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Christmas Thanks!

Lady Rarity Pony

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With Christmas just about upon us I feel I should celebrate my first Christmas as a brony and thank everypony on this site.

I love every single one of you! If you were not listed then you slipped my mind in the 3 hours it took me to type this. I'll add you if I missed you.

The past 3 months have been so fun ever since I found these forums :3



Applejack: Due to the timezone difference I rarely get to talk to you but you are an awesome guy.


Appleshy Sparkle: The timezone differences also make you hard to come by but you're awesome and nice to talk to. You may not be the best Halo player out there but you are fun to play with.


Big Macintosh: Awesome guy to talk to. Our status update "conversations" are sure to scare away all the little fillies.


BizzarePony: First pony to ever reply to me. Nice member!


Bleyd: You are a pretty funny and cool guy.


Blue: You have some of the most intelligent and well written posts on the forums. Talking to you is fun.


Braeburn: We share the same first name! You and your silly MW3 ;-)


Crispy: Other than you being drunk you are my go to guy when it comes to help. Thanks bro for all the help and for being cool.


Captain Marvelous: You enjoy shipping Rarity with other mares, you are not a brony and you like Power Rangers. I shall love and tolerate you xD


Colton Manestache: I see you around the forums


cuteycindyhoney: One of the nicest members around, your posts are always of interest to read.


Cookie: I smile every time I see you drop by. I've known you since you've joined and love talking with you.


Doctor XFizzle: You're an awesome guy, your knowledge of sports is the most I've seen on the forums.


DJ Rainbow Derpy Dash: You are a pretty cool guy, I like talking with you when you are around. No I did not hack your computer ;-)


D1SC0RD: You and your brother are awesome. I love talking with you and I find joy in seeing you online.


Dark Bison: When you drop by you are almost always doing a giveaway and I appreciate that.


Evilshy: You truly seem evil in a cool way. Your song parodies are pretty awesome.


Feld0: You are the most dedicated webmaster I have seen and I appreciate every bit of work you put into running and maintaining this site. You are a role model to me. Every post you make is carefully thought out and well written, I'm yet to see you make a mistake in managing a situation. I'm shocked to be honest at how well you deal with even the most difficult situations. Your knowledge of all these technical things encourages me to study and learn. You enjoy those tacos!


Fghik: You are awesome to talk to on the forums.


Fluttershy: You are an awesome guy, your artwork is some of the best I've seen and at the moment I am writing this I am using the brilliant avatar you made for me. I will always remember your entrance as Nicolai bring the 300th member. Hope to see you around.


Flare: You are one of the funniest ponies around here. Talking to you usually gets me to lol. I see you everyday and appreciate you always talking to me.


Feather Spiral: You are a good member, love to see you around.


Gummy: I joined just as you became inactive. Only getting to see the end of your posting days I still consider you awesome. I hope that one day you will return so I can get to know you.


Grendo: The artwork you do for the site is top notch. You make the site look pretty and I appreciate that. You are awesome to chat with.


Glitterpen: I don't mean to look like a creap messaging you months after you left us but I miss you very much and hope that you will one day return. I would love to see you back here in the community again.


Hayze: You are my bro. You and your sister are awesome. I love talking to you and the help you provide me is so appreciated by me that I cannot express it. Glad to see you around everyday.


Ham is tasty: Yes ham is very tasty. I see you around the forums (:


Ice: You are an awesome member. You are somepony I really would like to talk to you more. You are busy with school and what not but I want you to know that I love seeing you around the site.


Jonke: One of my favorite ponies to talk to. Seeing you here just about everyday makes me happy.


Kodiak: A memorable face on the forums. Love seeing you around and discussing stuff with you.


Klopp: One of my buddies here on the forums. I love seeing you around and getting to chat.


Krall: You are one of the most intelligent members here. Your knowledge of geography and history is admirable. Your posts are always worth the time. Maybe we can get back into that history thread someday ;-)


Kurtiss: I did not forget you. You are one of the most awesome guys here and always chill even in some stressful situations. You always make me laugh. You and Feld0 are awesome and both deserve a bunch of gratitude from me.


Lyra: You seem to really love Lyra. Good choice, she is a pretty pony (:


Linguz: You are the best friend of Finest, surely you must be a cool guy. I don't hang out in Cloudsdale too much so I don't see you a lot but maybe we can get to know each other someday.


Legendary Spike: You always change your username and I keep wondering where CRE went ;) MLPOC is awesome, love seeing you around the forums.


LiquidLove: You are completely awesome. Haven't heard from you in a while. I know you got a lot to do, hope to hear from you again when you get some time. Good luck on all your military stuff.


Leatherneck: See you around a bit. You are a nice guy, love to see that from a member.


Marshmallow: You had my original intended username, and I thank you for that. I would not be LRP without you. You are awesome to talk to and so nice.


Mailmare: You are like Feld0's test account or something? Bots are people too!


MyKotoShi: cool guy and I like talking to you.


Mr. Shoe: Been seeing you around. You seem like an intelligent guy. Hope to see you around some more.


NeverNeverland: You are somepony I love to talk to. You are pretty cool and very nice.


Ouker: Cupcakes O.o You are an awesome guy to talk to and I love seeing you in the chat.


PinkiePie: Finest you are an awesome guy and you are also a very nice pony that is always there to talk to. You are a good friend of mine and have helped me greatly. You are also a very talented writer, I hope you continue to write fan fics and poems (:


ProjectRKA: You were one of the first I got to know on this site and I appreciate you talking with me just about everyday. I love your streams and you are one of my closest buddies here. I would say you are my favorite Dane but I don't know any others so I guess you win that by default :3


PlasmaStormX-15: You are my bro, love seeing you on the forums and owning playing with you on Xbox Live. We share a birthday and live in the same burrough of the same city. That is pretty awesome.


Pinkamena Diane Pie: You are one of my favorite ponies to talk to. While we may not share the same views on Spongebob I still feel we have stuff in common. I hope to continue talking to you.


Pencils: You are awesome Pencils, your maturity and knowledge is something I wish I can one day match. While I usually say TL DR in response to your posts I secretly read through them later. ;-) I love talking to you.


Pinkie Prectar: See you around on the forums. Nice pony!.


Pinkazoid: You are such a fun pony to talk to. I love seeing you here on the forums.


Pretty_Fly_for_a_Pinkie_Pie: Love talking with you in the chat and PFfaPP are pretty funny initials.


Princess Molestia: You represent Molestia perfectly, you made me laugh and creeped me out at the same time. Hope you come back some time.


Raronetta: Oh Discordian, you nocturnal filly. You are awesome and I love talking with you.


RaccoonBL: See you around a lot. You seem like a cool guy.


Rarity: You are someone else who became inactive before I could get to know yuu. Hope one day you can return and we can get to know each other.


RedvsYellow327: I like talking with you in the chat, you are pretty nice.


Swoop: I love talking with you Swoop, you are one of the nicest and coolest ponies around here and I get happy to see you.


Slendermane: You are cool, one of my favorite ponies to discuss topics with.


Starlighty: Starry you are one of my favorite members. I love to see you around and you are so nice.


Sonic Rainnuke: You enjoy changing your username. You are nice and I love to see you around the forums.


Sky Charmer: I don't get to chat with you much as you are almost always AFK in the chat room but I do like talking with you when you are actually there. ;-)


Shankveld: You are one of the nicest members here, I love talking with you and you are always so polite. We share a lot in common (:


sobadnomad: You are a nice pony and like sharing ideas. I hope to see you around more often.


Scootaloo: Dodo/Chicken. You seem nice, also someone I hope to see around more often.


Skullbuster: I like talking to you and seeing you here on the site.


Sweetie Belle: Marshmallow/Dictionary You also seem nice, hope to see you around some more.


samthelegoman: fun to chat with


Slictz: Very nice pony, don't get to see you too much though.


Simcity11100: Always hangs out in the chat and love to talk with you!



SugarSlatheredCandyApple: I find your posts very well written and would like to get to know you. Hope you come around more often.


Senn555: Love the pony music thread you have. Like to see you around.


SXCJ40: Seen you around a bit, you seem like a nice guy.


Tom the Diamond: You are the biggest Trixie fan I've met and have a good knowledge of Spongebob. I love talking with you and always find your posts fun to read!


Tyroq: Haven't seen you around for a while, hope to talk to you soon.


TwilightSparkle: You've been gone for a while too, hopefully we get to talk


Tyger: Oh you naughty boy, you are one of my favorite guys to talk to. I love seeing you in the chat and you are fun to play Halo with.




Zoop: You are awesome Zoop. One of my favorite ponies to talk to. I would have chose you as mod too, you are very mature and always stay polite. Your posts are well written. Not to mention that you supply me with well needed furniture =P >>>---------> to you!


(Insert Username): You are a true anon. I know nothing about you O.o


83awsm: I love talking with you, you are very polite and fun to chat with


You may be thinking DeJa Vu if you saw this before in the Ponies I Know thread. I had to make some changes to it is the best explanation I can give ;-)


Show your appreciation! Thank everypony. Love and Tolerate

Merry Christmas, Happy New years! Hearths Warming joy!

Edited by Lady Rarity Pony
  • Brohoof 16



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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With Christmas just about upon us I feel I should celebrate my first Christmas as a brony and thank everypony on this site.

I love every single one of you! If you were not listed then you slipped my mind in the 3 hours it took me to type this. I'll add you if I missed you.

The past 3 months have been so fun ever since I found these forums :3



Applejack: Due to the timezone difference I rarely get to talk to you but you are an awesome guy.


Appleshy Sparkle: The timezone differences also make you hard to come by but you're awesome and nice to talk to. You may not be the best Halo player out there but you are fun to play with.


Big Macintosh: Awesome guy to talk to. Our status update "conversations" are sure to scare away all the little fillies.


BizzarePony: First pony to ever reply to me. Nice member!


Bleyd: You are a pretty funny and cool guy.


Blue: You have some of the most intelligent and well written posts on the forums. Talking to you is fun.


Braeburn: We share the same first name! You and your silly MW3 ;-)


Crispy: Other than you being drunk you are my go to guy when it comes to help. Thanks bro for all the help and for being cool.


Captain Marvelous: You enjoy shipping Rarity with other mares, you are not a brony and you like Power Rangers. I shall love and tolerate you xD


Colton Manestache: I see you around the forums


cuteycindyhoney: One of the nicest members around, your posts are always of interest to read.


Cookie: I smile every time I see you drop by. I've known you since you've joined and love talking with you.


Doctor XFizzle: You're an awesome guy, your knowledge of sports is the most I've seen on the forums.


DJ Rainbow Derpy Dash: You are a pretty cool guy, I like talking with you when you are around. No I did not hack your computer ;-)


D1SC0RD: You and your brother are awesome. I love talking with you and I find joy in seeing you online.


Dark Bison: When you drop by you are almost always doing a giveaway and I appreciate that.


Evilshy: You truly seem evil in a cool way. Your song parodies are pretty awesome.


Feld0: You are the most dedicated webmaster I have seen and I appreciate every bit of work you put into running and maintaining this site. You are a role model to me. Every post you make is carefully thought out and well written, I'm yet to see you make a mistake in managing a situation. I'm shocked to be honest at how well you deal with even the most difficult situations. Your knowledge of all these technical things encourages me to study and learn. You enjoy those tacos!


Fghik: You are awesome to talk to on the forums.


Fluttershy: You are an awesome guy, your artwork is some of the best I've seen and at the moment I am writing this I am using the brilliant avatar you made for me. I will always remember your entrance as Nicolai bring the 300th member. Hope to see you around.


Flare: You are one of the funniest ponies around here. Talking to you usually gets me to lol. I see you everyday and appreciate you always talking to me.


Feather Spiral: You are a good member, love to see you around.


Gummy: I joined just as you became inactive. Only getting to see the end of your posting days I still consider you awesome. I hope that one day you will return so I can get to know you.


Grendo: The artwork you do for the site is top notch. You make the site look pretty and I appreciate that. You are awesome to chat with.


Glitterpen: I don't mean to look like a creap messaging you months after you left us but I miss you very much and hope that you will one day return. I would love to see you back here in the community again.


Hayze: You are my bro. You and your sister are awesome. I love talking to you and the help you provide me is so appreciated by me that I cannot express it. Glad to see you around everyday.


Ham is tasty: Yes ham is very tasty. I see you around the forums (:


Ice: You are an awesome member. You are somepony I really would like to talk to you more. You are busy with school and what not but I want you to know that I love seeing you around the site.


Jonke: One of my favorite ponies to talk to. Seeing you here just about everyday makes me happy.


Kodiak: A memorable face on the forums. Love seeing you around and discussing stuff with you.


Klopp: One of my buddies here on the forums. I love seeing you around and getting to chat.


Krall: You are one of the most intelligent members here. Your knowledge of geography and history is admirable. Your posts are always worth the time. Maybe we can get back into that history thread someday ;-)


Kurtiss: I did not forget you. You are one of the most awesome guys here and always chill even in some stressful situations. You always make me laugh. You and Feld0 are awesome and both deserve a bunch of gratitude from me.


Lyra: You seem to really love Lyra. Good choice, she is a pretty pony (:


Linguz: You are the best friend of Finest, surely you must be a cool guy. I don't hang out in Cloudsdale too much so I don't see you a lot but maybe we can get to know each other someday.


Legendary Spike: You always change your username and I keep wondering where CRE went ;) MLPOC is awesome, love seeing you around the forums.


LiquidLove: You are completely awesome. Haven't heard from you in a while. I know you got a lot to do, hope to hear from you again when you get some time. Good luck on all your military stuff.


Leatherneck: See you around a bit. You are a nice guy, love to see that from a member.


Marshmallow: You had my original intended username, and I thank you for that. I would not be LRP without you. You are awesome to talk to and so nice.


Mailmare: You are like Feld0's test account or something? Bots are people too!


MyKotoShi: cool guy and I like talking to you.


Mr. Shoe: Been seeing you around. You seem like an intelligent guy. Hope to see you around some more.


NeverNeverland: You are somepony I love to talk to. You are pretty cool and very nice.


Ouker: Cupcakes O.o You are an awesome guy to talk to and I love seeing you in the chat.


PinkiePie: Finest you are an awesome guy and you are also a very nice pony that is always there to talk to. You are a good friend of mine and have helped me greatly. You are also a very talented writer, I hope you continue to write fan fics and poems (:


ProjectRKA: You were one of the first I got to know on this site and I appreciate you talking with me just about everyday. I love your streams and you are one of my closest buddies here. I would say you are my favorite Dane but I don't know any others so I guess you win that by default :3


PlasmaStormX-15: You are my bro, love seeing you on the forums and owning playing with you on Xbox Live. We share a birthday and live in the same burrough of the same city. That is pretty awesome.


Pinkamena Diane Pie: You are one of my favorite ponies to talk to. While we may not share the same views on Spongebob I still feel we have stuff in common. I hope to continue talking to you.


Pencils: You are awesome Pencils, your maturity and knowledge is something I wish I can one day match. While I usually say TL DR in response to your posts I secretly read through them later. ;-) I love talking to you.


Pinkie Prectar: See you around on the forums. Nice pony!.


Pinkazoid: You are such a fun pony to talk to. I love seeing you here on the forums.


Pretty_Fly_for_a_Pinkie_Pie: Love talking with you in the chat and PFfaPP are pretty funny initials.


Princess Molestia: You represent Molestia perfectly, you made me laugh and creeped me out at the same time. Hope you come back some time.


Raronetta: Oh Discordian, you nocturnal filly. You are awesome and I love talking with you.


RaccoonBL: See you around a lot. You seem like a cool guy.


Rarity: You are someone else who became inactive before I could get to know yuu. Hope one day you can return and we can get to know each other.


RedvsYellow327: I like talking with you in the chat, you are pretty nice.


Swoop: I love talking with you Swoop, you are one of the nicest and coolest ponies around here and I get happy to see you.


Slendermane: You are cool, one of my favorite ponies to discuss topics with.


Starlighty: Starry you are one of my favorite members. I love to see you around and you are so nice.


Sonic Rainnuke: You enjoy changing your username. You are nice and I love to see you around the forums.


Sky Charmer: I don't get to chat with you much as you are almost always AFK in the chat room but I do like talking with you when you are actually there. ;-)


Shankveld: You are one of the nicest members here, I love talking with you and you are always so polite. We share a lot in common (:


sobadnomad: You are a nice pony and like sharing ideas. I hope to see you around more often.


Scootaloo: Dodo/Chicken. You seem nice, also someone I hope to see around more often.


Skullbuster: I like talking to you and seeing you here on the site.


Sweetie Belle: Marshmallow/Dictionary You also seem nice, hope to see you around some more.


samthelegoman: fun to chat with


Slictz: Very nice pony, don't get to see you too much though.


SugarSlatheredCandyApple: I find your posts very well written and would like to get to know you. Hope you come around more often.


Senn555: Love the pony music thread you have. Like to see you around.


SXCJ40: Seen you around a bit, you seem like a nice guy.


Tom the Diamond: You are the biggest Trixie fan I've met and have a good knowledge of Spongebob. I love talking with you and always find your posts fun to read!


Tyroq: Haven't seen you around for a while, hope to talk to you soon.


TwilightSparkle: You've been gone for a while too, hopefully we get to talk


Tyger: Oh you naughty boy, you are one of my favorite guys to talk to. I love seeing you in the chat and you are fun to play Halo with.




Zoop: You are awesome Zoop. One of my favorite ponies to talk to. I would have chose you as mod too, you are very mature and always stay polite. Your posts are well written. Not to mention that you supply me with well needed furniture =P >>>---------> to you!


(Insert Username): You are a true anon. I know nothing about you O.o


83awsm: I love talking with you, you are very polite and fun to chat with


You may be thinking DeJa Vu if you saw this before in the Ponies I Know thread. I had to make some changes to it is the best explanation I can give ;-)


Show your appreciation! Thank everypony. Love and Tolerate

Merry Christmas, Happy New years! Hearth Warming joy!


Thanks LRP, :D

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Thanks, LRP. Merry Christmas man.


Since I'm not into long posts (and I don't want to forget anypony), I just want to say thanks and give internet hugs to all of you. It's been a great time so far and I've met some rad people.


All the loves. <3

  • Brohoof 2


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Flare: You are one of the funniest ponies around here. Talking to you usually gets me to lol. I see you everyday and appreciate you always talking to me.


:huh: I'm not funny.
  • Brohoof 1
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I hope I'm not the only one who's a little supprised that these forums have already been around for three months. I remember when I first set foot in this little corner of the web to be met by a small bunch of folks from the WiiU forums. Now, we've got a lively community thats growing steadily by the day.


Thanks LRP, for taking the time to show your appreciation for just about everypony who frequents this place! I don't think I've ever seen a post with such an abundant use of the words 'talk' and 'see' before either. :P


Merry Christmas everybody, I wish you all the best of luck for the coming year.

Edited by Swoop
  • Brohoof 2


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:huh: I'm not funny.


No but your cows and deers are :P

yes you are, don't deny

Edited by Lady Rarity Pony



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Pinkamena Diane Pie: You are one of my favorite ponies to talk to.




While we may not share the same views on Spongebob I still feel we have stuff in common.


We sorta do share the same views, but I got to know the good side of the Spongebob fandom (some of which are now bronies) so that's why I tend to get a little defensive.


I hope to continue talking to you.

I don't plan on leaving the forums anytime soon, so it looks like you're stuck with me. ;)

  • Brohoof 1
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I hope I'm not the only one who's a little supprised that these forums have already been around for three months. I remember when I first set foot in this little corner of the web to be met by a small bunch of folks from the WiiU forums. Now, we've got a lively community thats growing steadily by the day.


Thanks LRP, for taking the time to show your appreciation for just about everypony who frequents this place! I don't think I've ever seen a post with such an abundant use of the words 'talk' and 'see' before either. :P


Merry Christmas everybody, I wish you all the best of luck for the coming year.


I actually cut out most of the "talks" and "see" I originally planned to have :P

I find it hard to believe I joined when the forums were under a month old, they are too cool.





We sorta do share the same views, but I got to know the good side of the Spongebob fandom (some of which are now bronies) so that's why I tend to get a little defensive.

I don't plan on leaving the forums anytime soon, so it looks like you're stuck with me. ;)



You didn't have a choice anyway, I will never let you leave :DDD


Thanks, LRP. Merry Christmas man.


Since I'm not into long posts (and I don't want to forget anypony), I just want to say thanks and give internet hugs to all of you. It's been a great time so far and I've met some rad people.


All the loves. <3


Love right back <3


Looks like I must make another one of these threads for chistmas thanks c;

And also, for some reason, I looked for finsthour first. I was like :c


I didn't know whether you wanted to be called by Finesthour or PinkiePie so I put you as your current username :)
  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I'm much too lazy to make a list. At any rate, I love all of you punk kids. You drive me to spend disgusting amounts of time on this site, and to not be a professional legendary lurker like I am in most places.


I just wish that you'd get off my lawn and stop messing up my grass.




Merry Bloody Christmas. ^_^

Edited by Zoop
removing certain bits of personal info/similar
  • Brohoof 6
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With Christmas just about upon us I feel I should celebrate my first Christmas as a brony and thank everypony on this site. I love every single one of you! If you were not listed then you slipped my mind in the 3 hours it took me to type this. I'll add you if I missed you. The past 3 months have been so fun ever since I found these forums :3 Merry Christmas, Happy New years! Hearth Warming joy!

Dang dude, you have some dedication man! I wish I could personally thank everyone that I've met so far. Coming to the MLP forums helped me realize that I’m not alone in this phenomenon and there are really cool people out there who express a common interest while being supportive and welcoming. You were one of the first members I met and definitely represented the community well by not thinking twice about talking to a complete stranger and helping me get accustomed to the forums even though we had never met. The admins should be proud to have people like you who help newbies that feel like outsiders become more open and comfortable with the forum and realize how enjoyable members within the community can be. Have a very Merry Christmas LRP, hope you know your impact on the forum and that you've gained another friend :P Edited by 83awsm
  • Brohoof 1

Awesomeness = at least 20% Cooler.

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This really means a lot to me. May Celestia light your path this new year ;)


You too :)


Marry Christmas to you too. BTW I'm not on there :P


I shall add you then :)


Thanks LRP, I know I'm not around to talk much your very awesome too. Merry Christmas Brony hope see you around more.


Thank you and merry Christmas. :)


Daww, shucks *blushes* I try my best to spread the love when I can. :3

danke for the kind words. May Celestia bless you <3. Merry Christmas!


D'awww anything for my bison :3



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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what a nice list you made there LRP, I can feel that those words came straight from your heart. Looks like I didn't make it to the list though. Oh well, there is always next year. :P


I haven't been long enaugh to make a list of my own, but I like the people here, because they are especially friendly (I have failed a couple of times, but they didn't point it out to me, they just smiled :P) and I already made some friends here at MLPforums. The least I can do is to wish you a Merry Christmas everypony... So yeah, Merry Christmas everypony and LRP!!!

Edited by Freckle
  • Brohoof 1

shiet got srs guise

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I put up a video of love.


Turns out to be a suicide video?


Lol, when you put it up in the middle of the night and then disappear it is worrying xD

Merry Christmas Finest. :)



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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