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gaming What's the most annoying boss you have faced?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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I would have to say Kingdom hearts 2 Beast's castle final boss was the hardest, I was so leveled 'down' , I wasn't strong enough, But i defeated him, maybe a month ago


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This isn't a boss from a good game, but when it comes to absolute annoyance this one just takes the cake. The camera in this is so bad, not to mention that this is probably the most boring boss in the entire game. (I can't muster up the strength to finish this game, it's that bad! This is coming from a guy who extracted some fun from the ET game, too)


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The very first Garrador in Resident Evil 4. It, for a few reasons, annoyed me. #1: It scared the crap outta me. #2: It always heard me. #3: It would always turn around when I was about to shoot the plagas in it's back.

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Every eggman boss in Sonic Heroes. I remember getting so frustrated because he would never shut up at all!

That and he had such annoying tricks which made me smash a wall as a kid ;;>.>




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Also Demyx from Kingdom Hearts 2. This guy is just a plain wuss and has pretty cheap moves. He also doesn't leave many opening for you to attack.



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Gula from Arc Rise Fantasia. Seriously, man. Unless you've have grinded up several levels, which takes forever, especially when you reach mid 20's, you're pretty much f'ed in this fight. He has multiple damage dealing attacks and he is constantly making his attacks stronger with these ray stones that enhance his magic. Then when you think you have a strategy to beat him, he unleashes all hell on you.


This guy. Bane of my existence in Arc Rise Fantasia.


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There are quite a few, but one memorable one for me is Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors 4. He is always impossible to defeat early on. You get his health down 3/4 and then he heals back up fully for you to do it one more time, only then he is even more powerful then before. I always ran past him, until I leveled up a ton. Still would never challenge him to a duel though, that is just plain suicide.

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nostalgia right here! I remember getting so mad because I could not ever beat Brock in pokemon: yellow version as a kid xD! Me: pikachu use thundershock!



I used to have trouble with that as a kid until I learned that my butterfree did some pretty heavy damage on his pokemon with confusion :D



My own would be lance from final four. I could get through all 3 easily but still get owned in lance since he has 2 dragonairs and knew thunder. Not to mention a dragonite that spewed hyper beam everywhere :angry:

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The most annoying one for me was Pteropus from Tales of Vesperia on unknown (hard) mode. He would split up into a billion forms of himself and they would all hit INTENSIVELY hard.

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Now I have to say two games that no one else on here has probably ever played. First was Evolution: The World of Sacred Device for the Dreamcast. The final boss (Prince Eugene in a mech) was ridiculous. Totally cheap, a zillion HP, poisoned you every round.


Second was the Ethereal Queen from Radiata Stories (PS2) in the bonus dungeon. It was doubly tough because I used the characters I liked most instead of the most powerful ones you could recruit. But at least there you could equip the Tri-Emblem skill, and then I stood a chance against her. No shortcuts for Eugene.

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Any boss that heals itself is annoying. :|


But for me, the one that I freaked out the most was Krauser, from Resident Evil 4. Before the battle, he runs around hiding and shooting you like a coward. When you finally get to battle him, it's just so annoying. He has a giant shield that blocks anything you shoot and he keeps jumping around as well. Not to mention he has very cheap attacks...


Oh! And I couldn't forget about Abyssion, from Tales of Symphonia. He's just so... hard... so freaking hard. He copies all of your character's moves (since he has each of their weapons) and he casts spells way too fast. He's hard... ¬_¬

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I don't know what the bosses name(s) is(are) but in the original ninja gaiden, the fifth boss(es) I believe should be double fu dog statutes that dart around, shooting fireballs and just plain owning you. I've never gotten past them, they haunt my nightmares to this day....

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I'm not sure how hard he was when i first played through, but the Emperor Ing from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes was IMPOSSIBLE last time i tried fighting him.

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I could never get past his FIRST phase without dying.

He has three phases.

All i can think is "How the flying feather did i beat this guy when i was younger."

First he has a crapload of tentacles which repeatedly try to whack you, fire lazers at you, etc. After shooting each tentacle until it dies, he reveals his core, which has a rotating shield, with a thin opening, and it shoots lazers at you.

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