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Lord Theoretical

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Jesus was either of arabic or african origin.



I do think that most people recognize that Jesus was Arabic, the problem is the European art that portrays him as being white because racism and white dominance and anti-semitism and what-not. And because that art is still the most common when it comes to Jesus' portrayal, it's the image that sticks with people despite knowing that Jesus grew up in a place that is populated with people of darker skin.


The only people I can think of who preach that Jesus was white are Mormons.


So on the one hand, your opinion about Jesus' race is not all that unpopular. At the same time, it seems like it is because of European artwork from centuries past, before people like Rembrandt dared to draw Jesus as a Jew.

Edited by RockinRarity
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I honestly have no idea how anyone could be a statist.

Democracy is not overrated and it's much better than having a king.

Democrats and Republicans are both the same crap.

The less government, the better.

Edited by AtDawnTheySquee
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Here's some more:


There is no god or afterlife

Morality is an artificial construct and is not inherent to objective reality

There is no meaning to life, it simply is.

People who argue against evolution are morons who do not understand the meaning of a scientific theory (the evidence is overwhelming)

Capitalism is the most fair economic system which currently exists in our world.

Some dubstep is avant-garde musical genius, some is utter shite

American spellings are bloody stupid

America in general is pretty crappy

I am an ethical nihilist

Hedonism is not immoral (as there is no such thing as morality) and is a good thing as we should enjoy our short existence (since there is no afterlife)

AAA gaming sucks balls as there is no imagination in its production.

I will be buying an Xbox One but wish Microsoft had committed to full digital this generation instead of appearing like clueless push-overs.

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My political position is in between Communism and Liberalism


Libertarians are hypocrites


Ron and Rand Paul are both jokes


I despise US politics


FPS games are fun, but overdone


TF2 is dumb


I give less of a fuck about Valve


Disney Channel's golden age was from 1998-2005


Regular Show > Adventure Time


Democracy is overrated


Fedoras are dumb


Reddit is ruining the MLP fandom, because r/My Little Pony thinks they control the fandom and the show


The MLP fandom is made up of 40% rabid fans, the rest either don't care about the fandom or are sane.


Hetalia is incredibly stupid.


Homestuck is awful and I see no appeal in it.


Communism is a good form of government.


I disapprove of many of the actions Stalin committed.


Religion is not the problem, it's the people who misinterpret it.


VenturianTale is incredibly stupid


Pewdiepie is stupid


Tobuscus is stupid


All of these YouTube "gamers" are stupid. 90% of them are in it for the money anyways.


Overrated doesn't mean bad.


Soda is awesome.


Autism is a sickening insult, it shows the average intelligence of people using it.


Hipsters can be cool, at times.

Edited by Chicken Pancakes
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Hey, look! This thread is a whole year old today! I just want to say..


I'm not really a fan of The Living Tombstone's music. I guess I like his take-on of Discord, but that's about it.  I respect him as an individual, though.

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Hey, look! This thread is a whole year old today! I just want to say..


I'm not really a fan of The Living Tombstone's music. I guess I like his take-on of Discord, but that's about it.  I respect him as an individual, though.

That artist is meh. To be rather honest, all Brony Muscians are meh, I just couldn't get into those artists at all, even when I got into the fandom. :/

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The "Youtube community" is just dumb as hell, even the term itself is stupid enough to make my head hurt

Just because you exist, doesn't mean you're equal to everyone else. Someone who has dedicated their lives to improving society for the better is a much better human than the rest of us, for example


I think Stalin wasn't that bad too.


>Is behind the killings of around 20 million people

>Not bad





Communism is a good form of government.


Nope, it's flawed, very so

It's just a naive and hypocritical way of thinking, nothing good comes out of it

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The "Youtube community" is just dumb as hell, even the term itself is stupid enough to make my head hurt

Just because you exist, doesn't mean you're equal to everyone else. Someone who has dedicated their lives to improving society for the better is a much better human than the rest of us, for example



>Is behind the killings of around 20 million people

>Not bad






Nope, it's flawed, very so

It's just a naive and hypocritical way of thinking, nothing good comes out of it

Implying that all other forms of government are perfect, yes it has it's flaws, there is no such thing as a perfect form of government, and many of these Communist countries aren't even communist, their Socialist, big difference.


Please, attacking it for that reason is incredibly funny and shows the train of thought of Americans towards communism hasn't changed one bit since McCarthy's witch trials in the 50s.

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Autism is a sickening insult, it shows the average intelligence of people using it.



Now, you're referring to the people who use it as an insult, right?  I just want to be sure you weren't insulting people with Autism.


I have a few more opinions.


-"Futurama" should have stayed cancelled.  The characters became unlikable, the jokes aren't funny anymore, they're forcing a left-wing agenda, and half the jokes are pop-culture references that shouldn't even be relevant in that time period anymore.


-It seems that the only people who know anything about Autism are the people who have it and the people related to the people who have it.


-There are some anime where the dub is better than the sub.  To the people who whine about the voices not sounding exactly like the Japanese voices, then let's see you do better.  No, really.  Do you think voice acting is that easy?


-"Road to Ninja" is the worst "Naruto" movie.

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Okey dokey loki

Mary sue is an overused word.

Sonic's the Hedgehog new voice is fine.

Ponies are awesome, but I prefer if people don't spam it on every site/fan community

I like the really cute/moe anime shows

I don't think Skrillex is overrated (eeyup there I said it,come at me bros/sis)

I like the swimming anime

I liked Twilicorn

I don't listen to Alex S that much (okay I enjoyed his nyancat and party with pinkie remixes but that's about it)

I think One direction is alright

I ship FlashLight, I think they're cute together (problem..?)

Amethyst star is one of my fave BG ponies, but not many have heard of her.

Shadow the hedgehog was a good game.

Equestria Girls was awesome.

Even though I did enjoyed some of his vids, I don't watch that much Smosh.

I still watch modern shows/cartoons

I like gamegrumps, they're hilarious

I have an interest in Lolita Fashion trends.



Wow! That was a lot...Sorry so I had so much to type xD I guess that's all.

Edited by Lunar






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Now, you're referring to the people who use it as an insult, right?  I just want to be sure you weren't insulting people with Autism.



Yes I am talking about the people who do use it as an insult, because so far almost all the people who have used it as an insult have no idea what Autism is, they assume it's a mental disorder that makes people dumb, when in reality, it isn't. I'm autistic, but I'm not really affected by it.

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"I think the entire "ZOMG I lost faith in humanity" is stupid, and in many cases, pure hypocrisy. Lol wut, so humanity is "losing stability" and all you do is complain about it."
Yet, you and your glowing beams of positivity are really helping anything?

"Bronies completely deserve the bad reputation they get."
Speak for yourself buddy, not for the entire community. There are far worse communities around, and as you should know the internet loves to pick out tiny groups of people out of larger ones then blow their problems out of proportion.
"The loudest voices we hear are those who advocate conflict, divisiveness." -John C. Danforth"
"Ignorant people are some of the stupidest people, not those with low IQ."
Do you even read half the stuff you spout?! those who aren't smart (ie stupid people) don't tend to have a high IQ, because they aren't smart. You can be ignorant, but still be very smart.
"Dating doesn't interest me in the slightest."

I would make a comment on this quote above me, but I don't feel like racking up warning points.




Yes I am talking about the people who do use it as an insult, because so far almost all the people who have used it as an insult have no idea what Autism is, they assume it's a mental disorder that makes people dumb, when in reality, it isn't. I'm autistic, but I'm not really affected by it.
I've got aspergers (a form of autism), it doesn't really affect me all that much to be honest, but people will try to use it against you. There are some really sick puppies out there.

Now for my own unpopular opinions:
-I don't see any problems with tearing down people, and publicly humiliating them. Why? because it'll help them out in the hand.
-Despite what moderators say I still believe that they do hold bias towards certain members, and I find that a lot of the time they are the biggest liars in the community.
-George Zimmerman got off, because the prosecution couldn't prove their bloody case.
-Trayvon Martin supports annoy the sh-t out of me.
-Rap music is still good, but the morons who listen to Lil' Wayne are the ones who say it sucks (because they listen to shitty music, and try to blame a whole genre).

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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I'm brave and I am a coward. I am intelligent and I am stupid. It is possible to be two different things in different situations. I do not believe anyone is wholly intelligent or wholly good. There are too many details and grey areas to personality to define people by a few simple traits.


Even the people who think themselves clever are stupid a lot of the time. But on the other hand the people who are down on themselves have good moments too. It depends on perspective.

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More opinions.


I dislike Twilight x Flash Sentry shipping.

On a similar note, I think Sunset Shimmer x Flash Sentry shipping would work quite well.


I can also appreciate a wide variety of music. I like, among other genres, metal, dubstep, techno, rock and chiptune.

I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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Yes I am talking about the people who do use it as an insult, because so far almost all the people who have used it as an insult have no idea what Autism is, they assume it's a mental disorder that makes people dumb, when in reality, it isn't. I'm autistic, but I'm not really affected by it.

Maybe that's how you can allow yourself to look past the stereotypes of Communism, seeing something worthwhile. I could be wrong, of course.

Pandas are douche bags; I don't care if they go extinct. It seems like many people only pity them because they're cute and helpless to recover from the damage caused by human actions. The truth is that they are too pathetic to adapt, and too stubborn to even reproduce.

Edited by failedALIAS

33238-absured_restwilight_sparklevector-SUPER READING FOR VEIN-BURSTING FUN!!!

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Maybe that's how you can allow yourself to look past the stereotypes of Communism, seeing something worthwhile. I could be wrong, of course.

You're really going to try comparing autism, a disability, to Communism, a political ideology? really? you may want to rethink your comparison.

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You're really going to try comparing autism, a disability, to Communism, a political ideology? really? you may want to rethink your comparison.

I'm sorry that my statement wasn't clear. What I'm trying to say is that so many people are blinded by stereotypes that they often fail to even try to understand something. I just figured that maybe it's different for people who think differently -- in this case, autistic.


Sorry if I offended.

Also, I don't consider Autism a disability. Same for ADHD, which I have. I've noticed that ADHD has it's ups and downs. Sure, I can't manage in a controlled environment like school very well, at least not without help; but I've had massive bursts of energy with learning and reading. My ADHD helps me multi-task. ADHD, of course, isn't the subject matter -- I just thought it would be a helpful alternative perspective, so you might get a better grasp of what I'm trying to say.

Edited by failedALIAS

33238-absured_restwilight_sparklevector-SUPER READING FOR VEIN-BURSTING FUN!!!

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Maybe that's how you can allow yourself to look past the stereotypes of Communism, seeing something worthwhile. I could be wrong, of course.

Pandas are douche bags; I don't care if they go extinct. It seems like many people only pity them because they're cute and helpless to recover from the damage caused by human actions. The truth is that they are too pathetic to adapt, and too stubborn to even reproduce.

Well considering the fact that there has never been a true Communist government in existence, and people always think it's something that represses freedoms (when in reality, it's the uber-socialist part that does so).


Heck North Korea isn't even Communist, more of just a collection of nutjobs. Same with many "communist" governments.

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Also, I don't consider Autism a disability. Same for ADHD, which I have. I've noticed that ADHD has it's ups and downs. Sure, I can't manage in a controlled environment like school very well, at least not without help; but I've had massive bursts of energy with learning and reading. My ADHD helps me multi-task. ADHD, of course, isn't the subject matter -- I just thought it would be a helpful alternative perspective, so you might get a better grasp of what I'm trying to say.
Depending upon the severity (see the Autism Spectrum) you don't think not being able to talk, or barely being able to talk isn't going to be something that hinders people? ya... no.


People who are on the higher end of the spectrum are (like me) are called high functioning, because we are able to do most things without too many issues. Those who are on the lower end of the spectrum are the ones who cannot talk, and are severely [mentally] handicapped. An example of one on the lower end of the spectrum is say a 20 year old male who has the intelligence/mentality of a 10 year old kid.


The point I'm getting at is regardless of how severe it is or isn't it still is a disability whether you like it or not.

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I see your point, and I withdraw. At least I learned something new and will hopefully use this discovery in the future. It was nice talking to you.

33238-absured_restwilight_sparklevector-SUPER READING FOR VEIN-BURSTING FUN!!!

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There's this one opinion that I have forgot to include in my previous post. For some reason, what I'm about to say triggers the "CULINARY MURDER" alarm for armchair food critics. Believe me, there's plenty of paid articles on pseudo-journalist sites out there that exist just to spite people with this opinion.



Well-done ribeye steak tastes pretty good.

The red dots specify where martial law will initiate.

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-Regular Show and Adventure Time both suck. I tried getting into both, Regular Show is annoying and seems to serve only for the purpose of letting my little cousins annoy me with that fraggin "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" sound effect. Adventure Time takes itself far too seriously for the characters and contents the universe has inside the show. 


-Despite what others say, The Amazing World of Gumball is funny. Period


-South Park should have ended at S4. It got preachy after that and the classic cut-out animation didn't seem as rugged. 


-The only good SW were the movies and the two CW cartoons. The EU can die in a ball of fire for all I care. SW EU ends at the start of the New Republic. Any EU before then is fine, but it stops at New Republic. 


-Doctor Who is good, and I can see how some like it, but I don't. 


-People who die behind the wheel because they were texting, or on the phone, were asking for it


-The human race is overpopulated. disaster response is not helping humanity. Be kind while you are alive, and hope for a peaceful death. The rest will take care of itself. 


-Disney was never good, they merely brainwash children into thinking so.


-There is no such thing as a friendly corporation


-Obama has done a shit job with personal liberties, but he is still better than the senile, old, gas-bag, blow-hards he was up against, who surely would have taken away even more.


-Stepping on a Lego does not hurt that bad.... or maybe I just have tough feet.  :huh:


-Knives rule, guns drool. 


-Weed isn't that bad, despite what smear campaigns say about it. Smoking it, however, is. 

Edited by Dinos4Ever


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