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planning OOC: The Frozen North (1x1 with Blitz Boom)


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  • 1 month later...


Hey, bit of a thing here, as I think you're misunderstanding something. The only cat that is visible currently, are Sonata, who is with Operata. Falsetto is hidden, and waiting to pounce. If Magloria can somehow feel everything happening in the ice cave, then that's what that is, but it have to be mentioned then., Because currently, it just sorta seems like you're perhaps slightly confused, and think Falsetto is walking around with the rest of them. A little confused by that myself honestly, so not certain how to go at things currently.

I'd also please ask that you don't godmod responses. Things such as this paragraph:

"with an oddly swift motion, she backed off from him and faced him the eye. He could have sworn he saw her entire body shimmer a sickly blue hue. Whatever that was, it was far from normal."

If people start to dictate what my character definitely does, thinks, and notices, I tend to begin to do the opposite, out of spite. What they think and do, are for me to decide, just as it is for you, when it comes to Magloria. Not saying you have to delte things, but making things more suggestive, rather than definitive, helps on this. Let me show you what I mean, by rewriting that last paragraph.

"with an oddly swift motion, she backed off from him and faced him the eye. He might have noticed her entire body shimmer a sickly blue hue. Whatever that was, it was far from normal."

Might, Perhaps, Could've, Potentially, Etc. Those sorts of words, makes it more ambiguous, and goes to instead of dictating acts, heavily implying that it would be likely that it were noticed, as well as what they might perhaps think of it, rather than what they definitively does. :)

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  • 1 month later...


Just a minor thing here: I'd prefer if you didn't dictate thoughts and actions from Operata, as definitives. It's starting to rear up again, so figured it time to bring it up.

An example here, as you wrote it:



she rolled her eyes and snorted. Underneath that controlled exterior expression she usually had, he could tell that she was a deeply passionate and easily emotional pony.  There was a veneer of something in her tone though, he couldn't tell what it was.



As he is my char, you can't know how he will react, or what he thinks. Will he pick up on her emotions? Maybe, but that is in the end, something I have to decide on. :)  Let me show ya how to make it more suitable. This being just an example, and not saying you have to do exactly this, of course.



she rolled her eyes and snorted. Underneath that controlled exterior expression she usually had, he could perhaps tell that she was a deeply passionate and easily emotional pony.  There was a veneer of something in her tone though, he probably couldn't tell what it was.



Perhaps, Maybe, Probably- Words like these, adds ambiguity. One can of course, write something like *It would be highly unlikely, that he'd pick up on it*, as a strong hint that it'd be hard to tell, but you'd want to have it towards *He doesn't know*. Adds a strong preference, without godmodding. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...


You likely saw it on the other one, but just writing it here too: Felt increasingly ill since Friday, to a point where it gets troubling to even sit, for a prolonged period of time. As such, my posts will become (and have been for a few days already) irregular for a time. Apologies for that. :/ Hoping things will improve soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Blitz Boom

Am thinking that Magloria will freeze him and his cats - and in turn would set someone else free in an attempt to get a spell casted onto her. That someone will not know how they got here and Magloria will tell them that she managed to free them from the orbs. That someone you could play, is up to you - and Magloria would end up getting useful spells out of them, since all of what she has at the moment is ice related spells. She chose to perfect ice magic to the T but is going to expand her knowledge into other magic.

What she wants most though, is something to where she look into someone else's mind. If Operata and his cats are frozen, they will merely just be put in suspended animation like the others, so they will be fine. 

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Bugger. Missed the notifications for this entirely. Sorry. :/ Let's see...

Is there any particular reason, as to why you want a radical shift in the characters used? I'd like to ask for a reasoning in why, before committing to having to scrounge someone else up. Also, someone who can read minds, would definitely go into her head, and look at all those things, she doesn't want others to know. Ae you sure that's the best course of action, seeing how Magloria is rather... Well, she doesn't seem to enjoy not being on top of things, and in full control. Having her mind exposed, could be seen as a vulnerability thing.


Picking one though... I don't have a lot of mind manipulators, nor readers. I have my changeling queen, but she'd destroy Magloria's mind, as punishment for her insolent entrapment. So it'd probably have to be another changeling. Haven't used this model yet, as I were saving it, but this is a changeling in disguise. Could work. Though she'd then have to grasp the whole thing about them not being all that useful, lest they're fed emotions.

Or I'd need to make something new. Though again, I'd like reasons for it first, please. :) And an idea of if this is going to need to be permanent, or temporary.

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@Blitz Boom

No particular reason, just trying to think of some way to move the plot along since I feel currently there is not a whole lot to do, in a sense? I have a hard time putting that into words. If you see mind reading as a two way street, I find that interesting. In my perception of it, Magloria would have wanted to use some sort of invasive spell that makes it so the character she is reading doesn't know Magloria's thoughts but just feels the feeling of invasion, within their mind? 

Alternatively we could say that someone else that had that power was within her collection already, and she was just testing Operata by not revealing it? I'm not sure what to do here going forward, if you have any ideas let me know! 

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Honestly, I figured you'd just have us go out and kidnap someone eventually, and that would lead things along.

You could also go with as you say, her already having one that can read minds, and have brought him to that room, with the foci no less, so that she can cast that spell on him, and figure out what his deal is. He's hiding things from her, and might be lying about the reason he's slow at teaching her musical magic too. She seems the sort who wouldn't like others keeping things from her, that would impede her progress.

Alternatively, she might just figure she could use this, to quickly read everything she'd need, to learn the magic, without having to wait potentially years.

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@Blitz Boom

Magloria's goal was to get that form of magic through mind reading. She would be very careful with practicing it anyways, if it is truly as dangerous as he says it is - although having knowledge of it would suffice for her, she may not make use of it that much. 

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But how would hse get the mind reading then? One from the racks, or not? Was thinking if she read his mind, and had a look through, she'd be able to see that he'd have no issue say, burning a noble-house to the ground. They could then start to move on with her plans. Go out, get some new victims, spread some havoc perhaps. And in time, I could send the enclave after them.

Getting hold of a new victim they can get information like mind reading out of (just kidnap a changeling, if it were. Easier stuff I'd say, though some carnival seer using this to trick customers might work too), could also present one they can harass, or that might be more scared, and submissive as a servant, than Operata are.

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@Blitz Boom

I'll keep my original story for Magloria. She is a zebra - pony hybrid. She hates herself so much because of that, she was shunned / probably even abused for being a half and half breed. Her father was a zebra, her mother was a unicorn. This lead to a rare defect, making her unable to cast magic without spells being cast on her directly. I don't know if that makes sense, but I am definitely open to exploring that more, if I'm honest some of the things I thought of were on the spot as I did not develop much beyond that.

If she has all the power in the world she will still be...who she is. Burning down noble's house, gathering power, yeah, that'd definitely happen, but she has no real 'end goal' in truth. 

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If you feel like exploring the heritage, I have a pegasus zebra hybrid char, actually. Her birth defect, were excessive growth, so she'd rather large. But she have embraced the world with joy and happiness. The stark contrast might be of interest someday.


This is Ziggy, in her natural state, of preparing to tacklehug someone.

As for her magic part, it can be explored too, but it is in the end, up to you where this goes.

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@Blitz Boom

Someday, yes. Although keep in mind any attempt to 'reform' Magloria would likely take years. Magloria will never be a happy mare, for her pain is internal, not external - like Magnolia in the Casual Stroll roleplay. Would be very interesting to have Magloria and Operata make some changes in a sense, with their burning of the noble's houses, theft of their property, abduction of nobles, and such down the line. The two of them would rack up quite a bit of crimes, and while Operata was subservient to Magloria, he'd still probably enjoy it so that would make the two of them 'guilty' of said crimes in the end.

Magloria is a deeply cruel and emotionally removed mare, I can say that much. She would not bat an eye at 'disposing' of someone, and would only avoid doing so to get whatever use they have out of them. I forsee the two of them, Magloria and Operata likely striking at some sort of noble's residence at some point in the future.

One thing I would like is for Magloria to gain the ability to read minds, that will make it easier for this to progress in the area that I have in mind. Magloria is a spell thief, so being able to read minds and steal information from ponies minds, before freezing them would definitely be something right up her ally. I imagine that she would become quite powerful (but would not use that power to conquer the world or lead any armies, of course).


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Never said Ziggy would reform her. In fact, I think she might resent Ziggy quite a bit, as she weren't judged for her mixed heritage. She get questions about it, but no one hates her for it. They accept her, as she accepts and helps everyone. She'd a doctor after all. Though it isn't saying her life was sunshine and rainbows. Her growth issues didn't stop until surgery and magic, were able to staunch it when she hit 14. Until then, she lived at the hospital, having to deal with all the pains and training to keep up with her increasing size. She just didn't get resentful, but instead got inspired to help others.

And as for the mind stealing, as said, make use of a changeling. Some of their hive, are specialized in this, so stealing one of those would likely work the best.

As for their future crimes... We'll see where it goes, though know that Operata have intense objections to setting a house on fire, lest he knows there is no one inside. Including the nobles, lest they are a specific one. He have his reasons, but you'll get them eventually.

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Hey, fun idea actually... Been alluding to it, but Operata lost someone near and dear to him, which is what made him go down this route. As far as he know, she died in a fire, and the remains were too charred for him to even get her an open casket.

...However, Magloria are gathering beings from near and far, to steal their magic. Say then, that this mare in question, were a strong unicorn, and she eyed a chance to snatch her away... Imagine the leverage she would hold over Operata in this case. The one being he cared for, as part of her collection forever and ever. Unless say, he were obedient, and did everything she said, for an undisclosed amount of time. Some story could come of her testing his willingness and boundaries then, as well as make him beg and grovel if it suited her fancy.

Just a thought anyway. Not sure what you think of it,. but was mulling over story ideas, and your recent post made me think.

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@Blitz Boom

Sounds good, I love that idea, actually. That fits with her more - she wants to have as much leverage over him as possible. She wants to completely break him and make him do what she wants him to. I feel like she'll have him do things for her like luring Nobles out so she can capture them, sometimes commenting on who she has in her collection to convince him if he's having hesitant moments. In a way, it'd be a relief to him, she's still alive, but she's in Magloria's posession. 

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Let them stay in the room then, and next post, I shall set something up. I know just the angle. :)

Also, will not be before Friday. Family wants to see me for some days before the tourist season starts at work, and after that, I have a ten hour day Wednesday. So then writing the other thread Thursday, this will sadly not be before Friday. :( Unless there is only a few posts in my main thread, then I can rush it a day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Blitz Boom

An idea crossed my mind for this. I am not sure how much this makes sense - but it came to me suddenly as I was typing. What if Magloria here isn't Magloria at all, and she is truly someone else, a true enigma from centuries past, from some sort of ancient legend? Magloria would just be a name and a mask, when in reality she's a completely different character - a wicked mare from an ancient tale, perhaps? Would have to see what you think on that, to come to more of a conclusion on that, but I fancy the idea. Magloria wasn't originally my character, and so when I roleplay as her, she doesn't quite feel like mine - so this would be a way to kill two birds with one stone, and create a more interesting story, perhaps. 

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