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I Just Finished My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic For The First Time


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I'm In Tears

In my welcome post, I spelled out my involvement with the fandom in the title of the post, "Late to the Pony." I got very warm and cozy reactions with a few quailing my insecurity about joining the fandom so late, but I've had time to contemplate things as I was midway through the eighth season and knowing this wonderful show was drawing to a close, mainly with regards to how late I was to joining the fandom. Its something I couldn't handle, and as satisfying, heartwarming and heartbreaking as the bittersweet finale was, its difficult to handle. It really is. Being a fanboy in general, shows I've come to love and hold close to my heart has syphoned in and out of my viewing rotation based on what I've got going on in life. I've come across many shows and fallen in love with so many. Gravity Falls, Owl House, Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, Futurama, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, and currently, Hazbin Hotel is an obsession that's early in its phase, and Helluva Boss (its spinoff) is still ongoing; however, MLP: FIM has genuinely changed me, and its a show I'll never forget. As the show went on, the show's hand slowly made its way into my soul. Since I began watching it, I've had so much going on. Namely law school and a couple relationships as well as difficulty with substance abuse. For some reason, though, My Little Pony didn't help me "escape." It grounded me. It inspired me. It spoke to me. It made me laugh and it made me cry. It made me think and it made me relax. I would jokingly say I cried too many times, but honestly, such an emotional and soulful show warrants tears, emotion, humanity, and all the rest. No matter what mood I was in, no matter what personality I felt attractedt to expressing, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the first show I could always come home, watch, and feel like myself even if I still don't know exactly what "myself" is. There's comfort shows. There's intensive dramas and thrillers. Then, there's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which despite any flaws, grabbed my heart and it won't let go from now until forever, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

You should have seen me in my lawn chair with my Coraline blanket and my Mane Six plushies bawling like a child watching the final three episodes. I hate to speak to early, but My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has the material to be my all-time favorite television show. I at least know its top five. 

What's To Come

Now, I feel more equipped to engage the fandom, but I've been thinking where to go from here? Ostensibly, the title of this post includes, "For The First Time" because I'm obviously going to watch it again! I'll give it a minute besides an episode here and there because I do want to watch The Next Generation and Make Your Mark, but when I return to watching FIM, again, I want to watch it with intention. I'm the guy who wrote 12-page papers out of 5-page papers in college. I'm in law school because of my overthinking and need for analysis. I love to engage my mind, and I love to write. Now, that I've let the wonderful show wash over me with no guard, I've come to appreciate that watching the show long after the height and mainstream attention given to the show's fandom, its given me a different experience than those who were around for the height of the fandom. For example, when I watched "Slice of Life," which could be renamed, "MLP: FIM: The Fan Service Episode," as much as I loved it, it had a different effect on me since I wasn't aware of much of the fandom's engagement with the show. I watched the show ignorant of the nuances and complexities of the fandom. Not only am I choosing to engage the fandom, but this is also the first time I've went out of my way to throw myself into a fandom with such veracity. I want to engage the community. I want to interact with others. I want to get involved in role plays. I want to read fan fiction and hopefully write some of my own fan fiction eventually (I am a lifelong writer, but I've never dabbled into fan fiction). Mainly, though, where do I start? Here is an early draft of a project idea of where I could start.

Late To The Pony: Pony Studies (Episodic Analysis?)

Like I said, I'm an avid writer and I love analysis. Not just reviews, but analysis. So, and I'm being legitimate, what about actually essays analyzing each episode? That might sound like a heap, but I can turn an idea for a piece of writing into a thousand words at the drop of a dime, and I have so much to say about these episodes. Strengths, weaknesses, methods and differences in characterization from episode to episode. Discussing the lore, etc. Yes, I kind of want to be that guy. The guy you jokingly assume with your friends he has a 100-page essay over every episodes. Clearly not to that extreme, but I think it would be fun? Rewatching the show, but writing an analysis for each episode. Not a review, an analysis. Why it speaks to me. Why it speaks to others. How the characterizations functioned in the episode. The lore explored and what it adds or contextualizes. I love analyses, and this is a straightforward way to begin with plenty of content to sit through and the analyses would come from a person who wasn't affected (positively or negatively) by the fandom when it was in full-swing. A unique perspective from a person who puts as more analysis into the art I consume as I put into case law in law school and anthropology and psychology when I was in college, and I'm not saying I would want to finish this project before I do anything else. Like I said, I want to get into roleplaying. I want to get into reading and eventually writing fan fiction. I want to get into events. So, my final heading...

Can anypony help me?:kindness:

Where would I post these analyses? Should I write some or all of them ahead of time first and then start posting them? Or just post them in real time? Is it a good idea? Is there a better approach? And where can I get involved in roleplaying and events? What clubs should I enjoy and what are the fundamentals of being an active member of a fandom? I would love some hoofholding from anypony. Brony, pegasister, whoever. I mean, I also genuinely want to make friends (in case you didn't know, friendship is a somewhat obscure and unspoken theme in Friendship is Magic). So, I would love some help, direction, mentoring. I genuinely just want to get as much as I can from diving headfirst into this fandom and doing a fandom dive and engagement for the first time in such a way I don't feel like a fish out of water. I just want some help, please! I love everypony, here, and I beyond love this show to the point I crave more engagement, and this seems like the perfect place to do so. You can call me Twilight and I'll call you Celestia.


I know that was rather open-ended, but any responses would be appreciated. Thank you so much to everypony for letting me be here. I just want to feel like a contributor to the fandom. Someone who makes the fandom richer the same way others have made it richer for me in what little engagement I've done on reddit and Facebook.

Thank you!

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 12.44.40 AM.png

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So happy for you! :fluttershy: May I recommend the IDW comics? They're official and have lots of plots and characters beyond what the show provides, I think you'll like analyzing those ;)

50 minutes ago, StoryStorm said:

Where would I post these analyses? Should I write some or all of them ahead of time first and then start posting them? Or just post them in real time?

Maybe in this case you'll prefer writing it on the blogs? @Ice Princess Silky  can help you with how to make one, she helped me with that so I can recommend her!

I also think you should write them until they're, in your opinion, fully ready to share :coco:

For fan fictions, there are loads on Fimfiction! https://www.fimfiction.net

You can also share them here: https://mlpforums.com/forum/29-written-fan-works/

And, I know someone who can help you with your fanfics if you need help with them, @Emerald Heart :fluttershy:

You can also find additional writing resources here: https://mlpforums.com/forum/195-ak-yearlings-writing-resources/

For roleplaying, there's a section here for everything about RP's: https://mlpforums.com/forum/416-roleplay-world/ (or you can be like me, hop around the entire site and do silly RP's for a bit with anyone who's okay with some incoherent silliness :P)


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I was bawling watching the last three episodes too.

I second putting your thoughts in a blog.

The comics are official but not exactly canon. I'd recommend the chapter books. They don't contradict the show that I recall and they read a lot like episodes. Then of course G5 starting with My Little Pony A New Generation.

My Little Pony Story Collection 8 Books Box Gift Set ( Twilight Sparkle and  The Crystal Heart Spell, Rarity and the Curious case of Charity, Rainbow ...


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Oh my gosh, you darling person. Don’t worry. The adventure continues. With lovely communities like ours. With lessons we’ve all learned and grown from. Thank you for making such a lovely post. :coco: 

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I enjoyed your post. It's amazing how My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has resonated with so many of us, each in our own way. I totally get that bittersweet feeling of joining a fandom “late,” but your journey into this world of friendship, magic, and personal connection is just as valid and maybe even more profound because of the timing. You’ve come in with fresh eyes, and the series has impacted you deeply during some really transformative times in your life.

It’s so powerful when a show doesn’t just offer an escape, but actually helps ground us. The way you described how it spoke to you through all the ups and downs really reflects how certain pieces of art can unexpectedly weave themselves into our lives. It’s awesome that you’re looking to dive deeper into the fandom with such passion and intention. I’m sure your voice will be a welcome addition, and I think your idea of creating episode analyses sounds incredible! Your background in law school and your love for writing and analysis could bring a fresh perspective that many fans would appreciate. And who knows? You might discover things about the show others haven’t noticed before.

As for where to start - there are a few places you could explore. Fimfiction, Fanfiction.net, the mlpforums fanworks section, and Archive of Our Own are great platforms for fan fiction, and Equestria Daily could be good spaces for your episode analyses. There is a plethora of Youtube channels with extensive theories and episode analyses. I’d suggest posting them in real time as you write; it’ll help you connect with others, start conversations, and build momentum. I'm sure there are tons of brony/pegasister forums and Discord servers where you can get involved in roleplays and events, too. Don’t worry about feeling like a fish out of water - everypony starts somewhere, and the fandom is known for being welcoming and supportive.

I’m excited to see where your MLP journey takes you, and I’m sure you’ll find your place in the community. We need more thoughtful, passionate voices like yours! Keep spreading that friendship magic, and welcome to the herd!

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@Ice Princess Silky  Thank you for your kind words! I spoke with my ex-girlfriend, today, who used to be a pegasister. She was asking me how I am "handling it." It might seem like a joke, but when I finish a show I become passionate about, there really is like a hole in my heart, and seeing how this show struck more chords with me than any show I've ever watched in such an innocent but maturing, heart-warming, well-written show with unforgettable characters and everlasting emotions. That's why I can't wait to do more on this fansite! :fluttershy:

@Trot Shuffle

Love the name! I would love for @Ice Princess Silky  I've looked into the IDW comic books, and I'm primarily interested in the chapter books @Fluttershutter mentioned. Also, @Fluttershutter. Thanks for the encouragement!

I'll look into all the links and suggestions. I thinking hopping around and doing light, silly roleplay is the best option, but I don't have experience in roleplaying at all! So I'm already behind there. I'll have to look around and see how it goes. And thanks for a good place where I could post my episodic analyses. I think that's a good place to start since analysis is what I already have strong experience in. @Emerald Heart Yes, please assist me. I have loads of experience in writing, but NONE in fan fiction.

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@Starlight Serenade It really is a lightning-in-a-bottle situation where so many talents came together and constructed such an alluring world with rich, identifiable, and relatable characters, yet there's a certain degree of quality that just can't intentionally be achieved. Luna made the stars align in such a way that the show was such a critical and commercial hit working on so many levels. The themes, the endless dynamics between the Mane Six, the adorable and compelling CMC, even the secondary characters are memorable and so wonderful, you realize their lives have stories of their own. And I'm not beyond recognizing flaws, and I'm sure anypony can find things they wish the writers had have done differently (for me, Starlight's backstory was somewhat disappointing, and that's an analysis I'd love to write on its own. Maybe I'll start there? I'd love to do a dive into Starlight's character, her role as a villain and as an ally, but also critique her backstory. 

I've already looked into YouTube channels. I obviously found Jenny Nicholson. My first video was her "Brony Analysis" of the film, and since I knew nothing about her, I didn't realize the sarcastic, deadpan intention of the analysis, and because the criticism was so angry brony-esque, I was put-off until I found the nature of her and her videos. I was like, "This is the horse-famous pegasister?" Then I realized and now I watch the video, and its actually kind of brilliant because while the criticisms are exaggerated parodies of annoyingly unnecessary criticisms, it's still believable because a less vitriolic version of a few of the criticisms I can see being a genuine critique.

I must say, I already have great feelings about this site. I'm in multiple Facebook fan groups, and even though they have "rules" against NSFW content, there couldn't be poorer administration, and I hate NSFW content. I'm not going to go into moral ramifications or the sorts, but everything the show did for me, that's one thing it didn't do for me, and seeing imagery depicting my favorite characters who mean so much too me in both innocent but complex ways, its genuinely upsetting to the point it got to where I was simply blocking everypony who posted the content, but it did nothing to quail what I saw, and one guy in particular knew I didn't like it, so he would post the worst stuff on any status I made. One of many reasons I went looking and found this site, so I love that I've yet to come across anything like that. I just...I don't like it. On a personal and fundamental level, it goes beyond making me cringe. Its upsetting, and like you said, the show actually helps "grounds" us in reference to what I said, the NSFW content looks like an "escape" to a place I really don't want to go. It feels like a violation, and it feels like it goes against everything I love about the show. 

Sorry about the long response to you in particular, haha. There were just multiple things I wanted to respond to, and my thoughts went certain directions, and I had to express my appreciation for the absence of upsetting content. 

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23 hours ago, StoryStorm said:

@Starlight Serenade It really is a lightning-in-a-bottle situation where so many talents came together and constructed such an alluring world with rich, identifiable, and relatable characters, yet there's a certain degree of quality that just can't intentionally be achieved. Luna made the stars align in such a way that the show was such a critical and commercial hit working on so many levels. The themes, the endless dynamics between the Mane Six, the adorable and compelling CMC, even the secondary characters are memorable and so wonderful, you realize their lives have stories of their own. And I'm not beyond recognizing flaws, and I'm sure anypony can find things they wish the writers had have done differently (for me, Starlight's backstory was somewhat disappointing, and that's an analysis I'd love to write on its own. Maybe I'll start there? I'd love to do a dive into Starlight's character, her role as a villain and as an ally, but also critique her backstory. 

I've already looked into YouTube channels. I obviously found Jenny Nicholson. My first video was her "Brony Analysis" of the film, and since I knew nothing about her, I didn't realize the sarcastic, deadpan intention of the analysis, and because the criticism was so angry brony-esque, I was put-off until I found the nature of her and her videos. I was like, "This is the horse-famous pegasister?" Then I realized and now I watch the video, and its actually kind of brilliant because while the criticisms are exaggerated parodies of annoyingly unnecessary criticisms, it's still believable because a less vitriolic version of a few of the criticisms I can see being a genuine critique.

I must say, I already have great feelings about this site. I'm in multiple Facebook fan groups, and even though they have "rules" against NSFW content, there couldn't be poorer administration, and I hate NSFW content. I'm not going to go into moral ramifications or the sorts, but everything the show did for me, that's one thing it didn't do for me, and seeing imagery depicting my favorite characters who mean so much too me in both innocent but complex ways, its genuinely upsetting to the point it got to where I was simply blocking everypony who posted the content, but it did nothing to quail what I saw, and one guy in particular knew I didn't like it, so he would post the worst stuff on any status I made. One of many reasons I went looking and found this site, so I love that I've yet to come across anything like that. I just...I don't like it. On a personal and fundamental level, it goes beyond making me cringe. Its upsetting, and like you said, the show actually helps "grounds" us in reference to what I said, the NSFW content looks like an "escape" to a place I really don't want to go. It feels like a violation, and it feels like it goes against everything I love about the show. 

Sorry about the long response to you in particular, haha. There were just multiple things I wanted to respond to, and my thoughts went certain directions, and I had to express my appreciation for the absence of upsetting content. 

Wow, your passion and connection to the show really shines through here. I can absolutely feel how much the characters and their stories mean to you, and it’s beautiful how you’ve found such a deep sense of community and personal grounding through it. You're right - when something resonates on so many levels, from the Mane Six to the CMC and even the secondary characters, it’s like every piece is carefully woven together to create this world that feels alive and real.

I completely understand your frustrations with how certain aspects of the fandom can sometimes clash with the values and feelings you hold close about the show. It's disheartening when something so personal is distorted in ways that go against what it represents for you. Finding spaces that respect and reflect that love in a wholesome way is so important and I’m really glad you’ve found this site as a haven. It's a relief to be in a place that celebrates the same innocent joy and complexity you connect with.

Starlight Glimmer is one of my favorite characters, but your insight into Starlight's character sounds fascinating and I can tell you’d have some brilliant thoughts to share in that deep dive. It’s great that you’re already exploring more analyses, like Jenny Nicholson’s, and finding the humor and depth behind the critiques. There’s so much room to explore, and I hope you keep sharing your thoughts - your passion for this world deserves to be heard!

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I agree with @Fluttershutter The last three eps put me through an emotional wringer. And making a blog seems a good way to post your analyses; you can load it up, invite input and there’s really no limit to what you can share and discuss.

On 2024-09-09 at 3:50 AM, Fluttershutter said:

The comics are official but not exactly canon. I'd recommend the chapter books. They don't contradict the show that I recall and they read a lot like episodes. Then of course G5 starting with My Little Pony A New Generation.

My Little Pony Story Collection 8 Books Box Gift Set ( Twilight Sparkle and  The Crystal Heart Spell, Rarity and the Curious case of Charity, Rainbow ...


And this is a revelation! I never knew about those books and they look amazing! I’ve got to get a set of those asap! :pinkie:

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3 hours ago, Dreambiscuit said:

I agree with @Fluttershutter The last three eps put me through an emotional wringer. And making a blog seems a good way to post your analyses; you can load it up, invite input and there’s really no limit to what you can share and discuss.

And this is a revelation! I never knew about those books and they look amazing! I’ve got to get a set of those asap! :pinkie:

The books seem sadly overlooked.

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14 hours ago, StoryStorm said:

@Dreambiscuit Where do I start a blog?

Hmm, I don't actually know. I've been here forever and have seen many blogs on others' profiles but I never made one myself. So the best advice I can give you is to ask the staff and they can get you set up. They're super nice and super helpful. 

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Hi there @StoryStorm :)

I'm going to move this thread over to Site Questions, as it would be more appropriate there.

As said by others, a blog is a very good place to write an analysis! Here's a quick guide on how to make one.


Step 1: Fluttershutter mentioned this, but I'll post it again anways. Go to the blog section under the community tab and click "Create a new blog"


Step 2: It'll open a menu. This is where you can create your blog page. Once you've entered the relevant details, click "continue."


Step 3: You've created your blog page! You can add a cover image and edit things to your liking. This is mine for example.

Now you can make a blog entry. There's a big button on the right side. Click it when you're ready to make a blog entry.


Step 4: This is where you get to write your blog entry. It's similar to creating a topic like this one.

You can add a poll and a cover image for the entry.

When you're ready to publish, just click "submit entry" at the very bottom. If you want it published at a specific time and day, there is an option for that. If you want to save what you've written, but don't want to publish the entry, just click the switch at the bottom that's under "publish."


If you want to post your opinions on individual episodes of FiM, they do also have their own threads. Check out FiM Canon Discussion.


Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you need any assistance!

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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