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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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Here are mine:


Facebook is the devil

Hercules is the best Disney Movie

Believing in a life after death is being a coward

Nothing matters, from the life of the people you love to a simple rock, nothing in this world has meaning

Scootaloo is best pony

I think MLP:FiM will go downhill in season 3

Homosexual couples should be authorised to adopt like every other couples

Mine is bigger than yours

My opinion is better than yours

Kingdom Hearts is the best game ever made in the universe

The glass is half empty

Rarity is second best pony

I think the brony community has nothing special compared to the others



I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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1. I hate how people are ignorant on the topic of shipping.

2. I hate it when people say something sucks when obviously people enjoy it. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it sucks.

3. Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy I have no idea how anybody can like them to the point of best pony.

4. I will never understand the appeal of shooters.

5. I don't think OCs should be hated.

6. I don't think Alicorns OCs should be hated unless in an RP. Any other time I don't see the logic in hating them.

7. I really don't see why people hate that new (insert season 3 spoiler here). They hardly even know any info.

8. I don't like blood in video games and movies.

9. I enjoy the idea of black and white 2 for not being a remake.

10. Nintendo and all other companies that work for nintendo are the best.

11. Sea ponies are awesome and I'm not a g1 fan.

12. I thought most of the games for the wii U looked amazing.

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Alrighty guys, this is a thread for posting your own unpopular opinions, not to waltz in and start arguing with members because their opinions are not your own. The amount of posts I've have to delete because they they went into religious or political debates in this thread is crazy. x_x


If you want to make a thread to debate about something, go make it elsewhere, don't ruin a thread someone else created by arguing about someone another's opinions. I realize that the general point of this thread kind of invites some jimmy rustles, but try to keep the topic at hand in mind when posting. ;)


PS: feel free to comment on someone's post, not debate about it, but for goodness sakes slap some of your own unpopular opinions in there as well to keep things on topic!





Applejack is far better than Rarity.

Legos are extremely boring unless you are creating your own designs.

Typing a post with 100 relevant characters is so easy a caveman could do it.

GEICO commercials are extremely annoying.

Potatoes are delicious, no matter how they are prepared.

Wal-Mart is a terrible pile of crapcakes that needs to be thrust into a furnace and burned into a pile of useless ash.

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Trixie should never have been in the show. She is a completely obnoxious little bitch. I'll think of some more later.


Apples are by far the worst fruit.

Fluttermac makes me want to both cry and punch my screen.



s so irritating the way they pair two shy characters.. Your just like me...

One more thing I dislike people who dislike the first pokemon gen... It was frickin genius and voltorb was a bawss!!!

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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This sounds interesting. Lessee what I can come up with.


I didn't like "My Little Dashie" at all. Nearly everywhere I go people say they cried buckets, that it touched their lives and was a literary masterpiece. But for me personally? It was bland for the first half, unrealistic all around and the drama/emotional bits toward the end were close to chewing the scenery ala Made for TV movies. Alternatively, I think "A Sweet Taste of Cake" is one of the best MLP FiM fanfics out there out of what I've read when it comes to building up emotions and making the reader feel something.


Alicorn OC's don't bother me and I refuse to automatically lable them as a Mary Sue. Nor do OC's covered in jewelery, clothing and bizarre/cliche colors. As long as someone isn't shoving it in my face saying it's the best OC ever and they want to pick a fight to prove it, I'm just glad that their OC makes them happy. And I think the people who are overly vocal against the OC designs they dislike and make it a point to pester people with their unasked for opinion are busybodies who likely have a terrible OC themselves but are too busy calling the kettle black to notice. (Seriously. I've seen so many people call others out for having a bad OC saying that doesn't fit in with the FiM universe and is too much of a "special snowflake" while proudly strutting around a broken horned unicorn, lacy patterns all over it's butt, who is the most amiable serial killer you'll ever meet and works as a pole dancer at a Ponyville strip club where they take off all kinds of stockings.)


Bad fic writers, shippings and clop images don't bug me either. If I don't like what I see somewhere, there's a back button up top. And I moniter my daughter's time online so I can quickly get her out of anywhere the images are suspect.


I liked that Cadance was made an Alicorn. (For a completely biased reason, though. My daughter is named Cadence so it made me happy that suddenly a character that shared her name on a show she loved was special. It was like the world gave my angel a present.)


I thought Stretch Panic, Legend of Mana and Saga Frontier were really great games.


I haven't really overly enjoyed any of the Superhero movies they've done in the past many years begining with the three X-Men movies, though I did at least appreciate Heath's interpretation of the Joker.


I refuse to raise my daughter in any faith until she is old enough to make her own spiritual choices. And if she grows up and realizes she is gay, wants to marry her girlfriend, and wants to pursue a faith that I don't believe in, I will support her completely. (this is an unpopular opinion as most of my family and most of the state around us is very Mormon and anti-homosexual)


Aaand that's all I've got for now.

  • Brohoof 1
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I can agree with you on most things.... But how can faust get to much credit?! She ressurected the franchise and gave me the powerpuff girls...

PS so that this comment doesnt get hidden I loved the power puff girls.... I still watch it!!


loads shotgun. "I read some posts by blank about fluttershy that blanked me the wrong blank... Also final fantasy kicks the shit out of any first person shooter... Oh and that one pony with the mile long list.... She be hatin on alot... like everything alot...

Edited by Scootacool
The quote was a bit long.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Okay, that does it. I officially count as an optimist.


As for unpopular opinions: I hate shipping, I hate baseless beliefs (Meaning I hate 99..99% percent of the internet), I hate violence, and most of all, I hate people who have a problem with the term "faggots". Seriously, grow a pair and get over it.

Edited by Scootacool
The quote was a bit long.
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i do not understand it when certain people make statements that music played with acoustical or electro-acoustical instruments is "real" music and music produced with softwares, synths, and through other electronical means is not real music because "it lacks heart and soul" or "it's not played by real instruments therefor it's not real music". music is music, period. whatever instruments the music is made by is irrelevant. it's all about how much heart and soul you put in making the music, and not what kind of equipment the music is made by.


btw, people who say what a "real" instrument is probably have no idea what the meaning behind the word instrument is, which is any device capable of producing sounds of melodic qualities. synths and softwares are able to produce said sounds, therefor they are instruments. no more, no less.


I can agree with you on most things.... But how can faust get to much credit?! She ressurected the franchise and gave me the powerpuff girls...

PS so that this comment doesnt get hidden I loved the power puff girls.... I still watch it!!.


actually, the powerpuff girls wasn't exactly something Lauren Faust created herself; she was merely on the team that were working on the show, where she also met her husband Craig McCracken.




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JUST BECAUSE WORLD OF WARCRAFT DOESNT INCLUDE HOLDING DOWN THE RIGHT TRIGGER FOR FOUR HOURS DOESNT MEAN IT ISNT A GREAT GAME... ahem it simply means that just cause you cant get past the starting quest and you prefer looking at a set of hands all day doesnt make it a good game...


i do not understand it when certain people make statements that music played with acoustical or electro-acoustical instruments is "real" music and music produced with softwares, synths, and through other electronical means is not real music because "it lacks heart and soul" or "it's not played by real instruments therefor it's not real music". music is music, period. whatever instruments the music is made by is irrelevant. it's all about how much heart and soul you put in making the music, and not what kind of equipment the music is made by.


btw, people who say what a "real" instrument is probably have no idea what the meaning behind the word instrument is, which is any device capable of producing sounds of melodic qualities. synths and softwares are able to produce said sounds, therefor they are instruments. no more, no less.



actually, the powerpuff girls wasn't exactly something Lauren Faust created herself; she was merely on the team that were working on the show, where she also met her husband Craig McCracken.


I know but she played a key role in making the show just as male oriented as female.... Witch she did do for FIM too so I guess even when shes not in the lead shes leading the show...

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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I like Hitler, Stalin and the KKK

Ok... no, that was sarcasm

Let's see...


I think that Rarity is the best pony

I don't really like pony remixes or PMVs

I hate Ketchup

I don't like first-person shooters

I don't care about sports in general

I love the Wii


>Post unpopular opinions in thread

>Get brohoofs


I guess that means that I failed at providing an unpopular opinion if people agree! :/

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-I dislike Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

-Rarity is best pony

-The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises are both meh ('cept for Michael Caine and Mark Ruffalo and Gorgeous Joseph-Levvit <3)

-Nicholas Cage is a great actor...(totally JK XD)

-the original Battlestar Galactica and original Star Trek are the best shows, ever

-House isn't a douche, he's just misunderstood

-this isn't unpopular, but I absolute despise people who hate others for retarded reasons (wealth, for example. Oh, someone's successful and has worked hard in life to get there! I BUCKING HATE YOU! Or looks, whatever, that sort of thing. Since you have acne you're a terrible person.)

-superheroes are boring, save for Watchmen

-hot weather sucks

-a lot of dubstep is bad, it's hard to find some that's not just pointless noise

-people who are homosexual are not "different" from us or abnormal. By god, I want to punch all homophobes in the friggin' face.

-abortion is the choice of the person bearing the child. I have no right to judge them for it

-sleep is overrated

Edited by PinkieDaShy.avi
  • Brohoof 3


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I believe strongly in tradition and an honourable lifestyle.


I also dislike the American spellings of honour, valour, colour, and armour (The spellings lacking the u are the ones I am referring to). Those words do not feel natural unless the letter u is present. I now can't even write them the so-called normal way.


Personally, I find OC ponies to be odd. To me, it seems like the brony equivalent of a fursona: A mental projection of what you view yourself, or a facet of yourself, as.


I think John F. Kennedy is worshiped without any conceivable idea of merit to support it.


I don't like Bleach.


Morrowind was essentially the Final Fantasy VII of the Elder Scrolls series.

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I also dislike the American spellings of honour, valour, colour, and armour (The spellings lacking the u are the ones I am referring to). Those words do not feel natural unless the letter u is present. I now can't even write them the so-called normal way.


Fully agree. I love Canada *laughs* WE SPELL RIGHT!

(Your forgot favourite. ;))




-Morrowind is my fave Elder Scrolls

-I really liked the wedding epi TBH

-eating is overrated XD

-Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler are annoying

-crabstickz is hilarious and attractive

-shipping is fun and IDGAF if it's b/b or g/g

Edited by PinkieDaShy.avi


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Fully agree. I love Canada *laughs* WE SPELL RIGHT!

(Your forgot favourite. ;))




-Morrowind is my fave Elder Scrolls

-I really liked the wedding epi TBH

-eating is overrated XD

-Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler are annoyig

-crabstickz is hilarious


I always got used to doing European things, because my mother lived in many places across the span of her life. She crosses her sevens. CROSSES. HER. SEVENS.

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I always got used to doing European things, because my mother lived in many places across the span of her life. She crosses her sevens. CROSSES. HER. SEVENS.


Oops, I do that too *giggles*

I can't help it, I have to or else it feels wrong to me! *laughs*

I do it on my z's sometimes by accident.


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Obama sux, he is just a tool.

Skrillex is overrated, the only thing he have ever done was to sell dubstep to children and made it mainstream.

I don´t think Blizzard´s making out of WoW "a game for retarded children", they just try to make the game somehow new.

World of Warcraft is the best MMORPG ever (and also has the best lore).

Most of rage comics sux since 9gag was born.

Adalia Rose´s mother is a bitch digging money out of her daughter´s disease.

Lithuania is a beautiful country.

Finnish is a beautiful language.

Thick Wayfarer glasses are for posers and pricks.

Fukkireta is the most catchy song ever.

Football players are stupid and whole game of football is stupid.

I like Star Wars prequels more than the original trilogy.

Kasane Teto has nicer voice than Hatsune Miku.

Cats are not arrogant, they´re just clever enough to not give a fuck about us.

Axolotls are beautiful.

Science is ten times more important than humanities.

Mathematics are beautiful and interesting. So are physics.

People who don´t like dreaming are souless douchebags who live just to consume and die.

Edited by Suntouched Coco
  • Brohoof 2

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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-I think cats are very fun and much more exciting than other pets (I still love other animals, though!)

-Math is stupid, and has no numbers in most of their problems, only variables

-I love reading any book, as long as it's good

-One Direction is gay

-ASDF films are quite annoying

-I don't like Katy Perry's songs( so obvious it's auto tuned)

-Obama isn't really a good president

-I wish more people in America would appreciate the Fourth of July, and other American holidays

-I see people on food stamps, yet they have a 1,000 or more dollar iphone and a HD TV

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Have some more:


1. I don't like love and tolerate

2. I don't like how people want brony to be a self identification term.

3. I like the character limit.

4. Should it matter if football is called soccer? It doesn't mean you need to rage.

5. Sports aren't my thing.

6. Internet memes are awesome.


Is obama being not a good president really an unpopular opinion? I mean look at all the people in this thread who don't like him.

Edited by Bandana RaccoonBLee
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-I hate the gaming community who are mostly just a bunch of elitary snobs that whines about the mainstream

-I dislike metal music except the roots

-I don't care if something is mainstream or not

-I am interested in science to a certain extend, but I dislike people who think that they are THAT intelligent. I also think if the intelligent elite would work together instead against each other they could actually achieve something.

-I think Portal1+2 were good games, but they are really overrated.

-I dislike Rage-comics and most of the memes, because they have gotten old and boring(some have never ever been funny)

-I dislike Apple and Audi

-I am Christian and want to punch every Atheist who calls me stupid for that

-I dislike parties

-I hate movies, games,etc that just live from the gore and controversy. A good game doesn't need to be brutal to be mature


-I think the death-penalty is more "human" and "appropriate" than keeping someone in prison for a lifetime

-I don't care about 4chan and Anonymos

  • Brohoof 3


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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I also dislike the American spellings of honour, valour, colour, and armour (The spellings lacking the u are the ones I am referring to). Those words do not feel natural unless the letter u is present. I now can't even write them the so-called normal way.


heck yes i love spelling those words with an "U" in it. like, color sounds just so bland, but colour looks so much more vivid and lively. maybe because it makes me think of Pendulum's album Hold Your Colour. x3




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heck yes i love spelling those words with an "U" in it. like, color sounds just so bland, but colour looks so much more vivid and lively. maybe because it makes me think of Pendulum's album Hold Your Colour. x3


I do it primarily out of habit. Since I don't write using the word colour very much, I mainly do it for armour, honour, and valour.

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Oh! Just remembered another two. I hate taking showers and changing clothes erryday. Like what the heck man?? We're just gonna get dirty the next day anyway! I think taking a shower and changing my clothes every other day is far superior

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I don't like Pinkie.

I don't like RD lesbian ships.

I like dubstep.

I hate almost every TV show aired today.

Swoop said:
If something does happen to go horribly wrong, please, blame Zoop.

Frenzyhero: Lurking extraordinaire, brony impersonator.

Have a question? Mail me at frenzymlp@hotmail.com! It's just for you guys!

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The nintendo Wii and the upcoming WiiU are lame gimmicks.


RWJ is still hilarious.



Posted Image



I think Ocarina of Time is very empty in terms of overworld.

I think my uncle has a severe case of bigotry for hating on homesexuals ALL THE TIME on his Facebook page.

I think this forum has a way too loose warning system, but I'm not complaining.

Someone mentioned 'cute>sexy'. I second this.

I prefer to be called a fan of FiM instead of a brony.

Edited by Haruhi Suzumiya
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Objection! Hold it! Take that! Gotcha! Eureka!

I like video games and anime.

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