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ooc [OOC, Signups Closed] Train Ride Headed West (On hold)

Ganaram Inukshuk

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There's something I need to get straight: There are two groups whose paths are intersecting right now?


it's one group, but they are slightly separated. Firts we have Beat, Draco, Nocturnal and Amber and after them we have Sandweaver, Electrobolt and Jade


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Before I post... Shouldn't Ganaram edit his last post first? :s


And also, may I ask... Where exactly is the group headed now? Are they going to a cafe, or a restaurant, or something to have breakfast?


And also!


I'd better warn you guys... I'll be without a decent internet connection for the rest of the week. Our router just went 'boom' and now I have to use the public router in the park nearby. That means my internet connection will be unbearably slow. I can still post, but a lot less frequently than before. This problem will hopefully be solved by Sunday though.

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Before I post... Shouldn't Ganaram edit his last post first? :s

don't worry we can continue without him, he needs to clear his toughts to reincorporate Ganaram into the RP


And also, may I ask... Where exactly is the group headed now? Are they going to a cafe, or a restaurant, or something to have breakfast?

it's a cafe, and all the ponies are there, including Amber
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Draco is talking about the cafe they are going to alright my friend. and yes some cafes actually serve pancakes

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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I'm so lost I need a compass. Are the two groups both going to the same cafe? It seems like we kinda split off.

nope, we are in the same group but appart from a few inches XD...


well, we spoted a table, so we all can have a sit, so yes, we are all in the same resturant


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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nope, we are in the same group but appart from a few inches XD...

really? o_o


Posted Image


Because Sandweaver few pages ago pointed to the Plaza's direction, while the Le Hoofe is... Argh I'm confused. If we based the cafe's location from Draco's post, it was right beside the Le Hoofe, or at least very close to it. Not to mention Sandweaver was planning to go to the Sally's place.


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Because Sandweaver few pages ago pointed to the Plaza's direction, while the Le Hoofe is... Argh I'm confused. If we based the cafe's location from Draco's post, it was right beside the Le Hoofe, or at least very close to it. Not to mention Sandweaver was planning to go to the Sally's place.

but the ponies who were in the back never talked to the ponies who were in the front, I assumed the whole time that they were following us...


just go to Draco's cafe XD


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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@@dragon4111, listen, I know that you are excited to play and everything, and this far, Beat seems close the most to Draco which is cool, but dude, you are not following the rules.

I remember drizzleSTAR saying that our RP is pretty neat and organized, and that part is not only on Ganaram's shoulders, it's on all of us, so you have to wait to the minimal of 2 posts until you can post again.

and like Star Weaver told you, try to organize and structure your text, because it's very hard to read...


I'm curious about something, it is english your first language?

Edited by Motion Spark


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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yes but I have trouble at times because of my problems but as i said i'm trying harder here alrght

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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OK, I've been noticing a few disturbances once more, and I can go about it several ways: I halt the RP again, we vote Draco out of the RP, or we try to whip him into shape... Again.


Additionally, there also has been a bit of spatial confusion; It's one group heading in two different directions, it seems to be...


I need to know who's going with whom, because I still have been having a hard time trying to catch up...

Edited by Nakamura Nigh Suk



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OK, I've been noticing a few disturbances once more, and I can go about it several ways: I halt the RP again, we vote Draco out of the RP, or we try to whip him into shape... Again.

I dunno there's no need for pausing, and I don't want to kick him out of the game. He just need to follow the rules, he was doing great.


I need to know who's going with whom, because I still have been having a hard time trying to catch up...

it doesn't matter everyone is on the restaurant already.


Beat, Draco, Nocturnal and Amber are about to sit while Jade, Sandweaver and Electrobolt are just about to enter


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Beat, Draco, Nocturnal and Amber are about to sit while Jade, Sandweaver and Electrobolt are just about to enter


...so I'm a bit into the future, then? x3


Ah, well, I'll wait until the others catch up, then. I'll assume Jade was with Electro and Sandweaver upon entering, but remained quiet.

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I didn't post anything for a while now, and I'm sorry for that. :c


Anyway, it seems like Amber went along with Beat's group to a cafe, and all of the players are relatively close to each other... Brilliant~


I'll catch up on everything later today. Sorry for my absence again.

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Wait, was the RP paused? I just went straight to the RP thread and posted without checking this one.


@Draco, you know, English isn't my first language either but I can still type fairly good. In fact, I'm one of the few people in my whole SCHOOL who can actually write what people at my school call 'fancy english' or the English we use on this RP.


We're not asking you to become Sheakspheare, we just need you to make your posts a little less fast paced and a little bit more detailed. Cheers.

  • Brohoof 1



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Wait, was the RP paused? I just went straight to the RP thread and posted without checking this one.

I don't think that it is paused...at least that's what I think, anyways, I'll catch up with the RP hopefully later tonight, and congrants for your english skills you must feel proud


I want to congratulate for such an awesome drawing for the RP. I acknowledge that you are not an artist, and you even made the first step before Ganaram, who is the only other artist of the game. I appreciate it a lot, and it looked awesome I have to say, and I hope to see more in the future and this can be a way to encourage the other players to post drawings because you guys don't have any idea how much it helps, and how much fun it is to do it like this :)

Anything is welcome, I couldn't care less how you draw, I appreciate everything ;)

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I hope to see more in the future and this can be a way to encourage the other players to post drawings because you guys don't have any idea how much it helps, and how much fun it is to do it like this :)

Anything is welcome, I couldn't care less how you draw, I appreciate everything ;)


Um... About that, heheh... I am not really the kinda guy who draws and such... My previous experiences with drawings kinda told me it wasn't my thing...

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Um... About that, heheh... I am not really the kinda guy who draws and such... My previous experiences with drawings kinda told me it wasn't my thing...



Posted Image



going back to topic, I don't care, graphic support is always helpful it doesn't matter how it looks

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I want to congratulate for such an awesome drawing for the RP. I acknowledge that you are not an artist, and you even made the first step before Ganaram, who is the only other artist of the game. I appreciate it a lot, and it looked awesome I have to say, and I hope to see more in the future and this can be a way to encourage the other players to post drawings because you guys don't have any idea how much it helps, and how much fun it is to do it like this :)

Anything is welcome, I couldn't care less how you draw, I appreciate everything ;)


I'll admit, I had fun with that drawing. It's something I can do when my internet is so slow it doesn't even let me watch videos. :P


I would love to make more in the future, but first, I need to learn how to use some better program than the lame MS Paint... Like Sai, for instance.

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Is there any chance we will actually see her in the RP? Then if so, who will control her actions?

I probably would, but I personally wouldn't expect much out of Celestia, since we won't be in Canterlot for that long, and the main focus of the RP in general is the train ride itself.


If anything, just something that she at least received the message, but the overall reaction would need to be discussed.



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