NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1801 Share August 7, 2012 ((OOC: A weird way to stay awake, peanut butter )) Carrick saw the city under their hooves. Just from the looks of it the size of the city was immense. All Carrick could see was the city and nothing further, even from this height. It's been a while, hasn't it? Carrick slowly tapped Starbolt, "Hey, we're here." Carrick said. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azura 1,107 August 7, 2012 #1802 Share August 7, 2012 After Blaze said how all of his family members were dead except his aunt she felt sad for him. "Don't you get lonely without your parents around? Did you have a good relationship with your parents before they passed away? Do they know you're going on such a dangerous trip just to stop this Ice Star?" she asked Blaze. "Sorry if I asked too many questions.." ((OOC: Why must everypony be against our love? )) 1 My Signature Shop!-=-=-=-=-Art Collection!-=-=-=-=-A Signature Tutorial! Also known as "Cloud Chaser". My Ponysona, Azura. Avatar & Signature by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1803 Share August 7, 2012 ((OOC: This will be a weird scene to type )) Wings laughed, like it wasn't obvious. Wings went closed to him, "You have to get them. I may not have an obligation to help my sister. It doesn't mean you should fool around with some stallion." Wings said. "However," Wings leaned and tilted his head, he kissed him. His lips connected with his upper lip than, to his lower lip. He put his hooves around his neck to hold the kiss for a few more seconds. He pulled away from him, he let go of his neck. "maybe our paths will meet again." ((OOC: @Cloud Chaser: Because they're usually drama to love. A good love story isn't one of them just being in love and that's it. It's drama. The will to push through the obstacles they've been given. Be it an internal conflict or an evil master-mind. That's what makes love stories become a good read.{or any story.} )) Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavia's Bow 2,035 August 7, 2012 #1804 Share August 7, 2012 He smiled dreamily, "You taste like apple. Yah, paths crossing would be great." He then shakes his head to clear it, "And your right, I still have responsibilities. If you're ever in Mare Moines, look me up. 1236 Chestnut. And if you could point memin the right direction..." In every heart, there is darkness In every action, there is consequence In every breath, there is hope In the end, what matters most? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1805 Share August 7, 2012 Starbolt awoke and felt Carrick next to her. She opened her eyes and saw Carrick. She savored the moment but eventually sat up straight and prepared herself for disembarking. Fae was able to finish her potion, she was pretty sure it was a magic booster. She still sampled a drop to be sure, it was. 'Perfect.' She thought as she saw the city approaching. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickey 383 August 7, 2012 #1806 Share August 7, 2012 (Gonna play a mtch of LoL real soon) The carriage came to a stop just outside the city "This is where we get off" Clocks said excitedly as he used his wings to propell himself out of the carriage and onto the ground. Hypno got up and walked out of the carriage and took the view oft he city in. I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1807 Share August 7, 2012 (( Alright, just trying to stay awake....a bit hard )) Carrick got off the carriage, he saw Fillydelphia once again. The size was more immense when on the ground. Many buildings of great size encompass the city. There were a few small houses, but they were scattered all around the city. Carrick remembered it, it's really has been a while. "Fillydelphia. It's good to be back." Carrick said. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickey 383 August 7, 2012 #1808 Share August 7, 2012 Clocks pulled Hypno aside, he had a obviously childish question for him. "Hey, dat snow-y lookin' mare, she your special somepony?" He asked quietly "Not, exactly..." "Why not, it's obvious dat you like her." "Because i'm a dangerous pony, and i'm 18, she is 22" "Don act like us vampires can't shift our age." "I just don't think i would be the right pony for her." Clocks started talking a little louder now "Well, how bout dis. Y'know when ponies in movies say 'yer goin' in my book know' or 'yer in my book now'? Well, it just so happens i keep a book for everypony i meet, and now i've met you again" "An wanno know what section imma file you in?" "Chicken Shit." Clocks said with a stupid looking grin on his face, saying that he was too scared to do it. I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1809 Share August 7, 2012 Starbolt stepped out of the carriage. "You've been here before Carrick?" She asked him. Fae flew down and handed Starbolt the potion she made. "Thanks Fae." She said keeping the potion in her saddlebag. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1810 Share August 7, 2012 (edited) Carrick nodded, "Yeah, I took a case over here. The case involve a missing filly. It took longer than it was excepted. I had to take a small apartment for the length it took." Carrick said. Carrick remember the small apartment, all the sleepless nights he stayed there. All the notes he wrote, it span the length of ten notepads. Carrick looked at his notepad, he saw that he was almost done with his first notepad. I better get a new one soon. Carrick thought. "Well, let's start heading off. We have a big city to search for a building, it might take a while." Carrick said. EDIT: Off to bed, be back in around 5 hours. Edited August 7, 2012 by NinjaCPU Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azura 1,107 August 7, 2012 #1811 Share August 7, 2012 Daeva told Blaze "I'll fly ahead and I will be waiting for you there at Neighsee in one an inn, here's the compass just in case you get lost." she said as she handed the compass to Blaze before she flew off as fast as a bullet in the direction of Neighsee. As she approached she looked around to see if there was some place to stay, she saw an inn just like she expected and walked in, she went up to the counter and gave enough bits to stay for a night. She took the key and went upstairs to her room number. She carefully looked around her to see if anypony was around, it was completely empty and scary as well but nopony would have the guts to stand up to a demon she thought before walking in and quickly locking the door behind her. Daeva went over to the bed, she noticed she actually has night vision as she could see without any lights turned on. She sat on the bed and tucked herself into the bed sheets, slowly fading away into a deep sleep.. ((OOC: I hope Neighsee is a small town.. Anyway I'll be going off to bed, see everypony tomorrow!)) My Signature Shop!-=-=-=-=-Art Collection!-=-=-=-=-A Signature Tutorial! Also known as "Cloud Chaser". My Ponysona, Azura. Avatar & Signature by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickey 383 August 7, 2012 #1812 Share August 7, 2012 (edited) Clocks started laugh as he turned and started off over towards the front of the group, Aces didn't stay for behind him. Hypno walked over to Carrick. "I'm going to have to check some address here sometime" He said remembering what Clocks had given to him Edited August 7, 2012 by Hypno I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurshy 708 August 7, 2012 #1813 Share August 7, 2012 ((OOC Got a few hours of sleep, I can finally type the next plot point of Team Blaze. And Cloud Neighsee is a fairly medium sized city, while there are some skyscrapers that reach up thousands of feet, the city limits all together only stretch to a mile to two miles in circumference.)) Daeva flew ahead for a reason not yet known to Blaze, but Blaze decided to speed ahead also. He saw some lights, he could that he was approaching Neighsee. While the town was most likely largely populated the town itself was not much larger than ponyville. Blaze landed on the ground outside of the inn that he saw Daeva enter. He was not sure if his MP sense was coming back or if Carrick was rubbing off on him, but he could tell he was being watched. Before entering the Inn he took a look around. No one seemed to be outside, which was fairly odd because he had been to Nieghsee before and it was not a city that simply went to sleep. Something does not feel right around here. Blaze thought. Maybe there is some sort of event happening somewhere that I am unaware of. Blaze was about to enter the Inn when he felt it, a dark presence. He looked up and sure enough somebody was sitting up the roof of the 2 story inn. It was hard to see who it was, it did not look like a pony, more like a minotaur. But it was too dark to get a look at the features of the being, not to mention it wore a black cloak that it most of its features. Blaze was stunned by fear for a couple of seconds, the creature began to whistle a melancholy tune, Blaze instantly remembered that tune as the one that Ice Star played during their "conversation". The creatures legs dangled from the roof where he was sitting, he continued to whistle his song. Blaze finally asked "Wh- Who are you?" No response "What do you want?" Again no response. "Look if you are from Ice Star's group, I do not want to join you just leave" Blaze said Finally the beast talked, his voice came out guttural and gruff, almost as a growl. "You are no longer fit to spit-shine Ice Star's horseshoes. Let alone join us in comradery " He spat. "Th-then, why are you here?" Blaze asked. There was a long pause, and then he answered Blaze. "I was sent here to kill you." He said, pausing for effect. "Ice Star left your life in my hands, and gave me free reign to choose if you live or die. I am not going to kill you... at least not yet" He said Blaze went cold, it was as if he was frozen in time. The feeling of fear was so deep that it left him paralyzed. "I have a couple of reasons for this. Out of respect for your family lineage and all of the death and destruction your father reeked, I could not just simply kill one who's DNA is so close to that of a mass murderer." Blaze could not see his face, but he was almost certain that he licked his lips as he said this. "But also, both you and I know that you are not 100 percent, so not only would it not be fun to kill you but it would be a waste." The mysterious beast said. He acts like he knows that I can regain my powers Blaze thought. As if reading Blaze's mind the creature said "I have MP wave sense, and I can see your aura, you are definitely on the mends, which is a great feat indeed considering most unicorns and alicorns do not even so much as live from a wound like that, let alone survive and recover." Blaze knew this was true, if a unicorns horn was completely severed there was a high chance that all of his MP would pour out of his body, and since MP and life is linked, most cases would simply die before anyone could stop the flow of MP "I am giving you a fair warning out of respect. If you continue on this path, we will meet again, and it will not be as friendly as this visit. However, you could simply give up, and return to canterlot, live out the rest of your day's in a fancy mansion with your girlfriend there, and never have to see me agian." The beasts ultimatum was clear, go back to canterlot or die. Before Blaze could say anything the Beast stood up. He reached inside his cloak pocket producing a thick folded sheet of parchment. The beast unfolded it, the paper about 10 feet sq. He released it, it floated down with the breeze, until four knifes pinned each corner to the ground next to Blaze. The knives appeared so fact that Blaze was not even sure it was the Beast who released them. After pinning the parchment to the ground, blaze could see that it was a rune. The beast pulled a bottle of blue liquid from his cloak uncorked it and tossed the entire bottle on the rune. The rune glowed signifying it was charged with MP. "You have been warned Blaze Phoenixtear, do not cross my path again" were the last words the beast said before leaping two stories into the rune, his looked like it simply passed through the solid concrete, but Blaze knew it was a simple teleportation rune. Blaze sighed, well I am glad that is over Blaze thought as he walked to the rune to further examine it. That was when he noticed all of the knives were covered in runes and blue liquid. The knives began glowing brightly until they exploded, sending Blaze flying backwards hitting his head on the wall behind him, and knocking him out cold. All that was left of the runic mat was a crater of scorched concrete. Blaze was now unconscious his mind slipping back into the dream realm, reliving the same dream as he had had before, Blaze and Daeva in the desert, Mantygre appearing, and Daeva being sliced in half, Blaze just standing there unable to do anything to prevent it... ((5514 characters, woohoo)) 1 [CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura) Shinobu is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1814 Share August 7, 2012 Carrick nodded, "We'll go there in due time, right now we have a certain pony to go to." Carrick started to walk. Buildings that were huge in comparison to Ponyland. Skyscrapers in a assorted parts of the city. Ponies walking in and out of the city. Going to their jobs and obligations. The faint cold breeze came by through the city, giving it a soft chill. Nothing still compared to the mountain, but it felt nice on Carrick's body. The touch of concrete on his hooves, Carrick could still smell of fresh air in this city. Carrick already knew most of the town, he had to inspect every part of it. To the small pubs to the corporations skyscrapers. Carrick made his path direct as he continued his way to a apartment complex. He pressed a certain number combination and let the group in. Carrick walked up a few sets of stairs and found the room number. "579....heh." Carrick went and check his front pocket. He took out a set of keys and place one of them to unlock the door. The door opening, revealing a small apartment. The apartment was rather small, and it would only be good for two ponies to live here. There was a couch to sit on, a small desk in the corner. A tiny kitchen. In the hallway there lead two rooms, a bathroom and a bedroom. Carrick look at the surroundings. "Hello? Ya here?" Carrick shouted, but to no avail. "Hmm, I guess he'd out. He'll probably be back in a few." "Well, in the mean time, you ponies can relax here. There should be some food in the kitchen, knowing him." Carrick said as he started to walk into the hallway and opened the bedroom. "Hey, meet in in the bedroom." Carrick told Starbolt. Carrick saw the compact bedroom. A bed infront of the window. The window that showed some of Fillydelphia. A desk that had various notes all over it and a nightstand to put clothes inside. Carrick laid on the bed for a second, a reminisce. He remembered the notepads that were piling up all over the desk. Envelopes and newspapers that stacked up this very desk. A tired Carrick as he continued to research what happened to her. Carrick sighed. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1815 Share August 7, 2012 Starbolt told Fae to wait. Fae started to go to the kitchen and started looking for various herbs. Starbolt stepped into the bedroom and walked towards Carrick hoping what she thought he called her for. "I'm here Carrick." She told him. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1816 Share August 7, 2012 "Hey Starbolt," Carrick said with a smile, he gesture her to sit down on the bed. "This was my apartment when I stayed here. I was here for months trying to find her. So many countless nights, just to find her." Carrick closed his eyes. "So...Starbolt, do you have any family?" Carrick changed the subject. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1817 Share August 7, 2012 "My father was a mage, he died when I was very small. Mother told me it was a failed spell, not sure which spell that failed but it must of been very strong. My mother is currently living in Caterlot, she has a small potion store. I don't have any siblings." She told him as she took a seat on the bed. "My father met my mother when he came by to buy different potions. I wish I knew my father more he must of been a great wizard." She said a bit sadly. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1818 Share August 7, 2012 (edited) Carrick nodded, he hugged her. "Oh, I'm sorry. He must of been a strong wizard." Carrick said. Carrick did wonder something, "Starbolt, why are you in this group?" Carrick thought about it, he thought he worded it wrong. "What I meant to say I mean is why did you help us? Why were you willing to help random strangers in a journey to find six ponies? Why? Not many ponies would give up what they're doing just to help us." Edited August 7, 2012 by NinjaCPU Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1819 Share August 7, 2012 Starbolt hugged back it made her feel better. "I've heard about the Elements, I know they are important, so I want to help." She replied to Carrick. "I also wanted to join for a more personal gain. I hoped to learn more about magic, and I was right." She said in a quieter tone hoping Carrick wont think of her as selfish. 'Fae is an amazing companion and friend.' She thought to herself. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1820 Share August 7, 2012 Carrick thought about it, Starbolt looked a bit ashamed about her statement. Carrick chuckled, "Do you know why I do what I do? Why I go in and fought ponies far stronger than me by magic? Interrogated mentally unstable ponies? You know why? It's because, I love mysteries. I love how far a rabbit hole can go if you go inside. To see what go in the depth of it. To see what happened, how they did it. Why they did it. EVERY aspect I love." "That's why I became a detective. Not for fame, glory, or any recognition. I do it for the mystery. Even if that means I have to retire just so the mystery can solved. I'll do it. " Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1821 Share August 7, 2012 "You enjoy mysteries as much as I enjoy magic." She replied smiling at Carrick. Fae continued looking through the cupboards and drawers for herbs and reagents to use for a potion. She already gathered quite a few, she piled them on the kitchen table. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1822 Share August 7, 2012 Carrick smiled back, a impulse came in. Carrick leaned in kissed her lips. He really couldn't help himself. He didn't know what made him do it. Maybe it was that smile she gives. The smile that makes Carrick's heart skip a beat. Maybe....ah who cares! Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1823 Share August 7, 2012 Starbolt was taken by surprise, but she kissed back and embraced him. She felt his warm body that made her troubles melt away. "I know another reason why I joined the group." She whispered in his ear before kissing him again. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NinjaCPU 270 August 7, 2012 Author #1824 Share August 7, 2012 Carrick slightly jolted when her warm breath touched his ears. A slight touch of red came on his cheeks. Carrick was speechless, she touched his lips again. His body feeling warmer as his wrapped his hooves on her neck, he pushed his body closer to her. Chest by chest, stomach by stomach He licked her lips to in hopes to touch her tongue. Made by: EQ-Style "For Science, I shall see if this is true." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Glaceon 793 August 7, 2012 #1825 Share August 7, 2012 Starbolt kissed back and felt Carrick's kiss. She continued to embrace Carrick. Fae finished another batch of potions. Healing, Invisibility and a couple of Magic potions. She continued making different potions. Previously: Mal (Starbolt) Eeveelutions: @Eevee: Eevee @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard @Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: DontDropThatDedenne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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