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open Equestria's Darkest Hour


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Pinkie considered. Gee, it was a good deal. And Discord would get the Elements anyways...hmm...


At that moment, a bucket of water dumped on Discord's head, giving Pinkie Pie a really good laugh, lighting up her Element of LaughtER.


"Sorry...but i'm afraid i'll have to say no. Whatever those dragons did, i'm sure it wasn't on purpose! And isn't Spike captured? They should be worried when one of their species are captured!"


At that moment, the dragons burst down Ghastly Gorge, and looked at Nova and Discord.


"I see the Pink pony!" Crackle muttered.


"LET'S GET THE MIS-MASH!" Garble yelled.


"Huh...Y'know. My dragons sense tells me they sorta...well...captured...a...nevermind."


The dragons hooted, spit flames, and then charged at the group.



Rarity grinned, and was so glad what Hank was doing that she kissed him on the cheek.


"Darling...let's get on the move." Rarity said, running out of the Crystal Palace.



Applejack galloped into Sweet Apple Acres, sure she could get help from her family.

The bucket of water landed on his head and as it dripped down his mouth it changed to berry punch. His long tongue licked it off his face and he laughed.


"You are darling Pinkie Pie but it seems if you don't want to play the game, I have to take you out of the equation"


As he did with fluttershy he touched pinkie on the top of the head and sent gray energies through her. He then looked up in time to see a huge ball of fire coming right for him and the others.


"Oh this is ironic. I have to play savior to the bad guys."


With a snap of his fingers, storm clouds formed above them, encircling the the air space. They were of course, icky, sticky cotton candy which he figured would not play nice with their wings. Raising his arms he called about a Rain storm of Chocolate Milk. The fire sizzled and evaperated and boiled a lot of it to which Discord provided a huge umbrella and placed it over the heads of Nova and company. He then changed some rocks into marshmellows and filled a cup with the now Hot Chocolate and dumped the marshmellows in.


"Mmmmm, Delicious!"

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Pinkie Pie felt mixed feeling inside her. She was trying to reign back in control, but her body couldn't take it. Her body's colors faded to a grey. She growled.


"Hmph! Need a good LAUGH?" Pinkie Pie growled, looking at Lightning.


"Yeah, yeah. You go and whinneeeee in fear, but you don't need any LAUGHTER around here. Goa and run away, because I. AIN'T. HELPIN'!" Pinkie Pie muttered, sitting down, her Element of Laughter necklace a deep grey.


The dragons smiled, then frowned.


"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS THING?" Garble yelled, slashing at the raindrops.


"Oh, nodragon makes a fool out of me!" Garble yelled, running right up to Discord, slashing him across the face. The other dragons were busy starting a forest fire a little above ghastly gorge.



Rarity dropped her ears.


"No, sorry." Rarity said with a chuckle.[/hr]

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Celestia gave a sigh of relief knowing that her sister was safe.  "Our first priority should be to find the Element of Magic," she said, "The Elements cannot be channeled without it.  Rainbow Dash, where could Twilight possibly be right now?  I need you to consider every possibility!"

"What other elements are you talking about?" Rotto's voice asked. He was in his pony form again, and had been silently listening while sitting in a window frame. He jumped inside the castle, adjusted his coat, and smiled at Rainbow Dash. "Certainly you can't be talking about the elements I just destroyed." he lied.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Pinkie Pie felt mixed feeling inside her. She was trying to reign back in control, but her body couldn't take it. Her body's colors faded to a grey. She growled.


"Hmph! Need a good LAUGH?" Pinkie Pie growled, looking at Lightning.


"Yeah, yeah. You go and whinneeeee in fear, but you don't need any LAUGHTER around here. Goa and run away, because I. AIN'T. HELPIN'!" Pinkie Pie muttered, sitting down, her Element of Laughter necklace a deep grey.


The dragons smiled, then frowned.


"WHAT THE HECK IS THIS THING?" Garble yelled, slashing at the raindrops.


"Oh, nodragon makes a fool out of me!" Garble yelled, running right up to Discord, slashing him across the face. The other dragons were busy starting a forest fire a little above ghastly gorge.



Rarity dropped her ears.


"No, sorry." Rarity said with a chuckle.[/hr]

Discord, the Lord of all Chaos and Disharmony had let his guard down for just that slight moment to enjoy his drink when -SLASH- right across his face. He was knocked back INTO Nova and crashed into the cave wall. He vanished and a loud growling could be heard.

"No more games. Lets get REAL"


The disembodied voice started to laugh as the cotton candy clouds turned to sticky tar that floated in mid air. The chocolate rain stopped all together and instead turned to frozen Ice shards that rain UP instead of down. Lightning flashed and the very landscap began to change as trees uprooted and a huge vortex opened up in the sky in a funnel shape. Dragons loved the heat but lets see how they loved the land of the arctic north!


Else where, anypony up north would notice the sky splitting as the other end of the vortex formed.


The wind picked up in the caves as Tar, Razor sharp Ice shards and Vortex winds began to suck just about everything up that wasn't under the umbrella. Those under the umbrella were safe such as Nova, her crew and Pinkie Pie.


The Lord of Chaos appeared as large as a Dragon itself in a hazy image, one of his eyes missing and a large gash along his face.


"Enjoy your trip little lizards. Do send a post card!"


His dark laughter continued as he reined down chaos like no other.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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The dragons got sucked into a portal. Bye bye.


But Discord got another SLAP.


"HEY! NO LAUGHING!" Pinkie Pie screeched. "Laughing is for crybabys!"



Applejack looked up to find the dragons getting sucked into the portal.


"What in tarnati-Somethin's goin' on...And mah farms abandoned..."


Applejack growled. Going over there was a risk in itself, and she had the feeling she shouldn't...


"Ah...ah'll leave it to Pinkie to deal with 'em." Applejack said half-heartedly, galloping into Twilight's library for any sort of way to defeat Nova.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lightning yelped as flames singed the tips of his mane, he ducked down just as some flames burnt the air above him. "WHY THE HELL ARE DRAGONS HERE?" He screamed. "Nova Discord do something please! I don't wanna die yet!" Lightning ducked and dodged flames as they were spit at them. He tackled Shadow as flames raced at her.


Shadow looked at her little servant. "So you saved me. Maybe you are not as bad as I thought." She then leaned in closer to him. "Do not let Discord's chaos magic or whatever it is take you over. He is strong but you are stronger. You are mine, not his, do you understand me." She whispered into his ear.

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Lightning smiled. "Well I couldn't simply let my master be burnt to death now could I?" His eyes went wide as the voices got louder with Discords madness growing more intense."I-it's so hard th-the voices they call out to me. Make them stop Shadow please make them stop." He cowered against her crying softly. "How does discord deal with this?" He thought to himself.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Nova looked up at the vortex as it sucked in the sky and vanished into the arctic when suddenly her magic flared and she knew that what she was looking for was on the other side of the vortex. "The last piece of my army is beyond that vortex Shadow we must go and find him." Nova placed bubbles around all of those needed and popped the one that was around Pinkie leaving her behind as they floated up while she flew through the vortex coming out in the arctic in the middle of a blizzard no less. Nova used her power to blast each dragon with a spell encasing them in ice and then went to take care of finding what she came here for. Nova used her horn to detect where the Crystal Heart was flying towards Rarity and the others and stopping in the snow blocking there path. "Well what do we have here someponies actually have brains and are trying to stop me before I can complete my army. So I'll be taking that heart off your hooves if you don't mind." Nova gave a evil grin as she saw the rest of those with her land next to her their bubbles popping.


Storm studdied the map looking it over trying to find anything that might give them some clue as to where the others were right now. "Hm maybe they made it to Los Pegasus or someplace cause we don't really know how far those tunnels went." Storm looked at Dash who gave him a shrug and then her eyes lit up as she got an idea. "If I know Twilight she'll stop at nothing to make sure Nova doesn't get that army. Seh probably went to the Crystal Empire to protect the Crystal Heart." Storm thought about it for a moment and realized that it was a pretty acurate guess. "Princess I think that's where we will go first and meet up with Twilight." Storm and Dash turned and made their way to the door but Storm stopped suddenly but never turned back to look at the Celestia. "Is there any news on Princess Cadence's condition?"


(I also apologize to all of you for posting so late in the day but I usually work mornings or mid afternoon shifts at my job.)

Edited by storm-fire
  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Hank smiles as he follows her " Rarity don't be sad ok? Just as long as you are safe i will be happy." He coughs a bit "wow it sure is cold but i will live. you warm me up everytime i see you.. maybe we should go to another town or something?" He sighs as he looks around



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Nova looked up at the vortex as it sucked in the sky and vanished into the arctic when suddenly her magic flared and she knew that what she was looking for was on the other side of the vortex. "The last piece of my army is beyond that vortex Shadow we must go and find him." Nova placed bubbles around all of those needed and popped the one that was around Pinkie leaving her behind as they floated up while she flew through the vortex coming out in the arctic in the middle of a blizzard no less. Nova used her horn to detect where the Crystal Heart was flying towards Rarity and the others and stopping in the snow blocking there path. "Well what do we have here someponies actually have brains and are trying to stop me before I can complete my army. So I'll be taking that heart off your hooves if you don't mind." Nova gave a evil grin as she saw the rest of those with her land next to her their bubbles popping.


(Can't post the rest waiting on Red to post as Celestia. I also apologize to all of you for posting so late in the day but I usually work mornings or mid afternoon shifts at my job.)

Discord followed them through the Vortex, which seemed odd because thats where all the Dragons just got sent too. He shrugged it off and figured he would let Nova do the heavy lifting this time as he made an eye patch appear over his damaged eye while it healed. He floated next to Nova as he looked on disinterested.


(its okay, I took care of the dragons and pinkie pie, but it cost Discord and eye for the time being. wb!))

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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(I'm assuming you didn't read my last two posts. Butajiri sent a message to Nova, and Rotto just interrupted your conversation with the princess.)

"Shut the hell up and listen!" Rotto demanded. He curled back in a smug position. "Or have you forgotten what happened last time? You cant do anything about me. I'm the one with the power now!" he jumped all the way inside the room. "You're all so worried about the wrong things. Do any of you honestly think the real threat is Nova? My, my, Celestia, you are as stupid as I had imagined. There are creatures that have hated you since before you were born, and here I am with an opportunity to kill you. But I haven't come to fight. I came to ask you something. How long do you think Equestria can burn before it's surface turns to glass?"

Nova looked up at the vortex as it sucked in the sky and vanished into the arctic when suddenly her magic flared and she knew that what she was looking for was on the other side of the vortex. "The last piece of my army is beyond that vortex Shadow we must go and find him." Nova placed bubbles around all of those needed and popped the one that was around Pinkie leaving her behind as they floated up while she flew through the vortex coming out in the arctic in the middle of a blizzard no less. Nova used her power to blast each dragon with a spell encasing them in ice and then went to take care of finding what she came here for. Nova used her horn to detect where the Crystal Heart was flying towards Rarity and the others and stopping in the snow blocking there path. "Well what do we have here someponies actually have brains and are trying to stop me before I can complete my army. So I'll be taking that heart off your hooves if you don't mind." Nova gave a evil grin as she saw the rest of those with her land next to her their bubbles popping.
Storm studdied the map looking it over trying to find anything that might give them some clue as to where the others were right now. "Hm maybe they made it to Los Pegasus or someplace cause we don't really know how far those tunnels went." Storm looked at Dash who gave him a shrug and then her eyes lit up as she got an idea. "If I know Twilight she'll stop at nothing to make sure Nova doesn't get that army. Seh probably went to the Crystal Empire to protect the Crystal Heart." Storm thought about it for a moment and realized that it was a pretty acurate guess. "Princess I think that's where we will go first and meet up with Twilight." Storm and Dash turned and made their way to the door but Storm stopped suddenly but never turned back to look at the Celestia. "Is there any news on Princess Cadence's condition?"
(I also apologize to all of you for posting so late in the day but I usually work mornings or mid afternoon shifts at my job.)

Edited by Pretty Koenma


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Rarity looked at Hank, and only uttered one word:




She looked back at Discord, Chrysalis, and Nova and the others.


"Hello, ma'm's! My name is Rarity Belle, but you can just call be Rarity. My stars, you want the Crystal Heart? Well, i'll happily hand it over, but still, would you like to play cards for it? I haven't played cards in forever..." Rarity asked with complete confidence, but really her little heart racing fast.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Hank stood next to rarity still "no you go ill hold them off." He whispers to her as he looks at all them his mind racing on what to do "you guys want the heart? May i ask why?" He thinks of teleporting the Heart. He looks at Rarity giving her the heat putting it under his cloak as his AIs went to make an exact copy of the heart while he is having the others focused on him. He smiles and looks at the others once more. "How bout this.. no magic.. no weapons, nothing demonic.. you fight me hand to hand and if you win we will give you the heart. And trust me... it will be hard to beat me."

  • Brohoof 1



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Hank stood next to rarity still "no you go ill hold them off." He whispers to her as he looks at all them his mind racing on what to do "you guys want the heart? May i ask why?" He thinks of teleporting the Heart. He looks at Rarity giving her the heat putting it under his cloak as his AIs went to make an exact copy of the heart while he is having the others focused on him. He smiles and looks at the others once more. "How bout this.. no magic.. no weapons, nothing demonic.. you fight me hand to hand and if you win we will give you the heart. And trust me... it will be hard to beat me."

Lightning jumped forwards. "I'll take him on you all go after the heart!" Lightning took a fighting pose and let the madness take over."I'm sorry Shadow."He whispered. His eyes grew wide and started to twitch, a evil grin spread over his face. "Hehehehehe you wont last long little colt!" Lightning shouted at Hank.

Edited by Pr3datorTaco
  • Brohoof 2

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Hank looks at Lightning worried about the grin as the copy of the heart is done. It is an exact replica but doesn't have the powers the original has. He teleports the original to his old home. The only ones that know about his home are his AIs.. his team mates who died already, and him. He got in a fighting stance also. "im not little.. you dont know what i can do.. i can take you all on."



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Nova looked up at the vortex as it sucked in the sky and vanished into the arctic when suddenly her magic flared and she knew that what she was looking for was on the other side of the vortex. "The last piece of my army is beyond that vortex Shadow we must go and find him." Nova placed bubbles around all of those needed and popped the one that was around Pinkie leaving her behind as they floated up while she flew through the vortex coming out in the arctic in the middle of a blizzard no less. Nova used her power to blast each dragon with a spell encasing them in ice and then went to take care of finding what she came here for. Nova used her horn to detect where the Crystal Heart was flying towards Rarity and the others and stopping in the snow blocking there path. "Well what do we have here someponies actually have brains and are trying to stop me before I can complete my army. So I'll be taking that heart off your hooves if you don't mind." Nova gave a evil grin as she saw the rest of those with her land next to her their bubbles popping.


Storm studdied the map looking it over trying to find anything that might give them some clue as to where the others were right now. "Hm maybe they made it to Los Pegasus or someplace cause we don't really know how far those tunnels went." Storm looked at Dash who gave him a shrug and then her eyes lit up as she got an idea. "If I know Twilight she'll stop at nothing to make sure Nova doesn't get that army. Seh probably went to the Crystal Empire to protect the Crystal Heart." Storm thought about it for a moment and realized that it was a pretty acurate guess. "Princess I think that's where we will go first and meet up with Twilight." Storm and Dash turned and made their way to the door but Storm stopped suddenly but never turned back to look at the Celestia. "Is there any news on Princess Cadence's condition?"


(I also apologize to all of you for posting so late in the day but I usually work mornings or mid afternoon shifts at my job.)

"Agreed, let us depart immediately for the Crystal Empire," Celestia said to Storm.  then she asked Celestia about Cadence, "I just woke up Storm," she told her, "You know as much as I do....."  Celestia signaled for the two ponies to approach her, she knew an easier way to get to the Empire without the dangers of the road: teleportation.

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Lightning jumped forwards. "I'll take him on you all go after the heart!" Lightning took a fighting pose and let the madness take over."I'm sorry Shadow."He whispered. His eyes grew wide and started to twitch, a evil grin spread over his face. "Hehehehehe you wont last long little colt!" Lightning shouted at Hank.


She watched as Lightning let the madness take over. He was going insane, and it was hard for her to watch. No pony should ever have to do what he was doing. "Lightning, do what you must, but I am not leaving your side." Shadow told him, as she noticed he was getting ready to fight. He can't win, even with the madness that pony is to strong. She told herself. She then noticed the pony, who was getting ready to fight Lightning, start talking. He had said something about not being little, and about being able to beat them all. "Discord, Nova, and whatever you bug pony thing, go find the Crystal Heart. I will stay here with Lightning, stop this one from coming after you." She shouted, staying in the back but getting her powers ready. Even if she was tired, she could still fight.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hank looks at Lightning worried about the grin as the copy of the heart is done. It is an exact replica but doesn't have the powers the original has. He teleports the original to his old home. The only ones that know about his home are his AIs.. his team mates who died already, and him. He got in a fighting stance also. "im not little.. you dont know what i can do.. i can take you all on."

"Hahahahahaha well we will see about that now wont we?" Lightning sneered and took to the sky in an erratic fashion. He circled a few times and then took a false dive for Hank to test his  reactions and to tire him out. Just before Lightning hit Hank he pulled out of the dive causing the snow to be blown around him.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Hank covered his eyes from the snow "so i see you will attack from the sky, and i also can see that your friend here would want to help also." He grins as he waits for another attack. He hopes he will have some help soon. He smiles at Shadow "i can see your tired.. i won't hurt anypony that is tired.." He watches Lightning ready to bring him down as he glances at the others and surrounds them in a shield so they wont escape "guys its a bet.. if i get beaten i will personally hand you the crystal heart."


(oh guys remember Rarity has an exact copy so they could think thats the real one. Hank hid the real one)

Edited by kappa214



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She watched as Lightning let the madness take over. He was going insane, and it was hard for her to watch. No pony should ever have to do what he was doing. "Lightning, do what you must, but I am not leaving your side." Shadow told him, as she noticed he was getting ready to fight. He can't win, even with the madness that pony is to strong. She told herself. She then noticed the pony, who was getting ready to fight Lightning, start talking. He had said something about not being little, and about being able to beat them all. "Discord, Nova, and whatever you bug pony thing, go find the Crystal Heart. I will stay here with Lightning, stop this one from coming after you." She shouted, staying in the back but getting her powers ready. Even if she was tired, she could still fight.

Discord just kinda gave her an odd look. "I hardly think I take orders from YOOOOU. In fact, I think I've done enough for this little circus act. I delt with the Dragons. Time to go reign down chaos someplace else. Doooooooo take care. I think you have your work cut out for you. "

Discord laughed and vanished.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Lightning looked towards Shadow and smiled. Even if she was tired she was still formidable. Lightning landed next to shadow and whispered in her ear."You didn't have to do this... but I'm glad you did. Look I've made a plan, I'll attack from the air while you attack from the ground he can't black both of us at the same time. Just follow my lead."

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Nova jumped over Hank easily and stared Rarity down "You can't pull the wool over my eyes girly I know you have the Crystal Heart you can either hand it over nicely or I can take it from you by force." Nova walked around Rarity while she saw Lightning and Shadow keeping Hank busy. She could feel the dark magic lying inside the Crystal Heart through her horn Sombra's dark magic was resonating within it but it was also there with Hank while it was a good attempt to confuse them one of them had to have the right one and no matter what she had to get it. Nova stepped closer and closer to Rarity waiting for her answerto her question and giving her a evil smile.


Storm sighed as he heard what Celestia had known about Cadence "I was afraid as much but for now you're right we have much more pressing matters to worry about." Storm walked forward with Dash as they returned to Celestia seeing her extend her wings made Dash wonder what was going on. "Princess how are we supposed to get to Twilight and the others if you won't let us go right away." It was Storm who put his hoof on hers giving her a smile that could be trusted only by those closest to him "Don't worry Dash she'll get us there faster than even we can fly. Isn't that right princess?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Celestia said nothing, she simply nodded as she began to gather energy in her horn.  Surprisingly enough she had much more energy than she'd expected to after such a defeat.  She opened her eyes, "It is time to go, my little ponies.........grab on to me please and we will depart...."

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Hank gulps seeing nova walk up to Rarity as he tackles her away from rarity "you will not hurt her." he stomps his hoof on her face as he threw her at lighting. "i will not let you get the crystal heart." He hopes they think that is the fake one. "the only way to get the crystal heart is by beating me. I can easily hide the crystal heart. Remember though. if you beat me i will give you the heart."



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Lightning jumped and caught Nova and set her back down. "Oh hohohoh, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT!" Lightning flew up in to the air and dove for Hank. His hoof made contact with Hanks side and kept going, throwing Hank. He flew back up and started for another dive bomb.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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