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Lord Theoretical

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I don't like League of Legends (because of all the aggressive players) and I don't like Adventure Time. I don't like Breaking Bad either nor Walking Dead.

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  • Fanservice will be the end of this fandom. The writers started to focus too much on giving fans what they want and the apperances of background ponies became extremely forced. They distract people from the actual plot and often just make no sense. Rainbow Falls is a good example here. I wouldn't mind that much if the background ponies were applied subtly, but we're slowly getting to the point when they start to be the main attraction in some episodes. It's like writers just throw them into the episodes if they have no idea what else they could do to improve the plot.

That said, I'm completely NOT interested in 100th episode. 

Edited by Anilewe

Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! :D



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I don't find Fluffle Puff adorable or charming. I find her a one-joke character who's married to Crysillis for no reason.


I think every gamer, whether PC or console should just enjoy what they like and not bring anyone down for liking consoles or games they don't.


I would do the typical "Call of Duty sucks) post but it's not really unpopular to hate it. 


That being said, I don't care for FPS games at all. I'm not very good at them and their controls are really confusing to me.


People need to understand that just because you say "it's my/their opinion," whenever someone gets criticism is not a justification for every hate comment they get. People can spew bull crap when stating their reasons for hating something that people can call them out on,.


However, there are still cases where people will hate someone just because they hate something they like. It's not like they even give proper criticism, they just hate them for not liking it. 

  • Brohoof 3



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I think the villains of Equestrian Girls (Sunset Shimmer and the Dazzlings) are better than those from FIM. *runs away* :lol:

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The Sega CD was actually a decent con- er, add-on. It did have a lot of crappy FMV games, but then it had actually had some great games like Sonic CD, Lunar, Snatcher, the port of Final Fight and quite a few others.


PC fanboys can be equally as annoying as Console fanboys. 


People don't need to go crazy over Ebola.


I like Bacon, but I prefer Sausage.


I'm not really a fan of emulators and I'll only use them only circumstances. Otherwise.. honestly, I don't really get the same "feel" as I do when I'm playing on an actual system. Plus, most cd-based system emulators are kind of laggy for me.

Edited by Percy
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Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but most of the time owning an exotic pet is stupid. Especially having lions, tigers, bears, wolves, and more as pets. They're usually hard to take care of and can be really aggressive and kill you when you don't expect it. If you want a pet, at least get something that was meant to be a pet, like dogs and cats. Jeez.

Edited by qwertyasdf
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People are really overreacting to Ebola. There have only been 2 or 3 cases in the country so far that get quickly quarantined and they're usually from the doctors treating one. And people say it's going to kill us all. The reason it spread in West Africa was because it's more poor and doesn't really have a whole lot of health care. 

  • Brohoof 8



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Call of Duty is a good time-killer, but there's far better shooters out there(Borderlands being a good example).



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I think the PS2 is very, very far from the best console ever. Honestly, I don't think it had that many great exclusives, plus, I feel it helped start the whole "Bonus Features are the way to go" thing that the consoles from the 7th/8th generations are doing. Strange, because it can play PS1 games, and I LOVE the PS1, yet I'm not exactly a huge fan of the PS2.

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•Each government of each country is the way it is and each form of government works just right for the country it's over. You want Capitalism? Go the America. You want Socialism? Go to Portugal. You want Communism? Go to China. You want Fascism? Go in a time machine back to Italy.

Personally, I prefer Capitalism.


•I'm not into strategy games like Dota. They're just boring for me.


•Soccer is hardly a contact sport.


•There is no worst or best pony. Every MLP character is equally unique in their own way.


•"Love and Tolerance" is a good motto in this fandom that no one seems to follow and many people who say they do are hypocrites.


•Lastly, most Canadians I've seen and have met on the internet act like complete nationalistic douchbags, but the ones I've met in real life are very nice people.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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I enjoyed Kamen Rider Decade, and I think DiEnd is a pretty good character.

Apparently, the latter isn't a very believed concept for Kamen Rider fans.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Fluttershy is worst pony and I hate it when Bronies say everypony in a non-rp enivroment.

*Le Fluttershy Voice*

Um, if you...um, don't mind me, saying this....I know everypony has their own opinion and everything, uh, um, but... Um, Flutters is, um, a really great pony, and I don't exactly agree with...um, all that, um.. Eep.





Anyways, It's always been a huge pet peeve of mine - Little kids with cell phones/iPods.

I'm talking 8 and under. I know society is changing and young people with mobile devices is the norm, but it still bothers me to see this. I don't see the point, really. I think kids should just be kids and not have to worry about online issues that may come up, at such a young age.

I'm not trying to sound old-fashioned, but it seems kind of unnecessary. I never do hear people complain about this, but I kind of wonder why this is considered normal.

Because it just seems odd. :huh:

  • Brohoof 2


*The Cavy Queen*

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I HATE the excuse "It's just for kids," especially in terms of defending shows like Modern Spongebob, Breadwinners and Sanjay and Craig..


Many people were kids too, and THEY want kids to be as happy as when they were kids..

Plus, have you watched some of the humor in those shows? I mean, even when I watched The Splinter when I was like, 7, I cringed to no end.

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-I hate putting on a cold bra first thing in the morning

-Don't let your freaking dogs bark at 5 am in the morning

-I hate weak coffee

-If having a good talk o different opinions,  be wiling to let the other person talk and listen them!

  • Brohoof 1


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I HATE the excuse "It's just for kids," especially in terms of defending shows like Modern Spongebob, Breadwinners and Sanjay and Craig..


Many people were kids too, and THEY want kids to be as happy as when they were kids..

Plus, have you watched some of the humor in those shows? I mean, even when I watched The Splinter when I was like, 7, I cringed to no end.

Were you reading some of the comments on Mr. Enter's videos? Cause that's most of the criticism he gets in a nutshell.

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Were you reading some of the comments on Mr. Enter's videos? Cause that's most of the criticism he gets in a nutshell.

Well, not just that, but also this one guy's blogpost, who made REALLY good points about people who say that, so I just posted basically his opinions here :P

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