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planning OOC: The Frozen North (1x1 with Blitz Boom)


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@Blitz Boom

Just some ideas for the future we can plan on, here. I would think that Veil and Spectra's spell casting could more or less be something you can summarize in one post, and I can do the scene where they go to sleep in the pool, and we go to the next "Day". Perhaps we could even skip further along, as I'm not really too sure what else they would be able to do at this point. If you have any ideas for new things, let me know.

Where would you like to take this story, in the future? It's gone a long way from what my original intentions were. Rather than the actual Magloria, Spectra was revealed to be the one behind the "mask" of what she was doing, while the real Magloria has been trapped in stasis for all these years.

Spectra as a character is something I completely thought up on the spot, and over time, I gradually settled upon the idea. I hope this has been interesting for you.

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@Props ValRoa

Oh, I don't really have any ideas right now. I set up some things, but that were mainly just things as we went along with Mindstorm, that could be drawn upon in the future. I figured you might have some idea now as to where to go. Maybe on a hunt of sorts, to show a bit more how Spectra is, though it is entirely up to you to decide. :)

As for the concept going a fair bit off from your first idea, worry not about that. It happens at times, that your inspiration takes you elsewhere. Best to just roll with it, and see where it leads. ^^

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@Blitz Boom

We can go ahead with the idea of some sort of hunt soon, as for right now though - I am going to move things along and have the two of them go to sleep, if that is alright with you. Then we'll have the characters wake up 8 or so hours later, and go from there?

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@Props ValRoa

Made a vague one, but didn't know what you had planned for the day, so... Set it up for you. :) Also, will be back to writing Tuesday, or Wednesday. I have to start being quicker with this one, but family birthdays will take my time for a bit now.

And sorry for not responding. Had not seen you wrote in here. My bad.

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@Props ValRoa

Honestly, having a fair bit of fun with the little automaton. Not a word, no indication it understands a lot. It just works as it perceives it is instructed. In this case, make things orderly, and clean. The fact those directives include living objects, is of no concern to it. :)

Also, like the pool idea you had. Fairly fascinating, and mysterious. As is the statue. Looking forward to see if there is some plan you have with that, or just adding in some atmosphere. Either way, good stuff. ^^

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@Blitz Boom

As for the pool, that is something that I got from a fimfic. A healing / regenerative pool. I tend to spice things up a bit in my wording, but largely the concepts are fairly simple. I usually make this stuff up as I go, for the most part.

As for how I prefer to RP, I figured you should know this - I prefer conversations in realistic timeframes. If say an event happens while two characters were talking, and the other character said something to mine, then you have (insert event here), I prefer not to respond to things that were said prior to events as they unfold - if that makes sense? I like conversations to have a steady back and forth as the timeline progresses, and not to have me or other characters talking about things they have moved on from at the end of the post. Hope that is something that came across.

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  • 1 month later...

@Blitz Boom

Alright so - I was just informed that I will be getting a job within the next 2 weeks. I will be on the forum in reduced capacity, for the next 2-3 months at the very least. It will not be a permanent thing.

I figured that given the time that I have now, that we should iron a few things out in this RP and think about what we want to do going forward. We've been basically going with the flow for a while now, but I'd like to see if we can come up with some sort of game plan. Doesn't have to be all the details, but we can discuss a few things as they go along.

I will reply to your post as is in this RP, but I would like to see if we can move things along at a bit of a faster pace within the next few posts until the characters are at Kludge Town. Feel free to say any ideas and we can ping pong ideas off of each other, so we can come up with something good here. I like the dialog posts, but given the time constraints that I would like to move things along.

I must say, I personally enjoy Operata's dynamic with Spectra. I hope I play Spectra in an interesting and convincing manner.

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@Props ValRoa

You got work lined up? Congratulations. ^^ Happy for you, that you're gonna have something to do there, and I hope it will be a place that'll treat you respectfully. :) Worry not that you're gonna be around less, I ain't rushing off this place, so I'll be here when there's time. ^^

As for plans... I can *speedrush* the arrival towards Kluge town easily. We can pretty much just go *Things are sorted at the base* and then gloss over the minor travel details. I can sort that in a single post. And for future plans, I was pretty much just pulling potential power sources out of thin air for Spectra, but I didn't think much of a grand plan. If there were one, it would likely involve Malevolence at some point, after they're back to strength. Potentially messing something up. Though I can give an idea for a more immediate concern.

What if after they left, and the little construct had cleaned everything it could see, it then began to regard some of the locked up ponies as out of order? It could begin trying to move them, or mark them with some carved in symbols, that for it, works as cataloging, and it could then cause an error/accident with one of the containers. Specifically, one you have mentioned a few times, as being problematic for Spectra, if she ever escaped.

So for instance, they get to Kluge town, and with the varied beings and magical artifacts being sold, the magic could be murky to sort through. Causing her to not notice that fast, that back at the base, one of her batteries containers were tampered with, causing the inhabitant to either immediately, or progressively, start to escape, with the pod shattering.

If you want to add further complication, play it off right, and she might end up getting Veil to join her side instead, causing there to be two forces in opposition. Operata and Spectra, against Veil and whoever it were that were Spectra's first trapped creature. I can't remember the name of the pony. xD

Just one idea anyway. Not sure what plans you might be mulling over.

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@Blitz Boom

Yeah, no worries about that. I'll be working there with my father at my father's job. I know that the people who work there know what they are doing. It's not like it's retail or anything like that - I'll be doing cable pulling and telephone cable stuff with my father. A lot of it will involve things I already know how to do, so it's nothing that will be too difficult for me. 

As for what you are saying here - the exact details where they arrive at Kludge Town isn't important. Spectra has various "War chests" of vast amounts of gold, precious gems, that sort of thing that she had stored for the right time and place. Whoever they meet in Kludge Town, Spectra can offer them various amounts of her valuables in exchange for other such things - as well as various Royal Guard armors from the Night Guard, Celestial Guard, and Crystal Empire. Spectra will want to find herself a major improvement over that armor, so perhaps you can think of some unique type of armor she can buy by exchanging those suits of armor. Spectra will also seal off the entrances and exits of the base with magic. 

What you speak of next - is actually what I had in mind - 

The original (real) Magloria is the first one that Spectra captured, and the one that Spectra took the form of in the first stages when we started this RP. I was imagining that Veil or the Construct can do something that results in her getting loose, and Magloria reveals the truth about Spectra to Veil. Magloria, the original Magloria - is the one who developed the stasis spell and magic absorption spell that Spectra has. She is the reason why Spectra is so powerful, as you can gleam from the RP itself. 

While Spectra will gain whatever power she finds in Kludge Town, she will lose Veil and Magloria's presence. Without Magloria, expect Spectra to use her ice magic less in combat. That way, we can have two sections of this RP, both working in opposition to the other. 

Magloria's escape would certainly be felt by Spectra, though we can have there be some sort of situation where she is completely distracted from it. Either directly engaging with others in Kludge town to buy things, something of that sort. Magloria could also take the construct for herself, or somehow tamper with it - so that Spectra loses various important assets of hers, but gains others (such as whatever magic power armor or sources of power she is able to get in Kludge Town).

From the map, we can say that Spectra and Operata would teleport to one of Spectra's minor bases in the mountains nearby to Kludge Town, then a 2 day journey from there to Kludge Town (that also being another reason why she can't go back to her base instantly. Spectra travels through various glyphs and runes she lays out within caves, she can't just instantly teleport to places all around the world - don't want to make her too powerful after all. 

So by the time that Spectra and Operata get back to the base, Veil and Magloria would be gone for several days - long gone. They'll take various things with them and escape off somewhere, and aim to find someone who expose Spectra's wicked ways to. Magloria will not set the rest of the ponies free, as Spectra would obviously figure that out rather quickly, and Magloria wants to escape with as little issue as possible.

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@Props ValRoa

There, should have sorted something, I hope. :) We'll see what happens from there, though feel free to correct me, if I did something incorrectly.

As for other types of armor, I am used to BS'ing most of my RP on the fly. I'm sure I can think of something. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...
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@Blitz Boom

Apologizes for slow activity, I am distracted by lots of things. I was running an RP event on the forum and I will be doing stuff with the World Cup. You are more than welcome to get involved in events on the forum, if you would like.

As for this RP - I am hoping to portray this version of Magloria as more calm, reserved, distant - but not exactly friendly. 

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@Blitz Boom

Due to the character of Magloria having different versions of the backstory, for this RP I am going to say that there is a union of the two backstories. Magloria has an alicorn father, named Absolute. He is the alicorn of absolute Zero itself. Very abusive, controlling, not a good character to say the least. Her mother, Tsundoa was a Zebra Water Mage. Magloria's father and mother lived away from the other Zebras for a long time, Magloria originally grew up in the city of Creamwood until she became older, there, she lost her first friend in an accident.

Then the family moved to Popsprock. Magloria's father had a way to conceal his alicorn nature and posed as a regal Unicorn ice mage. Magloria never knew about his real origins or how her parents met. Magloria's older brother, Dunewave, was promoted to Alicorn Status by Absolute - and rules over a small Kingdom far far far from Equestria's borders called Oasisplace. Peaceful, calm, etc.

Magloria in this RP, could have actually been the one to trap a lot of ponies in the ice - but then Spectra took over that power, and trapped Magloria in her own prisons that she built for the purpose of garnering enough power to transform herself into an Alicorn, having never heard of Alicorn ascensions. Magloria hates her father so, so much because of his abuses towards her, and how he favored her brother over her.

After Magloria grew into an adult, she abandoned all ties to her family to pursue some sort of elite guard training kind of deal (while being manipulative, devious, and power hungry in secret, she just did a better job of keeping it secret than Spectra), then became a ship captain later on.

Any ideas for that on how to make it more concise, for this RP? Maybe it may never matter, but hey, it's interesting to me. 

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@Props Valroa

I mean, there's several ways this can be used. For once, you say her brother turned alicorn? If so, he is probably still alive. So one part could be her trying to find out how things are, where she used to live, and then hear stories about him. An in for her tracking him down, and confronting her past as it were. For better or worse, as he could be able to provide aid, or be a thorn in the side, that she wanted handled, in case he is also an abusive sort. Could well just be her seeking closure of some sort too. Going towards the zebras would be the easiest angle to begin this hunt.

Another angle is as you say, Magloria being power hungry herself. That could be an inn for Malevolence to whisper to her, seeking to reignite that hunger for power. A power they would be more than happy to provide. Of course, you've seen the cost. Well, the most immediate part of it anyway.

Could also be that during this deal with Spectra, and eventually perhaps running into Malevolence, she'd reach a point of reflection. One where she'd be able to see the folly of seeking such power, due to the costs it would entail, and the things one would have to do to get it.

Would it be life changing? Who knows, but it could cause her to reflect and having to face if she wanted to be like that too, or if this new chance at a life, long after she had last been around, were her chance to change and be better than that. A fresh start, versus old ways.

For my part, I'm running with the vibe, and seeing where things take us. I have some ideas of what to do around Malevolence, and other things touched upon, but no narrow set of guidelines to get there.

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@Blitz Boom

Spectra's version of power is more akin to "Let's gather as much power as possible, and then use all of it towards the end to secretly take out my enemies", while Magloria's version of power is more or less, "I need to become an Alicorn to stand up to my abusive father and finally feel like an actual pony." At least that would be the core of it. 

Her brother, from old roleplays that I have done in the past - was a fairly moral good sort. He was a good ruler who loved his subjects, and was an absolute joy to be around. Whether he was always that way, we'll never know. It was never known or stated how he became an Alicorn, whether he was born one or "ascended" into one. Nor is it known how he became the leader of Oasisplace, which could be something akin to a large trading node out in a massive desert somewhere, where ponies and travelers, who trek long enough - will find Oaisisplace, hence it's name.

As for the relations Magloria had with her brother thousands of years ago, from what I remember, it was fairly scant. I don't think Dunewave actually knew that much about her, other than that she existed, and went missing - perhaps.

If anything, Spectra is more likely to bow down to Malevolence than Magloria, which would be an interesting form of irony. Spectra's immediate goal right now is to please Le Perrine and the Elderly Minotaur so she can transfer her soul into a superior body to her own. She's already sort of going down the path of Duke Mindstorm, wanting to swap bodies and all, though not to the extent of severe bodily modifications...at least not yet. :PIPPIPHURRAY:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Blitz Boom

It will be interesting for the scene to play out when the Equestrian Guards uncover Spectra's lair. It is interesting to me that I have had Spectral Fade completely forget about Veil. Magloria's goal is for the guards to confiscate everything in her lair and set all those ponies free. I am sure that Magloria would want something in return for her efforts whenever that comes to pass. The plot with Magloria pursuing her Alicorn Brother or her Alicorn Father currently, is in the back of her mind. Won't likely come about for a while - but her father is likely one of original alicorns themselves due to his nature.

The Magical Scan will discover various things about Magloria that are far from normal. Not only is she a pony from a long ago time, but that she is a hybrid between an Alicorn and a Zebra. So not only will that prove what she is saying, but it will also prove that she is a very rare type of pony. 

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