Evil Pink One 13,512 May 23, 2022 Share May 23, 2022 3 hours ago, Shadow Dagger said: "I don't want these badges, if I did I could steal them from you. I just wanted to know how you got them. So you say you're doing some errands for Celestia? Well, I suppose she's paying well, so I can help you if you give me some of that gold. But I don't want to officially join the group, I prefer to remain in the shadows. I'd still be doing good things, isn't that right, Samurai?" Shadow Dagger still looks alert, and ready to run if things go bad for her. "Also I don't want to hang out with the likes of you too much, I'll just meet you from time to time. I know how to find you. So yes, I'm just doing it for the gold. Not that I like you or anything..." @PawelS @Samurai Equine "Pshh ...whatever... So your saying you'd do it then for a bag of bits?" Kuya would once again offer shadow some bits. "Don't worry, I promise I won't break your bones this time and I'm sure you won't fall for the same trick right?" He slyly said. " There's more where it came from, especially when we finish our quest. But of course we'd have to work with the guards as well, don't worry... She won't capture you..YET.. as long as you got something important I'm sure she won't mess around with you." @Skylight Scintillate Kuya would give the signal to Dr. Clue to join in. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue May 23, 2022 Share May 23, 2022 Given that Kuya had already revealed that Dr. Clue was a royal guard, it didn't really matter anymore if Dr. Clue showed up in her armor or not, so she opted to walk over in her armor. She also couldn't help but to glare at Kuya for his brutally honest statements and his weird sense of humor. She opted to stay quiet in order to follow Kuya's plan while closely observing Shadow Dagger. She would write these notes down in her notebook. Roll investigation. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine May 23, 2022 Share May 23, 2022 (edited) @PawelS, @Kujamih, @Skylight Scintillate Samurai sighs and relaxes when he sees who it is. He is glad that it was Kuya and not an enemy. However, when he hears Kuya explaining where the badges came from, he panics and waves his hooves, trying to make Kuya stop explaining. But it's too late, it's all out in the open. Now she knows just how valuable they truly are. "...Yep. We got them from Princess Celestia. But don't think stealing from us will be as easy as your other victims." Samurai tells Shadow. He rubs the back of his helmet at her question and ponders the situation. "...I still would prefer if you joined us officially, but if you are helping us, I suppose I could secure you some compensation. In fact... I might be willing to let you go this one time, that is, if you know anything about magic symbols. I am hoping that your profession has allowed you to see things most of us haven't." Edited May 23, 2022 by Samurai Equine 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 May 23, 2022 Share May 23, 2022 @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @PawelS " pshhh Samurai, don't you know? If it involves bits no one can stop a bandit from getting it, ain't I right Shadow? Unless the rumors about you are all just.... Talk?" Kuya would goad Shadow's pride so not only the money is at stake but her pride too. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Dagger May 23, 2022 Author Share May 23, 2022 @Kujamih This time Shadow Dagger doesn't react when Kuya offers her a bag of bits. @Skylight Scintillate You observe Shadow Dagger closely. Intellect (d5), result: 4 / Investigation (d6), result: 5. Critical success! You can see a hint of fear on Shadow's face when she sees that you're a Royal Guard. But she tries to hide it and keeps talking to all of you as if nothing happened. You also notice that she's keeping something under her cloak, probably some kind of flask. @Samurai Equine "Don't worry, Samurai, as long as we're cooperating I won't steal anything from you. As for magic symbols, they are not really my thing, but I know somepony who should be able to help you with that." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine May 24, 2022 Share May 24, 2022 @PawelS, @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih For now, Samurai is put at ease, at least somewhat. "That's good to know. Any information we can get is vital. When can you meet with your informant? We'll draw a copy of the symbol and meet with them as soon as possible. Naturally, you will both be rewarded for your services. My word is my honor." Samurai says to Shadow Dagger. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue May 24, 2022 Share May 24, 2022 (edited) @PawelS, @Samurai Equine, @Kujamih There was a question that was bugging Dr. Clue and she couldn't seem to put her hoof on it. Then she realized what it was. "What exactly are you doing here and why did you wave us over? Did you meet the others before? How did you expect not to be noticed by the royal guards?" Dr. Clue asked, looking over her notes so far. She glared at Shadow Dagger suspiciously. Roll investigation to tell if she is lying. Edited May 24, 2022 by Skylight Scintillate 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 May 24, 2022 Share May 24, 2022 (edited) @PawelS "Connections I see.....hmm...any clues who might this pony be? I hope he ain't as shady as you since you know.... Her." Kuya would hint shadow that we have a royal guard with us. @Skylight Scintillate " What's the rush? You gonna scare even a dragon with that kind of aggressiveness you know..." He said to the over eager beaver Dr. Clue. Edited May 24, 2022 by Kujamih 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Dagger May 24, 2022 Author Share May 24, 2022 (edited) @Skylight Scintillate "Yes, I did meet these two before," she points at Kuya and Samurai, "and in not very pleasant circumstances. I wanted to know what you were doing because I li... I mean, I figured out I could get some bits from working with you. Also, I think I'm pretty good at not being noticed." Intellect (d5), result: 1 / Investigation (d6), result: 2. Best result: 2. Failure. You are unable to tell if she's lying or not. @Samurai Equine "Her name is Raven's Cry. I'll give you her address. She should be at home all day, so you can visit her whenever you like." She gives you directions to Raven's Cry's house. @Kujamih "She is kinda shady, but in a different sense, you'll get it when you see her. And as far as I know, she doesn't do anything illegal." Shadow Dagger looks at Dr. Clue with a slightly distrustful expression. Edited May 24, 2022 by PawelS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine May 25, 2022 Share May 25, 2022 @PawelS, @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih Samurai takes the note of where to find Raven Cry. "Domo arigatou goziamasu desu. I have no compensation for you right now, but name your price, and I'll bring it you later." Samurai motions Shadow Dagger closer as he leans in and whispers to her. "Meet me later tonight outside of the inn where I'm staying. I'll pay you there." Samurai tells her secretly. He turns to Kuya and Dr. Clue. "Hopefully, we have our first big lead in the case." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 May 25, 2022 Share May 25, 2022 @Samurai Equine @PawelS @Skylight Scintillate ".... You ain't joining us shadow Dagger? I'm sure we can use her abilities here. Sure I know my way around the slumps... but im sure she knows more." Kuya would add. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue May 26, 2022 Share May 26, 2022 @PawelS, @Samurai Equine, @Kujamih Dr. Clue stares at Shadow Dagger suspiciously. She can't seem to be able to figure out if Shadow Dagger is lying or not. Ultimately, she decided to take down what Shadow Dagger said and review it later for any inconsistencies. "Ok then, I suppose we should go meet Raven Cry then?" Dr. Clue asked hypothetically. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Dagger May 30, 2022 Author Share May 30, 2022 (edited) "Well, I suppose I have nothing better to do at the moment, so I might as well go with you wherever you're going." Shadow Dagger says with an apparent lack of interest. Edited May 30, 2022 by PawelS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine May 30, 2022 Share May 30, 2022 @PawelS, @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih It seems Shadow Dagger would be joining us after all. She may not seem interested, but Samurai is happy about it. He looks at her with a smile and nods. He then looks over at Dr. Clue. "I'll vouch for her, so please don't turn her in, hakasei. I know, it's not proper for somepony of my rank to vouch for a thief. But for now, we need her help just as much as she might need ours. And I'd rather have another ally than another enemy." With a nod to all his friends, Samurai looks at the directions he was given, and leads the way to Ravens Cry's house. He was entrusted with the directions first, so it seems only proper that Samurai respect Shadow Dagger's wishes. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 May 30, 2022 Share May 30, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate kuya would whistle along as he follows at the very back of the group. Ever cautious of his surroundings but hides it in his alluf facade. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 2, 2022 Author Share June 2, 2022 (edited) You decide to go to Raven's Cry first, and you manage to arrive there without incidents. She lives in a calm part of the town, and her house is rather creepy, it looks like a miniature version of an evil wizard's tower. You knock on the door, and a gray unicorn mare with a black mane opens it. As you enter, you can see it's pretty dark in here, and there are decorations depicting various animals, like bats, snakes, spiders, and of course, ravens. It looks like a permanent Nightmare Night party, except no one is having fun. You can see a table with some books and a burning candle on it, probably Raven's Cry was studying before you showed up. "Hello Shadow, I see you brought friends. How can I help you?" She asks in a sinister tone, contrasting with the kind words she uses. Edited June 2, 2022 by PawelS 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 4, 2022 Share June 4, 2022 @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate @PawelS As they walked through the shady part to the not so shady part of town... A weird misplaced tower could be seen. " Damn.... That house ruined the atmosphere of this place... Either the pony living there is having a hard time with it's neighbors, or all of them are cursed and gone now...." As they meet the pony, Kuya was sure," ... Yup she cursed them alright... " Pony sense if there's trouble brewing nearby. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine June 5, 2022 Share June 5, 2022 (edited) @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih, @PawelS "Shitsurei shimasu." Samurai bows his head and then enters Raven Cry's place. Samurai looks a little out of place here. However, his thoughts were on the décor. "...I wonder how often Snow Leopard lives like this..." Samurai thinks to himself as he looks around. Raven's Cry asks a question. "...The doctor can explain it better than I can." Samurai says, giving the floor to Dr. Clue. He didn't bring a sketch of the strange symbol. Edited June 5, 2022 by Samurai Equine 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue June 6, 2022 Share June 6, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih Dr. Clue couldn't help but to notice how out of place Raven Claw's house was compared to the other houses on the street. When Raven Cry answered the door, Dr. Clue observed Raven Claw carefully to see if she could figure anything out about her. "Ah yes, he's referring to this logo," Dr. Clue said, pulling out a sketch of the logo in her notebook. "Do you know anything about this?" she asked. Roll investigation. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 8, 2022 Author Share June 8, 2022 You haven't seen the place with the symbol yet, but Commander Steel Hooves showed you a sketch of it, which Dr. Clue copied to her notebook. It looks like this: (OOC: Actually it shouldn't look as bad as that, I'm just not good at drawing.) Raven's Cry looks at it, then thinks about an answer. "Yes, I know what it is, but why should I tell you? Convince me." (OOC: No rolls for now, but I suppose they will be needed in my next post.) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Equine June 8, 2022 Share June 8, 2022 @Skylight Scintillate, @Kujamih, @PawelS Samurai steps up first. "Dear citizen, this is a very urgent matter of national security. We've been tasked by Princess Celestia herself to take care of this matter. Equestria as we know it may be at risk of something dangerous, perhaps a powerful villain plotting something fierce. As a citizen of Equestria, it is your duty... Neigh, your privilege to assist us in this manner. Who knows, history may speak fondly of you for helping us." Just in case, Roll for CHARM. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 8, 2022 Share June 8, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Skylight Scintillate "hmmmm nerds like you would be barely swayed by bits or fame..... Perhaps knowledge? Assisting us could get you access to Princess Celestia's Circle and gain lots from there.... " 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Clue June 8, 2022 Share June 8, 2022 @PawelS @Samurai Equine @Kujamih "It's simple really. Are you aware of Equestria code 904 title 10 article 104? Anypony who is aware of and intentionally withholds information about an attack on the Principality of Equestria will face consequences,' Dr. Clue said, glaring at Raven Cry. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silly Druid 7,214 June 8, 2022 Author Share June 8, 2022 Raven's Cry answers your suggestions, still using her strange, emotionless voice. The fact that the national security is at stake doesn't seem to impress her. @Samurai Equine "Do you really think I want to be a good citizen? The fact that I'm friends with somepony like Shadow Dagger here suggests otherwise. By the way, you're hanging out with her too, which can only mean two things: either she turned to the good side, or you turned bad." "Well, you can say I'm doing something good this time. Kind of." Shadow Dagger explained. @Kujamih "Getting closer to Celestia? No, I don't want to. Let's say the sun is too bright for me." @Skylight Scintillate "And what will you do if I don't do it? Are you going to arrest me?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil Pink One 13,512 June 9, 2022 Share June 9, 2022 (edited) @PawelS "You know.... You can do a lot of things with the princess's backing.... I don't know... Access to specific books and spells? You have a lighter leash when doing questionable magic... The sky's the limit when you have the princess's backing. For somepony who's smart, you sure do pass the most important opportunity. Hey I myself as a mercenary ain't as white as I wish I could be, right Shadow Dagger? Say, how was the stallion I left in the forest to be eaten by the timber wolves.... Is he still alive?" Edited June 9, 2022 by Kujamih 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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