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My little pwny

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(OOC: part 1... yada yada yada, follow the instructions at the bottom, yada yada yada, then I'll post part 2, yada yada, good luck! and enjoy!




Mal X Twilight Sparkle

“… and then, we kissed!” said a very excited Twilight. “And it was amazing! He’s a very good kisser.”


“Awww!” said Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy in unison.


“Yuck Twilight! Do you have to share things like that to the whole world?” said spike.


The group giggled at Spike, who of course was still naïve about love. “Whatever. I’m going to bed. See you girls in the morning.” Spike grabbed his pillow, and walked out of the room where the mane 6 was having their slumber party.


Not even bothered by what Spike did, Rarity asked, “So what happened next dear?”


Twilight stopped smiling and instead rolled her eyes. “What did you think I did, I started to ramble again. It’s what I do when I don’t know how to express my feelings.”


Rarity interrupted her, “Twilight, let me tell you from experience. The one thing stallions want to hear the most after a kiss is telling him the same thing you told us. Say he was a good kisser!”


“Next time I’ll do that, but I don’t know if I’m a good kisser! I’ve read every book about the subject and I rehearsed what they said on my pillow.”


“Will you keep it down Twilight?” said Spike in the next room. “I can still hear you and its gross!”


“Anyways, I know this is a kinda awkward question, but how do I know I’m kissing okay?”


The least likely pony to respond in the room spoke up. When Fluttershy started talking, they all paid close attention. “Um, Twilight… um, I think I know what you should do.”


Twilight’s eyes got really big. “Fluttershy?? What do you know about kissing?”


“Um. Well, I don’t anything about kissing, but, I think you should do what I do when I’m unsure about something. Just copy what everypony else does.”


“You’re saying I should copy how he kisses?”


“Oh, uh no… not if you don’t want to, I mean. I’m sorry…” said Fluttershy in a very small voice.”


“No Fluttershy, that’s actually a good idea! I’ll make sure to do that.”


Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight again. “So when’s the next time you see Mal anyways? He seems like a really nice find!”


“I see him tomorrow, as a matter of fact,” answered Twilight. “We’re going to the museum of magic in Canterlot.”


“Ouch Twi,” commented Applejack, “won’t that bore Mal? Not that I’m saying don’t go, but isn’t there somewhere more romantic you two can go?”


“Actually, he says he can’t get enough of my knowledge. He also told me that he loves to hear my voice. Honestly girls, he’s not just being nice, he’s a very honest and well meaning guy! I really, really love and trust him.”


For the rest of the evening, the mane 6 played games and did each other’s manes for their slumber party. Spike was woken up several times during the girls’ laughter and loud music. Eventually, all the ponies in the room fell asleep.




She’s supposed to meet me here at 2! Thought Mal. I’m not worried about her not showing up, but every minute she’s late is a minute less I get to be with her.


Mal stood in front of the door to the “Museum of Magic”, which was located only a block away from Canterlot Castle. Before he arrived at the museum to wait for Twilight, he took the time to buy a bouquet of purple daisies and a case of magical caramels. Mal was so in love with Twilight, he just couldn’t contain it. He only wished he could do more for Twilight just to show his feelings more proportionately. For now though, the flowers and chocolates would have to do.


A few minutes pass by when finally a purple figure wearing a cloak was walking towards Mal. There she is! My heart feels like jumping a beat whenever I see her! I get butterflies whenever I see her coming! I… I’m just going to run towards her so I can see her quicker.


Mal cut the distance in half by running towards Twilight. Without even greeting each other, Mal hugged Twilight tightly and said, “I missed you so much Twi! I just couldn’t wait for you to come close so I…”


“Excuse me?? What are you doing?” asked Berry Punch.


Uh oh. The purple pony that had a cloak was actually a similarly colored Berry Punch. Trying to recover from the awkwardness, Mal said, “I… uh, oh! I’m sorry, you, uh, looked like somepony else! I’m sorry about that… I was just looking for, um, Twilight.”


“Oh… you’re looking for Twilight Sparkle? She’s over there.” Berry Punch pointed over to a plaza where Twilight was standing, waiting.


“Thanks!” said Mal gratefully. He ran over to Twilight as fast has he could with his gifts on his side.






The two collided into a massive hug. They embraced so tightly, as if they hadn’t seen each other in years, but in reality, it only was less than 24 hours.


“I missed you my love!” smiled Mal. “I got you some presents I think you’ll like before we go into the museum.” He pulled out the flowers and chocolates out of his saddle bag and handed them to her. “I got these purple daisies because they reminded me of your purple beauty. I love everything about your appearance! The bangs of your mane, the color of your coat, the cuteness of your smile, the uniqueness of your cutie mark, and especially the love in your eyes! I love it all!”


Mal then gave her a kiss and spoke again. “Next, I got these caramels because they are very yummy on the inside. It reminded me of you because everypony knows it’s what’s inside that matters the most. Everything about your character is amazing to me. Your humor, your hard work, your kindness, your talents, and especially your personality is all incredible!”


“Wow Mal, you’re giving me so much love! I-I don’t know what to say! I wish I had something to give you…” Twilight looked a little sad.


“All I need is your love, Twilight. There’s no material thing in the whole world that can match anything close to that.”


Twilight smiled in an uncharacteristic, yet cute, way. She asked, “What should we do next?”


“We’re going to the museum of course! By the way, I don’t care or anything, but didn’t we agree to meet by the front door of the museum?”


Twilight nodded. “Trust me when I say I’ve just been thinking about a lot of random stuff lately. I remembered to come at least, right?”


“Honestly Twilight, I don’t care where we met as long as I get to see you and bond.”


Both of them walked together to the museum. Mal paid for admission for the two of them, and proceeded to walk from exhibit to exhibit. Artifacts, books, and paintings of famous ponies of legend littered the building. This kind of stuff about magic always got Twilight excited and got her regurgitating information about them out loud. Everything about the date was going well for them. He would get the door for her, she would smile at each exhibit, and the two of them held hooves when they were sitting down. There was only one problem however; Twilight was hardly talking!


What is going on with her today? First she forgot about where to meet and then she’s not telling me everything there is to know about the artifacts? I think it’s nothing to be worried about… for now.


Mal was concerned, but he decided not to ask Twilight if anything was wrong. Besides, it could be one of ‘those days’ mares have from time to time, either because they got up on the wrong side of the bed or somepony along the way rubbed off wrong on her. At least she was reciprocating his feelings back at him.


The museum had two floors full of exhibits, but Twilight wanted to sit down for a minute. She looked very tired and wiped out.


Oh! It must have been that slumber party she had last night. She probably stayed up really late! That explains a lot.


“So Twilight, how was your party last night with your friends?” questioned Mal, while stroking his hoof through her mane.


“It was very fun. We did pretty much everything one could do at a slumber party. We even talked about you!”


Mal blushed for a second. “What did you talk about exactly?”


“Girl stuff,” smiled Twilight, “I can’t tell you, but trust me when I say it was all good.”


This relieved Mal from worrying what it was about. Maybe all they talked about was what we did together or something. That’s stuff mares can do with each other but not stallions.


Once again, Twilight wasn’t talking that much. The two of them were sitting on a bench, looking at the nearby exhibits while holding hooves. About 5 minutes of sitting later, Twilight finally spoke up.


“I know you paid for the whole thing Mal, but do you want to get out of here so we can be alone?”


The word ‘alone’ really got Mal’s attention. She was right about how he paid for full admission to the museum while they only went through half of it, but he didn’t really care. “Why do you want to be alone?”


“It’s going to be a surprise! Trust me though; you’re going to like it.”


“Okay… let’s go!” said Mal still mildly confused. This date is going bad and good at the same time. Plus she’s saying ‘trust me’ a lot. Whatever her surprise is though, I’m sure it’ll be great.


Both Mal and Twilight exited the museum and walked around for a place to be alone. They wandered around Canterlot until they found an alley between two tall buildings with no windows and no ponies in sight. “This is perfect. There’s even a bench! Let’s sit down together.” said Twilight.


This isn’t the most romantic place to be alone together, but she picked it!


The two of them sat down and Twilight started to give Mal a big smile while staring at him.


“What’s up Twi?” asked Mal, “What’s the surprise?...”


The split second Mal finished saying the word, ‘surprise’; Twilight went straight for his lips. Wow! Where did this come from? Twi was very aggressive with her kissing. Her mouth was open very wide as she puckered in and out. It seemed to Mal for a time or two that she was trying to suck his face inside herself. She also used her tongue very liberally. As deep as she could reach it, Twi licked the roof of his mouth all the way to beneath his tongue.


This is NOT like Twilight to be kissing like this! What is going on in her head?


Mal moved his head back away from Twilight to ask her what was going on. Before he could get a word out, Twilight pinned Mal down to the bench. She was on top of Mal and he couldn’t move. Okay, this is going way too far, way too fast. I like our small intimate kissing, not this barbaric stuff. Mal tried to push Twilight off of him has hard as he could, but Twilight didn’t budge an inch. She was uncharacteristically heavy and strong and continued to dive deep into Mal’s mouth, deeper and deeper.


Mal tried to speak while they were kissing, “Twi-…. Stop…. Plea….se.” She wasn’t listening. Obviously something was very, very wrong wrong here. Not only was Twilight doing something he wasn’t comfortable with, but there had to be something wrong with Twilight herself. Twilight’s tongue was going so deep at this point, he was almost to the point where he was gagging.


The next moment, he feels something very distinct and evil inside of him. The feeling was something he had never felt before, but if Mal had to describe it, it felt like something was eating his emotions and replacing it with negative ones. The pain was unbearable. He felt worse and worse by the second as Twilight was still kissing him. First it was like he lost his best friend, then it was like he lost his parents, then it felt like he lost Twilight, and finally he felt… suicidal.


The moment the suicidal thoughts reached his mind, he opened his eyes to see a black changeling standing above him. The changeling spoke in Twilight’s voice and said, “Thanks for all that love Mally boy! We haven’t seen this much love inside somepony like this in our lifetimes! Now my whole herd will be able to feed!” The Changeling then headbutted Mal until he was unconscious, and kidnapped him.






“Wake up Mal. It’s going to be alright.” Twilight was sitting next to Mal who was sprawled out and barely conscious. She had a damp wash cloth, trying to cool him off. “Don’t move, don’t talk, don’t even think. I just want you to listen.” Requested Twilight. “We’re captives of the Changelings. Queen Chrysalis who leads all of them will be coming soon. They want to use us as a source of love in order to feed their herd. The only way we’re going to get out of this is if we don’t love each other anymore.”


Mal was in rough shape, but he managed to interrupt Twilight saying, “No… I-I love you… I told you th-that nothing can change that… I p-p…promised… *cough*”


“I know you did. But nopony could have predicted this. If we continue loving each other, they will just suck it out of us again and again until we’re just a couple of husks.”


Twilight could hear female voice in the distance coming their way. “Be still, Mal. Pretend you’re asleep. Chrysalis is coming, I’ll handle this.”


The owner of the voice was a complete surprise. Mal saw that Twilight was running towards them with magic blazing! He looked back at the first Twilight, who was still sitting down. Twilight one said, “Take off your disguise Changeling! You’re not fooling anypony!”


The second Twilight replied desperately, “Mal! Thank Celestia you’re alright! They captured me last night at the slumber party and they forced me to tell them where you were meeting me. I said the plaza was where we were meeting in hopes you would catch on that something was wrong.”


Twilight one interrupted, “Don’t listen to her Mal! She’s an imposter trying to trick you!”


Twilight two said, “What?? I’m an imposter?? You are obviously the fake one! I fought through a dozen of these Changelings to fight my way out of my cell, and now I’m being accused of being fake?”


Posted Image


Twilight one and Twilight two started to fight each other with magic. With equal power, the two of them shot out a beam of magic at each other which collided at the midpoint between the two Twilights. Mal had to make a judgment call to which Twilight was real or not. All he had to do was tackle one of them and the magic on the other side would destroy it, or her if he made the wrong choice. Mal had to make a decision quickly though, because the magic was getting more and more unstable by the second.


(OOC: This is unlike the other fan fics I've written for the others. Instead of a long drawn out plan and creativity being used to advance the story, I'm asking you to make a simple choice. Which Twilight is the fake? All you have to do is choose which Twilight isn't real, and the story will continue. No one can choose for you, not if you let them.



I advise you DO NOT rush into choosing one way or the other. Make a very calculated decision, and read every little part I wrote. There might be a hint in there. Speaking of hints, I have one for you: it's not what you think. One more thing... if you choose incorrectly, there's no going back. In other words, your ending won't be what you wanted. Why am I doing that? The risk will make the reward so much more sweet. Read what I wrote, including the OOC parts.)





XD that is a dirty dirty trick to use, pwny, trying to tell him to choose the right twi.


(OOC: Ah crap,that's true! How do we even tell without that?! oooooh, I CAN'T DECIDE!!)


i say the one who was with you first in the cell was the fake. she said that you two couldn't love each other anymore...


but, then again... i don't know, you'll just have ta choose yourself.

  • Brohoof 3


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Good luck Mal, were all rooting for you

  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Ughadfuaijsoool n,b bbbbb

I know being nervous was a good idea.



I was heading to bed I was going to read this.... Now I'll probably not get anymore sleep tonight.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Ughadfuaijsoool n,b bbbbb

I know being nervous was a good idea.



I was heading to bed I was going to read this.... Now I'll probably not get anymore sleep tonight.


A little encouragement:


  • Brohoof 1



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Don't be afraid to ask for advice of others.

HELP ME!!!!!

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I'm trying I'm trying!


Gah, Pwny, if it were me, I would have forced you to give me more information, asked questions by RPing, probably would've ended up having them kiss me, but GAH IT'S THE FANFIC!


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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No one can choose for you, not if you let them.

Read what I wrote, including the OOC parts


Still don't know.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I'll give you one more hint






I saw the colored letters already......

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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You mean... I just spent the last 10 minutes digging through Mal's relatively dull and emotionless writing, JUST FOR YOU TO TYPE NO ONE IN BLUE LETTERS? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. No offense Mal, but seriously dude... you could have done wayyy better. Maybe I really should teach you poetry... Or at least, English expression... I'm litterally reading through all of MY posts to make sure they had some expression now. Oh god...

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Noone........ what..... I'm even more confused now...... 4 AM not getting sleep.


Mal's relatively dull and emotionless writing,


Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Yep, that settles it, when we are done, I am teaching you poetry. Two words; Dictionary Online.


And learn a little self-pride dude. I know you love her, but sometimes... sometimes it's good to have your own ideas, you know? (I haz excuse to write more poems 8D)(Using modern day buisness practices to confuse Mal and make him feel like he needs something. It's funny when he thinks I really feel that way. HOW EVER, in the future, details advised.)

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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I am teaching you poetry. Two words; Dictionary Online.

I am not doing anything, playing LoL, eating, sleeping or doing anything else till I solve this damned puzzle.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Hey guys, I have an off topic question that doesn't have anything to do with Mal's fan fic. My question is this: what would you guys think if I ran out of time before I finished everyone's fan fic request? :(

  • Brohoof 2
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Hey guys, I have an off topic question that doesn't have anything to do with Mal's fan fic. My question is this: what would you guys think if I ran out of time before I finished everyone's fan fic request?


I would be sad, even if they aren't mine, these fanfics are a joy to read.

  • Brohoof 2

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(At the risk of

Looking the jerk,

I need to get

Your brain to work.


Since Pwny didn't specify

The way she sits,

or sets her thigh,


Or the way

She casts her spell

And the way they

Make you feel,


The only clue you seem

To have is the term

I'd hate to have;

No one, No one


It can mean many things,

Especially since he

Didn't say 'No pony.'


Think it through,

Think it slow,

Or blast them both

And see them go.

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Damn it Dawnpath, how do you come up with these things.
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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How you think

I won my gal?

My mind is sharp,

It's my words Mal


In the end, you must decide

So think and think

Let nothing hang dry.


What do we know

About Ms. Sparkle

That would help us

With this slight deboggle.


If they're equal in magic,

Then they've sucked you dry

If Twilight's really by your side.


It makes no sense for Twi to say;

"Don't love me Mal,"

Love kicks Changlings away,


But they feast off it

each and every day,

It need not be love,

Misery cuts both ways.


Pwny has got you

Pegged on a stick,

A better challenge for you

I couldn't come up with.


Twilight two seems to know a little to much,

But Twilight one makes me feel as if something's amuck.

Neither are working in typical fashion

I am reluctant to see your reaction...

Edited by Dawnpath
  • Brohoof 3


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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