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Blaze used his magic to summon a great big pile of hay, he went up to Twilights closet and found a blanket and threw it over himself as he walked back to the pile of hay. He circled it much like a dog would before finally laying down. "Nighty night ever pony" Blaze said as he put the blanket over his head because there were still lights on in the tree house. It was not long before he was completely asleep, he had not had any sleep for an entire week if he recalled, having to fly from canterlot to here took a long time. And all of the events that transpired in this past week seemed to only further his need for sleep. As soon as his eyes closed he was out like a light.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Outside the tree house by the window a figure stirred and shivered uncomfortably, peeking in and perking her ears to try to hear what the ponies were saying. Clouds travled across the night sky quickly, allowing the moonlight to beam down upon Ponyville, outlining the buildings and casting shades on the other side. However, the light caught the eavesdropper by surprise, her coat instantly splashed transparent silver. Cloaking and whiriling the hooves of the spectre, a thin mist drifted without being disturbed by the wind. Darkness covered the streets again one second later and the spectre was already gone.


Down the street on the other side of town, the spectre paused sneaking around and looked up. Even at night, the Sugarcube Corner still looked like an inviting gingerbread house. Seconds later it was already inside the house by entering the unlocked door, uncovering shelves to find rows of cupcakes.

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"I will soon, Starbolt. I just want to organize everything correctly. Have a good night" Carrick turned back to his notes. Trixie already took Twilight's bed as she slept snore softly. Most ponies from the group were already asleep. Carrick was the only is studying for the next phase of this case. He took notes of how big the mountain was, how long the trip might be, how long the trip would be to the train. He took everything into consideration.


A quick shiver came down his spine. He felt somepony watch him. The detective turned around, he saw nothing, but the moon. Carrick got up and opened the door. He took a look around, to see if anypony was out there. He saw the town of ponyville. The ponies that had work all day have finally took rest and enjoyed the silence. He shook his head I'm going to sleep. Carrick got back into the Treehouse and went to sleep. This has been a long day....and I'm pretty sure tomorrow is going to be longer...

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Daeva was soaring through the skies, until something caught her eye. It was something near Ponyville and she wanted to know why.


As she was flying down something hit her and knocked her out, so she went crashing right through the window of Twilight's Treehouse.


She had a slight headache but she woke up pretty fast, but by then she was surrounded by the ponies that were inside the Treehouse.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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Starbolt was awoken by a loud crash she saw a light blue pegasus on the floor.

"Are you alright?" Starbolt said as she held out her hoof offering to help Daeva up.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Carrick eyes quickly rose up. The loud crash that went through the treehouse would wake anypony up. Carrick groaned and saw the light blue pegasus. He pulled himself up and saw the hole that went through the treehouse. Carrick lack of sleep made him pretty gullible. He didn't know if this pony was with Ice Star or not. However, this pony is hurt that's for sure. "Oh geez, this isn't pretty." He went up to Daeva and saw Starbolt try to help her. "Be careful," Carrick look at Daeva "She might have broken something."

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Carrick blinked "I don't think it's broken." Carrick saw her wincing from the pain. "If it was broken, you wouldn't be able to stand."


"I say it's a strain, maybe sprain." Carrick looked at the leg.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Daeva's eyes started bleeding from small bits of shattered glass.


"It's no big deal, I just have to wash the blood off and I'll be fine."


After a few steps she felt a little bit doozy and fell on the ground.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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As Ponyborn walked through the door of his house, while the others slept in twilight's tree house, he noticed a letter on his table. It had a fresh wax seal on it, he was worried about what was inside...and he was right about his assumption because not only was there a letter but a lock of what appeared to be Rarity's mane, and the letter read..."Dont make this harder than it needs to be, tell your friends that the case must end or one by one these ponies shall fall." Ponyborn stood startled..."O shit, this is not good at all." He looked around outside to see if anypony was near who might have given him this letter, there was no one. He took off running twords Twilight's tree house and burst through the door. "Get off your lazy asses we got some serious problems on our hands!" He said

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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Carrick pulled her on a bed. He took a good look at the scratches from the shattered glasses and her leg. The leg didn't look too bad, it was swollen, but it should be fine if she got some rest. He wouldn't be able to see the glasses on her eyes until she wakes up. Great, I just wanted some sleep. Guess that isn't happening anytime soon. Carrick went and got a first aid kit from one of Twilight's cabinets. He opened the bag and saw some rubbing alcohol and bandages. He wrapped around the bandages around her leg. Just in case.


He dabbed the rubbing alcohol and the cuts all around her body. The detective looked at pegasus and was surprised she was still knocked out. He put the extra bandages and alcohol back into the bag. Carrick sat down for a few seconds.


"Hey, am I fine?" Carrick eyes opened up when the peagsus said that.


Carrick examined her eyes, the shards that were in her eyes must of gotten out. "Your leg is swollen, you should be fi-"


"Get off your lazy asses we got some serious problems on our hands!" Ponyborn burst out in the treehouse.


"Well hey, how about you wake up all of Ponyville?" Carrick said.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Daeva smiles at Carrick for helping her out.


"Now what's with all the noise?" said Daeva as she stood out of the bed.


"You wouldn't mind if you guys introduced yourself right? I'll go first, my name is Daeva.".

Edited by Cloud Chaser


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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Blaze was so deep in his slumber that neither Deava's crash nor ponyborn's unexpected entrance woke him. The fatigue of the past week mixed with the depressant effect of alcohol made for an unyielding sleep.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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((OOC: Teehee any relation?))

Blaze mumbled a bit in his sleep. Muttering something about a kitty cat.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"Uh, honey? Were you hungry yesterday night?" Mr. Cake stared dumbfoundedly at the kitchen with his distinct jaw dropped.


"Nope, is something wrong? " Mrs. Cake's sleepy answer came from upstair.


Taking a deep gulp, then a sigh, Mr. Cake looked down to see what used to be the cupcakes that were supposed to be deliver this morning. Now there was nothing in there. Not even a crumb was left. Worriedly he checked the front, wondering if somebody left some pays or a note. There was nothing. It used to be that they never had to lock the door or to be afraid that something would be stolen. But now... Ponyville is... not like what it used to be. Have the law and order in Ponyville collapsed? Pulling his chin up, Mr. Cake give himself a shake to get rid of the gloomy thought. After his multiple faints from that last Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness transportation tripe, he vowed not to lose conscious that easily again. Somebody ate the cupcakes. Nothing to worry about. They could always rush and make more in the morning. Breathing in deeply through his nose, Mr. Cake was sure the world would be beautful once he opened his eyes.


Mrs. Cake charged into the kitchen like a bull. "Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are missing!"


Pulling his hoof over his head, rolling his eyes back into his head, and letting out a rueful whine, Mr. Cake collapsed onto his back.

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"My name is Starbolt." She said.

"Carrick you should of just had me heal her, she just has a few cuts and bruises." Said Starbolt as she cast a spell. Daeva's wounds started to close and bleeding stopped. "All better." Said Starbolt smiling.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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( OOC: Chaos everywhere! )


Carrick blinked, "I didn't think they were that major for magic." He looked at Daeva "Carrick Murphy, Detective."


"Now, why did you crash into the treehouse? Hard seeing in the dark?" Carrick asked her.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"A bright light caught my eye and then something just hit me and knocked me out for a few seconds so I couldn't do anything but watch myself fall right through the treehouse." Daeva replied.


"Is there anything I could help you? If not I'll be on my way back to the Everfree Forest."


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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Carrick was curious. Not many ponies go to the Everfree Forest back when he lived here. He didn't think it changed anytime either. "Why do you want to go to the Everfree Forest? Is there something important there?"

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Daeva took a deep breath and started explaining to everypony..


"When I was born my parents abandoned me and I left somewhere inside of the Everfree Forest.. Somepony took me to their house and raised me until I was ten, until one day I decided to run away for some reason I couldn't even remember. I started living alone in the Everfree Forest, hunting down animals I see for food, training day and night on how to fly and surpassing my limits..


As the years past I've become a lot stronger, robbing ponies that walk into the Everfree Forest and taking things that are useful to me. Then I just let them go, but some ponies attack me and I had no choice but to kill them for my own safety.


Life was tough but I had no choice, it wasn't my fault I had to kill innocents!"


Daeva stopped talking and turned away from everypony.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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Starbolt was speechless towards what Daeva said.

"Y-you killed..." She mumbled.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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