Lighting Dust

10. Fluttershy


Least Favorite: (This is going to be hard, I don't hate any pony/creature from the show, they all serve a purpose, but since I'm being forced...)

1. Spoiled Rich

2. Chancellor Neighsay

3. Flurry Heart

4. Gilda

5. Prince Blueblood

6. Flim and Flam

7. Garble

8. Rarity

9. Snips and Snails

10. Flurry Heart

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  • 1 month later...

Here are my top 10 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic characters. (So, G4 characters only.)

  1. Starlight Glimmer - Very interesting and I relate to her deeply
  2. Rarity - An amazing character with a lavish personality and beautiful voice
  3. Apple Bloom - An endearing and realistic character I really rooted for to achieve her goal
  4. Cozy Glow - Fantastic design, interesting villain, and I just connect with her a lot
  5. Fluttershy - Sweet and relatable and can cheer you up with her cuteness
  6. Flurry Heart - She is adorable and her interactions with Twilight warm my heart
  7. Twilight Sparkle - An amazing, well-written, developed character you can depend on
  8. Thunderlane - I know he doesn't appear much but I like his design and he has a lot of cute moments in the background
  9. Pharynx - Another character who didn't appear much but his personality stood out to me and was fun to watch
  10. Capper - Well he's from the movie but still G4. I like cats and he was charming and entertaining.

It was hard to think of the worst 10 because I don't hate any characters and there are only a few I really dislike. Here it is though.

  1. Chancellor Neighsay - Just annoying and racist for no reason (Yes I know my favorite pony ever, Sprout, was racist too, but literally everypony in that movie was because of how broken Equestria had become at the time)
  2. Sludge - A nasty dude who tricked an innocent little baby dragon
  3. Suri Polomare - An irritating jerk who manipulated Rarity and was abusive to her employee Miss Pommel
  4. The Diamond Dogs - They enslaved Rarity and some of their voices are grating
  5. Zesty Gourmand - I don't like self-important critics and her design is a bit creepy
  6. Snips - The poor guy is just a butt for usually unfunny jokes. Snails was interesting in the Buckball episode at least. (And they're both cute in Pony Life.)
  7. Bulk Biceps - There's not much to him and his voice is too harsh on my ears. However, I really like his depiction in Pony Life. He's really sweet and has a better voice there.
  8. Price Rutherford - Well the yaks in general are iffy for how shallow and stereotypical they are. I also didn't enjoy Rutherford being too stubborn to accept help to save his village.
  9. Queen Chrysalis - She's not one of my preferred villains and she used to creep me out.
  10. Trixie - I personally am not interested in her personality and she does border on bothersome... Yeah, my favorite G4 character of all time is best friends with one of my least favorite G4 characters haha.

Looking forward to many years of fun and friendship with our new ponies.
We'll do our part, hoof to heart.

Sprout is best pony!

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  • 5 months later...

I can only do a top 5 lol

  1. Pinkie/Maud Pie (tied)
  2. Spike
  3. Fluttershy
  4. Cozy Glow!!!
  5. Ember

(HMs: Thorax, Garble, Torch, TIMBERWOLVES, Twilight, Rarity, Starlight, the CMC)

As for a bottom list...yeahno I can't really do that cuz there isn't really a pony I hate. Except the temperamental snot-nosed brat known as Moondancer. I dunno why she had to attach so much of her damn self-worth to whether or not Twilight came to her party, but blimey way to snub your OTHER friends and throw a tantrum when Twilight tried her damndest to make it up to you. :Cozy:

  • Brohoof 1

It takes all sorts to make a world
Short and tall sorts, large and small sorts
To fill this pretty planet with love and laughter
To make it great to live in tomorrow and the day after!

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In no particular order

Top 10

  1. Maud Pie - very funny
  2. Princess Cadence - big sister vibes we love it
  3. Pinkie Pie - also funny 
  4. Applejack - love a country girl
  5. Flurry Heart - just a baby.. she's adorable
  6. Fluttershy - relatable (shy and good with animals)
  7. Zecora - i love her design
  8. Yona - sweet and funny i liek her
  9. Queen Chrysalis - yass queen steal the love from equestria!!
  10. Big Mac - i think he's neat

Bottom 10

  1. Starlight Glimmer - i want to blow her up i think she could have been better done
  2. Chancellor Neighsay - literal racist. 
  3. Angel - asshole 
  4. Mud Briar - in my heart Maud Pie is a lesbian I'm sorry he has to go
  5. Snips - annoying
  6. Snails - see above
  7. Iron Will - bad vibes
  8. Zesty Gourmand - she gives me racist vibes like you hate spices? definitely not suspicious
  9. Spoiled Rich - don't like her in universe for obvious reasons but i also don't like her for being a plot device designed to try and convince me to sympathize with Diamond Tiara. Boo tomato tomato tomato
  10. Cozy Glow - i want to say i can appreciate her as a villain but.. not really? it just feels weird
Edited by Scila Bell
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  • 2 years later...
On 2021-09-15 at 5:11 PM, CastletonSnob said:

Who are your top 10 favorite MLP characters? 10 least favorite?


1: pre reform discord

2: rarity 

3: zecora(she be spittin bars)

4: derpy hooves

5: sunset shimmer

6: post reform starlight glimmer


8: maud pie

9: pinkie pie

10: cheese sandwich 

honorable mention: post reform discord


1: diamond tiara (if you like her, consider yourself an opp)

2: silver spoon 

3: bully babs 

4: pre reform starlight glimmer

5: pip

6: Yapping Big Mac 

7: flim

8: flam

9: snips

10: snails


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