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Well, I was assured that treachery would not happen. I will on the other hand heed Jerk Co's fine words of advice. I'll put our alliance at a halt for now. Destroying planets? Well. I may not wish to become an enemy, but I would rather take the universe for my own purposes, without any kind of restrictions put in place.


I've heard that The Combine is bad news, is this true?!


Don't listen to Jerk Co. The Union is ruled by a council of representatives from each of its member factions. No member holds more power than the others, therefore it would be impossible for a dictator to be established. Any such efforts by one faction to seize power would be quashed immediately by the others. 


And why would we destroy a world? Each member planet's resources are redistributed for the good of the Union as a whole, if necessary. Jerk Co is simply lying to drag you down with it. They are against progress. Their lies are spoken out of fear that you, by allying yourself with the Union, will become too powerful a foe to contend with. 

Edited by MasterCombine
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Villains need oxytocin too.


I have no reason to lie. My pet meowbeasts were on my planet when you basically cracked it in half to get to its hardtoobtainium core. Plus, I don't want to kill a trusted friend and partner if he were to join. I'm not sure about Crimson, but it'll take a bit more than the Union to stop a master of Inherent Magic.

Edited by AI Pony
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Yes, we too are users of magic, though be it particularly dark forces. 


The D42C normally does not offer any discounts beyond the 10% off for buying more than 10. However, due to our alliance and the sheer number you wish to buy, I am happy to give you a one-time 20% off discount for those dragons and phoenixes. The total amount comes to 0.8*500*62+0.8*400*40=37600 bits. You save 4700 bits with this discount!


The D42C is also interested in the poltergeists, hellhounds and reapers you offer. We'd like to buy 42 poltergeists to help restock them as we have have just run out of stock. We'd like to buy 10 hellhounds and 10 reapers so we can run some tests to determine the economic viability of adding those to our list of creatures of mass destruction. How much will that cost?

The Crimson Empire would be pleased to deliver you those 42 poltergeists as a token of apology for destroying your headquarters countless, countless times. Though we'll continue to do so for as long as it pleases us.

The Hellhounds will cost 20 bits each and Reapers will cost 50 bits each. 

This will amass your total to (200+500) 700 bits. This seems like an adequate deal. You can subtract it from the 37600 bits I owe you.


Don't listen to Jerk Co. The Union is ruled by a council of representatives from each of its member factions. No member holds more power than the others, therefore it would be impossible for a dictator to be established. Any such efforts by one faction to seize power would be quashed immediately by the others. 


The Crimson Empire is pleased to hold as much power as it can get ahold of, which means seizing power is our specialty. Jerk Co. has aided us in the past however and have proved themselves to be a worthy ally, not to mention a hefty 80% discount on all purchases.

Edited by The Crimson Cross


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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Villains need oxytocin too.


I have no reason to lie. My pet meowbeasts were on my planet when you basically cracked it in half to get to its hardtoobtainium core. Plus, I don't want to kill a trusted friend and partner if he were to join. I'm not sure about Crimson, but it'll take a bit more than the Union to stop a master of Inherent Magic.


If that's the case, then blame your people for their unwillingness to ascend. 


We control dimensions you've never even heard of. You present nothing for us to fear. You will fall in line eventually, whether you will it or not. 


Yes, we too are users of magic, though be it particularly dark forces. 


The Crimson Empire would be pleased to deliver you those 42 poltergeists as a token of apology for destroying your headquarters countless, countless times. Though we'll continue to do so for as long as it pleases us.

The Hellhounds will cost 20 bits each and Reapers will cost 50 bits each. 

This will amass your total to (200+1000) 1200 bits. This seems like an adequate deal. You can subtract it from the 37600 bits I owe you.



The Crimson Empire is pleased to hold as much power as it can get ahold of, which means seizing power is our specialty. Jerk Co. has aided us in the past however and have proved themselves to be a worthy ally, not to mention a hefty 80% discount on all purchases.


Then perhaps I misjudged your worthiness. Regardless, we still welcome all who would join us of their own accord. If you change your mind, we'll be waiting. I just hope it's not too late. 

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What is the purpose of attempting to dominate everything though? Why are you so intent on having everything? When you have done all you can do, what can you do? Nothing. That is the sole reason why I intend on helping Crimson. When you have done all YOU can do, you help OTHERS to do what THEY can.

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Because we can. The Union possesses the capability to do so, so why would we not? All worlds benefit under our control. We help them transcend their limits, to achieve what they could never do on their own. 

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Even if you believe that, there will always be someone who opposes. Someone who will fight for their seperation. Someone who will fight to be a free man. Those without a voice will speak out and make themselves heard.

(You see what I did there?)

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The Crimson Empire would be pleased to deliver you those 42 poltergeists as a token of apology for destroying your headquarters countless, countless times. Though we'll continue to do so for as long as it pleases us.

The Hellhounds will cost 20 bits each and Reapers will cost 50 bits each. 

This will amass your total to (200+500) 700 bits. This seems like an adequate deal. You can subtract it from the 37600 bits I owe you.

The D42C agrees to this exchange. To summarise, the D42C will provide you with 500 dragons and 400 phoenixes in exchange for 42 poltergeists, 10 hellhounds, 10 reapers and 36900 bits. Is this agreeable?


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Jerk Co. is wise in the affairs of the affairs the villain's mind. It is only a matter of time before your own forces rebel against The Union.


The D42C agrees to this exchange. To summarise, the D42C will provide you with 500 dragons and 400 phoenixes in exchange for 42 poltergeists, 10 hellhounds, 10 reapers and 36900 bits. Is this agreeable?

This arrangement seems agreeable. I suppose I'll hold any incoming attacks whilst you're shipping these goods.

When and where will the shipment come in?


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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Even if you believe that, there will always be someone who opposes. Someone who will fight for their seperation. Someone who will fight to be a free man. Those without a voice will speak out and make themselves heard.

(You see what I did there?)


(It lost a bit of its luster when you pointed it out  :lol: But still, clever)


Jerk Co. is wise in the affairs of the affairs the villain's mind. It is only a matter of time before your own forces rebel against The Union.


This arrangement seems agreeable. I suppose I'll hold any incoming attacks whilst you're shipping these goods.

When and where will the shipment come in?


Our own forces would never rebel against us. Generous application of neural cybernetics tends to make people surprisingly compliant. 

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This arrangement seems agreeable. I suppose I'll hold any incoming attacks whilst you're shipping these goods.

When and where will the shipment come in?

This depends on your distance from our headquarters. The D42C is currently located in sector 42D on planet E24C76. How far is this from your current location?

Keep in mind D42C may charge transportation fees if the distance is too large.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Our own forces would never rebel against us. Generous application of neural cybernetics tends to make people surprisingly compliant. 

Luckily, for me, the souls of the departed are obliged to serve me before they pass on.

This compliance they have to live with, but it's their choice if they wish to obtain the punishment for betrayal.


This depends on your distance from our headquarters. The D42C is currently located in sector 42D on planet E24C76. How far is this from your current location?

Keep in mind D42C may charge transportation fees if the distance is too large.

I suppose I can whip up an inter-dimensional transportation bubble in your location. It would give you immediate access to our storage and commerce sector. All you have to do is cross the barrier.


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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I suppose I can whip up an inter-dimensional transportation bubble in your location. It would give you immediate access to our storage and commerce sector. All you have to do is cross the barrier.

This would be very useful. It will allow the goods to be exchanged almost immediately, and will eliminate any transportation fees regardless of your distance from us. The D42C agrees to the use of an inter-dimensional transportation bubble for our transaction. It would be preferable if you would create it next to the entrance of our warehouse. The exact co-ordinates of this location is 03-43-D2.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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This would be very useful. It will allow the goods to be exchanged almost immediately, and will eliminate any transportation fees regardless of your distance from us. The D42C agrees to the use of an inter-dimensional transportation bubble for our transaction. It would be preferable if you would create it next to the entrance of our warehouse. The exact co-ordinates of this location is 03-43-D2.


This arrangement can most certainly be made. 

There we go. Done. I've sent in the request.

Just as long as you don't mind the skeletal sentries I've posted there. Side-effects might include a slow process in which any living being around this bubble will slowly die. Best not stay there for too long either. It barely made the health and safety inspections. 


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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You ever envision forum-based sites with mods and a staff hierarchy as banks where the guards can teleport and the people are allowed inside the inner workings?

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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