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Lord Theoretical

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Fluttershy is second worst pony (not that I hate her, I love all of the mane 6) and  Rarity is tied with Pinkie for best, I am LOVING Season 4 and I loved Equestria Girls, pop music, hip hop and rave mostly suck, and don't ever want get married (I can love someone without a piece of paper) and am not sure about having kids, I don't go to church, I think most of the crap on the Youtube homepage SUUUCCCCKKKKSSS, I am a girl and I despise clothes shopping, gen 1 of Pokémon is the worst (and I love retro games), the Gamecube is the best Nintendo system and I didn't even have one when  I was younger, I am not against cloppers as long as they keep it to themselves, I like the darker side of the fandom, I love reading fanfiction, I don't hate modern Sonic games (apart from 06), the 3DS rocks my world, shooters are so overated, dark chocolate is best chocolate, I don't have a Facebook nor do I want one, Classic Who is just a bit better than New  Who, the Eighth Doctor was the best and... that's all I can think of for now.

Edited by Bright101Eyes
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the HUGE difference between the bigotry of some Christians and that of the more extreme atheists is that the bigotry of those particular Christians is very deeply ingrained in our society and is even very improperly in our legislation.

The Merriam-Webster definition of "bigot" is "a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc". Note the key word. "Unfairly". It only counts as bigotry if it's unfair hatred. Because many of the Left's ideas are fundamentally sick and evil to the core, it is entirely fair, rational, appropriate and laudable to scathingly attack these ideas. Christians aren't being "bigoted" when they describe abortion as infanticide and compare abortion doctors to Stalin and Hitler. They're calling a spade a spade, telling it like it is.


I honestly don't care much if some atheist is being mean on the internet. People like The Amazing Atheist are most likely just trying to be funny anyway.

TheAmazingAtheist is a sorry excuse for a human being. Many atheists also affirm this sentiment. ( http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/TheAmazingAtheist )


The Christians who happen to be bigoted are entirely serious and have power over society and law.

You know who the most powerful group of people in America is? Ethnic Jews. They're, at most, 3% of the American population and yet Jews hold 3 of the Supreme Court's 9 seats (Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan) and 11 U.S. Senate seats.

They are vastly overrepresented in political donating. ( http://mondoweiss.net/2011/06/jta-reports-that-as-much-as-23-of-democratic-money-comes-from-jewish-donors.html )

Mainstream television, movies, newspapers and magazines in America are mostly Jewish-owned and, given agenda-setting theory, they push a Jewish viewpoint on the rest of us ( http://caesartort.blogspot.com/2010/05/culture-of-critique-s-preface-7-of-10.html )( http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19 ).

The America-Israel Public Affairs Committee is either the most powerful or second most powerful political lobby in Washington D.C. Their goal is to make American foreign policy completely subservient to Israel and they've had phenomenal success. Without AIPAC, there would have been no Iraq War and there would be no threats of war against Iran. ( http://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374531501 ).


So as you can see, Envy, Jews are more of an elite group than Christians. And Jews are very liberal on social issues; 78% voted for Obama in 2008 and passionate hatred of Christianity is common in Jewish culture ("I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I'd fucking do it again in a heartbeat!" -Sarah Silverman, comedian. "The reason so many Jews are in the porn business is because we think Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks." -Al Goldstein, editor-in-chief of Screw Magazine). Any group that has an agenda of de-Christianizing America (ACLU, teachers unions, etc.) has a large Jewish membership. Even "conservative" Jews perceived The Passion Of The Christ as an evil hate-speech movie. Add to all of this that most of these Jews are secular and are only "Jewish" in ethnic-cultural terms and you can see that Jews are fighting for the atheist's side.


America has much more to fear from Jewish bigots than it does from Christian "bigots".


NOTE: to avoid being off-topic, I'm posting the above statements about Jews as unpopular opinions. Don't like it? Go bitch to the ADL or $PLC because I certainly don't care.

Edited by NomDeSpite
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On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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The AK-47 is not the best assault rifle ever. (That goes to the HK416)

The M1911 is overrated.

Revolvers > Semi-auto pistols.

Arctic Warfare rifles deserve a little more attention.

Gex is one of the best platformers ever.

Heavy is my least favorite TF2 class.

Applejack is overrated.

Gears of War multiplayer is terrible.

MW3 is despicable.

StG44 > AK-47

M4's are not that great.

M1897 will always be the best shotgun.

Halo 2 is overrated. I say this even wearing a Master Chief shirt right now.

Colt Anaconda is one of the best weapons ever made.

Comic Books are unappealing, in every sense of the word.

Christians are some of the worst hypocrites in history. I'm sorry if you hate Hitler, yet your ancestors were just as evil towards Jews...

Ocarina of Time is nowhere close to my top 10 nor is any LoZ game.

RP is overrated.

The ideal economy is primarily socialist.

Despite what I said earlier about Hitler, he's only evil on impulse. But so is... The rest of mankind...?

Christopher Columbus is by far one of the most evil people to ever live. (Whoops, facts don't belong here... :3)

Agriculture has become evil. No seriously. E-VIL!

Part of the reason the US economy is so bad, is military spending. Think about it.

Karl Marx's prediction was almost spot-on. Capitalism is ready to fail again.

Derpy is overrated.


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The AK-47 is not the best assault rifle ever. (That goes to the HK416)

The M1911 is overrated.

Revolvers > Semi-auto pistols.

Arctic Warfare rifles deserve a little more attention.

Gex is one of the best platformers ever.

Heavy is my least favorite TF2 class.

Applejack is overrated.

Gears of War multiplayer is terrible.

MW3 is despicable.

StG44 > AK-47

M4's are not that great.

M1897 will always be the best shotgun.

Halo 2 is overrated. I say this even wearing a Master Chief shirt right now.

Colt Anaconda is one of the best weapons ever made.

Comic Books are unappealing, in every sense of the word.

Christians are some of the worst hypocrites in history. I'm sorry if you hate Hitler, yet your ancestors were just as evil towards Jews...

Ocarina of Time is nowhere close to my top 10 nor is any LoZ game.

RP is overrated.

The ideal economy is primarily socialist.

Despite what I said earlier about Hitler, he's only evil on impulse. But so is... The rest of mankind...?

Christopher Columbus is by far one of the most evil people to ever live. (Whoops, facts don't belong here... :3)

Agriculture has become evil. No seriously. E-VIL!

Part of the reason the US economy is so bad, is military spending. Think about it.

Karl Marx's prediction was almost spot-on. Capitalism is ready to fail again.

Derpy is overrated.

Holy crap! fist as a nod to the mod, ill post an original unusual opinion: i like to blow up stuff. with that out of the way, i must make a response to this post! M1897's are not the best shotguns, that award goes to the benelli supernova pump in 12 ga. versatile, plentiful ammo and reliable, with easy dismantle and camo. christian hypocrisy is no more my fault than slavery in the south. If hilter massacred jews, all germans are horrible right? no. Also, catholic hypocrisy, while christian deserves a different category than protestant, because the split happened as a result of seeing the churchs hypocrisy, much the same way as extremeist islam cannot be judged along with moderate islam. a mostly socialist economy would only work in a perfect world where humans did not harbor greed or laziness. How is agriculture evil? (i dont understand this opinion) Thats about it, i agree with most else of what you stated. :)


Those who dare, achieve.

Sig made by XxConfusedUnicornxX

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Because many of the Left's ideas are fundamentally sick and evil to the core, it is entirely fair, rational, appropriate and laudable to scathingly attack these ideas. Christians aren't being "bigoted" when they describe abortion as infanticide and compare abortion doctors to Stalin and Hitler. They're calling a spade a spade, telling it like it is.



Meanwhile, in reality (you may have heard of it), they are both bigoted and biased.


Personally, I find numerous doctrines of Christianity sick and evil. By your logic, because my opinion says something is bad, that makes it factually, fundamentally evil and gives me every right to attack them and be praised for it.


You should go find a dictionary and read it until the difference between "facts" and "opinions" is burnt into your mind.




Opinion time: The death penalty should be mandatory for people guilty of unjust murder. And crucifixion needs to come back.

Edited by Koelath
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The AK-47 is not the best assault rifle ever. (That goes to the HK416)

The M1911 is overrated.

Revolvers > Semi-auto pistols.

Arctic Warfare rifles deserve a little more attention.

Gex is one of the best platformers ever.

Heavy is my least favorite TF2 class.

Applejack is overrated.

Gears of War multiplayer is terrible.

MW3 is despicable.

StG44 > AK-47

M4's are not that great.

M1897 will always be the best shotgun.

Halo 2 is overrated. I say this even wearing a Master Chief shirt right now.

Colt Anaconda is one of the best weapons ever made.

Comic Books are unappealing, in every sense of the word.

Christians are some of the worst hypocrites in history. I'm sorry if you hate Hitler, yet your ancestors were just as evil towards Jews...

Ocarina of Time is nowhere close to my top 10 nor is any LoZ game.

RP is overrated.

The ideal economy is primarily socialist.

Despite what I said earlier about Hitler, he's only evil on impulse. But so is... The rest of mankind...?

Christopher Columbus is by far one of the most evil people to ever live. (Whoops, facts don't belong here... :3)

Agriculture has become evil. No seriously. E-VIL!

Part of the reason the US economy is so bad, is military spending. Think about it.

Karl Marx's prediction was almost spot-on. Capitalism is ready to fail again.

Derpy is overrated.

The 416 is lame as hell as the 5.56 is combat ineffective as fuck. The stg44 fucking falls apart if you throw it, and it had the worst rof I've ever seen in a shoulder fired automatic weapon. revolvers are so outdated its not even funny, modern auto loaders not only have up to 3x's the mag capacity, but you can now get auto loaders that fire magnum rounds, the only use for revolvers is over sized wtf are you doing boy S&W 500 hand cannons. Semi auto shot guns>>>>>> pump, true blue socialism cannot exist, as it does not account for human nature. 

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Season 4 is the worst season of MLP so far. While I'm still on the subject of seasons, I'll say that Season 3 was not that bad.

Edited by Orangejack

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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Personally, I find numerous doctrines of Christianity sick and evil.

That says much more about your own neuroses than it does about the facts.




You should go find a dictionary and read it until the difference between "facts" and "opinions" is burnt into your mind.

While it's technically true that my jeremiads against the Left are "opinion" and not "fact", the empirical and rational evidence in my favor is so strong that it might as well be considered indisputable.

  • Brohoof 1

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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Sherlock Homes uses hacks.

Ninjas and Pirates are both stupid.

Keanu Reevers is stupid, so is Nick Cage. They are bad now.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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The 416 is lame as hell as the 5.56 is combat ineffective as fuck. The stg44 fucking falls apart if you throw it, and it had the worst rof I've ever seen in a shoulder fired automatic weapon. revolvers are so outdated its not even funny, modern auto loaders not only have up to 3x's the mag capacity, but you can now get auto loaders that fire magnum rounds, the only use for revolvers is over sized wtf are you doing boy S&W 500 hand cannons. Semi auto shot guns>>>>>> pump, true blue socialism cannot exist, as it does not account for human nature.


Here's when you know something is wrong: Arguing opinions.


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While it's technically true that my jeremiads against the Left are "opinion" and not "fact", the empirical and rational evidence in my favor is so strong that it might as well be considered indisputable.

Cool story bro. And no s### all perspectives are biased. The problem isn't your bias, it's your asinine logic (or rather, a lack of any logic).


"I believe abortion is mass murder so it must an indisputable fact of reality, and everyone who believes the same is justified in being total d###s to people who think otherwise!" - Now, far be it for me to suggest that proclaiming your mere opinion as a fundamental truth is in any way completely delusional and hilariously ridiculous but...Yeah, proclaiming your mere opinion as a fundamental truth is completely delusional and hilariously ridiculous.


But seeing as you immediately label any viewpoints you don't personally agree with as "neuroses" without even a hint of rational thought, it's already been made clear that you are entirely too far out of your mind to listen to anything remotely close to reality. Please do not ever become any sort of mentor to any impressionable minds, and have a nice day.

Edited by Koelath
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The AK-47 is not the best assault rifle ever. (That goes to the HK416)

Drop a HK416 in mud and leave it there for a few minutes. My grandfathers Kalashnikov was lost for 1 year in a river, it still works perfectly fine.


Democracy is overrated

USA started Cold War Two by making Baltic countries join NATO, illegally bombing Yugoslavia for 78 days and installing a regime of their own and by trying to start a revolution in Ukraine.

NATO is a bunch of US vassals

The SAS are overrated

F-117s are overrated (sorry we didn't know it was invisible)

Kim Jong Un is trolling the world (fun fact: the official name of NK is Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

Russia is becoming a Holy Empire, which is good (not in the sense of imperialism)

The right to bear arms in America is in fact a preparation for the worst case scenario (Russian invasion) and has nothing to do with the founding fathers.

Edited by Serbon
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People nickname of Gollum and i got to say i...agree... 



Adventure time no offence but sucks in my eyes.


I got a weird obsession with the elements...


I think the diamond dogs need more love.

The deepest of the Everfree!

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Drop a HK416 in mud and leave it there for a few minutes. My grandfathers Kalashnikov was lost for 1 year in a river, it still works perfectly fine.

That doesn't mean jack-squat. If you really want to debate this, do it properly. Also, that isn't true. Military tests have proven that the HK416 can fire after being in mud, even after that it was proven a full 3 times more reliable (I know these rifles are starting to lose their luster) than an M4. Reliability isn't everything. You could argue all day that you could run over an AK with a tank. That doesn't automatically make it the best. An AK-47 has great firepower... At the cost of accuracy. An AK-47 can fire in 3-5 inch groupings at 100yd. An M4, and I bet surely that the HK416 has improved on this, fires approximately 3 inch groupings (with surplus M855 ammunition).

Sure it has phenomenal firepower, but If it can't accurately dispense it, then what's the point? Isn't that the whole niche of the combat rifle itself? This also affects it's range, and significantly. It's effective range, fully automatic, is only about 200yd. An M4 (yet again, the HK416 probably improved this slightly) can fire, fully automatic THREE TIMES that distance and hit the target.

Plus, it's fire is a tad (underexaggerating) sluggish. It fires about 200 RPM slower than an M4. Only 3/4 the M4's fire rate. The HK416 also fires faster than an M4. By about 100-200 RPM.


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I'm just going to say that you are mortally wrong by attempting to debate, since this is an "unpopular opinions" thread. There is no point in debating things that rely heavily on opinion.

The funny thing is, you're a hypocrite. I told you that YOU seemed to want to argue. So I argued my point because you had argued yours (in the completely wrong way I might add)...

Even if it wasn't meant that way, I certainly took it that way, because that seemed like a badly crafted argumentative post.


I just can't deal with when you make a point that I can easily prove wrong. (Because an HK416 actually works fine in mud.)


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@, Your specific words at one point don't change the intent of your post as a whole. I don't know much on the subject, which is why I choose to not debate it. My knowledge about weaponry ends on the beginning of WWII :/

Edited by Serbon




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I wish English would just be phonetic, and I always argue towards whichever spelling is closer to matching the sounds of the letters in a situation of US spelling versus UK spelling. So for instance colour and metre are wrong. I know there are also examples in favor of British spelling but I can't remember 'em.

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Ok, never thought I'd post in this mess of a thread, but here I am, so here we go:


No one really gives two shits about your belief in a religion or lack thereof. The only time people honestly care is if some extreme Bible thumper or some dumbass Atheist starts pointless shit.


This thread is destined for the Debate Pit, as proven by the completely asinine argument between Twily F. Sniper and Serbon over which pointless weapon (which will both be obsolete in a few year's time) is better. This also goes for any other thread of the same name or purpose.


Honestly, a vast majority of the people on this forum sicken me with their attitudes or personal beliefs, as well as their unaccepting attitudes.


So there it is, my unpopular opinions. If you wish to argue against them, remember that this is an UNPOPULAR opinion thread, not a debate one, so shut up.

  • Brohoof 5

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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5.56 round is worthless against a modernized military

Case less is the future

Big boy NATO rounds>>>>>>5.56

Tattoos look degenerate

Facial piercings on men look degenerate

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

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I don't think any thread should be closed down due to it becoming a "flame war", derailing off topic, or "causing drama". I like threads staying alive, and who doesn't like watching drama unfold at least in some way? If you don't like a thread, don't participate in it and don't read it.


The exception is if someone is literally spamming with messages, then those posts need to be removed so it doesn't become 500 pages of the same thing but don't close the entire topic. Also, if personal threats or anything like that are issued then the thread should be closed.

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Spitfire is worst pony.

Nickelback are actually good.

Pink Floyd are not.

Pepsi is better than Coke.

Captain America is better than Iron Man.

Lucario is overrated.


That's all I can think of right now...

  • Brohoof 2

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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