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S02:E04 - Ali-Conned

Ashen Pathfinder

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Title: Ali-Conned
Release Date: September 26, 2022
Written By: Kelly Lynn D'Angelo
Synopsis: When her Alicorn magic comes out unexpectedly, Sunny's suddenly mega-popular. Pipp borrows Sparky for the day to boost her likes on social media.

NOTE: Episode is only available on NetFlix for the foreseeable future. Please keep that in mind!

  • Brohoof 3

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Much feels for Sunny's deep, if brief, sense of self-doubt and how wonderful that her friends pulled through. Also nice adding a sub-plot, which was also charming to behold as Pipp's character developed more depth and dimension. I enjoyed this episode, though I hated the way the general public started treating Sunny.

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My favorite episode so far. Pipp and her struggle was done really well here, she is still my favorite.

The scene between Opaline and Misty reminded me of the scene in Hercules when Hades got mad at his minions for buying the merchandise XD. Some of their interactions are really good. The whole thing with Sunny was great, she wants that validation, she lacked that her entire life, but she wanted everyone to like her, not her alicorn self. Just a really well rounded episode overall IMO. 


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4 minutes ago, Rushing cash said:

My favorite episode so far. Pipp and her struggle was done really well here, she is still my favorite.

The scene between Opaline and Misty reminded me of the scene in Hercules when Hades got mad at his minions for buying the merchandise XD. Some of their interactions are really good. The whole thing with Sunny was great, she wants that validation, she lacked that her entire life, but she wanted everyone to like her, not her alicorn self. Just a really well rounded episode overall IMO. 


Overall, yeah, the only bit that didn't quite feel right as how hostile everyone became when she wasn't an alicorn. It didn't feel the least bit organic to me.

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1 minute ago, flutterJackdash said:

Overall, yeah, the only bit that didn't quite feel right as how hostile everyone became when she wasn't an alicorn. It didn't feel the least bit organic to me.

It did feel forced at times, I agree, but for the most part their reactions weren't a big issue at all in my opinion. 

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While not bad, it feels a little weaker than the previous three. Yes, Maretime Bay being somewhat emptier here is an issue here than in previous episodes, considering that transforming to an alicorn is considered a big deal and the sudden arrival of the Filly Four.

But the pacing in the third act is also wonky; steady for the most part, only to rush at the end. Not just Sunny to feel better, but also Pipp's envy over the Filly Four. Her own realization of not having to maintain a perfect outward image is a fine message, and it's good how the B-Plot doesn't take itself seriously. But it could've flowed better.

However, the best parts are Opaline's manipulative interaction with Sunny and the apprehensive crowd whenever Sunny isn't in her alicorn form. This is the first time Opaline has any on-screen conversation with a pony other than Misty, and it shows how well she can target another pony's self-confidence for her own self-gain.

Also, Maretime Bay ponies being jerks is a good thing. So why here rather than in FIM episodes like Mare Do Well, Putting Your Hoof Down, or Fame & Misfortune?

  1. Well, think about FIM. The sense of community was established from the first episode onward. Treating other ponies equally mattered. When the background characters act like jerks, they stuck out like a sore thumb, especially as the series progressed. Established background characters like Daisy mocking Rarity behind her back and remaining unapologetic as she ran away bawling was extremely out of character.
  2. On the other hand, in each of the three Equestrian territories, everypony is looking after themselves. ANG established a lack of community; xenophobia, racism, and classism are obvious.  Ponies will try to one-up others for their own gain. The Mane Five is unique. When Sunny is an Earth Pony, no one took her seriously. As an alicorn, she's prestigious. Regardless, she's the same pony. Each of the three communities still have a ways to go.

Again, Ali-Conned isn't bad. It's not polished, but it serves the plot.

  • Brohoof 3

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The way Sunny acted with the compact in this episode reminded me of Buzz Lightyear and his inner voice in Toy Story 4.

Both made them look dumb but Sunny's reason for believing what she was hearing kinda made more sense, I guess. :please:


Edited by Sparklefan1234
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NGL; I feel that Sunny NEEDED this episode. Aside from the occasional TyT episode it seems like Sunny's character has stagnated since the movie; so it's nice to see her battling some inner demons of her own. Plus, Pipp gets her time to shine again! Still my fav pone! <3

  • Brohoof 5

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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They made all the non-mane ponies shallow and superficial in this!

Like the whole thing with Sugar Moonlight. Sunny even said, "We went to school together!" And acted like someone totally new.

Even Windy was made to be this way! I like Windy! All the instantly not being interested in what Sunny had to say when she was taking certain forms is just so ultra superficial. It's this weird background pony herd mentality thing.

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Another really good episode. I do agree they went too far with how jerky they made the townsponies, but they've always been feeble and jaded. That was the only thing I didn't enjoy, everything else from Opaline tempting Sunny like the devil and Izzy being revealed to have the power to talk to the spirits of her ancestors was awesome. 

  • Brohoof 3


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On 2022-09-28 at 12:39 AM, flutterJackdash said:

So, what would properly have looked like?

Hmmm first of all... They shoulda made the side characters have more character than what they are... I mean they treated the non alicorn sunny like the sunny way back when she was treated in the movie. 

Remember that sunny already redeemed herself from her past. And yet it's like they forgot what she did and everyone dosn't trust her and wouldn't listen to her again.... Then poof an alicorn and everyone likes her? 

It felt forced to be honest.

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This is my favorite episode so far. It was heartwarming to see Sunny discovering who she is and who she wants to be. Also that band with Sugar Moonlight and Misty in it is pretty hilarious.

On 2022-09-27 at 8:01 AM, Ashen Pathfinder said:

NGL; I feel that Sunny NEEDED this episode. Aside from the occasional TyT episode it seems like Sunny's character has stagnated since the movie; so it's nice to see her battling some inner demons of her own. Plus, Pipp gets her time to shine again! Still my fav pone! <3

Not only inner demons, there's also Opaline...

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I haven’t watched every episode yet, but “Ali-conned” is my least favourite episode of Make Your Mark so far. There are definitely parts that I thought worked very well, and some that really didn’t. So I’ll start this review with the negatives, and gradually move towards what I did like and end on a more positive note.

I didn’t really like how the story painted every pony in Maretime Bay as being shallow and one dimensional, only interested in alicorn Sunny. I get why it was done this way, but it does leave you disliking everyone that isn’t the Mane 5. I think it’s the same vibe a lot of people got from G4’s “Fame and Misfortune”. Suddenly making every minor character act flatly and rude to Sunny is a little uncomfortable to watch, compared to if they’d focussed this behaviour in on just certain characters a bit more. If they’d put more attention on the Filly Four as the antagonist ponies, I think Sunny’s plight would still be just as relatable. The idea of “childhood classmate acquaintances returning and liking you now because you’re popular” is something worth exploring. I also rolled my eyes at Toots’ only role in the episode being eating doughnuts, and this being portrayed as a bad thing. Ha-ha, look at the funny fat horse. He’s so unhealthy! Really wasn’t keen on the message here by showing this – it feels a bit mean-spirited and fat-shaming, even if there was nothing wrong with Sunny’s community garden project. I guess this brings me to my least favourite aspect of the story.

I found Pipp annoying and less likeable in this episode. I get that she is supposed to be a humorous caricature of an influencer, but they take it a bit too far this time. I was hoping that her video at the end wouldn’t be as popular as she liked, so she could learn that not everything she creates has to be an instant success, and that’s okay too. I think it’s important, especially with the younger audience this show is aimed at, to show that these tendencies and obsessions with getting high numbers on social media is actually unhealthy and potentially destructive. Having Sparky and Pipp’s videos instantly become viral anyway kind of took away from this plot. I hope it’s something that they explore more carefully with her character in the future, if they are going to keep up with this social media obsessed aspect of her character. I will admit that her poses and facial expressions were very entertaining throughout her antics. It really showcases how much more expressive and fun the animation has got since the Make Your Mark pilot.

I think not every episode needs to have a subplot, especially as this one took something away from the main conflict with Sunny. One of the most interesting hooks of this story for me was Opaline manipulating her and exposing her insecurities through the mirror. It would have been nice to have more time focussed on this plot-thread, with Sunny being genuinely afraid that part of her self thinks this way, that she really has a latent power-lust within her. Perhaps we could have had scenes of her trying to keep herself away from the mirror versus her curiosity in opening it, leading to her hiding it under her pillow when she breaks down in the Brighthouse.

I did like the exploration of how Sunny’s powers work, beyond when she needs them to literally save ponies. I think they’re doing a good job and portraying her internal struggles in coping with her confusing new ability, and if ponies really like her for who she is. Her insecurities clearly link back to everyone dismissing her beliefs in pony unity growing up. The bedroom scene is genuinely touching, and I liked Izzy’s little speech too. Misty and Opaline’s interactions were as entertaining as ever, and the former discovering smoothie was very cute. I can see Misty becoming a fan favourite! The community garden is a nice set piece, and I hope we see it get some use in later episodes as a fun experimentation field for Earth Pony magic.

“Portrait Day” has been my favourite of the batch so far, and I absolutely want to see more of that style of writing and quality moving forward. It’s a shame “Ali-conned” was a lot more flawed in execution, and I hope it’s just the one weaker link in this series.

Also, first post here in eight years. Hello!

Edited by Bubblegum
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I've seen episode 4, and while I definitely think it's better than the first of this "chapter", I don't think it's as strong as the previous two.  I suppose it's a good thing we got another episode that tried to develop Sunny's character, as goodness, she needs it.  However, it doesn't really IMHO.  She has always been the everypony who's a saint, and this episode really leans into the latter.  Almost everypony else is one-note as usual, and only really cares about her being an alicorn.  

As for Pipp, I'm starting to think she's in serious need of development too.  I get that she's the social media pony who's all about likes and whatnot, but it seems every arc she gets has something to do with that.  She's still my second favourite Mane Five pony for now, but that probably speaks volumes more about what I think of most of the rest.  Unlike Sunny she does have personality, and she's not super annoying like Izzy. 

After giving it some thought, there are really only three factors, I think, which are keeping Pipp in my number two spot.  Hitch would probably overtake her as my second favourite if he was consistently written like he is two episodes prior.  That there is little consistency with him, and I definitely see more bad writing for him, keeps him firmly in third.  Pipp's association with Zipp really helps.  I also think she's the best waifu material this series has to offer.  If it wasn't for those three things, I think she would definitely be in third for me.  Perhaps if she was allowed to have a whole episode to herself, and not share the spotlight, especially in what's clearly the secondary subplot, perhaps that would do wonders for her.  As it stands...I really wish this were the Zipp show, as she's the only one I think I could watch for an extended period of time, and even she has her issues.  

Ok, Opaline and Misty actually did something.  I guess the goal was to convince Sunny to go over to the dark side, and want to co-rule Equestria?  Nah, she's too altruistic for that.  I didn't really feel like the stakes were that high here, as I never thought there would be any chance of her falling for Opaline's plan.  It also didn't involve putting a curse on Sunny or something, but rather just amounted to trying to directly convince her.  Eh...I still don't think the whole villain sideplot is going anywhere.  

On the plus side, Sparky isn't as annoying as usual.  Maybe it's because he's being used as a means to an end here than as an actual central plot focus.  He's still very one-note though.  

Yeah...I think this particular episode is mid at best.  Hopefully the next four episodes are better.  

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On 10/1/2022 at 3:04 AM, AlbaTross said:

She has always been the everypony who's a saint, and this episode really leans into the latter.  Almost everypony else is one-note as usual, and only really cares about her being an alicorn. 

That's the problem with Sunny. I mean, Twilight was not my favorite, but she had a more solid personality and development than her. Sunny is a Mary Sue!!

Edited by Orchid_Fiore
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On 2022-10-06 at 7:23 PM, Orchid_Fiore said:

That's the problem with Sunny. I mean, Twilight was not my favorite, but she had a more solid personality and development than her. Sunny is a Mary Sue!!

Agreed.  Heck, I've been known to actually like Mary Sues in the past.  The problem is there's very little here to actually latch onto with Sunny.  Who is Sunny outside of friendship?  We know full well who Twlight is when she's not with her friends.  Apparently the series has since doubled down on her being the smoothie pony, but that still doesn't satisfy me as that's her job.  I guess she worked towards building a community garden, and other community initiatives, but that still doesn't tell me what she would do with her time when she's not at work, involved in the community or with her friends.  I suppose having her friends live with her is an excuse for us to not be shown that, but even that can't cover up the lack of character development.  While the others are underdeveloped too IMHO, at least they have more in the way of personality.  Sunny just ends up playing off of whoever she's paired with, which granted, can work sometimes for the sake of a story, but I find that the series is more interesting when episodes aren't about her, which probably isn't a great thing for the main character of a series.

Besides, let's not forget that Sunny isn't perfect, because the movie clearly showed she has her own biases and prejudices.  Of course, that movie rewarded her without her having to actually face up to that, and the series went on to forget that side of her entirely.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it really strange the way the citizens of Maretime Bay don't see earth pony Sunny and alicorn Sunny as the same pony. Like, I suppose that there might be a reason for this, maybe some divine power of alicorns or something, but they should make this explicit. And even then, not everything earth pony Sunny suggested was a lost cause. Like, she suggested reuniting with the other ponies and restoring magic even before she became an alicorn and that worked out. However, I feel like a lot of the problems of this episode would have been solved it they made explicit what's so special about alicorns. 

I'm kind of surprised that Sunny didn't think there was anything strange about a talking mirror, or being able to hear her own voice from the mirror, but that's a relatively minor issue in my eyes. 

I find Pipp's reliance of popularity on social media interesting. Between this and her freaking out when she couldn't come up with a new hit in episode 1, and I think we might have an episode idea of not getting your self worth from your followers or something like that. 


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  • 1 year later...

'How do I stay an Alicorn?'

'Find the source of your power and harness it. then all your wildest dreams can come true!!!'

'Even the community garden?!!?!!'

The way the crowd behave is exaggerated but there is a grain of truth in it....

and know we have 2 Sunny's talknig with each other... can it get any better? :double-shock:

10/10 and it has nothing to do with Sunny (of course it has) :jazz-hooves-please: + the awesome opening

mlp-mlp-item-628x5402.webp New friends (you)

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  • 6 months later...

As I continue my Mark Your Mark journey, I must say, Opaline in growing on me as a villain and a character. The actress who voices her plays up villainess charisma in a very old school way. I am reminded of Disney's Ursula the Sea Witch or Sonic SatAM's Doctor Robotnik.

She is completely unapologetic, she is very ancient and powerful, and she can clearly be violent with her magic. But she is intelligent, subtle and prefers to rely on corrupting others and exploiting their weaknesses. Finesse and nuance are the key features of her highly refined and mature style. She is credibly a thousand years old or more.

Sometimes in MLP, villains turn out to be inherently good or at least redeemable ponies who hit a really bad day in their lives. Opaline, clearly, is entirely evil and she looks great as she goes about it.

She's obviously going to be a formidable challenge and threat to the Mane 5. This episode continues to indicate that, even though they can draw great strength and support from each other, individually the Mane 5 do not have their own houses in order. 

Sunny struggles with being a part time Alicorn, Pipp is entirely in the grip of an almost crippling obsession with social media. Zipp continues to be haunted by the spectre of her royal destiny and seems to always be looking for other things to be investigated, by way of displacement. Hitch is finding that he does not have a pet dragon, in reality he is now a father to an infant child. I speak from experience, parenthood is never easy, it always adds stress along with the joy. Hitch kinda blithely blundered into his new role without considering it. Meanwhile, he's still the chief uniform law enforcement officer of a sizable town. Izzy is Izzy, but oddly enough she benefits from not psychoanalyzing herself too much and she kind of looks after everyone else. She also occupies herself with fostering amity and building community in Maretime Bay. Something it desperately needs. 

It seems that for every step forward that the Mane 5 are able to coax the recalcitrant Earth Ponies of Maretime to take, they then take two or three steps backwards. They're kind of obtuse and boarish, until things go wrong and then they panic. Given that during the film Maretime Bay was an isolationist technocracy, I suppose this is to be expected. 

This, all of this, makes everyone very vulnerable to Opaline. She is calculating and normally quite patient. She's very compelling and keeps me engaged. I cannot wait to see where she'll do in the next episodes.



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