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A Letter to Your Favorite Pony!


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It can either be short or long, just post what you'd write to a pony if they would read it.


I'll start:



Dear Rainbow Dash,




Your Fan,

Shadow Speck

Edited by Zero
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Signatures are for fillies.

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I'm just going to have to write two.


Dear Rarity,


I know they say the customer is always right but in your case that isn't true. Your favourite dress is the best dress. No exceptions.




Dear Fluttershy


I saw you feed some worms to some birds once, whats the smallest animal you take care of? I guess it must be somewhere between worm and butterfly.





PS, tell angel I said d'awwww

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Dear...uh...The Doctor,


My brethren and I will find you. Just when you feel you're all alone, we'll emerge in the blink of an eye. You'll need eyes in the back of your head to stop us in our tracks. We'll have the phone box soon enough.



The Weeping Angels

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Dear Twilight,


Does anypony, besides your friends, ever visit that library of yours? Also, I need a spell that will transport me to Ponyville. I'm sure you can dig around for one and help me out with it.





Storytellers of Equestria (Audiobook Group):


My audiobook series:



Semper Fidelis.

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Dear Applejack:


Hundreds of apple trees plus one pony adds up to one pony and hundreds of apple trees.

That's not mathematics, that's a figure of speech. Please do not make yourself look like a simpleton.


~A caring Gentlecolt




Dear Prince Blueblood:


Please stop sending us letters, your dating advice is horrible.

If we receive any more of your "dating tips", we will block your address.


Wright Matchwell - Senior Editor, Mares Magazine

Edited by Blue
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Dear Fluttershy,


I really hope you gain some confidence! I know you're a great pony on the inside, even if you're so scared to show everypony else. You're probably one of the kindest and sweetest ponies in Ponyville! And you're really great at taking care of animals. I think you're one of the few pegasi I've seen with that skill! Embrace your uniqueness.





Dear Princess Celestia,


Over these past few months, I've learned a lot about friendship. And I know you get a lot of joke letters from other ponies about this, but I'm being serious. Some of it is thanks to you. You have a lot to teach, and are a very wise and fun-loving Princess. I am proud to be your subject. Don't listen to those other ponies who call you a tyrant or a troll! I know you're just wonderful.


Your faithful subject,

Arylett Dawnsborough.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Dear Twilight Sparkle,


I don't know how to say this, so I'll just come out with it. I appreciate you recommending "Slumber 101: All You've Ever Wanted To Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid To Ask" and lending me your own personal copy. I'm very pleased to report that my first slumber party was a complete success! Everypony had a wonderful time! Thank you so much for lending me the book. Unfortunately I must admit to a problem though. I lost it! My friend Ditzy asked to borrow it, and even though I know you're not supposed to do that, I let her take it home. She told me this morning what happened. She put it down for just a second, and it vanished. I'm afraid she just wasn't thinking, and placed it right on a cloud. It punched right through and fell a couple miles to the ground, uh, in the Everfree Forest. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming her. I should have followed the rules of the library. We searched high and low. I took low, and Ditzy took high. We just can't find it! I suspect a Manticore may have found it. One can only hope he plans a nice party for his friends, and didn't just eat it!


I am so sorry! I'll gladly pay however many bits it takes to get a new copy, and Ditzy says she'll also make up a batch of whatever kind of muffin is your very favorite.


I implore you. Please don't suspend my borrowing privileges!

I will be visiting your library in a couple of days to hopefully pay any fines I have incurred.

Please get back to me with your muffin preferences so Ditzy can get to work..

(She's very upset over this too)



Cutie Cindy Honey


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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To Pony Joe,


What's up cousin? Loooong time no see! So, how is the coffeehouse doing? My humble coffee/tea shop is going well. I've caught word that a little purple dragon almost ran you out of coffee! Also, there's no way the PRINCESS showed up in your shop! Anyways, your always welcome at the Coffie Cloud. Write back soon!



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Hello my dear Applejack.


I hope the work at Sweet Apple Acres isn't too hard on you. I bet all those tasty apples are in good hands.

How's Granny Smith and Applebloom doing? Say hello to Big Macintosh from me aswell.

Now to the point.

I would like to say that you have bean a great rolemodel of honesty. Always being truthfull to oneself and those dear friend of yours. I've taken quite a liking to you because of your unique personality. I hope everything is doing alright in Ponyville. How I wish I was able to visit all of you and taste those sweet apples at Sweet Apple Acres. Good luck, and remember: don't overdo it like you did when it was applebuck season. It's healthy to take a break once in a while ya know.


Yours sincerely, Lamii.

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[insert lengthy chronicle detailing universally everything about the planet Earth here]

That is, if you desire to read it, you know....


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Edited by Private Pansy

Where is the Twilight, where's the Sparkle

Where's dear Fluttershy knocking on the door

Where's the Rainbow Dash that takes me there

Where the real is shattered by a Pinkie Pie

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Dear Discord,


Please come to Nova Scotia.


Your Equestria may have pissed off Celestia and the other ponies, but I promise, I would enjoy it. It looked like fun to me.


You may flip my house and make chocolate fall from the sky. You may fill your glass from top to bottom and then throw away the liquid. Drink the glass, poke people, go chaotic.


And you know what? I wouldn't even shoot you with a rainbow for it.


So please, visit me sometime.


Sincerely, D1SC0RD.

  • Brohoof 1


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Dear Pinkie Pie -


Id like to know the story of how you got your cutie mark. I meen, thank you for telling us how equestria was made and everything, but you went a little of subject.


Your loyal follower and slave if requested


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Dear Twilight.


I admire you and your intelligence. Have you ever been to Pinkie's room? I would like to know how that place looks.

Also, why where you born and how does it feel with so exceptionally strong magic?


Best regards, M-... AppleShy.

Better run, run, run, run, run.

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Dear Twilight Sparkle,


I admire every aspect of you and wish that you would teleport me to the magical land of Equestria.



Forever your faithful student,



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Dear Rainbow Dash


Applejack totally wants you.


Your fan, Indigo.



might as well do more...



Dear Pinkie Pie


Lay off the Red Bull.


Sincerely, Indigo.




Dear Twilight Sparkle




Yours beggingly, Indigo.




Dear Princess Celestia


So I heard Prance got this new thing called democracy...I don't know about you but er...I'd look into it!


A concerned brony, Indigo.




Dear Fluttershy


We should totally go out some time <3


Yours, Indigo




Dear Lyra


Please talk.


Sincerely, Indigo.












Dear Applejack


Rainbow Dash totally wants you.


Sincerely, Indigo.




Dear Q*cough* Discord


Although Equestria is pretty much perfect, this world sucks so much that your chaos would be a significant improvement. Please come here and spread the chocolate rain.


Sincerely, Indigo.

Edited by Indigo
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Dear Mr. Big Macintosh Apple


Thank you for your submissions to the Fall Calendar, many of them our critics enjoyed and we hope to be able to conduct further photo-shoots in the future; your sort of physique does not come along every once in a while, and we think you should be very proud of it. The nude photos you had labeled number 2 and 8 will be printing with the season catalog. Please thank your agent Ms. Rainbow Dash for such a find as yourself.


Bodey Flash, Director of Photography, Mares Magazine


- - - - -


Dear Bodey Flash


I didn't submit any pictures to your magazine or pose for anything. What are you talking about?



Edited by Blue
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