Johny Farenheit 34 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 Alright everypony, enough on fear, let's hear about the dreams! They can be about whatever dream you have...nightmares, good dreams, flying dreams, ultimate fantasies and slaps-to-the-face for reality. Anything you dream up, literally, is what we're to talk about. For the courtesy of everypony else (and because I am a firm believer of "ladies first") I will refrain from posting my own dreams until I am sure everypony else has had their turn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zerul 554 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 I have tons of dreams.. I had this nightmare as a kid that haunted me for months.. I was in my Dads car while he was outside buying groceries and the care just went.Like 90 miles per hour until I crashed into a wall. Pretty weird I know but it used to terrify me. Haven't really had any pony related dreams though "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunalicious 223 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 I watched a zombie movie when I was about 7. I used to have nightmares about zombies ever since. I stopped having them around 13. Zombies aren't really that scary. "Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otter 1,942 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 The creepiest dream I've ever had was about 2 years ago. I was in a dark void with only a mirror in it. As I approached the mirror, a creature with tentacles growing out of it's chest broke through the mirror and jumped up on top of the moon. ...Hey, it was a lot creepier than it sounds. The most awesome dream I ever had was when I transformed into my OC. I was angry when I woke up. how even is otter and how can it be if Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mintfreshAD 55 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 I had two rather weird dreams last night. I'm a bit ill, which usually leads to me having odd dreams. It could also be I always have odd dreams, it's just I only remember my dreams if I'm ill for some reason. Either way, the first one had my friend who is a writer, and myself, being kidnapped by some green troll-like monster so she would write for him (Misery style). We eventually escaped because I beat the creature to death with a chair The second one had me successfully raise a Kickstarter campaign and reunite the cast of Saved by the Bell (minus Dustin Diamond, because he's a lowlife weirdo) to do a movie. I have no idea why I dreamed this. Not that I didn't enjoy SbtB as a kid, but not enough that I'd go that effort. So that was my weird dreams for the night! If you're happy and you know it you're unusual. But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~WhiteHawk~ 186 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 One creepy dream I had was when I was my pony OC and I was walking around with Fluttershy and Twilight. I was saying something to Fluttershy and when I turned around she was jaw-less. Like, her bottom jaw had been cut off and there was blood all over the place. Even without her bottom jaw she had this insane grin on her face. The whites of her eyes were black and the pupil was red and glowing. And Twilight was just sitting there watching. Then Fluttershy jumped at me and I woke up. It didn't really scare me as much as it did make me wonder why in the name of god I was dreaming about that. (Kids, this is why you don't read grimdark pony fanfictions before you go to sleep) Another weird dream that wasn't related to ponies was where the entire world was made of these dragon-anthros, me being one of them. My dragon self was standing over the dead body of my father, who I hate with a burning passion, covered in blood with her/my friends standing there like "Whatever, this crap happens every day". The only thing they were worried about was how to escape the police. My dragon self just grinned and said "No, I'll get what I deserve", and the police arrested her and took her to a mental hospital. There, she was still all happy and laughing when one of her friends came in with some blueish-black dragon. They talked for a minute before the blueish-black dragon started yelling at my dragon self, who laughed and said: "Do you really think I'm that stupid?". After that they escaped from the mental hospital with my dragon-self laughing like a maniac. Yeah, I have strange dreams. They're all pretty vivid too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anselina 0 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 A common childhood dream I used to have was my nightmares with the vacuum cleaner. It started when I was 5, and at the end, it would always suck me up, and I died. ._. I used to have them on a monthly basis, terrifying me enough to actually fear the real thing. I refused to be alone with the vacuum cleaner in rooms that weren't occupied by my parents, and locked my door at night since my room was adjacent to the cursed machine. The dreams finally stopped when I conquered the machine by jumping on it at the last second, so yeah. On a more positive note, I like to dream of jellybean flavored pillows. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johny Farenheit 34 July 18, 2012 Author Share July 18, 2012 Again friends, it does not simply have to be nightmares...good dreams count as well. My favorite dream...i remember it well. I was alone...simply alone...the city i live near was devoid of people, as if they were all late for a party and just ran away. I looted what i wanted, ate what I wanted, built a fortress out of a Taco was a fun, happy sort of dream. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrooveBroove 681 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 I've had some very VERY elaborate dreams this year. As in while I was sleeping I was literally watching a movie/playing a game in my head. What I thought was interesting that I read, it's that people who play video games (Or have a very creative dream) Have higher control in there dreams than most others. I think this is one of the reason's I don't get nightmares, since in my head I always manage to get out of it somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurshy 708 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 (edited) I had a dream where I was strapped to an operating table. There was this guy hovering around me (not literally) as if he was going to operate. He then opened a vile of what I can only now assume is sulfuric acid. He pours it on my arm burning a hole straight through it, all the while I am smiling and laughing. This seems to only enrage him as he tells me to "Scream dammit!" but I don't scream the odd part is, the dream didn't feel like a nightmare. I didn't wake up in a cold sweat, or wake up screaming. I actually woke up with a smile still on my face. Edited July 18, 2012 by Bronynonymous [CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura) Shinobu is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--Eve-- 351 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 (edited) I used to have this nightmare where there were very long trees fallen over, and i couldnt see the end. Edited October 18, 2014 by --Eve-- 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tanoshii 131 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 I find it very difficult to dream, but once I had this trippy dream when I was in McDonalds and the person behind the counter was actually a lion. top lel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinalGamer 192 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 (edited) I watched a zombie movie when I was about 7. I used to have nightmares about zombies ever since. I stopped having them around 13. Zombies aren't really that scary. I'm still having nightmares about ghosts ever since I played Fatal Frame when I was 16. I'm 25 now. I still sleep with the light on ._. Uh as for better dreams, I remember a pretty messed-up awesome one where I had a gunfight with Lee Harvey Oswald in my back garden. And it's raining meteors that explode into dozens of pencils flying everywhere like shrapnel. And the boss theme of Time Crisis was playing. ...I may have had a butler or not alongside me. Edited July 18, 2012 by FinalGamer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bari 7,023 July 18, 2012 Share July 18, 2012 I once dreamed there moon had turned red and everything was in black and white. It began with me watching tv. I was watching the news with some friends, except they were characters from television, and I was Timmy Turner. On tv, they were saying that there was going to be a red moon, and something bad was going to happen. Me and my "friends" were going to a concert, so we disregarded the warning. When we got to the concert, I wandered off, and somehow ended up behind a billboard. In front of the billboard, Vegeta gloating to himself and saying that it was all a joke. Suddenly, two people came up behind me and said I was the one who pulled the prank. Somehow I ended back at the concert, and the band started playing. One by one, people started disappearing. I ran for my life, trying to get to the train station. I hopped on the back of a leaving train, but it was too late, the train and me disappeared forever. The dream ended with the words "The End?" on the screen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~WhiteHawk~ 186 July 19, 2012 Share July 19, 2012 I had a dream where I was strapped to an operating table. There was this guy hovering around me (not literally) as if he was going to operate. He then opened a vile of what I can only now assume is sulfuric acid. He pours it on my arm burning a hole straight through it, all the while I am smiling and laughing. This seems to only enrage him as he tells me to "Scream dammit!" but I don't scream the odd part is, the dream didn't feel like a nightmare. I didn't wake up in a cold sweat, or wake up screaming. I actually woke up with a smile still on my face. That was the same with my dream about murdering my father. I woke up smiling too, and I don't consider either of my dreams or any other weird dreams nightmares. I don't really consider dreams nightmares anymore either. They just don't scare me at all anymore. I've sort of numbed myself of fear with things like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KakeiTheWolf 652 July 19, 2012 Share July 19, 2012 Three things are very unusual about my dreams. First off, I never have nightmares. Haven't in as long as I can remember. Second, I always "lucidly dream", in the sense that, without even intending it, I have complete control over what I do in the dreams. Lastly, I have all sensory perceptions (pain, touch, taste, sight, sound, smell, everything) in their fullest degree. My theory is that, because of my extremely bizzare and irregular sleep patterns that cause me to be throttled out of dreams and out of sleep (As my sleep ends when I stop dreaming), my body adapted to compensate. I believe my brain uses these three things to forcibly immerse me in my dreams and keep me dreaming, by blurring the difference between reality and dream (Sometimes, the lack of unusual events makes me believe I did not dream, but was actually experiencing reality). Despite control over what I do in my dreams, my brain controls what others say and what happens (aside from the effects of what I do directly). When I wander off, or I say something against the flow of the dream, or do or say things that put me at risk for discovering I am in a dream (Which terminates my dreams), my mind will do to quite extensive measure to keep me on a very linear path. My theory about that is that my brain is trying to keep the dream intact, and any wandering I do will weaken the fluidity and realism of the dream, eventually breaking it and causing me to stay awake. It is possible my brain has taken the reins over the years and forces me to get decent nights of sleep after years of waking up at 5 every morning (I know this because I used to keep up with Inuyasha on Adult Swim every day). AND THAT'S HOW EQUESTRIA WAS MADE. My Music: Now on tumblr at Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johny Farenheit 34 July 22, 2012 Author Share July 22, 2012 Come on people...I open a thread for dreams, and all i hear are nightmares! Please, somepony give me a GODO dream for once, this is getting tiresome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BMO 17 July 22, 2012 Share July 22, 2012 I have many screwed up dreams. One nightmare that I usually have, is that I'm being chased around the easter islands by the moth man. I can see him hear as day, hear the bassy buzzing of his wings as he chases me, I can see his massive, tennis ball sized, lifeless eyes, glowing a deep crimson red. He's always moving his mandibles and he can run at around 20 miles an hour. I have to hide in between rocks in order to keep safe, but he usually sticks an arm or a leg inside and tries to rip me apart with his claws. Eventually, he gets me in the open, pounces on my and eats the back of my head. I can usually see this happening from above, and my brains and innards being spread everywhere and consumed. Another weird nightmare I have is that I'm locked inside an old, musty smelling room. It's dank and horrible, and smells like old and decay. The air is thick with dust and there is a sickly green carpet with cobwebs creating a network across it. There is a low wattage bulb in the centre of the room, and old, victorian pipes either side of me, stopping my movement. I feel a sense of fear and urgency in this room, almost like something is going to hurt me, but since it's completely closed, I have nowhere to run. This is definitely a psychological dream. Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream? - Edgar Allen Poe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cupcake Ice Cream 436 July 22, 2012 Share July 22, 2012 I dream and remember pretty much every day of my life. Keep a journal and everything. I already mentioned it in another thread so I won't bore with the details but my MLP olympics dream was the best dream I ever had Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bari 7,023 July 22, 2012 Share July 22, 2012 I once dreamed that I entered a dream world, or virtual world. You know, some place that's not Earth, but with a direct connection. In this dream I was an awesome hero, and I had saved the world a few times. Princess Celestia was there, and she needed my help. Darkness was invading Dreamland, and it was up to me and this guild of heroes. Not really sure what happened after that, though. I've also fantasized about what the world in my mind is like. It's where I assume many of my dreams take place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pjsforever 89 July 22, 2012 Share July 22, 2012 I mostly remember dreams from when I was around 9 or 10 (because I wrote them down xD). I used to have a lot of nightmares about zombies. Once I was in a hotel with my parents and everyone started turning into a zombie. I had to run out and jump over a little pool in the middle of the hallway with two people that were turning into zombies in it. I was running across the parking lot to a white van and suddenly my little brother, who was about a foot tall and wore a huge top hat and a cape, was sprinting to the white van too. We got in and he started driving it (his hat didn't even go above the wheel) and the zombies were behind us either on motorcycles or limping behind us at a speed of around 60mph. At the time it was more bizzare than scary, actually, but it's actually kind of funny to me now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veiled Enigma 389 July 23, 2012 Share July 23, 2012 I never really have much dreams, but I do have a couple of nightmares that got seared into my mind. The one that I remember most vividly was basically of a biblical apocalypse. The town I lived in was burning and strange looking creatures, which I guess were demons, were tearing younger children apart with terrible looking tools. The older generations seemed to be hypnotized and they walked into a giant flaming oval, which I guess was a gateway to hell. When they stepped into the portal their skin burned off, and their charred bodies walked through. I watched this all in a out of body perception, but I was freaking the hell out just the same. My subconscious hates me. "Pain Is our Teacher. Fear Is our Motivation Sadness Is our Neglect. If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teh Boi 113 July 23, 2012 Share July 23, 2012 I dream a lot, but I forget about what the dreams were... about. There's one dream I do remember, I and I hate it. It's an incestuous dream... srsly brain, what the heck. Signature goes here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PinkieFry 91 July 23, 2012 Share July 23, 2012 I had a dream last night that I was walking to my friends house with a few other friends, and when we got to her house we went into the garage. We had to whisper so we were all really quiet. We noticed that there were 4 bottles of Whipped Vodka that were like, at least 4 feet tall and all half empty. So we proceeded to laugh super hard. And I woke up. About a month ago I had a pretty weird dream: I was going to my fridge to get food. But when I opened it, it was FULL of bananas and they just flooded out of the fridge.. Even the vegetable drawers were full. And when I grabbed one and tried to peel it, it just melted all over my hands and the floor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drehgunklew 136 July 23, 2012 Share July 23, 2012 I can't actually explain what I'm dreaming of. I don't sleep so often, really. Maybe 3 hours 3-4 times a week and when I'm finally sleeping, I'm always aware that I'm dreaming and I can create anything I want in my dreams. But sometimes I'm still awake, dreaming and it lasts like that for one hour or so. It feels like I'm flying, falling, drowning and other weird stuffs when that happens. The first time I could controll a dream, I was 6. I remember it so well. I "woke" up in a bed and felt that something was... Strange. Then I realised that I was dreaming. I don't know why, but I looked at my hands. Oh God that was so weird. They looked like disformed, O-shaped I-don't-know-what... I wasn't in my room... I was in the middle of a forest. I stood up, looked around and walked towards a tree. The tree suddenly cracked. It was a big crack in the tree and I touched it. It suddenly opened and I looked down. I can't explain what I saw. It was... Colors everywhere, flying... Things... Seriously I don't know. I have no idea how I did it, but I "created" a weird ladder of... Lasers (I actually think I got that from Star Wars or something cause I was crazy for Star Wars) so I could walk down. I stepped down the ladder and the ladder just disappeared. I saw a huge hole and suddenly, everything went black and then I was in a city. Everyone looked at me, and a guy helped me up from the ground. I looked around and everyone just fell down. I wanted them to do that. They just... Died. I walked away, towards a bridge and there was a boat under it and I just made the boat to explode, just with my mind. Then I woked up from the dream. I still don't know how I do these things. I just.. Do it. Now I always have the ability to control my dreams... And I remember everything from my dreams, too. It's weird, but awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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