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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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Applejack comes back with a smile and sits down next to you. Intermission ends and the Pony Tones begin singing again. She passes you a carmel apple on a stick and watches her brother sing.


Veil smiles and says, "thank you," as she receives the caramel apple on a stick from Applejack. As she watched the Pony Tones performing, the same memory came up again, but this time showing a daydream in her head of Scarred Rhythym and Veil collaborating in an art piece together. It was when she got her first cutie mark. She snaps herself out again when she noticed the melting caramel dripping onto her hoof. She licks away the mess and gets started on the apple. By the time she already finishes the apple, she wraps it in a napkin and set it down on the ground beside her until it is time for her to throw it away to the trash. 

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Steelhide wasn't prepared for Luna's counter. He had underestimated her, a foolish mistake and one he wouldn't do again. He saw the thrust coming and swung his own sword in an arc, trying to throw Luna's thrust wide while spinning 180 degrees and kicking out with his back hooves at Luna.

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HopeTheWanderer, on 26 Dec 2014 - 6:29 PM, said:

Hope nodded and took a small bite of his salad. He had known of Saddle Arabia of course, but he did not know that zebras roamed there, but to be fair he knew little about the place as it was. The stallion briefly looked into Zecora's eyes as he ate before looking away, he barely caught her blush, and didn't bother trying to hide his own. "It is beautiful tale, Zecora. And your voice is unlike any I have heard."


She blushes, “Be that good, or be that bad, lets hope my voice won’t find you sad. Now what of you, my date-night dasher. What lead you to me, late-night crasher.” She grins and winks at you, nearly done with her food.


Hope barely managed to hide his blush. "Well I...fell to earth, literally." The stallion replied curtly.


"You see, I am from Aeria, not sure if you've heard of it. T'was a city built by us unicorns to sail through the skies. My people were kind of vain, like that. Life there was pleasant enough and Griffon raids kept things from getting too boring." He took a moment to finish off his food.


"There were complications though, the leader died and was replaced by one more tyrannical. When that leader died, the magic holding Aeria up dissipated and it plummeted, many lost their lives. As far as I know...I'm the only survivor." Hope asked a passing waitress for the tab and then payed fifteen bits for their meal.

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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She looks at you, then looks at Twilight (who you hadn’t noticed she was with). Twilight nods encouragingly, and so Sunset turns to you and offers an awkward, unsure smile, “Umm, sure. Dinner sounds… Nice. It’ll be good to see how Canterlot has changed.” You get the feeling that the awkwardness and lack of confidence weren’t really direct at you, however it is very clear that she’s fairly nervous.


"Oh... Wait.. reallly?" he was shocked.

"I mean, there is this place and they have some very good meals... Maybe at 8?"

His knees were shaking like jingle bells (ik my similies arent that good =p) and only one thing was running through his mind 'Dont screw this up!'. He had absolutely no idea what else to say and slightly started to panick. Suddenly, he noticed Twilight standing there, just watching. He immediately bowed down,

"Your highness..."


Wow... Just realized how many typos i made in the last post =p... There goes mobile posting =p)


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Comet Tail, on 25 Dec 2014 - 3:13 PM, said:

The book catches my attention as she stows it, one of my ears perking up and tracking it away, before turning to her as she talks.


"We shall" I echo. "But, before we head off," I start, "Your bags seemed to be kinda maxed out, there. I think I've got some extra room in mine," I glance back to my right saddlebag, then back to her, "my right bag is a bit heavier than my left, so I wouldn't mind taking some of that weight off..." I pause for a second, sensing the opportunity for a pun, I plan out my next words, "-taking that weight off your chest at all! Or in this case, off your back." I grin a silly grin.


Mental notes:

>ask about what she was reading!

>Spike has a special somepony? Curiouser and curiouser.

>I wonder what books she's got in there?...


She blushes, “Th-that’s alright, really. This stuff isn’t all that heavy. Actually, most of it is meant to make a place feel like home.” The train whistles long and loud. “Come on, before it leaves.” She takes your hoof and half-guides, half-drags you onto the train.


[i'm assuming we've checked our bags and you just haven't explicitly mentioned it?]


I follow along, grinning - both nervously and happily - at the unexpected physical contact. My ears perk as I glance back and make sure she's not dropping/leaving anything behind. I think I might feel more nervous about her accidentally leaving something that drops out than she is.


As we enter the train and settle whatever business of boarding, I follow her, hot chocolates in magical tow. As we find a spot to sit and get our carry-on bags situated, I giddily comment; "I love train rides. They're kinda cozy, just some time to relax with nothing pressing to do, and all the while be surrounded by cool technology." I grin. [if she doesn't have any comment, then] I continue to ask; "So what was that neat-looking book you were reading? Something about magic and physics in space?"


Meanwhile, I mentally check to see if her hot chocolate is running low. After all, I've now got an extra cup for refills if it does ^.^ (the one originally meant for Spike)

Edited by Comet Tail
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Count Paradox, on 25 Jan 2015 - 09:58 AM, said:

(Sure, I'll go ahead and continue both.)


Completely caught off guard, Dox let out a startled "Eep!" Before realising that it was just Twi and Chrissy. "Sheesh, you two scared me for a minute!" He smiled as Puff got in on the group hug, nuzzling her and kissing her nose.


“Well, we wanted to help you on this special day,” Chriss says with a sly smile.


“Why do you say that as if it were with evil intent?” Twi asks, her magic lighting up the room. Hearts and Hooves Day decorations cover the library, all lightly placed with care. Puff squees and nuzzles you some more, though you believe it has more to do with your kiss than the decor.


Psych looks down, blushing. "I-its true. I've never seen a mare as beautiful as you are... And your music is beautiful as well... It was my favorite part of the concert." He paws at the ground with his hoof, embarrassed, to say in the least. "I-I'm sorry for coming back here, I know this place is only meant for staff and performers, but I just had to meet you... I'm just glad that I could actually find you... There were so many ponies moving around backstage that it was hard to focus and see who they were." He gave a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you have many ponies tell you that you are beautiful... I'm probably just part of a large group... I'm sorry to have wasted your time. I'll be going now..." He turned to leave, forgetting to spread his sight out, and... walked right into the door. "Ow! That hurt!" He fell backwards, his eyes clenched shut in pain, tears forming at the sides of them as he rubbed his injured snout.


“H-hey! Are you alright?” she rushes over and wraps her hooves around your shoulders, trying to figure out if you hurt yourself. After affirming you were fine, she sighs a bit with relief. “As for that large following you believe of me… I might have fans, but…” She puts a hoof to her head, letting a faint breath out, “There’s a reason security back here isn’t tight. We aren’t a ‘rock’ group, or an act. We are an orchestra, and most of the time people view such acts as fancy and high class. It reflects on the performers in that it makes them seem higher.” She offers a faint smile, “Those ponies that would approach me on their merits are usually dissuaded by a perceived status. Those ponies who would seem a match to my status… they soon realize that I am not quite the butterfly they were hoping for.” She offers you a small smile, “Now, allow me to get that door for you, hmm?” Now that she’s this close, you notice that she has an abnormality: in her hair is a single hearts-and-hooves day ribbon.


ChikoritaBrony, on 25 Jan 2015 - 10:30 AM, said:

Beta looks around, seeing that they were practically alone. Beta then approaches Pinkie. He starts awkwardly talking to her. "So um Pinkie. Since we are now practically alone, wanna say hang out here at the party? I've been told I'm quite a riot to hang out with,


She blushes, “Why Beta, I’m all for parties, but…. Alone in Sugar Cube Corner. On Hearts and Hooves Day?” She giggles nervously, “Well, why not? After all, the Cakes have already decorated and I’m not busy.”


crisahys, on 25 Jan 2015 - 6:06 PM, said:

Veil smiles and says, "thank you," as she receives the caramel apple on a stick from Applejack. As she watched the Pony Tones performing, the same memory came up again, but this time showing a daydream in her head of Scarred Rhythym and Veil collaborating in an art piece together. It was when she got her first cutie mark. She snaps herself out again when she noticed the melting caramel dripping onto her hoof. She licks away the mess and gets started on the apple. By the time she already finishes the apple, she wraps it in a napkin and set it down on the ground beside her until it is time for her to throw it away to the trash.


Applejack turns to you when the Pony Tones finish their song with a smile, “So, y’all got any Hearts and Hooves Day plans? Nothin’ too fancy, ah hope.”


The Shadow Stallion, on 25 Jan 2015 - 9:04 PM, said:

Steelhide wasn't prepared for Luna's counter. He had underestimated her, a foolish mistake and one he wouldn't do again. He saw the thrust coming and swung his own sword in an arc, trying to throw Luna's thrust wide while spinning 180 degrees and kicking out with his back hooves at Luna.


He succeeded in knocking her sword away, but unfortunately her thrust put her in a good position to knock your forelegs out from under you. By the time the tumble was completed, she was pinning you by your shoulders to the ground, smiling faintly. Very briefly, the arena filled with darkness and you feel the briefest, lightest kiss on your forehead, before Luna and the darkness where gone. Later, you would find in your armor a H&H day card with a night-time pattern, but no signature.


HopeTheWanderer, on 26 Jan 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

Hope barely managed to hide his blush. "Well I...fell to earth, literally." The stallion replied curtly.


"You see, I am from Aeria, not sure if you've heard of it. T'was a city built by us unicorns to sail through the skies. My people were kind of vain, like that. Life there was pleasant enough and Griffon raids kept things from getting too boring." He took a moment to finish off his food.


"There were complications though, the leader died and was replaced by one more tyrannical. When that leader died, the magic holding Aeria up dissipated and it plummeted, many lost their lives. As far as I know...I'm the only survivor." Hope asked a passing waitress for the tab and then paid fifteen bits for their meal.


“Such a tail you weave, of sorrow and strife. If this place we must leave, will you not stay longer this night?” She looks at you sympathetically, and you have her attention. And perhaps, just little bit more her affection. And perhaps the magic of the night hath lent to thee the small box of chocolates pressed gently on your knee. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, here’s one on me.


Lordav, on 26 Jan 2015 - 11:03 AM, said:

"Oh... Wait.. really?" he was shocked.

"I mean, there is this place and they have some very good meals... Maybe at 8?"

His knees were shaking like jingle bells (ik my similes aren't that good =p) and only one thing was running through his mind 'Don't screw this up!'. He had absolutely no idea what else to say and slightly started to panick. Suddenly, he noticed Twilight standing there, just watching. He immediately bowed down,

"Your highness..."


Twilight blushes and waves you away uncomfortably, “Enough of that, please. It’ll make the other ponies follow-”

Suddenly, there was a wave of ponies bowing. The brightness of Twilight’s cheeks could be comparable to the morning sun. With a bright flash, the Princess of Friendship was gone. The other ponies, free of their obligations, returned to their business. Sunset blushes to you, “So, umm…. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day. Where shall we go?”


Comet Tail, on 27 Jan 2015 - 04:15 AM, said:

[i'm assuming we've checked our bags and you just haven't explicitly mentioned it?]


I follow along, grinning - both nervously and happily - at the unexpected physical contact. My ears perk as I glance back and make sure she's not dropping/leaving anything behind. I think I might feel more nervous about her accidentally leaving something that drops out than she is.


As we enter the train and settle whatever business of boarding, I follow her, hot chocolates in magical tow. As we find a spot to sit and get our carry-on bags situated, I giddily comment; "I love train rides. They're kinda cozy, just some time to relax with nothing pressing to do, and all the while be surrounded by cool technology." I grin. [if she doesn't have any comment, then] I continue to ask; "So what was that neat-looking book you were reading? Something about magic and physics in space?"


Meanwhile, I mentally check to see if her hot chocolate is running low. After all, I've now got an extra cup for refills if it does ^.^ (the one originally meant for Spike)

“Ohh, just some relative theories about space. Scientists have been working on it since Luna broke free of her lunar prison. I was hoping to figure out a way to get to the moon.” She sips at her hot chocolate and smiles, if a bit sadly. “Would it be sad if I said this would probably be the most romantic Hearts and Hooves Day I’ve had. Actually, now that I think about it, probably the only one with a guy. Usually, I’m buried in a mountain of books…..”


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Applejack turns to you when the Pony Tones finish their song with a smile, “So, y’all got any Hearts and Hooves Day plans? Nothin’ too fancy, ah hope.”


Veil replies, "Yeah, I have a Hearts and Hooves Day plan. I will be quite busy though, but I can manage that in no time. Luckily, the venue is right here at Ponyville. I will be featuring art showcase and would be much willing to collaborate with other artists and do commissions for musicians. My artwork will be shipped to Ponyville soon. The event of my showcase will start at noon and ends by 5pm. By then I will be available by 6pm after all the business stuff gets cleared out and I have nothing to do. Now do mind that my artwork is beyond ordinary and will scare some ponies if not the majority. However, I had those experiences going on during other showcases, and it's nothing new to me. My crew and I are able to handle the situation just in case it gets out of hand with the squeamish. Would Big Mac be okay with something like that?"

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She blushes, “Why Beta, I’m all for parties, but…. Alone in Sugar Cube Corner. On Hearts and Hooves Day?” She giggles nervously, “Well, why not? After all, the Cakes have already decorated and I’m not busy.”
Beta nods his head. "Don't worry, it will be fun. You love fun, right? Besides, it will be a fun little break from all the parties you've been having. I Pinkie promise you I will give you one of the best evenings of your life. Cross my heart and hop to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." 



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Do chuckles. "Well, she probably thinks she'll get food from me and Puff. Or..." He turns to Chryssi and sticks his tounge out. "She's jealous I stole her ball of love and wants to steal her back!" He laughs, then turns back to Puff. "So, this was a nice surprise, huh?" He nuzzles her back.





As soon as Octavia puts her hooves around his shoulders, Psych suddenly felt her worry flow into him. He gently pulled away from her, trying not to seem like he was trying to get away in a panic. Once she let go, he began to calm down. He listened to her explain herself about her fans,and said, "Well, I am surprised that you don't have more fans..." When hhe noticed her bow, he suddenly realised what day it was. "Well, um, if its ok with you, before I leave, I would like to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me, unless you have other hearts and hooves day plans."


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Steelhide cursed inwardly as he was so easily defeated, but then he felt the light kiss on his forehead and his eyes widened. The darkness faded and Luna was gone. Steelhide felt a strange feeling inside. It took him a few moments before he stood up and a small card fell out of his armor. He picked it up and looked at it and smiled, before tucking it in a safer spot. He turned his head back and forth, looking for any sign of Luna other than the card. "Princess?" He called out, he was unsure if they were still sparring or not, he couldn't be too sure with her.

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Comet Tail, on 27 Jan 2015 - 04:15 AM, said:

[i'm assuming we've checked our bags and you just haven't explicitly mentioned it?]


I follow along, grinning - both nervously and happily - at the unexpected physical contact. My ears perk as I glance back and make sure she's not dropping/leaving anything behind. I think I might feel more nervous about her accidentally leaving something that drops out than she is.


As we enter the train and settle whatever business of boarding, I follow her, hot chocolates in magical tow. As we find a spot to sit and get our carry-on bags situated, I giddily comment; "I love train rides. They're kinda cozy, just some time to relax with nothing pressing to do, and all the while be surrounded by cool technology." I grin. [if she doesn't have any comment, then] I continue to ask; "So what was that neat-looking book you were reading? Something about magic and physics in space?"


Meanwhile, I mentally check to see if her hot chocolate is running low. After all, I've now got an extra cup for refills if it does ^.^ (the one originally meant for Spike)

“Ohh, just some relative theories about space. Scientists have been working on it since Luna broke free of her lunar prison. I was hoping to figure out a way to get to the moon.” She sips at her hot chocolate and smiles, if a bit sadly. “Would it be sad if I said this would probably be the most romantic Hearts and Hooves Day I’ve had. Actually, now that I think about it, probably the only one with a guy. Usually, I’m buried in a mountain of books…..”


I chuckle a little uneasily, my ears involuntarily flopping down, "Yeah, me too," I say as my gaze turns down and to the side - but only for a brief moment before looking back at her. "Well, uhm... I meant this professionalll...-well, I guess I can't say 'professionally', but, uhm... You can certainly count this as a date if you like. I did bring you chocolates, after all," I note with a glance at the hot chocolate I got her, grinning all the while. "I mean, I know I just barely met you, but from what I've gotten to know of you so far - I like you and wouldn't mind having you as my special somepony - my Hearts and Hooves Day somepony. Not that you couldn't also be my special somepony if you wanted - You're pretty special as far as mares go, you know; not many are into these kinds of things that I'm passionate about - science, astronomy, magic..." I shift uneasily, blushing a little, but warmly and sincerely smiling all the while.


I take a big drink from my hot chocolate.

Edited by Comet Tail

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Twilight blushes and waves you away uncomfortably, “Enough of that, please. It’ll make the other ponies follow-” Suddenly, there was a wave of ponies bowing. The brightness of Twilight’s cheeks could be comparable to the morning sun. With a bright flash, the Princess of Friendship was gone. The other ponies, free of their obligations, returned to their business. Sunset blushes to you, “So, umm…. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day. Where shall we go?”


Still a bit shocked after the magic flash he just stares emptily to the place Twilight used to be,


Lordav snaps out of it;

"Well...umm Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too...well... there is this place... called... "Dusk's Corner"... and they have some marvelous meals. Its not far...and... there... a..nice park on the way there as well... but... ummm... yeah."

'Dammit... why did you mention the park... now you might creep her out!"

He puts on a big smile to hide his total insecurity and nervousness. 


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Princess Luna:

I would be pleased and honored if you would accept my humble invitation to a picnic at my favorite viewing spot in the Canterlot Mountains. There's a beautiful view of the stars there, and I shall bring my telescope if you wish to have a viewing session after the da..I mean, dinner. Dinner. Yes. *here, the letter seems to have a bit of ink slopped on it, as if the pony who wrote it was repeatedly banging his head on the desk he was writing it on.* Anyway...ahm...I'll be there at 9:00 PM, and I'll make sure to have everything ready by your arrival.

-Sincerely(sweet Celestia, that sounds so formal), Royal Astrologer Wilhelm de Winter




Wait, does Wilhelm have a chance with Luna? I read back through the thread and realized that the dear ol' advisor may have some romantic competition. So I would like to know if I need to change it to Celestia or if Luna is still open (in a way)

Edited by Orion Caelum
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HopeTheWanderer, on 26 Jan 2015 - 07:39 AM, said:

Hope barely managed to hide his blush. "Well I...fell to earth, literally." The stallion replied curtly.


"You see, I am from Aeria, not sure if you've heard of it. T'was a city built by us unicorns to sail through the skies. My people were kind of vain, like that. Life there was pleasant enough and Griffon raids kept things from getting too boring." He took a moment to finish off his food.


"There were complications though, the leader died and was replaced by one more tyrannical. When that leader died, the magic holding Aeria up dissipated and it plummeted, many lost their lives. As far as I know...I'm the only survivor." Hope asked a passing waitress for the tab and then paid fifteen bits for their meal.


“Such a tail you weave, of sorrow and strife. If this place we must leave, will you not stay longer this night?” She looks at you sympathetically, and you have her attention. And perhaps, just little bit more her affection. And perhaps the magic of the night hath lent to thee the small box of chocolates pressed gently on your knee. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, here’s one on me.


Hope blushed at her words. "T-thank you, wise shamaness.." He squirmed a bit, kindly taking the box and setting it on the table. "I just...wish I had something to give you in return...other than this." With that, the stallion brushed his lips against the zebra's, eyes closed and quick breaths, a the unicorn a little tense.

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(I hate it when the search function goes down. It makes it fairly difficult for me to find things. Anywho, your replies. Fashionably late, as always.)



crisahys, on 14 Feb 2015 - 2:21 PM, said:


Veil replies, "Yeah, I have a Hearts and Hooves Day plan. I will be quite busy though, but I can manage that in no time. Luckily, the venue is right here at Ponyville. I will be featuring art showcase and would be much willing to collaborate with other artists and do commissions for musicians. My artwork will be shipped to Ponyville soon. The event of my showcase will start at noon and ends by 5pm. By then I will be available by 6pm after all the business stuff gets cleared out and I have nothing to do. Now do mind that my artwork is beyond ordinary and will scare some ponies if not the majority. However, I had those experiences going on during other showcases, and it's nothing new to me. My crew and I are able to handle the situation just in case it gets out of hand with the squeamish. Would Big Mac be okay with something like that?"


“Hmmm… I dunno sugarcube. I’ve never really seen ‘im in that sorta situation. He’s a very strong sort, and I doubt it would cripple him. But he’s also rather simple, if ya don’t mind me sayin so. Can’t say it’d hurt to ask, though y’all should pro’lly warn him about it a’forehoof. It’d pro’lly be a good place for the, ermm, eyes, to.”


ChikoritaBrony, on 14 Feb 2015 - 2:30 PM, said:

Beta nods his head. "Don't worry, it will be fun. You love fun, right? Besides, it will be a fun little break from all the parties you've been having. I Pinkie promise you I will give you one of the best evenings of your life. Cross my heart and hop to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."


She looks at you with a smile, saying, “You know I’ll hold you to that,” with a giggle. However, there was a note of seriousness in the voice. A Pinkie-promise to Pinkie is a very serious oath. You’d best have something in mind mate, because you just dove face-first into a whole new level of relationship. No pressure. ;)


Count Paradox, on 14 Feb 2015 - 3:28 PM, said:

Do chuckles. "Well, she probably thinks she'll get food from me and Puff. Or..." He turns to Chryssi and sticks his tounge out. "She's jealous I stole her ball of love and wants to steal her back!" He laughs, then turns back to Puff. "So, this was a nice surprise, huh?" He nuzzles her back.


Chrissy grins at you menacingly and licks her lips, before walking off.


Puff smiles widely at you and nods. She moves to hug you, slips on a discarded ribbon, bounces off the ground, the ceiling, captures Chrissalis, bounces back , rolls, and mysteriously stops instantly before hitting you. Now she’s giving a goofy, dizzy smile and staring up at you.


As soon as Octavia puts her hooves around his shoulders, Psych suddenly felt her worry flow into him. He gently pulled away from her, trying not to seem like he was trying to get away in a panic. Once she let go, he began to calm down. He listened to her explain herself about her fans,and said, "Well, I am surprised that you don't have more fans..." When he noticed her bow, he suddenly realised what day it was. "Well, um, if its ok with you, before I leave, I would like to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me, unless you have other hearts and hooves day plans."


She laughs good-naturedly, and moves, opening the door wider for him. “It sounds like a plan. Will you grant me a place and a time?” She had, at this point, began to realize that there may be something a tad wrong with his eyes, as he had just bumped into a door. However, she offered him a grin, inches from his face, “And maybe another favor?”


The Shadow Stallion, on 14 Feb 2015 - 3:50 PM, said:

Steelhide cursed inwardly as he was so easily defeated, but then he felt the light kiss on his forehead and his eyes widened. The darkness faded and Luna was gone. Steelhide felt a strange feeling inside. It took him a few moments before he stood up and a small card fell out of his armor. He picked it up and looked at it and smiled, before tucking it in a safer spot. He turned his head back and forth, looking for any sign of Luna other than the card. "Princess?" He called out, he was unsure if they were still sparring or not, he couldn't be too sure with her.


“She has left,” comes a forgotten voice from the corner. Dusk whistles from the corner and offers a small smile, “Anyone ever tell you you fight like the sun? Around here, it would suggest that you fight cleanly. If I may offer a suggestion, it would be to fight with every opportunity afforded you in a scrape. Sometimes, a pony is not so fortunate to fight with a stand-up attitude.”


Comet Tail, on 15 Feb 2015 - 4:27 PM, said:

I chuckle a little uneasily, my ears involuntarily flopping down, "Yeah, me too," I say as my gaze turns down and to the side - but only for a brief moment before looking back at her. "Well, uhm... I meant this professionalll...-well, I guess I can't say 'professionally', but, uhm... You can certainly count this as a date if you like. I did bring you chocolates, after all," I note with a glance at the hot chocolate I got her, grinning all the while. "I mean, I know I just barely met you, but from what I've gotten to know of you so far - I like you and wouldn't mind having you as my special somepony - my Hearts and Hooves Day somepony. Not that you couldn't also be my special somepony if you wanted - You're pretty special as far as mares go, you know; not many are into these kinds of things that I'm passionate about - science, astronomy, magic..." I shift uneasily, blushing a little, but warmly and sincerely smiling all the while.


I take a big drink from my hot chocolate.


She takes a hoof gently under your chin and gently pulls you in for a kiss, blushing. “Wait, just one moment.” A brilliant flash of light appears before a book, levitating at an angle. She seems to read it furiously for a couple of moments, just enough for you to catch the title: Kissing for Eggheads. She then pulls you back into a much deaper kiss, though it’s still rather sloppy and lacks confidence.


Lordav, on 16 Feb 2015 - 09:30 AM, said:


Still a bit shocked after the magic flash he just stares emptily to the place Twilight used to be,


Lordav snaps out of it;

"Well...umm Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too...well... there is this place... called... "Dusk's Corner"... and they have some marvelous meals. Its not far...and... there... a..nice park on the way there as well... but... ummm... yeah."

'Dammit... why did you mention the park... now you might creep her out!"

He puts on a big smile to hide his total insecurity and nervousness.


She blushes and looks at her hooves, kinda knocking them around, “Ummm, well, okay…” She rubs the back of her nervously and then gestures for you to lead. “Lead on, Lordav.”


Orion Caelum, on 24 Mar 2015 - 7:17 PM, said:

Dear Princess Luna:

I would be pleased and honored if you would accept my humble invitation to a picnic at my favorite viewing spot in the Canterlot Mountains. There's a beautiful view of the stars there, and I shall bring my telescope if you wish to have a viewing session after the da..I mean, dinner. Dinner. Yes. *here, the letter seems to have a bit of ink slopped on it, as if the pony who wrote it was repeatedly banging his head on the desk he was writing it on.* Anyway...ahm...I'll be there at 9:00 PM, and I'll make sure to have everything ready by your arrival.

-Sincerely(sweet Celestia, that sounds so formal), Royal Astrologer Wilhelm de Winter



Wait, does Wilhelm have a chance with Luna? I read back through the thread and realized that the dear ol' advisor may have some romantic competition. So I would like to know if I need to change it to Celestia or if Luna is still open (in a way)


(We can do this several different ways. We can put you in competition, which is how we would originally do it. We can throw in an alternate universe. Or you can switch.)


Luna receives the letter. We will have to see if she attends your late-night date/sight.


HopeTheWanderer, on 25 Mar 2015 - 11:13 AM, said:

Hope blushed at her words. "T-thank you, wise shamaness.." He squirmed a bit, kindly taking the box and setting it on the table. "I just...wish I had something to give you in return...other than this." With that, the stallion brushed his lips against the zebra's, eyes closed and quick breaths, a the unicorn a little tense.

The zebra starts in suprise, the suddenness of the kiss catching her off guard. However, she presses back into the kiss slowly, hugging his head tightly into the lock. After a few moments, she lets him go, a faint blush and a smile gracing her face.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She looks at you with a smile, saying, “You know I’ll hold you to that,” with a giggle. However, there was a note of seriousness in the voice. A Pinkie-promise to Pinkie is a very serious oath. You’d best have something in mind mate, because you just dove face-first into a whole new level of relationship. No pressure.
Beta smiles and has a moment of glee that he's going to spend more time with Pinkie Pie. He knew he had to make it the greatest night of her life. He decided to ask her what she wanted to do first. "So Pinkie, what do you want to do first on this lovely night of fun?" 



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Dox laughs a bit, seeing as Puff seemed to be relatively ok. "You alright there, Puff? I think you caught a bugg in your fur." He moved around her to see Chryssi sticking out. "You need some help there, Chryssi?"





Surprised, Psych's eyebrows raised. "Uhm, well..." He seriously never thought he would ever get this far. "How about later tonight at 9:00? After you've had time to settle after your concert?" Not realising she was mere inches away, he stared forward, a bit of confusion in his eyes, he said, "Uh, sure, what would you need me to do?"


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“Hmmm… I dunno sugarcube. I’ve never really seen ‘im in that sorta situation. He’s a very strong sort, and I doubt it would cripple him. But he’s also rather simple, if ya don’t mind me sayin so. Can’t say it’d hurt to ask, though y’all should pro’lly warn him about it a’forehoof. It’d pro’lly be a good place for the, ermm, eyes, to.”


Veil, understanding and respecting Applejack's wishes, replied, "I have some back up artwork that won't make you cringe too much. I told my crew to come and get it. The venue I'm using is pretty huge even though I am only using a half of it. The other 1/4th of the venue will be used for art storage and promotion offices and the remaining 1/4th will be used for hospitality and that's also where my dressing room is located. If the show is over, is it possible for you to check if Big Mac will be available for this discussion?"

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(I hate it when the search function goes down. It makes it fairly difficult for me to find things. Anywho, your replies. Fashionably late, as always.)



crisahys, on 14 Feb 2015 - 2:21 PM, said:


Veil replies, "Yeah, I have a Hearts and Hooves Day plan. I will be quite busy though, but I can manage that in no time. Luckily, the venue is right here at Ponyville. I will be featuring art showcase and would be much willing to collaborate with other artists and do commissions for musicians. My artwork will be shipped to Ponyville soon. The event of my showcase will start at noon and ends by 5pm. By then I will be available by 6pm after all the business stuff gets cleared out and I have nothing to do. Now do mind that my artwork is beyond ordinary and will scare some ponies if not the majority. However, I had those experiences going on during other showcases, and it's nothing new to me. My crew and I are able to handle the situation just in case it gets out of hand with the squeamish. Would Big Mac be okay with something like that?"


“Hmmm… I dunno sugarcube. I’ve never really seen ‘im in that sorta situation. He’s a very strong sort, and I doubt it would cripple him. But he’s also rather simple, if ya don’t mind me sayin so. Can’t say it’d hurt to ask, though y’all should pro’lly warn him about it a’forehoof. It’d pro’lly be a good place for the, ermm, eyes, to.”



ChikoritaBrony, on 14 Feb 2015 - 2:30 PM, said:

Beta nods his head. "Don't worry, it will be fun. You love fun, right? Besides, it will be a fun little break from all the parties you've been having. I Pinkie promise you I will give you one of the best evenings of your life. Cross my heart and hop to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."


She looks at you with a smile, saying, “You know I’ll hold you to that,” with a giggle. However, there was a note of seriousness in the voice. A Pinkie-promise to Pinkie is a very serious oath. You’d best have something in mind mate, because you just dove face-first into a whole new level of relationship. No pressure. ;)



Count Paradox, on 14 Feb 2015 - 3:28 PM, said:

Do chuckles. "Well, she probably thinks she'll get food from me and Puff. Or..." He turns to Chryssi and sticks his tounge out. "She's jealous I stole her ball of love and wants to steal her back!" He laughs, then turns back to Puff. "So, this was a nice surprise, huh?" He nuzzles her back.


Chrissy grins at you menacingly and licks her lips, before walking off.


Puff smiles widely at you and nods. She moves to hug you, slips on a discarded ribbon, bounces off the ground, the ceiling, captures Chrissalis, bounces back , rolls, and mysteriously stops instantly before hitting you. Now she’s giving a goofy, dizzy smile and staring up at you.



As soon as Octavia puts her hooves around his shoulders, Psych suddenly felt her worry flow into him. He gently pulled away from her, trying not to seem like he was trying to get away in a panic. Once she let go, he began to calm down. He listened to her explain herself about her fans,and said, "Well, I am surprised that you don't have more fans..." When he noticed her bow, he suddenly realised what day it was. "Well, um, if its ok with you, before I leave, I would like to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me, unless you have other hearts and hooves day plans."


She laughs good-naturedly, and moves, opening the door wider for him. “It sounds like a plan. Will you grant me a place and a time?” She had, at this point, began to realize that there may be something a tad wrong with his eyes, as he had just bumped into a door. However, she offered him a grin, inches from his face, “And maybe another favor?”


The Shadow Stallion, on 14 Feb 2015 - 3:50 PM, said:

Steelhide cursed inwardly as he was so easily defeated, but then he felt the light kiss on his forehead and his eyes widened. The darkness faded and Luna was gone. Steelhide felt a strange feeling inside. It took him a few moments before he stood up and a small card fell out of his armor. He picked it up and looked at it and smiled, before tucking it in a safer spot. He turned his head back and forth, looking for any sign of Luna other than the card. "Princess?" He called out, he was unsure if they were still sparring or not, he couldn't be too sure with her.


“She has left,” comes a forgotten voice from the corner. Dusk whistles from the corner and offers a small smile, “Anyone ever tell you you fight like the sun? Around here, it would suggest that you fight cleanly. If I may offer a suggestion, it would be to fight with every opportunity afforded you in a scrape. Sometimes, a pony is not so fortunate to fight with a stand-up attitude.”



Comet Tail, on 15 Feb 2015 - 4:27 PM, said:

I chuckle a little uneasily, my ears involuntarily flopping down, "Yeah, me too," I say as my gaze turns down and to the side - but only for a brief moment before looking back at her. "Well, uhm... I meant this professionalll...-well, I guess I can't say 'professionally', but, uhm... You can certainly count this as a date if you like. I did bring you chocolates, after all," I note with a glance at the hot chocolate I got her, grinning all the while. "I mean, I know I just barely met you, but from what I've gotten to know of you so far - I like you and wouldn't mind having you as my special somepony - my Hearts and Hooves Day somepony. Not that you couldn't also be my special somepony if you wanted - You're pretty special as far as mares go, you know; not many are into these kinds of things that I'm passionate about - science, astronomy, magic..." I shift uneasily, blushing a little, but warmly and sincerely smiling all the while.


I take a big drink from my hot chocolate.


She takes a hoof gently under your chin and gently pulls you in for a kiss, blushing. “Wait, just one moment.” A brilliant flash of light appears before a book, levitating at an angle. She seems to read it furiously for a couple of moments, just enough for you to catch the title: Kissing for Eggheads. She then pulls you back into a much deaper kiss, though it’s still rather sloppy and lacks confidence.



Lordav, on 16 Feb 2015 - 09:30 AM, said:



Still a bit shocked after the magic flash he just stares emptily to the place Twilight used to be,


Lordav snaps out of it;

"Well...umm Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you too...well... there is this place... called... "Dusk's Corner"... [/size]and they have some marvelous meals. Its not far...and... there... a..nice park on the way there as well... but... ummm... yeah."[/size]

'[/size]Dammit... why did you mention the park... now you might creep her out!"[/size]

He puts on a big smile to hide his total [/size]insecurity and nervousness.


She blushes and looks at her hooves, kinda knocking them around, “Ummm, well, okay…” She rubs the back of her nervously and then gestures for you to lead. “Lead on, Lordav.”



Orion Caelum, on 24 Mar 2015 - 7:17 PM, said:

Dear Princess Luna:

I would be pleased and honored if you would accept my humble invitation to a picnic at my favorite viewing spot in the Canterlot Mountains. There's a beautiful view of the stars there, and I shall bring my telescope if you wish to have a viewing session after the da..I mean, dinner. Dinner. Yes. *here, the letter seems to have a bit of ink slopped on it, as if the pony who wrote it was repeatedly banging his head on the desk he was writing it on.* Anyway...ahm...I'll be there at 9:00 PM, and I'll make sure to have everything ready by your arrival.

-Sincerely(sweet Celestia, that sounds so formal), Royal Astrologer Wilhelm de Winter




Wait, does Wilhelm have a chance with Luna? I read back through the thread and realized that the dear ol' advisor may have some romantic competition. So I would like to know if I need to change it to Celestia or if Luna is still open (in a way)


(We can do this several different ways. We can put you in competition, which is how we would originally do it. We can throw in an alternate universe. Or you can switch.)


Luna receives the letter. We will have to see if she attends your late-night date/sight.



HopeTheWanderer, on 25 Mar 2015 - 11:13 AM, said:

Hope blushed at her words. "T-thank you, wise shamaness.." He squirmed a bit, kindly taking the box and setting it on the table. "I just...wish I had something to give you in return...other than this." With that, the stallion brushed his lips against the zebra's, eyes closed and quick breaths, a the unicorn a little tense.

The zebra starts in suprise, the suddenness of the kiss catching her off guard. However, she presses back into the kiss slowly, hugging his head tightly into the lock. After a few moments, she lets him go, a faint blush and a smile gracing her face.


(I think I'll have it a competition between Steelhide and Wilhelm. It should be quite entertaining, and let me test my romance skills for real.)


Wilhelm, meanwhile, was getting ready for the picnic thing. He honestly couldn't tell what he was thinking, with that letter, but he had...liked...the princess for a long time, and it was best for him to simply admit his feelings. He took a deep breath and finished arranging the blanket at exactly the right angle and positioning the telescope; a elegant tube of brass and crystal on a tripod, with a specially-enchanted focusing Crystal at the end. He stepped back, admiring the tableau and the sunset, and allowed himself a slight smile.

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HopeTheWanderer, on 25 Mar 2015 - 11:13 AM, said:

Hope blushed at her words. "T-thank you, wise shamaness.." He squirmed a bit, kindly taking the box and setting it on the table. "I just...wish I had something to give you in return...other than this." With that, the stallion brushed his lips against the zebra's, eyes closed and quick breaths, a the unicorn a little tense.

The zebra starts in surprise, the suddenness of the kiss catching her off guard. However, she presses back into the kiss slowly, hugging his head tightly into the lock. After a few moments, she lets him go, a faint blush and a smile gracing her face.


Hope blushed as well and gave her a nuzzle. "I-if you don;t mind company, I would gladly escort you back to your home." He explained. The unicorn instinctively stopped himself from tapping his hooves nervously in anticipation, only then deciding to stand.

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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Steelhide looked at Dusk, he had turned a slight red shade at the realization that Dusk had been watching the entire encounter. He decided to try and change the subject off the last bit of the 'fight'. "I fight with honor. It is not in my training or nature to use dirty tricks to win fights. I don't need to rely on dirty tricks to win. If my strength fails, my Willpower will take its place." Steelhide responded. "Er... My apologies for ranting. So, what are we to do now and er... umm where is Princess Luna?" Steelhide asked tentatively. He knew she would have royal duties to attend to.

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(It is to my horror and shame that I was not one of the first to reply! >.< )


Comet Tail, on 15 Feb 2015 - 4:27 PM, said:

I chuckle a little uneasily, my ears involuntarily flopping down, "Yeah, me too," I say as my gaze turns down and to the side - but only for a brief moment before looking back at her. "Well, uhm... I meant this professionalll...-well, I guess I can't say 'professionally', but, uhm... You can certainly count this as a date if you like. I did bring you chocolates, after all," I note with a glance at the hot chocolate I got her, grinning all the while. "I mean, I know I just barely met you, but from what I've gotten to know of you so far - I like you and wouldn't mind having you as my special somepony - my Hearts and Hooves Day somepony. Not that you couldn't also be my special somepony if you wanted - You're pretty special as far as mares go, you know; not many are into these kinds of things that I'm passionate about - science, astronomy, magic..." I shift uneasily, blushing a little, but warmly and sincerely smiling all the while.


I take a big drink from my hot chocolate.


She takes a hoof gently under your chin and gently pulls you in for a kiss, blushing. “Wait, just one moment.” A brilliant flash of light appears before a book, levitating at an angle. She seems to read it furiously for a couple of moments, just enough for you to catch the title: Kissing for Eggheads. She then pulls you back into a much deaper kiss, though it’s still rather sloppy and lacks confidence.



I freeze and my pupils shrink - for a brief but terrified moment, I worry that I've done this to her on accident somehow. Given an entire second to think, though, my mind registers what is actually happening, and I relax. I put my front hooves out in a hug around her as my ears flop back, and after another moment of hesitation, join in the kiss with a passion that completely surprises me, and quickly lose myself in the bliss with a happy, humming chuckle.


(If this continues for more than a good ten seconds, though, I would try gently cutting it off, and sit next to her instead of across from her.)


(I also have some dialogue in store, but I wouldn't cut her off so I'm waiting for a moment to speak where I wouldn't have to roleplay her to do it (ie, have her finish up) :P )

Edited by Comet Tail

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Octavia's Bow


The Sun was slowly going down, the park was neither crowded not empty, just about average. A small breeze blew, making the tree leaves rattle a bit. As he walked he took glances at Sunset, he still couldnt believe she was there... It mustve been a dream. Ok, now it was time to initiate conversation, he thought, but about what...

"Ummm, if i could ask... How are you so good at magic?"

Oh, dammit, that was stupid, nevertheless what was said, is said.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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  • 1 month later...

ChikoritaBrony, on 05 Apr 2015 - 2:32 PM, said:

Beta smiles and has a moment of glee that he's going to spend more time with Pinkie Pie. He knew he had to make it the greatest night of her life. He decided to ask her what she wanted to do first. "So Pinkie, what do you want to do first on this lovely night of fun?"


“It’s your date silly!” she giggles, leaning against you slightly, “Aren’t you s’pposed to plan it? Hmm, lets see…. I like ballons and bubbles and smiles and cupcakes and movies and, Ohhh! Ice cream! And…” *She continues listing of things she likes.


Count Paradox, on 05 Apr 2015 - 3:01 PM, said:

Dox laughs a bit, seeing as Puff seemed to be relatively ok. "You alright there, Puff? I think you caught a bugg in your fur." He moved around her to see Chryssi sticking out. "You need some help there, Chryssi?"


Cryssi spitts fur out of her mouth and glares at you, though Puff is oblivious and pink and fluffy. And loves to hug. She’s got that gleam in her eyes, and you have a feeling you know what sign she’s pulling out of her fur. Might be a good idea to...


Surprised, Psych's eyebrows raised. "Uhm, well..." He seriously never thought he would ever get this far. "How about later tonight at 9:00? After you've had time to settle after your concert?" Not realising she was mere inches away, he stared forward, a bit of confusion in his eyes, he said, "Uh, sure, what would you need me to do?"


She closed her eyes and kissed him softly on the lips, holding him there for a moment before breaking it. “See you after nine, Psych.” Flicking your nose with her tail tip, she leaves you there to think about what just happened, though the door is now open so you might not to think too long. What with your lack of backstage pass and all. Might not have a great time with the bouncers. Then again, you ARE blind. There’s a couple of acceptable excuses for you.


crisahys, on 05 Apr 2015 - 4:43 PM, said:

Veil, understanding and respecting Applejack's wishes, replied, "I have some back up artwork that won't make you cringe too much. I told my crew to come and get it. The venue I'm using is pretty huge even though I am only using a half of it. The other 1/4th of the venue will be used for art storage and promotion offices and the remaining 1/4th will be used for hospitality and that's also where my dressing room is located. If the show is over, is it possible for you to check if Big Mac will be available for this discussion?"


“Ah think he is,” she says. The big stallion lumbered over slowly, tucking his head a bit and blushing in his suit. He stood there kinda awkwardly.


His low voice came out strong enough though, “Hi.”


Orion Caelum, on 05 Apr 2015 - 5:11 PM, said:

(I think I'll have it a competition between Steelhide and Wilhelm. It should be quite entertaining, and let me test my romance skills for real.)


Wilhelm, meanwhile, was getting ready for the picnic thing. He honestly couldn't tell what he was thinking, with that letter, but he had...liked...the princess for a long time, and it was best for him to simply admit his feelings. He took a deep breath and finished arranging the blanket at exactly the right angle and positioning the telescope; a elegant tube of brass and crystal on a tripod, with a specially-enchanted focusing Crystal at the end. He stepped back, admiring the tableau and the sunset, and allowed himself a slight smile.


Luna flew down seemingly from the moon and landed at the edge of your blanket. She gives you a small, but awkward smile. “Hello, Wilhem. How is thi- your stars tonight.” You notice, for the briefest moment, that her horn lights up and a new star appears a little above the horizon. She probably forgot one. “I could not help but notice that your correspondence was rather… worn. Art thou… Are you well?”


(Note. Your relationships are happening at the same time. Your dates are usually not going to be)


HopeTheWanderer, on 06 Apr 2015 - 7:13 PM, said:

Hope blushed as well and gave her a nuzzle. "I-if you don;t mind company, I would gladly escort you back to your home." He explained. The unicorn instinctively stopped himself from tapping his hooves nervously in anticipation, only then deciding to stand.


“If that is your wish, I do not mind. Perhaps you will choose to stay in kind,” she winks a bit, though you detect a faint blush. She stands to leave, “Now is a good time to away, or you may have to stay the day.” She smiles a bit at that thought, though the warning is clear: The Everfree is a dangerous place, not to be taken lightly. If you stay to long, her home would be the best place to be.


The Shadow Stallion, on 06 Apr 2015 - 8:26 PM, said:

Steelhide looked at Dusk, he had turned a slight red shade at the realization that Dusk had been watching the entire encounter. He decided to try and change the subject off the last bit of the 'fight'. "I fight with honor. It is not in my training or nature to use dirty tricks to win fights. I don't need to rely on dirty tricks to win. If my strength fails, my Willpower will take its place." Steelhide responded. "Er... My apologies for ranting. So, what are we to do now and er... umm where is Princess Luna?" Steelhide asked tentatively. He knew she would have royal duties to attend to.


(Dusk is technically blind) “Is it not night, knight?” Dusk circles you a bit, seeming to gaze through you. After a moment, he nods, “Yes… knight. That is the proper term. Hold this, please.” He hands you a chess piece. Depending on how formal your court manners are, you may know that it is the knight chess piece. However, as you try to take it from him, he holds onto it tight, “A warning. This is magic. Your equipment will change. It will be considerably more… nightly. But still Knightly. Err, you know what I mean. It should help you in whatever capacity you need it to. And if you will swear to this honor, I will not train you different. But know that the world you are getting into does not share your vision, nor has your style of dance been seen in this stage for a long, long time. You may meet ponies whose very existence will confuse or even anger you. It is important that you respect them, and if this is truly what you wish, stay yourself. Oh, and I must also warn you; in the past I have heard complaints of the weight, Captain.” You realize he didn’t really answer your questions about Luna. You also have the nagging feeling that this pony is very, very old. Though he would not seem it. It’s time to make a choice.


Comet Tail, on 08 Apr 2015 - 10:18 PM, said:

(It is to my horror and shame that I was not one of the first to reply! >.< )


I freeze and my pupils shrink - for a brief but terrified moment, I worry that I've done this to her on accident somehow. Given an entire second to think, though, my mind registers what is actually happening, and I relax. I put my front hooves out in a hug around her as my ears flop back, and after another moment of hesitation, join in the kiss with a passion that completely surprises me, and quickly lose myself in the bliss with a happy, humming chuckle.


(If this continues for more than a good ten seconds, though, I would try gently cutting it off, and sit next to her instead of across from her.)


(I also have some dialogue in store, but I wouldn't cut her off so I'm waiting for a moment to speak where I wouldn't have to roleplay her to do it (ie, have her finish up) )


(A wise decision that I very much so appreciate)

It lasts for a while, before she breaks it, and blushes. She plays with her mane awkwardly, before looking at the landscape pass her by. The train seems to be passing through a desert tthough: not much to look at. You notice she’s blushing hard.


Lordav, on 21 Apr 2015 - 2:28 PM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow


The Sun was slowly going down, the park was neither crowded nor empty, just about average. A small breeze blew, making the tree leaves rattle a bit. As he walked he took glances at Sunset, he still couldnt believe she was there... It must’ve been a dream. Ok, now it was time to initiate conversation, he thought, but about what...

"Ummm, if i could ask... How are you so good at magic?"

Oh, dammit, that was stupid, nevertheless what was said, is said.

She blushes and looks at you for a second, “Oh, you know. Pretty good. I studied under Celestia for a while. I especially like fire magic. The showy ones are cool. You know, phoenix imitations and stuff.” She continues walking until you’re a bit into the park, before pausing to look around. She gives you an easy-going smile, “So, we’re ummm, here.”



 @@Comet Tail,

@@The Shadow Stallion,

@@Orion Caelum,



@@Count Paradox,



In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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“It’s your date silly!” she giggles, leaning against you slightly, “Aren’t you s’pposed to plan it? Hmm, lets see…. I like ballons and bubbles and smiles and cupcakes and movies and, Ohhh! Ice cream! And…” *She continues listing of things she likes.
Beta then perks up a bit. "Hmmm, ice cream huh? Well then, I've got the best place I can take you. The local Ponyville ice cream parlor! It's got all the different ice cream flavors. You won't have to worry about a flavor you like not being served here because it will be there. So come on!"



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