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I've been through worse before; when I was a spider (and was nearly eaten by Spike), and when a skeletal tyrannosaur ate me.

(For some reason, this sort of reminds me of a bunch of spaghetti-stories)

>Making dinner

>Start up the garlic bread

>Roll a few meatballs

>Can’t find the pasta

>Rip apart the closet and cupboards

>Collapse on the floor crying

>All the spaghetti falls out of my pocket

Edited by AI Pony
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You might want to be more careful with what you eat. While I was down there, I think that I saw a couple of dislodged rib-bones... Your rib-bones, not the remains of some unfortunate adventurer... as well as some swarms of parasprites and live Crystal Ponies.

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Why not now?

Why wait when your life might be hanging in the balence?!

(Also, why wait to sneak aboard the TARDIS and strand The Doctor outside with the infinate configuration core?)

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