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500 Word Fanfic Challenge -- VOTING


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My 500 word fanfic was written at 3 a.m. on my iPhone, and I love the way I ended it. This challenge got me out of a writing funk, and I am ebullient that my creative spirit has been enlivened by a new fire!


I ended up writing this fiction as a result: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/46048/Spike's-Rainbow-Dash


I felt Spike and Luna was a brave way to go because I find there are not many mlpforum members that are into interspecies ships. Haha. Either way, I thank you all for taking a read, and I must admit that all your stories had me smiling.

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GAH! Why did voting have to be delayed till Friday?! D:


I am far too excited to wait three more days! So many good entries!


Also, I'm pretty shocked how many people liked mine :3 That was my first attempt at seriously writing ever lol

Edited by Eljordo
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That was my first attempt at seriously writing ever lol


That was your first attempt?! Oh my god... I feel bad now :P You will be unstoppable in a future contest when you have gotten some more practice :P

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That was your first attempt?! Oh my god... I feel bad now :P You will be unstoppable in a future contest when you have gotten some more practice :P


Kind words my friend :P


I wouldn't say that though. On a personal level I'm still not sure how mine stacks up to all the other entries. I don't think there is a single bad fic in the bunch, and I feel bad for having to only pick four.


I very much look forward to future contests, a lot of talent on these forums!


OMG! Voting today! :D :D :D


Been waiting all week for this! I know it's just past midnight, but dammit I don't care! VOTING TODAY! :D

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Kind words my friend :P


I wouldn't say that though. On a personal level I'm still not sure how mine stacks up to all the other entries. I don't think there is a single bad fic in the bunch, and I feel bad for having to only pick four.


I very much look forward to future contests, a lot of talent on these forums!


OMG! Voting today! :D :D :D


Been waiting all week for this! I know it's just past midnight, but dammit I don't care! VOTING TODAY! :D




Seriously though, good luck to everyone. I agree with what's been said, in that most of these entries are very well-done, and that this is certainly going to be a tough decision for voters who don't already know 100% who they're going to be voting for. I don't even know what I'm going to be doing with my voting yet, so I suppose I should figure that out soon xD

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I've been hanging onto this for what feels like a week now. My "top 4" votes are as follows:




CuteyCindyHoney's "An Unaccountable Problem"


The concept itself was not particularly original, but the scope was perfect for this challenge, and the execution was shacked. The characterizations were very accurate, and I have a soft spot for Twisanity and fourth wall jokes (as long as they're done well).


Using my own semi-arbitrary scale, I rated this one 8/10.






Moon Feather's unnamed story about Gumshoe Spike


Seriously, what's not to love about this one? Cheesy descriptions, over-acting and depression-era slang were so wonderfully noir in this story. Normally I'm not a big fan of Spike (either as a character in the show or in fan fics) but I had to admit that he was very well suited to this one.


Using my own semi-arbitrary scale, I rated this one 9/10.






Sugar Plum's unnamed story about Derpy


When I first started reading this one, I had a feeling it was going to awkwardly portray Derpy as a one-dimensional "special ed" character for the laughs. But then it took a poignant and surprisingly dark turn. Throughout the second half of the story, I had a vaguely uneasy feeling, kind of like the tension-building often found in 1970's horror films. I'm still not sure if that subtle vibe was intentionally woven into the story or not, but it struck a chord with me.


Using my own semi-arbitrary scale, I rated this one 7/10






Bronynonymous' unnamed history of Discord's scheme


Most "Humans in Equestria" stories suck. This one did not, thankfully. I could tell from the very start that it would not be the lovey dovey shlock fest typically seen from such crossovers. As for the story itself, I think the mythical tone was very effective in telling the tale, and it conveyed an impressively large scope, given the word limit. I also like how humans were used as more of a destructive force of nature than traditional characters. The only thing I didn't quite get was why the one did what he did at the very end...weren't these humans hand-picked for being chaotic and destructive? I'll chalk that up to the nature of the challenge limiting each story to only one or two character developments.


Using my own semi-arbitrary scale, I rated this one 7/10




Others I liked:




ChaoticDiscord's "The Odd Couple" had very nice characterization, and it pretty much nailed Discord's mannerisms, speech patterns, etc.


SunTouchedCoco's story about Rainbow Dash was very rough around the edges, but I saw real potential in it. The idea was pretty original, and offered an uncommon insight into what motivates and inspires the supposedly lazy RD. The ending was bittersweet, and just plausible enough, considering her pride and insecurities.



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I'm going to actually try next contest xD


Honestly, I came up with my fic in a second, told my friend, wrote it in minutes, posted it. No real effort actually put into it :P

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Judging from the level of interest in this event, it definitely seems likely that this may become a recurring event, with different rules and focus each time.


I certainly hope so. This was loads of fun and it's also the perfect motivation for me to practise my writing.

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