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Spike and Sweetiebelle.


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At the risk of sounding like an idiot, how do you know their ages?


Step back, I'll use math ^_^

We know the Mane six are pretty close in age and considered adults. In Royal Wedding part1 fake-Cadence berates Pinkie for preparing a party for a 6-year old, so I assume the ponies age at about the same rate as humans, so I roughly put them around twenty with Pinkie being the youngest and Applejack/Rarity the oldest.

In Cutiemark-Chronicles it is mentioned that all the Mane Six were all younger than the CMC when they got their cutiemarks. Lets assume Applejack is 22, two years older than Twilight and the CMC are 8.

Meaning Twilight was 5 at most when she hatched Spike, putting his current age at 15+.

All of this is of course pure speculation on my part, put I think it is about accurate.


I don't think the age difference is quite so significant, since twilight was at least 6 or 8 when she was accepted, and therefore Spike was born, and in any cause spike is going to outlive her by several millenia anyhow. It's too soon to tell, but I think Spike/Rarity is much more likely, especially since she can keep his more dragon-like urges under control, like in "Secret of My Excess". Of course, we have almost no knowledge of dragon physiology, meaning that Spike could be completely mature or a 6-year old in terms of mental age.


Well Spike's intellect is on par with more or less all grown up ponies on the show and the examples of grown up dragons don't exactly give the impression that their wits improve over time.


Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned how much it hurts to be ignored by a pony (or dragon) you care deeply about and how much you can hurt them without you realizing it. I realize now that I need to keep everyone's feelings on my mind with the actions I take and try to give them all proper attention.


The lesson is pretty good, but I'don't think it requires Spike falling for Sweetie Bell. Also for Spike to get over Rarity in less than an episode seems unlikely.
  • Brohoof 1
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Dude... Have you ever tried to date the little sister of a female friend? She will crucify you! *Speaking from an unfortunate experience* *shudder*


And he means that literally.

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Step back, I'll use math ^_^

We know the Mane six are pretty close in age and considered adults. In Royal Wedding part1 fake-Cadence berates Pinkie for preparing a party for a 6-year old, so I assume the ponies age at about the same rate as humans, so I roughly put them around twenty with Pinkie being the youngest and Applejack/Rarity the oldest.

In Cutiemark-Chronicles it is mentioned that all the Mane Six were all younger than the CMC when they got their cutiemarks. Lets assume Applejack is 22, two years older than Twilight and the CMC are 8.

Meaning Twilight was 5 at most when she hatched Spike, putting his current age at 15+.

All of this is of course pure speculation on my part, put I think it is about accurate.



Well Spike's intellect is on par with more or less all grown up ponies on the show and the examples of grown up dragons don't exactly give the impression that their wits improve over time.


I think Spike at 15 is consistent with his characterization, but that still puts him at MAJOR creeper status for hitting on Sweetie Belle.

From what we've seen, dragons don't grow more intelligent as they age, but rather the inverse: they tend to grow with their character development. That's why in "Secret of My Excess", he aged considerably with his development of emotion. So, he'll biologically age when he matures. However, being raised by ponies is going to change him, so its hard to tell how he will age. Let's just assume it's going to be handled on a regular basis.

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I think Spike at 15 is consistent with his characterization, but that still puts him at MAJOR creeper status for hitting on Sweetie Belle.

From what we've seen, dragons don't grow more intelligent as they age, but rather the inverse: they tend to grow with their character development. That's why in "Secret of My Excess", he aged considerably with his development of emotion. So, he'll biologically age when he matures. However, being raised by ponies is going to change him, so its hard to tell how he will age. Let's just assume it's going to be handled on a regular basis.


I think spike is pretty young. Fluttershy thought of him as a baby dragon, and the teenage dragons were atleast 3 times his size.

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I think spike is pretty young. Fluttershy thought of him as a baby dragon, and the teenage dragons were atleast 3 times his size.


It's possible, but "baby dragon" could just be a reference to his level of development, or just with the perspective that dragons live HUNDREDS of years. The Teenage Dragons being larger then him are because Spike has been raised by ponies, and is neither as rough and tumble nor as cruel as they are.
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Oh lord... The last thing we need is another Helga Pataki type of situation.

Hm, if you put it that way, Spike probably wouldn't have a shrine forRarity then like Helga had for Arnold, since his feelings are out in the open unlike Helga who kept her feelings a secret. :huh:
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It's possible, but "baby dragon" could just be a reference to his level of development, or just with the perspective that dragons live HUNDREDS of years. The Teenage Dragons being larger then him are because Spike has been raised by ponies, and is neither as rough and tumble nor as cruel as they are.


Still though, while it may make him less tough them the other dragons, it's kind of extreme to say that being raised by ponies drastically stunted his physical growth.

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Well, I'm not saying it has to be a full blown relationship. Just some simple swooning over how cute she is. Maybe Sweetie could sing him a song and that's why he falls for her.


It'd be adorable if Sweetie sang a song to Spike and then he got a crush on her! Your idea on the episode is awesome! Though, I disagree about Sweetie convincing Spike to like just Rarity again and Rarity wanting Spike for herself. Rarity doesn't OWN Spike, and he has every right to choose who he wants to like. I think that they should somehow leave it to be at least a possibility that SweetiexSpike could happen, just like they didn't say that CheerileexBigMac wouldn't happen.
  • Brohoof 1
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Though, I disagree about Sweetie convincing Spike to like just Rarity again and Rarity wanting Spike for herself. Rarity doesn't OWN Spike, and he has every right to choose who he wants to like. I think that they should somehow leave it to be at least a possibility that SweetiexSpike could happen, just like they didn't say that CheerileexBigMac wouldn't happen.


Well, think about how jealous/protective she was when Spike went to the dragon colony. Also, I meant Sweetie would want Spike back on Rarity because she would get annoyed with him following her around and such. Like, he comes to visit her in class and embarrasses her in front of all her friends. So she starts not liking the attention and wishing Spike would just like Rarity again and then she finds out that Rarity really misses the attention Spike was giving her she gets the other CMC to convince Spike why Rarity is so lovely and to get his mind off of Sweetie.


Honestly, the more a rationalize this the more it sounds like a sort of shallow episode. Let's just stick with your plan of him maybe liking Sweetie. haha

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  • 1 year later...

...and in any cause spike is going to outlive her by several millenia anyhow...


I've read a fanfic or two where Spike uses a potion (most often the Heart's Desire) to become a pony, and ^that's usually one of his major reasons.


P.S.: Spike. Transformation. Pony. Make it an episode, Meghan.


P.P.S.: You think the Heart's Desire can turn somepony into, say, a Draconequus or something?

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If only this relationship was canon, sadly Spike will stay have his eyes set on Rarity I wouldn't blame him at all she is a pretty hard mare to not keep your eyes off of.

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If only it was a last resort. Lol. He'd have to be pretty desperate to go for the sister of the girl he's trying to get. Setting your expectations just A LITTLE lower. Way to go spike. That's how a true man does it. ;) (JK)

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