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ooc [OOC, Signups Closed] Train Ride Headed West (On hold)

Ganaram Inukshuk

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don't worry...I'm INSANELLY BUSY ATM, so I haven't been posting much and doing drawings, actually I shouldn't have made drawings at all :<


You don't have to do any drawings if you're busy imo. All that really matters is Beat Spark's actions VnCRQ.png

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Why? You make great drawings*gives you guys a red vine*hmm Is it alright if I invite another one to our rp?

that's a good question, however Ganaram put a max of 10 characters are we're missing 2 spots. If you wanna bring someone in we have to examine his/her OC first, and make sure that the 2 remaining spots are mares only.

now none of this can be applied if it is not aproved by Gannie first, so if Gannie aproves, then I would like to know how's this individual who would like to join.

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I'm not all for adding more players (unless they say pretty please first) until we move the RP a bit more forward, myself. Probably when we get to Appleloosa/Manhatten, perhaps?

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Well I was thinking of Iron Wing


Hold up... Iron Wing? I actually am familiar with Iron Wing, being that I'm in another RP with her. From what I could see of her RP posts, I would not oppose. But as mentioned, it would probably be a good idea to wait for a more appropriate time... After all, the trains are both in motion, so unless they were already somehow on the trains, it'd be hard for them to join in readily. So... Um... Yeah... Just my two bits, heh...

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Hold up... Iron Wing? I actually am familiar with Iron Wing, being that I'm in another RP with her. From what I could see of her RP posts, I would not oppose. But as mentioned, it would probably be a good idea to wait for a more appropriate time... After all, the trains are both in motion, so unless they were already somehow on the trains, it'd be hard for them to join in readily. So... Um... Yeah... Just my two bits, heh...

I would like to wait until our next stops, both Manehattan and Appalooza to find to last 2 remaining ponies, we would open the sign-ups again for just 2 spots, and let them join because they want and not because we told them or are our friends.

After them there would be no more sign-ups, but I don't know what I am saying if Gannie doesn't say anything about it XD

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...yeah, what Motion said.


Anyway, we should have somebrony in the Manehatten group make a post. I'd like to see a bit more movement there.

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Well, don't go looking at me... I was the last one to make a post there... Ask either Ganny or Anony :P So yeah...


I'm thinking more on Amber going through with her apology. I don't think Ganaram has much to work with here.

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I'm thinking more on Amber going through with her apology. I don't think Ganaram has much to work with here.

Hmm, you make a good point there... But anyways, speaking of the Manehatten group, remember when Electrobolt ran into one of the rooms and eventually began to cry...? Yeah, the bed got soaked... In another of my posts while we're on the train, I'm gonna have the room's owner notice x3 Electro's gonna be nervous, heh...

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Hmm, you make a good point there... But anyways, speaking of the Manehatten group, remember when Electrobolt ran into one of the rooms and eventually began to cry...? Yeah, the bed got soaked... In another of my posts while we're on the train, I'm gonna have the room's owner notice x3 Electro's gonna be nervous, heh...


That's quite a lot of tears, then.


And considering what most people would think when they find a wet bed, I think Ganaram's going to get interested here. x3

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I'm thinking more on Amber going through with her apology. I don't think Ganaram has much to work with here.

I really don't have much to work with.. 


Hmm, you make a good point there... But anyways, speaking of the Manehatten group, remember when Electrobolt ran into one of the rooms and eventually began to cry...? Yeah, the bed got soaked...

That's quite a lot of tears, then.


And considering what most people would think when they find a wet bed, I think Ganaram's going to get interested here.

Wetting the bed in more ways than one; You either have so much of a nightmare that you legitimately wet the bed, or you're so sad that your tears suffice. Or you take a watering can to the bed.


I'm picturing that Electrobolt was positioned the right way, so if somepony were to think it were the former, it'd mean that somepony else was sleeping the wrong way, as in, when you sleep in a bed and your feet is where your head pillow is. That'd be a rather awkward wakeup call...


Either Ganaram, Rook, or Amber might end up sitting in the same bed and wonder why it's saturated... Electrobolt would probably hide.

I think you should make a story about Electrobolt, I always ignored the fact that he was really young (underage), so it would be cool if you could explain why is he traveling alone

This is probably in Ganaram's character bio, but I had written in there that Ganaram ran away from home and ridden from train to train (hobo-style) all the way to Ponyville. He was about 14 at the time.


Electrobolt's 15, if I recall...

Edited by TzHaar-Hur-Ganaram
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I went all "Hey, uh... Anagram?" in my last post intending to give Ganaram some room to react to Amber... I'm not sure how's he feeling towards her at the moment after all. :P


Anyway, I can go ahead and proceed with the apology if Ganaram doesn't really have anything else to write... But not now. I'll be away the whole day today. :s


Oki-doki-loki~ I just posted! Random line breakers everywhere, I have no idea why...  :huh:


Anyway, Amber apologized to Ganaram and also dragged Rook back in the conversation. Hope you guys like it~

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@@AnonyPoni, I believe it's your turn. We need to get the train moving and going~♪


Anyway, @Everyone on the Appaloosa train, I noticed that Dodge Junction was listed between Canterlot and Appaloosa on the 1st post. Shouldn't we stop there first?

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Okay okay. Sorry motion can't really think. I hate chihuahuas the bark and yap all night long.*rage rage whine whine* I'm ok now.


why do you always feel like I'm attacking you? I am not, I just made a clarification, in general, I'm not acusing anyone

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@@AnonyPoni, I believe it's your turn. We need to get the train moving and going~♪


Anyway, @Everyone on the Appaloosa train, I noticed that Dodge Junction was listed between Canterlot and Appaloosa on the 1st post. Shouldn't we stop there first?



Right, ok.


Sorry, i've been busy all this week and wasn't able to find a good spot for me to post. I need to do something for Rook to get their attention more...

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Right, ok.


Sorry, i've been busy all this week and wasn't able to find a good spot for me to post. I need to do something for Rook to get their attention more...


I went and found a random way to drag Rook back into the conversation. You can play along with that if you want~


I think he could just be kind enough to help the group out during their stay in Manehatten, since they lost all of their luggage and stuff.

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I went and found a random way to drag Rook back into the conversation. You can play along with that if you want~


I think he could just be kind enough to help the group out during their stay in Manehatten, since they lost all of their luggage and stuff.





Sorry I didnt post last night, guys. I was in the middle of one, but my internet shut off <..< (Jadefire can testify to this)

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