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private IC: The Frozen North (1x1 with Blitz Boom)


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@Blitz Boom



The sergeant had been direct, and overall didn't seem pleased about the things he heard. Knowing what happened in more details, and thus getting to see a glimmer more of the frankly genocidal creature they now had in their base, Considering the high level threat she were, Equestria would almost have to push beyond the border to get to her, before what she knew and had, could be used to launch more atrocities towards them. Unless they instead strengthened their defenses, and considered her to now be a menace for them to handle on their own. Either way, she were going to cause more trouble than she were worth. Especially as it seemed she had no issue causing widespread carnage, to get to her goal. Something that he were staunchly against.

The fact that she handed over prisoners too were disturbing. He would have to have them broken out and interrogated later, but frankly, unless high command told him otherwise, he were thinking that they would simply be held temporarily, but treated fairly, until such a time as to release them back to Equestrian custody. Their two countries did not like one another, and were in low brow war, but there were tentative stagnation these days. One small spark though, and it could turn into all out warfare, and he for one would not want to be remembered, as the one who worked to pour oil on that pyre.

They wanted change for Equestria, and had separated from them because the princesses refused to. And their nobles were mostly horrendous, arrogant, entitled monsters, whose titles shielded them from the criminal courts they so richly deserved to be faced with. He could attest to that personally.

Still, that did not mean that every Equestrian life were worthless, and something to simply throw away on a limb. Just as not every Trojan were. But if high command thought the same... He couldn't say. All he knew is that he reported via radio as he were meant to, and were told to have them both escorted under heavy guard. Someone higher up wanted to see them, and that was it. What happened to them, were out of his hooves, soon as the order had come.

He'd wish Operata good luck, and hopes to see him again at some point to share stories. Just the two of them. Something that Operata responded that he would look forward to. Though he weren't sure if he should expect to see him again. It depended on what happened next, and if he managed to get away from it all alive. Not that he worried he were the issue. No, it were more the company he kept.

Spectra knew that the Trojans were unlikely to think highly of her. Two ponies arriving over the border suspiciously after a massive event that happened in Equestria was something Spectra couldn't seemingly get away with lying about, up to a point. Sure the explosion was intentional - though the difference with that being was that she did not intend for it to explode at that moment or that time. It was an automatic thing that was triggered when the orbs were tampered with by foreign magic or blatant removal by another party. So it was the Equestrians fault for what she did. More specifically Veil. Magloria's escape was something Spectra had no clue about as of yet, and it were something the Equestrians would likely keep under heaviest guard as Magloria were off working with them currently.

Though, the fact that Spectra was now in Troy was something that Equestria couldn't and shouldn't know about. Spectra was thinking that she would be able to bargain with the Trojans to keep her identity here a secret. She knew that she had enough bargaining power to work with and the Equestrians thought that she were someone else anyway - based on physical appearance.  Spectra definitely remained hopeful and the prisoners that were released she would be sure to speak about with whoever she ended up in contact with. Might be a bit of a bargain to make, but they couldn't be released back to Equestria or they'd be able to figure out where Spectra was.

The whole war with Troy was something most Equestrians had forgotten about - it were something that Spectra wanted to make into an all out war but it needed to be done in a way to where the Trojans were sympathetic. If not an all out war, then perhaps something more covert to get their way. Spectra would try to figure out something with that.



"Incentive and opportunity. We'll see what comes of it."

He would barely seem to care, as she looked him in the eyes. Which he didn't much. he were in a sullen mood right now, as travelling like this, he usually spent his time playing some music for his cats, or playing with them. But now... His girls were gone. Chained up somewhere, in blocks of unholy ice, far from his warm embrace. Just like his wife were. He had no one left, and he felt that in moments like this, like a crushing weight pushing down upon him, leaving him sore and tired.

How much longer must he suffer, for the chance to see any of them again? A year? A decade? Centuries, as she would capture him too, and thaw him out whenever she deigned it time for her to poke her own head out too, for many, many moons to come? He knew not, but he questioned how long he would last like this. The golem were no friend of his, and neither were Spectra. She were but the monster who held his leash and mockingly pulled it every so often, to make him fall to his knees and grovel.

After a few hours, word would be heard that they were nearing their destination. The prisoners would be escorted out, and they would be on deck, as they approached a huge, grand warship, flying through the air. A marvel of machinery and technology, and as they got near enough to dock next to it, Operata could feel the magic negating field that permeated it. He could see why this of all places, would be where two magic users would be taken for questioning.

A bridge would be made between the two vessels, and the prisoners asked to pass over, where new guards would take over, and escort them further across the deck, then suddenly stopped. From below deck, would come a dozen guards, and the slow tapping of wood against wood. Soon after, a mare would come up, the sound coming from the staff that she carried with her, though it didn't seem like she needed it for stability. In fact, whilst age were shown on the likely high forties, lanky unicorn. She seemed as posed as granite, radiating a seemingly unbreakable will, as the sun bathed down upon her obsidian armor, and large patches of cloth, embroidered with the symbol of Troy prominently on the most visible parts. A blend offering the best protection, mobility, and air flow, that could be done properly for the desert heat.

She had not a scratch on her, not seemed like a smile often crossed her face, as she gazed upon the two *guests*, and Operata mentally gulped down a spiked ball. He knew well who this were, and her horn all but proved it. Who else but her, would be wearing five separate anti-magic rings on her horn? On a vessel that further nulled magic, and yet seemed to have unseen winds calmly flow around her, making her cape softly move about?

He would give a bow before her, but would not be allowed a word, before she spoke. Her voice firm and with authority. She were not a mare one could easily ignore. Though for some, it were more her staff that were the reason for that, as it were made by pure obsidian wood, and embedded in it in several, strategic area, were gems. Pure and looking well in the sunlight, all the way to the top, which bulged out to a half dozen spikes in a circle. All of which had a different gem embedded at the base of the spikes.

"You stand on the deck of The Bastille, Equestrians. I am told you come for war?"

Whoever this were, they were definitely taken serious. That much were plain, for them to get taken to one that had the authority to make some real decisions.

Spectra stood there silently for the course of a few hours. In her mind weighed many possibilities for what she would offer the Trojans in exchange for what she wanted. High value items were in mind, Like gems, silver, gold, all of which had little personal value to Spectra. The value that sort of stuff held to others? One could make someone do anything for the right price. Most were willing to do just about anything for this kind of material. Something that Spectra took advantage of, and often ended up stealing whatever she could for herself. What the Equestrians had gotten hold of was just her main lair. That held a lot of her stuff, sure, but she had a lot more in other places. Places specifically dedicated for this sort of material. Something that the Trojans could have for themselves and ease any worries they would have about Spectra.

Of course, there was also the matter of informational material. Spectra knew a lot about ancient spells and the hidden dark deeds of Equestria, with all kinds of proof to back it up in official documents, blueprints and the like of all the latest Equestrian developments. Something she got after making many deals with those with insider information, as well as just plain theft and escaping before she got caught.

Spectra felt the anti magic field around the place as they approached the large warship. Something that was to be expected after all. She could see that the prisoners that she released were taken elsewhere as Operata and Spectra were directed across the bridge to the new guards, and onto the deck of the large warship.

Spectra's eyes calmly observed the lanky confident mare approach. No doubt the one in charge that she were going to speak to. Seeing the anti-magic rings on her horn, and being in this environment made Spectra feel very weak. Nothing she could do could break the anti-magic field of the place. Sure, she could fight if she needed to but they were outmatched here by far. So, Spectra would have to speak to them and tell them what she needed to.

Spectra would bow, her eyes glancing at the mare's staff for a moment. "I have come to aid you in your goals against the Equestrians. I have access to Blueprints, Equestrian Technology, information on nobles, the dark deeds they do in secret, along with an array of magical materials and knowledge for you to use in your army against them. I also have all the funds you could ask for. I ask for in turn is that the Prisoners I released cannot return to Equestria, that Equestria cannot know of our arrangement - and that I would like to have Asylum here along with my employee here." Spectra would pause for a moment, letting her words sink in.

"I know that your cause has not seen much success in recent years. The Equestrians have stalled your advances. They have prevented your troops from advancing further in their goal. As of right now, your armies stand at standstill with no breakthrough without any victory in sight. I come as someone who has a chance to change this, for your goals to be met the way you see fit with me at your side letting you have access to the as of yet unseen by you." Spectra said in a calm, respectful manner as she approached the mare.

"The choice is yours."



(Spoiled Rich)

The Silvers were obviously aghast as they saw her. They had like most others, thought her dead. Their hope for her safe return, having vanished near a year ago, as there simply were no news, nor signs of life. To see her now standing here, as if not a day had passed, were a shock. Yet the shock were quickly followed by relief, and joy, as it settled in what they were witnessing.

"Oh Spoiled. It's so good to see you alive and well again."

Pitch would be the first to talk, and would go near Spoiled to try and give her a chaste hug. If she didn't seem like she wanted that, then still, it were good to be closer, and see her properly in the flesh like this.

Her husband though, seemed to focus more on the context of her words, rather than her mere presence after his shock had settled.

"Held captive? War on the horizon? Full glad am we to see you again, but you come bearing grim tides.

You have our attention, Spoiled. Do tell, what must we do?"

Were this normal, he would be less inclined to simply believe the words, but Spoiled never struck him as much of a jokester, and after being gone for so long? He could well imagine that her return, would not begin with a jest. If she spoke of ill things to come, then he would fully believe it, and hear what she had to say of it. He would lie if he said he did not cause him some level of fear and concern already though. War rarely spelled good things to come.

As for Silver Spoon and Tiara, they were whispering with one another, looking around at the adults at times. It seemed Tiara were filling her in on stuff herself.

Spoiled would be surprised by Pitch's action to give her a hug - she didn't stop Pitch from hugging her but sort of stood there awkwardly, as if at a loss for words that a rival of hers would treat her with such kindness. It made her stammer somewhat but she would accept the hug there and then.

"I-I suppose it is." Spoiled would say to Pitch in an awkward fashion. Spoiled didn't do hugs very well. In Tiara's youth she was never really into the idea of hugs all that much since she wanted to mold Tiara into a strong pony who didn't rely on such affection. Was it too harsh? Spoiled couldn't really say for sure, knowing how well Diamond had turned out in the end. 

"I was trapped in what I would describe as a crystalline orb. There were hundreds of them recently liberated, but there are likely many more. All with individuals inside from different eras, all taken against their will to be used as batteries for this mare - who unlike Tirek, has the tact to not do an all out attack until now. The Guards are attempting to find a solution for it as we speak, but knowing how they are, this won't be enough. Later today there will be a part of which I will speak about this to the public and get them aware. I am having an addition constructed onto the Rich house to serve as a Bomb Shelter. I suggest you do the same for yours - while you have the time." Spoiled's eyes were still somewhat harsh, but there was a sense of urgency that wasn't in them in the previous encounters the Silvers and Riches had. 

  • Brohoof 1


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On 2024-07-19 at 8:58 PM, Spectral Fade said:

Spectra would bow, her eyes glancing at the mare's staff for a moment. "I have come to aid you in your goals against the Equestrians. I have access to Blueprints, Equestrian Technology, information on nobles, the dark deeds they do in secret, along with an array of magical materials and knowledge for you to use in your army against them. I also have all the funds you could ask for. I ask for in turn is that the Prisoners I released cannot return to Equestria, that Equestria cannot know of our arrangement - and that I would like to have Asylum here along with my employee here." Spectra would pause for a moment, letting her words sink in.

"I know that your cause has not seen much success in recent years. The Equestrians have stalled your advances. They have prevented your troops from advancing further in their goal. As of right now, your armies stand at standstill with no breakthrough without any victory in sight. I come as someone who has a chance to change this, for your goals to be met the way you see fit with me at your side letting you have access to the as of yet unseen by you." Spectra said in a calm, respectful manner as she approached the mare.

"The choice is yours."

The mare kept her gaze on Spectra, her expression unchanging. It were an interesting proposition she were presented with here. One that made it clearer to her, why the sergeant had reached out to get orders from his superiors, regarding this trespasser. This were far above his station, and she would give him the credit that he were due, that he were aware of that, and did not make a fuss when she ordered him to deliver these two to her. Even despite his clear attachment to one of the prisoners, he did his duty as were proper. Her report would reflect this. Now to deal with these two, and their pet.

"You know nothing of Troy, if you think Equestria have stalled our advances. Troy is not looking to expand. We were formed, because your princess refused to abdicate her throne, and let the populace have a voice. For our opposition, she began to silence us, before an uprise could take place.

The first Trojans, were those who wrestled this land from her control, and we have needed to fight to keep it ever since, against a ruler who refuse to accept our sovereignty. You want to invade Equestria, and take charge of the country? Put yourself in the pile of monsters that have tried, and save yourself the time."

She did show emotions with this. Resentment, albeit slightly, at the mere mention of Equestria. She had no love for that country, and all the evils it did, whilst pretending that it were a perfect nation, devoid of troubles. Barring the monsters they refocused the citizens attention on, that were. Some of which, they had proof were orchestrated by the princess herself, to make sure that they kept seeking leadership from her, instead of questioning the point behind an eternal ruler, and the lack of accountability she possessed.

"The goal of Troy is threefold: Independence. Progress. Accountability. Equestria must publicly recognize the sovereignty of Troy, their monarchy replaced with democracy, and Celestia be held accountable for her crimes. So we have no need for invasion plans. But what you know of the nobles and the inner workings of their government, could be of use to us to dismantle it from the inside. Same goes for what you have to speak on this matter."

Her gaze would land on Operata, who bowed his head once more.

"The Noble Hunter himself. You have been expected for some time, and we have have standing orders to ensure your safe passage to the capitol upon your arrival, barring any incident. Will you comply?"

"C-Certainly, Captain Pandora. I will be on my best behavior."

Pandora. A peculiar name for a pony, but this one didn't seem like your regular fare either, and Operata acting in much the same way that he had with Lady Astra Luna, were illuminating on the fact that he knew something of her, and it concerned him greatly.

"Good. Now you, you wish for us to withhold knowledge of your presence, and keep prisoners beyond what we normally would? I will require evidence of what you can provide, besides your own prisoners. A notable sample of what you posses."

The ring second from the base of her horn, turned ever so slightly, and suddenly Spectra would find herself able to cast magic again, in a limited area around her. As if she were shielded from the anti-magic, or it were manipulated into not covering everywhere somehow. Though it could soon be reapplied, it if seemed that Spectra were up to no good. Her next actions would determine what was going to happen to her.



(Spoiled Rich)

It wasn't that they were the best and closest of friends. Celestia knew there had been plenty of times where Pitch had wanted to be first in line to strangle Spoiled, for something she had said. But it had been almost three years, and she had seen what her absence, had done to her family, and they had a few times where Pitch would consider them to be friendly, and mostly at neutral terms, at the worst. In the heat of the moment, she had reacted in a rather friendly manner, which might be unbecoming, but she were just so relived. It had been hard at times, to see poor Tiara try keep going, when she knew that the filly were hurting beneath the tough act she put up. Filthy were hurting too, but he hid it better. Not enough though, that you couldn't see the change in his behavior. One even more apparent now, considering he looked ten years younger than the last time they had seen him, a few days past. It really brightened him up, to have Spoiled back again.

The mood soured somewhat, as she went on with what had happened to her, and the urgency of what might come. something that might approach sooner, rather than later.

The Silvers looked at one another, silently contemplating what to do here, before they one after another, calmly nodded, and Laurel took the word for the moment.

"Normally I would say it best to look around, and take your time, but I can hear from your tone that urgency is advised. I will make contact to a builder we've been using for several years, and have him send a team to get to work on a shelter as soon as able. I can imagine the mayor would work on doing something similar, with the town's shelters, to make sure they're ready, in case of emergency.

Quite a damper it will put on the party, but a necessary one, yes. It is better to be prepared, in case something comes crashing down upon us."

"We hoped that you would see it our way. We are having ours come over later today to get things moving ourselves, but you will probably find that you can't live in the noise of all that construction either. So, Spoiled had a suggestion on what to do while construction were happening.

Would you mind telling them of your suggestion, dear?"

It were Spoiled's idea, so it seemed only fitting that she would be the one to say it to the Silvers. They would agree, so it wasn't gonna be hard getting them on board. Wasn't like they had better ideas, and a break from things, might well do wonders honestly.

  • Excited 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


The mare kept her gaze on Spectra, her expression unchanging. It were an interesting proposition she were presented with here. One that made it clearer to her, why the sergeant had reached out to get orders from his superiors, regarding this trespasser. This were far above his station, and she would give him the credit that he were due, that he were aware of that, and did not make a fuss when she ordered him to deliver these two to her. Even despite his clear attachment to one of the prisoners, he did his duty as were proper. Her report would reflect this. Now to deal with these two, and their pet.

"You know nothing of Troy, if you think Equestria have stalled our advances. Troy is not looking to expand. We were formed, because your princess refused to abdicate her throne, and let the populace have a voice. For our opposition, she began to silence us, before an uprise could take place.

The first Trojans, were those who wrestled this land from her control, and we have needed to fight to keep it ever since, against a ruler who refuse to accept our sovereignty. You want to invade Equestria, and take charge of the country? Put yourself in the pile of monsters that have tried, and save yourself the time."


This would make Spectra crack a slight smirk at this as she looked at the mare right in the eye. "As much as I love imagining myself in charge - I realize that is an impossible task to seek. I have realized a new one is much more realistic, and sympathetic. Knocking the Equestrians down a peg and seeing to it that their Monarchy is toppled. Your nation was founded on liberty, yes? Shouldn't ones that have liberty in their hearts seek to liberate the oppressed? The Equestrians have lied to their citizenry, shouldn't they also deserve to know the truth and make their own choices for themselves? I imagine that once they know the truth about their leaders, some would be inclined to join you." Spectra said, her eyes earnest with passion.

Spectra wasn't lying here. Sure, she wanted to rule - but the responsibility and having to constantly deal with threats? Not her ballgame. Let someone else go through the hassle of it while she still gets what she wants. Vengeance upon those who refused to help her, plus it was just plain fun to imagine the Alicorn lovers see the truth revealed.



"The goal of Troy is threefold: Independence. Progress. Accountability. Equestria must publicly recognize the sovereignty of Troy, their monarchy replaced with democracy, and Celestia be held accountable for her crimes. So we have no need for invasion plans. But what you know of the nobles and the inner workings of their government, could be of use to us to dismantle it from the inside. Same goes for what you have to speak on this matter."

Her gaze would land on Operata, who bowed his head once more.

"The Noble Hunter himself. You have been expected for some time, and we have have standing orders to ensure your safe passage to the capitol upon your arrival, barring any incident. Will you comply?"

"C-Certainly, Captain Pandora. I will be on my best behavior."

Pandora. A peculiar name for a pony, but this one didn't seem like your regular fare either, and Operata acting in much the same way that he had with Lady Astra Luna, were illuminating on the fact that he knew something of her, and it concerned him greatly.

"Good. Now you, you wish for us to withhold knowledge of your presence, and keep prisoners beyond what we normally would? I will require evidence of what you can provide, besides your own prisoners. A notable sample of what you posses."

The ring second from the base of her horn, turned ever so slightly, and suddenly Spectra would find herself able to cast magic again, in a limited area around her. As if she were shielded from the anti-magic, or it were manipulated into not covering everywhere somehow. Though it could soon be reapplied, it if seemed that Spectra were up to no good. Her next actions would determine what was going to happen to her.

"I will give you all of what I have. I have gathered my materials over a very long time frame. I will not tell you how I got them, nor will I tell you what methods I used to employ them. Ends justify the means. The Equestrians themselves are still of the belief that all of this remains hidden - of which they do not realize the original documents have been replaced with equal copies. You will be able to verify this evidence for yourselves and find it all to be true."  Spectra nodded towards Pandora.

It was interesting that Operata had a history with Pandora. Either way it would be useful to her that they were on good terms - from what she knew. Something was definitely up too about Pandora, but for now she would focus on revealing what was needed.

Spectra's horn would pulse red as she glowed red for a few moments and then a few minutes would pass as objects slowly started appearing. Due to the distance, they'd come in slowly and not all at once. Documents of all sorts, folders, bins, and even many blueprints of hidden Equestrian technologies started appearing all around Spectra in sudden fashion. Spell books containing magics the Equestrian Public shouldn't know about, as well as various tales of hidden massacres the Alicorns led in the past all aorund her. Spectra was almost up to her knees with all kinds of revealing papers. Within them were also ones with plenty of fraud, tax crimes, and other illegal measures the Equestrian courts had kept hidden to serve the interests of the elite.

Most of all was a few secret maps showing Equestrian vaults, locations, Guard installations and the like. All of it was real and factual - it had taken her a lot of years to capture all of this information and now it was the Trojans. Spectra had also stolen a lot of banking information about the nobles and the government, and with it one could likely find their way into the Equestrian banks.

"Withold my presence from the Equestrians, keep those Guards prisoner here indefinitely, and allow me to enjoy the protection of your Elite Guard within the Capital of Troy for the rest of my days as I see fit, as long as I wish to stay here. I would like to be involved with the process of undoing Equestria from behind the walls of Protection. I realize that I am a less than savory individual, but surely you think what I bring to your table is more valuable. What happened with the Green Mountain range was not my fault. It was the Equestrian Guard, for tampering in something they did not understand."




(Spoiled Rich)

It wasn't that they were the best and closest of friends. Celestia knew there had been plenty of times where Pitch had wanted to be first in line to strangle Spoiled, for something she had said. But it had been almost three years, and she had seen what her absence, had done to her family, and they had a few times where Pitch would consider them to be friendly, and mostly at neutral terms, at the worst. In the heat of the moment, she had reacted in a rather friendly manner, which might be unbecoming, but she were just so relived. It had been hard at times, to see poor Tiara try keep going, when she knew that the filly were hurting beneath the tough act she put up. Filthy were hurting too, but he hid it better. Not enough though, that you couldn't see the change in his behavior. One even more apparent now, considering he looked ten years younger than the last time they had seen him, a few days past. It really brightened him up, to have Spoiled back again.

The mood soured somewhat, as she went on with what had happened to her, and the urgency of what might come. something that might approach sooner, rather than later.

The Silvers looked at one another, silently contemplating what to do here, before they one after another, calmly nodded, and Laurel took the word for the moment.

"Normally I would say it best to look around, and take your time, but I can hear from your tone that urgency is advised. I will make contact to a builder we've been using for several years, and have him send a team to get to work on a shelter as soon as able. I can imagine the mayor would work on doing something similar, with the town's shelters, to make sure they're ready, in case of emergency.

Quite a damper it will put on the party, but a necessary one, yes. It is better to be prepared, in case something comes crashing down upon us."

"We hoped that you would see it our way. We are having ours come over later today to get things moving ourselves, but you will probably find that you can't live in the noise of all that construction either. So, Spoiled had a suggestion on what to do while construction were happening.

Would you mind telling them of your suggestion, dear?"

It were Spoiled's idea, so it seemed only fitting that she would be the one to say it to the Silvers. They would agree, so it wasn't gonna be hard getting them on board. Wasn't like they had better ideas, and a break from things, might well do wonders honestly.

Spoiled nodded to Silver Laurel in agreement. "At the Party it would be best for us to propose this to everyone directly. You can contact your builder and do what needs to be done on your terms. Given the risk of an event happening here I want this town prepared. You all remember what happened with Tirek, Discord, and the other personalities that wandered in and turned this quaint little town upside down. It feels like this town attracts all kinds of strange and morbid personalities and this will likely be no different. I have no idea when something can happen. I did not know Spectral Fade personally, and only know of her name from what the Guards told me upon my release. They are currently investigating this but knowing them they aren't going to tell us anything." Spoiled narrowed her eyes slightly.

For a moment she would consider her suggestion. A joint vacation. Spoiled and Tiara, as well as the family would regularly vacation at least once a year in the Fillypine Archipelago. That was when Tiara was younger and the Summers spent there had been some of the best in Tiara's younger years. Though in those days she would pout about Silver Spoon not being able to come with her. This would change.

Spoiled would seem to awkwardly look to the Silvers, as if the idea of suggesting to them was poisonous but she swallowed her pride. "I...had an idea...that we take a joint vacation to the Fillypines. Like Filthy, Tiara and I did years ago. That way this allows the Construction to happen, for Ponyville to Adjust, and for us to take a break all at the same time. Incase the worst were to happen in Ponyville when we are gone., we won't be present in Ponyville." Spoiled spoke slowly, it was rather awkward for her.

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On 2024-07-25 at 6:23 PM, Spectral Fade said:

This would make Spectra crack a slight smirk at this as she looked at the mare right in the eye. "As much as I love imagining myself in charge - I realize that is an impossible task to seek. I have realized a new one is much more realistic, and sympathetic. Knocking the Equestrians down a peg and seeing to it that their Monarchy is toppled. Your nation was founded on liberty, yes? Shouldn't ones that have liberty in their hearts seek to liberate the oppressed? The Equestrians have lied to their citizenry, shouldn't they also deserve to know the truth and make their own choices for themselves? I imagine that once they know the truth about their leaders, some would be inclined to join you." Spectra said, her eyes earnest with passion.

Pandora would not answer, her gaze set firmly upon mare. Her next words were meant to explain further, and without the context, she might continue to ask this, and miss the point that she were to make, on behalf of Troy. It were wiser to speak her mind fully first, and then address what she said, though she would admit, that she were not against this. Pandora's beliefs were that of Troy, but her want for the leadership to change, and Celestia to be held to account for her deeds, did make a small part of her, want to simply march in there, and handle such manners, in the ways that Spectra clearly believed were the way.

Yet she knew enough, to understand the folly of such ways, and how hair thin the line were between liberators and tyrants. If they marched in, full might on Equestria, and toppled their regime, they would become everything that Celestia lied to them about. A collection of rebels, wanting to destroy their way of life, and ruin the harmonious life that they had created over a thousand years. They'd be seen as nothing but invaders, and every word they had of the princesses, dismissed as lies, while Celestia would rise even further in their eyes.

No. If they wanted to change that, the populace themselves had to want the regime to change. And for that, they needed to expose all the rotten inner workings of Equestria's monarchy, in a way that could not be ignored, repressed, or explained away. Though if the princess would start to try and invade them, to silence their attempts, she would leave them with no options but to retaliate. They would not be silenced, and they would not bow their necks. Never again.

On 2024-07-25 at 6:23 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"Withold my presence from the Equestrians, keep those Guards prisoner here indefinitely, and allow me to enjoy the protection of your Elite Guard within the Capital of Troy for the rest of my days as I see fit, as long as I wish to stay here. I would like to be involved with the process of undoing Equestria from behind the walls of Protection. I realize that I am a less than savory individual, but surely you think what I bring to your table is more valuable. What happened with the Green Mountain range was not my fault. It was the Equestrian Guard, for tampering in something they did not understand."

As the various documents arrived, Pandora would signal for some of the guards to go and pick it up, lest it got blown over the side of The Bastille. They would make use of rug sacks, their legs, claws, and whatever else they could to grab things and carefully getting it towards the pathway downstairs. And when all were said and done, she would look over at the pile, and signal for them to take it all down to the vault. A task simpler if they could use magic, but this ship were wholly nullified, and that included for all aboard, barring their captain seemingly.

"I will have this examined and fact checked. In the meantime, you will be given the same accommodations and expectations as the Noble Hunter. Cooperate, or face the consequences."

The ring on her horn that had turned before, would do so again, and now the small hole in the anti-magic field, were closed yet again, putting Spectra under its grasp once more.

"Come on captain. Just one shove, and it'd all be over..."

Yuma had been silent for quite some time, but it seemed that some of her mutterings made it through now. Another wish for them to die by the sounds of things, which as she saw no other way out, would be a preferable fate to the one she had right now. But the captain could not hear her. Only Spectra could, and it sadly appeared as if the tall mare had no interest in fulfilling this unheard wish regardless. Long as Spectra would follow instructions, she would be okay. At least currently.

"As for the finer details of your demands, I cannot finalize them, but if your work proves to be genuine, the general is likely to accept most of them. What I can offer is currently to have the prisoners held, and offer safe transport to our capitol. Demands to your extend, will need approval of the Consul and his advisors, and the general are the one to speak your case there."

"What then for now, Captain Pandora?"

"For now, you are my guests on the ship, and I would like to hear stories. Follow me."

She would lead them beyond the papers, and down into the hull, leading to the very first door right ahead, as the path diverted to the sides and further below. This one had her cutie mark carved into the wooden door, as well as several other symbols around the frame. Some of which Spectra might recognize as protective runes. The sort you put on curse boxes, to keep things from escaping.

The room itself were modest. Split in two, with a door leading to the next room, which had more of these symbols carved into them. But this front room had a decent setup. Some chairs, a table, a desk with all the official things needed for her job present. And as they entered, she would take her staff, and hung it next to the table, on what seemed to be a hat rack, attached to the wall.

"I will return shortly."

With that, she left the room, and gave them time to simply be in here, by themselves, with an unlocked door. Something which seemed to make Operata more nervous than before.

"This have to be a test. We best not touch anything, lest she finds out, and punishes us in some fashion.

I swear, of all the ponies in Troy, why did it need to be her? *sigh* I know why, and yet the dread will not leave me be."



(Spoiled Rich)

The Silver's certainly looked surprised at one another, but they were not against the idea. It were just that they had never thought that Spoiled of all ponies, would be the one to suggest it.

"I think that would be a great idea. What say you?"

"I agree. A surprising suggestion, but one I am not against, and I'm sure Silver would enjoy spending some free time at a retreat somewhere, with Tiara."

The fillies were indeed enthusiastic about the idea. All that remained were the finer details, and they had a bit of time before the party to discuss that. Mainly where to go when it were time to do so, but they should be able to hammer that down, before eventually, the evening would come, and with that, the party were imminent.

The Silver's would have left before that, giving the Rich's some time to calm down and prepare, but eventually, the sound of the town alive and full of celebration sounds and fireworks, would become hard to ignore. As were the amount of ponies that were gathering near the estate, mumbling between one another, and trying to get a glimpse in through the windows. It seemed like Pinkie had gone around telling stories all day, to hype folks up for this. As hyped as they could be that were, considering who it were.

Sure they were happy that they weren't to attend a funeral, and they'd be nice and cheer for her return, but... It were still Spoiled, and it wasn't the best view that a lot had of her. So it were a bit dampened, compared to what might have been. But still, they'd do their best to offer nice words and look happy about this, and the festive atmosphere would inevitably help them to cheer up naturally. Pinkie's parties had a tendency to do so. All they needed, were the main event of the party now, that being Spoiled herself.

Inside, Filthy would look out, let out a sigh and correct his tie once again, whilst Tiara used her hoof to correct a singular, stray hair that were slightly out of place. She were not going to look out of order, or uncultured to this event. Even if a single hair were not something that anypony were actually gonna bite notice in. Especially seeing who were going to get the focus.

"It seems to be about time. Are you ready for your grand entrance, dear?"

He had suggested to her, to not go and do her speech right away, but wait until they were at the main square, where Mayor Mare would undoubtedly be to welcome Spoiled back in a more official manner. If she agreed with that were another matter entirely, but regardless, it seemed to be about time to get ready for things, with Randolph on standby, in case he were required to come along to carry things. If not, he would usually be required to keep an eye on the young miss, unless told otherwise.

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


Pandora would not answer, her gaze set firmly upon mare. Her next words were meant to explain further, and without the context, she might continue to ask this, and miss the point that she were to make, on behalf of Troy. It were wiser to speak her mind fully first, and then address what she said, though she would admit, that she were not against this. Pandora's beliefs were that of Troy, but her want for the leadership to change, and Celestia to be held to account for her deeds, did make a small part of her, want to simply march in there, and handle such manners, in the ways that Spectra clearly believed were the way.

Yet she knew enough, to understand the folly of such ways, and how hair thin the line were between liberators and tyrants. If they marched in, full might on Equestria, and toppled their regime, they would become everything that Celestia lied to them about. A collection of rebels, wanting to destroy their way of life, and ruin the harmonious life that they had created over a thousand years. They'd be seen as nothing but invaders, and every word they had of the princesses, dismissed as lies, while Celestia would rise even further in their eyes.

No. If they wanted to change that, the populace themselves had to want the regime to change. And for that, they needed to expose all the rotten inner workings of Equestria's monarchy, in a way that could not be ignored, repressed, or explained away. Though if the princess would start to try and invade them, to silence their attempts, she would leave them with no options but to retaliate. They would not be silenced, and they would not bow their necks. Never again.

Spectra would think to herself that it would be best for the populace themselves to be exposed to this information and rebel first and then with Trojan help, the Monarchy could be toppled. That way, the Trojans would not look like invaders. The specifics of which did not matter all that much to her just as long as the Equestrian Monarchs would fall under Trojan hooves one way or another. If it were up to her, the Monarchs would be executed. Perhaps if things go to that path, Spectra could devise a plan to gain Celestia and Luna's magic or at least a part of it to say that she achieved her goal here. 

One step at a time though. Spectra herself didn't care about Democracy, but if it was a tool to get what she wanted she would gladly follow through with supporting it. Besides, the Monarchs had been in charge all her life. From the Emperors of Arcadia, King Neptune and Triton, then the Monarchs of Equestria ruling for thousands of years - it was time for a new change. The Trojans had something to their point of view that Spectra honestly respected. Though it was idealistic, it was much better than elitist secrets and Alicorn rulers forever.



As the various documents arrived, Pandora would signal for some of the guards to go and pick it up, lest it got blown over the side of The Bastille. They would make use of rug sacks, their legs, claws, and whatever else they could to grab things and carefully getting it towards the pathway downstairs. And when all were said and done, she would look over at the pile, and signal for them to take it all down to the vault. A task simpler if they could use magic, but this ship were wholly nullified, and that included for all aboard, barring their captain seemingly.

"I will have this examined and fact checked. In the meantime, you will be given the same accommodations and expectations as the Noble Hunter. Cooperate, or face the consequences."

The ring on her horn that had turned before, would do so again, and now the small hole in the anti-magic field, were closed yet again, putting Spectra under its grasp once more.

"Come on captain. Just one shove, and it'd all be over..."

Yuma had been silent for quite some time, but it seemed that some of her mutterings made it through now. Another wish for them to die by the sounds of things, which as she saw no other way out, would be a preferable fate to the one she had right now. But the captain could not hear her. Only Spectra could, and it sadly appeared as if the tall mare had no interest in fulfilling this unheard wish regardless. Long as Spectra would follow instructions, she would be okay. At least currently.

"As for the finer details of your demands, I cannot finalize them, but if your work proves to be genuine, the general is likely to accept most of them. What I can offer is currently to have the prisoners held, and offer safe transport to our capitol. Demands to your extend, will need approval of the Consul and his advisors, and the general are the one to speak your case there."

"What then for now, Captain Pandora?"

"For now, you are my guests on the ship, and I would like to hear stories. Follow me."

She would lead them beyond the papers, and down into the hull, leading to the very first door right ahead, as the path diverted to the sides and further below. This one had her cutie mark carved into the wooden door, as well as several other symbols around the frame. Some of which Spectra might recognize as protective runes. The sort you put on curse boxes, to keep things from escaping.

The room itself were modest. Split in two, with a door leading to the next room, which had more of these symbols carved into them. But this front room had a decent setup. Some chairs, a table, a desk with all the official things needed for her job present. And as they entered, she would take her staff, and hung it next to the table, on what seemed to be a hat rack, attached to the wall.

"I will return shortly."

With that, she left the room, and gave them time to simply be in here, by themselves, with an unlocked door. Something which seemed to make Operata more nervous than before.

"This have to be a test. We best not touch anything, lest she finds out, and punishes us in some fashion.

I swear, of all the ponies in Troy, why did it need to be her? *sigh* I know why, and yet the dread will not leave me be."

Spectra would observe as the guards would retrieve her items that she had given them. It was quite a large amount of material for them to go through but whenever they'd get the chance to inspect it - it would indeed be genuine material. Some of it was more older material the Equestrians had hidden, but a lot of it was newer and recent hidden dark deeds and scandals the Equestrians wished to keep hidden. If this sort of stuff got out to the public it would definitely cause an uproar in the populace, one would think.

"Very well then. You will likely find those materials very interesting once you get your eyes on them." Spectra commented as she began following Pandora. In Spectra's mind she heard Yuma shouting, "If I die, you die, and you don't get to see the hidden secrets your precious Alicorns have been hidden. If I read through that material for myself you'd change your mind about it. We don't have time for that though. Now shut up and relax." Spectra hissed to Yuma in her mind mentally - but finding that comment from Yuma to not be entirely unexpected from her. Something Spectra was willing to shove aside and ignore for the time being here.

Spectra would follow into the room they were directed into. From the looks of it, it were some sort of interrogation room. At this point Spectra had no problem just spilling the beans and telling the truth. For the Trojans to know the truth, while the Equestrians may know part of it - they would not know all of it. The truth would be a powerful weapon to have on the Trojans side. Spectra would turn towards Operata, and look across the room and see Pandora's staff hanging on the rack.

"I'm not touching anything here. It is obviously some kind of test - what I am going to do, is expose most things to the Trojans. With what they have offered me, I can offer them more in the truth of what I really am, and once they know that, they won't want me to depart from their side. I don't have to lie to them, as I have never stolen any Trojan lives in the past. The Equestrians are the Enemy, so I see it fit to give the Trojans everything they could ever need to win this war." Spectra huffed and narrowed her eyes at Operata, "You know her from somewhere, don't you? It's rather obvious. Tell me about it." Spectra ordered. 

(Spoiled Rich)



(Spoiled Rich)

The Silver's certainly looked surprised at one another, but they were not against the idea. It were just that they had never thought that Spoiled of all ponies, would be the one to suggest it.

"I think that would be a great idea. What say you?"

"I agree. A surprising suggestion, but one I am not against, and I'm sure Silver would enjoy spending some free time at a retreat somewhere, with Tiara."

The fillies were indeed enthusiastic about the idea. All that remained were the finer details, and they had a bit of time before the party to discuss that. Mainly where to go when it were time to do so, but they should be able to hammer that down, before eventually, the evening would come, and with that, the party were imminent.

The Silver's would have left before that, giving the Rich's some time to calm down and prepare, but eventually, the sound of the town alive and full of celebration sounds and fireworks, would become hard to ignore. As were the amount of ponies that were gathering near the estate, mumbling between one another, and trying to get a glimpse in through the windows. It seemed like Pinkie had gone around telling stories all day, to hype folks up for this. As hyped as they could be that were, considering who it were.

Sure they were happy that they weren't to attend a funeral, and they'd be nice and cheer for her return, but... It were still Spoiled, and it wasn't the best view that a lot had of her. So it were a bit dampened, compared to what might have been. But still, they'd do their best to offer nice words and look happy about this, and the festive atmosphere would inevitably help them to cheer up naturally. Pinkie's parties had a tendency to do so. All they needed, were the main event of the party now, that being Spoiled herself.

Inside, Filthy would look out, let out a sigh and correct his tie once again, whilst Tiara used her hoof to correct a singular, stray hair that were slightly out of place. She were not going to look out of order, or uncultured to this event. Even if a single hair were not something that anypony were actually gonna bite notice in. Especially seeing who were going to get the focus.

"It seems to be about time. Are you ready for your grand entrance, dear?"

He had suggested to her, to not go and do her speech right away, but wait until they were at the main square, where Mayor Mare would undoubtedly be to welcome Spoiled back in a more official manner. If she agreed with that were another matter entirely, but regardless, it seemed to be about time to get ready for things, with Randolph on standby, in case he were required to come along to carry things. If not, he would usually be required to keep an eye on the young miss, unless told otherwise.

The finer details were something Spoiled would eventually handle sometime later on. At least right now the Silvers had agreed to her plans and Spoiled was satisfied with their response. In Spoiled's mind they'd find somewhere better to go than the areas that the Riches had vacationed in before. Usually they'd vacation at the same spot every year but since its been a few years and this is extraordinary circumstances - Spoiled will eventually think of a new location for them to go to. That'll come later.

Now that the Silvers had left and the large amount of ponies were gathering, the disgust on Spoiled's face grew. As much as she did large gatherings and stuff, she lost the taste for it over the years. But this time it would be something that she'd have to push aside because Spoiled had a job to do here. Spoiled had already prepared herself to look all perfect for this event, so all they had to do is follow through to the main square of town.

Spoiled would maintain her silence as she would follow along with Filthy and Tiara, marching along with unspoken confidence without as much of a glance towards the other ponies who were likely gathering around her.

  • Party! 1


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On 2024-08-02 at 7:54 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"Very well then. You will likely find those materials very interesting once you get your eyes on them." Spectra commented as she began following Pandora. In Spectra's mind she heard Yuma shouting, "If I die, you die, and you don't get to see the hidden secrets your precious Alicorns have been hidden. If I read through that material for myself you'd change your mind about it. We don't have time for that though. Now shut up and relax." Spectra hissed to Yuma in her mind mentally - but finding that comment from Yuma to not be entirely unexpected from her. Something Spectra was willing to shove aside and ignore for the time being here.

"I don't care about your precious little secrets! You either killed me, or did something close enough to it, to where it doesn't matter anyway. This is worse than anything I could get in the afterlife, and I don't want to be part of your theater and lies. I want to die, and drag you down into Tartarus on the way, where creatures like you belong! And I'm not going to stop hoping that someday, someone will grant me my wish, and gut you like a fish."

Yuma were angry, but her words were just that: Words. She had no power in this. She were little more than a disembodied voice in this mess. Spectra had the body, the magic, the control- There were nothing else that Yuma could do realistically, than annoy her, and hope that maybe it would someday cause her to do something dumb, that would make someone else punish her. A weak hope, but what else had she to work with here?

"Such a waste."

"What the- Who's there? Can you hear me?"

The quiet voice had been brief, and answered no more. Just a small chuckle, as it faded into nothing. Definitely something weird going on here, and Pandora noticed too, it appeared. She were looking around her, and up into the air, as if she were looking for something, yet found naught. And after a short while, she would simply continue on.

On 2024-08-02 at 7:54 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"I'm not touching anything here. It is obviously some kind of test - what I am going to do, is expose most things to the Trojans. With what they have offered me, I can offer them more in the truth of what I really am, and once they know that, they won't want me to depart from their side. I don't have to lie to them, as I have never stolen any Trojan lives in the past. The Equestrians are the Enemy, so I see it fit to give the Trojans everything they could ever need to win this war." Spectra huffed and narrowed her eyes at Operata, "You know her from somewhere, don't you? It's rather obvious. Tell me about it." Spectra ordered. 

Operata would sigh. For one who had lived as long as her, and knew so many secrets, it were staggering how often he had to explain things, that he would think she should know. Or perhaps she did, and were merely meddling with his head again, for her own amusement. Make the little birdie sing, lest his cage be shaken.

"I have never met her, and she have never laid eyes upon me either. We know each other via association.

You heard the title I am given. One marking me as a pariah in Equestria, but for Troy, who has the goal of toppling the monarchy, and dislike the nobles in general, I am somewhat of a minor celebrity. Those like Pandora, who have personal grudges, bite notice in such things even more.

Who she is, depends on who you ask. Trojans says she is a disgraced Equestrian, who fled to Troy and took up their cause, because they wouldn't hurt her, like Equestria did.

Equestria on the other hoof, proclaims her as a Trojan experiment gone wrong, brainwashed into doing their bidding, and put on a tight leash to keep her in check.

As for reality... I know her story because of somewhat family related connections. My wife's grandmother, had to go and deal with a village that had been obliterated from the face of Equestria. Hamletville. Former population of around two hundred, then suddenly a ghost town, seething with angry and confused spirits.

As she told it, during the work her grandmother and others she brought along did, to cleanse the former town of ghosts, it became clear that what had happened, had centered around the hospital. A specific room, where a filly had just been born. And with her first scream, the town and surrounding area, had been utterly obliterated, through various magical blasts. Someone that they think were one of Celestia's rumored *problem solving* squads had then eventually come and locked up the filly in anti-magical chains, put her in a curse box, and transported her elsewhere. An effort that killed a further five of them, but they seemingly refused to say anything, even in death.

My guess is that she eventually either escaped, or they tried to use her against Troy, and it failed spectacularly. Either way, she suddenly became noted in the publics eye in Equestria, as the captain of The Bastille. The flying prison of Troy.

Regardless of circumstances, the facts remains the same: Pandora is a wild mage. A massively powerful one at that, and all these chains on her? This ship? The rings? They are there as much to protect her, as they are to protect everyone else. My guess is that if the rings on her horn fell off, the field on this ship would help her contain things well enough, to keep others away from this ship safe, until it could be rectified.

She is a raging tempest of raw magic. Do not underestimate her, nor try your tricks on her. She is sheer discipline, in control of untold magic. And to top it off, she is also the wife of Consul Clockwork. The de facto, democratically elected leader of Troy. You try anything, either she kills you, or you will suddenly become the one thing that Troy and Equestria can agree on dealing with, in a combined effort."



(Spoiled Rich)

The door opened, and they would go out to be met with cheers of varying degrees of strength. The energy would begin to pick up, as Pinkie Pie rolled past on a large wheel of cheese, just outside the gates, that she'd turn and have roll towards the main square, all whilst playing the trumpet. The Element of Laughter didn't have time to just sit still and wait for things to happen. She were getting the action going! She'd be around to say something in time herself. Right now, there were a cheese wheel to get cut and spread out for the snack tables. After she got it rolled to the party zone! Wheeee!

There certainly were a party atmosphere though, all the way from here, and down to main town. Ponies like the Cake's were all too happy to welcome Spoiled back, and say how good it were to see that she were okay. Some others like the blacksmith Coarse Shoes, kept his distance, but would partake in clapping, and nodding. He were a reserved type though, so this were not too unusual. Nor were it that the cook from Sloppy Joe's - Chop Chop - didn't say much.

He were much closer, and as imposing looking as ever, due to all the scars he had from the shark bites he endured during a horrible mistake he had made, whilst part of the Coastal Guard. Sure they healed, but they left the rather serious looking stallion as rather intimidating looking for a lot. Except for those who knew him well, and of course, his marefriend Long Stare. A quiet, polite mare, that mostly kept for herself, when not working at the same cafe. Unnerving in her own rights though, as she didn't make a sound when she were walking around, making it not too unusual, for her to spook somepony, when she suddenly spoke to them.

The two made for an odd couple, but they seemed to get along well, but weren't so bombastic as some others were. Stare would speak in a low tone, saying she were glad to see that Spoiled were okay, and that her family looked the happiest she had seen them in years. Chop just nodded once. He didn't much care for Spoiled, nor talking unless he had to, and he assumed she cared as little for him, as he did for her.

When they eventually got through everything, and got to the main square, where everything were being set up nicely by Pinkie, who had seemingly rolled out her big party box, judging by all the things here, Mayor Mare would greet her openly, dressed in her best attire.

"Spoiled Rich, in the flesh. I could hardly believe it, when Pinkie said that she had seen you, and yet here you now stand. And full glad I am for that. On behalf of Ponyville, I welcome you home.

is there something you would like to say perhaps, before we commence your welcome party? The stage is all yours, if you so wish."

The mayor had no idea what were potentially coming. Neither would a few, who hadn't shown for this, until later. Notably Twilight, who ideally should have been here too. But she were busy far from Ponyville right now, so the governing of Ponyville, and thus these sorts of things too, were on mayor Mare again. She were far more taught about that anyway, and Twilight usually let her handle ceremonial and governing things, only overruling or being part of things ever so rarely.

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom




"I don't care about your precious little secrets! You either killed me, or did something close enough to it, to where it doesn't matter anyway. This is worse than anything I could get in the afterlife, and I don't want to be part of your theater and lies. I want to die, and drag you down into Tartarus on the way, where creatures like you belong! And I'm not going to stop hoping that someday, someone will grant me my wish, and gut you like a fish."

Yuma were angry, but her words were just that: Words. She had no power in this. She were little more than a disembodied voice in this mess. Spectra had the body, the magic, the control- There were nothing else that Yuma could do realistically, than annoy her, and hope that maybe it would someday cause her to do something dumb, that would make someone else punish her. A weak hope, but what else had she to work with here?

"Such a waste."

"What the- Who's there? Can you hear me?"

The quiet voice had been brief, and answered no more. Just a small chuckle, as it faded into nothing. Definitely something weird going on here, and Pandora noticed too, it appeared. She were looking around her, and up into the air, as if she were looking for something, yet found naught. And after a short while, she would simply continue on.

Spectra had gritted her teeth somewhat as Yuma shouted at her - though she didn't want Pandora to have any indication that Spectra were feeling a mental conflict at the moment with Yuma. The strange voice had been something that surprised Spectra. Had it been something to deal with the ship? Was it some other force playing at her mind here? Was it Malevolence? Whatever it was, Spectra had little to no clue what it was. 

"Too bad. You are apart of this whether you like it or not. Nothing can stop or change that now." Spectra simply stated to Yuma in her mind. The shouting were starting to get on Spectra's nerves though, to say the least. 



Operata would sigh. For one who had lived as long as her, and knew so many secrets, it were staggering how often he had to explain things, that he would think she should know. Or perhaps she did, and were merely meddling with his head again, for her own amusement. Make the little birdie sing, lest his cage be shaken.

"I have never met her, and she have never laid eyes upon me either. We know each other via association.

You heard the title I am given. One marking me as a pariah in Equestria, but for Troy, who has the goal of toppling the monarchy, and dislike the nobles in general, I am somewhat of a minor celebrity. Those like Pandora, who have personal grudges, bite notice in such things even more.

Who she is, depends on who you ask. Trojans says she is a disgraced Equestrian, who fled to Troy and took up their cause, because they wouldn't hurt her, like Equestria did.

Equestria on the other hoof, proclaims her as a Trojan experiment gone wrong, brainwashed into doing their bidding, and put on a tight leash to keep her in check.

As for reality... I know her story because of somewhat family related connections. My wife's grandmother, had to go and deal with a village that had been obliterated from the face of Equestria. Hamletville. Former population of around two hundred, then suddenly a ghost town, seething with angry and confused spirits.

As she told it, during the work her grandmother and others she brought along did, to cleanse the former town of ghosts, it became clear that what had happened, had centered around the hospital. A specific room, where a filly had just been born. And with her first scream, the town and surrounding area, had been utterly obliterated, through various magical blasts. Someone that they think were one of Celestia's rumored *problem solving* squads had then eventually come and locked up the filly in anti-magical chains, put her in a curse box, and transported her elsewhere. An effort that killed a further five of them, but they seemingly refused to say anything, even in death.

My guess is that she eventually either escaped, or they tried to use her against Troy, and it failed spectacularly. Either way, she suddenly became noted in the publics eye in Equestria, as the captain of The Bastille. The flying prison of Troy.

Regardless of circumstances, the facts remains the same: Pandora is a wild mage. A massively powerful one at that, and all these chains on her? This ship? The rings? They are there as much to protect her, as they are to protect everyone else. My guess is that if the rings on her horn fell off, the field on this ship would help her contain things well enough, to keep others away from this ship safe, until it could be rectified.

She is a raging tempest of raw magic. Do not underestimate her, nor try your tricks on her. She is sheer discipline, in control of untold magic. And to top it off, she is also the wife of Consul Clockwork. The de facto, democratically elected leader of Troy. You try anything, either she kills you, or you will suddenly become the one thing that Troy and Equestria can agree on dealing with, in a combined effort."

Whatever the case were, it were clear that Spectra had a lot of questions to ask. It were perhaps possible that she asked so much because she'd often be in her own stasis for many years at a time before she'd come out and strike at the next victims. Though that was unknown by Operata, at least as of this moment. Didn't change the fact that he were but a pawn to her.

Spectra listened to what Operata spoke. "It is entirely believable that the Equestrians would use someone like that against the Trojans, and that they probably tormented her in doing what they did to her. Another example of the barbarous Equestrians and what they do for their Alicorn gods. We'll be working with Pandora to achieve our goals here. I am not trying anything here - this is clearly some form of test. I won't let it all go to ruin." Spectra would narrow her eyes. It was interesting that Spectra had spoken of Operata in terms of them as a pairing. As if Operata agreed to anything Spectra had wanted to do or said.

And so with that said, Spectra would just sit here and wait for Pandora to return. Spectra hadn't thought much of what was said about Pandora. In her mind it had made complete sense that Pandora was some kind of failed Equestrian experiment they wanted to use against the Trojans that backfired spectacularly. 




(Spoiled Rich)



The door opened, and they would go out to be met with cheers of varying degrees of strength. The energy would begin to pick up, as Pinkie Pie rolled past on a large wheel of cheese, just outside the gates, that she'd turn and have roll towards the main square, all whilst playing the trumpet. The Element of Laughter didn't have time to just sit still and wait for things to happen. She were getting the action going! She'd be around to say something in time herself. Right now, there were a cheese wheel to get cut and spread out for the snack tables. After she got it rolled to the party zone! Wheeee!

There certainly were a party atmosphere though, all the way from here, and down to main town. Ponies like the Cake's were all too happy to welcome Spoiled back, and say how good it were to see that she were okay. Some others like the blacksmith Coarse Shoes, kept his distance, but would partake in clapping, and nodding. He were a reserved type though, so this were not too unusual. Nor were it that the cook from Sloppy Joe's - Chop Chop - didn't say much.

He were much closer, and as imposing looking as ever, due to all the scars he had from the shark bites he endured during a horrible mistake he had made, whilst part of the Coastal Guard. Sure they healed, but they left the rather serious looking stallion as rather intimidating looking for a lot. Except for those who knew him well, and of course, his marefriend Long Stare. A quiet, polite mare, that mostly kept for herself, when not working at the same cafe. Unnerving in her own rights though, as she didn't make a sound when she were walking around, making it not too unusual, for her to spook somepony, when she suddenly spoke to them.

The two made for an odd couple, but they seemed to get along well, but weren't so bombastic as some others were. Stare would speak in a low tone, saying she were glad to see that Spoiled were okay, and that her family looked the happiest she had seen them in years. Chop just nodded once. He didn't much care for Spoiled, nor talking unless he had to, and he assumed she cared as little for him, as he did for her.

When they eventually got through everything, and got to the main square, where everything were being set up nicely by Pinkie, who had seemingly rolled out her big party box, judging by all the things here, Mayor Mare would greet her openly, dressed in her best attire.

"Spoiled Rich, in the flesh. I could hardly believe it, when Pinkie said that she had seen you, and yet here you now stand. And full glad I am for that. On behalf of Ponyville, I welcome you home.

is there something you would like to say perhaps, before we commence your welcome party? The stage is all yours, if you so wish."

The mayor had no idea what were potentially coming. Neither would a few, who hadn't shown for this, until later. Notably Twilight, who ideally should have been here too. But she were busy far from Ponyville right now, so the governing of Ponyville, and thus these sorts of things too, were on mayor Mare again. She were far more taught about that anyway, and Twilight usually let her handle ceremonial and governing things, only overruling or being part of things ever so rarely.

Spoiled's expression was the complete opposite to the party as they were cheered at. The most Spoiled did was look over the various crowds around them with an appraising stare. She were not a happy mare, and Spoiled would not present herself as such. The various ponies such as the cakes being so happy to see her back was a little bit of a surprise. Perhaps Spoiled had underestimated her own value towards that of Ponyville? Whatever the case were, she had a lot on her chest here. 

The notable dueo of Chop Shop and Long Stare were notworthy of Spoiled, and Spoiled would say that she was glad to be back and that everything would be explained soon. Spoiled didn't offer much of a second glance at Chop Shop. She hadn't thought much of him and as such didn't have much to really say towards his direction as she marched along with purpose. 

Spoiled would approach Mayor Mare, "Thank you for the warm welcome. You will soon understand the circumstances of why I have returned." she spoke with a bit of a cold stare as she'd take the stage, looking out over at the crowd with weary eyes.

"Fellow citizens of Ponyville! You all have noted my absence for the past three years. My Estate was burned to the ground at that time by none other than the same responsible for the current travesty unfolding in Equestria - Spectral Fade. Spectra is an ancient pony who abducts random victims to be used as living batteries for her magic. She is far more dangerous than Tirek, unlike him, she can hide among us easily. It is likely within the near future Spectra will bring war to Equestria, and being as we are, Ponyville may very well be the epicenter of it all. Spectra abducted me to serve as her battery for her magic. 

She has stolen hundreds of individuals away from their homes. In the explosion of the Mountain - that was one of her lairs. The Equestrian Guard were alerted of this by one of her own prisoners that escaped and exposed the whole plot. Currently the Canterlot Guard are working on this problem, and their intervention caused Spectra's trap to explode, killing hundreds of souls in the process as well as many others thanks to the damage she has caused. I highly suggest that Ponyville begin preparing for war and make adequate precautions for this town."
Spoiled ended off her first part of her speech, with a grim and ominous tone.

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On 2024-08-07 at 12:11 AM, Spectral Fade said:

Spectra listened to what Operata spoke. "It is entirely believable that the Equestrians would use someone like that against the Trojans, and that they probably tormented her in doing what they did to her. Another example of the barbarous Equestrians and what they do for their Alicorn gods. We'll be working with Pandora to achieve our goals here. I am not trying anything here - this is clearly some form of test. I won't let it all go to ruin." Spectra would narrow her eyes. It was interesting that Spectra had spoken of Operata in terms of them as a pairing. As if Operata agreed to anything Spectra had wanted to do or said.

"They did, and it is."

Pandora would wander into the room again, looking them over with a slight glimmer of interest now.

"Tormented and experimented upon, day in and day out, to see how best they could harness me. Countless souls dying, for them to test the limits, and find ways to control, that which by its nature, cannot be chained. And in the end, they brought me here, to unleash me upon their enemies. For all their grand ideas, thinking it as simple as dropping me in the middle of the capitol, and let nature take its own course.

They were already telling of what the news would be. How a Trojan experiment, destroyed their own country. Propaganda, to make Celestia seem even better to their eyes. And yet it were one pony, who wrought ruin to all their plans.

Clockwork were a simple recruit at the time, and yet he disobeyed orders, and eyed a chance to take the fight to them, by taking advantage of the Trojan flagship Desert's Jewel, as a distraction, while he snuck on board. He cut his way through loyalists, and spared only those who surrendered. And in the end, he got to the room that had the experimental bomb in it, that the soldiers were told they had with them."

Pandora would close her eyes. Memories passing by, as she remembered that first day. When the flame of defiance she had thought all but dead, were flared up by this unknown stallion.

"He should have killed me, but he would not. And when he liberated the ship fully, he and those who defected, knowing what they transported, stood on deck, as he yelled out to prepare anti-magic. The general could scarcely believe what he saw, nor that some unknown were giving him orders, but Clockwork did not accept being talked back to, and in the moment, they listened.

He saved me, and put his neck on the line, time and time again to ensure I got help, and the precious materials needed to keep myself in control. Not through torture, but tools understanding. And he got hurt by it. Over and over, when I lost control. I am the reason he lost a leg, and his eye, and yet he refused to condemn me.

He showed me, that the defiance and freedom of Troy, where the right path. An ideal worth fighting for. And so I will, until the rot of Equestria is laid bare, for all to see.

I left you in this room, to see what you would do, had you the chance. You did not look around, and instead told stories, aware that this were a test. You might be smarter than I had thought."

She would close her eyes again briefly, seemingly feeling something that pained her a good deal. With how stoic she were, the brief look of what might be a small migraine, would indicate to Operata at least, that it were notable for her. If it were nearly nothing, she wouldn't simply show it this easily, right?

"Captain Pandora? Are you okay?"

"The problem with wild magic, is that it grows with age. There is a reason why those few who have it, die young. It is not meant to be possible to harness, and in time, it will tear the user apart. Or as I have found, as I outlive the expectations by several decades, approach something more primordial in nature. Something that will one day manifest in an unwelcome way, yet for now, I can contain it."

"What do you mean, if I may ask?"

"You may not. I have told you things now, and in turn, I expect something back. From you, I want to know specific details, of one of the nobles I have heard you hunted. Yet first from you-"

Her gaze would land upon Spectra.

"I want to know what your story is. And what that thing you travel with are. It does not look like any golem I have ever encountered."



(Spoiled Rich)

On 2024-08-07 at 12:11 AM, Spectral Fade said:

Spoiled would approach Mayor Mare, "Thank you for the warm welcome. You will soon understand the circumstances of why I have returned." she spoke with a bit of a cold stare as she'd take the stage, looking out over at the crowd with weary eyes.

Mayor Mare would step out of the way, to allow for Spoiled to get the position she needed, to say a few words. She assumed it would be something about where she had been, and perhaps, that she were happy to see that even after all this time, the town welcomed her back with open hooves. You know, something inspiring, and uplifting.

The mayor had no idea what would actually happen instead.

On 2024-08-07 at 12:11 AM, Spectral Fade said:

"Fellow citizens of Ponyville! You all have noted my absence for the past three years. My Estate was burned to the ground at that time by none other than the same responsible for the current travesty unfolding in Equestria - Spectral Fade. Spectra is an ancient pony who abducts random victims to be used as living batteries for her magic. She is far more dangerous than Tirek, unlike him, she can hide among us easily. It is likely within the near future Spectra will bring war to Equestria, and being as we are, Ponyville may very well be the epicenter of it all. Spectra abducted me to serve as her battery for her magic. 

She has stolen hundreds of individuals away from their homes. In the explosion of the Mountain - that was one of her lairs. The Equestrian Guard were alerted of this by one of her own prisoners that escaped and exposed the whole plot. Currently the Canterlot Guard are working on this problem, and their intervention caused Spectra's trap to explode, killing hundreds of souls in the process as well as many others thanks to the damage she has caused. I highly suggest that Ponyville begin preparing for war and make adequate precautions for this town."

Everypony's eyes were transfixed on her, and in most gazes, she would find fear. Sure Ponyville had been through things before, but they had by some miracle, avoided the carnage that usually would follow monster attacks in other places. Yet now they were told that there were gonna come a flat out war, and Ponyville were gonna be centered around that? That a magic thief, worse than Tirek himself, would come and claim them, and they might be killed either because of the war, or die as living batteries, from some hidden enemy who could be coming towards them this very moment?

Even Pinkie were still, the party horn unfolded fully in her muzzle, yet devoid of sound or further movement. Even she knew how bad this could be.

And how couldn't they? Spoiled had been gone for three years now, and even those who disliked her the most, would admit that it didn't seem in character for her to simply abandon Tiara, with those that knew them more, saying it were more or less impossible that she would willingly leave both her daughter and husband behind. As such most assumed something had happened to her, and yet, here she now were. Spinning them quite the tale, and on other days, they might have been able to just imagine that this were naught but a story. Some sort of weak excuse as to why she had been gone all this time.

But they knew the situation at the Green Mountains, like everyone else in Equestria did at this point. And the guards had been scrambling around the country in numbers not seen before, as if they were preparing for something, or maybe looking for someone. That were, those not helping to combat the flames, which seemed to mostly be under control now, albeit not fully quenched. Magical fire more than likely, though Corporal Puddle had worked admirably in fighting it, and were likely set up for a score of medals after this were done, for his handling of the situation.

As for Ponyville, right now she had their attention, but if she wanted to finish, before the first broke questions, she should begin on it quickly. Because the second somepony broke the silence, it were going to start a chain reaction. What way it went exactly? Tough to say, but one thing did seem to remain true: The party had barely started, but it were already over.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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