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What is MLP to you?


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My life was pretty much a wreck and in pieces, I was really sad at the time and I didn't have a lot that I could do. I watched the show and I started appreciating all the lessons from it. The show greatly improved my behavior towards other ponies people.


It's like some sort of a stress reliever sometimes by cheering me up pretty well. The show makes me really frisky nowadays making me sing the intro song over and over again.

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MLP is a great show, I love watching it. It has done something significant to my life though.


-I started to not care what people thought of me at Season 2 Episode 14.

-I used to be a hothead, a madman on a hair-trigger, anything can set me off and I'll rage

-I now have a lot more music and stories to study/write because I'm not held back by little girls' shows

-The internet is now not such a scary place to be

-Trolls can NOT touch me, in fact, I counter-troll them!


I have nopony else to thank except Faust for granting me the ability to control my emotions when everyone else have failed. I thank Faust for fixing me before I did something I would regret.


I love this show so much! :D

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to me... MLP:FIM its not just a show that i watch its a show that makes me smile forget about my past and how bad i have it or could have it. when i watch it, im actually happy when the show is playing cause i know thats what they would want from the show there viewers to watch so that they can become happy, which is true i dont realize anything sad any more its truly changed who i was... i used to be the emo guy almost no friends couldnt trust anypony, but after watching MLP and thinking deeply it wasnt the way to live. so it made me change slowly but surly it did. i just like that it shows that you can turn around any situation in your life, i miss shows that showed more meaning and wanted to change the world and or people just by the values they showed during the show.

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It's a show up there with Star Trek, Buffy, Naruto, Doctor Who, and a variety of other shows I adore with fantastic writing, characters you really feel for, and communities you just love being a part of. It's like a bunch of geeks got together and put everything I love about Geekdom into a cartoon I hope to someday watch with my little ones.


Also, I love the random moments of the day when my brother screams, "AH! Spikes a ghost!" and we both crack up.

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Well I like this show for a few reasons

Well I still have depression, but sometimes this show can turn it around for a few days...

another thing is it brought back my creative outlet. I lot it a while back but now i enjoy making fan art.


It is inspirational... by no means an obsession. But i at least consider it life changing.


I don't have any brony friends in real life. I get hate, but i could careless.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey
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Honestly, MLP has not improved my life. It's just a good show, The community is cool and the show is well made, but that's about it. It's just a tv show, nothing more.

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Read if you don't mind my bad english and a long personal story


Even if I have just started watching MLP (1 month ago) I can already say that this show has changed my life more than any other show, I mean it is just amazing how a simple phrase or a single episode can change your whole day, or attitude, I'll give an example: I study in a all men school, so you have to be kinda tough, and I used to punch someople just because it was a way to "fit in" but I always tought "Why am i doing this to him?" and to be honest I had some depression and very low self-steem problems, I never went to a phsycologist, because i didn't need one, i just needed to find something that could release all the "soft" feelings i had been hiding for more than 5 years. I used to cry sometimes because i tought my life was a complete disaster, but then this show showed up, At the very first time I watched a Pony at a video, I didn't know how to react because in some way they were cute, and i liked them, so my curiosity started to become stronger and stronger, and finally when i decided to actually watch an entire episode, suddenly i forgot most of the bad feelings i had that day. Since that day you cannot believe how much i changed. I'll explain it after this:


The phrase "Love and Tolerate"

This phrase means A LOT to me, you know how my relationship with my family and my friends was? It was horrible, I was arguing with my parents almost everyday, and with my friends I was trying to be someone else, In other words I had these.....masks....and i had serious issues with these masks...I started applying this phrase since last month and now....there are no masks! they're gone, i can be myself, because I learned that you have to tolerate other people and understand them, for example i didn't knew that my mother had some medical issues with her feet that's why she was always mad at me, because i didn't help her with anything, and with my friends, they might be a little bit too stubborn but thery're good people, they're people i can trust. Since i started to apply this phrase and started to take some of the ponies attitudes (Rarity and Applejack) Now I'm more relaxed, and i actually care how i look, not to other people but for myself, The amount of zits i have has decreased, my hand used to shake a lot because of the stress, now it is just ocassionally and now that I try to help almost everyone i know and stop lying my relationship in general with society has improved.


And now let's see the changes: I don't punch people anymore and I think that my friends should stop doing that, I help my parents as much as I can, I stopped lying, from saying 10 lies a day to a maximum of 3, I have A LOT of self-steem and confidence now (I used to be embarrased by talking on Skype....SKYPE!) and since I've been tolerating all the dumb things at school, my grades have improved so bassically if wouldn't have found MLP:FiM I might have alredy changed of school, friends and almost everything that i don't want to change now.


In conclusion this show made the best out of me come out, maybe for some people is just a good show, but for people like me, sometimes you just need to think out of the box.


PD: Can I get a brohoof for +3100 characters /)?

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To me, the show is my favorite current cartoon ever since a LONG time, and by long I mean years, since I'm only 18 XD. Truth be told, i really enjoy it, and I can't wait for Season 3. But I also love the VERY productive fandom it created, considering, I'm writing a fic because of it, I'm listening to new music, and some are geniuses at that, and it's a very social community. They are outspoken online, and it made me have more friends online I can't wait to actually go talk to. Has it changed my life? No, can't say it has. But I appreciate that I let my curiosity beat me to see the show =).

To me, MLP is a tv show that gained a relatively large fanbase of mostly men, even though it was originall intended for little girls.

The fans call themselves 'bronies.'

kind of like


one directioners





Personally, I think bronies calling themselves bronies just further alienates them from society. It contributes to their 'cult' image, and why brnoies get so much hate.


But hey, at least were not as hated as beliebers or one directioners!


many bronies tell stories about how MLP has changed their life or made their life better. I sure wish it had made my life better. I feel kinda left out. I know its gonna sound like whining, but my life is a pile of crap. Sometimes I wish that MLP had changed that, and I cant see why it has with so many others but me.

But another question is how? How could a simple tv show change peoples lives? Sure, Tv has changed peoples lives before, like oprah, americas most wanted, and a crapton of soap operas. (And also start trek.) But hose shows were about important things. Oprah is just a show about life, so of course that would help people, but how MY LITTLE FREAKING PONY change ones life? Ive been looking for something to hold on to for a long time, and I think I found that with my little pony, But I dont think ive really found my place, yet. Probably because bronies are shrouded in mystery. I know a lot about the show, but not much about the fans.


I feel like the show could change me forever, but im not letting it. I just dont know enough to say for sure. I guess I just dont get bronies OR MLP.


Whether some would admit it or not, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic DOES treat on life, only instead of using reality, using fantasy. That would be the diffrence I guess. After all, look at the chapters, and their basic lessons. "Don't judge a book by it's cover", "Don't make yourself a braggart, but learn to stand up for yourself and your friends", "Learn to take help when you need it", and much more. The interesting thng that Lauren Faust did, is that, the lessons implied in the chapters, tell us something we CAN use in life, whatever the age we are. That's one of the beautiful things of the show.


Why hasn't your life changed because of the show? YOU choose if you want it to change it or not. It can or it cannot. Just remember, your life can change in many ways. You won't see a sudden change in your life after a few days or even weeks, but the thing is that, see what stuff you can use from the show to help you, and moderately use it in your life. With time, you should see some changes.


One of the things that changed peoples life is the fact there a very social community, AKA we bronies. If you haven't realized, there's an INMENSE amount of reunions, in real life, and incalculable amount of chats online. That's one of the things they changed. It made a lot of people more social, by passing their social talk online to the real life, and that could change your life, especially if you weren't so social before. Be nice to bronies online, have stuff from the show as common theme, and you may see that start sharing more things in common with other people, like games, sports, personalities, etc. There's a lot of places you can talk online with them, so yeah, you DO have space to do so. Is calling ourselves bronies something that can separate us from society? Maybe so, but it's better when, in our case, we talk along ourselves when the outer society , and the majority of it, hates us for no reason at all. Beliebers and stuff are ahted ONLY because people hates Bieber's music. Do I like it? Hell no, but I'm not gonna judge. There's a line you draw, however. You can't say Bieber has the best music, or that MLP is the best show. IT can be to you, but it may not be to other OR in general. So long as we learn to draw the line, we should be fine. And also, don't worry. It's not whining if your life is TRULY a mess. But don't hope the show will change you. MAKE the show help your life. Letting it wait is the worst thing you can do whenever in this type of cases. Learn how to do it yourself, and go on from there.

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It's a show that i enjoy. It's a fanbase that I'm proud to be a part of. It's a part of my life.


I watch the show, I read fanfiction (though I read that for other things as well), I listen to music, and I participate on these forums. Ilike the show alt, it's definitely within my top 3 or even top 2 cartoons (keep in mind i missed ALOT of 90s cartoons, I was like 3 at the time :( )


Anyway, as of late, cartoons are terrible in my opinion, and this is one that is a suprisingly great one. That's what MLP is to me. Another one of my interests.

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And by the way, how am I crazy by Freudian law? I mean, i consider myself crazy, and I consider that everyone, at an individual level and at their own level of insanity, is crazy, but I'm intrigued.


I'm guessing you're not dealing with a psychology major there ;) Everyone always goes directly to Freud and most of them have no idea why or what any of his work was. (or that most of it was proven wrong, for that matter.)


Anyway, I just wanted to say that your original post was accurate and I was going to say something similar myself. If you want change you must do it on your own. Other things may help but you and you alone can make that change happen.

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I'm guessing you're not dealing with a psychology major there ;) Everyone always goes directly to Freud and most of them have no idea why or what any of his work was. (or that most of it was proven wrong, for that matter.)


Anyway, I just wanted to say that your original post was accurate and I was going to say something similar myself. If you want change you must do it on your own. Other things may help but you and you alone can make that change happen.


Eh, to tell you the truth, I did it more as a joke than anything else (because I don't know what by Freudian law is XD), but if the guy could answer me, by all means may he do so. I'd like to know his thinking on it (and if has a logical reason to refute anything I said instead of calling me something I take as a compliment XD). But yeah, don't hope on. Just do it (and for once, the Nike slogan can be used without laughing matters XD...dammit, I just XD'd it!). Besides, I liked the way Freud thought with his "Super Ego, Ego, Id" and "Subconsciousness, Preconsciousness and Consciousness" theories. It was as close as you could get from reality (although we know that the human mind is a tad more difficult to so easily clasify. If it was, I wouldn't ty to decipher my mind most of the times XD). I do have a believe it's impossible to fully know oneself, but eh, I'll leave further non-pony, boring psychological subject off XD. Edited by Devin McCourty
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One counts for life, the other counts for life, but can use comedy. Guess which one I prefer XD. And by the way, how am I crazy by Freudian law? I mean, i consider myself crazy, and I consider that everyone, at an individual level and at their own level of insanity, is crazy, but I'm intrigued. Don't worry. I wouldn't like my mind inside your life. It would be unfair for you XD.


wait, one counts for life, the other counts for life? Youre crazy because you are. Are you saying youre smarter than me? you havent even talked to me.... :(


I dont dislike bronies i just think that theyre cray. cray dosent have to be a bad thing, it can be fun! Im a brony too, you know. :(


I'm guessing you're not dealing with a psychology major there ;) Everyone always goes directly to Freud and most of them have no idea why or what any of his work was. (or that most of it was proven wrong, for that matter.)


Anyway, I just wanted to say that your original post was accurate and I was going to say something similar myself. If you want change you must do it on your own. Other things may help but you and you alone can make that change happen.


Hey, you know, not most of his work was proven flase. Sure, his suggestions about homosexuals was, but his fundamental work formed the basis of psephology today. People say that because his work was moslty used on homosexuals. Edited by Devin McCourty
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wait, one counts for life, the other counts for life? Youre crazy because you are. Are you saying youre smarter than me? you havent even talked to me.... :(



I dont dislike bronies i just think that theyre cray. cray dosent have to be a bad thing, it can be fun! Im a brony too, you know. :(


*takes a juice glass**normally drinks it**sees post you wrote**shamelessly spits juice all over the screen* Nononononononono :( !I wasn't saying that! I'm really sorry if I did, but I wasn't meaning that! The sentence you said "It's nothing" is something we tell ourselves because we try to calm the hurt down. The one I have in my signature "Meh, I'll do it later", is used EVERY TIME we procrastinate XD. I always say the same thing, and then BOOM! The Homework I had only has 30 minutes before I have to turn it in. It's funny to others at least XD.


I'm crazy because I believe everyone is crazy at some degree. Why? Because we ALL have something that people don't call normal, and just with that, you're doing something crazy, that's all. I'm not meaning anything else by it.


And the reason I don't want my mind in your head is because my mind is full of thoughts. Endless thoughts that doesn't let me sleep. I overanalyze EVERY CELESTIADAMNED THING I see, and that torments, especially because it doesn't allow me to forget the bad moments. I always think "What if" escenarios over and over again. I can't wish that upon someone. It's awful, trust me. I also don't know what cray is, so I can't really say anything on that :huh: .

Edited by Arcanel
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MLP isn't really something that "totally changed my life", but the fandom has a sense of community, different from other fandoms that I've been involved in. MLP is also something that makes me happy when I feel down. I guess that's why I like it.

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Um, MLP:FiM is, too me, a good cartoon. It's more, yes, like it actually has characters that I can relate too, unlike most cartoons which seem to be just gags. I like most of the fanbase of this show, aswell. It's very.. um, creative? Yeah. Most of the fan art (music, pics, stories, anything) seems to be a of good quality.


That and the animation style of the show itself is some of the best, IMO, since The Ren & Stimpy Show.

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Hey, you know, not most of his work was proven flase. Sure, his suggestions about homosexuals was, but his fundamental work formed the basis of psephology today. People say that because his work was moslty used on homosexuals.


I am not arguing this further as it will only serve to derail the thread even more. If you enjoy psychology I'm sure you'll read more on it in the future.


Back to the topic at hand I do have to say MLP is what I watch after too many episodes of some deep and depressing anime, or a more serious drama. It lightens the mood and makes me happy. No bad can come from that.


Also, it amuses me to assign pony personality types to my pets. I certainly have a Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy among my cats.

Edited by MoonFeather
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mentally deranged; demented; insane.


senseless; impractical; totally unsound: a crazy scheme.


Informal . intensely enthusiastic; passionately excited: crazy about baseball.


Informal . very enamored or infatuated (usually followed by about ): He was crazy about her.


Informal . intensely anxious or eager; impatient: I'm crazy to try those new skis.



I guess we are crazy.

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this show has definitely changed the way i view things on life. im a bit more tolerable to people i dont particularly like, and im a bit quieter for some reason o_O

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Honestly, MLP has improved my life. I'ts not just a good show, it has also brought me a sense of community. You guys are seriously awesome, probably the most accepting community on the internet.


I have met a lot of friends, and I have found a new creative outlet. I create fan art, write stories and make animations all about MLP.


So it is much more than just a good show to me.


What he said basically. Its improved my life. Made me more happy and give me something to look forward to. Plus meeting up with another brony means instant friendship. But i have yet to find another brony... I did get a brony shirt just today though.
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MLP is one of many things that has gotten me through a very difficult time in my life.


I'll be brief lest this turn into a sob story. My closest friend passed away a little over three months ago from a car accident. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me in my entire life. Though I still feel the emptiness and pain that losing left me with, It is easier to bear because of a great many things.


Among those are: a webcomic we both loved (SATW), our close mutual friends, planting an apple tree in her honor, writing to her on her facebook wall as if she could see it, listening to the music from our favorite musical (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat), and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


The joy I get from watching the episodes and the sense of friendship I get from participating in the community helps to fill a little bit of that hole that her loss left in me.

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I won't tell you pathetic stories about how MLP has changed my life. Becouse it hasn't.

But yet, It's not only a cartoon for me. I've watched many cartoons but none of them was as good as MLP. I must say that ponies are important to me. Sometimes, after a whole day, when I'm tired, angry, annoyed and frustrated I like to sit down in front of my PC and watch the world, in which friendship and love are the most important values. What I mean is MLP is something very important to me and it brings a lot of fun, but my life wouldn't look much different without it.

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Is it a simple enjoyment like you would any tv show or does your life revolve around it? and all the area In between!

For me mlp is nestled around a lot of other likes and does not stand out too much unless I focus on it.

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